Dear friends,
First, I want to wish a very happy New Year’s Eve to those who celebrate the new years on January 1st (I personally don’t). I also want to wish you all the best for the coming year. And yes, the future does look scary, but we should always strive to keep our peace of mind and a hopeful disposition, if only because it makes us stronger and more capable of resistance.
Second, I want to make a very short report about the state of the blog. Simply put, we are doing better than ever. And while I cannot go into details of what we did, I am particularly satisfied in the sharp reduction in troll-postings. Turns out that most trolls are AI not human. How do we know? They keep trying to post long AFTER being banned. Clearly, they don’t even notice that their comments are never posted. So AI, yes, but not too smart :-) Another thing which gives me courage and joy is how often our articles are republished (my latest was reposted in French, Italian and Spanish by the Saker community, which is already great, but it was also translated into Russian and Italian by like minded people outside our community (I won’t even count the number of reposts in English). This, by the way, is also true of our guest analyses which regularly are translated into various languages. And while I don’t care about clicks and numbers, I do very much care about reach, about the ability to reach not more people, but different people (such as students). Here I can only thank all those who made this possible!
Third, I have a question for you all: would you want me to make a regular, say monthly, video answering questions from you, the readers? I was thinking to something similar to what I did for Cynthia McKinney’s students here. I now have the gear to do more such videos, but I want to hear from you first: would that be of interest to you?
Finally, I want to ask an open question: what, in your opinion, should we do differently/better and what would you want to see on the Saker blog in 2023?
That’s it on my end.
I now leave you with an open thread on any non-banned topic (see here for our moderation policy) and, as always on Fridays, some music!
Hugs and cheers,
Roger Waters “The Tide is Turning”. After the end of the Cold War, we all had our hopes very high, and it was a beautiful moment of hope. It did not last long, but maybe that song will give you courage and remind you that tides do turn :-)
All of us will need a lot of courage to deal with the coming year, so I decided to post a video about courage, dignity and liberation. So this is Julia Boutros (herself Greek Orthodox) singing a song in honor of Hezbollah fighters. If Hezbollah proved anything to the world is that resistance is NEVER futile, not matter how small you are. I hope that this song will inspire many:
Finally, I want to render homage to the country which helped create Hezbollah and stood alone against the entire planet following the Islamic Revolution and who remains an inspiration to all those who resist: Iran.
Yas (Feat. Amin) “Hoviate Man”. With two exceptions (Tupac and Paris), I don’t really like rap, but this beautiful mix of rap and singing is one of my favorite ones. I am posting the lyrics for your information.
Listen. I want to tell you my intent
They want to erase my identity
The history of the land of the Aryans
Is screaming until we come to it
So now is the time for you to hear
Iran is my land the
The country which after 7000 years
Is still standing
And the hearts of Iranians — still like the sea
Hear this, my fellow Iranian, from YAS
I too for my land stand like a soldier
Hold Iran like a gem in your hand and say
My complaint will burst out like a shot
Let’s stand together and sing our anthem
My sisters, my brothers, my fellow Iranians
Iran’s civilization is in danger
All of us are soldiers beneath our flag
We won’t let anyone spread lies about us
For us Iranians it is our calling
That we wear the symbol of ‘Farvahar’ around our necks
Our unity against an enemy is the cause of their distress
Iran’s name for us is an honor
And our respect for her is like a thorn in eye for those
Who want to injure her
– Like the thirst of a seed [wheat] for water
– Like the dampness of rain, the smell of earth
– Like you, pure eyes, like the feeling of its earth, for you
– My land. Singing for you is in my heart
– Singing of my land, is my feeling
– My love – the earth of this land — Iraaaan.
You want to say that we came from generations of Barbarians?
So take a look then to Takht Jamshid!
You’re showing Iran’s name in vein
So yours could be written big on a cover of a CD [DVD}?
I’m writing down your intentions in my book
I know why you wrote this film “300”
I know that your heart is made of stone and lead
Instead of using your art to make a culture of peace
In this sensitive air and bad atmosphere
You want to start fishing in murky waters [profiting]
But this I tell you in its original language
Iran will never be spoiled and surrendered
God has given you two eyes to see
Take a look and read the books written by
Saadi and Ibn-e-Sina, Ferdosi, Khayam or Molana Rumi
Always throughout history we were the start [on top]
But now YAS can’t sit down quietly
Let Iran’s name be marred by a few tricksters
I’ll shred your intentions with the “razor of hope”
Who are YOU to speak of the history of Iran?
It was Cyrus The Great that started the peace
Freeing the Jewish from the grip of Babylon
Cyrus The Great wrote the first bill of human rights
That is why I carry my esteem and great pride
For my Iran. The history of my land
For the earth of this land which my body is from
Whatever part of the world you live my fellow Iranian
And till your blood flows through you
Don’t allow yourself to be satisfied
That anyone can fool around with your heritage
The history of Iran is my identity
Iran — protecting your name is my good intent
This is war: total, unrestricted warfare. We ARE at war.
« Sitting down with Russia’s Channel One for an interview on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has alleged that up to “hundreds” of American servicemen are deployed to Ukraine, claiming that US soldiers, military advisers, and intelligence officers have long been direct participants in the conflict.
Lavrov went on to argue that Western states declared “war” on Russia nearly a decade ago, soon after the 2014 Euromaidan revolution, which was soon followed by US and NATO military support for the post-coup government
“The collective West, which is headed by a nuclear power – the United States – is at war with us,” he said. “This war was declared on us quite a long time ago, after the coup d’état in Ukraine that was orchestrated by the United States and, in fact, backed by the European Union.”»
Wishing all of us in the coming year what we hold dearest at the bottom of our hearts and souls. In these times of pure, unmitigated folly, may we all succeed in preserving intact our humanity! That may become, that may already be, the only victory possible.
Mr Lavrov is right,however i remember telling a friend at the time of the brutal Natzo attack on the FRY the US Reich just started a Global rampage,they chose their moment well because at the time there was no one to stop them,now there is and my wish for the new year is victory against the US Reich and its pathetic vassals.
За победу!
Louis Robert
Thank you for the inspiring songs to close out the year. I am but a retired man living in China so I rarely comment, but I’m grateful for your work with the blog and I repost when and where I can. Best of the New Year to you…
Wally, you’re one of the fortunate ones, as many here in the West who saw retirement on the horizon will need to put in another decade or two of plantation graft.
I say this in full confidence that the pensions they expected will be but a fraction of the amounts and for certain won’t even pay the bills, let alone the comforts.
All those public employees who kept schtum, did the laundry work of .Gov, have no idea that their pensions are part and parcel of $400+ Trillion in un/under funded liabilities amassed by the West’s card-sharks.
I hope you’ve invested in a popcorn machine, you’re going to need it for this ride,
Happy New Year
10 pts. for “plantation graft”.
That’s so nice. I’m also a foreigner retired in China past 10 years. Better China than anywhere else.
Andrei, all the best for 2023 with moderate weather all the time! With regard to making videos I personally would prefer that they are made during an outdoor walk (like Alex Christoforou is doing) over a static recording (like Andrei Martyanov is doing). Walking (περίπατος) is what Jesus did in the Temple of Jerusalem as well as round the Sea of Tiberias. Greek philosophy is unthinkable without walking, pausing, and again ambulating.
As to what could/should be done better I would like to get more inside info on the spiritual animosities that are raging in Ukraine.
Happy New Year to you Andrei & all The Saker team.
re: “what, in your opinion, should we do differently/better and what would you want to see on the Saker blog in 2023?”
I was actually thinking you could do a weekly ‘Summary of Events’ type vid & post on the blog and to youtube. It would have to be more frequent than once-a-month in order to maintain viewer interest, esp. for the younger generation.
Many of the other commentators we Saker-ites follow e.g. Jimmie Moglia, Douglas Macgregor, the two Alexes, George Szamuely have their own YT channels – some even have subscriptions to enable the posting of comments.
The success of a Q&A session will largely depend on the quality of the questions provided. Could be good for the newbies desperate for quality info they can’t get from the Western corporate media.
Good health & happiness, to you & your family for 2023.
Your video response to the North-South University student questions was excellent.
You have a calm demeanor and an excellent voice for video.
Not to push more work on you, but if time avails I bet these would be effective messaging for us to share with others less well-informed.
I would welcome videos where you answer questions.
I’d like to see more of your long-form/in-depth analysis articles.
Advanced wishes for a peaceful and happy Orthodox Christmas and new year.
Happy New Year to Andrei, the Saker-team and to all readers.
But we are not there yet: today we celebrate (or not) the 100 anniversary of the foundation of the USSR.
