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Posts From The Saker

Short week-end news and music

First, I am delighted to announce that the Latam Saker (Latin America – in Spanish and Portuguese) is back up and running.  However, please write down and bookmark its new domain name: Please not that the previous domain name ( is currently not used anymore. A big THANK YOU to Herb and all the others who worked behind the scenes to bring the Saker Latam back online! Second, the

Samarkand at the crossroads: from Timur to the BRI and SCO

From its ancient Silk Road role to China’s BRI project, Uzbekistan is set to remain an important geoeconomic hub in Central Asia by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted SAMARKAND – The ultimate Silk Road city, set at an unrivaled Eurasian trade crossroads, is the ideal spot from which to examine where the New Silk Roads adventure is heading next. For starters, the upcoming summit of

Qi, the Force – The Universe Does Not Follow a Hollywood Script

by Nora Hoppe for the Saker blog Various notes and reflections by Nora Hoppe Judging by the many reactions of various journalists, analysts and lay persons around the world (chiefly in the West), many people expected the Chinese government to respond with immediate lethal force when Nancy Pelosi’s plane landed in Taipei. Many were even disappointed or… incensed – whether they are for or against the People’s Republic of China

A short vademecum for aspiring trolls

Trolls have been the bane of this blog pretty much since the Euromaidan, and I have had to do all sorts of things to try to limit their toxic effects and I did call them out quite often.  Today, I want to do a nice thing for aspiring trolls, which is to give them a short vademecum on how to be the best troll you can be! I will make

Democracy in America

by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker blog Words being arbitrary, they owe their power to association, and have the influence which custom has given them – for language is the dress of thought. Therefore on hearing the words “Democracy in America,” some will think of Alexis de Tocqueville’s book by the same title. Others, not having read the book (an enterprise of no mean feat), will think that it took

The Decline of the US Empire: Lessons from the Roman Republic

by Asia Teacher for the Saker blog A failure to understand why empires decline is also why history keeps repeating itself. As the US elite led elections continue what lessons can the US learn from the Roman Republic about its own decline? From the complex dialogues of ancient philosopher Plato and ‘The Republic’ in which he laments the end of Athenian democracy as it turns into an empire, the lessons

Only NATO Could De-Militarise Itself!

By James Tweedie for the Saker blog In a scene from the 1974 film The Four Musketeers, the second part of the previous year’s The Three Musketeers, the vain Porthos (Frank Finlay) shows the pious Aramis (Richard Chamberlain) his new trick: He draws his rapier and throws it into the bullseye of a target. Aramis tells Porthos to try that again, but with himself as a live target. The musketeer

Needham’s puzzle in retrospect

by Jean-Pierre Voiret for the Saker blog First note: With all its problems, Needham’s Science and Civilisation in China (SCC) is definitely a tremendous contribution to the history of science and technology as well as a formidable vehicle for intercultural dialogue. Second note: A successor of Father Ricci S.J. in the Jesuit China Mission, Father Dominique Parennin S.J., was in my opinion the first man ever to formulate the so-called

Z for Zorro

By Batiushka for the Saker blog Introduction: European Z The collapse of the EU has never been a question of ‘if’, only of ‘when’. The decomposition of the Brussels Yoke of unelected bureaucrats has already long been visible and its collapse foretold years ago. First there was Grexit (which was averted at the last moment at huge cost), then Brexit, which actually happened, and then was an alphabet jungle of

The Global Debt Scam – Day of Reckoning?

By Marwan Salamah for the Saker Blog As the advanced economies appear to be stumbling inadvertently into stagflation and possibly worse, diversionary media tactics are rapidly being deployed. Voices are rising warning of the global debt crisis and how it is likely to push poor countries into tragic collapse. WHAT, WHO, & HOW BIG IS THE PROBLEM? Global debt is now claimed to exceed $300 Trillion, while the poor countries’

Chinese History of Science and technology: The rediscovery of the Chinese history of science

by Jean-Pierre Voiret for the Saker Blog The history of Chinese science and technology is particularly interesting because it is so different from the history of Western science and technology. This history was essentially rediscovered by Joseph Needham, a British scholar who was active until his death in 1995 at the Caius and Gonville College of Cambridge University. Joseph Needham, a biochemistry researcher by profession, had come into contact with

Austrian Barbarians Go Home!

By Batiushka for The Saker blog (With apologies to the peoples of Austria and France) As we write, the wicked Austrian terrorist State under its manic leader Putzin continues its completely unprovoked invasion of East France. President Putzin is well-known, as he is very short (not that we wish to belittle him) and has only one testicle, as everybody knows. His invasion and occupation of East France have been going

We all *must* speak up in defense of Graham Phillips!

Dear friends, After seeing and then posting this video by Graham Phillips I got too disgusted by what was being done to him by the British authorities that I decided to contact him and ask him a few very basic questions about his situation in the hope to introduce him to a larger audience, give visibility to his case and to try to offer him as much support as possible. 

Full transcript of the interview of Michael Hudson by the Saker

Dear friends, I can share with you know one, but TWO different versions of the transcript of my interview with Michael Hudson.  One I had expected, one was directly sent to me by a reader.  So rather than chose one, I will offer you both for download.  Just click on this link to download either or both of these files: There is also a Russian version available here:
