by Stephen Karganovic for The Saker Blog
The way things are shaping up down south (viewed from Belgrade) the tiny, helpless, beleaguered new Balkan state of Macedonia could be the trigger for a wider regional conflict. It is well to remember the adage of veteran politician Franklin Delano Roosevelt, especially in the present context: If it turned out a certain way, it is probably because that is the way it was planned.
If the stage is indeed being set for a new Balkan conflagration, many signs suggest that Macedonia has been assigned a key role in the process leading up to it. Slightly under two years ago, Guaido’s Balkan precursor, Zoran Zaev, was promoted by non-Macedonian interests to unconstitutionally replace the less compliant but democratically elected long-time stooge Nikola Gruevski as prime minister. Procedural niceties were brutally cast aside when Macedonia’s Western masters concluded that Gruevski was getting too many independent policy ideas and that letting him remain in office was therefore risky. In a ruthless, Kiev 2014-style coup, coordinated from the embassies of all the usual suspects, Gruevski was unceremoniously ousted. (By a remarkable coincidence, ambassador Jeffrey Pyatt, of Kiev fame, is now accredited to the neighboring Greek government and undoubtedly supervises these affairs from his Athens command post.) Usurper Zaev was promptly installed, though lacking the required parliamentary majority and in disregard of president Djordje Ivanov’s strong initial refusal to officially appoint him. But that did not matter in Armenia, why should it now in Macedonia?
The masters’ game plan was soon revealed. One objective was to make sure that the Russian pipeline’s passage through strategically located Macedonia would be permanently blocked with the cooperation of a reliable lackey. The other items on the agenda consisted of (1) rearranging the internal political balance of power to overtly favor the aggressive and Western-supported Albanian minority, laying the foundations for Macedonia’s violent Yugoslav-style, ethnically driven breakup at some point, and (2) getting Macedonia into NATO and shoring up NATO’s southern front by “settling” the name dispute with Greece, also to be accomplished to Macedonia’s disadvantage.
Zaev’s first order of business was to implement the so-called “Tirana platform,” an agreement he reached with Macedonia’s Albanian minority while still a private citizen. (He is obviously lucky that Macedonia does not have anything like the Logan Act.) Significantly, the agreement involving the de facto federalization of the tiny country and the granting of extensive privileges to a foreign-backed minority within it, was negotiated by Zaev in the Albanian capital of Tirana. No one seems to be quite sure how many ethnic Albanians there exactly are in Macedonia, any more than it is known for certain how many of them reside in neighboring Kosovo. They are alleged to constitute a respectable 25 to 30 % of Macedonia’s population. But questioning that allegation or subjecting it to empirical verification is actively discouraged. As a result, the western, most densely Albanian- populated portion of Macedonia contiguous with Albania itself has now been turned into a state-within-a-state where native Macedonians enjoy a status similar to that of Indians in the US. The Albanian language has been made official alongside Macedonian and one may assume that smart and farsighted people in Skopje, who get their cues from the embassies that are running the country, are now busy taking Albanian lessons.
Zaev’s second major “achievement” was to negotiate an end to the Macedonian name dispute with his Greek colleague, equally contemptuous of popular sentiment, the perfidious phony socialist Alexis Tsipras. Since Macedonia’s independence from Yugoslavia in 1992, Greece has strongly objected to the country’s name, asserting that “Macedonia” is a Greek copy-righted geographical and historical concept, that Alexander the Great was Greek not Skopje-Macedonian, and all the rest of it, typical Balkan stuff that most readers would probably find utterly boring. The name dispute, however, got hundreds of thousands of people quite excited and demonstrating vociferously on both sides of the border.
It was important therefore to settle, or to at least paper over this issue to make NATO’s southern flank reasonably united in anticipation of the impending big war in the East. The analogy with the geopolitical situation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1941, when its politicians were cajoled into signing off on the Axis pact, and Macedonia’s today, with its accession to NATO, is striking. And yes, Macedonia was “rewarded” for changing its name not just by being generously accepted into NATO, but also with the privilege of being targeted by Russian missiles should hostilities break out in the future.

NATO flag already adorns government offices of “North Macedonia”
Should anyone be wondering why until just a few days ago Macedonia was known by the clumsy and ridiculous acronym FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) it was because of Greece’s refusal to countenance any other label. The need to form a united front against Russia’s “malign influence” in the Balkans now clearly superseds such puerile nonsense. Orders were issued to both puppets from on high to kiss and make up, which they dutifully did, of course.
Incidentally, Macedonia’s new official name of North Macedonia, which Wikipedia has already hastened to duly acknowledge, is rather underwhelming from the standpoint of idiomatic English. “Northern” would have sounded better, a detail that was not lost on the linguistically savvier Turkish partners when they were setting up their own satellite entity, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, on the part of the island that they occupy.
So, the stage now seems to be set to plunge North Macedonia in a conflict its people clearly do not want, and to demolish it either by igniting ethnic warfare or making it disappear in a nuclear conflagration, whatever happens to suit global decisionmakers the best. I consulted my trusted Macedonian (I will not insult him by adding “North” to his sufficiently humiliated country’s cherished name) friend and local contact, journalist Milenko Nedelkovski, for his assessment of his country’s current situation.
First things first, I asked him about the current status of his widely watched, influential, notoriously patriotic, and therefore obviously politically misaligned television talk show and whether he was getting any heat from the new “democratic and Western-values” oriented authorities.
His response could not have been more dispiriting:
“Both the present-day authorities and the opposition which until two years ago ruled the country are under the command of the US Embassy in Skopje and ambassador Jess Baily. This is our 14th season. Three years ago, the American embassy ordered my show to be taken off the air by all television broadcasters. It was cancelled twice by TV Channel 5 and three times by Channel Alpha. Both broadcasters have a nation-wide frequency. We are being harassed by absolutely everyone. That is why I am posting my program on Facebook and YouTube. There, for the moment, we are not facing any restrictions and the viewing audience now exceeds anything we ever had in the traditional media.”
Considering that in the period preceding the degrading Zaev – Tsipras name change agreement mass demonstrations opposing it were being held throughout Macedonia, I asked Milenko why people seem suddenly to have given up in the face of the quisling fait accompli.
“The people have not suddenly gone quiet. Repression is such that the ordinary citizen is afraid. He is now articulating his anger through the social media and by boycotting presidential elections. At the moment in Macedonia, civil disobedience is the principal tool of resistance. And if by ‘going quiet’ is meant that the people are no longer out in the streets, that is because the opposition VMRO party is also collaborating with the American-Brussels occupiers, so they are not calling on the people to protest.”
Given the dismal conditions Milenko described, I asked him what the chances are for kicking the rascals out in the next elections.
His answer was: “Non-existent. In April we are due to have presidential elections the honesty of which is very dubious. Ballot boxes will be stuffed, there will be coercion… But under no circumstances will there be anything resembling an honest vote. And the result, of course, will be endorsed by the ‘international community’ as a great victory for democracy.”
My Macedonian informant’s answer to the question of what future he sees for Macedonia if the appeasement of the Albanian factor continues was most unsettling. These are his dark visions:
“Not just the future of Macedonia as a unified country, but the future of all of former Yugoslavia will be uncertain. The Albanians will press relentlessly their Greater Albania project. In practice that means the disintegration of Macedonia as we know it, but also the reduction of Serbia to the territory of the Belgrade district (пашалук) during the period of Ottoman rule. Kosovo and the southern areas of Serbia will be detached, and other parts of the country, around Novi Pazar for instance, might also be snatched away from Serbia. Bosnia will not remain in its present shape and within the present borders. Montenegro will also be required to sacrifice territories to the Greater Albania project. Some littoral and even inland areas will no longer form part of Milo Djukanovic’s little kingdom. The redrawing of borders in the Balkans at the expense of the Orthodox nations, including some Greek lands to which the Albanians aspire, is certain to occur. The only hope for us Orthodox is a large-scale international conflict, which might be sparked off by something that happens in Venezuela, the Kerch Strait, Eastern Ukraine, Syria, Kaliningrad, or North Korea, the consequences of which would be so grave as to cause the US to lose interest in interfering in other nations’ affairs. Things will get better for us when they stop supporting unconditionally the Albanian factor in the Balkans and the Albanian mafia world-wide.”
It could, of course, be said that Milenko’s remedy is worse than the disease. But this compelling cri de coeur, by a well informed and intelligent observer from the heart of the Balkan darkness that proud NATO (and who knows, perhaps soon even EU) candidate “North Macedonia” has been turned into, certainly ought not to be ignored.
Lets imagine a potential future where the neocons succeed in blocking Russian gas from Europe.
The Washington Oligarchs will be making large short term profits from supplying their expensive LNG to Europe.
But, there will be a large mass of now very cold and very broke people paying expensive heating bills while looking over the imposed blockage at people enjoying the benefits of cheap Russian gas. The resulting explosion will make the current Yellow Vest protests look like a school picnic. Those protests are from a few percent increase in vehicle fuel prices which are just too much to bear after a long period of austerity and shifting costs onto the people for the profit of the oligarchs. Now picture what happens when their home heating prices double (or worse)?
This is strategy from the sort of people who would weld the pressure release valve on a steam boiler shut because it is so dang annoying that it keeps popping off.
At that point it also becomes decisively cheaper to go green. The economic case for moving off fossil fuels and the political case for being less dependent on expensive, easily cut off shipped in supplies would go hand in hand. American leverage might not last long.
It is fascinating what is happening here in every state in Europe, as per Macedonia.
To digress to explain: in the UK lawmakers from both main parties are defecting into an ‘Independent’ party, registered as a private Ltd company (a first). This box of frogs have coalesced around the single unifying desire to stop Brexit, which was the result of a democratic referendum. They have refused the standard procedure of stepping down and call a by-election to see if the people who voted for them on their pledge to honor the referendum agree with their decision.
Two party politics where the incumbent is held to account by the opposition has been unbelievable for 25 years. There is no opposition. It is now abundantly clear that politics is setting itself up, not party against party in the interests of accountability, but directly against the will of the people. This is the UK parliament morphing into a totalitarianism like Europe. This is now the norm across the west. There are going to be riots when this finally sinks in, and I am writing about that possibility.
Politics vs. the people. This has led everywhere to an inflammation of society.
I am not convinced at all that this is not deliberate. These things have always been so. Whereas the public votes for prosperity and peace, politicians are forcing us into poverty, segregation, internal and external conflict followed by suppression. Political and economic theorists always say that people must be dragged kicking and screaming into a new dawn. Macedonia is one small theater of this wider determination. I am increasingly convinced that the upheavals in Europe are manufactured, like Ukraine, Syria et all were manufactured. That Macedonia is being pushed towards tension and strife, as the UK will be pushed towards it too.
The question is whether the new dawn is a dawn at all and worth suffering for. I find Russia’s resistance to this inclination in the west towards a theoretical global utopia very telling, having suffered one such itself. Globalism, the catch phrase for this political revolution that a few are determined to drag many people into the mud for, is a clear and present evil.
Resistance to this has to be smart. If a planning application for a massive and ugly house in the wrong spot is presented which also has an excessive number of windows that overlook your property, as sure as hell the windows were put their to draw your fire – your objection to the windows can be upheld with a slight modification to the design, but the building remains and is built.
Likewise with the Miadan’s across Europe. These individual contests in .gov vs public in each state will lead to concessions that in fact pave the way for a new suprastructure that overshadows your garden. This is precisely what happened in Ukraine. Either you identify and object, like Russia, to the very foundation of the idea of globalism, or you will get what they want.
I am wary of fighting politics in the street. It seems to be what they want. Fight the idea.
How exactly?
Very good observations proper gander….
Yes the Customs Union EEC functioned well from its berth 1957 but once the unelected commission plus other supranational bodies had more influence the political rising wing of the European Union has been sliding off the rails away from its original design and/or project. Please note it has no stated destination ….
The worlds “largest peace project” has since the late 1990s being slowly hyjacked by global finance. This today does deeply influence policy formation and decision making and implementation…. Thus the democratic deficient supranational bodies dictate down to the mass s across the member states stuff that many of us struggle with now…..
From the early days of Monet to Jacque Delors and to the present day hyjackers of the EU project it remains a unique structure …. Even the citizens have never understood fully the project or its institutions. Neither do most call themselves EU citizens. Most still call themselves eg French German Italian etc. There is no EU identity yet.
Parallel to this the Brexit path is visibly being hyjacked but to where and what end ????? plus a further parallel to that is the ignorance of what is meant by the term – customs union…..
A phenomenal array of smoke and mirrors spreads across europe…… From the elites who love the EU Brussels project to the mass s who fail to grasp what we live under. In general east europeans have failed to understand the EU at all but they do love the material side of it, as choices for them are better west than in their home state but the westies by contrast are not happy as many are paying way more taxes with fewer benefits and stagnant wages. The French are rising too.
Today we are truely divided across the EU: we are dominated by a form of soft financial totalitarianism which benefits but a few and punishes the most
This was not what it was like during the 80s and 90s….
I was wondering what the capitalists would do if they did not get their war. well now we see. the capitalists intend to destroy society, break it down and rework it in ways that would sustain their domination in perpetuity
how to fight the idea..attack it frontally. we have to understand the situation and so understanding it come to and accept the only way out of this and go to the people with it, explain it to the people expose to the people the total dialectical reality and the only way out
in this Karl Marx has been very helpful with his comprehensive analysis of capitalism. we know the capitalist now, who they are and what they must do to keep their wealth and power. we also know they will not compromise their collective minority interest and they have worked it all out, have planned well and actively moving forward.
if the capitalist do not create a Brave New world they are toast. they must have the whole world..all of it to organize as they go in ways that sustains their power. they must destroy all alternative sources of power and example for the people
what must the people of the world do..based by ordinary working class people?
hats right move now..pass and go straight ahead to the structures that guarantees popular well being. the people must begin creating in their own image systematically the socialism that will meet popular of material well being and participatory politics where they can have hands on control of the process
all the confusion and disunity works against the people. the people must develop as quickly as possible a global working class ordinary outlook based on the truth of global conditions of their class, and that they do form a global class that must defeat capitalism.
and the radical intellectuals, the alternative thinkers have a contribution to understand what the people do. they must help foster popular understanding and bring the ordinary people of the world into full confrontation with capitalism as fast as possible..decisive confrontation in which the people are acting. moving taking over and creating social forms as they go that works in their ares and regions in organizing the society in ways that meets the needs of all
at the moment this is the best way I can say what I have. it is time to stop playing the fool..all the intellects . there is no other way out. the way forward is popular democracy for the people by the people. only organized world ordinary folk can defeat capitalism. the middle class cant, intellectuals cant. the way society has developed under capitalism makes this so. if the middle, intellectuals etc want to have freedom and a democratic and free future for themselves and their families only popular democracy can guarantee such a future therefore their job is to side with the people and work to revolutionize global society
it is now, this minute world revolution or world slavery…we must make our choice NOW which side we are on and if on the peoples side move immediately to begin helping the people develop the required consciousness of what they must do to literally save themselves and humanity in the process
I hope this makes sense
my intuition matches many of your statements.
we are being cast in roles not for our liking… the play moves on, but unless the pdofilic satanists are defeated, 100 years from now they will tell “how amazing that ww3 started… and the fault was clearly from the loosers… those evil guys …”
Or some similar pattern to wwi and wwii…
So sad……the Balkan wars…..the Salonika Front(the forgotten front) in Macedonia Region in WW1 where Serbs French Italian Russian British plus troops from many other places united to make a stand against Austria and Germany Bulgars and Turks iin the presence of Greek difficulties…..endless devastations out there..
These Serbs are tough in trouble, sober, modest, unbreakable. They are the free men, proud of their nation and the masters of their fields. For the freedom of their homeland these peasants instantly turned into the most courageous soldiers, the most persistent, the best of all soldiers. These are the glorious troops, made of endurance and zeal, the ones that make me proud of leading them, shoulder to shoulder with the French soldiers, to a victorious march for the freedom of their fatherland.
French General Franchet d Espérey, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied troops in WWI.
French marshal Franchet d’Espèrey wrote in a report on the breakthrough of the Front to his government: “Operations need to be slowed down as there is no communication to deliver food to advancing French troops; only Serbian troops need no communication, they move like a storm – forward.”
Last summer I myself met, entirely by accident for the first time Serbian young men, two…drinking on a hot day in a US forest stream – standing in cold water up to the knee…and we got to chat. It developed that they were Macedonian Serbs who had as very young soldier, fought against the OTAN.
My impression of their character closely aligns with that expressed above by Epithet and his French Marshal.
Essentially the best of men, great friends, terrible enemies. They are not defeated, only displaced and disrupted. And not deceived.
Macedonian Serbs, or simply Macedonians? Why is it so difficult for you Greeks to accept the existence of Macedonian Macedonians? Are you afraid someone might call you out for your government’s continuous ethnocide of Macedonian Macedonians in the Aegean part of Macedonia, that was “granted” to you by the European Royal Lizards at the Bucharest Peace Conference in 1913…?
What do you mean “granted”. The greeks fought battles in four wars and spilled blood to liberate those greek lands (Macedonia). What battles have you, so called “Macedonian Macedonian” have fought for your so called national independence? None!!!! You were a fabrication of the time for geopolitical reasons and thats all. You were brainwashed into believing that you were descendants of the ancient Macedonians and that you speak (in Slavic) and write ( in Cyrillic form) the Macedonian language of Philipp which everyone knows was Greek. Your language on the other hand is really a Bulgarian dialect. The area you are living in was named Macedonia by Tito and does not represent the historic area which is in Greece. You were granted a name that does not belong to you. So why does Greece or any other nation have to accept you as Macedonian? Just because you say so. You have no solid argument. Even the name Macedonia is greek, so why are you using it? Are you not proud of your own language to come up with something of your own to identify yourselves with? So to finalize, the Greeks DO accept the existence of Macedonians Macedonians and they are from Macedonia in Greece and their language is Greek. Anyone that doesn’t abide by these facts is something else. Period.
LOL, “George”, brainwashed much?
BTW, you must be very proud of your Gayreek ancestry, since you’ve chosen a nickname in honor of your colonial masters! Even your so-called flag is fake, it’s just a red-colored version of the British East Indian Company’s first flag from the 1600s.
You are a fake nation made up in the 1800s by Dreusen and his pals from the German history school, at request by the royal Germanic lizard bloodlines, as a part of their “Europe-centered” civilization (in essence, world cultural dominance) attempt. As newcomers on the Balkans (just like the Shiptars and the Vulgars), being the fascists that you are, you forbid all minoroties in your “cuntry” from expressing their cultural rights as prescribed in the many Conventions protecting human rights in general, and those of minorities in particular and which should be most normal in a 21st century “demo(n)cracy”.
Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
Uhhh . . . so what are you trying to say, that there’s no such thing as Greece or something? Hurry, better go tell the Flat Earth Society at their global conference.
Yes, George, 1000% ! You hit the nail!!!
The young Albanians have largely left these lands. This is why there has been no population census.
Many of them are in Western Europe, part of the “Mafia Squiptare”, trafficking cocaine, heroin, humans and human organs. These “jobs” pay much more than any job in Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia or even EU Greece, ever could!
A large proportion of male Albanians also ended up as US mercenaries in Syria and Libya, having joined ISIS. (Largest per capita ISIS fighters were Albanian)
Greater Albania is not being created to provide Lebensraum for Albanians, who are nomads and cannot fill this territory. The objective is to disrupt the continuity of the countries who are on S.European land route to Asia, i.e. disruption of trade routes, pipelines etc. These countries must stop appeasing Albanian threats and get on with securing their territory.
The Albanian minorities outside of Albania should integrate with their home country as they too will benefit from the prosperity that will come with the opening of these Asian trade routes.
SG, I was going to ignore this article, but I changed by mind.
You are so wrong. Albanians are not leaving, on the top of that Tsipras’s agreement with Zaev, with Soros in shadows behind them gave Albanians special status. Zaev, in order to get this farce going allowed Albanians a special status, as FYROM is trying to has to call itself a “Multinational Country”, so Albanians are an official minority now and their language automatically became an official language of FYROM. Zaev has recognized five national sections: Serbs, Albanians (30% of population), Turks, Vlachs (25% of the population, which is denied recognition as Greek Minority as well as denying them the right to use Greek Language as an another official language). Farcical as it is, FYROM’s President did not sign the Prelim-Agreement, so Zaev forced their Parliamentary President (or whatever he is called) to sign it. There is not Agreement. Merkel has a fake piece of doodoo on her hands, which she was so desperately trying to push through. Which she and the EU gang are trying to sell as an Agreement. So, long story short, we are witnessing the makings of Great Albania, which unfortunately includes Kosovo as well as large part of FYROM. Thanks to Soros, FYROM is being prepared to fall into pieces. Sorry, SG, but you do not get a cake for your comment. I might come back with a video presenting all those national sections, I need to find it first.
Anonius, I am not denying that we are witnessing Greater Albania in the making. I just do not believe that Albanian minorities are as numerous as they try and make us believe. They agitate and intimidate, but the numbers are not there…
Go to any major port city in W. Europe, go to some areas of Switzerland (hub of the heroin trade).. Go to UK…1/3 of the carceral population over there is Albanian…
There is no need for us to give them our land. The demographics do not justify it. There are many defeatists especially in my country who say Kosovo is lost because it’s all Albanian: we have not lost. We need a decent population census. It will open our eyes.
SG, again. If it was as you are saying then Zaev would not have given them the rights (not like he has any freedom of movement). I am going to ad some videos with maps, check them out.
I posted an Erratum but it didn’t go through:
Albanians do not represent 1/3 of the carceral population but the 3rd largest group of the carceral population. Here is a an article about Albanians in the UK.
Are Albanians serious about Islam, or are they “cultural Muslims” comparable to the Chinese being “cultural Buddhists” in China? I have always thought the Albanians were as religious as eastern European gypsies: Their god is their belly and their wallet.
Fun fact: Italy has always had aspirations for the territories east of the Adriatic. Most Albanians can understand Italian, as Italian TV is extremely popular in Albania. I do not remember the source, but I once read that the Albanian mafia was built up and strengthened by the intelligence agencies of the USA in order to box out the Italian mafia and to restrain Italian influence in the former Yugoslavia. Albania is an Anglo-American controlled territory designed to facilitate narcotics and human trafficking from Afghanistan.
Will someone mention the big chunk of Bulgarians living in Macedonia. 150 000 passports are issued to bulgarian Macedonians. And I am pretty sure Macedonia won’t be a powder keg. Bulgarians made a deal with Brussels – Macedonia is to be accepted in Nato/EU but only if its territory is kept the same. In addition the Bulgarians has pressed hard and the Macedonian authorities are getting rid of the surreal anthic history and price by piece they are ifficilising the shared history with the Bulgarians. Those are common holidays, common heroes, saints, rulers and the most important shared blood. I understand it is a big loss to Serbia and it sovietized elites but this had to happen. On the side of blocking Asian trade routes – big fun. The Asian maritime lines enter Europe via Greece, no actions targeted towards them hence no actions will be targeted to Macedonia. The spice will flow and Macedonia will finally find its true identity. Enough with the Yugoslav bullshit. Macedonia won’t be Albania. Also look for the east-west Balkanian transport corridor. Big transformation in the altitude of Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria linked with trade of course. Who wants war in their countries when they can have trade?! Sorry to break it down but no shenanigans will occur in the Balkans. Germany is using the NATO card for speed up EU integration because Germans know that NATO is in final countdown (before start arguing listen to the Munich security conference). Look for the facts my dears and not for the propa., I mean fake news.
Macedonians are not Bulgarians, bulgaria is a made up country and does not have any roots or common celebraton with Macedonia. You need to undrestand that. I still have to meet a bulgarin who knows any history. Very sad.
In the 60’s I had two Bulgarian friends (exchange students, both from Sofia), who insisted on precisely what G said above.
Listen to this lady (nie sme Bulgartsy):
Here is a good one Makedonian ethnicity? Check this French document:
0:52 says it all. (This was in the days of Turks no mention of any Macedonian ethnics)
1:14 is interesting as well in all of Balkans
1.3mln Grecks
4.3 mln Bulgars,
4mln Serbs
4mln Rumanians
1:35 English list of Turkish provinces look carefully.
2:00 English list of Ethnicities (they mix religions here as well, whoever made this list lacked logical thinking)
2:58 Italian list
3:57 mother tongue
4:40 Schools in Makedonia (all of it) (Greek, Rumanian, Bulgarian, Serb)
This problem was created by Tito and Tito only.
This is absolutely B.S.
On this “very important” document there isn’t any sign of Serbian life on Kosovo.NONE. They are Bulgarians. Guys, you are not serious posters.
Wrong, Macedoniaan Girl! You have been so badly brainwashed by the Commintern-RussinaSerbian propaganda that it is so pitty. Have you read how Bulgarians were prohinitted from identifying themselves as Bulgarians; many Bulgarians wanted to move back to Mother Bulgaria, but they were stopped at the border; then they tried to cross the Danube from the Rumanian site and they found their demise in the waters of the Danube.
Bulgaria lost its territorty after the end of the first world war, when Russia was handing out pieces of Bulgaria to Serbia, to Rumania, to Greece and the likes.
My aunt was married to a Macedonian man from Kichevo. She came one time visiting my parents. His language was kind of dirrenet-sounding, but pleasent Bulgarian.
Both broderly populations have suffered enough. Let it stop.
I’m not usually prone to get into the esoteric prophecy stuff, but I can’t help thinking of Alois Irlmaier’s visions of a third world war:
Excellent analysis. Accurate and filled with specific details. If only there are more good and proper journalists like this, the world would be a better place.
same name as the Brazilian guy ???
Slightly under two years ago, Guaido’s Balkan precursor, Zoran Zaev, was promoted by non-Macedonian interests to unconstitutionally replace the less compliant but ….
In the spring of 1999 during the Kosovo War it became apparent to me at least, that the outcome of the Cold War was not quite clear cut: NATO the victor; Moscow the vanquished. Russia, in its first stand against encroachment, was opposing the West’s campaign in the Serbian province. But such presumptions are danger, as history shows. In the first decade of the new millennium Russia’s push-back had begun; from its perspective having no alternative – rebound or implode – foreign troops so close to its borders perceived as an existential threat, gone the secure buffer zone of the Cold War, a cordon sanitaire that every sovereign state has a right to. The region could well be the spark that ignites the conflagration. Since the late 1990s we have certainly been moving towards world war. Milenko might be correct that ‘a large-scale international conflict, which might be sparked off by something that happens in Venezuela, the Kerch Strait, Eastern Ukraine, Syria, Kaliningrad, or North Korea, the consequences of which would be so grave as to cause the US to lose interest in interfering in other nations’ affairs.’ Or the entire world will be drawn into the nuclear conflagration. The West needs to be wise to history, that victory is only temporary, and avoid the very war it is seeking to avoid – Armageddon.
First of all, I can’t find the silly video with ethnic splits in the FROM, but have a look at some other maps for educational purposes (videos are Greek, but maps are mostly French and English).
First of all, Nikos Lygeros is a professor for Strategic Studies. The video is called Hellenic World against the Pre-Agreement with FYROM from his presentation two days ago in Lozanne, Switzerland.
Jump to:
1:46:13 Map of Albanians and Muslims in Kosovo (why? Because not all Albanians are Muslims, and not all Muslims are Albanians). Abanians – Red, Muslims – Green.
1:47:00 Map of Montenegro. Serbs – Blue, Montenegrins – Red, Albanians – Green
1:48:26 Map of FYROM. Albanians – Red (Tetovo), Turks – Yellow
1:49:29 Map of 80 Protests in 2018 against this Pre-Agreement in Greece.
1:53:14 Map of NATO members from 1949 to 2017
1:55:30 FYROM has no strategic importance to NATO except to keep Russia out.
1:58:00 Map of EU
2:01:27 He says, that EU wants Albania and FYROM in together in one package, not each separately.
2:02:09 Symbol of Republic of Macedonia in 1944 (in 1939 the word of Macedonia in Yugoslavia does not exist).
2:02:22 Previous symbol disappears in 1946 and the name of Macedonia disappears again.
2:02:41 Symbol changes again shortly after
2:23:01 Symbol changes again in 2009
2:06:30 He discusses NATO again
Additional stuff:
Check out this map from 1920-1922:
28:33 Southern Serbia? Population Hellens (called by the Slavs – Grkomani) and the rest claimed to be Bulgars, hence their southern Bulgarian dialect. People have conveniently short memory, which does not go past one generation.
Bulgaria has officially protested renaming FYROM’s language claiming that this is their southern dialect.
Makedonia is “Hellenes who refuse the Agreement”:
The mess was cooked up by Tito and Stalin:
The mess started mostly in 1949 (magic number? No.). Greece was plunged by the communists into civil war in ~1947, contrary to Yalta Agreement and contrary to negative evaluation by the Soviet Strategists. The conflict was handled by England at first but later US took over the conflict (1949?)
Today, Hellas has been plunged into another mess with people in the North by the same bunch.
First of all, I have to clarify that when I refer to “Macedonians” or “Northern Macedonians” or whatever, I don’t refer to the people, but to their ruling class, sold out since the very beginning to the West, whose aim is, of course, to create tensions between its vassals in order to maintain its control. I also want to clarify that I am no fan of Tsipras, his government or any other political party present in Greece.
Dear Mr. Karganovic, are you really a Serb? Because you don’t sound like one. You seem to have accepted the Western media narrative about Greeks being a not-so-normal people, who frequently have bizzarre reactions out of the blue, without any valid reason whatsoever.
Why is it, sir, so offensive for that country to be called “Northern Macedonia” (I would have personally prefered “New Macedonia” because this is precisely what it is) and why should it at all costs retain the name of simply “Macedonia”?
Macedonia is quite an old place and throughout its long history, uninterruptedly since the times of the Romans and under the Byzantines, the Crusaders and the Ottomans, its capital was Thessaloniki. Is Thessaloniki located in “Macedonia”? No, it is located in Greece and it still is the capital city of the Greek region of Macedonia. So, south of “Macedonia” there is a different place, inhabited by a different people, with the same name. What makes then that “Northern Macedonia” so offensive?
Well, let me explain you. The narrative fed to their people by their elite has always been that they are the real descendants of ancient Macedonians. A cult of Alexander of Macedonia engulfed the country. They gave his name to the internatonal airport in Skopje, to the highway that crosses the country from north to south, to the main streets of cities and villages. They even used initially the embem of the ancient Macedonian dynasty as their national flag. All ths is utterly absurd and I won’t discuss it. Basides, it’s a by-show. The point is that every single site that bears some relation to ancient Macedonia is located, in fact, within the area of the Greek province of Macedonia. Their ancient capital is there. Their palaces are there. Their temples are there. Their tombs are there. So, what those “Macedonians” really meant was that this province of Macedonia in fact belonged to them, was “occupied” by Greece and should be “liberated” and annexed to their state! Is that a “boring” reason to protest?
You might say that this “tiny, helpless, beleaguered new Balkan state” cannot possibly be a menace for Greece. And I would remind you that the UCK thugs would have had no chance against the Yugoslav army, if they were alone. But they weren’t.
What if the southern part of Hungary declared itself independent and adopted the name of “Vojvodina”, refusing, as offensive, even to be called “Northern Vojvodina”? How “boring” would that be for you?
That’s why I say you don’t sound like a Serb. Unless panslavic sentiments override even some owed gratitude to the only people that dared to support you unanimously during the Western aggression against Yugoslavia, when everybody else loathed you, despised you and painted you as “the butchers of the Balkans”, and without having nothing to gain and much to lose from such a stance. Maybe that’s why we are considered not-so-normal.
By the way, how much support did you receive from your “Macedonians” back then?
I feel very, very sorry.
Taso, sorry to disagree with you but. Thessaloniki is in Makedonia and Makedonia is in Hellas. Just for your information: Makedonia is as old as Hellas. Devkalion (known as Pelasgos) was the father of Ellinas (Hellen) who was the father of Doros, Thessalos and one whose name escapes me (the guy in Attiki -> Athens). Thessalos was the father of Magnitis and Makedon. We are talking about tens of thousands of years here. Original Makedonia was created from Thraki which spanned from Epirus went North to where modern day Hungary is, all of the modern day Turkey (Pontus (Black Sea), Phrygia (King Midas?), Kappadokia, etc, etc.) and down into the Middle East. Kings City of Thraki was just North of Larissa (Thessaly) and was used later by the kings of Makedonia.
Enjoy this video which talks about (Μακεδονο-Θράκες Φρύγες => Makedono-Thrakies and Phrygians):
Teso, What a wonderful and accurate preface. Too bad you didn’t stop there….Out of respect for Anonius (along with the many other wonderful contributors of Greek descent ) and my great admiration for the Greek nation, I will try to temper my comments.
The Serbian nation is eternally grateful to the many Greek brothers and sisters that provided emotional and material support to the Serbs, while their puppet government helped the Anglo-Zionists wage atrocities against the Serbian people. We will always remember and celebrate Marinos Ritsoudis, the Greek ship captain, who lost his military career and was jailed by Greek authorities, for refusing to participate. What’s shameful is that you would leverage that warm sentiment , and centuries of friendship, to attack the author. Btw, Believe it or not, there were others that remembered history, the countless Serbian sacrifices and defended the honor of the Serbs.
The author went out of his way to provide an objective analysis on the current state of the FYROM, and the potential ramifications resulting from the empire’s continued machinations in the region (greater Albania). You yourself acknowledged the puppets in the Greek government. Serbians have been dealing with their own puppets, for the past few decades.
Had he written this as a Serb, he would have mentioned how utterly immoral and ridiculous it is listening to rival vassal governments, made of NATO opputunists and the empire’s lackeys, squabble over the name of stolen Serbian territory. Serbs lived on that land centuries before Tsar Dusan, emperor of the Serbs and Greeks, made Skopje the capital of Serbia, in the 14th century. And it was Serbian land again, after the Serbs liberated the territory, from Ottoman occupation. It was Tito who tore the territory away from Serbia, and created the fiction called FYROM.
Hopefully, in the future we can avoid such personal attacks against family and continue to strengthen the bonds, built over centuries.
Dear Epithet, I’m sorry I was misunderstood. What I clumsily tried to explain in my post was that the insistence to call that country simply “Macedonia” is in fact an attack on Greece’s territorial integrity, something I didn’t expect from a Serb, a people I deeply love and admire.
Thank you for the heartfelt reply, my Orthodox brother. The love is mutual and genuine. Please forgive the misspelling of your username, it was unintentional. ( I have to stop using a smartphone to comment).
The Greeks and Serbs have bled together, against the same evil, for over a millennium. For a Serb, there is no closer kin than Russians and Greeks. Unfortunately, the Vatican and Hapsburgs were incredibly successful, in their ancient quest to divide the Slavic peoples. But I will always appreciate and pray for the Polish, Czech and Slovak people. Their consistent support, these last few decades, should be cherished and reciprocated.
A silly discussion based on a British-German ‘classical history’ invented in the 18’th century…
In this fairytale, the ancient Greek culture which did exist of course [but what was there before it…see Vinca Culture] is transformed into the founding pillar of ‘western civilization’…of course the Greeks were happy to go along with this privileged position in history…but the Slavs of the Balkans were assigned by this German-British ‘school’ as second class latecomers who supposedly migrated into the Balkans in the sixth century…[even though there is no archaeological trace of any migration, and much archaeological, historical and genetic evidence to support an autochnonous origin of today’s inhabitants there…]
This includes of course the contentious ‘Macedonians’…But who actually inhabited those lands, known back then in the classical era as Moesia…? …it was the Thracians…but who were they …? …Great question BECAUSE NOBODY KNOWS…there is nothing known about their language or ethnicity… very curious no…?…one supposes that the writers of the British-German history of Europe didn’t think that far along in their merry little fairy tale…
In any case, there are all kinds of questions and schools of thought on whether Macedonians of Alexander and Philip’s time were Greeks or something else altogether and speaking a different language…this is actually far from a settled question…
You greek and serbian brothers are in love. Can you please agree if Macedonia is greek or serbian please?
But, All we need is Love ;).
An honest question. Fair enough MG. I thought I made my position quite clear; stolen Serbian (That’s with a Capital S, btw) land. The Greek contributors made no territorial claims. I think you could help answer the question for us. Is the newly coined “Macedonian” language, a Slavic dialect, nearly identical to old Serbian, or not?
Perhaps it would be wise, not to appropriate the history of your Slavic ancestors, who called themselves Serbs, in your dispute over names. But honestly, most Serbs could care less, anymore, if the present day inhabitants choose to disregard their own ancestry and play the part of pawns. I have family in Macedonia and if they want to be called Macedonians instead of Serbs, then God Bless em’.
Bottom line, we have far more in common than not. We should all stop playing into the hands of enemies, hellbent on our destruction.
I believe yes, Greece and Serbia always had good relationship. I also believe Greece would be happy with you guys joining Serbia as long as you do not use the name of Makedonia. Unfortunately there are other puppet masters.
Why do you morons keep calling it Macedonia
Macedonia is in Greece
North Mac3donia is the country that used to be Vardar aka FYROM
Get your stupid act together
Can the Greater Albania project really work out? For it to succeed Albanians need to chip away territory from four neighbouring countries. Their greatest ally, apart from Soros or any western interests, is the disunity of their foes. A combined force of Serbians, Montenegrins, North Macedonians and Greeks would surely put a stop to this once and for all. But can these four nations put aside their differences for the sake of preserving their territorial integrity threatened by the Albanians? Or will the Albanians continue to chip away a little here and a little there, as they did with Kosovo, while the rest just look on even though knowing they’re next in line? These countries will have nobody to blame but themselves if they fall victim to this greater Albanian strategy. But if you know what these people are like you can guess? And what do I mean by this? Are they the kind of people who are happy to see their neighbour’s cows die of some disease even though their own cows may catch it next and die too? Are they the kind of people who let waves of hostile immigrants and embedded terrorists through their own countries as long as they go on to rape, rob, and kill Germans, French, Swedes, etc. instead of stopping them at their own borders? Well are they? And what goes around comes around, no escaping that.
Mike, yes it’s “work in progress”, unfortunately. Although there may be some hope, as Albanian opposition parties are conducting big protests against Rama’s government as we speak.
Nobody in the West talks about these protests except some Hellenic non-zio controlled media (maybe in Serbia as well?). Tirana is hot at this moment.
Ex-prime minister Nikola Gruevski, convicted of corruption, fled from Macedonia to Hungary. There he
now receives, according to a newspaper report the status of a political refugee.
Macedonia is seeking extradition of justice refugees. With the positive Budapest Asylum decision that
has become very unlikely according to observers. The unusual agility of the procedure also seems to
indicate that Gruevski is under the express protection of the National Liberal Prime Minister Viktor Orbán,
with whom he has enjoyed a long-standing friendship.
P.S.: Spiegel is a MSM newspaper
MEPs have called on Hungary to extradite the Former leader of the former Yugoslav Republic of Mace-
donia. Nicola Gruevski fled to Hungary with diplomatic help and granted asylum. Budapest says its a
legal matter. In FYROM the former PM was sentenced to two years in jail for corruption. …
Azorka. I am not privy to any details of what Gruyevski was accused of, but I would venture to say that corruption charges are usually thrown at people who do not tow the line. Just like many other politicians he was likely no more or less corrupt.
As much as I hate to do this, if the zio-conspirators have their way this song will be outlawed in Ellas:
Obviously, the “real” people of Macedonia are shameful vassals of The Empire in that they have not dropped the hammer on this whole issue before it got this far.
“Incidentally, Macedonia’s new official name of North Macedonia… is rather underwhelming from the standpoint of idiomatic English. “Northern” would have sounded better, a detail that was not lost on the linguistically savvierTurkish partners…”
As a non native English speaker, I am having trouble understanding this paragraph and the point the author is making. Could someone enlighten me?
What is the difference between ‘North’ and ‘Northern’.
Incidentally, I am a Turk from Belgium so that’s why I am so interested.
Also as most of you know Belgium has a province called Luxemburg bordering an independent State also called Luxemburg.
It’s “Northern Ireland” but “South Africa”, ” North Carolina”, “North Dakota”, so take your pick.
I think FYRM was most appropriate as they’ll soon be “Former” no matter what. They’re already “Former FYRM”. I don’t think the Greek people accept their current name, it’s only acceptable to their sellout government, though you may ask why should Greek people have a say in the name of a foreign country? But if you’ve been following the debate you’ll know why.
Since there is a North Macedonia this implies that there is also a South Macedonia and then if the two halves should want to be one, under whose rule?
But perhaps you are correct in the sense of using ” Northern” as in ” Northern Ireland” since south of the border there is just plain simple “Ireland’. Perhaps the Greeks should have insisted on that ” ern”. But the problem is that in Macedonian language there may not be such a term as “Northern” being different from “North”. Maybe they have something like ” More North” or “Most North” but that would be a clumsy construct.
thank our lord Jesus Christ finally a reasonable write up on Macedonia,as a child of the Macedonian Diaspora from the Greek occupied part of Macedonian 57 years i have been in this struggle,the stories are endless like our history. (nor Greek nor Slav Macedonia for the Macedonians).please to all my Balkan brothers Greeks, Serbs, Bulgar, Albanians, stop telling all these lies all of your histories are bound in Macedonia, you are all playing into anglo/zio plans
Great post, Peter! We, on the Balkans, are a miхTure of ethnicities. We are not as homogenous as Island, for example. I am Bulgarian, from the North-West part of the land, despite all schoolbooks teaching us all about those wars and the 500 years in the Ottoman Empire, I like every person from the Balkans, the Turks most among all of them. And I claim to be a 100% Bulgarian.
what a love fest Greeks love the Serbs Bulgar love the Greeks nobody love the Albanians,what is the common denominator they all have stolen Macedonian land and history,(nor Greek nor Slav Macedonia for the Macedonians)