Quote of the day (An Angry Iraqi Shia Relative of the young men killed in Spykar, Tikrit): We will march on Tikrit and seek revenge, revenge I tell you revenge. We will make the Sunni tribes pay, blood has been spilt! Why did they (Sunni tribes) allow them (Daash) to do this? We will destroy Tikrit from the face of this earth. No army in this world can stop us.

28th Aug: 6 German soldiers arrive in Iraqi Kurdistan to coordinate with the Iraqi Government and Kurdish authorities and help facilitate the transfer of military and material aid.
28th Aug: The United States decides to air drop essential supplies to the residents of Amerli and bomb besieging Daash forces.
28th Aug: Moqtada Al Sadr meets with Ammar al-Hakim of the Islamic Supreme Council and releases a statement: We agree on the need to do a real partnership in Iraq to meet the security challenges in the country.
Sadr has also stated that he acted on the wishes of the Marja (Sistani) when he opposed Nouri Al Maliki and made sure the latter had to step down.
28th Aug: Nechirvan Barzani, President of Iraqi Kurdistan’s regional government travels to Turkey and meets with its President Erdogan and the new Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
28th Aug: An American Jury in Washington DC is deliberating the fate of 4 American Blackwater Mercenaries/murderers responsible for indiscriminately shooting at more than 30 Iraqis in Baghdad in 2007. The shooting had resulted in the deaths of 14 and had wounded another 18.
28th Aug: Collapse of Daash: Peshmerga forces are making rapid progress in taking back Zammar and Ain Zala to the north west of Mosul in Nineveh. Peshmergas are advancing from four directions and the Iraqi Air Force and US warplanes are carrying out airstrikes on Daash fighters in the area. In some cases, and in a reversal of sorts, Daash fighters are abandoning their weapons and fleeing.
18 Daash fighters are picked up by advancing Peshmergas to the west of Zammar. 19 vehicles belonging to Daash are destroyed in air strikes.
The Peshmergas are reported close to the centre of town. Daash fighters are mingling with civilians in an attempt to flee.
Daash fighters burn oil drums in Ain Zala in an attempt to slow down advancing Peshmerga fighters.
28th Aug: Another blow for Higher Education in Daash’s Iraq: Ibrahim al-Fahdawi, Dean of the Agricultural Department at the University of Ramadi is killed in a possible road side bombing cum assassination.
28th Aug: Iraqi Security Forces are gathering their forces outside of Tuz Khurmato preparing to liberate Amerli. They are being backed by Shia militias.
28th Aug: Daash terrorists attack and destroy two shrines belonging to the Kakayeen Kurdish clan in Hamdania, Nineveh. 20000 families are displaced by Daash in Hamdania.
28th Aug: Peshmerga fighters attack two vehicles carrying weapons near Jalawla and kill and injure 8 Daash fighters.

29th Aug: Mishan al-Jubouri, the former MP of Salah al Din province states that 280 bodies of Shia recruits killed at the Spykar military base have been returned to relatives in Iraq. The rest of the bodies are still buried in mass graves near Spykar base.
29th Aug: Police Personnel in Anbar are demanding better weapons from the Government in Baghdad in order to fight Daash and take back control of towns and cities in Anbar.

30th Aug: Peshmerga forces enter Zammar
30th Aug: Mwafaq Hawijah Ali a leader of Daash dies from his injuries and proceeds to hell. He was injured in a failed attack on the Baiji Refinery.
30th Aug: MashAllah: The Iraqi Ministry of Defence announces the freeing of 6 villages in Amerli and the destruction of 5 tanks and 5 vehicles belonging to Daash and the culling of 59 Daash Terrorist. Fa Inaa HizbAllah hum fi Ghalibun.
30th Aug: Peshmerga forces carry out a large scale attack to the west of Mosul under US air cover. The aim is to purge Daash from the area.
30th Aug: a Suicide bomb attack on the Mahmudiyah district of Southern Baghdad has left a number of people dead and injured.
30th Aug: US airplanes target and destroy 7 vehicles of Daash fighters near Mosul Dam.
30th Aug: Issuing resolutions that neither Israel nor its patsy Daash wants to follow: The UN passes resolution number 2175 that calls for the protection of UN workers in conflict zones.
30th Aug: Shamelessness: American Secretary of State, who resembles the living dead, John Kerry calls for a broad alliance of nations that will help fight Daash. In a cruel and tragic irony this alliance will include, champion of Poisoned Islam, Saudi Arabia, and American stooge Jordan.
30th Aug: Sunni uprising against a Sunni uprising: Qasim al-Fahdawi, MP from Anbar, states that Tribes in Anbar are drawing up plans to rise up and take back cities under Daash control.
30th Aug: To the victor the spoils: Semi Formal negotiations for Abadi’s future cabinet have distributed Iraq’s ministries as follows:
Shias (National Alliance): Defense and Foreign
Kurds: Oil
Sunnis: Interior
Negotiations are ongoing with the National Alliance still insisting more ministries based on its vote share.
30th Aug: The flesh trade: 300 Yazidi girls are sold by Daash to its fighters in Syria

31st Aug: US aircraft carry out raids on Daash positions around Amerli and airdrop supplies for its residents
The US also carries out 5 airstrikes on Daash Vehicles in the north near Mosul Dam
31st Aug: Salim al-Jubouri, Speaker of Iraq’s Parliament arrives in Babil to inspect the situation on the ground first hand. Conflict is still raging in Babil where security Forces are trying to remove Daash that had occupied the north of Babil on the 10th of June.
31st Aug: Prime Minister of arguably the second most racist country on Earth, where refugees are interred in Desert Caps (Prisons), Tony Abbot, states that the aircraft of his countries Air Force will help the American’s deliver arms to the Kurds.
31st Aug: Rambo to the rescue: US Veterans send a message to a Kurdish Media Outlet stating that they are willing to volunteer in the Peshmergas to help fight Daash.
31st Aug: Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan of the Iranian Ministry of Defense states that Iran is coordinating with Iraqi Forces to ensure the safety of the Iran Iraq Border and that Daash is a phenomenon (project) that Iraq will wipe out on its own.
31st Aug: One time front man of the Americans, Ahmad Chalabi of the Iraqi National Party meets with Massoud Barzani in Erbil to discuss the security and political situation in Iraq.
31st Aug: Iraqi Security forces aided by Peshmerga fighters and backed by Shia militias start to attack Daash and lift the siege of Amerli.
Fighters of Sadr’s Salam Brigades enter the town of Amerli amidst heavy fighting. Iraqi Security Forces and Peshmerga fighters break the siege and the back of Daash.
Local “Shia” militias attack and free three towns to the east of Tikrit. They were backed by the Iraqi Air Force.
The Peshmergas are reporting that the Daash fighters they are now facing have lost their “will.” They are using mosque loudspeakers to ask their fighters to leave the areas of Sulieman Bek.
The Peshmergas retake three villages in Sulaiman Bek.
31st Aug: 3 Martyred men and 8 injured “Shia” militia fighters are brought to a hospital in Tuz Khurmato. They were injured fighting Daash around Amerli.
But do not think of those that have been slain in God’s cause as dead. Nay, they are alive! With their Sustainer have they their sustenance (3:169)
31st Aug: Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, a Turkoman Minister, confirms that Government forces and Shia militias have broken the siege of Amerli. He fails to give credit to the Peshmergas that were also fighting.
Like the Nazis fleeing Soviet troops and surrendering to Allied Armies, Daash fighters flee towards the Peshmergas and away from Shia Militias. The Peshmergas report arresting/capturing 36 Daash fighters in their attack on Amerli.

1st Sep: The UN decides to hold a special session that will oversee the dispatching of UN teams to investigate the human rights abuses carried out by Daash. The session was requested by Iraq and backed by both Iran and the US.
1st Sep: Marthiya Afkham, of the Iranian Foreign Ministry congratulates the Iraqi Security Forces, Government, Sistani, and the people of Amerli for breaking the siege of Daash.
1st Sep: Obama plans a visit to Eastern Europe, Estonia, and then the UK to discuss NATO’s expansion, aid to Georgia, the US made crisis in the Ukraine, and the failed US projects of Iraq and Afghanistan.
1st Sep: President of Iraq, Fuad Masum, states that the first priority of the Iraqi Government, on whose formation he states there is considerable progress, will be fighting and defeating Daash.
1st Sep: Ezzat Saber, Minister of Natural Resources in Iraqi Kurdistan, resigns over rising fuel prices.
1st Sep: Protesters gather outside the Kurdish Parliament demanding that the Natural Resources Committee in parliament resign over rising fuel prices. They stated that the rise in prices was senseless as Iraq controls 5% of the world’s oil reserves.
1st Aug: Peshmerga and Iraqi Security Forces carry out a joint operation and surround the sub district of Sulaiman Bek. The morale of Daash fighters is believed to be low and many are fleeing the area.
The Peshmergas and Iraqi Army liberate Suleiman Bek
1st Sep: War crime: Daash terrorists blow up a Yazidi shrine while 15 elderly Yazidis are still inside
1st Sep: The Peshmergas kill 4 Daash terrorist including a would be suicide bomber as they attack a Peshmerga check post on the outside of Jalawla

2nd Sep: Relatives of those killed at the Spykar Military base protest over the deaths of their loved ones at what can only be described as complete incompetence and arrogance on the part of the Head of the Armed Forces Maliki and his rotten Generals. They enter and occupy the Iraqi Parliament Building in Baghdad, set fire to property and break down doors out of anger. May God grant them patience and may they take solace in the grieving of Imam Hussain (as).
Security Forces are called in to control the situation after casualties are reported. The bodyguards of a number of MPs were also beaten up.
2nd Sep: Robert Stephen Beecroft, the US Ambassador to Iraq, has called on the National Alliance and has reportedly applied “pressure” on it to relent and meet some of the demands being made by the mostly Sunni Iraqi forces coalition.
2nd Sep: The Basra police arrest a man 75 km to the north of Basra believed to be a financer of Daash. He was in the possession of counterfeit currency.
2nd Sep: Iyad Allawi of the National Coalition states that he is expected to play a big role in the next government of national reconciliation.
2nd Sep: Hollande of France tells the visiting, one of many dime a barrel Princes, Crown Prince Salman Abdulaziz that France will help Iraq (Kurds) fight Daash.
2nd Sep: A village of the Al-Zarkosh tribe in Hamrin, Diyala is under constant Mortar attack. The Shia tribe has been supporting the government against the insurgency. It is now complaining of a total lack of security or political assistance from the government. More than 280 members of the tribe have been killed so far.
The governor of Diyala, Amer al-Majmaee, has stated that the attack carried out on the Musaib bin Omair mosque that resulted in over 40 fatalities was carried out by three members of the Al-Zarkosh tribe.
2nd Sep: Daash withdraws its forces from Daqouq after the breaking of its siege of Amerli by Iraqi Security Forces.
Clashes are now taking place in al Mutassim near Samarra after Daash attacked security forces there.
2nd Sep: A mourning ceremony is held to commemorate those Peshmergas killed in freeing Yakinja, on the outskirts of Suliman Bek, Salah al Din province. A commander of the Peshmerga forces, Harbi Kokhie and Brigadier Sheikh Serbest were amongst those martyred fighting Daash terrorists. The ceremony was overseen by the former President of Iraq Jalal Talibani.
2nd Sep: Peshmerga forces are preparing to attack and take back the Christian town of Tilkaif, 15 kilometers to the north of Mosul. The US is carrying out air strikes on Daash positions inside the town to soften them up for the Peshmergas. The Curse of God on the Oppressors (Daash)!
Nowhere to hide: US airplanes have also hit Daash targets near Mosul Dam.
2nd Sep: Daash admits to its defeat in Amerli and to the collapse of its siege of the town. It claims that the Shias needed 5000 troops to free a town surrounded by less than 150 Daash fighters.

3rd Sep: PsyOps: Iraqi Air Force drops leaflets over Mosul warning residents to stay away from Daash’s headquarters about to be bombed and to avoid Daash vehicles to avoid being hit.
Daash evacuates its headquarters that are later bombed by the Americans.
3rd Sep: Maliki decides to include the residents of Amerli into those entitled to receive aid under the displaced nationals’ category. He also talks at length about the impeding defeat of Daash “The coming days will prove that Iraq will be a graveyard for ISIS who began fleeing from Salahuddin, Diyala and Mosul.”
Maliki also suggests the forming of a militia of volunteer fighters from Amerli and states that the resilience of the people of the town should be an example for all Iraqis.
3rd Sep: The National Alliance states that it has been unable to comply with the decree of religious authorities (Marjas) and reduce the number of Ministries being set up. It has run into political, legal, and constitutional difficulties in trying to form a lean government.
3rd Sep: Tribal leaders from Anbar have voiced their support for the Iraqi Government and Haider Al Abadi and its fight against terrorism. They have requested the government to empower and allow local fighters to take on the terrorists occupying the cities of Ramadi, Fallujah and towns bordering Syria.
3rd Sept: 10 people belonging to volunteer militias are injured in a car bombing in the centre of Samarra, near the Imam Al Askari (as) Shrine.
3rd Sep: Mohammad Karim al-Rubaie, advisor to the Governor of Diyala, is killed in clashes with Daash fighters in a village near Amerli. Al Rubaie was also a member of Sadr’s Al Salam brigade. He was killed in clashes between Daash and the Security Forces, volunteer militia fighters, and Al Salam brigade fighters.
3rd Sept: Haider Al Abadi, Prime Minister in waiting, states that the perpetrators of the mass killing of recruits at Spykar base will be punished. He also added that anyone who has harmed Iraqis in this turbulent period will be pursued and brought to justice.
3rd Sep: The changing of tunes: America’s lackey, and forever two faced British Prime Minister David Cameroon refers to Daash as being a threat to the people of Iraq, Syria, Britain, and most importantly, his beloved USA
3rd Sep: UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, reacts to the killing of journalist Steven Sotloff and refers to the situation in Iraq as outrageous.
3rd Sept: Obama sends in another 350 “Advisors” to Iraq, raising the total number to 820.
3rd Sep: The Iraqi Army has taken back control of Al Atheem dam in the north of Baqouba. The army’s operation was supported by air strikes and resulted in the death of an unknown Daash commander (Emir)
3rd Sep: Iraqi Security Forces capture a Chinese member of Daash and release his picture. He appears badly bruised in the face. China has estimated that 30 of its nationals are fighting for Daash.
3rd Sep: Govt claims for the day:
20 Daash fighters are killed in air strikes in Dhuluiya, south of Tikrit
More Daash fighters are killed in air strikes on Tikrit including a local Daash leader Khairallah Nayef al-Janabi
45 Daash/rebel fighters killed in Fallujah including a Saudi national in air strikes in Fallujah
3rd Sep: 9 bodies are found in Baghdad in what appear to be summary executions

4th Sep: Statement of the family of murdered US journalist Steven Sotloff:
4th Sep: Kurdish and Yazidi fighters carry out a joint security operation and ambush and kill 6 Daash fighters in Sinjar
4th Sep: Haider Al Abadi, Prime Minister in Waiting of Iraq, requests the EU for assistance in fighting Daash
4th Sep: Pope Francis to the Christians of Iraq “the Church is hurting with you and is proud of you.”
4th Sep: Fiedel Castro refers to Daash as being an instrument of US Israeli project aimed at extending their control of the region.
4th Sep: Iraqi Security Forces are hit by a suicide bomber in the south of Tikrit; 7 dead and 17 wounded.
4th Sep: A mass grave is discovered in Sulaiman Bek. It contains 24 bodies believed to be of kidnapped truck drivers.
4th Sep: Shia Peace Brigade Militia fighters’ state that killed 30 Daash fighters in a village on the outskirts of Amerli. They state that the fire fight lasted 6 hours.
4th Sep: Governor of Nineveh, Atheel al-Nujaifi, probably out of fear of reprisals, states that only forces of the Iraqi Government: Army and police, will be allowed to enter the province.
4th Sep: Qais al-Khazali, leader of the Shia sectarian militia Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, calls on all Iraqis to stand up and throw Daash out of Iraq. He refers to Daash as being cowardly and that the government of Iraq will support any group fighting the terrorists.
4th Sep: Villagers in Tal Ali burn a Daash flag and a position of Daash after Daash fighters leave the area. Daash later returns in force and kidnaps 25 villagers.

2nd Sep: Saudi Arabia arrests 88 of its nationals on terrorism charges and referred to them as having “misguided ideology” and as being those that “glorify terrorist acts.”
Some of those arrested had been prisoners earlier and had been released after going through Saudi Arabia’s Deqaidafication program.
2nd Sep: Israeli sense of humour, predictably based on productivity: Israel announces plans to develop a colony on land it occupied in the West Bank; as much as 400 hectares. The reason for stealing the land was that the Palestinians were not cultivating it with the required intensity.
3rd Sep: Egyptian Religious Athority, the Dar Al Ifta, issues a fatwa against online fraternizing between men and women. The Fatwa reads “as many experiences in our present time prove that this opens the door for evil and frivolity, an entrance for Satan, and is a source of corruption and sedition.” A similar ruling by Iran’s Khamenie also exists.
3rd Sep: Bosnia arrests 16 individuals accused of collecting funds and recruiting fighters to fight for Daash in Syria and Iraq.
4th Sep: Canadian nationals that joined Al Qaida were involved in the interrogation of US journalists Theo Curtis and Matt Schrier. The captors are also believed to have sent the family members of the hostages letters purporting to be from the hostages, stolen money from the accounts of the hostages, and bought electronic equipment from Ebay using stolen funds. Every single act is contrary to Islam.
4th Sep: Going Native: 100 or more Americans fighting on the side of Daash:
4th Sep: US Internet Companies have decided to remove videos and images being posted by Jihadists. The reason they state is that they do not want to become instruments of (enemy-my word) propaganda.
4th Sep: How to be an Asshole: Pakistani Cricketer Ahmed Shehzad tells Sri Lankan Cricket player Tillakarante Dilshan to convert to Islam and go to heaven.
4th Sep: Al Qaeda has established a new branch for the Indian sub continent. Its head is going to be Pakistani Asim Umar and it will concentrate on the regions of Kashmir, Ahmadabad, Assam, and Burma. The sub continent has seen a huge growth in Wahabism with many traditional Orthodox Sunni Muslims becoming the minority. The Petro Dollar has financed a large number of Mosques, Trusts, and Madarsas in the region.
4th Sep: Iranian intelligence reports having thwarted attempts by foreign intelligence services of recruiting Iranian Nuclear Scientists

Further Reading:
Unabashed and to the point: http://takimag.com/article/keep_your_friends_close_unless_theyre_in_washington_taki#axzz3CJtZwLgq
The Women of Daash:

Short Analysis: 1700 dead Shia service men, who is responsible? Daash or Maliki?
This is a very short analysis. But the links are very interesting. This first explains the fall of Northern Iraq and the complete mismanagement by Maliki. Maliki has tried to conceal his complete incompetence by referring to it as a conspiracy:
This second talks about the way in which the 1700 Shia service men were executed. As commander of the Iraqi Security Forces and after having the power and authority to pick his commanders, Maliki is directly responsible for the manner in which the base was evacuated and the 1700 recruits literally led to their deaths.
In the last part of this article it can be seen how Maliki is still trying to hold on to power by pushing his favourites for key ministries:
I am glad Maliki has gone. But if one of my relatives had died at Spykar because of this bureaucrat’s incompetence, I would want to take more than just power from him.