Macron’s second presidency was as calculatingly managed by France’s liberal elite as his first. As the country’s economic and geographic schisms widen further, yesterday’s Yellow Vest protests will seem like a tea party by comparison.

Emmanuel Macron now has a second term, courtesy of France’s urban elites. But the magnitude of the problems he faces, both domestic and external, will ensure indefinite strife in the country. Photo Credit: The Cradle
By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle
In the end, it happened exactly like the French establishment designed it. I called it last December in a column here at The Cradle.
These are the essentials: Certified Arabophobe Eric Zemmour, who is of Algerian origin, was manufactured by key establishment players of the Institut Montaigne variety to cut off the populist right-wing candidacy of Marine Le Pen. In the end, Zemmour’s electoral performance was dismal, as expected. Yet another candidate pulled off a miracle intervention and was even more useful: ambitious egomaniac opportunist and so-called progressive Jean-Luc Melenchon.
‘Le Petit Roi’ Emmanuel Macron generates less than zero empathy across France. That explains the huge voter abstention of 28 percent in the second round of votes.
The numbers tell the story: There are 48,803,175 French citizens registered to vote. Macron got 18,779,809 votes. Marine Le Pen got 13,297,728 votes. Yet the most eyebrow-raising performance was by the Abstention/Nullified/Blank candidate: 16,674,963 votes.
So the president of France was re-elected by 38.5 percent of voters while the real second place, Absention/Nullified/Blank got 34.2 percent.
That implies that roughly 42 percent of registered French voters bothered to hit the polls basically to bar Le Pen: a brand that remains toxic in vast swathes of urban France – yet hardly as much as before – and even with the whole weight of oligarchic mainstream media engaged in Two Minute Hate campaign mode. The five oligarchies who run the so-called ‘audiovisual landscape’ (PAF, according to the French acronym) of campaign messaging are all Macronists.
Madam Guillotine meets the working classes
Who, in fact, is this illusionist Petit Roi that qualifies at best as a messenger of transnational plutocracy?
From the bowels of the system, arguably the sharpest verdict comes from Mathieu Pigasse, informally referred to in Paris as “the punk banker” because of his infatuation with the British punk-rock band The Clash.
When Macron was a mergers & acquisitions banker at Rothschild & Company, Pigasse was working for the opposition, Lazard Freres. It was Macron who convinced Nestlé’s interests to be handled by Rothschild, while Pigasse was representing Danone.
Pigasse also happens to be one of the major shareholders of Le Monde – which used to be a great newspaper up to the 1980s and now is a shallow carbon copy of the New York Times. Le Monde is Macronist to the core.
Pigasse defines Macron as “the purest product of French elitism, in terms of the Parisian microcosm.” Although Macron is a provinciale from Amiens, he perfectly fit into the Parisian beau monde, which is in itself a quite rarefied, and yes, equally provincial universe, like a village where everyone ‘that matters’ knows everyone.
Pigasse also identifies the establishment characters who invented Macron and placed him at the top of the pyramid – ranging from avowed eugenicist Jacques Attali to Serge Weinberg (ex-CEO of Sanofi), Francois Roussely (ex-president of EDF) and Jean-Pierre Jouyet, a former minister under disgraced former President Nicolas Sarkozy and then number two at the Elysée Palace under the supremely incompetent Francois Hollande.
Attali, incidentally, describes Macronism as a “pro-European modernization, engaged, liberal and optimist. That corresponds to a center-right of modern France” – and then Attali himself gives away the game – “which is not necessarily the whole of France.”
“Not necessarily the whole of France” in fact means the majority of France, if one bothers to leave a few tony Paris arrondissements to talk to people in Pas-de-Calais, Bourgogne or the Var. This ‘real’ France identifies the “social market economy” extolled by Attali and promoted by Macron as a gigantic fake.
It would be too easy to paint the current national divide between, on one side, the elderly and the very young carrying a diploma, living in comfort; and on the other side, the 25 to 60 year olds, without higher education and barely making ends meet. That is, the working class masses.
It is more nuanced than that. Still, the two most important factors in this election are that close to one third of voters didn’t even bother to show up – or nullified their vote (even here in Paris). And that the gullible Melenchon horde handed it over to Le Petit Roi, assuming their leader will become a de facto ‘prime minister.’
