An astrological reading for Planet Earth at a time of Great Mutation
By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times

The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is upon us and there is no looking back. Image: Twitter
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. – Oscar Wilde
Today all radio stations on Planet Earth should be playing this song. What the aptly named Fifth Dimension immortalized in their spring of 1969 psychedelic soul classic is now literally true: This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius – the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st at 𝟬° in Aquarius.
Aquarius starts just as some dodgy, self-important elites gear up to impose a Great Reset on most of the planet – following a very specific, reductionist and exclusionist political agenda. Yet the real deal is not the Reset; it’s the Mutation.
So we’re all into something much bigger than any neo-Orwellian scenario. To shed much needed light into what seems our current, interminable darkness, I posed selected questions to Vanessa Guazzelli, a respected astrologer, writer and speaker in astrology conferences worldwide, as well as a practicing psychoanalyst and psychologist.
Let astrology fertilize geopolitics. Let the sunshine in.

The astro-cartographic map of the Great Mutation All that is solid mutates into air
PE: Arguably not many people around the world are aware that a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction this December 21st seems to represent the ultimate game-changer – defined by serious astrology scholars as the Great Mutation.
Could you please elaborate on what this Mutation really means, astrologically, as it seems to take place every 200 years? And bringing it back to everyday life and politics, are we permitted to infer geopolitical parallels from what the stars are telling us?
VG: By Great Mutation we refer to when the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions change elements, which happens every 200 years as you mentioned. Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction, astrologically, by ecliptic longitude, every 20 years, not that long a period. However, they keep on intersecting in signs of the same element for 200 years, with the possibility of another 40 years of transition, indicating a greater cycle.
Jupiter and Saturn are what we call social planets and are to be considered in regards to politics and geopolitics. When the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction starts to effectively happen in the next element, it marks the Great Mutation, denoting important socioeconomic and cultural changes. That’s what is happening now.
We come from a two-century period of conjunctions in Earth signs. The emphasis has been on matter and the more tangible dimension of life – material boys and girls in a material world. As we now move on into the element of air, as they conjoin at 0º of Aquarius, a call for sublimation takes place.
All that is solid mutates into air. Things and procedures can be less material and more digital and, to some extent, virtual. But not only that. Shared ideas and ideals gain yet more importance. More then what we materially have, with whom and what for is what matters most. Collaboration and cooperation are, now more than ever, the winds which make the world go around.
This is indeed a highly significant astrological aspect and configuration happening on December 21, at 18h20 UTC. In parts of Asia and Oceania, it will be already past midnight, on December 22.
This is not only the Great Mutation but a Great Conjunction, when the two farthest visible planets conjoin not merely by longitude but also by latitude (ecliptic coordinates), by both right ascension and declination (equatorial coordinates). That means they are not just aligned in the same direction but really, really close to each other in the sky as seen from Earth, almost as if they were one and the same star.
Last time the two heavenly bodies have been that close was in 1623, but that was not a Great Mutation, just a regular conjunction in terms of ecliptic longitude. Astrologically, the fact that all these enhancements happen together at this time intensifies the significance of what this conjunction now indicates, how powerful a mutation it marks.
In everyday life, it also speaks of an increase in technological development, digitalization of things and procedures, including crypto-currencies and digital money as a sort of “sublimed” money, from matter to a lighter, less material “substance” which can quickly circulate through air.
At a more personal level, we tend to lose interest in social contexts which are not in tune with our ideas and ideals, and we’re pulled towards groups, associations and projects in the same wavelength as we are. It is not a time to merely rely on institutions to take care of people, but a time to discern for oneself and then connect with others with shared interests, ideals, purposes.
The air element is where we open space and make room for the Other, be it in respect for differences or to collaborate and cooperate towards shared interests and projects. Co-op’s, where every participant gets a fair, proportional share, in a joint enterprise, is surely a way to go.
Aquarius is opposite to the centralizing sign of Leo. Geopolitically, that is to say, it is not the time for a hegemonic single star to rule the world, but a time of many stars illuminating the entire sky. It is not a time for a single empire. There can be empires, if in plural. The strength of powerful nations now lies, more than ever, in the quality of their partnerships and alliances in mutual respect, as equals.
Any power which loses sight of that crucial key will see it, in the short or long run, backfire. Some are more powerful than others and some will be more prominent than others. Nonetheless, they are not alone. It is time for a multipolar world – now that is the Mandate of Heaven.
Regarding the Great Mutation’s astro-cartographic map, which shows the lines of planetary positions on the face of the Earth, it is interesting to notice that the IC lines of Jupiter and Saturn go through Beijing, indicating the relevance of China in the foundation of this 200-year cycle, for the IC is the root of an astrological chart.
On the other side of the globe, we see the MC lines of the two planets going through South America (Venezuela, Brazilian Amazon, Bolivia, Argentina), showing the value of the continent’s resources in this new cycle.
What the Davos crew is up to
PE: Our current, turbulent juncture seems to be pointing towards increased bio-security and what some serious systemic analysis defines as techno-feudalism. All this implies hyper-concentration of power – and not only power exercised by the geopolitical hegemon, the United States. Should we now expect a serious mutation of the world-system – as studied by Immanuel Wallerstein, in the sense of serious changes to our capitalist system?

Immanuel Wallerstein. Source: Wikimedia Commons
VG: Yes, we should. We are at the very turning point of the world-system. Along with the Great Mutation, another immensely significant aspect in the 2020s is the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, in February 2026, at 0º of Aries. This is precisely the first degree of the whole Zodiac, also called the Vernal Point – crucial in astrological interpretation.
Saturn and Neptune conjoin every 36 years, which is a relatively short historical cycle. However, as with the Great Mutation, the way it occurs and where in occurs in the Zodiac can lead us to broader historical perspectives and indicate more expressive historical moments.
If we go back up to 7,000 years ago, this conjunction has occurred at the Vernal Point only in 4361 B.C. and 1742 B.C. If we look up three thousand years ahead, the closest it gets to the Vernal Point is 3º of Aries in 3172. Quite rare. So this conjunction at the first degree of the Zodiac, 0º of Aries – the very beginning – is not that small a deal.
Neptune impregnates and conceives; Saturn refers to the concrete structure of reality; and 0º of Aries means new, springing up. Saturn-Neptune on 0º Aries means a new conception of reality.
Aspects between Saturn and Neptune, by historical observation, are associated with socialism and communism – these movements on Earth coincide with the transiting contacts between these two planets in the sky. It has already been proven in mundane astrology historically. Moreover, this does not just tell us about the past, for it is in fact just about to begin – upgrading and advancing, reconfiguring itself in yet new forms of socialism.
According to Wallerstein, during the structural crisis which characterizes the final period of a world-system, a bifurcation of the system can tilt to one of either directions, or to multiple systems. Before passing away last year, he did consider us to be right in the middle of the structural crisis of capitalism, which lasts 60 to 80 years.
I’d say at this moment we are past the mid-point. It could, initially, go towards multiple systems in two branches: on the one hand, the freshness of the Eastern winds inspiring socialism and multipolarity through the Belt and Road Initiative and the integration of Eurasia and its partners; on the other hand, the whirlwind of the collapsing empire and its Western allies as a terminator cyborg operated by the perverse 0.0001% who are so lifeless they cannot conceive other people’s right to exist.
When I first heard about it in June 2020, it astonished me how they set the “Great Reset” for January 2021, so close to the Great Mutation at the end of December 2020. I doubt this is a mere coincidence or “synchronicity.” J P Morgan is known to have affirmed that millionaires don’t need astrologers, but billionaires do.
Possibly aware of this great transition, the Davos crew seem to be actually trying to reset the system they already rule with their own settings and revive the dying system as a cyborg from hell.

‘Wall Street Bubbles – always the same,’ 1901 cartoon by Keppler, depicts J.P. Morgan as a bull blowing soap bubbles for eager investors. Source: Wikimedia Commons
The nefarious potential of the Aquarian emphasis is the control of society through technology, be it techno-feudalism or, gods forbid, techno-slavery. On the brighter side of the Force, Aquarius is about a social project to sustain life and meet the needs of the people. Both dimensions or systems might co-exist on Earth for a while.
Western powers – not to mention the Masters of the Universe, as you say, who pull their strings – seem to have a long way to go before reaching a state of real and respectful cooperation. Perhaps more ancient civilizations found in the East have a deeper, more consistent root from which to draw the wisdom and maturity necessary in such challenging times for humanity.
Often remembered for the food and goods traded along the route, the Silk Roads involved in the past and involve nowadays the exchange of ideas. It is interesting to observe the strong Aquarian edge activated in China’s astrological progressions when the Belt and Road Initiative was first proposed by Xi Jinping in Astana, in 2013, and how it connected to the degree of the Great Mutation (progressed Venus and Jupiter conjunct AC at 1º Aquarius).
When some years before that Vladimir Putin gave his historical speech in Munich, proposing the Eurasian Integration, in February 2007, there was a Saturn-Neptune aspect – an opposition. When at the 70th UN Assembly, both Putin and Xi delivered long, strong and synchronized speeches affirming the multipolarity of the world, in 2015, there was also a Saturn-Neptune aspect – a square.
The next Saturn-Neptune aspect will be the conjunction, in February 2026, inaugurating a brand new cycle and we can expect it to be related to these previous movements, keeping in mind the cycle points towards multipolarity and new forms of socialism.
The Black Moon spell
PE: Could Covid-19, on a certain level, be interpreted as the – unpleasant – preamble towards a Great Mutation? After all the new social (un)reality represents a system upside down: near-total economic devastation, especially of small businesses; canceling of constitutional rights; governments practically ruling by decree, with no popular consultation; global corporations censoring any manner of informed dissent; whole societies practically under house arrest; most of the planet reduced to a sort of totalitarian theme park.
VG: Oh, Covid-19 – we could have a whole conversation just on the implications of it at so many dimensions, and how it can be, to some extent, astrologically tracked. It definitely can be interpreted as the unpleasant preamble, perhaps aiming to the Great Reset, one could ponder.
An unprecedented worldwide collective experience – and experiment. Nevertheless, serving to shake it all up, transforming our very perception of time, preparing for the conception of a new time. To all those paying attention, a call to be yet more alive, more vivid, against all odds.

A nearly black moon. Image: Unsplash
The very dichotomy which has been so emphasized between “either caring for life or caring for the economy” in and of itself shows how absurd a world it already was. How many people so easily got caught into separating one thing from the other, as if it was a means to resist the system and finally say no to the demands of capital accumulation. To eventually see, indeed, small businesses devastated, poverty increasing drastically, whilst billionaires concentrate wealth to yet more bizarre levels.
Something fundamental to consider is how it has affected the human body. The pandemic was declared with Black Moon (the lunar apogee) in Aries and that indicates the importance of being sharply present and responsive as Michael Jackson danced, Bruce Lee moved and Maria Zakharova responds.
In October, Black Moon, this astrological point representing the visceral and instinctive dimension of existence, moved into Taurus, highlighting the importance of being aware of how the life force in us is conditioned or channeled, shaping how we perceive our own existence. For instance, how the confinement of the body might – or might not – confine our psyche.
What are the psychological effects of the lack of touch or the physical experience of constantly having our mouths covered? How those situations affect our psyche is not irrelevant. Both René Descartes and Wilhelm Reich had Black Moon in Taurus. How are mind and body related? Are they a cartesian dichotomy or are they intertwined as bio-energetic unity moved by libido?
This is an important underlying issue in our collective until July 2021.
The fate of the American empire
PE: Astrology in History is full of fascinating stories about celestial interpretations opening the way to a crucial political or military move. For instance, right before the Mongol conquest of Baghdad in 1258, the Great Khan, Hulegu, asked the court astrologer about the prospects ahead. The astrologer, Husam al-Din, said that if he followed his generals and invaded Baghdad, the consequences would be ominous.
But then Hulegu turned to a Shi’a astronomer, Tusi, a polymath. Tusi said the invasion would be a major success. That’s what happened – and Tusi was admitted into Hulegu’s inner circle. So the Mongols – who built the largest empire in history – were big fans of “celestial insurance.” Could “celestial insurance” in our times end up predicting the fate of another empire – the US?
VG: That’s true, there are so many fascinating stories. The end of the Byzantine Empire and conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmet II of the Ottoman Empire was also marked by an astrological prediction of the Ottoman victory related to an eclipse.
The US Pluto return happens in 2022. That’s massive. It’s a cycle of approximately 247 years. Pluto has a sense of fate to it. The return of the lord of the underworld also speaks of the return of that which was repressed, hidden or rejected. It will have three exact hits throughout 2022, and the final and definitive of the next Pluto cycle has the planet of death and regeneration facing Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, in opposition. Karma is a bitch and hits home.
It is also a cycle related to power and power status. It won’t all be bad and some victorious moments will be there, but there is a change in the country’s position in the balance of powers in the world which is not so easy to digest. The power struggle will be intense, both externally and internally, with considerable risks of destructive manifestations. The best way to go through such a moment would be to purge – although it’s hard to believe “the swamp” can be so easily drained.
It is a call for a deep transformation, when all things under the rug and corpses out of the basement are to be dealt with. For the nation’s people it is a call for maturity (Saturn conjoins Moon), compassion and a more humanly receptive disposition (Neptune opposition), letting illusions dissolve and realizing the empire is losing its hegemony and status, but the nation will continue. What nation should it be for its people – as opposed to against other peoples?
This doesn’t mean the American Empire will fall by 2022, but it is collapsing and will undergo dramatic transformations in the coming decade.
A Dystopian Renaissance
PE: Amid so much gloom, looks like you are introducing a very hopeful concept: “Dystopian Renaissance”. That’s the exact opposite of what is being largely interpreted as our inevitable neo-Orwellian future. How would you characterize this Dystopian Renaissance – in terms of individual, collective, political and cultural struggle?
VG: The concept emerges precisely to elucidate the extreme complexity of our times. Well, the renaissance part seems very hopeful, doesn’t it? But, there’s the dystopian part to it too. It is not a utopian renaissance, as we well know. Perhaps in 200 years, when we reach the Great Mutation into water, the same element as the magnificent Italian Renaissance, humanity might be able to feel and better comprehend deeper dimensions of life. Why not aim for Utopia next? But whatsoever may be possible by then passes through right now.
It is now that, along with this special Great Mutation, a few significant astrological aspects point to a real change of the world-system. It takes this crucial moment in time and this period of air to elevate perspectives, to share ideas and ideals and understand how enriching it can be to build “a community with a shared future for mankind,” as Xi Jinping puts it.
A highly enhanced turning point, opening new horizons, offering the possibility of enriching exchanges in a multipolar world, and with a call for socialism like we haven’t known before.

Catalan Atlas, detail showing family Of Marco Polo 1254-1324 traveling by camel caravan, 1375, drawing by Spanish School. Source: Wikimedia
Let’s not forget this moment in time also resonates with the 13th century, when Venetian Marco Polo, traveling through the Silk Roads to Asia, brought back to Europe the freshness of the Eastern winds, with news from Kublai Khan’s Yuan Dynasty, including the “sublimation” of money into a lighter form, from coin to paper.
At that time, there was a stellium (a concentration of planets) in Capricorn just as we had in 2020, with the following Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius (although not as a Great Mutation), and Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius as we will also have in 2023/2024. It is an absurdly dystopian context, but a turning point for a new conception of reality and the possibility for surprising new horizons.
A new world system is in the air
PE: Giorgio Agamben has referred to that famous Foucault intuition in Les Mots et les Choses, when Foucault writes that humankind may disappear like a figure drawn in the sand being erased by waves hitting the shore. The striking image may apply to our present, mutating condition, as we are about to enter a trans-human and even post-human era, dominated by artificial intelligence (AI) and genetic engineering.
Agamben argues that Covid-19, global warming and, more radically, direct digital access to our psychic life – all these elements are destroying humanity. Would the Great Mutation install a different paradigm – and lead us away from post-humanity?
FG: The rapid development in technology will be something seriously complex to deal with. It will be amazing in many ways, but not all pretty, presenting undeniable challenges, some of which are already here and about to intensify.
What are the effects of technology and artificial intelligence in both our organic and our subjective bodies? Mind control with bidirectional devices, both collecting information and inducing commands is a work in progress.
Perverse levels of technological control of society are a serious concern as Pluto, aka Hades, lord of the underworld, will also transit in technological and futuristic Aquarius from 2023/24 on, up until 2043/44 – times of intense social transformation, when technological advancements will blow our minds and the very conception of science will change considerably, but with serious risks of trans-human and post-human madness.
We cannot disregard our organicity. We cannot disregard our subjectivity, either. Pluto is about transformation or domination – in other words, quoting a recent article of yours: “Here’s our future: hackers or slaves.”
We’ve got to go hacking not only in the objective sense – which surely becomes more and more a desirable skill – but in the subjective sense as well, finding lines of flight and keeping Eros alive, the life force in us vivid.
Considering we’re already here, living through dystopian times, we might as well make the best out of this undeniably epic adventure. Instead of succumbing to fear and isolation, overtaken by the doom and gloom, let’s not forget Wallerstein’s observation on destiny versus free will – a very cool take, by the way, which my experience as an astrologer observing collective and individual cycles very much confirms: Both exist.
During the stable period of a world-system, its normal life when its structure is functioning well, even if there are some fluctuations in it, it is very hard to change things in the system, it tends to stabilization. It’s destiny: you gotta put a whole lot of effort to get perhaps very little change trying to escape destiny.
But when the world-system has reached its final phase, it can no longer be rescued and there is a lot of instability. The crisis is not going away and the only possibility is change, in one way or another – it’s free will time. In the structural crisis, Wallerstein says we have more free will, our actions have a stronger impact and every little move counts to decide in which direction the change of the system will go.
In our personal lives at this turning point in time, as Foucault questions, we may also ask ourselves: As humans, are we an obstacle or obstruction? Are we a way of imprisoning life – or are we an opening, a line of flight?
In regard to Foucault’s words you and Agamben bring to light, please allow me to refer to the previous paragraph, just before that final one in Les Mots et les Choses, when he states that by “taking a relatively short chronological sample within a restricted geographical area – European culture since the sixteenth century – one can be certain that man is a recent invention within it.”
The “man” he is referring to as the effect of a change in the fundamental arrangements of knowledge a couple of centuries ago, with the newer arrangements perhaps about to end, is within European references. That is neither the beginning nor the end of man, nor its only interesting expression. With huge, deep appreciation for so much of European culture, perhaps one of the things coming to a necessary end is Eurocentrism.
Nonetheless, of course, it is deeply worrying how faces are being at the same time digitally traced by machines and hidden from other humans by masks – especially the effects of that in children. The current transition is not without epistemological effects and effects on how we conceive man, humans. But it’s not all said and done.
To counter the objectification of humans, it may be timely to draw from the Tupis’ conception of human beings: tu + pi , seated sound. A human being is a sound which has taken a seat, has taken place and vibrates. We gotta keep our bodies, faces and words vibrant. For the native South American Tupis, each human being is a new music, a new word vibrating and co-creating life with others and nature.

Albert Eckhout painting of a Tupi man. Source: Wikipedia
It seems that the deeper roots of aboriginal-indigenous wisdom still need to be more fully acknowledged and reintegrated in the Americas before the reinvention of the world in the West can take place.
Now winds blow from the East and from Eurasia, inspiring new forms of co-existence. But the controllers of capital, wealth and worldly power won’t give it up without a fight – or a few wars and a heavy load of social control via technology, capturing bodies and minds. What will it be – Great Reset or Great Mutation?
Is there a way out? Yes. And it seems to go along the New Silk Roads and the Eurasia Integration – literally to some important extent, but symbolically as well. The West can gain a lot from opening up to the Eastern winds, the news and the ideas they bring, stories of a community of shared future for mankind. A new world-system is in the air.
Lets hope it signals the end of the Deep State and corruption in the US and Trump prevails !
Else the world is doomed and war with Russia will happen.
Sure……the #TangerineTwatwaffle is now opening our federal lands to his business butt buddies. Also, and this is where he really loses me is, making the largest future copper mine in the U$ on lands sacred to NDNs. He should go the way of the Son of the Morning Star. Wasichus on the Greasy Grass is sometimes appealing.
Pepe predicted in a much earlier article that the US will end up in five nation states should the Deep State steal the election. The state of a combined Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming will become a nuclear power without the ability to use the weapons. The winds of war are blowing in these states to the great frustration of the Reset moguls.
The Reset moguls control what is really a house of cards in terms of their control.
If one card or layer folds – as it will – the entire pile and them too comes down.
Wont be long now.
I would also add the Davos Great Reset crowd may find their plans backfire on them and things are re-set Trump’s way.
And that can only be a good thing.
Id hate to be a UK Tory politician going to the next election or a US GOP one who rats on Trump. The people will destroy them. Let alone be Marcon or Merkel.
Fiat requires the interaction of the belief of “audiences” with the hopes of the “evangelists”.
Many social relationships have depended and continue to depend on this interaction –
fiats including but not restricted to “democracy” a.k.a encouraging beliefs of maybe next time we’ll be lucky, through limited audience participation in continuing to “buy” the “winning” lottery ticket,
“hegemony” a.k.a. encouraging beliefs of there is no alternativeness because the other is so strong they are the leaders of the pack, so don’t even think – how to drown a drowning man with the minimum of blowback?
The potency of beliefs have diminished over time encouraging Mr. Rove to proffer the observation:
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you should concentrate on.”
