It is with great sadness that we, the Saker Community, have decided to sever our ties with the German Saker blog. For many years the German Saker blog has been one of the most successful and dedicated blogs of our community and we want to sincerely thank Dagmar Henn for the superb job she did as the person in charge of this blog. Recently, however, the German Saker blog has taken a very different tone and has made a number of accusations and statements which have convinced us that we need to part ways. We do that with great sadness. We reserve the right to start another “community approved” German Saker blog in the future with a different domain name and we express the hope that the current administrators of the so-called “ 2.0” will agree to stop using the word “saker” in their domain and blog name. Any future use of that word by the “ 2.0” would be morally illegitimate and misleading.
Signed: French Saker blog, Italian Saker blog, Latin American Saker blog, Oceania Saker blog, Russian Saker blog, Serbian Saker blog, The Saker
C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous, la communauté Saker, avons décidé de rompre nos liens avec le blog allemand du Saker. Pendant de nombreuses années, ce blog allemand a été l’un des blogs les plus prospères et dédiés de notre communauté et nous tenons à remercier sincèrement Dagmar Henn pour le superbe travail qu’elle a fait en tant que responsable de ce blog. Récemment, cependant, le blog allemand Saker a pris un ton très différent et a fait un certain nombre d’accusations et de déclarations qui nous ont convaincus que nous devions nous séparer. Nous le faisons avec beaucoup de tristesse. Nous nous réservons le droit de créer à l’avenir un autre “Saker” en allaemand approuvé par la communauté avec un nom de domaine différent et nous exprimons l’espoir que les administrateurs actuels du soi-disant “ 2.0″ accepteront de cesser d’utiliser le mot ” Saker “dans leur nom de domaine et de blog. Toute utilisation future de ce mot par le “ 2.0″ serait moralement illégitime et trompeuse.
Signé: le blog Saker francophone, le blog Saker italien, le blog Saker latino-américain, le blog Saker d’Océanie, le blog Saker russe, le blog Saker serbe, le Saker
Con mucha tristeza, nosotros la Comunidad Saker, hemos decidido cortar nuestros lazos con el Blog Saker Alemán. Durante muchos años el Blog Saker Alemán ha sido uno de los más exitosos y dedicados colaboradores de nuestra comunidad y queremos ofrecer nuetro profundo agradeciemiento a la gestión realizada por Dagmar Hehn, por el magnífico trabajo realizado como la persona encargada de este Blog. Recientemente, sin embargo, el Blog Saker Alemán ha asumido un tono muy discordante y ha hecho acusaciones y aseveraciones, las cuales nos han convencido que debemos separar nuestros caminos. Lo hacemos con gran pesar. Nos reservamos el derecho de comenzar en el futuro otro Blog Alemán con “aprobación de la comunidad”, el cual tendrá un nombre de dominio diferente y esperamos que los actuales administradores del llamado “ 2.0″ estén de acuerdo en dejar de usar la palabra “saker” en su nombre de blog y dominio. Cualquier uso futuro de la palabra por parte del “Saker 2.0″ sería moralmente ilegítimo y engañoso.
Firmado: Blog Saker Francés, Blog Saker Italiano Blog Saker Latinoamericano, Blog Saker Oceanía, Blog Saker Ruso, Blog Saker Serbio, El Saker
Con grande tristezza, noi della Saker Community, abbiamo deciso di interrompere la collaborazione con il Saker Blog Tedesco.
Per molti anni il Saker Blog Tedesco è stato tra i più produttivi e dedicati blog della nostra comunità, e vogliamo ringraziare sinceramente Dagmar Henn per il lavoro incredibile che ha svolto come responsabile del blog. Recentemente, però, il Saker Blog Tedesco ha utilizzato un tono molto diverso, e ha pubblicato un certo numero di accuse e dichiarazioni che ci hanno convinto della necessità di prendere strade diverse. Lo facciamo con grande tristezza.
Ci riserviamo il diritto di far nascere in futuro un altro blog Tedesco approvato dalla nostra comunità, con un dominio differente, ed esprimiamo la speranza che gli amministratori del cosiddetto “ 2.0″ smettano di usare la parola “Saker” nel loro dominio e nome del Blog. Ogni uso futuro di quella parola da parte di “ 2.0″ sarà ingannevole, e illegittima moralmente.
Firmato: Saker Blog Francese, Saker Blog Italiano, Saker Blog Latino Americano, Saker Blog Oceania, Saker Blog Russo, Saker Blog Serbo, Il Saker
Са великим жаљењем, заједница Степског сокола је донела одлуку да прекине сваку везу са блогом Степског сокола на немачком језику. Током низа година, немачки Степски соко је био један од наших најуспешнијих и најпосвећенијих блогова и користимо ову прилику да се захвалимо Дагмар Хен за изванредно обављен посао на челу тог блога. Међутим, од недавно немачки блог Степског сокола је заузео другачији тон и испољио је ставове и оптужбе услед чега немамо другог избора осим да се одвојимо. Ми то чинимо дубоко жалећи. Резервишемо право да покренемо други блог Степског сокола на немачком језику који ће радити са одобрењем читаве заједнице. Тај блог ће носити назив другог домена и надамо се да ће администратори текућег такозваног “ 2.0″ блога то уважити и да ће престати да користе реч „Соко“ у називу свог домена. Свако коришћење те речи на домену “ 2.0″ било би морално упитно и читаоце би доводило у заблуду.
Потписници: Француски, италијански, латиноамерички, океански, руски и српски блогови „Степског сокола“, и The Saker
Being from West Germany I have been irritated for several months about the tone of a guy calling himself “Russophilus” who has been trying to present himself in a bad way as a kind of “better saker”. A tone quite hostile to The Saker, so that I didn’t understand why The Saker & The Saker Community tolerated that kind of behaviour for so long.
To cut the connection with the former German Saker is in my opinion logical and the right decision, allthough I have been appeciating the work of Dagmar Henn.
@ Look East
It would be helpful to know a bit more about what has happened with The so that the same situation can be analysed and prevented should it emerge here. One is left with a nagging question and it should be cleared methinks.
I am not an insider regarding the different teams of the former German saker since they started, but I can read and German is my native language. And I have been following both the English and the German saker blogs for about two years. “Russophilus” once was a writer for the German saker and he has been the one moderating the comments in the forum of the German saker and setting the tone of the discussions in a – hmmm – let’s say problematic way.
So if you want to avoid these specific kind of problems in other blogs you simply should not invite “Russophilus” to moderate the comments.
It’s just like if you were running a country and didn’t want a foreign policy hostile towards Russia, you also wouldn’t offer Sakashwili to become the foreign secretary of your state or would you?
At the recommended German Analitik blog ( the topic of the whole last week were the ways paid internet agents are working. Keep in mind that the NATO countries have employed tens – if not hundreds – of thousands of them in order to fight their political enemies.
In this discussion also the question was raised whether the guy calling himself “Russophilus” is such an agent. I myself can only speculate about it, but fact is that he systematically (ab)used his possibilities as moderator of the comment section to undermine the authority of the Saker by again and again attacking him for some of his positions (like the real strength of the small Russian force in Syria) or by claiming the Saker would have faked his personal data and “curriculum vitae” and other things. Maybe it would make sense to analyze these discussions and especially the role of “Russophilus” to get a clearer picture when that started, how it developed and how far it went. Also the final break up would suit to the idea of “Russophilus” being an agent getting paid for damaging the Saker project.
And if it is about what can be done to prevent the other blogs from similar problems, my opinion is that it will make sense to deal more intensively with the way internet agents are working. As Analitik puts it together: You cannot prevent a forum from being visited by agents, but you can find out (or find out earlier) who of the visitors might be agents if you are more conscious how they are working.
Sad news!
Would someone please tell us, what they did? Not everyone can read german.
As a german living in Germany knowing nothing about the internal problems I want to say that this is certainly a very good decision because Dagmar Henn’s lover, a man that names himself “Russophilus”, is about as agressive and stupid as Dagmar is smart and knowledgeable.
He for example openly propagated in a comment on the site to put members of the green party “Die Grünen” and the like to the lanterns. I was really shocked when I read that last year and very disappointed that they didn’t remove that comment after it had been reported on other blogs.
This was not only absolutely inacceptable as itself but is of course damaging to the good name of the Saker community as a whole.
I wasn’t shocked when the parliamentary leader of the Green Party in the Bundestag said in an interview with “Die Zeit” that the Greens have never been a party of peace. Because I had been in shock about the Green Party several times before.
Firstly, when I heard how the former “green” foreign minister Fischer made his party accept the bombadements in Yugoslavia.
Secondly, when I learned that he’s in close business relations with former U.S. secretary of state Madeleine Albright; that woman who found absolutely nothing wrong about the US having killed 500,000 children in Iraq. She said, it was worth it.
Then there was the Cohn-Bendit pedophile statements that made me puke.
I wouldn’t demand “à la lanterne” for the Greens though. They are just as bad as the other parties here. As almost everything in Germany they have their roots in the CIA .
The German Green Party has nothing in common with the US Green Party of Dr. Jill Stein. German Green Party is a pro NATO/ Anti-German (Anti-Deutsch)/ LGBT associated neoliberal organisation that recruits most of its voters from the elites.
I’m following the English-speaking original Saker blog. It would be good for Germans Wirth limited knowledge oft English if there was a new German site. Saker 2.0 is rubbish tbh
I went to the welcome announcement here:
And hit “Translate” at the bottom, and I am still none the wiser :-)
I didn’t read all of the announcement, but all I can say is this: It reminds me of several experiences that I’ve had with the German radical left. Some guys at some point turn aggressive and arrogant, bossy and dogmatic, there will be fights, it turns ugly, the group splits up. I wouldn’t even put Russophilus & Co into that political corner, but if you can read German, you should entertain yourself reading the several blogs and discussions of the German “Antifa”. The constant bickering about essentially nothing can really give you laughs on a boring night. It’s just as with the People’s Front of Judea and the Judean People’s Front in Life of Brian. This is divide and conquer on a micro-management-level.
Essentially what they say in the announcement is that now they’re their own bosses and don’t rely on people anymore who “depict Russia as dumb and weak and the USA as great and strong”. Then they comply a bit about the software update policy. Really, in my humble opinion, it’s a case of “Move along, nothing to see here”.
Sad. The blog was good and had a different point of view that supplemented the eng. Saker blog. The tone was harsh but as prussians we could take it, its not a Kindergeburtstag and nur die Harten kommen in den Garten (only the hard ones go in the garden).
A blog substance is carried by the minds of a few.
For me its about the infomation an russophilo always gave a got point of view.
