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Posts From Scott

Why the U.S. Military is Woefully Unprepared for a Major Conventional Conflict The text below is a full version of the anlysis entitled “Why the U.S. Military is Woefully Unprepared for a Major Conventional Conflict“, which was originally released by SouthFront on October 10, 2018:   Introduction In the Department of Defense authored summary of the National Defense Strategy of the United States for 2018, Secretary James Mattis quite succinctly sets out the challenges and goals of the U.S. military in

November 9, 2018: Govt Forces Freed All Hostages Captured By ISIS In Al-Suwayda On November 8, the Syrian Special Forces freed all hostages, who had been captured by ISIS in eastern al-Suwayda and then held in eastern Homs, the Syrian state media reported. According to the report, the operation took place in the area of Hamimah east of Palmyra, where Syrian troops eliminated a group of ISIS terrorists and feed the hostages. The SANA provided no further details. However, Syrian pro-government activists

November 8, 2018: Saudi-led Coalition Achieves Several Successes In Battle Of Al-Hudayadh

Yemeni War Report – November 8, 2018: Saudi-led Coalition Achieves Several Successes In Battle Of Al-Hudayadh On November 3, the Saudi-UAE-led coalition kicked off a new large-scale military operation to capture the port city of al-Hudaydah from the Houthis and their allies. Prior to that the coalition had concentrated several tens of thousands of troops and a few thousands of various military equipment on frontlines near the city. Additionally, coalition

Greek minority member murdered by Albanian Special Forces

  CIA sees instability in the Balkans – Greek minority member murdered by Albanian Special Forces – This is how the plan for Greater Albania unfolds This analysis is made by Evangelos Kokkinos – Pentapostagma Enimerosis and translated exclusively for SouthFront During the “Anniversary of the No”, a day that is celebrated throughout Greece, Cyprus and the Greek communities around the world on 28 October each year, Constantine Katsifas was killed by

November 6, 2018: “Russian Mercenaries Casualties” Narrative Resurfaces In MSM Russian-linked private military contractors (PMCs) have suffered new casualties in Syria, Syrian pro- and Russian pro-opposition militant media outlets claim. Initial speculations on this issue appeared on November 3 and November 4 when several outlets claimed that an explosion reportedly hit barracks of the 5th Assault Corps of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to one of the versions, the blast allegedly hit

November 5, 2018: Former US-backed Militants Switch Sides In Conflict Former members of US-backed militant groups are joining forces with the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, operating in Syria, the WSJ reported on November 1. According to the report, approximately 2,000 fighters had joined the forces and have even started receiving salaries. The WSJ claimed that it was due to losing funding from the US. However, the reason pointed out by local experts is that the US strategy in Syria had

Europe Recognized Ukraine As a Safe Country, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   While various clowns that imitate “Svidomo” (Ukr. – “national conscious”) politics sing the anthem of Ukraine in the PACE, and in the same place perform the Nazi salute, the European bureaucrats are steadily bending their line. This line is to isolate the Ukrainian “patriotic” abscess, the creation of which was supported by the same European Union.

Germany is reluctant to fight the war against Russia with the rest of NATO, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitles by Scott Humor.   We have received an interesting data in regard with the saber-rattling NATO drill in Norway. German army admits most of its newly acquired military hardware is faulty & unfit for service. Why would it be so? The Western Media headlines are screaming that NATO has never hold military exercise on the scale of the Trident Juncture. Under the aegis of a “unifyed 3-prong

November 1, 2018: SDF Halts Operation Against ISIS In Euphrates Valley Because Of Turkish Attacks The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which consist mainly of members of various Kurdish armed groups, declared on October 31 that they had halted their operation against ISIS in the Euphrates Valley because of Turkish attacks on their positions in northern Syria. The SDF blamed Turkey for its own inability to eliminate the ISIS-held area of Hajin in the Euphrates Valley and called on the so-called international community to

October 31, 2018: Turkey Finishes Preparations For New Large Operation Against YPG Clashes between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) have erupted in the northwestern countryside of Aleppo. According to reports, units of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham attacked NFL positions in the village of Kafr Hamra on October 29 and had gained full control of the area by the evening of October 30. Several NFL militants were killed or

October 30, 2018: MSM Reports About Mysterious Israeli Airstrikes Go Wild The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have continued attacks on targets in Syria even after the downing of the Russian Il-20 military plane on September 17, Reuters reported on October 29 citing “a senior Israeli official”. “The IDF have attacked in Syria, including after the downing of the Russian plane. Military coordination with the Russians continues as before,” Reuters quoted “the senior official, who could not be named” as saying.

Latvia Bought Almost All Export Rye From Russia, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   Latvia showed by its own example that the Russophobe only squeaks about the “damned Muscovites” while it still has something to eat. As soon as the food runs dry, he is immediately ready to skip to Russia, buying almost all the export rye.     When the Balts with all their strength struggled to get European

October 24, 2018: US Troops Clash With Turkish-backed Militants Near Manbij Troops of the US-led coalition have been clashing with Turkish-backed militants near the Syrian city of Manbij, currently controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), according to a video, which appeared online this week. Commenting on the incident to Kurdistan 24, spokesman for the US-led coalition Colonel Sean Ryan admitted that coalition forces “received gunfire from undisclosed persons and returned fire” on October 15, but avoided pointing the

President Putin’s meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

Full official English language transcript. Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the 15th anniversary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club. October 18, 2018 Sochi The main topic is The World We Will Live In: Stability and Development in the 21st Century. The plenary session moderator is Fyodor Lukyanov, Research Director of the Foundation for Development and Support of the Valdai Discussion Club. The Valdai Forum opened in Sochi on October 15. Its participants – 130 experts from 33 countries – are discussing Russia’s political and socioeconomic prospects as well as social and cultural development

Pre-War Hysteria: Trump Vows To Boost Nuclear Forces, Withdraw From INF Treaty If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via:, BTC: 3Gbs4rjcVUtQd8p3CiFUCxPLZwRqurezRZ, BCH: qpf2cphc5dkuclkqur7lhj2yuqq9pk3hmukle77vhq, ETH: 0x9f4cda013e354b8fc285bf4b9a60460cee7f7ea9 Tensions in the diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia seem to be ramping up to a potentially pre-war level. The increasingly thought diplomatic rhetoric of both Moscow and Washington as well as hostile US actions against Russia