As to the 5th Dimension’s Age of Aquarius/Let the sunshine in segue and Hair, they bridged 1968 and 1969 after Tet, in part facilitating various fiats including but not limited to:
fiat currency (an attempted get out of jail card for the bankrupt),
fiat detente (lets pretend to have seen the errors of our ways and to have changed) ,
“Morning in America”,
concentration on “self” facilitating there is no society,
to be followed by the end of history through full spectrum dominance – but not of or by those who were and continue to be deemed “barbarians”, requiring others to seek to apply to them further coats of barbarianess.
Much of the music scene in the US of North A 1965-1969 was actually US-arranged distraction form the US wars, screaming “love” whilst the US was pouring napalm and orange C upon select parts of the world (Not only Viet-Nâm!).
There were great excemtions — but thay need be sorted out.
(and from Britain: BEATELES PROBABLY NOT, BUT “ROLLING STONES” on the side of Southern sescessionism , slaving and celebrating rebels without a cause (Street-fighting man). — The ultimate reactionary after James Dean and Orlon Brando’s sweat T-shirt whilst union-busting.)
“Much of the music scene in the US of North A 1965-1969 was actually US-arranged distraction form the US wars, screaming “love” whilst the US was pouring napalm and orange C upon select parts of the world (Not only Viet-Nâm!).”
Like many you illustrate a notion of agency which obfuscates that “Fiat requires the interaction of the belief of “audiences” with the hopes of the “evangelists”.”, perhaps enhanced by a limited perception of the scope of fiat, and the usage of “US” in preference to “Us”, which in some degree re-inforces nostra of “victimhood”.
“The ultimate reactionary after James Dean and Orlon Brando’s sweat T-shirt whilst union-busting.)”
Some would suggest the ascension to T-shirthood by Mr. Guevara as a consequence of his hubris would be a more encompassing reference, and “trickle-down” economics as second only to “We the people hold these truths to be self-evident” in illustration of the contempt that the “elite” had/have for “the people” – which some practitioners continue to refer to as “Golden showers” to the accompanyment of Ethel Merman advising “Let’s get on with the show.”
Perhaps the opponents’ made a “Freudian slip” in their accusations of Mr. Trump’s leisure activities?
The caution of “don’t forget your pills” continues to have resonance before undertaking journeys.
Some have been aware of the ridiculousness of “The United States of America” even before Mr. Presley was imprisoned in Heartbreak Hotel before being “All shook up”.
Some even had passports and vaccination certificates to make many journeys – ” (Not only Viet-Nâm!).”.
Some others have been immersed in the vindictiveness of “The United States of America” thereby becoming complicit in realising Mr. Rove’s hope that “We are an Empire – we create our own reality to which others react”.
Those aware of the ridiculousness tend to be practitioners in transcendence, whilst those immersed in vindictivess tend to remain spectators dancing/trancing without “sucess”around fixed points, as others are increasing becoming aware, whilst Mr. Escobar’s metaphor of the Age of Aquarius remains available for some to invest their “meanings”.
Enjoy your journey.
“The West shall shake the East awake… while ye have the night for morn…”-James Joyce, Finnegans Wake
“The West shall shake the East awake… while ye have the night for morn…” – James Joyce, Finnegans Wake
” when we were Jung and easily Freudened” – James Joyce, Finnegans Wake.
Relying on “authorities” limits agency,limits the testing of hypotheses, and facilitates resort to belief.
Belief not only facilitates the hopes of “evangelists”, but simultaneously facilitates opportunities for others understanding that the “benefits” of belief do not solely accrue to those “evangelists”.
Ah, 1969, that was indeed the “dawning of a new age” for me, Pepe. I’d already spent the “summer of love” working in a paper mill to finance college to stay out of the Vietnam War. In 1969 I was assigned the number 204 in the first draft lottery which I thought was a high enough number that I could drop my 2S deferment. They came within 2 numbers of mine and had me in for a draft physical and everything. Then the year ended and I was free!
Four of my high school chums (out of a class of 59) were killed in that f-ing war and the paper mill I worked in was taken apart piece by piece in the 1980s and shipped to China. Turned out the only actual winners of the Vietnam War were the MIC and the neoliberals who came in with Reagan. I spent the next 50 years working as a SPED teacher so I guess that was my “great awakening” to the realization that money and power always trumps “aboriginal-indigenous wisdom” not only in the USA but all over the planet. Looks like whoever is president isn’t going to change any of that.
Growing up during the 60s and 70s, witnessing the Rainbow of new religions and the belief of a future Age of Aquarius, I soon realized that 3 types of people would be the hallmark of my generation.
The Movers, The Hippies and The Yuppies.
The Movers is defined by commitment to: hard work and fight, based on knowledge, based on logic, based on heterosexuality and family values, believing in themselves. A life of responsibility and reality.
The Hippies is defined by freedom to: prank and talk, exploring intellectual theories, exploring new religions, exploring sexual deviations, questioning everything. A life without responsibilities and reality.
The Yuppies is defined by commitment to: advancement, based on networking, based on greed, based on sexual domination, overconfident. A life of exploitation of their fellow man. As Super egoist.
The Hippies are easily recognized by the intellectual exclusion of commoners by their use of vocabulary. Their fabulation is reaching into space and virtual reality to predict the future. They are now courting superstition with a G_D much greater than Man, ruling our destiny without people being able to change their own destiny. A world view totally segregated from reality.
Today the Hippies are occupying the top positions of every western public institution, while never having done a real days work in a private enterprise let alone created and run their own business.
They are blind to the fact that the children they raised according to pedagogic principles, grew up to be the Yuppies leading the plunder of the western institutions and their fellow man of today.
Thus as a logical consequence, a Great Awakening to reality (as predicted by the Global Elite) will eventually set in among Hippies and Yuppies.
However, as this article illustrates, instead of facing reality, the Hippies fabulate their way into a virtual age of Aquarious, as they were led to believe by Global Elite and Mao Zedong, back in summer of Love 1969.
Today they cling to superstitious Astrology, invented in the Middle Ages as a psychological control matrix, by the same dynastic Global Elite creating the western crisis and the Great Reset of today.
Intellectual Hippies seeks an Oracle (an Astrologist + Psychoanalyst + Psychologist) to predict the future.
Face It: you were led astray back in 1969, as you are led astray Today.
Reality is that Russia and Asia are more in line with reality than the leaders of the western population.
The Global Elite will not keep their control via a new religion of man-made Global warming or Covid-19.
Nor will the brainwashed Hippies lead. They have squandered generations of public and family wealth away.
Nor will the overconfident Yuppies lead. They plundered every corporation, public treasure, and fellow man.
Now the Hippies and Yuppies will face reality, either they stay in the West or if they move to China.
Thus, the only ones left to drive the west in a positive direction will be the real Movers.
Compelling analysis. Too often we focus on grand theories without looking generationally at how people really treat others and shape the lives of their children. “Responsibility” is the keyword for the West for the foreseeable future; it can no longer be outsourced.
In my own country — Norway –messieur Stotenber (or Stolzenburg — in Stolzen Burg wonht unse rGott , as M Luther proclaimed) — this Stoltzeng´berg pretendended whilst in High School to be a “hippie” and opposed to nato wars, Atomic weapons and EU Membership. Now he has renegated on all three. Just like his father, the Norwegian Minister of foreign affairs, who had earned his credentials as a stich reporting to the US embassy in Norway who withing his own young socialist organization should never be granted visa to the USA, and also cept out of careers in Norway or in the Nordic Council.
“…..had earned his credentials as a stich reporting to the US embassy in Norway”
Like many you illustrate a notion of agency which obfuscates that “Fiat requires the interaction of the belief of “audiences” with the hopes of the “evangelists”
The opponents’ “agents” are also often subject to this process, the “agent” believing in “earned” as hoped by the “evangelist”, who often view “agents” as additional food sources and human shields.
To facilitate such relations, the opponents have always used “opportunities of proposed pathways” as part of the recruitment process including but not limited to :
where according to this present portal “The Saker” was previously one of the participants.
The opponents also simultaneously continue to rely on “unfortunate” previous relationships as tools of encouragement, including in the cases of Mr. Stoltenberg and Mr. Fischer, a mix continuing in relation to Mr. Gaiudo, Mr. Navalny and others including Mr. Bandera, who like Mr. Guevara has been elevated to T-shirtness..
@ Jürgen: “Responsibility in the West can no longer be outsourced”.
I totally agree. Mary Christmas to you and your Family.
@ Tollef Ås:
I´m not surprised by your revelation about the Stoltenberg family. I have family in Norway, and was watching all the videos uploaded right after the Terror attack in Oslo and on Utoya.
I must have read hundred reports about the Attacks.
I’m certain that:
A terror attack drill was executed in Oslo, 2 days before the real attack went live.
The bomb in Oslo was too powerful to have been made from fertilizer.
Kommandant Breivik was not alone in the Attacks on Utoya.
A Stand Down order must have been in effect during the attacks.
The Prime minister during the attack was Jens Stoltenberg.
We will never forget.
Btw: Nordic people can easily recognize people’s origin by their Names.
The name Stoltenberg does not sound Nordic to me.
In Denmark we have a (COVID-19) health minister called Heunicke.
I sometimes wonder where his family originated.
Mary Christmas to you and your Family.
@ OlyaPola:
I agree, and I guess that we all know the drill by now.
I regard your list of names as a Christmas Quis. Like Guess the odd name in the list ?
Jens Stoltenberg – Joschar Fischer – Mr. Gaiudo – Alexei Navalny – Stepan Bandera – Che Guevara.
The only name puzzling me is Gaiudo, as it is an Italian name after the High German name Wido.
Let me guess: I think the names you list has a NAZI Sorry NATO connection.
And the odd name on the list is Che Guevara.
Mary Christmas to you and your Family.
“the odd name on the list is Che Guevara.”
Complicity can be by design and/or default – Mr. Guevara’s complicity was by default due to his hubris – limited preparation/forgot to take his pills/meant wellness -, subsequently emulated by MIR and others in the “Revolutionary Coordinating Junta” (JCR) facilitating their complicity by default in the Condor operations 1973 to 1980 in limited emulation/implementation of the Jakarta method in furtherance of “trickle down economics”.
“The only name puzzling me is Gaiudo, as it is an Italian name after the High German name Wido.
Let me guess: I think the names you list has a NAZI Sorry NATO connection.”
Thank you for illustrating that “alternative spelling” or other “stones in the road” often leads to the guessing of some and the increased connotations for others.
The connotations include various spellings during the period from Mr. Dulles negotiating surrender prior to 8th May 1945 with the SD, building upon agreements previously agreed and implemented from 1942 onwards with those with interests not limited to “US” logistics, until the attempted “colour revolutions” of today, illustrating that “agents” continue to to have utility after death, although some of the “evangelists” engaged in T-shirting are prone to golden showering.
Enjoy your journey.
@ OlyaPola Translation
The 1973-80 Condor ex-NAZI executed and CIA coordinated killing of 60.000 and diapering 30.000 communists in Southern America, was a limited re- run of the 1965-666 CIA-US killing of 1 million communists in Jakarta Indonesia, to secure the Global Elites trickle up sorry trickle down economics.
Later CIA chief Allan Dulles was negotiating the surrender of NAZI Germany prior to 8th May 1945 with the NAZI Sicherheitsdienst SD. The NAZI surrender was building upon agreements from 1942 onward within The Global Elite, who has been the hidden hand behind the US curtain since 1913, and up to the Obama “purple color revolution” executed in America today.
A good indicator that NAZIs sorry NATO sorry CIA continues to be agents for the Global Elite.
Back in 1975, every Dane knew that the US, Johnson, Nixon, Ford and the CIA had been committing war crimes all over the world. What the Hippies did not realize was that the CIA had already infiltrated and was supporting Hippie and Communist agents back in 1969.
However, we were many who did not believe in the Age of Aquarius Hallelujah.
My journey was never led astray by new prophets. But since 2008 I have gotten a Birds eye view of the road of which the whole world has been marched for millennial.
And it has not been a journey of joy.
” upon agreements from 1942 onward within The Global Elite”
Thank you for your illustration of some of the usages of connotation.
You apparently did not take the opportunity to explain
“upon agreements previously agreed and implemented from 1942 onwards with those with interests not limited to “US” logistics”
Those with interests not limited to “US” logistics include the Mafia, the 1942 agreement of the US government with the Mafia to act for and on behalf of the US government in protecting ports and controlling “labour problems”, easing the “Invasion of Sicily” and Southern Italy, and the subsequent creation of the Italian Republic and its integration into the “West”.
and the link between
“Mr. Dulles negotiating surrender prior to 8th May 1945 with the SD.”
This was akin to a reprise of the Mafia agreements of 1942 by facilitating the subsequent creation of the German Federal Republic and its integration into the “West”.
Resort to these methods/relations and attempts at implementation of strategies facilitated thereby continue world-wide, informing the analyses of “What are the United States of America, and how are they facilitated ?”, and illuminating for some, opportunities of lateral (transcendent) strategies to implement.
Other possible lacunae in your contribution appear predicated upon possible connotations of “hegemony” from “Global Elite”, including there-from interpretation of Mr. Guevara as martyr/victim instead of a hubristic fool whose inefficiency/romanticism was subsumed by others immersed in “We the people hold these truths (methods) to be self-evident “, neither to their continued well-being, nor even their being.
As above
““hegemony” a.k.a. encouraging beliefs of there is no alternativeness because the other is so strong they are the leaders of the pack, so don’t even think – how to drown a drowning man with the minimum of blowback?”
“Like many you illustrate a notion of agency which obfuscates that “Fiat requires the interaction of the belief of “audiences” with the hopes of the “evangelists”.”, perhaps enhanced by a limited perception of the scope of fiat, and the usage of “US” in preference to “Us”, which in some degree re-inforces nostra of “victimhood”.”
“Some have been aware of the ridiculousness of “The United States of America” even before Mr. Presley was imprisoned in Heartbreak Hotel before being “All shook up”.
Some even had passports and vaccination certificates to make many journeys – ” (Not only Viet-Nâm!).”.
” it has not been a journey of joy.”
“Some others have been immersed in the vindictiveness of “The United States of America” thereby becoming complicit in realising Mr. Rove’s hope that “We are an Empire – we create our own reality to which others react”.
(Not a journey of Joy)
“Those aware of the ridiculousness tend to be practitioners in transcendence, whilst those immersed in vindictivess tend to remain spectators dancing/trancing without “sucess”around fixed points, as others are increasing becoming aware, whilst Mr. Escobar’s metaphor of the Age of Aquarius remains available for some to invest their “meanings”.”
“Those aware of the ridiculousness tend to be practitioners in transcendence”
(Which some have found to be a journey of joy and laughter)
“whilst those immersed in vindictivess tend to remain spectators dancing/trancing without “sucess”around fixed points, as others are increasing becoming aware, whilst Mr. Escobar’s metaphor of the Age of Aquarius remains available for some to invest their “meanings”.”
(Which most have not found to be a journey of joy and laughter).
The chicken Mcnuggetness of register was in emulation/ illustration of one of the opponents’ techniques of attempted obfuscation – known to some as the divisionness of labour.
Enjoy your journey.
Thank you so much for this most enjoyable read! More than ready for this New Age of Aquarius!!
Aquarius is represented by the “water bearer”.
In the bible, Luke 22:10, Jesus instructs his disciples that, if they are lost, they should look for the water-bearer and follow him.
I hope this means a better way forward for all those who are lost and searching for answers.
“He said to them, “Behold, when you have entered the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him into the house that he enters”
The scene referred to in Luke 22:10 took place on the day of Passover meal, the holiest meal of the year.
Most likely Jesus had this meal with his disciples in a house that belonged to a small local community of (the Order of) the Essenes, which he and his disciples must have known very well, as can be deduced from Matthew 26:18 where Jesus says to them ‘Go into the town, you know to whom’.
For Essenes the fetching of water was more than an outward chore. True to the order’s rule, fresh spring water was needed for the solemn ablution of hands and feet, a cleansing conducted daily prior to the sacred communal meal in remembrance of the baptism. The fetching of water as well as serving at table was handed in person by high ranking members of the Order, since the Essenes disdained not just the status of the slave but also that of a servant in their communities.
Christ God was not and is not an Essene. As for this article, I’m not at all sure what it is I just tried to read.
Thanks for your comment.
I wrote in my comment that Jesus celebrated his last meal together with his disciples in a place that ‘most likely’ belonged to a small local community of Essenes in Jerusalem. I didn’t write that Jesus himself was an Essene though.
What I wrote about the role of the water carrier in the community of the Essenes seems to me a more plausible explanation than trying to connect Luke 22:10 to astrology and the sign of aquarius. How can you possibly write that “Jesus instructs his disciples that, if they are lost, they should look for the water-bearer and follow him”, if there ain’t no mention at all in Luke’s chapter 22l of anyone ‘being lost’, and imagining Jesus instructing such a thing instead of pointing to himself in that respect !?
Anyway even if my comment was mainly based on what I read in Dr. Emil Bock’s book ‘Caesars and Apostels’ (2d edition Floris Books, 1997 (first published I German in 1937) – which was written years before the Qumran discoveries in the 1940’s– Dr. E. Bock is able to give an astonishing profound explanation for Luke 22:10 (on pages 229-237). (He is a German theologian influenced by the writings of Rudolf Steiner btw).
I hold on to what I wrote, except for the very last part in my comment, where I wrote ‘Essenes disdained not just the status of the slave but also that of a servant in their communities’, because I think Bock is incorrect there. I prefer in this respect the view expressed in Dr. Brian Capper’s paper “Holy community of life and property amongst the poor – A response to Steve Walton” (free available on the internet), which I assume reflects more the truth: Essenes did not have any personal property but shared the use of property, respected and helped the poor as much as possible, and so on…
This short Capper-paper (14 pages) is really worth the read as it gives profund academic corroboration for the parellels between the Essenes’ way of life and Jesus’ way of life, and what both had in common. And it corresponds with what I know from personal experience.
To slaves escaping slavery by going North, this song tells them what to do…..
“Follow the Drinking Gourd”…..sung by legendary Richie Havens.
That is a fascinating article, interview.
I have no doubt Vanessa Guazzelli could teach me more than I could ever teach her. I have been using Indian astrology, Jyotish, for many years, where the astrological constellations (signs) have different boundries. In Jyotish, the sign boundries are essentially the same as you would see on common star maps, and as you would observe if you looked at the positions of the planets in the sky. So if you looked at the sky now, you would observe Jupiter and Saturn both in early Capricorn, and Pluto late in Sagittarius. So Capricorn as an earth sign is still very prominent in that sense.
However Pluto will soon move into Capricorn, and will be conjunct Saturn… they are very close now also. This conjunction is associated with repression and authoritarian actions by the powers that be, the governments and others. We have been moving in that direction for some time and it can only get worse. Saturn and Pluto will be in Capricorn for close to three years. But as Saturn moves on through Capricorn it will be square (90 degrees) to Uranus in Aries, and this is often a time of opposition to repression, perhaps in the form of physical action and reaction, conflict, perhaps even rebellion, along with the attempts to intensify clampdowns and repression…. good by human rights for the next 3 years at least.
A good exploration of these powerful outer planet interactions throughout history can be found in “Cosmos and Psyche” by Richard Tarnas.
Randolph; I have to admit to being confused by your post. Being an astrologer myself I have to say that circumstances seem to indicate that the Western astrology is more accurately politically focused than Jyotish.
For example you say that Pluto is approaching a conjunction with Saturn. How can this be? To start with Saturn is far more fast moving than Pluto and is visibly moving “away” from Pluto at this time. i have my Moon in the last degree of Aries and Saturn has just pummeled me as it squared my Moon from the last degree of Capricorn. Perhaps it is a question of using an astrology system that is most congruent with one’s own culture. For this reason I do wonder about the wisdom of Westerners forsaking Western Astrology for a system from an alien culture. The system is not the essence. The essence is the soul’s capacity to draw wisdom from that system. Would you not agree?
As it is, Pluto was never given much consideration in classical Jyotish.
gavishti; Thank you for that. It makes my point nicely. Pluto was only discovered in 1930, and by an American. This planet is extremely important in the horoscope of the United States. So it needs an astrology suited to reading it. What I read you as telling me is that Jyotish is not suited to that. Western astrology however is. As the above article indicates. Better the astrology of the West to understand the West.
The whole basis of the above-stated article written by Pepe is misleading.
He starts off with a You Tube video in which the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter is presented as the coming of the of Aquarius. This conjunction happens very frequently.
As far as Saturn is concerned, this huge planet resides in a particular house for 2.5 years, Jupiter stays in a house for one year, according to Indian astrology (Jyotish ). The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter has now occurred in Capricorn, so how is it being presented as the coming of the Age of Aquarius ?
The author of the above article is trying to confuse us with half knowledge. He is trying to psychologically influence us to into seeing China in a better light. His main purpose is to present ‘The Belt and Road’ as an end all be all choice.
I appreciate the Chinese for their great achievements, which have been written in the sands of time. Their quest for scientific supremacy is also applaudable and it doesn’t require such an author to make it presentable.
Hello, Gavishti.
The astrological studies presented here refer to Western astrology, not the Indian born Jyotish – which I respect, but is a whole other system. With some similarities, but a different means and technique by which to interprete – possibly reaching similar conclusions, but through different approaches.
As observed in Western astrology, Jupiter and Saturn are now in Aquarius.
Although not indicating the full 100% entry into the age of Aquarius.
That was not even mentioned in the interview itself – not in my answers, not in Pepe’s questions either. The title and intro came from his own musical and cultural association afterwards, not technically related to the astrology-geopolitics articulation as discussed in the interview.
I don’t think the Western astrology as stated by you is astronomically close to the actual position of the Planets. The Age of Aquarius is very far off.
For a better understanding about the position of
Planets in relation to astrology please read the following article –
My criticism was not meant for you, but rather for the author of the above stated article Pepe, who has tried to use astrology for his own motives.
