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Posts From The Saker

Seymour Hersh leaks the true story about the pseudo-chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun (MUST READ)

source: Intelligence officials doubted the alleged Sarin gas attack at Khan Sheikhoun. WELT AM SONNTAG presents a chat protocol of a security advisor and an active American soldier on duty at a key base in the region.  This conversation was provided to Seymour Hersh. It is betweeen a security adviser and an active US American soldier on duty on a key operational base about the events in Khan Sheikhoun.

NY Times: Are Little China Girls Ever Gonna Fall for Modern Love?

by Ramin Mazaheri I was flying from New York to Silicon Valley on the “Job Creators’ Red Eye”, and I had a chance to catch up on some foreign cultural news from our nation’s paper of record, The New York Times. There was a very interesting item about the extremely backward practices of Asians regarding romance. This partly-ironic, mostly-pitying article focused on China. Immediately, my blood ran cold. It had

Are We in The Final Phase?

by Peter Koenig There is hardly a day that goes by without a terror attack somewhere in the world, emphasis on western world. There were three successive UK terror attacks within less than three months, one in Manchester two in London, where all the ‘terrorists’ – who all yelled coincidentally Allahu Akbar (God is Great) while committing their heinous crimes – were killed. None was left alive for testimony. Since

How Russians would handle ethnic riots

I was recently asked how Russians would handle ethnic riots.  Normally, the regular police would be the first level of defense, but pretty soon the Mobile Special Militia Detachment (OMON) would be called in as they are the regular riot police.  I recently came across a video showing how special riot-suppression forces of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) train for that kind of events.  Though the OMON deal typically with

Understanding Russia: The Continuum of History

by Yameen Khan The United States is actively committed to bring Russia into submission via encirclement and a two pronged attack. NATO’s expansion of bases in vassal states right up to Russia’s borders, coupled with an attempt at encroachment in Syria, should allow The Hegemon to undermine Russia’s underbelly from the Caucasus to Central Asia. To understand how Russians usually respond to Western power a little time travel, starting 1219

Shoygu reported to Vladimir Putin about successful liquidation of the head of ISIS

Source: Translated by Eugenia Today at the working meeting of the Russian Security Counsel the Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu reported to the Commander-in-Chief that the Russian Air Force in Syria liquidated more than 30 field commanders of the terrorist organization ISIS, likely including its leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. The report stated that on the night of May 28 Russian military planes Su-34 and Su-35 struck an ISIS command

How and Why U.S. Honors and Aids Al Qaeda

by Eric Zuesse This will present a typical example in which the U.S. promotes Al Qaeda and other jihadists, and then honors that promotion by calling this PR not “propaganda” as it really is, but instead outstanding “news reporting,” and then honors that “news reporting,” with prestigious ‘journalism’ awards from the Overseas Press Club, and The Peabody. Throughout, the jihadists in Syria are being referred to in these ‘news’-reports as

Russian MoD declares it will shoot down any aircraft flying west of the Euphrates river

RT reports: The Russian Defense Ministry announced it is halting cooperation with its US counterparts in the framework of the Memorandum on the Prevention of Incidents and Ensuring Air Safety in Syria following the coalition’s downing of a Syrian warplane. The ministry has demanded a thorough investigation by the US military command into the incident with the Syrian government military jet, with the results to be shared with the Russian

Macron wins Parliament in landslide: Total failure inevitable

by Ramin Mazaheri That headline is not even a bold statement because Macron has promised austerity and…when has austerity ever worked? It is really that simple. There has been nearly four decades of trickle-down economics and anti-socialist policies, but there has been no promised increase in the standard of living. It has only dropped since the gains of the 1970s, the era of maximum worker power in the West. I

US-led coalition downed Syrian army plane in southern Raqqa – Syrian army statement

Statement by the general command of the army and the armed forces: The oldest flight called the international coalition this afternoon to target one of our fighter planes in the south raqqa region during its execution is a combat mission against ISIS terrorist organization in the area leading to the crash and loss of the pilot. This blatant attack confirms beyond doubt the fact that the American position in support

Russia and Islam, connecting the dots and discerning the future

This article was written for the Unz Review Russia has often been in the news over the past years, mostly as the demonized “Empire of Mordor” responsible for all the bad things on the planet, especially Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton, the Russian intervention in Syria and, of course, the “imminent” Russian invasion of the Baltics, Poland or even all of Western Europe. I won’t even dignify all this puerile

Blood on the tracks of the New Silk Roads: Qatar chaos sends ripples of economic anxiety across the region

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times hina’s cardinal foreign policy imperative is to refrain from interfering abroad while advancing the proverbial good relations with key political actors – even when they may be at each other’s throats. Still, it’s nothing but gut-wrenching for Beijing to watch the current, unpredictable, Saudi-Qatari standoff. There’s no endgame in sight, as plausible scenarios include even regime change and a seismic geopolitical shift in

Leaked email suggests Russophobia campaign prelude to US invasion of Ukraine (

Leaked email suggests Russophobia campaign prelude to US invasion of Ukraine (Note: This leaked email has not yet been verified by WikiLeaks:) Date: 2017-06-14 Source: Pentagon Classification: SECRET/NOFORN/BLTPBJ S E C R E T SECTION 03 OF 1,242 WASHINGTON – 314159265 SUBJECT: Major General protests decision to continue the Russophobia campaign CLASSIFICATION APPROVED BY: CLASSIFIED REASON: 1.4 (b), (d) I strongly urge those reading this email to finally acknowledge that

You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive by Darrell Scott

In the deep dark hills of eastern Kentucky That’s the place where I trace my bloodline And it’s there I read on a hillside gravestone You will never leave Harlan alive Oh, my granddad’s dad walked down Katahrins Mountain And he asked Tillie Helton to be his bride Said, won’t you walk with me out of the mouth Of this holler Or we’ll never leave Harlan alive Where the sun

Fake news? Nobody beats the western media

I love the western Ziomedia.  Not for what they write, but for showing their true face.  Finally.  After decades of pretending like they have some high professional or ethical standards, after years and years of pseudo-objective reporting, these folks have finally dropped their masks and are showing their true face.  We already saw the hysterical, truly maniacal, hate campaign against Trump (and it ain’t over by a long shot) and
