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Posts From amarynth

Ugly Truth Behind Devastating Armenian Defeat In Karabakh Was Revealed

South Front Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan led Armenian forces to collapse in the Nagorno-Karabakh war and lost Shusha because he was refusing to accept Russian peacekeepers and allow displaced Azerbaijani citizens to return. This was revealed by Russian President Vladimir Putin during answers to media questions on November 17. “On October 19-20, I had a series of telephone conversations with both President Aliyev and Prime Minister Pashinyan. And then

Expert explains Yemen’s global strategic value & why US/Saudis want it Video link: Description: An expert on Yemen, Hassan Shaaban, explains the global strategic importance of Yemen and its Bab al-Mandeb waterway, and thus underlines the motives of the American-Saudi military campaign in the impoverished country. Source: Al-Manar TV via Kalam Siyasi (YouTube Channel) Date: Oct 25, 2020 (Important Note: Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing as little as $1/month here: Transcript:   Hassan Shaaban, Expert in Yemeni

A Delegated System of Governance Part IV: Sample Administrative Report Cards of 3 Khalifahs

By Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, “In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. When I began about this topic, I imagined three clear cut, fast-tracked, and concise essays. Sort of like condensed Reader’s Digest version of things. As I wrote, I felt compelled to go into additional explanations regarding some circumstances so that those unfamiliar with the subject could gain better grasp of things

The Secret Agenda of the World Bank and IMF

by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) work hand in glove – smoothly. Not only are they regularly lending huge sums of money to horror regimes around the world, but they blackmail poor nations into accepting draconian conditions imposed by the west. In other words, the WB and the IMF are guilty of the most atrocious human rights abuses. You couldn’t

The Long Goodbye of Social-Democracy

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog The ongoing process of political degeneration which has been happening in the UK Labour Party is basically part of a deep-going movement which has been taking place in all left-of-centre parties in Europe. In political/ideological terms, they have been swept away by the rampaging neo-liberal globalist forces – circa 1980 onwards and have, like good little boys and girls, trimmed their sails to

Where’s Donald? When 40% of voters cry ‘fraud’ you’ve got a big problem

By Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog and cross-posted with Press TV I think everybody would like 2020 to be over, and that we’d all like the US election to be over, but journalists shouldn’t stop accurately reporting just because the news is unpleasant. “Breaking news: Plane lands safely!” It just doesn’t work that way in life or journalism. We can’t give out participation medals and say it doesn’t really

Russian Karabakh And Other Consequences Of Armenian-Azerbaijani War

South Front Results of the Nagorno-Karabakh war continue shaping the balance of power of the South Caucasus. The ceasefire regime established as a result of the Russian diplomatic intervention and the deployment of the Russian peacekeeping force in the region nears the end of its first week. As the outcome of the war, Azerbaijan achieved an important victory over Armenian forces and seized the symbolic Armenian stronghold of Shusha. Baku

RCEP hops on the New Silk Roads

by Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted on Asia Times Ho Chi Minh, in his eternal abode, will be savoring it with a heavenly smirk. Vietnam was the – virtual – host as the 10 Asean nations, plus China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, on the final day of the 37th Asean Summit. RCEP, eight years in the making,

The Bizarre (but predictable) Universe of Serbian Liberal Elites

By Lazar Radic for the Saker Blog While there may be legitimate reasons to support any given candidate in the US elections -or none- public displays of hostility towards one such candidate are an odd thing to behold in a country that was bombed not so long ago at the stroke of his rival’s pen. In this short article, I would like to advance four theories which might help explain

Who’s World Order??

By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog In his Foreign Policy article of April 2020, Biden states that he will reverse Trump’s embarrassing foreign policy record by standing up to both China, Russia and other totalitarian nations which represent the three-fold plague of “authoritarianism, nationalism and illiberalism” and “once more have America lead the world”. Biden went further promising to undo the harm Trump has done to NATO by re-enforcing

Biden Transition Team Says First Amendment is Flawed Because It Permits “Hate Speech”

from Paul Craig Roberts I told you this would happen. No one is to be allowed to speak against the official explanations: Biden’s transition team defines truth as hate speech. Truth is what the Democrat left, military/security complex, and presstitutes don’t want spoken or written. “All speech is not equal,” declared Biden transition leader Richard Stengal, a former presstitute for MSNBC. “Truth” is reserved for what serves the anti-white

‘Bidenism’ domestically: no free press, no lawyer, one-party state? (2/2)

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV For months the United States’ corporate-dominated media has terrified everyone with promises of right-wing militias taking to the streets, but here’s the thing: the pressures currently being put on 70 million Trump supporters is exponentially raising the possibility of that actually occurring, not reducing it. It is ghastly illuminating to see just how quickly – and with such disregard for modern human rights

Update Transcript : Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov – wide ranging news conference with Russian and foreign journalists on international politics.

  Formal Transcript: Sergey Lavrov: Good afternoon, colleagues. We have not met for a long time, for understandable reasons, but the pandemic is not the only matter of concern for us. Many other developments are underway around the world, including close to Russia’s borders and other regions where Russia has legitimate interests. This is why I was delighted to meet with you today in this format. I am at your

Russia Returns To Power Game In Red And Arabian Seas

South Front For the first time since the collapse of the USSR, Russia is establishing a naval base close to vital maritime supply lines. The Russian government revealed on November 11 that Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved a draft agreement on creating a naval logistics base in Sudan and gave instructions to submit a proposal to the president on signing the document. The draft deal was submitted by the Defense

CNN’s Jake Tapper: The foreman/overseer keeping all journalists in line (1/2)

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV CNN anchorman Jake Tapper is one of the most widely-seen journalists in the United States, and a recent tweet of his revealed just how very much careerism it takes to climb the ladder so high. As the US mainstream media continued its unconstitutional and absurd insistence that both the presidential election is over and that discussion around it must cease, a miffed Tapper

Russian Troops Took Control Of Lachin Corridor, Other Key Areas In Nagorno-Karabakh

South Front The Russian peacekeeping force has entered the Nagorno-Karabakh region and is working to establish 16 observation points to monitor the ceasefire regime. According to updated information, the core of the force is made up of units of the 15th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade “Alexandria” and the Military Police. Russian forces have already taken control of the Lachin corridor, which links Armenia with Karabakh. The Armenian town of Goris

Leadership Of Armenia: How To Lose Territories And Surrender Interests For Dummies

South Front Armenia is in a deep political crisis after losing the war in Nagorno-Karabakh and signing a peace deal with Azerbaijan. Despite Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s claims that “the loser is only he who thinks himself defeated,” agreeing to the peace deal was in fact the least Armenia could do to salvage a situation which was becoming more untenable for Yerevan with each passing day. In its turn,

“Teacher d’assumption’s statement – Reframing the racism debate”

By Leo Abina – A concerned World Citizen – for the Saker Blog Going back as far as I can remember, the story of what my dad’s 1930s primary school teacher would say at the start of every school day has been ingrained in my family’s narrative for half a century. “Whites build locomotives. Negroes can’t produce a needle. Whites are civilized. Negroes are savages.” As he would recount this

Nagorno-Karabakh War Is Over. What Now?

South Front Russian peacekeepers are deploying to Nagorno-Karabakh after a permanent ceasefire was established in the region at 00:00 local time on November 10. 1,970 troops, 90 armored personnel carriers and 380 units of other equipment are set to be deployed in the region. The core of the peacekeeping contingent will be units of the 15th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade. According to the statement signed by President of Azerbaijan Ilham

A 2nd term is his if he really wants it, but how deep is Trump’s ‘Trumpism’?

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV The United States repeatedly has the worst elections of all the Western core democracies. That’s not “Iranian meddling” but Harvard and their 2019 Electoral Integrity Index. They ranked US elections just 57th in the world. One wonders how much further they will fall in this year’s ranking? If we honestly ask if American elections have integrity I think everyone has the same answer,