Yes, they are very close now; I guess I should amend that by saying they will be within the same constellation in a short time. I expect Saturn to go Retrograde also.
It does not matter what culture a person comes from; either system can be used with great reliability. Even as old as Jyotish is, there is still room to explore and verify what actually works. Likewise for the Western form. Research is so important. I have verified for myself that the Jyotish sign boundaries give better transit results.
So each has to do the research and verify, determine what one believes works best.
So, it’s a struggle between the influence of the cosmos and the powers of Davos.
Consider how the pandemic was rapidly weaponized by the powers of Davos, the trend looks to be in their favor.
This argument of Macro (the Cosmos) versus the Micro (the powers of Davos in whatever form they have been throughout recorded history) has seemed to me each time I review it to be in favor of the Micro.
We live 24/7, 365, ruled by the Micro and never feel the Macro. Astrologers may have a sensitivity for the grand influence, but what matters for survival is here on Earth not out in Space.
The Great Reset is about cryptocurrency. The powers of Davos must control the cryptocurrencies to continue their rule and reign. So watch that development, not the Heavens.
As for the perfumed winds blowing from the East, the powers of Davos are just as likely to add sulphur and depleted uranium to those winds if they see need to do so.
More important to our survival than Jupiter and Saturn, or whatever is up there, is Putin and Russia outsmarting the West and the powers of Davos while coordinating with the Chinese and Xi to counter the hegemony of the West.
Russia represents Life and Diplomatic Solutions to Global and Regional Conflicts.
I can see the results of these efforts. They are real.
The astrological gossamer is distant and imperceptible.
war is coming because davos can not prevail with a sovereign independent russia and china.
if may take another 5 years but it is coming. once the american and european consumer cultures are smashed as davos is doing now whatever peaceful brakes remained between the clash of powers (West..declinng versus..rising East) holding opposite world views will be removed.
war arrives shortly thereafter!
The West has already been horribly weakened in spirit, over many decades. If Russia or China decided to invade for real, Europe would fall pretty quickly. Many people live decadent (but empty) lives – and many are addicted to drugs (pharmaceutical and black market varieties.) When Xanax and Zoloft run out, there will be many casualties.
The police and armed forces are used to the idea of being able to brutalise civilians – they’re not used to the idea of going into combat with equals (or even betters) – and the possibility that they may not make it home to dinner.
Putin and Xi have my blessing, as far as I’m concerned. When push comes to shove, I’d rather live under the Russian or Chinese systems than under what the globalists have in mind for us all after their Great Reset.
according to JUNG’s thinking, the world is becoming better by the individuals who are becoming better.
The individual is the treasure in time and beyond, not the temporal constellation, and the mirror of the
outer world in our inner unconscious realms truly is “distant and imperceptible” – to senses, but not to intelligence – no less imperceptible to our consciousness as our thoughts, glands or circular flow.
Nevertheless I highly appreciate the sense in your comments, with which I ususlly go 100%, ok, 95% (and more) d’acore.
Individuals are not getting better or worse, they are always the same shit.
Actually I think individual are getting worse.
At least, the individuals I know.
They are succumbing to mind-numbing covid nonsense, while revealing themselves to be little Napoleons eager for a chance to discipline their fellow humans.
These impulses lead to a lot of “learned stupidity,” as more peacable and reasonable people “go along” with the fanatics just to maintain family peace. A general dumbing down and stultification. Few options to enjoy life, and many of those few that do continue to exist require $$$ (such as having a boat and just getting out on the water—always healing).
So far in most locations in the USA one can still take a walk. most likely alone.
So, I don’t see people getting better. I see them getting stupider really fast.
The Adversary of peace and justice knows his Victims well. The Reality is the Majority worship and serve the Heap of Lies fed to them by professional (paid to) Deceivers. Joshua told His Followers it would be so. Christians do Not rule the world and were Not intended to be involved in politics till the Master returns. In the Meantime, We try to live peaceably. But in Canada a Lying Accusation put on you by a cop or two is all it takes to put One in a position where you can’t even do the GODly thing and walk away peacefully. I cannot Hire a Lying Advocate to represent Me. My Advocate Already went to the Rule of Law Court and received His Verdict of Death. What do They Want From Me? Satan will kill any who stand up for Truth, but They would rather imprison and terrorize, even mortify Their Detractors .
Um ser humano é um som que se assentou, aconteceu e vibra. Precisamos manter nossos corpos, rostos e palavras vibrantes. Para os nativos tupis sul-americanos, cada ser humano é uma nova música, uma nova palavra que vibra e co-cria vida com os outros e a natureza.
Google-translate from Mod:
“A human being is a sound that settled, happened and vibrates. We need to keep our bodies, faces and words vibrant. For South American Tupi natives, each human being is a new song, a new word that vibrates and co-creates life with others and nature.”
Yes, of all the words in this conversation, it was these that settled calmly in my mind. Infinite, mysterious and beautiful.
Reminded me of the Mayan prophecy that “the world would end” (cycles would change) on December 2012. People took that literally and brushed it off.
As it turns out, ancient civilizations knew their astrology (the flow of time).
The mere fact Asia Times consented to publish this (“mystical” piece) goes to show the times they are a-changing…
Yes indeed regarding 2012. However it was “a world” would end – not “the world” would end. The post 2012 world being a world of the Mayan Great Fifth Sun. The Mayan Elders characterize that as the emergence of wholeness from the unconscious (translated into modern Euro-speak). So we are entering into a world of unprecedented wholeness and unity. That is the beauty of it. This essay is so right on. The thing to appreciate is that Aquarius is a sign of liberation and humanization. So we can expect continuing convergence of spiritual awakening and political awakening. The slogan I really like from the 1970’s is “the people seek both political and spiritual liberation.” The separation between the two (which for many reads as an alienation) is not sustainable in the post 2012 world. We can take guidance from the essay’s indications that Socialism (which is ruled by Neptune) is the appropriate political system for integrating the spiritual awakening into a balanced whole.
Please recommend to me books/content on Mayan/Native American mythology/Weltanschauung.
As “non-introductory” as possible. Not necessarily in English. I appreciate.
Hello lyy; A book I recommend is
The Book of Destiny
Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecies of 2012
By Carlos Barrios
He is a Shaman and Member of the Mayan Elders Council
Supportive cross references can be found in the works of both Carl Jung and Rudolph Steiner.
The difficulty most find is in translating the insights of the Mayan elders into the mind set of modern European humanism. I believe that is why the importance of the 2012 demarcation does not sink into the Western mind. It does not easily culturally compute. For myself I found it vital to understand Carl Jung’s portrait of the collective unconscious and the Inner Self as a prelude to interpreting what the Mayan Elders mean by their Fifth Sun. There are so many different ways of talking about the emergence of wholeness from the unconscious. I would bet that the Mayans would find common cause with the Chinese. Neither of which is really understood by Westerners. Compare the Chinese concept of the Great Dragon with the Mayan concept of the Fifth Sun.
For example, the Mayan Elders talk of Venus crossing the Sun at the moment of 2012. They make a big deal of this. The inference being that the feminine principle is leading the transformation process whereby 5,000 years of patriarchal separation and fragmentation is being eclipsed by the rise of the feminine principle of integration into unity. Socialism is feminine – hence it is the super enemy of you know who. It is their demon horror from the unconscious. But the integrity of the universe rules does it not?
I am very concerned about the concept of community of destiny, that is of global nation (and therefore of global government) repeated more than once. But the article is very nice and useful, as always. Compliments (and Buon Natale)
As it so happens, I stumbled upon the Rudolf Steiner Archive and listened to that the world consciousness is changing so that from the C15th to the start of the 4th Millennium (approx. 2600 years – there’s a name for this astrological period which I cant remember) human consciousness would change so that we would be unhappy unless everyone was happy (words to the effect)
What Does the Angel Do in Our Astral Body By Rudolf Steiner (58:05)
Note that he same sentiment as to freedom has been expressed by others many a time
This is why its critical that the Russia/China ‘double helix’ not only survives – but thrives – for the sake of all humanity
“Building a “community of common destiny” is the motivating force behind China’s future foreign policy.”
Let’s get one thing straight about ANY Great Reset by looking at some very inconvenient truths about the US.
The US has a war-based economy. VIP George Kennan spelled it out just a few short years before the end of the Soviet Union.
“Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.”
Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.
Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.
What Kennan said was not mere hyperbole, and that what he said is even more true today than it was in Kennan’s time. The US STILL must have enemies in order to justify the US govt. borrowing, borrowing, and I do mean borrowing! hundreds of billions of dollars to hand over to war corporations year after year after year, FOREVER!
The US economy would LITERALLY collapse without that annual DoD injection.
Literally tens of millions of direct and indirect MIC jobs would instantly cease to exist without that annual DoD injection.
In short, should that annual injection of printed-out-of-thin-air USD not occur, it would be the beginning an economic disaster far greater than even the Great Depression.
Now that we all understand the above, we also can understand that the US’s participation in any Great Reset will be predicated on the above “system” CONTINUING! That is, any Great Reset in currency/finance must ALLOW the US to continue to make war on the world!
Once again with even more feeling, as it has been ever since Nixon closed the gold window and the petrodollar arrangement was desperately established a few year later, US taxpayers could not then, and can not now, afford to pay “up front” for perpetual wars to change regimes and steal the resources of the rest of the world. Again, the US has to “borrow” from other nations to pay for its wars and that means that the foreign nations and foreign or domestic corporate or governmental-department (social security fund, for example) investors that buy US treasuries as an “investment” are, LITERALLY, financing (investing in) the US’s perpetual wars!
Yes, indeed, I very much look forward to reading the nitty gritty details of ANY Great Reset!
Sounds like, for starters, that the US/western economy would need to be radically transformed. Not necessarily less warlike, but radically different. Bye bye paper dollars to start with, and likely the dollar itself as well, to be reconstituted with an all digital – possibly world currency – of some sort, presumably distributed at least somewhat equitably among current dollar holders, or at least that’s how it will be sold. In practice, most normal citizen dollar holders will be wiped out before the transition takes place, so bupkis for them. They’ll get some kind of very minimal UBI to keep them alive and consuming, which will be their only real purpose in life from there on out. If they’re kept around at all, of course. But that will be OK, since the new economy will the much touted “sharing economy,” where ownership will be deemed passé, and everything will be single use or rented using a digital credit score system, all “for the good of humanity,” of course. Nation states will finally get a long awaited break. The wars will be made intensely and intimately personal. The farming of humanity will have begun in earnest.
That’s the “vision,” at least.
“Platon discovered, that all being fit for
increase according to it’s nature is boundless,
and the boundlessness to him like to the Greeks
was the root of each evil. Therefore his great
thrust in numbers and measures; they set
borders to such, which is by it’s own nature
( like about air) without outset [arché], no center,
nor finish [telós], nor will ever have it.
Hannah Arendt, Life of the Spirit, p. 68
Dear Pepe, you wite truly
„So we’re all into something much bigger than any neo-Orwellian scenario.“
.Thank you, for sharing the spiritual room with my chronicle of some the weeks in young 21th century.
now you write about „our current, interminable darkness“
I agree and not-agree: you e. g. are one reason for that, another one is Saker, (and there are enough other), in whose Vineyard I can cultivate the plants of coming astrological reflection. This to me and my friends creates the breathing space, which even yet is given to some of us early ones in the spiritual age of Aquarius, in the boundless air of Aquarius. But the time, the beginning of the age of Aquarius to each one is different, according to each and every person’s unfolding of ‚air‘, of that thinking containing the eternal role of thinking within the four elements beyond the ‚here and now‘.
At the inception of your piece, my honourable college makes the basic statement to
the greatness oft he day:
„„“Arguably not many people around the world are aware that a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction this December 21st seeming to represent the ultimate game-changer – defined by serious astrology scholars as the Great Mutation“.
and : „and the real deal is not the Reset; it’s the Mutation“
And, sorry, we all are humans only and error never sleeps – as not to the astrologer ( and astrology is a medium in which you can observe your propensity for errors).
To make it short: 12.21.2020, today is not the Great Mutation, it’s the second Grand Conjunction since the real Great Mutation which I call „
in the element air
12. 31. 1980
21. 23. 07 UTC
But aside from being only a ‚normal‘, second of some ten, eleven Great Conjunctions, this ‚normal Great Conjunction has an outstanding special meaning, receiving it by the real Great Mutation of 1980:
It’s the blue Mars of the element air of 1980. With Mars it’s a new beginning and with air it is thinking, at 0,8° Aquarius, this week Mars is associated with the Great Conjunction of 2020.That is a historical outlier in the astrological history of mankind, whose meaning to me is ultimately unfathomable, too rare the image, to face the specialty, but certainly a proposal for God and a bone to chew for astrologers.
All about this a more detailed narration is in my “astromundane diary” of today, which is a
preferred part of my weekly one, from Wednesday:
in addition:
“We come from a two-century period of conjunctions in Earth signs. The emphasis has been on matter and the more tangible dimension of life – material boys and girls in a material world. As we now move on into the element of air, as they conjoin at 0º of Aquarius, a call for sublimation takes place.“
hence all you are describing, I, d’acord but it had it’s outset 1980. OK?
All that is solid mutates into air. Things and procedures c a n b e less material and more digital and, to some extent, virtual. But not only that. Shared ideas and ideals gain yet more importance. More then what we materially have, with whom and what for is what matters most. Collaboration and cooperation are, now more than ever, the winds which make the world go around.
I take your words and only change ‘can be’ into ‘became’ (since 40 years).
„in parts of Asia and Oceania, it will be already past midnight, on December 22.“
By the way, on the southern hemisphere the Great Conjunction occurs in the first grade of Leo
in the element fire. The have summer now.
Oh dear Pepe, I love ya, but you got this age of Aquarius wrong. It doesn’t really start until three hundred and odd years from now. This discrepancy is because western astrologers have been using the wrong system for their zodiac, and like everything else “western”, it’s erroneous and misleading.
Indian/Vedic sidereal astrology is aligned with the actual constellations of the zodiac and their positions (at least approximately) in the sky, whereas western ‘tropical’ astrology is aligned to the Earth’s the seasons via the equinoxes/solstices, completely ignoring the position of the constellations in relation to 1- the Earth’s position (which changes over time) and 2- the signs themselves (which are named after the constellations).
As a result we effectively have two zodiac systems, one tends to be more accurate (sidereal), and the other (western), not so much if at all.
This in turn also means that most people are assigned the wrong zodiac [Sun] sign, and I wish I had Pepe’s date of birth to use as an example, but let’s say Putin, born the 7th of October, he’s supposedly Libra in western astrology, well… he’s actually Virgo in sidereal, and in many ways it suits him better than Libra. Virgos tend to be conservative, perfectionists yet approachable due to the earthy quality of Virgo, and being ruled by Mercury this makes them one of the most intelligent and cultured signs of the zodiac. Virgos – as an earth sign – are slower to act than a take-charge, air-cardinal sign such as Libra would be, because Virgos tend to over-think, and over-analyze everything before they commit to a course of action. You can apply the same principle to Trump, who’s supposedly Gemini, but he’s actually Taurus (in sidereal) and again, a Taurian set of qualities would make more sense for him than Gemini.
Vedic Astrology and the Sidereal Zodiac in the Age of Misinformation
[..] Tropical Zodiac a Mistake? – The tropical zodiac did not exist at that time, and to many throughout history, the tropical zodiac itself is considered to be an irrational juxtaposition of things that should not go together. Here’s why.
The zodiac was (and still is) a system of precise coordinates that are meant to map celestial movements of planets as they (apparently) circle the earth. Exact degrees matter with the zodiac. But how is it being calculated? Is it being calculated by precise, ecliptic coordinates, that are virtually unmoving over time (Sidereally)? Or is it being calculated by taking our place on earth (which is moving slightly over time) and projecting THAT into space to find precise coordinates for a circling heavenly body (Tropical)?
[..] many in the Western astrology tradition, like Cyril Fagan and the tradition of sidereal Western astrology assert this. Many who examine the tropical zodiac see it is a conflation of two things that have nothing to do with each other. The earth going around the sun and the equinoxes/solstices inherently have nothing to do with the band of celestial coordinates that we use to measure planets moving through the sky. The tropical zodiac connects these two things.
This is why the Egyptologist and Western astrologer Cyril Fagan, in the 1940s, completely rejected tropical Western astrology, after he realized the nature of the tropical zodiac. Fagan thought it was not a legitimate way to erect horoscopes [..]
In sidereal all the signs move backwards almost a whole month – if you’re Aires in tropical you’re more than likely to be Pisces (which is the previous sign to Aries) in sidereal, and so on and so forth with the rest of the signs. This shift applies too, of course to the Astrological ages. And in regards to this Jupiter and Saturn great conjunction in Aquarius, that too is wrong, the grand conjunction is happening in Capricorn, more importantly, it’s not heralding the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, we’re still in Pisces, have been and will be for some time yet….
It’s (Not Even Close to) the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
[..] I don’t mean to be a killjoy, and like anyone, would welcome the Aquarian Age of “harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding, no more falsehoods or derisions, golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelation, and the mind’s true liberation,” but this was all just a bit premature according to astrology. Astrologers who use the actual observable sidereal zodiac agree that we will not reach the Age of Aquarius for at least a few more hundred years.
According to the late sidereal astrologer Garth Allen (also known as Donald Bradley): “This is definitely not the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, no matter what the song proclaims [..] Scientifically and historically speaking, the Aquarian Age will commence in the year 2376 A.D [using Fagan-Bradley ayanamsha].” In my calculations with this ayanamsha, the Sun on March 20, 2376 at the equinox is at 00:00 Pisces which could indicate the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. At vernal equinox of 2377, the Sun is at 29:59 Aquarius, so we are in range from 2376-2377.
[..] For now, we are still in the Age of Pisces, an epoch that has seen the gradual growth of compassion and humanitarianism linked with both positive and negative religious influences.
Incidentally, that last article also cites Pepe’s song – Let the Sun shine in. But to make a long story short, a Jupiter-Saturn great conjunction happening in Capricorn is generally considered to be bad news, I’m afraid…
Jupiter–Saturn Conjunction 2020
[..] Whose energy dominates? – When planets come together in a constellation, various factors determine their relative strength, and sometimes it’s complicated and difficult to discern which one overpowers the other. But that’s not the case here! Saturn clearly dominates in this Capricorn conjunction, with far-reaching implications for societies and individuals [..] Since Saturn owns [rules] Capricorn, his power increases even more, because planets gain strength when residing in their own constellation. And Jupiter in Capricorn is debilitated [..] Then magnifying Saturn’s dominance even higher, the point of exact conjunction happens at the Winter Solstice, when Saturn’s dark energy is naturally the strongest [..] everyone will experience an intensification of Saturnine energy and a diminishment of Jupiter’s light, as indeed will the world at large. Saturn wins this war!
Implications for the World [..] Under the earth [element] influence, business concerns and large conglomerates thrive, giving rise to military prowess when corporate interests become threatened. Military power feeds upon mass fear and paranoia, which in turn feed upon a sense of scarcity, another effect of escalating corporate power, which increases the societal divide between the affluent and the disadvantaged. These are all themes of Saturn, which the 2020 conjunction will heighten even more, exacerbated by Jupiter’s extreme weakness in Capricorn.
In worldly matters, Jupiter indicates ethics, justice, and higher principles, which will all be eclipsed by Saturn’s dominance. Financial security, corporate profits and control will take precedence. So in terms of mundane astrology, the advice for 2020 is stay vigilant!
And while Ms Vanessa Guazzelli is somewhat correct about the great [elemental] mutation: “they keep on intersecting in signs of the same element for 200 years, with the possibility of another 40 years of transition, indicating a greater cycle [..] We come from a two-century period of conjunctions in Earth signs [..] As we now move on into the element of air (etc)”
She’s wrong about the elements, the transition was from fire to earth, not from earth to air…
“[..] The present earth dominant period lasts until 2199. It began in 1961, though a random fire conjunction in 2000, near the last degree of Aries, ensured that a bit of fire would contribute as well to the zeitgeist of the new century. That anomaly makes it possible to see the twentieth century as a peculiar and long-lasting transition period, because the movement from fire to earth, which began in 1901, wasn’t truly over until the end of the twentieth century. Fire favours nationalistic aspirations, even as they erupt into violence and war; [on its positive spectrum] it favours the fight for justice, independence and liberty; whereas earth fosters the drive for security and material interests, the pursuit of wealth, the exploitation of resources, and the development of technology.”
Ms Guazzelli says… “All that is solid mutates into air. Things and procedures can be less material and more digital and, to some extent, virtual [..] In everyday life, it also speaks of an increase in technological development” … true, but technology is still part of the realm of the earth element: machines, computers, inventions (etc) are all physical, material, solid real things = earth element. The air element has more to do with the intellect, the mind, philosophy (etc) and/or the creation of said technology, and yes I suppose it could include the software running the hardware, but overall, it still has little to do with the [air] age of Aquarius, since it’s not happening for another 300 plus years.
In short; although her methodology is sound her projections are skewed, because – and presumably, through no fault of her own – the very principles she’s using are inaccurate which is akin to using the wrong periodic table for chemistry and physics, you’ll never get things right no matter how precise your mathematical calculations are.
Never the less, the article/interview is quite interesting since the planetary aspects (conjunctions, oppositions, etc) and the planets’ archetypes still apply – Saturn-Neptune, for example – although I must say I’ve never heard of Neptune as a planet that “impregnates and conceives”, that seems to be more the area of the Moon. Neptune rules the arts, poetry, romance, fantasy, inspiration (etc) and on the negative end: illusions, confusion, depression, addictions (etc).
@Saturn wins this war! Stay vigilant!
From the link provided we learn something important about Saturn: ‘the Devil is not that dark’:
”Saturn fosters some kind of existential despair. He teaches the ephemerality of all things material, orienting the world-weary heart that is ripe for transformation towards renunciation and transcendence.
Saturn’s path is the “Way of the Cross”. It might take a very long time, because Saturn acts slowly and patiently. But eventually, Saturn’s path culminates in moksha, liberation from the bonds of materiality. Saturn in Sanskrit is Shani. Closely linked to Lord Shiva, Shani (like Shiva) dispels the distortions and myopia of maya (illusion). He dissolves the veil of avidya (spiritual ignorance) and grants realisation of Ultimate Reality. Through darkness the soul opens to the radiance of Infinite Light. That is the essence of the mystery which is Saturn.
As Jupiter (Guru) is the planet of knowledge, Saturn (Shani) is the planet of wisdom. Saturn’s dominance during the period of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction opens wide the door of possibility for profound spiritual transformation. It’s the unstoppable victory of eternity over time. This is the hidden grace available to all who are ready for it during this otherwise quite challenging transit. No matter what disturbances you may experience during this conjunction, the first remedy for you to employ is metanoia, a profound turning round of heart. Trust in Saturn! He is the irritant who grows the pearl. Have confidence that whatever he brings contains lessons leading to your Inner Awakening. Shani’s logic runs counter to the world’s. Look deeply into it and see the pearl of Divine Grace it contains”.
The ‘Way of the Cross’!
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?”
Astrology has to be taken (it always was for the oh-so ‘logic-rational mind’ we boast is ‘the’ human preserve) with a big pinch (rather handful) of salt. You can see that there is a huge discrepancy between the predictions made in the system of (Western) ‘tropical astrology’ and those made in the system of ‘sidereal astrology’ of more traditional societies.
But that could not detract us from the symbolic role of Saturn-Kronos, who in the Greek-Roman ‘religion’ was the ruler of the Golden Age. We can’t of course expand on the myths of Zeus/Jupiter dethroning Kronos/Saturn, but we may expand on the historical enactments of this myth. To wit, on the feast of the ‘Saturnalia’, the ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The Roman Saturnalia are the origin of the Carnival (but not of Christmas).
At Rome the feast was celebrated with sacrifices at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, masters provided table service for their slaves, virtuous matrons could sleep with their slaves (or with whomever they fancied), as it was seen as a time of ‘liberty – i.e. everything was ‘permitted’ for both slaves and freedmen alike. A constant feature of the Carnival is that everyone was masked. A common custom was the election of a “King of the Saturnalia” (the origin of the ‘buffoon’, ‘jester’, ‘fool’, ‘lord of misrule’), who would give the most outlandish orders to people, which were to be followed to the letter (so to speak), and preside over the merrymaking. Every accepted rules of a functioning society were overturned, promiscuity, sodomy, drunkenness, blaspheming the gods, mocking authorities, whatever was forbidden in normal life was permitted and to be ‘enjoyed’. The date 17 December was the first day of the astrological sign Capricorn, the house of Saturn, the planet named for the god.
But at the end of the carnival the slave that was made King, the ‘bafoon’, was sacrificed (when the carnival was more ‘humanized’, he was just burnt in effigy)! Zeus/Jupiter restored the order and cast the Titans into Tartaros. And we should not forget that even Kronos/Saturn (a Titan in Greek mythology) was the first ‘revolted’ against ‘patriarchy’, castrating his father Uranos, the ‘Sky God’ – ‘our Father who art in the Heaven’?).
I personally am confident that the bloody ‘carnival’ that Mankind indulged in so far, is approaching its ‘used by date’. There might be some drunkards still roaming the streets, but eventually they will be dealt with (hopefully they will sober themselves, but I won’t bet on that – they are again onto the ‘Russian hackers’, they don’t learn anything).
And Who is that Ophiuchus, higher and to the Right of These Wandering Regal Stars? Could it Be ? A Serpent tamer out of Heaven to save the world from these Kings. Oh My ,My!?
Too Legit 2 Quit
Thank You for the explanation.
However, when you say –
“And Jupiter in Capricorn is debilitated [..] Then magnifying Saturn’s dominance even higher”
I will have to disagree, Jupiter even when debilitated doesn’t forget his attributes and good nature. Moreover, its likely that Saturn when in residing in his own house will be influenced by Jupiter.
But she is a real beauty, you fox :)! And you put up a single picture from a wrong angle so that we don’t know about it, huh :) ?
Haha Thanks for bringing that to my attention, Slobodan. He asked for a top picture. I sent three decent, up-to-date photos for him to choose one from. He used none of them and got that beige one from the web. What to do.
Thank you for the kind compliment. And hope you
appreciated the astro – geo articulation.
Thanks Pepe for helping us stargazing but staying with feet firmly on earth ..
Question: Why are there 3 rings around Saturn?
Answer: Because there are two rings around Uranus.
Tip of the day, things are not always what they seem to be regarding the planets.
O mundo é aquilo que você deseja que seja, nem mais tampouco menos!
A esperança da colheita está na semente.
Spes messis in semine.
Plante vento, colha tempestante.
Plante discórdia, colha ódio.
Plante carinho, colha amor!
Eis o digo: aproveite[m) o que lhe fizer sentido.
Google translation,MOD:
The world is what you want it to be, neither more nor less!
The hope of the harvest is in the seed.
Spes messis in semine.
Plant the wind, harvest the storm.
Plant discord, reap hatred.
Plant affection, reap love!
This is what I say: enjoy [m) whatever makes sense to you.
Jupiter – Saturn alignments generally mark main changes in economic trends.
This type of exact alignment hasnt happened since the year 1226. From that point things started to change.
The last important one was an approximate trine in Aug 1982 when the current eco expansion from the stagnation of the 1970s ended.
I like to stay agnostic about astrology (Don’t believe in magic, but do some magical thinking!).
But apart from that: Do astrologers give some importance to our space exploration? I think of the moon landings, with lunar material brought back to Earth, the first images of the outer planets from pioneer and landings on Mars and Venus and the recent return of samples from asteroids and the Moon by Japanese and Chinese probes?
I like Pepe’s articles but this one’s a bit too far out for me to accept.
Taking advantage of this, my team utilized this J-S alignment’s gravimetric gateway forces to effect an inter-dimensional pulse setting in motion invisible forces. Nothing can stop it.
It is in the aether now and will help deal with the devils behind this pandemic.
US & Russian Military need to co-ordinate forces to save the world now and round up the devils.
Such rubbish. We certainly do not need ‘astrological signs’ to tell us any of what this article seems to be ‘predicting’. It is all common sense to the person who is even minimally informed of current events.
It is what is so interesting about astrology – it tells you the obvious.
John Michael Greer published his reading for the Grand Mutation on July 20 of this year on his Patreon site. The following is a thumbnail sketch of his main judgements as he examined the varied aspects house by house. The following list is one of the astrological houses and relevant comments. The Grand Mutation for America is a chart cast specifically for the USA and clearly indicates a general decline of the country punctuated by occasional disasters.
1 The People in general: sustained demographic decline for America. A major disaster contributing to demographic decline. End of the era of martial expansion and beginning of quest for stability and conservation; conservative over the next long term.
2 National Economy: overall decline of economy, technological developments that meet real needs of crises afflicted people being an exception to a general downwards trend.
3 Transport, Communication & Media: all in various stages of disintegration, maybe some exceptions that meed real needs. Golden age of the internet and mass media is probably already over.
4 Agriculture, Mining & Resource Industries: decline of urban manufacturing and relative rise in importance of agriculture, mixed prospects.
5 Speculative Ventures, the Rich and Famous & Entertainment Industry: all in general decline.
6 Public Health, Workforce & Military: general decline of all three due to crumbling infrastructure. The age of public health where most die of old age will regress to Third World norms.
7 Foreign Affairs: era of hegemony (meaning leadership of the willingly led) gives way to wariness, distrust, suspicion of America, no longer the powerful agent able to enforce it’s will.
8 Foreign Trade and Investments: America will benefit significantly from foreign trade and investment. (I imagine our East Asian neighbours will find some use for the place. More: America will not be left to it’s own devises as many like to think. It’s almost like saying that after Cook’s discovery of Australia the country benefited from foreign investment and trade. Well, some people did; others, not so much – KF).
9 Judiciary and Religion: Greer envisions a revival of religion that is conservative in character, not fundamentalist, but rather conservative in the literal sense of the word. He thinks that the Supreme Court decisions of the next decades will indicate the trend of things to come.
10 Government and Executive Branch: I quote Greer: Saturn in the 10th house is traditionally a very troubling omen, an indication of a very sudden fall from power. For example, that placement appears in the birth charts of John F. Kennedy, Adolph Hitler, and Kaiser Wilhelm II, all three of whom rose to great power and then suffered a fall that was hard, fast, and final.’
11The Legislature: decline and reform, devolutions of authority to individual states.
12 National Institutions: birth and rise of some new institution outside of government, oriented to the public good, will gain support in the hinterlands, come in for severe criticism in time but will endure and become a long term aspect of things.
I’ve followed Greer for years. While I’m as skeptical of his occultist orientation as I am of psychoanalysis, not excluding the preferred Jungian lineage, yet he’s very much worth reading. About a year ago he predicted that by the end of 2020 most Americans would come to view the corporate media with sharp suspicion. When I read this I thought that this was rather a long shot. But here we are; his arrow hit the mark. I think he’s the best mundane astrologer out there. His chart readings are available on the net but cost 5 or 10 dollars a month. He publishes mainly the quarterly ingress charts located for Washington DC, London, Delhi, Tokyo, and Canberra. There are, of course, other locations that one might wish for, but his wish is that others will come to the fore and help with the general effort.
Thanks for the post. Greer is favorite read of mine as well. He did predict a while back that Trump would be reelected, but that one’s still pretty grey and likely will stay that way, what with all the election fraud allegations that aren’t going away anytime soon.
As always, very interesting read from Pepe.
Thank you very much for this most enjoyable text !
We’ll see what will come of all this, but I’m sure that we are for a really bumpy ride in these roaring twenties !
Taking into account the renewed arms, space, economic, cybernetics and knowledge races, I expect a breakthrough in AI by 2040 or 2050 and a probable digitalization of Mankind following. What will follow, then ?
I have no conception of any of this as I am mereley a craftsman … like a metalworker or a carpenter. Does it change my ideas or my paintings. My comment is this:
Jesus was a carpenter and Rembrant was a painter. Both were craftsmen. Did they look at the planets? I really don’t know yet as a painter and a carpenter I needed light. In such regard an apogee of the craft of painting has not yet been reached but with the advent of photography many craftsmen gave up and many decided to develop alternate concepts like a carpenter might make three legged chair which could be strangely liberating for the carpenter.
