
29 Jul. NATO has sponsored a project involving Romanian and Ukrainian scientists to monitor river pollution on the Tisza river. This is a major source of drinking water for the region and passes through Uzhhord. This is a major town situated close to the border with Romania. This strikes me as an opportunity to insert SIS types into the region under NGO/environmentalist cover.

5 Aug. The head of the region, deputy Valeriy Lunchenko claimed there were a few dozen citizens of the Russian Federation inciting the local people to protest against mobilisation. Lunchenko claimed that mobilisation is not forced and all moblised persons are volunteers.

7 Aug. Reports of the protesters acting against mass military mobilisation in the Transcarpathia region are turning into a full scale uprising. Local residents are blocking the roads, stopping trains and are taking over the control of places of strategic importance. The town of Mukachevo is at the heart of the rebellion. Protesters have also taken actions in the Mukachevo region: villages of Chervenovo, Domboki and Strabichevo, in the Beregove region: villages of Gat and Muzhievo and four towns in the Hustsky region

19 Aug. 1500 Ukrainian troops sent to Transcarpathia to control possible separatist action forming a second front. The effect of this has been exacerbated by the arrival of a similar number of trained volunteers in the east.

20 Aug. More than 100 activists from Irshava district rallied near the Transcarpathian Regional Administration. One of their main demands was to enforce the district council decision whereby two-thirds of the deputies passed a motion of no confidence in the head of Irshava District State Administration, a member of the Svoboda party Vasyl Svichkar.

24 Aug. Kiev passes decree intended to popularize signs of Ukrainian patriotism and to prohibit the use of the coat of arms, flag and anthem of undemocratic regimes. In particular, totalitarian, self-proclaimed quasi-state formations, terrorist, separatist organizations or groups. This is obviously aimed at Novorossian symbology.

25 Aug. Migration Service of Ukraine acts in Transcarpathia to identify illegally residing foreign & stateless persons.

26 Aug. Transcarpathians from western Ukraine will join the resisistance in the International Rusyn Battalion of Lugansk Republic.

27 Aug. Reports from Delatyn that the 5th Battalion of the Carpathian defence force has deserted from from the front in the south east. This video shows a battle-scarred convoy en route presumably back to Transcarpathia.


10 Jul. An article in the New York times mentions that Strelkov, described as a former intelligence agent, fought in the post-Soviet conflicts in Transnistria, Serbia and Chechnya. I like their further description – “Mr. Strelkov, a native Muscovite whose real name is Igor Girkin, is a figure as mysterious as he is fearsome”. Can we look forward to him reappearing in Transnistria in the near future? If the Novorossia story is ever filmed, will there be a rejuvenated Sean Connery playing his part saying “My name is Strelkov…. Igor Strelkov” in a soft Scottish-Russian accent? Stay tuned.

27 Jul. Ukraine starts construction of a large ditch 3.5 m wide and 2-3 m deep, along the whole border with Transnistria. The intent is to stop the movement of heavy military equipment and the movement of contraband goods. The US Senate adopted Resolution SR 500 in support of the territorial integrity of Moldova and the condemnation of Russian economic pressure on Moldova. It also calls for the EU to deepen political and economic integration with Moldova. Once more, the EU becomes the fall guy for US foreign policy with respect to Russia.

3 Aug. Reports of concern in Transnistria that Ukraine will attack Tiraspol, the capitol, in order to draw Russia into the conflict, being framed as the aggressor.

11 Aug. Transnistria anounces that it is not preparing to attack anyone, but it is ready to repel any aggression against it.

20 Aug. Transnistria’s government just announced it was mobilizing its military from 21 August.

21 Aug. Transnistria mobilizes its army. All employees of state agencies will undergo combat training. Russian official visits region.

22 Aug. Following his meeting with Transnistria’s leadership, the Russian vice-premier Dmitriy Rogozin noted that even at this very difficult time Russia will continue supporting its compatriots.

26 Aug. More American soldiers are spotted at a bar in Moldova. Keep in mind the military build up in Transnistria. Moldova proposes introducing legislation making it a criminal offence to promote ‘separatism’ and ‘extremism’.

28 Aug. Ukraine has increased the scope of its existing regulations preventing the passage of Russian males aged 18-60 across the border with Transnistria to include children, women and elderly people.


The Wiki links (with obvious caveats) Transcarpathia, Zakarpatia oblast and Transnistria form a starting point. Given the complex ethography, history and politics of both regions, there are multiple interpretations of events, which must be borne in mind. Anonther source is the blog Springtime of Nations in which the author looks at the emergence of small states throughout the world, including seccession movements in the US. The interpetation of both regions seems to come from a conventional US/Western perspective, especially regarding foreign policy. He also considers the Armenia/Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, which is another proxy for US/Russia conflict.