In Russia the media are remarkably quiet about this event. The renowned journalist and talkmaster, Dmitry Kiselyov, made a documentary about 100 years USSR, The Red Project (so far only in Russian).
I find the archive footage interesting, even without understanding Russian very well.
This comment on an Ukrainian site is remarkable: 100 Year USSR – How the Ukrainians ruined Putin’s Celebration.
According to the article, Putin planned to celebrate this event in occupied Kiev, and the “brave Ukrainians” prevented it.
Poor (lethaly ill) Putin!
I visited Angola several years after the 26+ year western inspired civil-war (1975-2002). People walking around shell-shocked for another decade. Limbs lost through sunken landmines every year since. Things have stabilised, the whole infrastructure of the country requiring a total rebuild. China has a burgeoning presence and I believe resource rich Angola will flourish alongside/with the BRICS+ like most of Africa will once rid of the jackals.
My biggest takeaway was they never broke the Angolans’ spirit and I’d so much like to believe that our Iraqi, Syrian, Afghani, hell even our Japanese and Ukrainian brothers and sisters stay strong despite the heavy suffering they’ve endured at the hands of the satanic Western Globalists, many of them their whole lives, since they buried their fathers and mothers, uncles and aunts. brother and sisters.
Bloodsuckers like Soros, Gates, Fink and their armies of hired political thugs and killers are responsible for the trench graves the UAF & Nazis have had the foresight to dig for themselves. What medications has Gates and his Lab boys concocted for such subservience, devotion to their cause, asset-stripping/resource theft programmes?
Yes Angola suffered very much at that time,people don’t talk about it much but the Cubans stepped up and helped the MPLA smash the Apartheid Nazis after they invaded to support their puppet Savimbi,it was pure evil,they did the same in Mozambique with other murderous scum Renamo,some things never change with the Empire.
It will be interesting to see how the African Union develops. When Nigeria (one of the very few African countries to stab him in the back) gave the thumbs up to US-NATO for a no-fly-zone over Libya in order to implement regime-change after Gaddafi, acting head of the African Union and pulling the continent away from their Anglo-Gaul-Zionist sphere of influence. Gaddafi presiding over one of Africa’s jewels needed Russia’s s300’s and not US lapdog Blair and Sarkozy’s phone numbers.
We can see the eviction of the French with hopefully AFRICOM’s General Stephen J Townsend, US Army. to follow.
Hi Andrei,
From my Russian Orthodox family to you & yours – wishing you all a very happy Christmas and New years.
I loved what you did with the video for Cynthia McKinney’s students and would love to see more.
As far as topics, I really love a combination of some videos/articles being very specific about a very certain topic, and other video/articles being much more overviews, much more general yet connecting the dots from the past to the present to the future. It’s like having some articles/videos micro and others macro. By having both it paints the over-arching narrative while at the same time giving intimate specific details about certain important events.
Love your website – you’re doing fantastic work. I really appreciate your referral to Smoothie and Moon of Alabama. If there are others you would recommend please post their links. Greatly appreciate all of your insight.
Thank you.
I would say “more, more, I’m still not satisfied.*”
You have a small following but we read you voraciously. I would have you use your community to find and post material from sites that are missed because they haven’t been found or because they are as surpressed as you by the CIA/NSA/FBI/Homeland Security that we have seen at work on Twitter.
With pretty lies being so much more popular than unpleasant truths, it is an uphill battle. Look for growth by cross posting to and from sites that already have “dissidents.” Which ones to include vs. exclude would be beyond my pay scale.
Thank you for keeping open the door for truth, even if just for the few of us.
* Tom Lehrer, Smut
Thank you for this message Andre. And thank you for giving recognition to the how resistance of Hizbollah and Iran.
O, this is a song, an amazing song with amazing words. For the Orthodox time stamp 2:38 I’d imagine is especially pertinent!
enjoy and Happy New Year you will find if you pay attention to such!!!
Hello everyone. I only ask a favor for those of us who suffer from deafness in various degrees. Can you subtitle the videos? thank you so much and Happy New Year.
Dear Saker and Saker community.
Peaceful relations, respect for our cultural differences and a great opposition toward Lies and injustice, are what draws people from all over the world to the Saker blog.
Here you’ll meet writers from Nations which have been demonized for ages, but who are Kind and Loving.
The Song (The Tides are turning) couldn’t be more appropriate for the New Year, because that’s what’s happening. People from all over the globe are uniting against wars and human exploitation.
However today people protests on alternative news sites and social media, and the fact that TPTB needs to sensor all news and social media debate, confirms that what escapes their sensorship, are only the top of the iceberg of the major opposition build below the surface.
The Latest NATO aggression, this time in Ukraine, have surely brought into debate the centralization of powers throughout the West, and Super National formations like NATO, EU, UK, US may not stay intact after a US-NATO defeat in Ukraine.
TPTB know they are losing the war in Ukraine, and are sending former NATO, US and German Officers into the headlines, with calls for seize-fire and Peace negotiations.
But beware, we know they Lie to stall their own defeat, in order to build up for more War.
A special Thank to Andrei for this forum of geopolitical importance, and especially for letting the debate stray a little from topic, as world events are also affected by clandestine powers, which must be exposed in order for peace and Justice for all to prevail.
A monthly Q and A with you Andrei, would be great.
But you and your family’s health and energy must be the prime consideration.
In the present situation, I think that what people need the most, is exactly what the Saker blog is giving them: The Truth about wars and warmongers.
Let’s hope that the New Year will bring peace, and thus a desire for talks about mourning, reconciliation and new friendships among Nations.
I wish a Happy New Year for all.
I’m not to big on videos except for music. I seldom have the patience for taking more than a few minutes to listen to somebody as I can read much faster than any person can get words out of thier mouth. I’m content with a texxt or even just written summaries of what was said unless of course what is important is the way in which something was said which then would make a video valuable. In the case of music; well music is expierienced in real time. I also like to see the musician actually playing such that I may learn what he is doing with his instrument, which in turn helps me with my own playing. I do play guitar, but I’m hardly an expert.
Happy New Year on the western calender year, and I’ll wish you all a happy New Year again when it comes around on the eastern calender. May all this warring somehow fizzle. Cheers.
@ Robert Schule
Is that a fact? I’d like to know if you knew about the people of the Marshall Islands if it wasn’t for this testimony of a UN director and a blog like the
I think a monthly video with questions/answers is a great idea. Great songs posted here: the lyrics fit perfectly.
Also, I want to comment on a theme from previous threads: The USA is not a democracy, not a republic, not a democratic republic (even loosely defined). Elections Inc. are simply the world’s most expensive PR stunts. Democracy Inc. generates billions for advertising, consulting firms, PR firms, DNC/RNC etc. every election cycle. There is no meaningful choice at all: two piles of sh** to choose from, but they both stink. The “Rule of Law” has become a sarcastic joke. The law, prisons and taxes are for “the little people”. The oligarchy is clearly not accountable to “the law” (Too Big To Fail etc.)
The USA is an empire (as we call it here Anglo-Zionist Empire) headed by an oligarchy. We could argue that the US was once a republic, or even a democratic republic long ago, but that is debatable as well. No matter, the USA is not “free” not a democracy and not a republic, that’s what they tell the little kids…
What can be done better?
Videos, especially long ones, are almost impossible to be listened in their entirety.
They should be accompanied by a written summary placed below the video.
I hope this helps
Happy New Year. Reading the Saker is such an antidote to America’s left wing libtardery like Politico and the TV media complex. I agree with the comments about fewer op-Ed videos. Most of these are verbal diarrhea that can be summed up in 2 or 3 sentences.
I agree, although I realize this is also quite a task for Andrei, who would have to watch the entire video then write a summary. I rarely have the patience, or the time, to spend watching a 30+ minute video to get two or three good points delivered.
Great music,as for the tribute to Hezbollah they have shown the way,better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
there is on UK tv a dramatisation of the Lvitnenko “story”. As for example eg the Blogmirearticles raising very aposite questions re Skripal.(not forgetting the several articles on thesaker)…is there an article by any one best examining any inconsistencies and the like re L ????
Thanks if anyone can .
Very best wishes to all for the New Year and 2023.
Yes they have to keep the fake news and fabrications going or the herd will forget what to think.
Happy New Year normal people!
This is an interesting take on “The Great Reset.”
