When the Serbian Saker Team Leader emailed me last Sunday to let me know that the new Serbian Saker Blog was ready, I did not realize that it was on the day when the Church commemorates Saints Cyril and Methodius, who laid the basis for the contemporary Cyrillic script used by 252 million people in Eurasia.

By the prayers of Saint Cyril and Methodius, may the new Serbian Saker blog be successful and reach many people!

The Saker

SS Cyril and MethodiusTroparion

    O Cyril and Methodius, inspired by God,
    You became equal to the Apostles by your life.
    Since you were teachers of the Slavs,
    Intercede with the Master of all
    That He may strengthen all Orthodox peoples in the True Faith,
    And that He may grant peace to the world
    And great mercy to our souls.


    Let us praise the two priests of God who enlightened us,
    And poured upon us the fount of the knowledge of God by translating the Holy Scripture.
    O Cyril and Methodius, as abundant learning has been drawn from this work,
    We exalt you who now stand before the Most High,
    Interceding with fervor for the salvation of our souls.