by Jorge Vilches for the Saker blog
Europe today does not have – or possibly never had – an effective vision of the no-nonsense existential strategy it required to subsist in peace. Furthermore, as if not aware of the coming debacle, EU leaders firmly insist on their failed policies. Now, former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder proposes to solve the EU’s self-inflicted ´gas crisis´ by launching the Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gas pipeline… although German authorities have repeatedly rejected the idea.
Today the EU is governed by childish impulses necessarily leading to confusion and self-harm. First the EU imposes highly crippling sanctions on its Russian partner and then demands from her full natural gas delivery — even under the current most special situation — while flagrantly violating well-known contract clauses. Accordingly, it is obvious that the assumed European ´energy crisis´ does not really exist as such, be it for natural gas, oil, distillates, coal, uranium rods… or whatever others for that matter. Because if a genuine “energy crisis” truly existed, Europe would not have full access to tangible energy from Russia, which is not the case. Actually, Europe has an enviable, excellent access to high quality, decades-proven, swift, trouble-free, close-by, door-to-door delivery of truly cheap energy from fully-vetted Russian vendors willing and able to reliably deliver the goods as they always have since decades yonder.
contract violations
But besides being immature, the EU can also be highly creative. For instance, by playing games with sacrosanct contractual requirements for the famous peripatetic Siemens NS1 turbine # 073… now stranded at Mülheim an der Ruhr after a yet unfinished maintenance episode at very distant Siemens Canada facilities of all places. Accordingly, Russia´s Gazprom has now officially rejected to accept delivery of turbine # 073 on the basis that
“The sanctions regimes of Canada, the EU, the UK and a mismatch of the current situation with the existing contractual obligations by the Siemens side make delivery of the 073 engine to the [ Russian ] Portovaya compressor station impossible”. Gazprom claims that essential documents have not been presented stating that turbine 073 is not under sanctions. “Words are not enough”.
Ref #1
Furthermore, the Minister of Natural Resources of Canada Jonathan Wilkinson declared that “Canada grants a time-limited and revocable permit for Siemens Canada to allow the return of repaired Nordstream 1 turbines to Germany…” So, no direct return to Russia — which is a clear breach of contract — and also under time-limited and revocable conditions which is an additional contract violation simply because turbine # 073 is still not sanctions-free and thus uninsurable. Spokesman Dmitry Peskov made clear that the turbine had been sent to Germany without Russia’s consent and that in the current situation Moscow should now have to make sure that the turbine “cannot be stopped remotely”… Sabotage cannot be excluded while Germany is actively sending weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians.
Ref #2
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Ref #5
what happened ?
EU sanctions have shut down several Russian pipelines thus completely tying down Gazprom´s hands. Ukraine and Poland effectively closed off the Yamal-Europe pipeline. Ukraine did it overtly for strictly political reasons while Poland by refusing to pay under the new gas-for-Roubles scheme. Also, the NS1 pipeline is still suffering the Siemens-Canada tumultuous service problems. Besides, Gazprom is unable to fully use another pipeline route as Ukraine has been rejecting its transit applications. In sum, Europe has pro-actively shut itself off from Russian gas. Go figure…
et tu Siemens ?
Siemens Energy is the NS1 turbine manufacturer squarely and contractually responsible for the regular maintenance and proper functioning of all NS1 turbines, property of Russia. Siemens has now officially declared what Gazprom has been saying all along, namely that only one of five NS1 turbines is truly operational and able to deliver gas. Of course, this means that Europe is able to receive only 20% of Russia´s badly-needed natural gas as the condition of the four other remaining NS1 turbines is still undefined. According to former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, the reduction in the NS1 flow rate capacity is entirely Siemens’ fault, not Gazprom´s. Sanctions obviously still apply to turbine # 073 and surely to any other Russian-related piece of equipment or produce or program or whatever Russian.
et tu Gazprom ?
Vitaly Markelov, deputy head of Gazprom, said that Siemens has not fulfilled its obligations to adequately maintain NS1 engine and thusly several pieces of equipment are currently idle. Besides, Gazprom claims it has not received from Siemens the required, well-known, complete package of documents allowing transportation, maintenance service and repairs of Russian-owned equipment. The EU keeps playing lots of childish games while winter gets ever closer. If Gazprom were to accept the turbine it would be liable for illegally breaking the EU sanctions regime plus other unfavorable complications. Lots of tricky lawfare involved while the EU can’t stop digging an ever deeper hole for itself. What´s bloody wrong with Europeans ? Why do they insist in choking down on their own vomit ? EU sanctions were rolled back regarding insurance on freight vessels with Russian oil, right ? So go for it you ignorant fools, now.
Gazprom says: “The current anti-Russian sanctions are hindering the successful resolution of the issue of the transportation and repair of Siemens gas turbine engines for the Portovaya compressor station, which supplies gas to European consumers through the Nord Stream pipeline.”
Ref #6
Ref #8
the NS2 “solution”
In the whole history of worldwide warfare, no help was ever made readily available by any enemy. Let alone would such help ever include the life-blood of Europe´s economy, including vital products and energy. So Russia right now is not Europe´s “enemy”. Today European industry and households are simply undergoing a fake ´energy crisis´ (not) of their own making by decisions made by un-elected EU politicians who do not represent Europe´s best interests. Now, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder insists in a Stern Magazine interview the NS2 pipeline with Russian-made turbines would immediately solve Europe´s — possibly terminal — ´energy crisis´ come winter 2022 – 2023.
Ref #9
three NS2 problems
But there are three major “problems” to be solved. Number one problem is the absurdly required US political approval of the idea as broadly explained below. Problem number two is time is up as the NS2 certification and commissioning process would have to start right now — meaning yesterday – in order to possibly make it soon enough as neither problem #1 or #2 are simple nor quick to solve. Why so ? Well, one reason the dependency on US authorization of anything meaningful for Europe which is now clearly exposed for all to see. This also includes among other things any European trade and investment decisions with Russia. Furthermore, due to serious and most valid technical reasons, several weeks are required before any natural gas can flow from Russia to Germany through the NS2. Otherwise, the risks of serious accidents and/or malfunctioning could mean the sudden end to any possible successful solution of the problem at hand. People at large – and even top ranking specialized politicians – many times think that oil & gas feedstock flows can be turned on and off with the flip of a switch (not). Of course, all of the above furthermore requires German cooperation and correct decisions such as not using NS2 terminal facilities for any other purposes than those originally intended with specific design criteria and construction technology in mind. This is of utmost importance because German officials have already announced their idea of ´speeding up´ and supplementing the installation of LNG terminals with available NS2 hub-heads to support non-Russian LNG gas imports.