“‘The plan is to make Stockholder ideology, oops, sorry, *Stakeholder* ideology THE ideology of a new world system of governing. Leading non-governmental organizations — like The UN, The World Bank, The IMF, along with the biggest corporations and investment funds — and of course the governments of America, Europe, Asia and so on — they will kindly ask our new African friends to pretty please join our save-the-world party. The leaders of countries and businesses who don’t want to hop aboard the Stakeholder express, well, they don’t want to make all those groups and people have a sad at them do they? We are all in this together people.” The Great Reset (or else)
@ carpe,
At one time this great reset was called “Master Plan for Living.” Those involved I’d imagine you would recognize their names but if not here is a morsel from an old book on the subject circa 1973 by Dr. Willard Cantelon. note the words which he italicized “money will become obsolete” which he argued was the goal replaced by a number your SIN essentially which will work something akin to the system of rationing during WW2. Today it is or may be the QR Code planted literally on either your hand or forehead. May seem absurd but in a time of crisis anything is possible yes?
page 130 -132…
A world of plenty and a day of peace so near, so possible…”B(UT”….The truth is our world is a world of plenty. The world’s finest scientists estimate earth’s real riches to be her grain and her gold, her fruit and gems, her timber and treasures almost limitless in minerals and resources. Some suggest that earth’s combined wealth would conservatively total one decillion dollars. Divide this equally among earth’s
present population and every man, woman, and child would be a billionaire a billion times over.
Divide the 58 million square miles of land equally and every person alive today would have 10 acres each.
Many good men today dream and discuss a world that man could live in if he were free from wars and deception and self-destruction.
Dr. Peter Goldmark, who was President and Research Director of CBS Laboratories for 36 years, shows for example how a hundred million Americans could build model communities of 3000, and use only 4% of America’s land.
R. Buckminster Fuller, is called by U. Thant, one of the greatest philosopher-scientists of our time.
On April 26th, 1973, when flying from Dallas to Los Angeles, I picked up the airline magazine and read in the American Way the interview between the architect, Michael Ben Eli and Buckminster Fuller. Mr. Fuller said,
Sadly we see enormous numbers of stranded poverty stricken people while potential abundance is being
deliberately curtailed by governments subservient to the landlord’s will.
Humanity is so accustomed to failure it still assumes failure to be normal, and does not realize that it has
literally earned – and actually acquired- the capability to take care of everyone on earth at a higher standard of living than ever heretofore experienced by anyone.The really big fact is that we are going to have to go through, a complete mental resorting of what it is all about. Then we are going to have to go about taking care of everybody not as on relief” but with the same spontaneous welcome and love accorded a new-born baby.
Landlordism will no longer be able to extract a ransom. Money too will become obsolete’ with the ability to
produce enough to take care of all.
The fact that we now have the capability to support all life and are not doing so means we have to introduce a new system. One that can make the world work.
The flight time between Dallas and Los Angeles was devoted primarily to the consideration of the words of
Buckminster Fuller. It was not my first introduction to this philospher-scientist. In past occasions our paths had crossed in American cities where each of us had been speaking under different auspices. I agreed with his conviction that the world was large enough and sufficiently rich to sustain all men on the highest level’ under ideal conditions. But I could not agree that man alone’ without God’, could ever realize its Potential.
After reading the “Master Plan for Living” provided by Peter Goldmark, and studying the blueprint for the future by Buckminster Fuller, I had to sigh with Cicero and say . . . “Thou, reasonest well ..’ but”
Something was missing’ I knew it’ they knew it’ all the leaders of the world knew it’ The Kremlin was confused. The U.S. Senate was perplexed. The leaders of Europe were distressed. What was-man’s future’ his ultimate end?
From all gatherable evidence, the universe has yet to see a woman God be built who is both comfortable, free from the shackles of the flowering rose, and politically acceptable on a global scale.
To that end all ends arise as the public theater spins daily in confusion.
Thanks for a brilliant blog and all your hard work Andrei! Happy New Year and God bless!
Bravo for the Fortitude, Andrei ! It takes more than hurricanes and A1 trolls to slow you down..
Happy New Year !
Perfect soundbite ftom the Muscovite lady (1:22-1:59)
Happy New Year Saker Community :-)
I always enjoy yours and your guests posts. They are interesting and informative readings. It gives me more information than I would get in the msm that is so full of lies and disinformation that when I speak to people about all the issues out there, they repeat the msm/government statements. Yet, when I give another view, it just don’t hold with them and they tend to attack my points without any real evidence. Despite me giving them the opportunities to say otherwise to my points, which I gleaned from yours, your guests, and other non-msm associated journals. It’s how it is.
With regards to your videos on Q&A’s, I definitely would like to see more of them. Your analyses and views does hold a lot of water based on the evidence that you give vs the msm or the government views. So that’s a BIG thumbs up and YES with me.
Your last question for what do we, in this case, me, want to read more about in 2023, it’s this:
-the Russian SMO in the Ukraine, and it’s possible effects after the successful consolidation by the Russians’ goals
-basically, once done, how will the borders will be affected around Russia, if not the whole of the EU or Nato?!
-would there be any more wars/battles outside, like in the 3B’s and P, who are rabid anti-Russians
-or even in Finland/Sweden who are asking to join Nato, despite their present stances of neutrality, esp Finland
-would the US/UK/Germany/France/Canada be pulled into a war? or how they will support it? (though it seems like the build-up of WW3)
-knowing that there’s another vector of the world slowly building, the EAEU, BRICS+, SCO, BRI and other infrastructure projects around East/SE/S/Central Asia, and even the MidEast, how will they affect change and how long will it take?
-there’s also the issue of how the US is trying to lead China (PRC or People’s Republic of China) to another war like in the Ukraine, how will it affect those same projects/integration/policies with having a multipolar world?
-if one shoe falls, would the other be affected and how far and wide?
-the differing alliances and trade groupings that are shaping, how will each play a role when the US/UK et al are trying to break these same things with their colour revolutions to sanctions to even military alliances within East/SE/S Asia, Central Asia, and even the MidEast?
These are just small things that I would like to read about, where your blog here has been amazing in giving great views around these parts of the world. So Thank You for all these informative articles and opinions.
Dear Andrei,
As the gathering storm is likely to strike in 2023, I hope that you will reconsider your commitment to taking down in the event of a direct confrontation between the US and Russia- a request which might be asking you to make a huge personal sacrifice.
Please consider: Many of us are grateful and dependent on your tireless effort to reveal the nature of “wars and rumors of wars” to safeguard our loved ones.
No one wants to be labeled an “enemy combatant” imprisoned in a DC gulag in the event the Empire of Lies crosses the 21st century Rubicon and burns the Bill of Rights in its wake.
But where shall we turn when (not if) the worst happens? Even recent denial of service attacks on your site were easily misinterpreted as the “balloon going up.” On such a day, we will depend on your leadership more than ever.
We will need a place to share critical information with each other that may prove vital to our loved ones on that day more than any other.
Have a great new year, everyone!
And also, some videos for today.
New Year’s Eve Banderite terror plot foiled in liberated Zaporozhye oblast:
FSB foils Banderite terrorist attack in Kabardino-Balkar Republic:
Some of the Russian cruise missiles launched yesterday against various Kiev regime military/infrastructure targets:
Western media, officials turn blind eye to Nazi sentiments in the former Ukraine:
Kiev regime bombards Donetsk residential area:
Russian Mi-28 and Mi-35M helicopters destroy Kiev regime positions:
Russian T-80 tank working on the front:
Russian D-20 howitzer fires at enemy position:
Happy New Year’s Saker! And happy New Year’s to all the persons who participate and contribute to the Saker blog.
Regarding videos, I think you should definitely do this. But I would expand it a bit beyond monthly answering of reader questions on video (although this would be a wonderful addition to the blog). If anything, I’d also consider doing it more frequently (at least bi-monthly as monthly seems to me to be too long an interval between Q&As).
Furthermore, as I’ve suggested before, it would be great for you to do monologue videos (like Mercouris and Martyanov for example). Again maybe once every two weeks would be a good time interval for these.
Finally, consider doing roundtables or exchanges with folks of interest to you and your readers. For example, one cool thing would be for you to do interviews or roundtables with Russians (even government officials) inside Russia who have expertise in geopolitical affairs. Even if the entire discussion was in Russian, a translator could be used to provide captions underneath the discussion. This would be a UNIQUE offering not available to Western readers of the blog and give us more insight into what it means to be Russian and how Russians view the West and the SMO. Other persons of interest might be retired Russian military experts like Martyanov who can discuss military strategy and weapons. Or ex-American military figures like MacGregor or Ritter.