The working classes will be literally exterminated throughout another five years of hardcore neoliberalism. France’s until recently stellar social welfare system will be decimated. Retirement age will be extended to 65 years old. Smaller pensions will be barely enough to live on. The super-wealthy will pay much lower taxes while the common worker will pay much higher ones. Education and healthcare will be privatized.
France will merrily catch up with the fast decaying casino capitalism of the US and UK. And don’t forget further travel restrictions and food and fuel shortages.
Islamophobia will not dissolve into a mellow woke rainbow. On the contrary: it will be instrumentalized as the perfect scapegoat for serial Macronist incompetence and corruption.
Meanwhile, in Azovstal…
If we add the spectacular performance of the Absention/Nullifed/Blank candidate plus people who didn’t even bother to vote, we have something like a silent majority of 30 million people who instinctively feels the whole system is rigged.
The winners, of course, are the usual suspects: the BlackRock/McKinsey/Great Reset/weapons industry/EuroNazicrat axis. McKinsey virtually run French government policy – bordering on fiscal fraud – a scandal corporate media did everything to bury. For his part, Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, a very close ‘consultant’ of the Elysee Palace, must have popped a few extra bottles of Krug.
And then, there’s France as Great Power. Leader of great swathes of Africa (fresh from receiving a punch in the teeth from Mali); Leader of West Asia (ask the Syrians and Lebanese about it); Leader of the Great Resetting EU; And deeply embedded in the NATO war machine.
Which bring us to the top invisible story before this election, totally buried by corporate media. Yet Turkish intelligence picked it up. The Russians, for their part, have kept themselves deliciously mute, in their trademark ‘strategic ambiguity’ mode.
Denis Pushilin, the head of Donetsk People’s Republic, confirmed once again early this week there are roughly 400 foreign ‘instructors’ cum mercenaries – from NATO – huddling in the bowels of the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol, with no way out.
Turkish intel maintains that 50 of them are French, some of them high-ranking. That explains what has been established by several Russian sources – but not acknowledged at all by Paris: Macron has placed a flurry of frantic phone calls to Putin to set up a “humanitarian corridor” to extricate his valuable assets.
The measured Russian response has been – once again – trademark geopolitical judo. No “humanitarian corridor” for anyone in Azovstal, be it Azov neo-Nazis or their foreign NATO handlers, and no bombing them to oblivion. Let them starve – and in the end they will be forced to surrender.
Enter the still unconfirmed yet plausible Macron directive: no surrender by any means. Because surrendering means giving Moscow on a silver plate a series of confessions and all the facts of an illegal, secret operation conducted by the ‘leader of Europe’ on behalf of neo-Nazis.
All bets are off when – and if – the full story breaks out in France. It might as well happen during the upcoming war crimes tribunal to be set up most probably in Donetsk.
Aux armes, citoyens? Well, they have five years down the road to hit the barricades. It may happen sooner than we think.
Not at all enamored by the oh so noble French.. they maybe hoping we all forgot about their dropping 20,000 bombs on the Libyan people and infrastructure.. for oil contracts. Raping Mali for gold and uranium, and maybe a couple of hundred stuck down in Azovstel.. there to direct the use of their weapons to capture Donbas and Crimea.
Sneaking back to an earlier time, in Minh, Indochina in 1921. 2 Bleriot biplanes, on orders from Paris, machine gunned and bombed to DEATH,10,000 UNARMED Vietnamese peasants, peacefully making their way to the French Colonial HQ, to plead for lower French-imposed rice taxes, so they wouldn’t starve to death! Revenge came at Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, when a few of the Minh survivors went on to lead the Viet Cong to victory over the French.
I didnt know that episode. Terrible. That reafirms my belief that liberation wars are only fought after horrendous gruesome crimes.
“Macron was a mergers & acquisitions banker at Rothschild & Company”
So, the entire Western world is controlled by Jewish money, trying hard to destroy Christian civilization.
No wonder they hate Putin, a dedicated Christian Orthodox who doesn’t allow them to run roughshod on Russia.
You must give us a source for that attack you claim happened in 1921. By “Minh”, do you mean Ho Chi Minh CIty or somewhere else ? I have never heard of this before, and I am moderately well-versed in Vietnamese history. I am not inclined to believe any of it because two biplanes left over from WW1 could not carry enough bombs or bullets to kill anywhere near 10,000 people. No one here wants the well of truth to be poisoned. You must put up a source. That is your obligation if you want to be taken seriously here, and not thought of as a drive-by troll. could be a starting point for exploring the facts. The info was new also to me – me also fairly well versed in Vietnamese history. Maybe not as distrustful, though.
