12th Aug: Car bombs in Zafaraniya and Karrada in Baghdad kill eight and injure another 51. Protesters in Karrada attack security checkpoints and force security personnel to withdraw at anger over the bombing that happened earlier.
12th Aug: Viyan Dikhil, MP of the Kurdistan Alliance is injured along with a number of journalists in a helicopter crash near Sinjar Mountain in Nineveh. The Iraqi Air Force evacuates the MP and the journalists to Iraqi Kurdistan for medical treatment.
13th Aug: Two car bombs have reportedly gone off in Baghdad causing casualties. Eleven people are reported killed.
13th Aug: France decides to ship arms to Iraqi Kurduistan unilaterally while the EU is still undecided. The weapons are expected to be delivered soon.
13th Aug: Khamenei throws his support and that of the Islamic Republic of Iran behind Haider Al Abadi: “I hope that the appointment of a new prime minister of Iraq would resolve the crisis and the formation of a new government and seeking to give a lesson to those who indoctrinate strife in Iraq.”
13th Aug: Qatar welcomes the nomination of Haider Al Abadi as the next Prime Minister of Iraq
13th Aug: The UN is reporting the detention and sexual abuse of over 1500 Christian, Yazidi, Turkoman Shia, and Shabak women, girls and boys by Daash. Atrocities include brutal rape, sexual slavery and the burying alive of minorities. May the Curse of God be on the oppressors!
The UN states that another 30000 refugees on Mount Sinjar are still threatened with the genocide.
13th Aug: Maliki criticizes the US and Saudi Arabia on their support for Haider Al Abadi calling his nomination unconstitutional. Maliki has stated that he will remain in his post till his objection has been ruled on by Federal Court. He stated that he was insisting on “his nomination” to defend the decision made by voters.
13th Aug: Peshmerga fighters claim to have killed 14 Daash fighters in their bombardment of Daash positions around Jalawla. The Peshmergas are planning a fresh assault on the town that they lost two days ago.
Daash has meanwhile raided the homes of security personnel in Jalawla and detained over 40. The men have been transferred to an unknown destination.
13th Aug: Haider Al Abadi has started planning and putting together his government to be by consulting with other political blocs.
13th Aug: Moqtada al Sadr of the Ahrar bloc and Osama al Nujaifi of the Motahedoun Bloc express optimism and their willingness to work closely with the new government. Nujaifi thanked Sadr for his willingness to work towards a unity government and called the appointment of Abadi as a remarkable national achievement.
13th Aug: Iraq plans to increase its oil output from the south of Iraq to 2.4 million barrels per day from the 2.2 million that was produced in July
13th Aug: Massoud Barzani requests the UK to follow the US lead and launch airstrikes against Daash in Iraq.
13th Aug: Kurdish MPs are criticizing statements made by the Chairman of Iran’s Majlis (parliament) Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy Al’eddin Boroujerdi on Monday the 11th where he referred to collusion between Kurdish forces and Daash (please refer to further reading section) as being contrary to realities on the ground.

11th Aug: Where political correctness has brought the UK; Wahabi supporters of Daash distribute pamphlets in Central London: http://rt.com/uk/179968-isis-supporters-uk-extremist/
12th Aug: Sectarian fighting between Shia Houthi rebels and the Islah party in northern Yemen leaves 15 dead. The fighting is on going in the al-Jouf region and both sides are using heavy weapons. The Islah party is believed to be close to the Muslim brotherhood.
13th Aug: Hezbollah calls on the Saudis to stop the trial of Shia Cleric Sheikh Nemer al-Nemer to maintain Islamic Unity.
13th Aug: Daash makes gains in North East Syria and takes over a number of towns around Aleppo: Akhtarin and Turkmanbareh and several villages in the area: Masoudiyeh, Dabiq and Ghouz.
Daash’s takeover of these towns is expected to cut off the supply lines of other rebel groups fighting the Assad regime.

Further reading:
Iranians referring to collusion between the Kurds and Daash early on, before Daash turned its attention east: http://www.shiitenews.com/index.php/iran/11027-us-strikes-against-isil-just-a-show-of-force-iran-mp
Possible Israeli involvement with Daash: