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Posts From amarynth

We are all hostages of 9/11

By Pepe Escobar – Posted with permission After years of reporting on the Great War on Terror, many questions behind the US attacks remain unresolved Afghanistan was bombed and invaded because of 9/11. I was there from the start, even before 9/11. On August 20, 2001, I interviewed commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, the “Lion of the Panjshir,” who told me about an “unholy alliance” of the Taliban, al-Qaeda and the ISI

Steve Bannon’s Gift

By Chris Faure for The Saker Blog If you thought that the demonization of Russia and incessant Russophobia over the past years from the West, with hardly a highly likely shred of evidence, was unconscionable and the absolute pinnacle of all demonization campaigns ever, get ready for the demonization of China. In true Hollywood Blockbuster style, the China Fear campaign promises to be bigger and better theater than the complete

Inside story of the first Iran nuclear deal

by Pepe Escobar from Curitiba, Brazil – Posted with permission This is the last of a three-part series from a world exclusive interview with Lula, the former Brazilian president, who remains in jail. Lula on fights with Hillary, talks with Ahmadinejad, Obama ‘good but nervous and too young’ As we advanced past the first hour of a historic interview – see here and here – at a Federal Police building in Curitiba, southern Brazil,

Welcome to the Indo-Russia maritime Silk Road

by Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Modi and Putin discuss business and joint ventures at an economic conference in the Far East There’s no way to follow the complex inner workings of the Eurasia integration process without considering what takes place annually at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. BRICS for the moment may be dead – considering the nasty cocktail of economic brutalism and social intolerance delivered by

The Terrorists Among US – Cyber Terrorists Publicly Expose Themselves

By GH Eliason for The Saker Blog What happens when Intel community figures decide to make you an enemy of the state? How about if they aren’t satisfied with the elected government? Dive in and let’s find out. Lawsuits and Jail Time  Take the clear examples shown below to heart. Your congressmen and senators hire cyber terrorists to manipulate their own constituents in ways that only benefit lobbyist’s clientele and

BRICS was created as a tool of attack: Lula

by Pepe Escobar, Curitiba, Brazil – posted with permission Former Brazilian leader wishes emerging economies were closer, recalls Obama ‘crashing’ Copenhagen climate meet In a wide-ranging, two-hour-plus, exclusive interview from a prison room in Curitiba in southern Brazil, former Brazilian president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva re-emerged for the first time, after more than 500 days in jail, and sent a clear message to the world. Amid the 24/7 media

Skin in the game

by Denis A. Conroy for The Saker Blog Stockholders aboard the good ship “Queen of the Capitalist West” appear to be experiencing a “shiver me timbers” moment. The portentous stockholders aboard the “Queen of the Capitalist West” had come to believe that it was their divine right to assume that only they had the right to dictate who could have skin in the global trading game. But lo and behold,

Lula tells world he’s back in the game from jail

Meanwhile, fires rage in the Amazon and Brazilian President Bolsonaro has become a target of global indignation. By Pepe Escobar from Brazil – posted with permission Brazil has always been a land of superlatives. Yet nothing beats the current, perverse configuration: a world statesman lingers in jail while a clownish thug is in power, his antics now considered a threat to the whole planet. In a wide-ranging, two-hour, world exclusive

All along the watchtower: The follies of history

The ultimate American imperial dream is to engineer a Chinese vassal state By Pepe Escobar, from Cambodia – Posted with permission There must be some kind of way outta here Said the joker to the thief There’s too much confusion I can’t get no relief Business men, they drink my wine Plowmen dig my earth None were level on the mind Nobody up at his word -Bob Dylan, All Along

South Africa – Pretend Marxist Neo-Chiefs Practice Destructive Capitalism

A South African writer for The Saker Blog Let’s set the social scene with a video from Vesti News: People are getting accustomed to living this way. The Neo-Chiefs in the Ruling Party do not care for the minorities, and neither do they care for their own. In the final section, we will return to social issues. Mentioning a second introductory point may be timely for a watch list. If

How Tehran fits into Russia-China strategy

by Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Complex doesn’t even begin to describe the positioning of Iran-Russia in the geopolitical chessboard. What’s clear in our current, volatile moment is that they’re partners, as I previously reported. Although not strategic partners, as in the Russia-China tie-up, Russia-China-Iran remain the crucial triad in the ongoing, multi-layered, long-term Eurasia integration process. A few days after our Asia Times report, an article – based on “senior sources

Hong Kong, Kashmir: a Tale of Two Occupations

By Pepe Escobar : with permission and crossposted with Strategic Culture Readers from myriad latitudes have been asking me about Hong Kong. They know it’s one of my previous homes. I developed a complex, multi-faceted relationship with Hong Kong ever since the 1997 handover, which I covered extensively. Right now, if you allow me, I’d rather cut to the chase. Much to the distress of neocons and humanitarian imperialists, there

Attack on Iran would be an attack on Russia

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Russia is meticulously advancing Eurasian chessboard moves that should be observed in conjunction, as Moscow proposes to the Global South an approach diametrically opposed to Western sanctions, threats and economic war. Here are three recent examples. Ten days ago, via a document officially approved by the United Nations, the Russian Foreign Ministry advanced a new concept of collective security for the Persian Gulf.

The Dragon lays out its road map, denies seeking hegemony

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission The key merit of China’s National Defense in the New Era, a white paper released by the State Council in Beijing, is to clear any remaining doubts about where the Middle Kingdom is coming from, and where it’s going to by 2049, the mythical date to, theoretically, be restored as the foremost global power. Although not ultra-heavy on specifics, the white paper certainly should

PEPE ESCOBAR: US and Iran Stuck on Negotiation Ground Zero

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with Consortium News – by special agreement with the author) All bets are off in the geopolitical insanity stakes when we have the President of the United States (POTUS) glibly announcing he could launch a nuclear first strike to end the war in Afghanistan and wipe it “off the face of the earth” in one week. But he’d rather not, so he doesn’t have to kill

How to kill 10 million Afghans and not win

by Pepe Escobar : Posted with permission “We’re like policemen. We’re not fighting a war. If we wanted to fight a war in Afghanistan and win it, I could win that war in a week. But I don’t want to kill 10 million people. Afghanistan could be wiped off the face of the Earth. I don’t want to go that route.” Even considering the rolling annals of demented Trumpism, bolstered
