Dear friends,
As soon as I heard about the tragic explosion in Beirut I told my family “you will see, there will be some idiots who will say it was a nuke”. Sure enough, today I already see nonsense posted about the usual suspects about the Israelis nuking of Beirut. Some even claim this was a thermonuclear explosion! This just proves to me that I was right when I added this rule to the moderation guidelines:
“I am banning any and all references to use of tactical nuclear weapons, including alleged use of tactical nukes by Israel in Syria or Lebanon, or by anybody (including the USA or Israel) in Yemen. In fact from now on, I am the ONLY person allowed to report the use of tactical nuclear weapons.”
However, considering how huge this explosion was, I feel that I ought to post these few reminders:
- It is quite impossible to conceal the use of a nuclear device, even a low-yield one, in particular in a densely populated area and in a warzone.
- Most (all?) major explosions produce a “nuclear mushroom” simply because the air rushes back into the place from where it expelled by the explosion.
- You can clearly see two colors in the explosion, which points to a chemical, not nuclear, event.
- There is a complete absence of any nuclear flash and fireball.
- In the case of the Beirut explosion, you can clearly see in the footage that there is/are a (few) primary explosion(s) and a much bigger secondary explosion. You don’t see that with nukes. See for yourself:
But most importantly is this: if the Israelis were crazy enough to actually strike Lebanon’s capital with a nuke (or even with a huge conventional bomb/missile) you could be sure that Hezbollah and Iran would strike at cities like Tel Aviv and a number of other Israeli cities (and ports). To visualize this, just think of the Iranian strike on the US base in Iraq, but aimed at key Israeli government buildings and facilities.
What happened in Beirut is an immense tragedy and my heart goes out to all the wonderful people of Lebanon, whom I love and admire. Trying to make money by generating clickbaiting nonsense about what actually took place is absolutely repulsive and shows a total lack of respect for the victims.
Shame on those who engage in such behavior!
The Saker
PS: One more thing: some speculated that this was a weapons depot. I cannot be categorical, but in most cases when weapon depots blow up, there is a primary explosion followed by MANY smaller explosions; that kind of stuff can last for days. In the case of Beirut, after the huge mega-explosion there was silence. This also indicates to me that it was one major chemical explosion. This is now confirmed by pretty much the interested parties. Well, except for Trump and some of his general who initially seemed to believe that it was a bomb of some sorts.
PPS: by the way, I am not saying that sabotage is not possible or that Israel had nothing to do with this. All I am saying is that nukes (even less so thermonuclear devices) were not used.
There is another crazy rumor taking shape and that is that Mr Putin is saying this is a ‘terrorist attack’. I answered to this rumor here quoting the formal statements from the Kremlin and the Foreign office, where of course he said nothing of the kind.
Trumps generals said it was an attack too. This fertilizer does NOT explode on its own. It needs to be mixed. It would NEVER explode just from exposure to flame. If it was like TNT, there wouldnt be ships casually going through the worlds ports with 1400 Oklahoma city bombings on them
Then please explain the chemical formula (or the explosive) that can create measurements of 3.5 on the Richter scale.
BTW it is not that important whether it was nuclear or not ….. it was massive. And for sure not only chemical.
Please have a look at this link – seems to be the same kind of explosion.
Nearly identical I think – in the same region. Somebody over there has this weapon and is able and willing to make use of it.
I do not feel it to be a good idea to exclude opinions you think they are wrong.
Your excellent blog lives – at least in my opinion – very much from the contributions of excellent commentators.
Do not tell us what we have to think – refute us, whenever you can.
That is the way it was ….. and it should stay that way.
any chemical decent explosive can produce such an explosion if you put enough of it in any one location.
when you say “for sure not chemical” you make a categorical statement substantiated by nothing.
The Saker
Mr. Saker, if this was indeed an ammonium-nitrate explosion as we are being told, then what was the fuel for it? Ammonium-nitrate is the oxidizer, and fuel oil is the fuel for the explosion in an ANFO (Ammonium-Nitrate Fuel Oil) explosion, for instance.
I used to work in the mining industry and we used TOVEX, a number 2 high explosive, which comes in a long, flexible plastic tube filled with explosive jelly of about the consistency of tapioca pudding,, like a big, explosive, sausage — developed by DuPont, and also quite a lot of ANFO, which is blown into bored holes, along with an initiating blasting cap and — WHOOMP! — it will indeed give you quite an impressive explosion. It looks and smells and feels like fertilizer soaked in kerosene, which is approximately what it is.
If there were indeed, 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate stored at the port in Beirut, then to make that explode as we saw, in an approximation of an ANFO detonation, would you not need approximately 160 tons of a fuel source mixed in with the ammonium-nitrate?
17:1 is the approximate ratio of ammonium-nitrate to fuel in an ANFO explosion, so what was the fuel? And how was it delivered and when?
Ammonium-nitrate is the oxidizer. So what was the fuel source that drove the explosion? How did it get mixed in with the ammonium-nitrate? To my mind that is the $64,000 question.
With your extensive explosives expertise can you please elaborate on this?
Otherwise, how to explain the spectacular stoichiometry that we saw in Beirut yesterday? I am flummoxed! Please enlighten us. What I I missing??
It seems to me that the news accounts are glossing over something. There is a missing element: the fuel for the explosion!!
You don’t need fuel for an ammonium nitrate explosion. One allegation is that welding up a vent ignited fireworks stored next to the ammonium nitrate. That minor series of explosions set off the ammonium nitrate with tragic consequences. “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”.
Thank you for clarifying.
Not true. Those were plants. Things are happening at plants, heat, pressure , humans , ect ect ect. This was fertilizer in storage. Nothing else
@Richard Sauder, could you expound a bit more and go into detail what you mean by soaking ? If what you posit is true what’s your best guess as to what happened yesterday in Beirut ? Btw, is this the same Richard Sauder that wrote a book about secret bases in the US ? I appreciate your work. A+
You aren’t arguing it wasn’t ammonium nitrate, correct?
Just because the ignition is not yet known doesn’t mean the 2700 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded.
So, you make a pointless argument.
We don’t know what ignited many chemical explosions in history.
The important fact is it was stupidity that left such an enormous danger in the port area.
Something set off fireworks next to the warehouse with the ammonium nitrate. The fireworks perhaps ignited the ammonium nitrate.
Soon we will have the missing facts.
An expert on these kind of bombs I saw yesterday on TV, I think it was BBC, said it was a flame that ignited the chemicals.
Science will tell us.
The Russians immediately sent 5 planeloads of rescue personnel and equipment. It would be smart for Lebanon to bring in Russian experts to pursue all the facts about the ignition of the explosion.
Are you asking me, Larchmonter445?
There is so much we don’t know about this event. Accepting that there were 2,750 tons of ammonium-nitrate right there by the dock in a warehouse, then that is a massive amount of explosive oxidizer. Almost three kilotons! This fact was widely known by ((((( all ))))) who have eyes and ears in port cities on the eastern Mediterranean. (Give me a minute — I’ll come up with a likely suspect …)
Mix with a hydrocarbon fuel and you get “The Mother Of All Jury-Rigged ANFO Explosions.” Which brings me to my next point.
There is other relevant evidence that i don’t see anyone directly discussing: there was a larger ship at the dock yesterday, and also a smaller vessel, right where the explosion occurred. They are clear in before images, and missing after the blast. Did the explosion vaporize those two vessels? Please see:
What was on those vessels? What was their cargo? What were the names of the vessels? Who or what are their owners? What were the previous ports of call of the ships?
And then the very next day (today), in the aftermath of all the chaos, death and destruction, two other ships appear at dockside, just on the other end of the pier. Look at the before and after photos. What’s all that about? What are those ships doing there at the site of all the devastation, mere hours later? Where di they come from? Who or what is aboard those ships?
Does anyone know?
The time dimension of an operation can often extend over years and be kept on hold until needed, and then put into play whenever desired. Grease a few corrupt palms, and in a corrupt, port city you can accomplish a lot.
1) First deliver 3 kilotons of ammonium-nitrate and arrange for it to be confiscated/impounded. Park the stuff right there by the dock in a warehouse.
2) Then arrange for a few tons of fireworks to be warehoused immediately next door (!) to the kilotons of ammonium nitrate.
3)Then arrange for a vessel or two — loaded with <> — we do not know, because they were vaporized — to be subsequently docked in front of said, adjacent warehouses with tons of fireworks and kilotons of ammonium-nitrate.
4)Next send in a <> — it’s always <> or careless <> who do the honors in these sorts of affairs — to light things off, and set Hell in motion. Welding sparks, lighting a 150 ft fuse, setting a timed demolition charge, whatever. Such piddling details.
So we have on site: a) a few kilotons of an explosives-grade oxidizer (ammonium-nitrate), b) an ignition source (a few tons of fireworks right next door that <> accidentally ignited, and c) two vaporized(?) vessels right at the dock.
Anybody know anything about those vessels?
This whole affair feels fishy to me.
By the way, one of my sources when I was doing the bulk of my underground bases research, back in the 1990s, was fond of constantly reminding me: “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” He frequently encouraged me to keep digging for information. I can only speculate as to his motivation(s) and why he even talked to me.
He was a polymath, an expert in deep, secret, subsurface bases, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, geochemistry, geology, mining engineering, civil engineering, rocketry and military grade, high explosives and lunar geology. He had a PhD in one of the STEM disciplines. He worked with Edward Teller in the underground levels at Area 51, and was on the Project Apollo lunar landing site selection committee. I once asked him if he had ever worked with any extraterrestrials during his career. He remained emotionally neutral and replied: “I don’t know, but I can tell you that extraterrestrials are a topic of conversation in the canteen at Area 51.”
Most of his work was classified. In our conversations, he impressed on me again and again that government agencies and major and minor pooh-bahs and muckety-mucks lie — about all sorts of things! — and he provided concrete examples to me.
In other words, dear friends, just because so-called <> — even in the alternative news blogosphere tell us that we are wrong, or that we don’t know what we are talking about, or that we shouldn’t trouble our pretty little heads about something! or that we dare not go there!! — or that we must reflexively submit to their <> or they will take their ball and go home, leaving us to play without their self-appointed <> — well does that not raise a warning flag??
Doesn’t it?
Something very strange happened in Beirut yesterday and I suggest we keep digging to find out what, who and why!! My antennae are up and quivering and I think any thinking person has plenty of cause to question the story that is being widely spread in the mainstream news media and also in many corners of the alternative new blogosphere.
We don’t know for sure exactly what we are dealing with, and it behooves us to find out as much as we can.
That’s my view. Self-appointed <> who want to reflexively slam shut the door on free and wide-ranging inquiry just because they say so — well, draw the conclusion that you think is most appropriate.
Looks like a perfectly executed bloody nose. Like the shooting down of the Russian aircraft with 15 officers on board in Syria.
The smoke cloud bore no resemblance to that generated by a conventional explosion; what rose instead was a mushroom cloud like in an atomic explosion.
In Beirut, the blast caused the ground to shake in a radius of 200 kilometers, at a magnitude of 3.5 on the Richter scale, according to the German Geoscience Center (GFZ). It was this vibration and not the explosion itself that destroyed many parts of the city.
The detonation also caused a giant wave and destroyed cars adjacent to the port, without however displacing them or the water sideways, but rather as if pressure had been exerted directly on the sea and on the site of the disaster.
These attacks come as the judgment of the United Nations Special Tribunal for Lebanon is to take place on 7 August. It will in all likelihood be postponed
Good point. NH4NO3 = N2 + 2H20 + [O], so for maximum effect diesel fuel or a similar reductant is needed. A small truckload of ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel destroyed a large part of the centre of Manchester in 1996, thanks to Killary’s friends in the IRA. That said, ammonium nitrate is always causing explosions, like the one in West, Texas a few years ago. But on that occasion Obama did not publicly announce the amount of ammonium nitrate to within half a per cent within hours of the explosion, the way the president of the Lebanon said there were exactly 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate involved.
Nobody has yet mentioned the phase change of solid ammonium nitrate, which causes it to cake, much as snow piles subjected to repeated cycling through 0 deg turn very solid. There is an urban legend that a Bayer employee in Leverkusen attempted to use dynamite to break up the clumps…… If the ammonium nitrate has been left on the quayside for 6 years it was probably completely solid. Its source is reported as a Moldovan ship. Moldova is a tiny post soviet hellhole whose main export is girls and young women for prostitution in Western Europe: the Mr Big oligarch is a character called Lieberman, who has also served as Israel’s foreign minister
Hi Richard, Nitropril is still listed as a potential explosion risk even with the absence of a fuel.
According to the Handbook of Inorganic Chemicals, by Pradyot Patnaik (2002), “Heating or any ignition source may cause violent combustion or explosion.”
AN is NH4NO3. Look at all that hydrogen and oxygen in the formula. It starts to melt at around 170 degrees Celsius, and boils at 210 degrees Celsius.
With a raging inferno in adjoining warehouses I assume that the AN had started to melt to become liquid. Maybe it started to leak out of the bags it was stored in and could have even started to run out of thr building. As the fire continued to rage it could’ve easily came to the boil and became a gas, once again look at that formula, all that hydrogen and oxygen, that’s a pretty explosive cocktail of gas there.
I checked out a bag here at home, even though it’s the lower grade fertilizer product it still urges strict caution in regards to where and how it’s stored, and also warns against possible explosion from heat.
With a raging inferno next door and a couple of shipping containers full of fireworks left nearby it didn’t need to be soaked. If everything stored along the wall closest to the heat source started to melt and ran throughout the rest of the warehouse with some off it coming to the boil and producing hydrogen….., well there’s your fuel source there.
The AZF explosion in France near Toulouse left a landscape looking like Hiroshima. It was nothing more exotic than a huge pile of amonium-nitrate that had exploded.
Lucky the French didn’t blame Iraq for the blast and go to war.
The explosion in the youtube video is from Syria, and caused by a suicide bomber with a big truck filed with explosives, from one of the terrorist groups active in this country. If i remember correctly it was the prelude for an attack or a counter-attack against Syrian Arab Army positions.
2750 tons of deflagrating low explosive, that is, ammonium nitrate, isn’t equivalent to 2750 tons of TNT; the latter would be equivalent, minutes radiation, to a 2.75 kiloton nuclear device. However, 2750 tons of exploding ammonium nitrate is still an extremely large explosion and puts immense stress on the substrate beneath it. I have read that the area of the Beirut port where the explosion occurred is reclaimed from the sea. If true, it is comprised of compacted rubble, not based on bedrock, so it is even more liable to distortion from an explosive device. Since any volcanic explosion (such as Krakatoa, 1883) can be detected seismically, that is, it produces an earthquake – Krakatoa unleashed a tsunami – there’s absolutely no problem with the idea that the Beirut blast caused one. In April 1944 when the British ammunition carrying ship Fort Stikine caught fire and blew up in Bombay harbour, British enslaved India, the resulting earthquake was detected a thousand kilometres north in Shimla.
Those who make such rumors have no clue what a nuclear explosion is and what it produces moments before the detonation; x-ray and gamma ray emission, even the smallest nuke does that noticeably. As an example, in 1917 Halifax explosion took place when even basic nuclear technology was in its infancy.
I don’t see these rumors when it comes to pass events.
Dear Saker,
Another hint, even if Hal Turner always is to take with a grain of salt:
A spike in radiation measured in Sicily – five hours after the Beirut explosion. That is – at least – a very strong indices.
A nuclear explosion is hotter than the sun’s core. The Beirut explosion was no nuclear explosion.
Truth is no one outside of the loop knows what happened. To exclude possibilities before the evidence is in is presumptuous to say the least.
oh, so you think that saying that Martians or the Zimbabwean special forces did it would be “presumptuous to say the least”?
if yes, then by all means, feel free to not exclude such possibilities.
But please don’t claim that your reasons for that a fact-based.
The Saker
Please start deleting these dopes. Some of them are posting the same stupidities on other forums. Like Bots.
Yup, I might. Getting mighty fed up with this nonsense.
If this does not stop, I will kill the comment under this post.
Cheers my friend
The Saker
And then there is the remote viewing of last month by Daz Smith, which strongly points to the Beirut explosion as being a planned attack, and not an accident at all. ((((((Now, who would plan and carry out such a horrific operation? Let’s see ….)))))) Daz Smith is one of the best remote viewers in the world. He’s very, very good, with a select client list. Please see:
Daz Smith is nobody’s fool, and I’m not either.
I agree with his viewing.
It is savage. There was a huge grain elevator complex there that was destroyed. Among other things, the explosion was therefore a direct attack against the national food supply of Lebanon, and as such, an existential attack upon the Lebanese people. It is unforgivable. It will not be pardoned or overlooked. There will be severe repercussions.
I have alluded to the coming events of September in my own blog.
Judgment has already been rendered. The sentence will be imposed this coming month. It cannot and will not be altered. Neither is any appeal possible. The verdict and the sentence are final.
As dramatic as the events of next month will be, November will be even more so.. Scoffers will be stunned into abject silence and complete irrelevance in the coming weeks and months. It will be just that grim.
By the way, Donald Trump likely blurted out the truth, before he was shushed by his military minders. What has happened in Beirut was an attack, and a ghastly one. When reflecting on Donald Trump’s comments I am reminded of an old Igbo proverb that one of my African professors was fond of citing: “The guilty will speak.”
Yes, the report about Trump quoting his Generals was a bit disconcerting but if you consider his maxim is “shoot first and ask question later” then you might just put his statement at the bottom of your list of things to itemize.
On the more up side: this will allow for the people of the midEast to perform awesome acts of charity and support for the Lebanese people. That both Hezbollah and the Israelis were quick to back off from making inflammatory statements makes that information go to the top of my list of importance.
Hello Saker,
I agree with you about the Beirut explosion. This reminds me of the Texas City Disaster of 1947, which was caused by improperly stored ammonium nitrate to be used as fertilizer.
Is it possible to mix high-tech explosives with milled uranium to create a small device that yeilds a large explosion and only slightly raised rad levels for a few hours? Meyssan seems to think that something like this, a sort of explosive uranium-infused explosive “dart,” was developed by the Germans and used in the Harriri asassination, many years back.
My guess is, rather than sit with their tit in the wringer waiting for Hez to strike, they changed the ROE with this sabotage. Israel’s Moshe Feiglin: ” I feel happy about what happened in Beirut, this is a gift by God to the Israelis on the event of the Jewish holiday of love that started yesterday and ends today”
Anyone heard from Nasrallah yet?
Moon of alabama has an interesting article on his blog about a ship carrying 2.7 tonnes of ammonium nitrate being seized in 2013. The same article also mentions how it was not well secured.
Thanks for pointing out that MoA article. Note that 2.7 tonnes would be two of those big plastic bags, and another one about 2/3 full.
It was 2,750 tonnes, it filled up the ship they seized and filled up most of that warehouse.
Too bad they didn’t get around to moving it out of the port, or shipping it somewhere else between 2013 and now.
like 9/11 was “good for israel”. theres always a fringe element like this guy . “a gift from god ” ,mirrored as the original middle east monitor has been removed it seems .
I’m in total agreement with you about this NOT being a nuclear bomb. However I am surprised by all the information that this was a careless welding incident. It appears that someone decided to store fireworks next to 2500 tons of ammonium nitrate. I know who used to own the ammonium nitrate but I’d be more interested to know who owned the fireworks that caused the blast and how this individual/ company got permission from the port authorities to store their fireworks so close to 2500 tons of ammonium nitrate.
Too many coincidences and the timing of this stinks. I believe that Trump spoke the truth when he said that the generals told him that this was an attack. I know that trump lies alot and the press calls him on it…but now that he’s spilled the beans the press are quick to discount his version of events. Strange times we live in.
@Western Hammer: “It appears that someone decided to store fireworks next to 2500 tons of ammonium nitrate. … I’d be interested to know who owned the fireworks that caused the blast and how this individual/ company got permission from the port authorities to store their fireworks so close to 2500 tons of ammonium nitrate. Too many coincidences ….”.
Agreed 100%.
There is no sensible source for the fireworks storage. That seems to have come out of thin air. On the third page you’ll get more info on the abandoned ship which dumped the cargo of nitrate in Beirut. The shipowners, cargo owners and ship charterers then all disappeared leaving the crew stranded and without disembarkation rights. this is more common than you might imagine.
The cargo itself was in international legal limbo after the ship was impounded by Port State Control which belongs to the International Maritime Organization.
Netanyahu ‘s statement posted on twitter yesterday:
Prime Minister Netanyahu: “We hit a cell and now we hit the dispatchers. We will do what is necessary in order to defend ourselves. I suggest to all of them, including Hezbollah, to consider this.
7:09 AM · Aug 4, 2020·Twitter Web App
PM Netanyahu: “These are not vain words; they have the weight of the State of Israel and the IDF behind them and this should be taken seriously.”
What is this referring to?
Source @israelipm
Apparently there was some action in Gaza on Aug 3rd so maybe he’s referring to that and its just unfortunate timing.
I’m 100% sure that Netanyahu is referring to hitting all the people of the world with Love. God’s chosen people could do nothing else. That must be why God chose them, to do his work in this world.
What is Veterans Today goal? Amplify extreme theories they act like they have all this info but it seems like they just quote there own articles as additional information. There coverage of the beruit tradegy makes me wonder what there goal is
VT? Gordon Duff is running that lunatic asylum. Go listen to or watch any interviews with him. He is absolutely sure he is the smartest man on the planet, despite the overwhelming evidence that he is simply a whack job, off his meds.
I have conversed with him in the past and one thing is clear, he absolutely knows, he knows what he believes to be true. Proof not required, actual facts not required.
That he fell for a poorly edited video of a missile, and still claims it is true after having the original sent to him, proves beyond doubt that he is off his nut.
Thank you, Saker, for injecting some common sense here. There seems to be a sub-cult among conspiracy lovers (and I love good conspiracy stories, but hate the bad ones), a cult that comes out of the woodwork and chirps ‘mini-nukes’ every time there is an explosion. With no evidence whatsoever. Anything that counts as a ‘nuclear’ blast (and not a mere dirty bomb) starts with a blinding flash of light. It always saturates the film or video camera for that brief instant. The video evidence contradicts that. And of course, they do not make nukes that small. The weapon designer’s term for a 3kt device is ‘a dud’. (and please, theorists, don’t tell me about ‘dial-a-yield’. the dial does not go down that far)
The story line I have seen, the one that seems plausible, is that the warehouse there had 2700 tons of ammonium nitrate in it. Here in Texas, we have some experience with that stuff, the last notable one was in 2013, I believe, when a fertilizer warehouse with about 300 or 400 tons blew up and flattened the small rural Texas town it was in. (it’s worth noting here that the ‘FO’ component of ANFO is optional, it will detonate on its own if there is a sufficient amount of it, and it gets hot enough) So this was about a 3kt blast, as they blew up about 3 thousand tons of explosive.
As for the mushroom cloud, it is simply a matter of having a large enough explosion. It was interesting to see the water vapor condense and evaporate as the shock wave passed through. It’s like that veil you sometimes see around a fighter plane flying through humid air at close to mach 1.
There seems to be a sub-cult among conspiracy lovers (and I love good conspiracy stories, but hate the bad ones), a cult that comes out of the woodwork and chirps ‘mini-nukes’ every time there is an explosion.
And as if these imbeciles were not a pain in the rear enough, there is the other cult which says that nukes don’t exist.
I wish these folks just forgot about the Saker blog….
It made a 600′ diameter crater in solid rock. Why would i bother with drilling at the quarry, when i can just sit the explosives on top and kaboom!
I know nothing of nukes or weapons, but i do know how to process rocks into aggregates.
The best evidence we have to study is the crater. It must be studied properly and debated.
Now if there was something beneath the warehouse, that may explain partially the crater.
Your site has the most intelligent debate and comment section i have found. We have many people from the heavy civil construction like myself, there was another above with a mining background. We in the industry do not buy the story. The crater is the key.
Please dont silence the debate, even though its not going where you want to, its too early.
When you start to supress the debate, you are doing the same as the empire we are all collectively fighting.
My best wishes to you and all the readers here.
Lets have a frank discussion here, and together, we can parse something thats a close approximation to the truth!
I don’t think anything can be ruled out until this has been thoroughly and impartially investigated.
Don’t hold your breath. There are so many things that have been “officially investigated” and the out come is more official than investigation—911, Malaysia Air, for starters…
Up front full disclosure: I was a service member in the US armed forces and I am NOT an explosives expert in any sense.
When I first saw the explosion I thought it looked like some sort of Thermobaric device. Kind of like the sort the Russian military have deployed in Syria. (Obviously the Russians would have absolutely nothing to do with what happened in Beirut).
I would not rule out the official narrative that is developing, however….
I personally feel that Israel is making ready for offensive action against Iran in the near future. There have been a lot of very suspicious fires and explosions in Iran around very sensitive military installations. A lot of Israeli military activity on it’s Northern border. An up tick in Israeli air strikes in Syria. Plus some strange things have happened in Iraq. Given the context I am very suspicious of what has happened in Beirut.
I too have Lebanese friends and I love the people and the country. I feel a heavy sense of sadness that I have not been able to shake since this event. May God protect Lebanon and it people! I dream of the better days ahead for them and a return to normal life.
it looked like some sort of Thermobaric device.
Correct, it did look much more like a FAE detonation.
But in this case, there is no evidence of either a missile or, even less so, a bomb.
And there are the obvious small explosions all over the location before the big one goes off.
Besides, Israel will not risk a war it cannot win for no discernible military or political advantage.
“Besides, Israel will not risk a war it cannot win for no discernible military or political advantage.”
i suppose this is what bothers me the most about Israel’s behavior lately. I don’t understand what they are playing at. Perhaps they think air strikes against Iranian installations they find bothersome is a good idea before circumstances in other parts of the world change. There have been so many fires, explosions, and other things directed at Iran lately. It seems to me that the masters of subterfuge have been busier than normal in the region. Why and to what end is anyone’s guess. Perhaps they just have new Intel sources within the Iranian military but I think they are prepping the battlefield for something bigger in the coming months.
Sakers says, “….there is no evidence of either a missile or, even less so, a bomb”.
That could be!
If it can be proven and the video shown in the last link I provide over in Ghassan Kadi’s Article….
…can be debunked, THEN I can be spared from the responsibility of directing people’s attention toward Cleveland, Ohio, Miami, Florida…and the ships at the Beirut docks…..which seem to have a VERY strong (??)
circumstantial relation to…………………IGOR Kolomoisky.
That video footage: and my lead in to it, in the above cited comment:
“Last, but not least, the black spec of a missile, drone or guided bomb in the Beirut sky…headed exactly toward the scene ONE SECOND before the BIG….(2nd) Ka-BOOM:
Sharpen your eyesight and pick out the dark spot in the sky to the left of the baby blue circle in the video….”
I’m seeing an enhanced video of the flying object mentioned above. It is not a missile and certainly not a bird, but appears to be a compact shaped object with a trajectory into the blast site, coinciding with the time of the explosion to the second. If the object in the video is real, it would be hard to refute that the blast was not an aerial bomb lobbed into the harbor from an aircraft. Maybe some radar data will appear to confirm.
Didn’t see Bro 93 comment or video when I posted. Here’s a better, closer look at the object:
Bird or not bird, that’s the question.
Obviously not a bird.
Trajectory and speed consistent with drone.
Surely there will be consequences with houthi against KSA
Probably just another coincidence and it was swamp gas or something.
Come on, Bone! Whatcha doin’???
Tryin’ to make people even dumber???
Your video shows a smaller object being released from the aerial object moving toward the area of the the Big Ka-boom a split second or two before it went off.
Either THAT is an extremely likely detonator of The BIG ONE….right there……OR the video is fake.
But “swamp gas”????
Come on, man!!!
WHAT “swamp”????
Suspicion of Israeli involvement grows:
War has been brewing in ME might we need a third event for all out war (Soleimani, Beirut,??)?
Israeli PM previously signaled an attack on the very same place in 2018
Dear Saker,
how do you explain then the (high) level of radiation detected in Sicily?
All datas are available online on
Best regards,
See this Dec 20, 2019 video entitled “Large explosion of an unknown device in Syria”:
The white ball shaped fast spreading cloud is very similar to the August 4, 2020 huge explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. Which new weapon was used in the Gulf and in Beirut?
“At the beginning of July, a new weapon was deployed against 7 Iranian ships in the Persian Gulf [1], then again on 4 August rocking the port of Beirut…..”
great message Saker – you’re the best friend in the world at times like these because you know the truth about stuff like this. Israel would LOVE if the whole world would think they were brave enough to do this. Of course the Intelligence of Iran and Russia already know it wasn’t Israel. Or maybe that it was Israel…but there is also this article –
Also I heard Veterans Today is again spreading the story of mini nukes. They were guilty of that the last time too…can’t remember which event it was but it was definitely not a nuke.
Someone else said too – that a nuke would have taken out the whole city.
I recently found a blog Tikun Olam by Richard Silverstein. He claims to have confirmation from a likely suspect that they were indeed responsible.He also suggests that both competing theories are true: there was an abandoned cargo of ammonium nitrate, a sitting duck while legal proceedings were ongoing to dispose of it AND there was a weapons depot nearby (which would explain the various smoke colours). However neither weapons nor ammonium nitrate blow up by themselves, they need help. Silverstein’s argument is that the offending party knew that Lebanon not moving more quickly on getting rid of the nitrate is embarrassing, as is storing weapons covertly and therefore they would not be blamed openly.
Most of us with zero experience of explosives throw around the term “nuclear” to describe things which seem particularly devastating to us. Somewhere I read a comment that the cars being sucked in towards the crater, the size of the crater, etc. were compatible with the use of a NON-nuclear thermobaric devic. The MOAB e.g. was a thermobaric non-nuclear weapon.
A couple other things. I saw a video of the first set of firefighters attending to the FIRST fire, the one that was supposedly responsible for lighting the ammonium nitrate. This is from Michael Horowitz a “Geopolitical and security analyst, Head of Intel @LeBeckInt” and twitter has no problem with it so it must be legit ;)
Who knows if the video is real but the governor or mayor of Beirut confirmed that the initial contingent of firefighters were sent, they were doing their job, suddenly there were unexpected explosions and they were all killed.
It reminded me of 9/11 in that the firefighters were going about their business when the towers were considered stable enough for them to enter and rescue people. In Beirut the first fire seemed to be going on for a while before the world media was involved. Things appeared to be under control. Then the huge explosions came unexpectedly and they died, whether in Beirut or New York.
I fully understand that we should not speculate, that is the prerogative of the armchair journalists of the mainstream media who get their news from twitter just like us.
So let’s accept the mainstream media version: a welder set off a fire (that maybe also involved stored fireworks) and lit up ammonium nitrate that led to an explosion so violent it has flattened Beirut’s port as well as a great portion of the city centre, could be felt in Cyprus and was registered by Jordan’s Obersvatory as 4.5 on the Richter Scale. Wikipedia has the REAL TRUTH for anyone who needs it.
Funnily enough the Business Insider article quoted by Wikipedia states quite clearly that
“After an inspection by Port State Control, an arm of the International Maritime Organization, the ship was forbidden from continuing its voyage.
“Shortly afterwards the vessel was abandoned by her owners after charterers and cargo concern lost interest in the cargo,” the Baroudi & Associates summary said.
Various creditors came forward, but “efforts to get in touch with the owners, charterers and cargo owners to obtain payment failed,” it said.
Baroudi & Associates said it took on a legal case to force authorities to let the ship’s crew go home “given the ‘dangerous’ nature of the cargo.”
“Owing to the risks associated with retaining the ammonium nitrate on board the vessel, the port authorities discharged the cargo onto the port’s warehouses,” the summary said.
The summary was published in 2015 by The Arrest News, a newsletter from a maritime-law network in Spain called Ship Arrested. Both the newsletter’s editor and the law firm confirmed the account as being from Baroudi & Associates.
So here we have a case of Beirut literally having tons of ammonium nitrate dumped on their doorstep, a cargo in international legal limbo but everyone in the neighbourhood knows it’s there.
What is the legal jurisdiction of an abandoned cargo going from Georgia to Mozambique under a Moldovan flag where the shipowners, charterers and cargo owners all disappeared?
Despite all this the mainstream media took less than an hour to come up with the accident hypothesis and blame “negligent and corrupt Lebanese port authorities”. By morning it was: Hezbollah “which controls the port.
The detail of jurisdiction by the PORT STATE CONTROL which belongs to the International Maritime Organization was forgotten. Of course Lebanon knew it had a dangerous warehouse in the port and of course they mentioned it was blown up. The mainstream media has completely delivered the verdict without any investigation of what sparked the fire.
My question is: the average regular TNT bomb is several hundred kilotons. This was less than 3 kilotons of fertilizer and would have needed roughly 160 tons of fuel to saturate it (17:1 ratio is needed).
So why is so much high-tech weapons research needed if ports can blow themselves up totally by accident and negligence and corruption with an errant welder and 3 kilotons mix fertilizer saturated with diesel fuel?
Sorry for the length but I am devastated that a verdict on something so horrifying was pronounced within an hour letting the real perpetrator WHOEVER it might be, off the hook. Right now the responsible parties in the view of the mainstream media are Hezbollah and “corrupt and negligent Lebanese people”. Cui bono? Certainly NOT these two groups.
Photo today published of the firefighters about to open doors of the warehouse…just before the explosion. We know that eg in domestic conmercial fires eg soneone smashing a window….the fire suddenly becomes much more “explosive” due to inrush of oxygen…sooo if the large warehouse doors were opened….?
Your point is absolutely correct and that’s why real firefighters would never be opening the door if the ammonium nitrate had caught fire or other fireworks were going off etc. etc. .
They would be containing the fire or alternatively focusing on evacuating the area. Publishing those photos makes the firefighters look like brave but bumbling idiots. That is so wrong on so many levels it is immoral. All the photos, the whole story makes everyone in charge look stupid and who was in charge? Hezbollah of course.
I have several problems with the photos which emerged.
1. Three guys taken from behind (no faces) trying to open some metal door. This surfaced on the twitter of any intelligence industry individual (Michael Horwoitz). I saw it a few days before the mainstream published it. One guy is not in uniform says the Guardian “because he had no time to put it on”. In the middle of this huge emergency with 2700 tons about to blow up, someone is standing around taking photos. Next minute KABOOM. Dozens of port worker corpses are missing. Yet this photo makes it out to twitter by August in under 48 hours. Horowitz is silent on source.
2. Then is there the firefighter video (again from Horowitz), which looks somewhat authentic. A fire was burning long enough for firefighters to be sent and considered harmless enough to not implement evacuation. They don’t seem too panicked. So the firefighters are looking at white smoke when the explosion happens and the videographer would have been killed. Was he live streaming it? Why?
Why is such an important video not sourced? Why is there ZERO explanation of how it left the explosion scene? Is it a mix of two videos? One taken earlier on for a small fire that didn’t attract any attention which was then edited to include the camera falling etc. the way all the other videos end.
First there was a fire, then there was a small explosion with the white smoke which got everyone to start taking photos not expecting the violent second explosion.
3. There is the absurd photo of three men looking at big sacks of the ammo taken at an earlier point in time. Why would anyone take such a photo? In the utter chaos that followed, the photographer (a port worker?) if he didn’t die, instead of worrying about friends and family starts searching for this dumb photo: look, look that’s us in front of the ammo that blew up the city? That was a carefully planned photoshoot with paid actors and someone kept that photo carefully.
Looking carefully at what the mainstream is saying and how they get their info is actually very useful in understanding a) what did NOT happen and b) where to look.
Firefighters were NOT taking selfies just before dying. The Guardian says they sent 10 people, and one was standing around taking photos????? Which he managed to text before being blown up?
The Daily Mail has associated the BACKS of those 3 actors in the photo with 3 real firefighters who are of course dead. I am sure the Lebanese know something about bombs and ammonium nitrate.
Veteran’s Today has full updates including a theory which precisely links all the absurd factoids put out by the mainstream.
Useful assessments here re ammoniun nitrate…
pepe just published a thermalimage video and it shows something like a missile just before second big explosion…
“you could be sure that Hezbollah and Iran would strike at cities like Tel Aviv”
Normally yes, but since Hezbollah had to have known the stuff was there and it could have only continued to be there with Hezbollah’s tacit acceptance, Hezbollah cannot now cry foul – not without being accused of betraying the Resistance by allowing a bomb to be hung around Lebanon’s neck. Everyone knew what was there and everyone knew what it was there for. It was placed with EVERYONE’s agreement: the Israelis, Lebanese Government and Hezbollah. There is simply no way it could have stayed there for 6 years otherwise. Consequently, no one – not the Israelis, not the Lebanese authorities and not Hezbollah can come out and say it was an intentional attack. As to how the attack was initiated, who knows. Corrupting a welder on the dock is intelligence tradecraft 101. There needn’t have been a surreptitious bomb dropped, let a long a nuke (ridiculous).
No matter there wasn’t obviously ANY KIND of TacticalNuke involved in the BeirutExplosion, the event had INDEED a magnitude equivalent to a low yield Tactical Nuke.
How do you categorically rule out a tactical nuke bunker-buster, prima facie? A small device detonated below the ground would produce far less of a radiation signature but would produce the giant hole that we see now.
Weapon is new,that is for sure ,Nukular or not Nukular ??? Sample has been taken but this time it is not like MH17 box.
Fertiliser is smoke screen. Missile @6 seconds .Do you homework and find the video.
It looks like doing Rafik Hariri was a bad plan. It is not going away and a lot of heat is coming back to the perps..
Hezbollah is stronger, Assad is still in Syria,Yankee Jihadist (pretending to be muslims) are now mincemeat , Lebanese Christians are not going to fight Hezbollah,Israeli Society is broken and divided into two factions.
The fake West lost the War and is now resorting to burning wheat fields .
Here is some curious news about 4 American Navy spy planes flying along the Lebanon coastline as the explosion at the Beirut port occurred:
“Some radar images of unusual patrols and reconnaissance operations of four US Navy spy planes on the Lebanon-Syria coastline were released after the powerful explosion in the port of Beirut.
In this regard, some security experts said that there is possibility of US sabotage, adding that US forces may have planned a sabotage operation in recent days.
Security analysts believe this is unprecedented.
The importance of this point and the release of these radar images is that the American intelligence sources were aware of the existence of 50 tons of nitrate that had been stored in this port for about nine years.”
Possibility of US sabotage in Beirut explosion
Here’s the video clearly showing the incoming missile followed immediately by the largest explosion.×668
You can see the missile at about 6 seconds into the video and again (another view) at about 27-28 seconds.
My impression at this point is that this explosion was not nuclear. Inspection of the numerous other videos does NOT show the camera scintillation’s that are commonly seen on videos of nuclear explosions.
An on-the ground analysis of the radioactive elements in the dust would reveal the presence or absence of such elements. (BTW, such an analysis after 9/11 showed beyond any shadow of a doubt, that 9/11 WAS nuclear).
Anyway, watch this video and make up your own mind about the incoming missile.
Best to make a copy of this video for yourself immediately because Youtube has already deleted it. This video could easily be gone by the time you head on over to see it. Here’s a link that works to easily download a copy of a Twitter video.
The video is gone.
I would like to draw your attention to an important document release on June 10 by the Congressional Republican Study Committee (RSC) ( In it it is suggested (among other things) that to contain Iran’s power, maximum financial and military pressure should be applied on Lebanon (p.53). Commenting on the report, Michael Young form the Carnegie Middle East Center, summaries the US suggested approach as “Destroying Lebanon to save it” (
Furthermore, Richard Silverstein cites two sources that indicates bombing of a weapon depot as the cause of the explosion that ignited the fertilizer ( and
Dear Saker, inevitably the “nukers” came out with their theories. I have no background to understand any of the science or military science, but I knew immediately these claims sounded strange. Also we have spoken to countless family members and friends in Lebanon and, in the article, I mention a couple who were approx 400 meters from the epicentre of the blast. After all these “knowers” of the “truth” have inundated the internet space with their nuke stories, suddenly I see some people from the Levant sprouting these ideas despite not a word of such came from the mouths of anyone we spoke to in Lebanon in the last 3 days. I admit I felt annoyed at these reports, so started to question some of these claims and do my usual investigations. This is what I came up with from my own perspective.
Dear Saker,
I guess it is the right time for an excuse to the ‘idiots’ …..
Israel has threatened to flatten Beirut before;
“Lebanon’s President not ruling out external interference”
In light of earlier threats and the history of atrocities against Lebanon its people, it is hard to dismiss out of hand that this is not another black op, by the enemies of peace.
You mean like this Correction and clarification?
It’s a puerile notion, peddled by the scientifically illiterate, that a mushroom cloud “proves” a nuclear explosion. Basic fact: a mushroom cloud is just a superheated column of air raised by a large explosion, which spreads out as soon as it reaches a height where it begins to cool. Anything carried up by that column of air – dust, smoke, pulverised debris, even water vapour – will spread out along with the air to form a visible mushroom cloud. Anyone claiming otherwise is either ignorant or deliberately promoting lies and propaganda.
Netyanahu pointing out the location of Hezbollah missiles stash in Beirut on the map in front of the UN General Assembly in 2018:
Tomorrow an Haaretz headline will write “Netanyaho launches investigation on top military generals, IDF denies missing published targets at UN”
Hezbollah probably moved their missile stash to another location after Netyanahu’s performance at the UN in 2018
Was that what IDF told Haaretz? I am not sure Netanyahoo will be satisfied with that. I don’t know, I haven’t read the article yet. Must be IDF’s dream for Hezbollah to deliver their arsenals into Hariri’s reach, no?
the lebanese govt. is now saying explosion could have been set off by bombs. Perhaps not. i am not an expert in ammunition, but there are those whom can investigate properly site. so if there was sabotage. hizbollah has said they have no weapons there and that makes sense as that would not be a local they would use to store weapons. if and only if the investigation does prove sabotage, than one can start to put that together. so an accident could be the case, but on has to ask…who benefits?
What is the point of using an expensive, highly valuable bomb out of your arsenal if you have a free one sitting right in front of you?
1. Attacking using a bomb (or in this case, a missile hitting the ammonium nitrate) allows you to choose the moment to “pull the trigger”. When using a weapon, timing is everything. The “free bomb” (assuming you are referring to the warehouse full of ammonium nitrate sitting there) might never go off all by itself.
2. The “expensive, highly valuable bomb” (or missile) is cheap compared to the fear that it instills in the population of the country that you wish dominate and control.
3. Using a “valuable bomb” gives you the opportunity to perform a real-world weapons test. Terrorism is a handy helper for weapons scientists everywhere.
That is a very good argument for increasing the Mossad’s budget for the next fiscal year my friend.
Perhaps, this incident is the direct result of the gross negligence of the Lebanese authorities but let us suppose it is the result of something much more sinister for a moment. What if Hezbollah were storing bomb making materials near a large civilian population thinking Israel would not dare strike with its military for fear of the political fallout. What if Israel saw the opportunity to covertly take out the biggest port in their nearest and most deadly enemy’s territory before striking the sponsor (Iran). Hezbollah would be neutralized in saying anything for fear of losing local support and Israel would say nothing because the objective would be achieved. Without Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israel can strike Iran with impunity. Lebanon is the lynchpin of resistance in the ME. It appears that sanctioning, starving, offering the carrot and if that doesn’t work attacking a weakened enemy is in order. I fear this explosion,whatever the cause, is only the beginning salvo in this already deeply troubled and suffering country.
I wonder what an analysis of insurance claims from the port explosion will reveal …
“Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof – the smoking gun – that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud,The time for denying, deceiving and delaying has come to an end. ”
— G. H.W Bush
The problem with people who spend years searching for a smoking gun is that they never really find it.
In the meantime the villains continue with their plan.
Sometimes it’s obvious from the pattern of events leading up to and after such an event, as well as the arrangement of the pieces on the geopolitical chessboard, that an attack has taken place and it’s perpetrators are standing in clear view.
The “Smoking Gun” of evidence is not the only method of Truth Determination.
911 was a nuke are you kidding, and there was a seismic as well radiation signature. Ammonia nitrate is an oxidizer; it can’t explode by its self. it needs fuel (like diesel in the Oklahoma city bombing). And, Israel is capable of even more heinous crimes, than you or I can imagine
This wasn’t a nuclear explosion either and it looks the same
Thierry Meyssan has published a report saying “Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon”.
Sometimes Meyssan has been overly political in his assessments, and put this before his judgement of the actual event. He once published an article of a fake dead Syrian child washed up on a european island. It was hardly fake since this has happened numerous times.
This time I find his story also rather political but worth considering. The weapon contains a tactical nuclear component.
I do not have any view on this weapon myself, even after seeing some pictures of a delivery rocket entering the scene at an initial fire circulating on the internet. I just think it is worth considering Meyssan. Teh Voltaire Network has become recognized by governments, as he was commented on by the US establishment denying his revelations between Sen. John McCain (NED)(R), and the IS and al Qaeda in Syria. But that were of course true. Theyssan must be considered someone who does not lie, as everyone he may be wrong at times. Theyssan as far as I know he is a French expat living in Beirut. So in this case he is a valid source.
Beirut WAS a nuclear explosion ! Sorry , Saker , all articles on that topic are deleted by you know whom .
Try this one —
….so please explain what chemical explosions can create picxellation on the screen of cell phones (to be recorded and viewed later) when the neutrons hit the CMOS in the cell phones?
You can’t.