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Saker Analyses and Interviews

A few minor things

Dear friends Quick reminder: we are about to freeze the blog and announce how/where to download the archive from.  I expect the details posted here on Tuesday. I want J.B. to know that I got everything he sent me. Also, FYI – at the end of March I will close down this address for me: Saker Analytics, LLC, 1000 N. West Street, Suite 1200 #1588, Wilmington, DE, USA 19801.  If

Q&A with readers

Dear friends As promised I am posted our Q&A.  Please don’t be too harsh on me, I recorded it without any prior preparations and, of course, I made a few mistakes here and there.  Also, I recorded that on a loud laptop whose fan you can hear in the background.  So this is hardly a polished recording, but I hope that it will be at least of some interest to

The bloody sore on humanity’s conscience

Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. And above all, Thou shalt not be a bystander. Yehuda Bauer Globalize the Intifada! Lowkey Intro – where do we really live? Each society, each country has at least two foundational bases: an official ideology and a number of foundational myths (and these myths can be very close to the historical truth or not).  In the case of

Important news about the blog archive (please read!)

Dear friends, Good news! Herb, my IT guru, has very kindly agreed to host the frozen “” site for one full year. The site will be frozen at the of the day Feb 28. The Saker Italia, Saker Latin America and Saker Serbia will continue to fully function. Also, we will make a “static” archive available for download after Feb 28.  A list the various archive locations  will also be

A few special goodbye messages

Dear friends, I have a few special categories of people I want to say goodbye to with a few short messages.  Here we go: To my moderators Friends, you all are truly the unsung heroes of this blog!  Your job was both 1) absolutely crucial and 2) totally thankless.  And you sure saw it all, from the most hate filled to the most hypocritical, to various degrees of AIs impersonating

How can we stay in touch? (a repeat and summary)

Dear friends, The tsunami of emails expressing their support and understanding has not abated at all!  Many also express sadness, which I very much share.  For me the blog was my “baby” which I “raised” for 16 years, and now this child of mine will go away.  Of course I feel sad, even if I am now 100% sure that this was the right decision. This being said, I really

Various important updates about the blog shutdown

Dear friends I want to share a few updates about the blog shutdown with you: Archiving the blog I have been contacted by several people offering to host an archive of the blog.  When I told them that I want as many locations hosting my blog as possible, they all agreed, which is extremely kind of them and very good news indeed.  Here are a few important details I want

Blog archiving and other issues

Dear friends, WOW!  I truly did not expect such a tsunami of emails and offers of support.  I can’t even begin to tell you how touched I am.  I am especially touched by those who never contacted me in the past and who decided to reach out.  All I can say is that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Right now I don’t have the time

Important message about the blog from Andrei

Dear friends, While I did not reply to any comments, I have read them very carefully.  I have also received a lot of emails and, again, I read all of them very carefully.  I also consulted with my family, a few very trusted friends and advisors and I have prayed for God to allow me to discern His will and I have taken the following decisions: First, I will shut

An update about the blog

Dear friends Today rather than commenting on the risks of a major war in Europe, or even the entire northern hemisphere, I want to share a few things about the blog. Minor issue: Twitter “cleaning house” There are currently two twitter accounts which claim a connection to me: The first one was run by a friend of mine. I have no idea who ran the second one. Please

Tactics without Strategy is the Noise Before Defeat

The title of this article is a quote by the famous Chinese general, strategist, philosopher, and writer Sun Tzu who lived 2500 years ago.  And while it is true that warfare has dramatically changed over the past millennia (for example, operational art was added as an intermediate level between tactics and strategy), the fundamental logic of Sun Tzu still applies.  To grossly oversimplify this issue, you could say that tactics

Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling “elites”?

Those of you who, like myself, try not to miss any videos or articles by Andrei Martyanov know that one of his “favorite” topics is the utter incompetence of Western elites in general and US ruling elites specifically.  I am sure that his criticisms appear to be over the top to many people and that is normal.  It is completely counter-intuitive to assume that the ruling class (because that is

Revisiting Russian objectives in the Ukraine

Check out this list of headlines, all from one source only, RT and all from the past week or so: Some are only “more of the same” (like the Ukronazis making the Aussies ban Russian flags at the Open), some are rather disgusting (like the Ukronazi blogger who wants to exterminate the Russian people), some are revolting (like the

Echoes from the first Neocon war in Europe and some music

First, I found out that BitChute also blocks videos showing combat operations in videos made by Russians.  Rumble did not, at least so far, so in the future I will stick with Rumble to post “politically incorrect” or otherwise “offensive” videos.  Still, the only viable solution here is to have a video hosting service in a sovereign country. Next, I cannot go into details here and now, but this is

The city of Soledar has been liberated by the Wagner PMC

This “news” was weeks in the making, but this time it is official: the city of Soledar has been liberated by the Wagner PMC (with Russian Airborne Forces blocking the city from the North and South).  Why did it take so much time? First, just as the regular armed forces, the Wagner PMC engages in economy of force tactics, meaning that they try to keep their own casualties to the

What would it take?

How NATO “celebrated” the Orthodox Nativity NATO did “celebrate” the Orthodox Nativity, but in its own way. First, a few headlines: Remember the truce offered by Russia?  It was rejected.  Instead we got this: Donetsk shelled in first minute of Christmas truce – authorities Two Serbs shot in Kosovo Christmas Eve attack And, just to clarify, NATO uses Serbia as a defenseless victim to show Russia what it can do

Celebrating the Nativity

Dear friends, I will be taking a few days off, from Thursday until Sunday evening, to attend church services at my parish.  God willing, I should be back at the keyboard by Monday.  On this occasion I will leave you with some beautiful Orthodox singing for the Nativity. I wish all those who celebrate the Nativity a peaceful and joy-filled celebration! Christ is born! Glorify Him! Andrei

Making sense of NATO strikes against Russia

There is no doubt that NATO is trying hard to escalate the war in the Ukraine.  Just before the end of the year there were two drones strikes against a major Aerospace Forces base in Engels.  The attacks were not very successful, but Russians did die when shrapnel hit a fuel truck which exploded.  The importance of that attack was that Engels is located deep inside Russia. Then there were

New Year’s Eve open thread

Dear friends, First, I want to wish a very happy New Year’s Eve to those who celebrate the new years on January 1st (I personally don’t).  I also want to wish you all the best for the coming year.  And yes, the future does look scary, but we should always strive to keep our peace of mind and a hopeful disposition, if only because it makes us stronger and more

The most important question

Looks like we will make it to December 31, 2022. Will we make it to December 31, 2023? This question is not hyperbole.  I would even argue that this is the single most important question for at least the entire northern hemisphere. I have been warning that Russia is preparing for a fullscale war since at least 2014.  Putin basically said just that in his recent speech before the Russian
