Dear friends,

A friend of mine has had one of his geese attacked by what appears to be a Florida Panther.  We have grainy footage of the attack taken by a cheapo “night vision capable” camera.  However, both my friend, my wife (a veterinarian) and I are pretty sure that we are dealing with a Florida panther and not a bobcat.  The animal is larger than a bobcat, the body shape is very different, and the animal appears to have a long tail.

You can download the short video by clicking here.

Officially, Florida Panthers only live in southern Florida.  There have been a few unconfirmed sightings in the wilderness areas around Deland, and a few just north of Cape Canaveral.  However, this video might be the proof that Florida Panthers do exist in Central Florida, hundreds of miles north of their “official” habitat as shown here.

If you have good video enhancement skills, I would be most grateful for an enhanced video or still image because I could then pass it on to some of my nature conservancy friends who could make a case with the authorities to recognize parts of Central Florida as a Florida Panther habitat.

Hugs and cheers to all,

The Saker