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Posts From amarynth

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nightvision for the Saker Blog Firstly, the biggest news at the forefront is that the Mariupol situation appears to be nearing a possible conclusion. We reported last time that one prominent source said Azovstal would be fully resolved by 4/30 (today), while Sladkov said days ago that Azov had about 9 days of food left, which by now would put them at maybe 6 days or less, by those

Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 

Machine Translated and then refined by The Saker’s Team of Translators Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, spoke about the tasks of the Russian special operation and the role of the United States in supporting neo-Nazis in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. And also-about the near future of Europe, the Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves and sanctions, and what changes are waiting for our country in the near

What is the Collective West?

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Introduction Western State propaganda mouthpieces like the BBC or CNN, their journalists abundantly supplied and rewarded by their spy services, love to talk about ‘the international community’. They substituted this new phrase for the old one of ‘the free world’ in the 1990s. Of course, both phrases are nonsense. What did/do they actually mean? The Free World The 1740 Imperialist anthem ‘Rule, Britannia’ has

Can NATO Re-Arm Ukraine?

Kiev is Losing Stuff Faster than the West can Send it by James Tweedie for the Saker Blog The stated aims of Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine include the de-Nazification and demilitarisation of the Kiev regime. In opposition, the NATO member states led by the US are arming the Ukraine and its Nazi battalions, while sending thousands of “volunteers”, “advisors” and other mercenaries to fight with the aim of

Empire of Lies Eager to Receive Mr. Sarmat’s Business Card

The only antidote to propaganda dementia is served by sparse voices of reason, which happen to be Russian, thus silenced and/or dismissed. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Especially since the onset of GWOT (Global War on Terror) at the start of the millennium, no one ever lost money betting against the toxic combo of hubris, arrogance and ignorance serially deployed by the Empire of

Svetlana Pikta Interviews Yuri Podolyaka About Transnistria Conflict

The newer Saker Community Translations team recently uploaded videos to BitChute with hard subtitles. If problems occur with making the below embedded video full-screen, go to this link: Yuri Podolyaka is an analyst who recently had his channel terminated on YouTube ( There is an English dubbed unofficial channel version made by one of his subscribers: ( He can also be found on VK ( and Telegram ( The

Anatoly Shariy – Embargo Failure

The newer Saker Community Translations team recently uploaded videos to BitChute with hard subtitles. If problems occur with making the below embedded video full-screen, go to this link: Bridging the communication gap about gas, oil and tankers, money and the failure of embargoes!

Open thread for today and a few notes

The news just does not stop coming.  In the big scheme of things, China is completely and unreservedly committed to Russia and the concept of mutual and indivisible security and a true multipolarity in the world. CHINA WEIGHS IN “While Europe and the international community are calling to end the war, the US continues to fan the flames and is ready to fight to the last Ukrainian.” “The US continues

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nightvision for the Saker Blog Large amount of significant updates today. Let’s start with the most pressing – it looks like our reporting on the Transnistria RUMINT last time were accurate, the escalations there are now getting worse. More and more info pours out from every direction that suggests an increasingly grave situation. Poland and Ukraine both have now announced military ‘exercises’ that will conveniently move equipment towards the

President Putin met with members of the Council of Lawmakers

Speech at the Council of Lawmakers meeting President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues. I would like to welcome all of you to our traditional meeting. I would like to congratulate you on the Day of Russian Parliamentarism, you and your colleagues, senators and deputies at all levels, legislative body staff and, of course, veteran MPs. In May, the Council of Lawmakers will be 10 years old. We have all seen for ourselves that this format is useful and essential. As it coordinates the drafting of laws, following the principles of federalism, the Council facilitates the balanced development

The Schrödinger euros

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog What ? Payment in Rubles ?? Unthinkable, don´t even mention the word say EU officials and authorities. Instead, Europe has formally demanded to pay for Russian imports with Schrödinger euros as explained below. So it´s high time for psychiatrists to step in as the livelihood of 800 million Europeans depends on whatever this incredible set of un-elected delusional EU leaders decide. Let´s get

Fascism in Ukraine: Past and Present. 2014-2022

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog I wrote this particular piece in 2014/15 just after the February 2014 coup. As it turned out the coup has evolved into a greater political and strategic military conflict – orchestrated by outside forces, the western NATO bloc, and carried out by internal neo-nazi forces in the west of the Ukraine. These far-right factions have changed their names and a leadership which rotates

Faina Savenkova: Letters from the front.

Hello, great-grandfather Vasily! We are again on the eve of the Victory Day. And I want to ask your forgiveness. Forgive us for failing, forgetting about your exploits and war heroes. In the eternal disputes we have lost the main thing – our history. After all, you defended Moscow, froze in the Belarusian swamps, liberated Prague. And now they say that it was in vain. That your victory was an

Nasrallah: the Liberation of Palestine is Imminent

Translation:  Resistance News Speech of Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on the Al-Quds (Jerusalem) pulpit on the eve of the International Al-Quds Day, April 26, 2022. Al-Quds International Day is celebrated every last Friday of the Holy Month of Ramadan. This year, it will be held on Friday 29th. Before this occasion, a Virtual Quds Forum is held each year via video conference, as a “Unified Platform” that gathers leaders,

President Putin and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: Meeting April 26, 2022 President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Secretary-General, I am very happy to see you. As one of the founders of the United Nations and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, Russia has always supported this universal organisation. We believe the UN is not simply universal but it is unique in a way – the international community does not have another organisation like it. We are doing all we can to support the principles on which it rests, and we intend to continue doing this in the future. We

Macron re-election win no win for Iran, JCPOA or Muslims

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog and cross-posted with PressTV The re-election of Emmanuel Macron is being celebrated by Brussels, high finance and his “bourgeois bloc” of core French supporters, but Macron’s record shows that Muslims and Muslim nations anticipate little reason to celebrate. After Macron’s victory the Iranian foreign ministry called for face-to-face talks to resume on the JCPOA pact on Iran’s nuclear energy program “as soon as