You could expand upon this by bringing in geopolitical analysts from the BRICs or other countries to discuss multipolarism and use this as a method of instructing readers on how the world might change for the better. These analysts could run the gamut from USA left-leaning persons like Ben Norton, Danny Haiphong, Aaron Mate, Pepe Escobar, and Brian Bertelec, to more conservative libertarian persons like Mercouris, Glenn Diesen, and Gonzalo Lira. I’d love to hear an exchange between you and Mark Sleboda for example, or Carl Zha (on China), Seyed Mohammad Marandi (on Iran), and MK Bhadrakumar (India). Cynthia McKinney is one of my true heroes (I voted for her when she ran on the Green ticket for president), so it was great to see this interview. There’s no reason I can think of why you couldn’t host these types of forums and interviews with analysts who have divergent viewpoints in some respects but who often speak out against Western imperialism and hegemony. It is this kind of open discussion that leads to enlightenment and reason.
Should you elect to expand your format, please make sure you cross post these conversations on social media. YouTube, Telegram and other channels can help expand your reach.
Your voice is important! Your viewpoint is important! And it deserves to be heard.
The Kansan
Hello Andrei,
Thank you for all of your hard work. Yes a regular weekly video by you would be nice. You can decide the format and what the contents will be.
And have a Happy New Year whenever it is that you celebrate it.
What could be done better (as if improvement needed): Regular Features — in the form of perhaps interviews, a weekly column, periodic profiles of individuals. And a Sunday message of spiritual inspiration. The blog ia great as it is though.
If it’s not too irrelevant or off-topic, my concern has been regarding the nuclear wastewater from Fukushima, how much damage it will create, and how it will affect international relations.
Many of us have learned, or already knew, that the nuclear plant was designed by General Electric (USA) and had design flaws that were overlooked. Some argue that it was a deliberate ploy by the US to place it on a fault line in response to Japan trading with Iran (something about depleted uranium).
But I cannot measure how well-known these details are in the countries that could end up affected the most, so…
Dear Andrei and Fellow Sakers,
Happy New Year to you all. Has it not been truly an amazing year? We have much to be grateful for.
Who would have thought that our eyes would be so throughly opened to the illusion of Western moral supremacy, or to the blanket of lies that our government, media and other institutions tell us?
For those among you who are worried and troubled, let me say this is the path to self-liberation. I am reminded of the Gospel of Thomas, verse 2:
“Let him who seeks the truth continue seeking until he finds. At first he will be troubled. Then he will be astonished. And then he will be free and rule over the All.”
I too was deeply troubled at first at how everything I had held so high since I was a boy about Western civilisation was hypocrisy, and then I become simply astonished at the scope of lies and depth of greed and cruelty. But now I know all is OK and the Universe unfolding as it should. We are all in God’s Hands. Each breath is by His will. This journey has been life-long, and now I am committed to seeking the truth in its ever shifting complexity, yet blinding beauty and simplicity.
God is neither a person, nor an entity, nor a being. God is love, truth, and beauty – the day renewing itself each sunrise, and humanity being reborn with each baby. The opposite is fear, hate, lies and ugliness. The choice for us is simple once we know we have a choice. It is the great deception which confuses us so that we do not know true from false, that we think might is right and that Darwinism is the only force at play.
I have decided to have only love in my heart. Yet, love requires great courage and sacrifice. It is another great lie that love is weakness, for the greatest example of love ended up on the cross to transform the world. Jesus can be crucified but Christ cannot be killed.
In fighting evil, it is important we do not ourselves become evil. This was the meaning behind the teachings, “do not resist Evil”, and “to turn the other cheek”. It does not mean we acquiesce or surrender. It means be careful not to feed evil and yourself become an instrument for perpetuating darkness. One cannot destroy evil by being consumed by evil, just as one cannot fight hate by hating hate.
What I have been most impressed and uplifted by is the great restrain and discipline shown by Putin in the SMO, despite the Nazi atrocities of the Collective West through their servants in Ukraine. If we are to replace the current world order by another, the new one needs to be radically different than the one of greed and exploitation of the weak by the strong. If there is anything I take my hat off to, it is the sense of justice and historical rightness which I perceive guides Putin.
My own resolution for the New Year: to be more patient, observant of my own biases in not judging others too quickly, and to choose to be filled with and dwell in “the Light” rather in fear, resentment, and ill-will. This life and our existence on Earth is a holy gift, and all around us is sacred. Those who exploit and desecrate it are ignorant and misguided. Their darkness must be overcome by light.
How, one might ask? I have no answer other than I can only follow the tiny script our Maker has written for me which takes an incredible degree of inner silence to follow.
God Bless you all, regardless of your beliefs. I wish you love, truth, and beauty in the New Year.
And a very big thank you to Andrei for dispelling so much falsehood and shedding light. My the Light continue to shine on you and through you.
Thank you for your comment Moses, there is so much wisdom, kindness and intelligence ithere, truly inspiring. God bless, and to Saker, his team and all commenters,a very Happy New Year !
I have been reading the “Saker” for quite a few years. I also link the good analyses to make other people aware of them. Some articles I quickly translate into German with DeepL and post them with source citation. But this has become very dangerous in Germany. In 2022 a law was revised and passed. Anyone who allegedly “supports” Russia’s “criminal war of aggression in violation of international law” can be jailed for up to 5 years. This also includes Internet postings. Whereby here only one can speak of a “thought crime”. So far, I have not heard of anyone going to jail for this. So far they are trying to destroy people existentially by means of legal charges through high costs. But I expect that in the future prison sentences will also be imposed in Germany. So much for the situation in Germany.
To the question. I would like to see detailed and fact-based analyses with geopolitical classification. Too much on the Internet is viewed too one-dimensionally for me, or with a view through a keyhole. But this war is being waged on many levels, each of which is interdependent.
“The empires last battle
St Petersburg can become a part of Sweden”.
Todays headlines from a swedish tabloid. In an editorial in the other tabloid the editor thanks the swedish people for standing behind EU support for Ukraine. 97% of the swedes supports EU:s Ukraine policy.
I hope this can bring some smiles?
Thank you Saker for the music! Happy New Year and let’s hope for a good one!
What draws me back to this site are the following:
Full translations of any speech made by Putin or any other Russian official. The only commentary that is necessary is the context for the speech, though commentary is appreciated and valued.
They make me sick – Russia gets very well written speeches that fit together to form a cohesive narrative, along with more than enough details to make it clear that the speechwriter knows his stuff.
We get sequences of sound bites that are usually filled with highly charged emotional language signifying nothing.
Articles about Russia’s trials and tribulations with respect to Southeast Asia, India/Pakistan, Iran/Turkey, the Middle East, Africa, etc. The US basically maintains a code of silence with regards to these regions.
A daily MOD report with respect to Ukraine. That is about all that is needed.
What makes this site valuable to me is getting information not reported in the US MSM.
In the “free” and “democratic” west russian media is blocked.
We have russian leaders speeches interpreted for us by “experts”. I never thought I would live to experience this, In my youth one could go to the towns library and read Pravda and Iszvestia… And this was in a small town with heavy industry. 50 years ago it was considered a service to make it possible for people to read russian newspapers. And apparently some people could read russian.
Should I be afraid that this site will be blocked also? Who knows? The Saker feels like an oasis in the desert of ignorance and cancellation.
Hi everyone, I hope for you all (and visitors) to spend a fulfilling year 2023, may you all be at ease with your family.
About Andrei’s question, “what, in your opinion, should we do differently/better and what would you want to see on the Saker blog in 2023”, I would like to humbly suggest to prepare for critical mind strategic/tactical/philosophical changes.
Also, I lately had this recurring excerpt from the StarWars franchise coming to mind.
« Admiral Tagge speaking: “And what of the Rebellion? If the Rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this station, it is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it.” ».
I have come to look at the Rebellion like it was the actual Occident’s Deep State, rather than the freedom fighters they so like claim to be.
Being a French, when it comes to talk about the lunatic which have seized the West’s top spot in our countries, I think it would be a mistake to assume we can place all our hopes on Russia’s stance (and their partners) to face those warmongers, whatever rightful Russia’s stance is. The lunatics look a little too pompuous to not have some plan as diabolic as possible to achieve their goal.
The whole situation, looks a little too convenient for them when we get some echoes from their reunions ; I would not be surprised if they had some tricks left, which have not been used yet.
It sounds like Russians don’t celebrate the New Year on Jan. 1. If this is true, though, why did Putin delivered a New Years address yesterday:
Interestingly, this video is currently the most watched one at C-Span.
Best Wishes to you Andrei, The Saker team, esteemed writers, and commenters for all the Best in the New Year 2023.
It’s your site with it’s articles and people that make it what it is: a beacon of Truth for reality seekers in a growing world, evolving in extraordinary times. With all-hands-on-deck.
“If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.”