Unless a nuclear war occurs this is about to change as Russia and China become the financial adjuciators of the craft of painting as they will have the financial clout. Should you doubt this please look at those paintings that are considered exceptional in both those countries. You will not see a Chagall nor a Wahol.
If you are sufficently misguided to believe there is no ‘art’ history in China or Russia then I fear for your education. Russian painting will embrace the craft of the Rembrants while the Chinese will embrace the ‘line of description’ .
Those ‘artists’ who made their liviging without the skill of a craftsman painter will be destined to the dustbin of the incompetent as will be the three legged chair for the woodworker.
It is already begun. Consider the future for a beginning ‘modern abstract’ painter in the US or Europe today as their formless yet colorfull works be somehow titled as a poem to ‘gender equity studies’ then their future is even more dire as those who may appreciate their efforts have no money to purchase such works.
The one over-riding factor is that painters like carpenters need to make a living. They need to exchange their skills for money and should those with money be looking for well made furniture or paintings of skill and communication then those with such qualities will be pre-eminent.
Such is life without looking at the stars and such may be a future and I urge all who love carpentry to learn about wood, mallets and chisels and those who love painting to learn aout brushes, paint, color theory and communication. Those who believe in the conjunction of planetry orbits may they well prosper and have a merry christmas.
I think the most likely outcome of this ‘great mutation’ will be a collective ability to assign technologies to appropriate uses.
At some stage in the future, our sun will run out of heat, and life on earth will end. We as a species will have a choice to die out or to search for a new sun and planet to inhabit.
If we think carefully about the space travel that involves, it will not be too hard to see that silicon-based machines may be better suited to that journey, although no doubt human ‘arks’ will also be able to travel under carefully controlled conditions.
So there is a case for saying that the carbon-based world of planet earth may need to ally with a silicon-based world of AI, robotics and spacecraft to enable such travel to occur without wiping out the life forms which will have to be transported somehow or other. Obviously the transportation of seed banks will be involved and maybe in the future the ability to recreate multicellular creatures without gestating them inside mothers may be possible.
No-one is saying that that is what should happen forevermore, it is simply saying that there may be wise uses for such technology when inter-galactic travel odysseys become necessary.
Right now, all the AI technology is being developed for entirely the wrong reasons: the rich are doing it to get richer and to wipe out the poor. It is basically genocide by technology.
If there is one thing this ‘great Mutation’ needs to achieve above all others, it is to put monetary gain firmly back into its place in the higher scheme of things.
Humans are not slaves to money until bankers make them so.
It is time for 7 billion humans to tell 100 million or less bankers in no uncertain terms quite how irrelevant they are going to be in the future, without absolute change of character, behaviour and comportment.
It won’t be peaceful and it won’t happen overnight.
But if people want a world for the many to remain, then they have to put the AI genie firmly under their control and stop it being used to commit a genocide that would make the Nazis seem like farmers just culling their animals every so often for meat.
You are right about that, Tom. I came into the World in 1960 ,according to Rome. In my 60 years of living ,as most humans do ,in an environment that is Toxic in Every sense of the word. I was never even tempted to joined an Armed Force of any kind. I use my guns for harvesting game ,so yeah ,I Am a Stalker and would live off venison, given the choice. So when I was 44 years in the Making of ‘who am I’ ,a Tragedy struck Me full Force in My Home ,no warrant , and the ensuing circumstances has left Me Mortified and Lost. I have Expressed my displeasure in various ways They obviously didn’t appreciate. I wasn’t Made for Jail, I told Them. But to Jail I went. Civil servants did this to me ,So yeah ,I Am a bit Mentally Disturbed by this Plandemic. But the Justice System knows the part it played ,but will Not deliver what They are Paid To Do unless I worship at Their Altar. I am Broken ,but Not Dead Yet. Here Am I.
In 2022 the US Pluto scenario returns – that’s massive ! Yes indeed it could be, if that Planet of Death, turns out be – Nibiru. The “NWO” is in a real hurry about something – and obviously, it all has to be finished before the next big Event. Whether its a massive World War, a Cosmic event or another man made Catastrophe. Hey – Pepe and Saker – always have me thinking. Spacibo
It is interesting to see how astrological considerations can turn into subtle China propaganda.
The myth of Marco Polo is so widespreadly accepted that i think it warrants efforts at debunking.
Like when we are presented with a “Spanish manuscript” supposedly depicting Marco, his father and his uncle in a Caravan.
Please recaunt for us the wording of the texts written on the depicted illustration — and please provide us with a translation into some present-day major language!
Marco Polo and his father and uncle were double-dealing spíes for Venice and the great Khan, brouht up and “turned” in (maybe Jewish) Venetian trade and language schools or Eboya (Evya) at their colony in Pontenegro (Khalkis).
The over-fattened story of Marko Polo has shadowed for the more important stories of travellers into the Mongol Empire — Wilhelm of Rubrick and so many others.
Who are Wilhelm of Rubrick and others ? Please tell us more about them.
‘Wilhelm of Rubrick’ was William of Rubruck (Dutch: Willem van Rubroeck; Latin: Gulielmus de Rubruquis; fl. 1253 – 1255), also known as Willem van Ruysbroeck, Guillaume de Rubrouck, or Willielmus de Rubruquis, a Flemish Franciscan missionary born in the Flemish town of Rubrouck, and explorer of Central Asia, commissioned by the King of France Louis IX in 1253 to convert the Tatars to Christianity.
The ‘others’ was probably “Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, variously rendered in English as John of Pian de Carpine, John of Plano Carpini or Joannes de Plano (ca 1185– 1 August 1252), a medieval Italian diplomat, archbishop and explorer sent by the Pope Innocent IV to convert the Mongols, being one of the first Europeans to enter the court of the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire. He is the author of the earliest important Western account of northern and central Asia, Rus, and other regions of the Mongol dominion.
Why the ‘myth’ of Marco Polo’ should be ‘debunked’ is anyone’s guess.
Thank you, could you briefly inform us about their account of Northern and Central Asia.
Why is Marco Polo said to be a myth ?
I can’t tell why Marco Polo is said to be a ‘myth’. I surmise that is an extension of the underlying belief that Christ is a ‘myth’, that Scriptures are forgeries intent to ‘historicize’ the myth fabricated by the ‘organized religion’, that history of Christianity is a forgery serving as the ideological support for religious persecution, colonialism, exploitation.
It is perhaps an effect of the vogue in Academia and the ‘Left’ end of the political spectrum, of the book of Edward Said “Orientalism’ (1978) which using a method of post-structuralist analysis (derived from the analytic techniques of Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault) propagated the idea that all accounts of the ‘West’ about the ‘East’ are fictional, Western images of the Orient, tinged with racist and religious prejudices (anti-Islamic in principal) meant to assert and reinforce the myth of ‘Western’ superiority. Thus becoming a foundational document in the field of ‘postcolonialism’.
Perhaps in the case of Marco Polo, a contributing factor is the conspiracy theory circulating in the ‘LaRouche-ist’ circles that Venetian ‘oligarchy’ was the occult manipulator of whatever bad happened in modern times.
About the writings of Rubruk, Plano Carpini and others, the best thing to do is to use the Wikipedia.
Thank You, for your explanation.
I wouldn’t believe Christ is a myth even if all the biggest philosophers would tell me so. There is no need to read or understand the obfuscation as presented by the so called philosophers.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas 🙏
Christ is Born, Glorify Him!
Χριστὸς γεννᾶται, δοξάσατε!
Hristos rozhdaetsya! Slav’te ego!
This posting by our estemed È Scó-bar (区司巴) lacks the acumen and the weight it would have borne if also attending to East Asian Star-watchers. For instance, during the North Korean missile chrises, the Nortrherners of Chosôn(as they call their polity) over-and-over-again published photoes of the wissiles launched at night wit the Dog Stars in the backgound — klearly intended to say that the US governance were nothing else than bitches!
Holy Moses! Loved it. What a brilliant mind she has. Thanks. I am very glad indeed to see the statement that in the Americas we will need to reconsider aboriginal wisdom. Right on, sister. Ok, scary, yes, but really, really useful.
Contrary to what most most brainless people of the west think; there is going to be no sunshine or the age of Aquarius, Indeed these irreligious western Pagans seem to think that by some cosmic stars alignment and some imaginary miracle will happen and things on our planet earth will become very calm and stable and we are going to a big happy family La de Da.
They forget the Murder, Mayhem, Plunder, Theft they have committed against the most innocent helpless people of the world, Bombing and killing women, Infants, Children, infirm old men, stealing their resources, supporting the most corrupt puppet governments and dictators. No, No, be assured the Lord of heavens above is not asleep and if any thing; worse and worse times are coming and fire and brimstone will rain on these perverted nations who think that lives of others don’t matter but only their own perverted sick LGBT and drug infused delusional lives.
Their support of an evil called Israhell where murder of children is cause of celebration and where not a trace of goodness exists…..Wait and see my words come true
For fcuk sake, don’t get sucked in by this gobbledygook of planets, conjunctions and co-incidences cited. I’m embarrassed that I used to read Pepe but this will be the last time.
In the 70’s I used to take my old hypochondriac uncle to the doctor every day. He was also superstitious and would reduce the cab’s licence plate numbers by addition. These were totaled and reduced to a single digit the lucky digits were 2,3, 5, 7 and 9.
A cab with a licence plate 8537 was a 5. A good number. If the number was 7537, it would be a 4. A no no.
Once, while traveling in a cab with an approved number, his cab had an accident. I questioned him about the efficacy of is system and he said “Had it not been my lucky no. cab, I would be dead.”
Do not try to reason with these people, it’s a waste of time.
Hamlet, William Shakespeare (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
[Beneath] Swear.
O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!
And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
9 is definitely the supreme lucky number. Applying the method to the numbers resulted from raising 3 to any power the result is invariably 9 (3×3=9; 3x3x3=27, 2+7=9; 3x3x3x3=81, 8+1=9; and so on) the number of Pleroma (πλήρωμα, ‘fullness’), totality of divine powers.
”For in him [Christ ”in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”] the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have come to fullness in him, who is the head of every ruler and authority” (Col 2:9-10). Therefore Saint Paul warns us: ”As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” (Col 2:6-8).
the first comment on zero hedge is:
“Did anyone make it past the first paragraph?”
I agree 100% LOL
The Age of Aquarius has now seen the invisible forces I mentioned take effect as I disclosed in my previous post: –
Trump vetos the NDAA budget Bill.
This is a glove in the face of both McConnell and Pelosi and the Deep State.
And is just the beginning.
Even more powerful things are coming.
A chain reaction is in progress.
And the Deep State cannot and will not be able to defeat the people or the US military or the GOP States.
They may as well give up now or face the consequences.
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.
WW3 between Nato on the Russian border and in the South China sea and a revolution in South Africa is also in the air lol.
Apparently, the Age of Aquarius will bring about greater awareness of the cosmos and at the end of the 2000 years period, those who have increased their spirituality will ascend into the fifth dimension. Source: