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Posts From Scott

US Military Contractor Is Hiring Personnel To Support Classified ‘Contingency Operations’ In Ukraine

A US contractor accidentally revealed a US military specialist deployment in the combat zones in Ukraine via an Job Advertisement on LinkedIn. Similarly to the Atlantic Council’s report on independence of Eastern European countries, as well as the meeting between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, the posting comes days before the escalation in the Sea of Azov. Mission Essential is a government

Syrian Forces Eliminate Unidentified Aerial Objects Near Damacus. Israel Denies Reports On Its Warplane Shootdown Last night, the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) shot down several unidentified aerial objects over the district of al-Kiswah south of Damascus, according to the state-run media. Local sources told SouthFront that the SADF had also engaged targets over Damascus and Quneitra. The recently supplied S-300 air defense system was not employed. Pro-Israeli and pro-militant sources claimed that the Israeli Air Force had successfully destroyed multiple “Iranian” targets near

Syrian War Report – Nov. 29, 2018: US Is Establishing ‘Observation Posts’ On Syrian-Turkish Border On November 28, Russian air-defense forces deployed intercepted and destroyed an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) near the Russian Hmeimim airbase in the province of Lattakia, according to local sources. The intercepted UAV was probably an armed UAV launched by militants in a fresh attempt to attack Russian personnel and aircraft deployed at Hmeimim. The resumption of UAV attacks on Russian facilities in Syria is another sign of the wanng

Liberals scream Putin sells Russia and call to give away the Kurils to Japan

By Ruslan Ostashko Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor Can a person simultaneously shout that the authorities of “this country” are selling out Russia, and advocate for giving away the Kuril Islands to Japan? A person can, if it’s a Russian-speaking, pro-Western liberal.   We have long been accustomed to the fact that the Ukrainian media writes all sorts of nonsense. However, when it comes to a “Kiev expert” it

Black Sea Crisis: Russia Deploys Anti-Ship Missiles. Ukraine Says Russian Warplane Attacks Its Ships On November 27, Russia started deploying Bal coastal missile systems near the Kerch Strait, south of which an encounter between a group of 2 Ukrainian Gurza-class artillery boats and a sea-tug and Russian coastal guards had taken place on November 25. Every launcher in the Bal coastal defense missile system carries 8 Kh-35 anti-ship cruise missiles equipped with 145 kg High Explosive Fragmentation warheads. The KH-35 has a range

FSB Statement Concerning Illegal Actions of the Ukrainian Navy Ships Within the Territorial Sea of Russia

Translated by Scott Humor!id%3D10438316%40fsbMessage.html 27.11.2018 At 07.10 AM on 25th of November this year, notwithstanding the warnings on the closure of the area of territorial waters of the Russian Federation approaching the Kerch Strait from the direction of the Black Sea, the vessels of the Ukrainian Navy (small armored artillery river boats  “Berdyansk” and “Nikopol” and the tug boat “Yana Kapu”) crossed the state border of the Russian Federation

Russia-Ukraine Black Sea Military Crisis: On The Brink Of War On November 25, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Border Service was forced to open fire on and damage Ukrainian warships, which were carrying out hostile actions and advancing in Russian territorial waters in the Black Sea off Crimea. After the short close-quarter firefight, two Ukrainian ships were taken towed and one ship escorted by Russian forces to the Russian port of Kerch. The Ukrainian side said that 6

The Ukraine without heating, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   Located in the Cherkasy region, the Ukrainian city of Smila with 88,000 people is on the verge of imposing a state of emergency. The reason is that the heating has not started in the settlement for the upcoming season. The further away the heating season, the thicker the “European integration” is, that’s what we’re being told

Scott’s new book announcement Chaos and Fractals: an American mystery novel

  by Scott Humor   I present you with my new book. It is a mystery novel with no geo-politics, so it’s “safe” to recommend to your friends and family. The timing is especially significant, as it is a month before Christmas when we know people get stuck with seasonal depression. Mysteries are considered to be one of the best remedies for the holiday blues. P. J. James, a well

Turkey Attacks Own Proxies In Syria, Netanyahu Names Himself Defense Minister From November 18 to November 20, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) carried out a military operation against their own proxies in the region of Afrin. The TAF attacked and partially disarmed a group of about 200 members of the al-Sharqiyah Martyrs Gathering and its allied groups. The Hamza Division, the Sultan Murad Division, the al-Sham Corps and the 3rd Corps participated in the operation on the side of

Nov. 19, 2018: Government Forces Crushed ISIS-held Pocket In Southern Syria On November 17th, the Syrian Army (SAA) and its allies regained control of al-Safa after the collapse of ISIS defense in the area. An SAA source told SouthFront that heavy rain had destroyed most of the fortifications and hideouts of the terrorist group during the last few days. The remaining terrorists fled towards the eastern Homs desert. The state news agency SANA confirmed that the SAA had made significant

Lithuania Brings Out Payable Food Stamps, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions. The malicious witch Zrada (defeat), who is circling, and not keeping the Russophobes out of sight from the post-Soviet space, is once again plotting trickery. This time, the Lithuanians got it, who had “completed the Euro integration” to the ration cards. When the combined choir of the Russian liberals performs an aria about the “horrors of Stalinism”

Nov. 16, 2018: U.S. Exposes Assad’s ‘Evil Plan’ To Hurl Middle East Into Chaos On November 15, US Ambassador to Syria James Jeffrey exposed an evil plan of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to create ISIS and to hurl the Middle East, particularly Syria and Iraq, into chaos. “We also think that you cannot have an enduring defeat of ISIS until you have fundamental change in the Syrian regime and fundamental change in Iran’s role in Syria, which contributed greatly to the rise of

November 14, 2018: Turkish-PKK Conflict Escalates Amid Fresh PKK Attacks The People’s Defense Forces (HPG), a military wing of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), claimed that it had attacked 6 military bases in the southern Turkish provinces of Hakkari and Sirnak on November 9 and November 10. The HPG stated that 17 Turkish soldiers were killed and 32 others were wounded as a result of the attack. 8 soldiers are also missing, according to the HPG. It should be

November 13, 2018: Gaza Is On Edge Of Israeli Ground Invasion The Gaza Strip is on the brink of a large-scale Israeli military intervention. The current round of escalation started on November 11 when a covert unit of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) opened fire at a patrol of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the Hamas military wing, in the town of Khan Yunis inside the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) supported the retreating IDF unit by airstrikes.

November 12, 2018: Clashes Erupt Between Militants And Syrian Army In Idlib De-Escalation Zone On November 10th, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) announced that its special forces attacked a position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the Turkman mount in Northern Lattakia. The terrorist group claimed that 10 Syrian soldiers were killed. Earlier on the same day, the group claimed that its special forces killed 18 Syrian soldiers and 7 Russian service members during an attack of an “operations room” of the SAA

President Putin in Paris

Interview to Russia Today TV Channel During his visit to France to attend commemorative events marking the centenary of Armistice Day, Vladimir Putin answered questions from a Russia Today journalist. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon. Question: Mr President, have you managed to speak with Donald Trump? Is there any progress in your talks? Vladimir Putin: I have not so far; we only greeted each other. The ceremony is taking place in such a way that we have no opportunity to communicate, we

Important for DPR & LPR People – Their Determination by Coming to the Elections by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   The closer we get to the planned elections in the Republics of Donbass, the louder Ukraine and its Western sponsors are screaming. Like, the declaration of will is illegal, because it is not provided by the Minsk agreements. For this, Russia is pressuring its own line, from which it is not going to back up on.