Generally speaking the other blogs should publish the saker analysis in the native blog language and on top publish own stuff / do what they want.
Maybe you can take this tone, but others have been turned off…
Not really, the german site was quite popular, I’d say the second most popular of the saker platforms, the main people being turned of seems to be thesaker own team and some of those fanboys who cry for censorship on the channel as soon as anyone that doesnt exactly agree with them dare to speak out.
I fully appreciate the decision of the different national Saker blogs to sever the ties with the German Saker. As a person who always signs with real name and address I have been wondering for year about the counterproductive tone of Russophilus. By this comment I also want to thank Dagmar Henn for her brave work. But to be honest I still have problems with the term Anglozionism. I appreciate the policy of Putin towards Israel. Otto Kern DE-37412 Herzberg-die Esperantostadt
Off topic but i have to say with experiences of Finnish Green Party it’s likely the most Russophobic of all parties there in Finland including Conservatives and Swedish People’s Party. The Greens as we all know have their ideological roots in Nazi Germany. It’s well studied issue in Finland and a huge shock for most of naive Greens. Greens themselves are of course not Nazies, but their ideas of nature, naturalness, animal protection etc are very similar than those of NSDAP. German Nazies were indeed the first dedicated Greens mostly because their ridiculous romantic ideas what nature might be (and of course were not and are not).
I think biggest reason why Finnish Green Party is anti Russia and anti Putin is based on fact than Putin doesn’t kiss the Green Gospel, is backing conservative Christian values and is too independent.
@”The Greens as we all know have their ideological roots in Nazi Germany.”
Well, I cannot speak for the specific “roots” of the Finnish Green Party, nor even the German.
But it sounds as though Peacemaker is trying to conflate any love of or concern for our natural environment with Nazism. Many, many streams of thought, some overtly political, found part of their expression and program in an awakening of the awareness of the finite nature of the earth and its resources throughout the latter 19th and early 20th centuries.
I think any political movement is going to spring from some of the same soil that has nourished or was the Boden for other, earlier movements. Just BTW, the Germans and the Swiss, with their town forests, were the inspiration for the interest in the USA of the science of forestry (foundation of Yale School of Forestry), which in turn was one of the domestic springboards for growing interest in conservation and ultimately the broader environmental and ecological movement.
To me, implicitly denigrating all nature lovers and environmentalists as “romantics” is kind of like labeling Christians “romantics” because, heck, Jesus was the biggest “romantic” of all, speaking up for the poor and the reviled and the dispossessed of the earth and not going around killing off all members of enemy tribes as is mandated in the Old Testament.
Hey, Trump kind of speaks up for and to the reviled and dispossessed of the American rust belt. This could go anywhere . . .
“The [Finnish?] Greens as we all know have their ideological roots in Nazi Germany”
Interesting. In Germany the Green Party have been thoroughly zionised 25 years ago. Its current leaders’ speeches are literally indistinguishable from GoldmanSachs director’s key notes.
Let me tell you a secret, Peacemaker. Wherever you hear someone shouting “Nazi, Nazi!”, look behind the nearby bushes, and you will find a bunch of Zionists there.
In Hitler’s Germany all Jewish organization were outlawed, except for the hardcore Zionist one. They were not only allowed to publish a newspaper, but even to criticize the Führer, something no German newspaper would have dared.
“…They were not only allowed to publish a newspaper…”
What was the name of the newspaper?
I have this information from a four hour long discussion with Wolfgang Eggert, author of the 3 volume book ‘Israels Geheimvatikan’.
Eggert mentions the facts I shared above around the 3 hours mark, if memory serves me right, without naming the newspaper.
Kulturstudio – Okkulte Geopolitik |2016-02-18
That’s superficial, Peacemaker.
The Finnish Green political organization (and members to varying degree) are anti-Russian just like any Liberals are, and for the same reasons and after the same propaganda. The Greens have been strictly about Greenwashing a Liberal Imperialist Business Agenda for twenty years at least now. That, plus declining baselines and huge cognitive dissonance thereof, has predisposed many caring people into adopting and ultimately internalizing a hubristic, self-centered and self-laudatory Liberalism, as we see in the West.
I’m not surprised. Sometimes I thought, if I would like to troll the Saker I would call me “Russophilus”. To dare, to take this nick in a community of people liking Russia, is something like “I’m the real King”.
My astrological additions to the complete pictures of our historical moment had been banned by “Russophilus”. So it was kind of funny: Mundo in the Cafe and banned by “Saker” in my native language.
The nation which most needs thesaker blog is probably Germany.
I agree with you!
Germany is a very, very important country. For Europe, for Russia, for China, for USA, for Israel, for the whole world. That is exactly the reason, why the two biggest wars of our known and official human history were fought against this country. To submit and control Germany was key to shape geopolitics for the last 100 years.
But it tears up my heart to watch this country slowly but surely loosing importance because the German Spirit is dying. It’s dying on an ever accelerating rate, because of the 70 years (3 generations!) of brainwashing and the massively increasing influx of refugees with low level consciousness, low level intellect, low level culture, low level of education and on and on…
Very unfortunately I can’t see a way out of this mess. On the other hand, I myself grew up in this country, too; I “suffered” the same brainwashing like any other in Germany, but somehow I haven’t stopped asking why? And well yes, this asking led me also to here and many other places.
Do you think that Germany still has a chance? To recover? To stand up? To be the light of the world? I can guess that for Non-Germans this may sound dubious at least. Yes, but the brainwashing regarding Germany is international not only in Germany.
What I mean by this is, that I’m pretty sure, that Germany once had the potential to enrich the whole world with some features regarding technology and machine building in nearly every aspect, regarding science and classical arts, regarding philosophy and administration.
I would have loved an alternative history, where Germany would have managed to build a very strong and serious alliance with Russia and through this in present days with China also.
But things a different, very different.
What will remain for Germany and the Germans when their USPs are gone? (Unique Selling Propensities).
I was in Germany for a few days last week. Lovely people … but broken; utterly defeated. Three generations of brainwashing. I thank God that most Germans do not know about the day-in day-out, relentless and saturation anti-German ‘bogus history’ peddled throughout the western world. I am sickened by it.
But there is a light shining in the Germans: Individual Germans refuse to take on debt. This quiet defiance will bring about the real Victory in Europe.
“But there is a light shining in the Germans: Individual Germans refuse to take on debt.”
I find it remarkable that You would say that. Like many here I was born and conditioned in Germany. One of the core tenets in regards how to deal with money was brought to the point by my grandpa repeatedly:
“Sich Borgen Bringt Sorgen”
and thanks to some non-coincidentally common linguistic roots, it is best translated into English with:
“To Borrow Brings Sorrow”
That is also the reason why the U.S. has Trillions of $s debt it intends to never pay back and the still relatively stable household of Germany. Without going deeper into specifics, because it is now (becoming) common knowledge, that Democracy as intended to function after the Greek model, has failed and sold out Governments to corporate interests. No longer are the needs of the population important – all that matters now is the bottom line for corporations.
Only a person without debt is free. Or at least as free as can be…
Many people are missing an important piece of the puzzle. The globalists work very hard to make everyone in the world feel bad about themselves and especially to not have any respect or trust in their fellow citizens. That is a big lie that builds upon itself, and the results are to build walls between people and to decrease the possibility of common action, be it elections or revolution.
This is not just in Germany, but elsewhere. Of course Germany has a unique history, and an in-depth understanding would remove a large part of the German guilt. Le me offer an very short “German HIstory For Dummies.” I think some of my points are not well known, although they should be. The relevant history starts with the German Civil War a/k/a The German Peasant Wars, in the 1500’s, which the German peasants lost. Engels wrote a very readable history of it and Wikipedia white-washed the facts. This failed uprising left the religious establishment and aristocrats permanently in power. The result was grinding poverty. The Germany famine of 1810, was the last great peacetime famine in Europe, if you consider Ireland’s famine in the 1840’s and the Holodomor as being man-made rather than simple crop failures. The German people were not responsible for the 1810 famine. In 1864, the Prussian aristocracy decided to grab land – by using military power because that’s all the Junkers knew or respected. These militarists didn’t ask anyone for consent. The Prussians killed 48,000 non-consenting Austrians in one week – and 71,000 in total and the people of Bavaria were never consulted, either. Then this Prussian aristocracy decided to invade wealthy France for purposes of extortion. That was the Franco-Prussian War, and we know who won it. The seeds of the disaster of the May 1919 Versailles Treaty were planted in May of 1871 by the Treaty of Frankfurt am Main, which required France to pay a ransom of 5 billion gold francs to the Prussians. That was a huge sum. French people are famous for holding a grudge; Revenge is both a virtue and an obsession. The 5 billion gold francs helped fund the German industrial revolution, although that industrial revolution also required a German renaissance that involved hard work and building – mostly from scratch, I think – the intellectual foundations for highly technical industries. When there is no political outlet, creativity will find other outlets. During the 1871-1914 period, a sort of phony democracy was created. Yes, a parliament, but one that was docile, tamed, and a sham of what real democracy should be. Just like the English and French parliaments, German “democracy” under the Kaiser was imposed from on high. Let’s consider WW1 very quickly. The German government never wanted to go to war against England, but the English government did want war. The 1910 Agadir Crisis ended because Berlin backed down when they saw England was serious about starting a war. In 1914, London was careful to not inform Berlin that London would go to war, if there would be a war. A simple telegram from the British government to the Kaiser would have prevented a war. Webster Tarpley the historian, wrote an essay on this. The popularizing historian, Barbara Tuchman, in her best-seller book, Guns of August, describes the British cabinet meeting on the night they chose to take England into the war. Only two cabinet ministers knew the decision had already been made to go to war. Sir Douglas Haig, head of the UK military, was at the cabinet meeting, as I recall. Sir Haig argued strongly against war. He said it would be a war of attrition that would take four years and cost 3 million British casualties. By “war of attrition”, he also meant that British factories would be worn out and Britain would be almost as badly damaged as Germany. General Kitchener, a highly popular hero, was in the headlines, also arguing against war. So the “garden romp craziness” explanation for WW1 that we are taught in school is a bald lie, a God-damn lie. When the most authoritative person in the room argued forcefully that a war would be hugely costly, and when no one could point to any great benefit to England for such a high price, why would Britain go to war ? Answer: Palestine. Tuchman provided the dots in her book (the scripted comedy of the “search” for the German battlecruisers, the Goeben and Breslau who broke Turkish neutrality in 1914), but the Jewish writer either failed or refused to actually connect the dots. In short, in 1914 the Germans were in