Thanks. I love finding little gems like that.
Does confirm what I thought I knew about imperial powers using air-power to suppress troublesome natives who were supposed to only work in the plantations and thank the colonizers for making them ‘civilized’. My mind had jumped to tales of Winston Churchill using aircraft armed with gas bombs against Iraqis after WW1.
I could not find the specific incident, but I did not read all 300 pages closely. I did find (above dissertation link, p.205) the following …
“Deploying Airpower in Bombing and Strafing Missions in Indochina
By the mid-1920s, French officials were requesting that military planes be put to
use in policing operations to stamp out anti-colonial activity in Indochina. There does not
appear to be a scholarly consensus regarding exactly when aircraft were first charged
with these missions, but the earliest instance likely occurred in the Central Highlands of
Annam in the spring of 1924. This region had been causing the French difficulties earlier
in the year, but the use of violent force was not authorized until the spring.”
I found another section that spoke of how the planes were often used as more of a ‘show-of-force’ meant to intimidate natives. Which makes sense. Their power to cause panic as an untouchable attacker would likely be more impactful than the number of souls whose lives are ended by the guns and bombs. Of course, such a big impact on any population would likely lead to inflated tales of the strike. The casualty numbers would likely be inflated to match the impact.
According to Hillary Clinton’s emails, released by the Senate investigative body led by Republicans to investigate Benghazi? The French and Egyptians began operations in Benghazi to foment Islamic militant action against Qaddafi. Why? Qaddafi proposed a gold-backed currency to be used by the African Union. This would displace the CFA Franc (possibly renamed the ‘eco’) used in West Africa. The CFA Franc is used by France to maintain colonialism through financial means. Oddly enough, at times France has representatives on the Central Banks of various West African countries and has or had required that those countries keep half of their deposits in French banks. All currency conversions are controlled by the French Treasury. Macron engaged in some propaganda to lessen the appearance of French monetary domination of West Africa that actually changed very little.
By replacing the CFA Franc? France would sustain a massive economic blow. Possibly bankrupting the working & middle classes. Qaddafi proposed just that, replacing the CFA Franc with a gold currency.
French & Egyptian special operations quickly moved into Benghazi to foment an Islamic fundamentalist uprising. When the Libyan army started moving on Benghazi? French President Nicolas Sarkozy requested aid from President Obama, who refused. Sarkozy then got together with Secretary of State – Satan herself – Hillary Clinton. Clinton was able to convince Obama to let the US State Department run their own operation in Libya. A no-fly zone was quickly established. Qaddafi was hunted down. Islamic terrorists overran Libya. Libyan slave markets came into existence. AQ of the Maghreb expanded their influence throughout North & West Africa.
Macron is needed to reinforce the currency hegemony over West Africa. Otherwise, France becomes an economic dead zone under neoliberal economics. As for nominal French ally, Germany? Germany need not worry unless the Euro is disposed of, ripping out the Euro that subsidizes the German economy. If country currencies were reintroduced in Europe? The German Deutsche Mark would be so over-valued as to make German goods too expensive in other European countries. The CFA Franc championed by neoliberal economic tools like Macron does for the French, what the Euro does for Germany.
Hence, Macron was required to be re-elected, as a banker’s pet. LePen would have likely not done anything to the CFA Franc either.
Zionists & Evangelicals have to be in power everywhere – The important TINA from Marg & Ronni’s days … for killing & theving fields forever
Pardon my language, but France, like the rest of ‘Europe’, is f**ked. Another shitehole of a country wild horses couldn’t drag me to visit. The Russian SMO in the Ukraine has pulled the masks from the slithering morass in ‘Europe’ and exposed them for the worms they really are, desperately trying to hide from the sunlight, lest they dissolve like the vampires they were spawned from.
Europe becomed a dump eversince UE happened. Accelerated in the last 20 years.
I am french and I could not have made a better analysis of this rigged election like the previous ones. Fundamentally it is due to the treason of all the parties that pretend to be on the left. Now they are the better support of the neo liberal system which is instutionalized in the EU traities. After the first round all of them have immediately supported Macron.
Before the first round some candidates who are in favor of the exit of the EU and the Euro as well and for the end of the french participation to NATO have been eliminated with the help of the bias of the needed patronages The most prominent is François Asselineau whose brain is two levels over those of the usual candidates.
Hence these three major conditions which are necessary in order that France may have a chance to have it’s independence back have been excluded from the political debate.
Of course I have not participated to the poll even in the first round.
France is now under a dictatorship with a tiny democratic face just to lure the gullible citizens.
The medias including the public ones deliver 24/7 a raw propaganda with the help of corrupted journalist, experts, analysts…. Now they are focused on spreading the hate of Russia and the russian elected president VV Putin,
One goal among others is to let believe that Russia is responsible of the french major crises in the energy and economical fields.
Having visited Paris as part of a motorbike tour decades ago, I’ll never forget our “accidental” trip into Riquet Stalingrad – we went there to see what it was like, and beat a fairly hasty retreat.
The area around Gare du Nord seems a bit dicey, especially after dark (waiting to catch the Eurostar back to London).
They voted for war… they might just get it.
It reminds me of my dog … It would sit still and I would kick a football towards it….she would just watch it bounce across the ground until it it her in the face..
What would the election result have been without the vote of migrant origin?
What would the vote have been without Dominion machines?
Look at the French territories whose voters didnt have them
thank you.
France under Macron even for retired people is no picnic. ALL of the “free media” word for word repeat the lies of “Russian atrocities” invented by Ukrainian spokesmen,. Never a word of the reasons for the SMO. First there was a pretence to talk to Putin by Macron, who quickly sank into the EU murky mud and pushed for the illegal vicious sanctions. Nobody dares murmur any criticism of the brave blue eyed Ukrainian “refugees” who swan back to Kiev for Easter celebrations and do not even admit the 8 years of pounding of Russophone Ukies in the Donbass and the present refusal of the Ze régime to allow any military units to surrender, even when the Russian superiority is well-known.
The high level of abstention suggests that the majority of French citizens are gradually twigging that their best course is simply never to vote. Make it perfectly obvious that the whole political machinery operates without the tiniest particle of support from the people.
“Not in my name”. They cannot go on calling it a democracy when no one votes.
They cannot go on calling it a democracy when no one votes.
Oh yes they can, and will do it without blinking !
The nerds of “El Diario de Sevilla”,Spain gave the cover tho Macron’s mother, aka his wife.
Hanging from the Cross of St. Martha Piazza, near the Giralda some punk scribled:
Je pacte avec to le Diable Undebè (Gypsy name of Satan or whatever)
on this cover…..and MACRON GUILLOTEEN
How can a normal man marry his mom……?
The interesting question for me out of the various national governments in Zone A is whether the RF has a plan to actually denazify (to change the global economy so that the will of the people is strong enough to be heard and overcome the entrenched power of the ruling class) or if the RF objectives are about securing immediate sphere of influence and essentially creating a new global partition of Moscow/Beijing and DC/London.
I wonder if politicians like Le Pen come off as basically mainstream and not really that much different from the official globalist candidate because they are actively controlled opposition, or is it simply because the elites have such total control behind the scenes in the main countries that even opposition perspectives have to basically blend in to get even small amounts of traction.
At any rate, far from being weak, the continued ability of the Western oligarchs to soundly defeat any semblance of internal rebellion suggests the empire remains quite strong.
Already being predicted by foreign geopolitical analysts:
“The years to come will certainly not be quiet”
“Sooner or Later, a Revolution Will Break Out in France” predicts a Chinese researcher
Buckle up – we’re in for a bumpy ride!
@ Uncle Davy
Re: ““Sooner or Later, a Revolution Will Break Out in France” predicts a Chinese researcher”
A few years ago, Macron and Merkel met and – amongst other things – discussed the need for a European Union military force. The fact that they are talking about something like that suggests a number of possibilities. First, that they know at some level that their policies are unpopular and must sooner or later lead to internal discord and perhaps a breakdown in civic order. Second, why the need for an explicitly EU force when both leaders could call upon national militaries? Macron must not completely trust the French high-command, if he wants an outside force independent of it. Third, if a European Union “rapid reaction force” or something like it comes into being, for what purpose will it be used? To protect native Frenchmen and women and La Belle France, or against them when they have finally had enough of the lies and the duplicity by Macron and his stooges?
Things are quiet now, but a year or two ago, didn’t a member of the French general staff speak openly about his belief that if more “immigrants” were allowed into France, civil war was only a matter of time? I am sorry, I do not have a name or reference, but do remember reading something about that a few years ago.
France will live to regret letting Macron in if in fact he was properly elected as election fraud is inferred by the election data.
A civil revolution or coup will happened before long.
A he will not be able to stop it.
A full audit of the election results needs to be done as its likely votes for Le Pen were flipped to Macron as in the US 2020 election. Or other voting tricks done.
More work by Capitalism’s Invisible Army.
“If we add the spectacular performance of the Absention/Nullifed/Blank candidate plus people who didn’t even bother to vote, we have something like a silent majority of 30 million people who instinctively feels the whole system is rigged.”
And the winner of the 2022 French Presidential Election is … None-of-the-Above!
President None-of-the-Above will without doubt be the most beloved and greatest ruler in French history–far surpassing the phony political choices of Emmanuel Macron or Marine LePen.
In fact, the None-of-the-Above political party and movement will gain massive popularity throughout the vaunted “democracies” of the self-styled Free World in general.
Support None-of-the-Above!
Democracy: Choose and Lose….
The same is the case in the US, UK, Germany and elsewhere. The head of state is routinely elected with around 30 percent of the adult population that potentially could vote. They call this “democracy” and if you don’t like it Stoltenberg’s Mafia will take care of you real fast.
Rouselly and jounot? Are they French Jews? Anyone have credible evidence of what they are?
During the yellow jackets, the “macronie” was holding to almost nothing. One line of CRS and two outdated armored car from the gendarmerie. No one knew where the prime minister was, the helicopter on the Elysee palace was ready to set of at any moment, the minister of interior was going crazy and the president and its prime minister, when reunited insulted each other in not kind-hearted words.
We were so close to the end of this regime.
Then the répression let all hell loose. They were this frightened that they left behind the masks. And it broke the yellow jackets, as it broke what left of the “state of right”. Curiously they also accused the yellow jackets to be a Russian stage coup. ^^
Unfortunately they didn’t had the expertise of the secret services of the Russian fédération ( maybe next time? ^^)
My point being that Macron as coveted the police nationale so much that these guys and the syndicats are mostly loyal to Macron. They could – and have – killed for him. And were decorated for it.
To repress in Paris, and we couldn’t invent it, we have mister the préfet Lallemand (Thegerman, in French), telling us that he isn’t on the same camp of the population. A man, called Lallemand, with a face which inspire the gestapo, speaking you about camps…. That’s what is the regime in France.
The instruments created to repress in France are total, the press and the mass media are all on the side of the regime, the police is fully with it…. The population, if it dares to open its mouth, is beaten, humiliated, fired from job or worse.
I’m afraid, if no foreign country support the demonstrations, that change will have to come either by violence from the population – meaning terrorism – or by the military, which is less and less happy to do its job with outdated means, less men and more tasks, and will end up by putting an end to Macron via a coup d’Etat…. For better or worse.
The black clad so-called “riot police” are just amoral, psychopathic mercenaries paid by the depraved elites. With YOUR money.
Wonder if Le Pen is paid to run against Macron given some of the French citizenry & their animus against her ideologies.
Given she’s run in the last two election, she must simply be a ploy for the Macronists.
If I was looking for “A Steal” in this election, I’d look in the first round to see if there was any hanky-panky that helps to make sure that LePen is Macron’s perpetual opponent. Seems to be a nice setup to get the bankers-choice elected when as usual, the bankers-choice is only preferred by about a quarter of the citizenry.
You don’t have to rig an election in the final vote, if the early rounds can be manipulated to make the final result obvious. We should call that the Richard Nixon Rule, although I’d doubt if that old McCarthyite invented it either.
Isn’t Macron one of Schwab’s “Young Leaders.? That would explain alot.
Funny how white western people is attached to their own lies. La République Française it is still regarded as some kind of world progressist vanguard: “How civilized we are ???”
For all colonized black/brown/yellow lives, deaths, wealth, blood, sweat, freedom, resistance, years and tears: Rot in Hell France and all White Western Civilization!
Just completed live interview with Pepe by Danny Haiphong. Pepe discusses the formation of the BRICs, the resulting multi-polar environment, and the blacklisting of his contributions on Twitter and Facebook. Highly recommended for followers of Pepe Escobar….
Zemmour cut off Le Pen? Doesn’t make sense. She reached the final round, not him.
According to guest of Richard Hanania, the reason Le Pen lost is that her family name is too unpopular with older French, even those who are anti immigrant; and also, they fear for their pensions.
If the Macron has some high ranking people left behind in Azovstal, and they manage to surrender, I guess their confessions will not be reported in western media, or be considered obtained from torture.
The Libertarians in America had one good idea. Every ballot must contain the choice “None Of The Above”.
When none of the above wins, then there is another election and none of these candidates can stand for the office in that round. Nope, they don’t get the guillotine. My own opinion is that anyone who does not bother to vote, or who ‘spoils’ their ballot with some choice words not suitable for use around children, counts as expressing a preference for none of the above.
That would not solve all problems, but at least provide a step in the right direction.
“The measured Russian response has been – once again – trademark geopolitical judo. No “humanitarian corridor” for anyone in Azovstal, be it Azov neo-Nazis or their foreign NATO handlers, and no bombing them to oblivion. Let them starve – and in the end they will be forced to surrender.”
That sounds good … fits into my very old American beliefs about how the only Good Nazi is one who’s nailed to its perch. Except, it may not happen. The head of the United Nazis convinced Putin to let the UN evacuate the Avozstal nazis. Sounds like there is still some wiggle room in the details, but apparently the UN is rushing in to save their brethren.
I agree on everything except on Mélenchon, it’s way more complicated than that. He’s the only candidate with a genuinely anti-systemic program (100% anti-imperalist and socialist) while all the others who achieved more than 5% are either 100% neoliberal/atlantist or somehow schizophrenic with a mix of different things that don’t fit together.
Pepe is probably pissed off by Mélenchon saying “not one vote should go for Le Pen” in the second ballot, and honestly I am too, but Mélenchon is much less to blame himself than one part of his electorate that still believes that Marine Le Pen’s “Rassemblement national” of 2022, a conservative party with some reactionary facets (like school reform, more power to the police, stupid and useless laws on “immigration”) but some progressive and anti-imperalist aspects as well (leave NATO, have good relations with Russia, reducing the pension age), is the same as her father’s “Front national” of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s, a truly fascist party (pro NATO, anti-soviet to the core, pro US, pro Ustasha and pro neoliberalism). If those people hear you say one single time that it’s okay to vote for Le Pen, they’ll never vote for you again for the next 100 years. They just don’t realize that thing have changed and that Marine is not her father. Unfortunately those people make about one third of Mélenchon’s voters, they are those among them who voted Macron in the 2nd round to “block fascism” while hating him at the same time. Mélenchon simply cannot afford to say “vote what you want” including Le Pen in his advice to his voters, or he will lose 1/3 of them forever and any hope to build an independent and people-centered France will be lost. Actually, Mélenchon is already under constant attack by MSM since 2017 (and now again) for simply having given his voters the possibility of not voting for any of both.
Also, Le Pen didn’t help her own self by writing in her program that she would ban hijab on the street and cancel the right to multiple citizenship. While she has about zero chances to implement such stupid measures concretely, she has succeeded in scaring a huge part of the wokism-friendly middle-class and some people with immigration background. Actually, since the truly far-right fraction of her party betrayed her by joining Zemmour, she could have seized the opportunity to get rid of her bad image once and for all, but she didn’t because without any thought on immigration and Islam, a Le Pen is not a Le Pen anymore. In fact, the system plays with her an old game that consist in having everytime the main system candidate against her in the 2nd round, so you can be sure that Mr. System will win because whole France will be urged by MSM to vote for him in order to “block fascism”. As sad as it is, it still works and it works everytime. For myself, I voted Le Pen in the second round (after voting for Mélenchon in the first) despite my triple citizenship and my Muslim name, because I think that WW3 and the Great Reset are much bigger concerns than hijab and my citizenships.
How can Mélenchon be anti-system when he has spend 45 years of his life being paid with our tax money while basking on ”assemblée nationale” seats, at the Senate, and some Conseil Général and ho, I was about t forget, at the EU (etc. Check his anti-system career on wikipedia…) Those types of comments baffle me.
Crudely stage-managed were indeed those boring French elections… and for the nth time: same scenario, same imposture, same political stagnation. But this time, evidently somewhat embarrassed facing deep popular discontent and near (or was it real?) record abstention, the said «winner» did not dare pretend to be triumphant. After all, whom does he represent beyond himself, little gangs of plutocrats and a pocket of zombies elected members of the National Assembly?
Anyhow, none of that will in any way prevent France’s decline from accelerating, it «circling the drain ever faster» (George Carlin). So that evidently, while even millenary civilizations are now so spectacularly rejuvenated, irrevocably decadent France has once again chosen to remain complacently so. The worst is yet to come to be believed…