And problem number three is that at this very late stage of the game Gazprom could only deliver 25% of its nominal design capacity. In May, Russia´s President Putin specifically advised German Chancellor Scholz that Gazprom had contractually reserved the NS2 delivery capacity which needed to be effectively purchased as it could not remain suspended in mid-air indefinitely. Thus, President Putin then also warned Chancellor Scholz that Russia was forced to soon redirect half of the NS2 volume for domestic consumption and processing. Therefore, even if Gazprom were to be duly authorized to launch NS2 tomorrow morning, it would pump only 50% of its original nominal design capacity. And given that we are already more than halfway through 2022, that would be just be 20-25%…or less.
US interference
The US does not leave Europe free to make rational decisions, simply because Europe constitutes a heterogeneous group of vassal states still under US military occupation. The NS2 natural gas pipeline runs under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany right besides the currently problematic NS1. Its construction was recently completed but the pipeline was denied certification and commissioning by German authorities prior to the crisis in Ukraine. Despite former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder´s insistence, the German government has repeatedly said that launching NS2 now is absolutely out of the question. It is impossible to make this stuff up…
the EU perfect storm
“Europe is facing a perfect storm: energy prices are up, economic growth is down and winter is coming ” officially stated by Mr. Josep Borrell, the EU’s top diplomat and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
Add to that the ever-lower Rhine River water levels – almost impassable by barges of any draft — and you get the idea. This ultra-low Rhine level tremendously restricts – and may possibly cut-off altogether – the very badly-needed coal shipments to the now absurdly RE-commissioned coal-fueled power stations. Of course, also this impacts the physical delivery of everything – not just fuels and inputs thereof — with necessarily much higher costs requiring non-available trucking freight. “The risk here is the trade of huge quantities of commodities that would otherwise be used to stave off an economic crisis become logjammed on the Rhine as low water levels make certain parts impassible. Shipment costs for coal are therefore increasing, which in turn inflates the costs of operating coal plants.”
The low water levels are already forcing “irregular operation” at a Uniper 510-megawatt Staudinger-5 coal-fired power plant through the first half of September because fewer and fewer barges have been able to deliver coal as stockpiles dwindle. Rhine water levels below 40 centimeters at Kaub would halt shipments via inland waterways to the power plant, forcing highly expensive and inefficient shipments by land. Many other key industries are seriously affected.
The Rhine River directly affects trade and industrial logistics of several key European countries namely, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, and the Netherlands while indirectly affecting many others or, in some cases, all the others. In particular, the über-important German inland transportation system – and therefore its entire supply chains network – depends upon normal levels of Rhine River waters. Because it´s not only a matter of sourcing the right quality, quantity and price of any produce. It is just as important to receive it Just-In-Time at process destinations such as refineries or power plants as explained later. Simultaneously, all European stakeholders are competing with each other tooth and nail struggling to find, contract and retain exactly the same resources in order to solve the same unexpected problems all at once and by the same date.
Ref #11
Ref #12
Ref #13
Thank you for a valuable information – not available in mass media.
In Poland people used to say that we may become second Japan – byt why the first step is to make economical hara-kiri as without competitively priced energy most of the product making industries will go under.
Thank you Wojtek for your kind acknowledgement. I also true what you say: today more than ever a clear-cut business model is needed and before this current situation Europe had it very clearly well-established with abundant, cheap, high quality, well-delivered energy (and other) from Russia. Cordially Jorge
What was that, that Victoria Nuland said in regard to Europe back in 2014? Oh yes; “F*ck the EU.” Well that has happened.
Ashkenazi Nuland and the other Neocons harbor hate for the Europeans almost as strong as the Ashkenazis insane levels hatred towards the Rus’.
To varying degrees they hate anybody who has ownership over property that they should control and extract a large cut out of. It’s in their “spiritual” DNA, they are chosen by the divine ruler and are the rightful heirs to everything in the world, perhaps even in the Universe. No Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man thinking for this psychopathic culture.
It’s both amazing and disturbing how those globalists are never satisfied no matter how much power or wealth they have. It’s literally never enough. It’s like the suffer from spiritual consumption – a wasting disease. Or perhaps gluttony would be a better diagnosis .
Em resumo, o caos. É a Escola de Chicago fazendo história.
In short, chaos. It’s the Chicago School making history.
“cannot be stopped remotely”… Sabotage cannot be excluded while Germany is actively sending weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians.
Safety first! LOVE it!
Meantime somewhere on the polish-ukranian “border”. Is there still such a thing?
Ah yeah, there must be. Otherwise there wouldn`t be men(sorry, x and y chromosome carriers) left in the kraina:
komu vojna, komu mat radna
Strange war we got goin…
in Slavonia they called it “pripucati” (shoot a ittle, drink a little, sleep a little and then everythin all over again.)
L’invio di gas e petrolio oltre ai loro derivati da parte dei russi ai loro acerrimi nemici mi sa tanto di masochismo, un po’ come fornire la coda per impiccarti al boia
Pertanto lo trovo incomprensibile e controproducente, gli europei non avrebbero esitato un secondo a distruggere la Russia ed i russi.
machine translation:
The sending of gas and oil in addition to their derivatives by the Russians to their bitter enemies tastes as much like masochism to me, a bit like providing the queue to hang yourself to the executioner
Therefore I find it incomprehensible and counterproductive, the Europeans would not have hesitated for a second to destroy Russia and the Russians.
Russia complies with the treaty. Her other clients worldwide will take note.
Si si capisco, ma è come dare il bastone al tuo nemico perché ti colpisca più forte,
Se l’Europa e lo zio Sam fossero costretti ad usare la bicicletta ci penserebbe due volte prima di mandare armi e soldi agli ucraini,
Poi il massimo del masochismo è continuare ad utilizzare i gasdotti ucraini pagandogli il transito,
Tutto questo ha un odore di presa per il culo.
Google-translate from mod:
Yes, I understand, but it’s like giving your enemy the stick because it affects you stronger,
If Europe and Uncle Sam were forced to use the bicycle it would think twice before sending weapons and money to the Ukrainians,
Then the maximum of masochism is to continue to use the Ukrainian gas pipelines by paying the transit,
All this has an smell of culo socket.
Well, then for those damn friendly Russkies, the Euro-Orks hate their countries the more really deep from the inside and thus administer what had been due from it’s enemy – ‘Putin – the remorseless Bestia – controls everything, has cut gaz and manipulates oil !’
So it would be a good idea for still self respecting european citizens to start a ‘Special Operation’ to get rid of the malice – atleast declaring independence from Brussels and their self hating, non-complying countrymen(+xx and what not). It seems their is no time to waste (milder weather seasons to be prefered) ! Perhaps (if the really mindlessly honourable) North-Korea could redirect her allegedly offered 100’000 soldiers to ‘assist’ in the European-SVO ??! Crazy ?? True, but would be the more powerful a message to anyone…, well maybe in a year or two ?
As Josep Borrell says: “Europe faces a dilemma: it needs to balance its short-term goals – to wean itself off Russian oil and gas while getting through the winter – with its long-term net-zero targets under the Green Deal . . . .”
Borrell’s statement is neither entirely factual nor truthful. Due to United States sanctions, Europe faces the loss of Russian natural gas, oil, coal, minerals and rare earths. Borrell fails to say how Europe must wean itself off everything Russian, because it must continue caving and catering to Europe’s and the United States’ Green Deal extremists.
Do the Rhine water levels prevent coal from being delivered via rail? Surely, all this Climate Change hysteria hasn’t stopped the trains from running. Why this dependence upon barge delivery of coal?
Thanks for your valid comments.
The reason for the ” dependence upon barge delivery of coal ” is both money and physical impossibility. Money because — for the volumes involved — rail-freight is far more expensive than barge-freight. And physical impossibility because once that logistics and transportations systems are set-up in a given way — such as barge freight — everything is coordinated, scheduled, and fine-tuned for a given freight system. From there, it is literally impossible to change it rapidly, if ever. For example — also applicable to pipeline feedstocks and others — today railways are not anywhere near either to the source of the required coal (lignite) nor to the delivery site (power plants) of such coal. So expensive railways and all sorts of unforeseen rail facilities would need to be constructed for — supposedly — temporary low Rhine water levels which takes humongous amount of time and non-available funding. Most specially for a coal-fueled (lignite) power plant to be de-commissioned in the very near future per Europe´s Green Plan. So, it seems that Europe is now pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place…
Thank you Jorges Vilches for all your insights on EU energy problems (of their own making). Have you seen this?
5 Aug 2022. EU members to stop buying Russian coal on Aug 10, despite energy crisis, EC says.
Thank you Gary for your favorable comment ! Regarding your info and link about Russian coal PURCHASES maybe the trick is that the EU members may stop purchasing as of August 10 but may have already purchased for later delivery date no ? Delivery day¿tes are not mentioned. Or maybe they can cheat ( as usual ) with the caveat that — as the April Resolution reads… “it can be legitimate for short transitory periods of time to use coal if no other options are available.” per the EC spokesman Eric Mamer
It should be pointed out that historically the transportation of coal in Germany is done by barge. The German
coal mines were mostly located in Rhein-Ruhr-Area with access to rivers and canals. Consequently the power plants were buildt close to river or canal-ports in order to receive big quantities of coal by barge.A lot of those
power plants have their own barge terminals to receive coal by barges. When closing the local coal-mines Germany became dependant on imports via the port of Rotterdam with distribution of imports by barge via the river and canal-system.This historical situation is now adding to the problem caused by our politicians who’s knowledge is restricted to creating new taxes and dues or increase existing ones.
Germane, thank you for adding such valuable historical and current detailed data. Your input confirms my reply above and the contents of my article. The heatwave persists ever stronger throughout Europe
Months of sparse rainfall, combined with record-breaking temperatures in July, have left rivers at exceptionally low levels and have shuttered transportation networks all over Europe. Barge freight supply has reached crippling low volumes and may even be cancelled altogether next week.
Cordially Jorge
There are various grades of coal, just as there are for oil. Anthracite is (or was why there were adequate supplies), the light sweet crude of coal. Unfortunately, supplies have been so depleted worldwide that it just isn’t economically feasible to get at them anymore. The next level is bituminous, then sub-bituminous. Each level down and the BTU returns go down.
The Chinese have been exporting sub-bituminous coal out of Powder River in Wyoming USA for decades. Back in 2010 Powder River advised that their supplies of sub-bituminous would be exhausted in 20-years.
If Europe is using lignite, then they are just one level away from burning plain old dirt. In some quarters lignite is referred to as “brown dirt.”
blame-e yes, you are correct, mostly in Europe — particulary Germany — “coal” powered-plants burn lignite a.k.a. ´brown coal´ the dirtiest of them all… per Green Party top-dog decision namely Robert Habeck.
Cordially Jorge
Perhaps it is time to change history. The water levels of the Rhine are low now. Surely, the rains will come?
The Mississippi River here in the United States goes through its low and high-water periods. When water levels fall too low for barge traffic then the rail system makes-up for the difference. I am not touting either the US barge system, the US rail system, or the Mississippi River. It just seems silly that Europe (the Old World) would put all its transportation and freight needs into one basket.
It just doesn’t make any sense. Especially, in light of the fact that the European rail system has such a great reputation. The US rail system has seen decades of “benign” neglect. Track has been torn up, so that now AMTRAK shares the rails with the freight service in many locals, regions, and states.
the blame-e, thanks for your valid input !
I follow your data and your logic, but actually I can´t add much more to what I have already stated above also confirmed by poster Germane. Regarding rain… yeah, it might come and then it might not.. you know how variable that is nowadays. Still, the harm is already being done right now with barge traffic at a standstill. Also, let´s recall that Germany had been DE-commissioning all coal-fueled power-plants so their respective infrastructure including unloading and storage facilities probably was not maintained or may have even been dis-assembled and DE-commissioned altogether. Furthermore — with such extreme heat as now being suffered throughout Europe and specially in Germany — railways suffer way too much unexpected stress-strain deformations because such extreme heat was completely unforessen by the original design and spec requirements when installing the railways. Because of the extreme heat there are many photos of current rail “snakes” with buckling etc and funny wiggle curves in straight portions of the railway so today them are not as reliable. Besides, Germany has excellent North to South and vice-versa transportation systems but NOT East to West both regions are still unbelievably disconnected even today. Thanks for your analysis blame-e !! Cordially Jorge
As Josep Borrell says: “Europe faces a dilemma: it needs to balance its short-term goals – to wean itself off Russian oil and gas while getting through the winter – with its long-term net-zero targets under the Green Deal . . . .”
That’s an interesting quote, blame-e. It shows how stupid are the EU leaders.
How so?
Well, to “balance” two things they must be pulling in opposite directions.
But look at what Borrell is claiming are “Europe” goals:
i) to “wean itself off Russian oil and gas”
ii) “net-zero targets under the Green Deal”
Are they not both pulling in the same direction?
That of reducing hydrocarbons from Russia?
I say nothing about the validity of these goals. Personally I think they are stupid. My point is simply about the intellectual capability of our fearless leaders, who think they can “balance” two vectors pointing in the same direction!
The world always seems insane, until we understand that our monetary system has been seized by parasite wasps, with their own Satanic agendas.
Solve the creation problem of money as debt, the money for slaves, and all other problems vanish, as if they were mists before the morning sun!
With Germany just like so many European nations the year 2006 will stay top energy consumption year. During that year 4062 TWh energy was consumed in Germany while 3512 during 2021. We don’t have to compare China to see how it has been industrial fall down causing that 14% decline. Actually Finland’s quite the same fall down could reveal what happened. In 2006 Finland consumed 1156218 TJ energy and industry consumed 585388 TJ of it. Last year 1098 219 TJ and decline was caused by industry with 494322 TJ. BTW these figures (Germany and Finland) are “end user” energy. At least Finnish statistics are showing that total energy needed was in 2021 actually around 22% more. The figures were 1 357 159
(1 TJ = ~277,77 MWh)
Intermittent wind and solar are not substitutes for fossil fuels because they are not available when they are needed. If several months’ worth of storage could be added, the total cost would be so high that these energy sources would have no chance of being competitive.
Gail Tverberg: “Because of energy limits, the world economy is trying to change from a “growth mode” to a “shrinkage mode.” This is something very much like the collapse of many ancient civilizations, including the fall of Rome in 165 to 197 CE. Historically, such collapses have unfolded over a period of years or decades.”
1300 km border with Russia
Your comments are excellent food for thought !
Cordially Jorge
Hi, Jorge,
Great essay, as usual.
Keep up the good work. Only at The Saker!!
Gail Tverberg’s analyses, at her website/blog Our Finite World, are always worth reading.
Her professional background is in actuarial analysis, a skill set that she now turns to analyzing various aspects of the energy market (I think she often misses a few of the relevant political factors).
Here is her most recent presentation:
Hi Taffy, long time no see ! And thank you for your kind words. I´ll look into GT´s work. Cordially Jorge
I lived in Caracas. In 1989 the great disturbances caused by the increase in the price of fuel that increased the price of everything essential to live, we were close to a revolution and a coup.
Am I going to believe that in Europe, the Germans, Italians, etc, are going to stay like dead and accept losing jobs, food, energy and home, without saying anything at all?
Russia will throw us a lot of gasoline on the fire to ignite all the revolutions that will devastate all of Europe, like in the 19th century, due to the energy crisis and its consequences… and that fire will be weapons for the revolution. Why is Russia going to invade us if we have already invaded ourselves?
Well it looks like Europe is on course to go all “green” much faster than it’s wildest dreams
Ukraine fully collapses, Russia occupies it and Nordstream 1 problem is solved, unless it still goes through part of Poland
Thanks Jorge, good to have a clear explanation of the nitti gritti problems with the Gazprom turbine delivery.
It will get worse. Here in Norway out Quisling politicians launched an export cable to Germany in ’21, which instead of increasing the domestic hydro electricity with max 10% as forcast … has lifted it with about 500-600 %. The Water reservoars are near drained, there is talk of winter rationing and parliament is having to break of their summer vacation to implement emergency measures.
Most likely the export will be cut in the near future and during winter, at the moment we are at times importing electricity by the cable from Germany :)
Our Europhile politicians where so proud of being EU’s green battery … well … the battery is flat now.
iR.47 thank you. I try to make it clear and understandable for everyone to opine instead of making it “difficult” and only for techies and ignorant – corrupt politicians to decide ! As you say, the battery was waaaaay too small and it´s now flat. Cordially Jorge
Jorge, excellent anatomy of the EU gas crisis.
All the fake green climate change peddling/outrage, only to turn back to the evil energy pollution of the 20th century.
Now are these green voters staging massive protests against their own party?
Anyone voting green in Germany deserves a good kicking. Should green party lackies stop you in the street to talk about poisoning the environment, please smash them in the face.
Just right! A good kick up the bum is the quickest route to the brain.
WTFUD thanks for your encouragement !
Yes, I agree. All the green policies are/were off target. Now back to shamefull lignite…
Cordially Jorge
“Norway may soon introduce a rule to reduce its vast electricity exports if levels at reservoirs for hydropower generation drop to critically low levels in a bid to prevent power shortages and further rises in energy bills domestically.
Norway’s Energy Minister Terje Aasland told Norwegian media, as quoted by Bloomberg, that the government could introduce limits on electricity exports if the water in reservoirs drops to “very low” levels.
A cut in Norwegian power exports would be felt in Northwest Europe, which itself is grappling with issues at coal and nuclear power generating plants due to the low water level in rivers limiting coal supply via barges and warm river water unsuitable for cooling nuclear reactors.
As a result of these issues and the uncertainty over natural gas supply from Russia, power prices in Germany for the year ahead jumped to a record on Friday.
This summer’s dry weather across Europe has affected Norwegian hydropower, which accounts for 90% of Norwegian power generation. The remaining around 10% of the electricity supply in Norway comes from wind power.
While Europe scrambles to procure natural gas for winter power generation and heating, Western Europe’s biggest oil and gas producer, Norway, has a whole different power problem this summer—dry weather, which depletes water reservoirs for hydropower.
Although Norway doesn’t use gas for power generation, Europe’s gas and energy crisis is felt there, too. In recent weeks, hydropower producers have been discouraged from tapping more water for hydropower generation to save water for the winter. Operators were also asked not to export too much electricity to the rest of Europe as reservoirs are not as full as in previous years, and not to rely on imports from Europe, which is struggling with energy supply. Some Norwegian utilities, including top electricity producer Statkraft, have followed the plea from transmission system operator Statnet not to produce too much electricity now. ”
It’s useful to remember that Norway is also relatively formidable aluminium producer and unlike other European nations actually increased energy consumption after finance crisis.
“Although Norway doesn’t use gas for power generation, Europe’s gas and energy crisis is felt there, too.”
Norway have/had actually 3 gas operated power generation plants. 2 have been shut down years ago due to lack of profitable operation, the last near Bergen/Mognstad will shut down at the end of this month.
Due to political intervention it will not be scraped before october, and the option to restart it will remain until then.
«unlike other European nations actually increased energy consumption after finance crisis»
Actually energy consumption in “first world” states started to level and then fall some years *before* the finance crisis, around 2003-2004, presumably a consequence of chinese entry in the WTO in 2001 (the rate of growth of chinese energy consumption doubled in 2002-2003), as “first world” industrial workers were no longer required.
I believe that Norway, with its hydro assets, has for years been the primary “battery” for Denmark, with its much-vaunted wind program. Denmark’s wind turbines feed energy into the Norwegian grid, it is stored or distributed by Norway to Europe, and back to Denmark—at very high prices.
My impression is that the Denmark wind “story” has bamboozled a lot of would-be greens (like me, ten years ago!!) into thinking that the USA could follow the Danish model. Now we see that with the ambitoius offshore wind program, to place turbines and huge towers on the continental shelf of the East Coast, there is no battery available to store the power. Also, what happens when a hurricane comes along—I haven’t heard any practical info on that.
Correct me if I am wrong, regarding Denmark and the dependence of its wind generation assets on the Norwegian battery.
Gail Tverberg, who states that her energy/economic analyses are based on physics, states in her most recent essay (but not for the first time):
“Intermittent wind and solar are not substitutes for fossil fuels because they are not available when they are needed. If several months’ worth of storage could be added, the total cost would be so high that these energy sources would have no chance of being competitive. I recently wrote about some of the issues with renewables in Limits to Green Energy Are Becoming Much Clearer.
We are likely dealing with an economy that is basically falling apart. . . .
[9] Conclusion.
We are dealing with a situation that economists, politicians and central banks are ill-equipped to handle. . . .
Virtually no one looks at the economy from a physics point of view. For one thing, the result is too distressing to explain to citizens. . . .
Unfortunately, the physics-based approach I am using indicates that the world’s economy is likely to change dramatically for the worse in the months and years ahead. Economies, in general, cannot last forever. Populations outgrow their resource bases; resources become too depleted. In physics terms, economies are dissipative structures, not unlike ecosystems, plants and animals. They can only exist for a limited time before they die or end their operation. They tend to be replaced by new, similar dissipative structures.
While the current world economy cannot last indefinitely, humans have continued to exist through many bottlenecks in the past, including ice ages. It is likely that some humans, perhaps in mutated form, will make it through the current bottleneck. These humans will likely create a new economy that is better adapted to the Earth as it changes.”
Re “bottleneck,” this term was (I believe) introduced in the energy/future context by William R. Catton (author also of Overshoot): Bottleneck: Humanity’s Impending Impasse.
THank you for such a good post Taffy !!
The never-ending cycle of dissipative structures and entropy have caught us with us it seems…
Cordially Jorge
Funny that the US LNG refinery caught fire at such a critical juncture for the EU. Almost like some invisible hand wanted energy prices in EU to explode and stay high. Funny also about that reduced rainfall in EU basins at this same critical juncture, almost like that same invisible hand had a technology to exert influence on rainfall.
I really hope that Russia will not start delivering gas if Europe suddenly (and they certainly will when things get really bad) remove sanctions. I want that Europeans are really punished for their actions and after that (maybe a few years) the relationship may be built again. We must remember that Europe (despite being just a US vassal) is responsible for deaths of allied soldiers and donbass civilians.
It’s important to remember that Europe is responsible for destruction of Libya, Afganistan, Iraq and Syria.
And then to energy.
The price of electricity in the biggest market in Europe, Germany, rose by 2% early on Friday to a record $419 (410 euro) a megawatt hour (MWh), per Bloomberg estimates.
Power prices were further pressured upward on Friday by an announcement from Switzerland’s Axpo Holding, which is reducing output at the Beznau nuclear power plant because of restrictions on using warm water to cool reactors. France’s EDF has warned for weeks its nuclear power generation in France would be reduced as high temperatures of rivers Rhone and Garonne make them too hot to cool reactors.
Utilities in Germany, for their part, are warning that some coal-fired power plants could see irregular operations for a month because of limited coal supply due to low water levels on the Rhine, which complicates transportation of coal via barges.
According to notices posted on the power bourse EEX, Germany’s energy giant Uniper – the one the government bailed out last month with a $15-billion package – warned that units at two coal power plants it operates could experience irregularities until September 7.
The hot and dry weather in Germany is expected to continue for weeks, which could see German and European power prices climb even higher ahead of the winter if utilities continue to limit power generation.
Matias, thanks for your valid input.
You say,…” The hot and dry weather in Germany is expected to continue for weeks, which could see German and European power prices climb even higher…”
Methinkxs that if more ´hot & dry weather´ continues, Germany will be impacted by FAR more than just higher power prices because the Rhine River would stop dead in its tracks and supply chains will cut down the whole industrial and trade process in “high-end” Europe.
Close to the end my article above describes the situation …” The Rhine River directly affects trade and industrial logistics of several key European countries namely, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, and the Netherlands while indirectly affecting many others or, in some cases, all the others…” There´s more to it than just that… but you get the idea. Cordially Jorge
Europeans definitely need a catharsis. Arrogance simply has to be broken because the lies of the mainstream media have become almost the norm. It’s like a cocaine addict, if he doesn’t get off the coke, no therapy will be successful. In Europe, embarrassment has reached a level that brainwashing is no longer recognized but practiced.
It depends who you gonna call Europeans. If you think of German-Prussian elites for instance you are wrong. Prussian Germany unification have been financed and tended by the City of London Corporation. They have created Byzantine monster terrorizing it’s neighbours and Turanian Russia the coup done by the Prussian Catherine the “Great” and creating another monster. Controlling either side of future conflicts City could easily win and do lots of money at the cost of Europe. Nowhere is the same story. Brexit has been done not by the chance. Making energy crisis in Europe under false colors of operation Z on the Ukraine will bring the loss of social mood and demand for goods and services deflation take over the wealth of Europe by the City poverty and then imposing of federalism on ashes by the German-Prussia. By the way the name Prussia have been stolen from from Slavic tribe. By the way when Poland was strong there had been the Prussian Tribute in 1525. Europe was save for some time.
In thrall to Envirowhackos, what is happening in Europe NOW soon will visit USA with a vengeance.
Is it really an energy crisis, Jorge?
Let’s think outside the box: In India, dried bullshit can be used as a fuel. Why not German bullshit? They can call it “freedom bullshit.”
Dear Michael, fancy meeting you here !
Yes, I agree !!
Is this “the” Michael Hudson??
Taffy, yes, it is. I know for sure because we both correspond privately so Michael yesterday — just in case — sent me the very same post via email thinking that registration for this Comments Section was required and maybe did not work out as expected.
Well, actually, Michael was right because registration WAS intended and announced but had to be withdrawn due to technicalities and — I guess — will most probably be required as soon as “The Saker” site webmaster ( Herb ? ) irons out some wrinkles. The following Saker message was posted yesterday for a few hours clarifying the situation
” Going to roll back to the ‘non registered’ commentator (old way) at 6pm EST .. need to resolve the google and hotmail rejections of our emails in a test environment “
Welcome, Professor. I am a big fan. Out of the topic, I want to ask a question: what will be the GDP of the United States by the old method of “total of all goods and services produced within the territory”? I suspect I may be even less than that of Germany.
September, October is the start of reality for the German people.
The Germans are cutting back now to try and fill storages…there is already bickering from nations they supply.
This will see the end of the E.U as it will-be everyone for themselves.
The Nazis’s -that never disappeared post WW2- will now be exposed as the shadow power in Europe and also a big influence in U.S politics.
Remember Nazis is just a criminal by another name, they change spots whenever it is expedient to do so….look at the Winsors…changed names…look at the French revolution it changed the behavior of the Royals and powerful in other nations.
These people are survivor’s…they have one thing in common…lust for power and an absolute hatred of honest work.
Its time to change that.
Thank you Jorge Vilches for your practical, understandable explanations. Please continue, I read them all.
To keep on with this very lonely task of mine I do need and unshamefully request your encouragement if my articles impress you favorably. So the nature and focused wording of your comment is most welcome because it crystalizes my whole purpose. So dear “n” please accept my huge thank YOU !!!!
Fact of the matter is I do try very hard to reduce / explain in almost everyday — yet still valid — terms what otherwise is discussed as if all of these were very complicated topics only understandable and to be decided by technical groupies (not). So your comment regarding my achievement fully justifies the effort and time. Accordingly, I´ll keep at it dear “n”. And it´s not easy for many reasons trust me ( BTW some not that obvious…) but you sure make it worth it !!! Cordially Jorge
Sembra che l’Europa abbia adottato la riduzione del 15% sul consumo del gas ad eccezione della Polonia e dell’Ungheria
Translation. Mod:
It seems that Europe has adopted the 15% reduction in gas consumption with the exception of Poland and Hungary.
This is a fantastic description of the complete incompetence of the eu energy policy makers.
Another excellent article from Jorge, keep them coming.
From the bottom of my heart, many thanks for your most favorable acknowledgements Michel !
Cordially Jorge
The official ideology of the Biden regime is CRT. That is White People are evil. Team Biden is now applying this ideology to Europe/ Why the Euros back the USA, whose regime openly says Euros are the enemy of the human race, baffles me.
It’s all a symptom of a historical pathological hatred of Russians Jorge!,
when you realise this then all the irrational bloody minded contrariness
makes sense.This deep psychotic stupidity and prejudice is at the heart
of the issues you logically rationalise and try to understand.why should
the Russians even bother with these morons,they can sell their much
needed gas oil food and myriad other commodities to a very appreciative
China and India who need all those thing in abundance.I enjoy your articles
very much.
Aussie Battler, thanks so much for letting me know you enjoy my articles. True enough, you guys deserve my time and effort. Still, thank you yet again Aussie Battler ! Cordially Jorge
That’s not stupidity EU, that’s planned operation. As in the case of controlled demoloition of building we may see the process gradual impoverishig peopple. All made in slo-mo mode to avoid sudden reaction.
“You will own nothing – and be happy”: Agenda 2030. First two years covid-19 with mortality below an average flu played main role, now it’s time to blame Russia & China.
Thank you Jorge for another informative and detailed article about the gas “crisis” which is caused entirely of Europe’s own ego and stupidity. NS2 could be fully operational with the certification being accomplished in time before winter sets in, but of course, Herr Schroeder’s comments will be ignored.
I think it was Michael Hudson who said the European “leaders” are given bags of money to do the bidding of the U.S. It’s now obvious that they don’t give a d..n about their country or their citizens.
Thank you Jorge – I really enjoy reading your articles, and you’re one of the very few people who write with detail and coherence about Europe. I look forward to many more!
Dear Catherine, as always, thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement gal. I always try hard to be thorough and yet well-balanced covering different aspects — maybe not so well-known — of the same topic. Of course, it makes me very happy to learn you look forward and still keep enjoying my articles. That makes all the difference to me !!! Cordially Jorge
The Greens in Germany have stated clearly “we are de-industrialising, what don’t you understand?”.
So I’d forget about cheap gas for domestic use it’s LNG in the future and more windmills and solar panels.
Either that or get rid of the wretched Scholz and his green coalition today. Oh,,and damand America stops it’s occupation via NATO, 31 years too late.
Jeff, I´d say what the Greens are really saying is “let´s win in Ukraine”. The problem is they have already lost in Ukraine but won´t admit it. So now all that´s left is winter, freezing temperatures, less food, hardship and dicontent of their own people. It just doesn´t make sense.
And let´s assume for a minute that DE-industrializing partially or totally is okay. The problem is the transition. Too late now just to slam the brakes, have no valid replacements, no political support, and expect people to go along with it. They won´t Jeff. European farmers and truck-drivers are just the leading edge. This phenomenon is not new and in different ways has already happened many times before. It´s history. Cordially Jorge
Jorge, Germany’s problem began with the 20 years of Chancellor Helmut Kohl. Everything was “sat out”, lies and disguise the normality. And then, after these 20 years, it was Schröder’s SPD and the eternally dilettantish Greens who, of all things, broke the decades-long rejection of any participation n wars. They took part in the war against Serbia based on a fabrication of a German journalist who wrote about a alleged “massaker” of Albanians, which were actually Ashkali’s (Roma) murdered by KLA. The green loudmouth Josef Fischer had already chosen Ukraine as a conflict hotbed in 2002 and wanted to end the visa requirement. Schröder openly refused to participate in the criminal war initiated by G.W. Bush, so he was assassinated by a shitstorm of Atlanicist media. Then followed by the endless Merkel years, the first test case of organized brainwashing began in 2010 with humiliating Greek people, then on September 5, 2015 when the UNHCR statute on the “Mass-Influx of Refugees” was violated. The last nail in the coffin was the COVID brainwashing, it was clear that the brainwashing will not end because these Germans really believed they were the richest, the most innovative and generally the best Europeans. The Greens themselves are so nationalistic that they hide their supposed internationalist attitude behind a fantasized multi-ethnicity. This is all still understandable, but the majority of the population also considers all this to be right…. I left, but France is not far enough, and Lepen will win 2027 because the French are becoming even more nationalistic. So Malaysia or Argentina are the place left . However, I really like your embedded irony in your contributions here. Keep going.
Ted, thanks so much for your most valuable description and analysis !
Of course, I truly appreciate your refined comment regarding my contributions here. Your acknowledgement and focus makes all the difference to me. Cordially Jorge
Danke!!!!! Thanks to the author and all commentators. I was looking for comments from my good old Germany, the ancient nation of „poets and thinkers” and technical experts. I was hoping to find somebody who would join in the call for the immediate release of Harbeck and Baerbock . The situation is like in the leaden times O. Germany pale mother.
Irene, it´s all of us (author + commentariati) thanking you for saying it !
Danke Irene !!!!
And sorry to say, but so far with the current leadership I agree with you that the way it looks into the future is Germany ´unter alles´, not über. It´s time to react, now. Cordially Jorge
The European drought and the attempts to reduce farm production add to the EU collapse. Massive Dutch farmer protests are planned and Greece is facing an electricity crisis due to most power coming from hydro.
You make a fine point that NS2 will never start while the current European leaders are still vertical. Add to this that the natural gas prices from NS2 would have to be set via market forces which are some 10x+ the current contract price for Germany
Hungary and Poland have chosen to ignore the EU demand to cut natural gas usage by 15%. Hungary gets its gas from Russia at reasonable long-term prices as it does not cooperate with the EU sanctions against Russia.
Poland chose to cut off the import of Russian natural gas but has the advantage of long-term LNG natural gas contracts with US companies at prices far lower than the present:
Americans reveal the LNG price for Poland
Furthermore, “The contract concluded in November will be one of the elements that will allow Poland to economically reduce or abandon deliveries from Gazprom, and thus offset the political influence of Moscow resulting from the dependence on Russian gas imports.”
The Russians are commenting on PGNiG’s LNG contracts with the US (ANALYSIS)
krollchem, your most valuable input expand the focus and scope of the article. Thank you !! Cordially Jorge
Irene you have obliviated the painters.
The trend in fossil fuel supplies is concerning. Both oil and coal are past peak, on a per capita basis. World coal supply has been lagging population growth since at least 2011. While natural gas production is rising, the price tends to be high and the cost of transport is very high.
In the 2001 to 2007 period, China was able to ramp up its manufacturing using coal, but eventually those supplies ran short. In fact, coal supplies around the world started running short.
Oil consumption per capita was relatively stable up until 2019. Then, it suddenly dropped in 2020, and it has not been able to fully recover from that drop in 2021. In fact, we know that as oil production has tried to increase in 2022, its price has risen further. Of the years shown, 2004 was the year with the highest oil consumption per capita. That was back at the time that “conventional” oil production peaked.
The big drop-off in coal availability means that countries are increasingly looking to natural gas as a flexible source of electricity generation. But natural gas has many other uses, including its use in making fertilizer and as a feedstock for many herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides. The result is that there is more demand for natural gas than can easily be supplied.
“Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin agreed on Friday to bolster cooperation after a four-hour meeting, a joint statement from the two nations has revealed as cited by Reuters.
As part of the deal, which would increase cooperation in the transportation, agriculture, finance, and construction industries and present a seemingly united front against “terrorist organizations” in Syria, Turkey agreed to change how it pays Russia for natural gas. Under the new agreement, Turkey has agreed to pay Russia partially in rubles, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said after the meeting.
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced months ago that unfriendly nations would be required to pay for Russian energy through a rubles account to insulate Russia from the effects of Western sanctions. While Russia would not consider Turkey an unfriendly nation, Turkey’s payment in rubles for Russia’s natural gas would protect those payments from sanctions, and could smooth things over with Moscow, who might otherwise frown on Turkey’s activities in Syria.”
Really good articles that you write Jorge.
Previously you have written about the insurmountable obstacles that Germany and other European countries will have in transitioning their oil refineries from Russian oil to the range of blends that they would have to use in order to achieve that transition.
I wonder if you have any knowledge on wether these crazy Euro politicians have looked at those barriers that you have talked about, and if so have they even started to put together any kind of a plan?
Politicians being politicians, I am figuring that they are all talk, but no actions, and will probably just leave the whole system to collapse!
Watching events pan out from way down here in NZ.
Hud, thank you so much for your favorable comments and encouragement !
And, yes, your description regarding some of my previous articles is 100% correct.
Regarding your question my answer is “no” x 2.
“No” #1 because I have not received any sort of acknowledgement or signal indicating that ANY politician anywhere has even looked at any of my articles, let alone acted accordingly. Furthermore my “no” #2 refers to the fact that if any concrete action had been taken by now we would know all about it as hundreds if not thousands of people would be involved, with Call for Bids and all of the corresponding paraphernalia being public, bid opening dates, joint-ventures, plans & specs, schedules, delivery deadlines, etc, etc., etc. in reference to refinery modifications, and also upgrade of docks, storage facilities, pipeline & other freight means etc., etc., etc. And as none of that has been announced or actively going on the only conclusion to be drawn is that nothing has been effectively done yet so far and — obviously enough — time has pretty much run out.
Methinkxs that come the EU sanctions package #6 December deadline European countries would still be normally buying and paying for every single drop of Russian oil that they buy today both seaborne or delivered by the Druzbha pipeline. Otherwise it´d be not shooting themselves in the foot but rather in both lungs and temples… Cordially Jorge
Dear Jorge,
Thank you for another great article!
In this world designed by engineers, governed by lawyers and manipulated by oligarchs (with crafty help…) it is incredibly simple to generate a “crisis” by not obeying some simple contractual obligations or by taking features out of context and creating a frightening fairly tale out of it/them. The consequences are presented as crafted narratives omitting the rather mundane root cause(s) of the problem. The western “leaders” are merely amateur actors (except Viktor Orbán) parroting the same centrally crafted narrative. Some minor/temporary crisis emerges when they mix up their lines in the script…
As far as the contractual obligations go: the Germans are extremely law abiding, Vortschriftlich people – they certainly know the score on the Gazprom vs Siemens Canada contract issues. Just needed a fresh flavour to a narrative to deflect public attention from their nefarious acts.
The many artificial crises that are ongoing, including food, supply chain, fuel, manufacturing, commodities (non-oil&gas), climate, etc. are colossal maneuvers to control wealth&DEBT and flow of money. Let’s not loose sight of the quadrillion derivative bubble that makes the 2008 bubble look like a wee birthday luftballon.
Some pretty trivial buttons needed to be pushed (hard/slow, whimsical timing and sequence – who knows) or deactivated in this intricate and delicate global network of commerce largely based on energy, raw materials, manufacturing and transport. People don’t seem to matter. As long as they pay one way or another, with their hard earned money or the bank’s virtual money.
The SMO was a perfect excuse for the global oligarchs to unleash a seemingly! chaotic period of combined crises, and blame it all on one country, one nation and one leader. After all the “Global Crisis Managers” (GCM) learned form Goebbels, that folks should be presented with one enemy, not more, to avoid confusion.
Although they seem to be mediocre learners, as a second enemy emerges (China), and people are getting a tad confused. As long as they are not starved and half frozen, with access to wifi and reality shows, it’s ok.
By the way the recent and upcoming suffering is (unwittingly?) distributed, it looks like the GCM really like the Russians (and other BRICS and SCO members), very much dislike the poor Ukrainians (hence the unwavering support for suicide by artillery), and generally dislike/disregard everyone else – mostly “Europeons” who must suck up all the ice cream that is licking them back.
– Most EU countries lack energy and commodities, only have technology and trained workforce to generate marketable goods and decent revenue. By sanctioning themselves (not so much Russia!), all this is going up in the proverbial smoke, which is against the net-zero emissions target, but they will explain that to the (surviving) plebs as part of their “innovation process”…
By voluntarily ditching Russian gas by EU is like common folk saying that as of Christmas this year we’ll no longer breathe air, just live on by passive photosynthesis, because it is good for poor Planet Earth and bad for Mr. Putin.
In the meantime they seem to be promising very costly support for programs that are going nowhere (like the ukie fight, green agenda, solar&wind bs, CO2 sequestration), as if the economic output of these countries would be unaffected by the physical reality of their collapse.
It is quite a Divina Commedia! Part 1: Inferno, while some believe they are on path to Paradiso…
Keep up the good work!
As always SKovacs, your analysis is excellent and most welcome indeed. So please do keep coming back to this Comments Section even with firm critical thought, the tougher the better as it would IMPROVE any future articles of mine which I try to be as precise and valid as possible. Your contributions are priceless SKovacs. And regarding your closing paragraph, I´d dare to add ” Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch´entrate”(*) So dear SKovacs, please allow me yet another warm and respectfull bear hug from Jorge !
(*) ” Abandon all hope, ye who enter “.
“Today the EU is governed by childish impulses necessarily leading to confusion and self-harm.”
The writer José Ortega y Gasset in his work ‘Revolt of the Masses’ described how in Europe a new type of man was emerging. This was a type of man who knows nothing of the long history and the enormously great efforts required to build a civilization. He described them as a self-satisfied and a closed type of man, considering his standard of living, his technology, his security, his comfort and etc., as a natural given.
When I read mister Vilche’s article about the impossibility of the EU to ban Russian oil, elaborately presenting a great deal of the details regarding the physics, the economical and political side involved, it reminded me that this type of man, as described by mister Ortega, knows nothing of all of these processes, developments, and the troubles involved.
The ultimate example of this type of individual would be the well known child who was invited into the highest institutions (among which, the UN), to complain about the ‘irresponsible’ behavior of humanity regarding pollution and alleged pollution of the planet. Of course, it is the adults who gave her a podium which are to blame.
Anyway, I think that the observations of mister Ortega provide an answer to the seemingly inexplicable and irresponsible behavior. This spoilt type of irresponsible and culturally ignorant modern man has taken over society, he even to a great extent occupies high places. As of the latest decades, this type of man has taken on a pose of being the supposedly responsible man who fights alleged great evils (Putin, alleged human caused climate change, etc.), but in truth, he is an ignoramus, blinded by idealism, and blindly guided by a clique of people without scruples, who spin simplistic good and evil narratives for them.
Note also that in various European countries, education which teaches technical knowledge and hands on skills have been rapidly closed and down-valued. Society is top-heavy of people who are engaged in producing theories, psychologists, marketing and management theories, consultancy, writers etc. So that society is becoming ever more top-heavy with people who know mostly of theories, and who produce theories, an enormous psychological manipulation industry, and a fair deal of society is engaged in producing luxury.
In short, society is top-heavy of narrative producers, society is over-educated (though lacking in practical knowledge, engineering knowledge, etc.). At least, where it counts, such people hardly are heard.
The poet Goethe said in this respect that a society which is not focused on the objective, is a society in decline.