no hurry for a war, nor was Russia. German people are blamed for what’s called “the rape of Louvain” and the murder of Belgian hostages, but of course that was a decision of the German Army high command, not the German people. It should be noted that the German Army put harsh conditions in the peace treaties it imposed on the Eastern Front. So when the Ludendorf Offensive failed and WW1 was over, then the hammer of the Vesailles Treaty fell on the Germans, and the treaty’s ethnocidal intentions, were a foregone conclusion. Let’s discuss the Dolchstoss, the “stab in the back”, which ordinary Germans thought was the reason they lost the war. Two things fed this lie. First, the German Lugenpresse never reported honestly on the war, and second, the Ludendorf Offensive gave the impression that Germany was bulging with war material so how could they have lost ? The Germans were not the only people who were manipulated. US President Wilson campaigned in 1916 on the slogan, “He kept us out of the war!” and THEN took his nation into war 5 months later based on a false flag (the Lusitania) from two years prior. The great British press ? Yeah, really ? The British people were not told anything about British casualties until 1925, seven years after the war. The British elite created a “red poppy” campaign to deflect blame for the disaster of the war, and the British Lugenpresse spread that fraud, too. So don’t blame the German people for having a Lugenpresse. The Weimar Republic, the only period with a democracy, never had much of a chance because of the impossible war reparations. This era, with its fascist ending, was not so different from any of the more recent George Soros color revolutions. I make the comparison because ordinary German people were the victims and they were manipulated in harsh ways. For example, in Berlin, the relatively wealthy capital, the League of Nations wrote that 26% of the children were malnourished. No one counted the hungry children in the lesser cities. Is this something that Germans are taught in school now, with the dots connected ? IF not, it’s a lie of silence. In 1932, the Nazis only got 33% of the popular vote, and once the Nazis got into power, there were no more elections. That’s why it’s called a brown plague.
So where is the guilt of the German people, as a people ?
The mass murders of WW2 civilians and POW”s wre perpetrated by individuals who were morally poisoned by the brown plague of Nazi ideology, under the power of a very competent indoctrination machine. Ukrainians are now being subjected to similar indoctrination methods to create blind hatred. Of course these German individuals were guilty of war crimes and this group of people probably numbered in the hundreds of thousands, but most of them knew they could be executed if they refused criminal orders. My point is that this was not the German people as such. German people did support the Nazis and the Nazi propaganda films, as well as interviews with Germans who lived through the era, are testament to that fact. We also have to consider that the Nazis did bring full employment to Germany. It has been noted that if someone had killed Hitler in 1938, ordinary historians would write that his government created an economic miracle never seen in capitalism, and would have written that he was the greatest German leader in history. Without the enormous crime of WW2, that would be accurate. So after May 1945, first the Soviets and later the Americans had plans to create a “new man” out of the defeated Nazis. I see this from a great distance in space and time, but it seems to me that the brown stain was completely washed out, but there was a price to be paid, which is that Germans today feel a loss of authenticity and a disconnect from all their history, and – worst of all – that they are now dominated by the Anglo-Zion Empire.
Know your history and stand your ground as worthwhile human beings !
Easy to see- Saker site is like Jobbik- ‘pincer movement’ classic. Like the one that bought Milosevic down. Alliance of Ultranationist and Liberals fo bring down a good nationalist leader.
The German site was pro Russian. Maybe the slant wasnt what an American “pro russian” would like, but my German friends liked that site. Removing it just makes Saker as bad as the mainstream media. Doesnt fool me.
What is this “Jobbik pincer movement”?? As far as I know Milosevic was brought down by “Otpor” a CIA funded organisation.
Regarding the issue with the German Saker, is it not possible to simply disable the comments, as it seems the problem is caused by a commentator and not the actual administrator?
I knew of the other country blogs, so of the German one also, but I never was really there and never followed the discussion or the general “style“, so I can’t tell you first hand, what’s up. Always I was pretty satisfied with the “original here” and I appreciate the “international smell”, which is here around.
So I took right now the opportunity and looked at the German blog and read the statement of “Russophilus” regarding this matter:
To put it short for all those who want to know what their perspective is:
Russophilus is declaring that the shutdown of their site came as an ugly surprise. They were not expecting it. But he argues that in the end they welcome the development (the shutdown) and try to make the best out of it.
There are only two visible points, where he criticizes “The Saker”: he says, that it was very difficult for them to wait for backups. They had to run after it and wait for months, he argues. Now they are able to do it immediately and in a proper way, he says. (This implys, that somehow they weren’t satisfied with the “quality” of the backup(s)).
The other point is he says, that now they are finally free from the control of “people who sometimes like to portrait Russia as a stupid and week country and on the other side think that “usppa” (USA?) is a wonderful country…
This is for your information and I tried to stay very close to the original. I’m no party in this dispute and I have no other information or insight. But since I’m reading here for more than 2 years know, I can’t follow his arguments regarding the perspective on Russia vs USA…
The point with the backups is for insiders and I’m not one of them.
Russophilus is the main commenter, an administrator and the only one moderator of this “renewed” blog. All in one.
Dagmar Henn is still the owner of the blog.
One can read Russophilus directed to The Saker also in English:
The blogs now are divided – the people too?
I hope not.
This is the comment I tried to get through last night:
As sad as it is it’s a correct decision that was long overdue. A big thanks to Dagmar Henn, whose translations and articles have made the blog worth reading.
I’ve read there only seldom because I was annoyed each time about Russophilus. To the translations of Saker’s articles, he mostly commented that the analyses of Saker are complete nonsense. Basically he knows everything better. This guy is also responsible for the moderation and has meanwhile cleaned up the comment section of the most different thinking participants.
They distanced themselves clearly from the original Saker in the article to the restart as so-called “ 2.0”. Therefore, I can’t understand why they haven’t choosen a new name. On the one hand complain over the bad “Ami poultry”, on the other hand adorn oneself with borrowed plumes is at least hypocritical. The new name for the blog should show undoubtedly that it is no longer linked to the Saker community. I hope they are so honest.
I’m not familiar with the, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it was too right-wing? One of the reasons I gravitated away from the saker community was the hysterical and cult-like behavior of some people involved with it. The latent and unexamined Marxism that prevails in the community is a huge detriment to it. I suspect that the German saker blog was not carrying enough Marxist water for the behind the scenes network of leftists that seem to dominate the saker community.
Halford Mackinder, interesting point!
I am not convinced that the Marxists and Jacobins in this community are a majority in absolute numbers. They just seem to be very loud and persistent giving the impression there are more of them.
I agree it’s very detrimental. Not because of what they think, but how they behave towards those who do not agree with them.
It’s very strange how Saker- a religious, self-described libertarian- picked them up…
Zdravo srpsko curo!
In what town do you live? Does your skupstina-opstina also finance a free, open WLAN that reaches a whe city quarter? Vrsac does that – a thing named “dlink” that seems to cover athe whole paorski kraj there. When it is up while you write something for this blog, it comes down. Not the WLAN “dlink”, nor the paorski kraj, but TheSaker. Funny, jel?
Zdravo Niko (ili neko?) iz Vrsca!
In general, I avoid WIFI/WLAN in open areas.
Pogotovu u nasoj zemlji.
You’re saying the Saker site is crashing the government-provided Wireless service ? Pretty funny…
No, I tried to say the contrary: the downing of TheSaker for five hours and the upping of dlink’s aw so magnanimous offer went somehow in parallel, as if the latter caused the former. To learn more, I told you here about it, and guess what: Open “dlink” is off the air today. R.i.p.
Niko/Neko – the difference is not always easy to teĺl. Prijatno!
Hmm strange…I agree that’s funny. Even quite fishy.
thanks for sharing Niko/ Neko
I think you may have been out from here quite time, because it´s just the opposite of what you are telling.
Take a look and you will not find any other marxist or communist here except me, who returned just the other day only to defend Motorola´s honor, and decided to remain commenting seeing that the censure was not so sharply exerted against me as before.
I had understood that Dagmar Henn was, preciselly, a Leninist, and I do not know if the split could have something to do with the evolution The Saker original have been experimenting since almost a year and a half ago, at least from what I have noticed.
I think that not only the editorial line, but also the comments section is right now overwhelmingly right wing/conservative ( if not overwhemingly far -right, especially in the open thread section ) opposite to the variety of views there was here three years ago, when I arrived here.
Perhaps, as some have said, it would be better explain the issue well.
Elsi, Aprecio tus commentarios aqui, e espero que te quedes aqui y que sigas compartiando tus pensamientos. Disculpa mi espanol.
No me quedaré mucho tiempo, camarada, a riesgo de volverme loca en esta jaula de grillos, como usted podrá comprobar tras estos tres últimos días.. .. no dispongo de tanto tiempo libre y además tampoco quiero dedicar a esto tanto tiempo. Lo siento. Quizás hubiera alguna manera de contactar en privado, no sé.
Afortunadamente, me he quedado el tiempo necesario para defender, una vez más, el honor del camarada Motorola.
Hi Elsi,
I tried my best to defend you against the treatment on,
but, of course, I do not know whether they will let it through.
There is even more I wanted to tell you…
I also think this was exactly it. Saker comes with a trunk of ideology, some strange hidden political correctnes and being silent about some events and movements that are most important for Russia.
I would like to see his argument why he’s been ignoring Pyakin, one of the best russian social and political scholars, see (russian only) Their work is crucial for Russia, Europe and rest of the world to survive the madness we are currently in. They uncover global politics and control of social systems and their development. They write about stuff that allowed Putin to become THE real president.
when i read the few comments here i have to say you guys are all wrong. the german saker version was a very obvious product of couch fishing social welfare people who dont know what else to to.
miss henn is a questionable person who always managed to translate the wrong article. comparing the saker and the german version, there was never any mirror of the original website. so lets forget about it. wasnt worth the time.
no offense ment
As I read the german saker from time to time and follow the english one as well as other Blogs regulary to widen my point of view, and as i am trained in psychoanalysis I have some Points to add:
1. A Splitting or a schism is allway a symptom for an underlying conflict.
2. The scapegoat or the witch to be burned is not the Problem.
3. In group therapy as in social psychology it is important to listen to the minority, as it usually Points the finger to the nasty things, the majority tries to avoid to see.
4. There seem to be some unresolved problems in the relationship between the original saker and the german one. How these are solved by the people involved could give some information how these people look on the solution of problems in general.
5. As I was sometimes irritated by the harsh tone of some comments on the german saker, I also have to say, that the moderator there has a clear policy that is endorsed there. He absolutely defends the right to protect the blog against trolling and diversants, but also harshly protects the freedom of speech, the rights of minorities and religious beliefs, cuts a clear line between religious believes and behavior.
6. As there are different analytic opinions between the saker and other analysts (among them russophilus), they should be discussed using facts and sources. Rivalry, competition and discussion can elaborate the analysis. (Splitting and witch hunt on either side will lead to loss of analytical clarity).
7. Be careful with a spitting in angel and devil as it is often tried with Dagmar Henn and Russophilus. As you all might know… Splitting according to psychoanalytical insight is immature psychic defense against insight of an contradiction in subjective theory and experience.
8. If theory and experience differe, the theory is wrong.
I would appreciate a real respectful handling of the dissence. From a systemic approach: Who know’s what is it good for, to serve the shared goals.
Well, well,
So much for freedom of speech…
I just checked out several articles on the German Saker blog as well as replies/comments, those from Russophilus in particular, and can’t say that I can find much wrong there.
Dagmar Henn writes clear and concise articles with valid information and the following discussions are sometimes hard but still surprisingly courteous and often with good follow up information.
Why kick out the German Saker? If you’re not with us, you’re against us? Have all means of correcting unacceptable behaviour been tried? In Germany you go to prison if you dare try to challenge or correct the commonly accepted historic lies. Things over there are already restricted enough, no need to make matters worse.
Apparently some readers were shocked by something written by this Russophilus guy concerning Green party members in Germany, while I couldn’t agree more. The greens (in Holland, France, Germany, etc.) are even more in the pockets of the Anglo-Zionist power block than average politicians and often provide the necessary swing vote. I myself have written these worthless demagogues off decennia ago. Hey, we are only homo-not-so-sapiens and during heated discussions remarks about lamp posts and rope are easily made. ;-)
Now let’s not be silly, why don’t you contact Dagmar and find an acceptable solution?
Now let’s not be silly, why don’t you contact Dagmar and find an acceptable solution?
You are making a lot of assumptions here. In fact, several of us have tried to contact Dagmar and find a solution. We never got a response. You have to understand that we tried to solve this problem quietly and internally, and we came to the conclusion that we have to sever our ties only after we exhausted all other options.
Frankly, I do not want to make things worse than they are, and I don’t want to dwell on this. What happened is sad, but it makes no sense to draw it out. Nor do we want to engage in any verbal battles with anybody.
I ask you two simple things: please do not make assumptions about what did or did not happen and simply trust us, not just me, but all the other Saker blogs. We did what we had to do to protect or community.
Kind regards,
The Saker
PS: oh, one more thing: this is exactly *nothing* to do with political ideas or ideological disagreements. Our blogs are not simply ideological – we have Marxists and we have Monarchists, we have religious people, and we have atheists. What we share is a common stance on imperialism, war, the enslavement of people and societies by big money and corporations, and we obviously support Novorussia, Russia, Syria, Iran and all the other countries and movements which resist the Empire. But just like who struggle against the Urkonazis in Novorussia – we do not have a single ideological position. I hope that this settles his silly rumor about ideological differences.
Dear Saker,
I was part of the german peacecorps in August 2016 with 250 german and international participants to Russia. The German saker blog was supporting us. I don`t understand, why this divide and conquer attitude take place in our international saker community. We are all belonging to same tribe. We shouldn`t be divided. The political situation in US and Germany might be different, so our vision about resistance might be different as well ( culture wise), but we should stay together.
Without justice not peace!
Blessings from Germany
right on Saker!
I adopted this blog not at least because of it’s practicised respect against each open mind. I perceive Saker as an exception within the political analysts as like as Vladimir Vladimirovich within the political leaders, each one in his category.
I’m happy to share my lifetime with persons like that, but always there are people with envy if they meet such a person. To hide this envy, these persons use to appeare with heaps of infos, analyses, … importances, to demonstrate their impotent importance, because they are not prepared to do an own blog or not humble enough to lead an own creative part of the great whole.
So the greatness of a character seems to be being respectfull with dissence but to dare the severece, where respect is missed by respectless dealing with friends and people.
The importances to me are in good hands, being in that of characters like Vladimir Vladimirovich or Saker and her kind, and our comments are not that essentially important although living individual additions in the space of the whole of human existence given the current concerns for the balance of human psyche in the light of certain coloured buttons, where each hour might be as precious like never before.
I have to ad, as a German war-child with since 1945 71 years of “western” brainwashing, my demand of initially german, later american, later revolutioary, latest astrologiocal bigotry is fully completed. Now lately since 2014 I could start
to complete my education as an planetarian adult, in contact with worldwide sensible thinkers of male and female thoughts and approaches.
In this connection: the edgy comments of elsi do appeare to me like a kind of borderline symptom between knowing the definite truth and loving humanity.
Saker, as an astrological hermit in the Bavarian boonies I am glad, to meet single monents of worldwide resonance with my poetic astrological approach to the post empire possibilities in connection with holy Russia, and that I may be your guest, which was rudely net-bureaucraticly denied by Mr. “Russophilus”.
Well, well,
Jackie Jack shows his colours.
About time – thanks for that!
I tried to join discussions on the German site, but was quickly censored when I dared to see some things differently. And I certainly didn’t insult anyone or so.
I had the same experience as others on the german saker blog.
Rude and arrogant behavior of the “moderator”, censoring without arguing the points made.
Looks like this topic is having a lot of people wanting to know more about what exactly happened. I can understand that. However, I have no desire to publicly explain everything here as that would necessarily entail criticizing the new course of the German Saker v2 and I am not, repeat, *not* interested in spending any time in accusations or acrimonious exchanges. If anybody wants to take that refusal to publicly “wash our dirty laundry” as a sign of guilt or as evidence that I, or anybody else, has something to hide – that is not my problem. And to those who do not want to trust our community leaders or me I simply reply – fine, don’t trust us. And if somebody is actually stupid enough to believe that I help set up Saker blogs in various languages to then try to shut them down then let them. I sure ain’t wasting my time refuting such nonsense.
We did what we had to do, I am confident that we did the right thing, and we have no interests in feeding gossip or trolls. As long as it is clear that we are in no way associated with the German Saker blog v2 and that we find it morally objectionable for it to use the “Saker” name – we are happy.
This matter has been a personal tragedy for me. I lost a friend I loved and respected and in whom I believed. And one of the best Saker blogs out there has sadly been hijacked. After consulting with the rest of the Saker blogs, we did what we had to do for the good (and, frankly, reputation) of our community and now we just want to turn the page and go back to our struggles. There are those out there who actually have the time and energy to engage in “Internet wars”. Fine. Just don’t expect us to participate in that kind of sophomoric behavior.
The Saker
As a German (but not living in Germany any more) I am reading different Saker Blogs for years, of course also the German one. Especially the main Saker blog and the German one seemed to display a wider spread of political Analysis, when you compared the comments. It is not only because of the language, but I have to say that I like the German saker style, even if Russophilus’ wording seems a Little rough for not Germany ears. In our German Couture, we are used to sometimes dramatic wording. Through many contacts to people with Anglo background I had the impression that they do not appreciate very open words, they assume frank and open speach to be confrontative (in German language “Affront”).
To summarize my personal impression: I really regret the decision of the rest of the Saker community (really all of them?) to get rid of the German Saker. In my view, Germans need another kind of Saker than US visitors or people from Serbia or down under. The German Saker took a good move over the last years, and Russophilus over all did a very good Job. To claim that he would be a troll or an agent to destroy the Saker idea is ridiculous. It is the same pattern as with Maoistic student groups: divide et impera.
Please keep the German Saker as a part of the international Saker community, no Schisma here please. The Saker community should be strong enough to deal with (slightly and sometimes) different opinions. And to the other commenting guests from Germany here: I cannot remember that you made claims like you did here in the German Saker blog. Please don’t tell me that Russophilus has wiped out them all.
really all of them?
No, of course not! Those who disagreed were immediately kidnapped, shackled and imprisoned in a dark cellar where I torture them every day to get them to comply with my despotic rule.
I also disabled their email accounts in order to prevent them from informing the world of their sad fate.
Let me tell you a secret: there is no Saker community. It’s all me and my colleagues from the Mossad, of course.
The Saker
Watch out for Saker aka “The Breaker”!
Although I am not familiar with the details I’m sure it was a tough call. I have seen that the Saker tends to err on the side of caution especially where unpalatable behaviour (and people!) are involved. So let’s just trust his judgement on his.
dear Saker, my heart goes out to you. Its terrible what happened. I can only hope that I don’t ever do the same thing to you.
That is a good decision. I am from Germany and have been reading both English and German blogs ever since the Ukraine crisis unfolded in 2014. I’ve noticed the hostile, aggressive and arrogant tone of especially one user in this blog and was wondering: wtf?
If there is a new German blog (and I really hope there will be), I will be happy to participate.
You guys do realize, I hope, that for Americans this discussion about marxists, leninists, European Greens etc. is quite obscure. I read The saker for unique viewpoints on ongoing conflict zones between the American Empire (can call it Anglo-zionist for all I care. Me no big on labels) and other rising powers in the world, including Russia and China. I am grateful for any news and article translations from alternative viewpoints as compared to what we are getting from the MSM.
I am rather partial to the analysis brought by The Saker himself, but also for the many other viewpoints presented about BRICS, Europe, the Middle east, Russia, and of course, the US. I also find many comments insightful and informative. What I don’t like I pass over, isn’t that how discourse works?
I tried to understand what happened with the German blog but though i am not a German speaker and cannot comment objectively, so just basing it on the comments I read here, the issues somehow sound familiar. People who have an interest in politics sometimes do fall prey to a particular dogma, and become somehow intolerant. Seen it on many other blogs. Sometimes, the strife can be caused by a single individual with a particularly thin skin, sometimes, by someone who has a secret agenda, sometimes, by a hardening of the intellectual arteries.
I reckon it can’t be easy to be responsible for this many different blogs in different languages. I recall something that happened once with the french blog too. I appreciate the hard work put in by all the people involved and can only wish i could do more, though time does not allow more engagement at the moment.
All the best to Saker contributors and fans everywhere.
What are the reasons for severing ties with the German Saker please?
Thx a lot and a of understanding, waiting for a new blog in Germany, kind ragards from Germany, Monika
Now the guy Russophilus aka the poor “Würstchen” is collecting donations from his readers to code a new blog software and server software, which is secure enough to run a blog on it, because in his words everything in web technology is coming from the US and so it is always not secure.
Now he wants for his project money to start it.
The most important persons like Dagmar Henn and Thomas Roth, who supplied the most of the interesting articles are gone and distancing now from this weird and satanic Russophilus who destroyed the german saker.
Hello.I’m following the English-speaking original Saker blog. It would be good for Germans Wirth limited knowledge oft English if there was a new German site. Saker 2.0 is rubbish tbh