I had been waiting for this one with great anticipation and finally it has happened! The Latin American Saker blog is now officially online, up and running at the following URL:
This is nothing short of fantastic as it bring in not just a language, but an entire culture, one of the most diverse and dynamic ones on the planet. Furthermore, Latin America is, for sure, one of the main poles of resistance to the Empire. Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba, Nicaragua are in the lead, but there is also a very real resistance to Empire in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and many other countries. And if Brazil is not a Spanish-speaking country, it is very much a crucial member of the “Latin-American brotherhood of nations”, not an empty concept, but an ideal felt by many in this wonderful continent. For a great introduction to the goals and spirit of the Latin American Saker blog, please read the top “welcome” article ¿Por qué una comunidad Saker en español?
Right now, the focus is on the Ukraine, but we should not forget that the very same struggle is happening elsewhere and with particular intensity in Latin America. I have very high hopes for these new members of our community and I ask you all to welcome them with the enthusiasm they deserve.
On a sadder note, I have had to “freeze” the Serbian Saker blog because of what is often called “irreconcilable differences of opinion” with its Team Leader. This is a most unfortunate situation but I hope to have it resolved in a couple of months. I am right now looking to for a brand new team for the Serbian Saker blog so if you are interested, please email me.
Kind regards to all,
The Saker
PS: I leave you with a wonderful hymn to Latin America sung by Mercedes Sosa:
Napoleaon’s attack on Russia plotted by england(to which the Great Napoleaon himself admitted).
Considering the extent of the disaster( at battle of Auterlitzs and of Ulm before that in 1805 -instigated by england with money stolen from India), The Austrian Emperor said
And English are too coward to fight on their own-they have never won a single war on their own since Boar war in 1899 and that too with all resources of loot from empire.
The English plotted to have Germany fight agasint Russia in first world war and thus destroying both powers in Europe.
Second world war was also plotted and started by evil English race.
The england and its stooge US (and its allies) both support and fight ISIS, ISIL, IS at the same time, in Syria, Iraq and wherever else they brew it. End result? Chaos but chaos which serves a purpose: out of chaos comes a divide and conquer type of new world dominance, hegemony kind a chaos. Brilliant hey?
We are living in a topsy turvy world, where might is right, evil is good.
The new Latin American blog en español looks great. ¡muy bien! Saker, muchas gracias.
Pedro de Hungria
Well done, dude. You are making a difference.
May I also recommend:
Fusil Contra Fusil – Silvio Rodriguez
And one more from Mercedes, a tribute after her recent passing:
Gracias a la Vida – Por Mercedes Sosa
A classic tune from sympathetic outsider:
Bruce Cockburn – Nicaragua – Munich 1986.05.26
Breakfast woodsmoke on the breeze —
On the cliff the U.S. Embassy
Frowns out over Managua like Dracula’s tower.
The kid who guards Fonseca’s tomb
Cradles a beat-up submachine gun —
At age fifteen he’s a veteran of four years of war
Proud to pay his dues
He knows who turns the screws
Baby face and old man’s eyes
Blue lagoon and flowering trees —
Bullet-packed masaya streets
Full of the ghosts of the heroes of Monimbo
Women of the town laundry
Work and gossip and laugh at me —
They don’t believe I’ll ever send them the pictures I took.
For every scar on a wall
There’s a hole in someone’s heart
Where a loved one’s memory lives
In the flash of this moment
You’re the best of what we are —
Don’t let them stop you now
Sandino in his tom mix hat
Gazes from billboards and coins
“Sandino vive en la lucha por la paz”
Sandino of the shining dream
Who stood up to the U.S. marines —
Now Washington panics at U2 shots of “Cuban-style” latrines
They peek from planes, eavesdrop from ships
Voyeurs licking moistened lips, ‘cause…
In the flash of this moment
You’re the best of what we are —
Don’t let them stop you now
Song was written in the early 80’s.
вот так
And while I’m at it, another that catches the atmosphere of those times in Nicaragua:
BRUCE COCKBURN Dust and Diesel
From the same LP (wots dat?), very comfortable feel.
Battered buses jammed up to the roof
Dust and diesel the prevailing themes
Farmer sleeping on the truck in front
Feet trailing over like he’s trolling for dreams
Smiling girl directing traffic flow
.45 strapped over cotton print dress
Marimba-brown and graceful limbs
Give me a moment of loneliness
Dust and diesel
Rise like incense from the road
Smoke of offering
For the revolution morning
Headlights pick out fallen sack of corn
One lone tarantula standing guard
We pull up and stop and she ambles off
Discretion much the better part of cars
Rodrigo the government driver jumps out
He’s got chickens who can use the feed
We sweep the asphalt on our hands and knees
Fill up his trunk with dusty yellow seeds
Dust and diesel
Rise like incense from the road
Smoke of offering
For the revolution morning
Guitars and rifles in blue moonlight
Soldiers stretched out on sparkling grass
Engine broke down — they took us in
now we make music for the time to pass
Tired men and women raise their voice to the night
Hope the fragile bloom they’ve grown will last
Pride and passion and love and fear
Burning hearts burning boats of the past
Dust and diesel
Rise like incense from the road
Smoke of offering
For the revolution morning
вот так
Where-Wolf, “Gracias a la Vida” is a beautiful song, but its fair to say that its authorship belongs to Violeta Parra, another great latin-american artist.
From Mercedes Sosa I recommend particularly this one:
“Cambia todo cambia”
Greatings from the Basque Country!
¡Enhorabuena, bienvenidos!
“Ruge mistral” by El Ultimo de la Fila:
¡Salud y fuerza en la lucha!
Saudações aqui do Brasil saker.
O Brasil dá boas vindas ao Saker em espanhol: é mais um “blog sujo” na luta contra a MSM brasileira e internacional.
Dear The Saker,
What wonderful news – welcome Latin American Saker blog.
All the best for what we hope as readers will be a very fruitful relationship.
Of cultural interest. About Arbaín celebrations in Karbala.
No hay muchas caras latinas (sino muchas caras aborígenas americanas) en esta canción de Mercedes Sosa, y se tiene que aclarar que para un Latino (nativo o vecino del Latio) existen sólo dos “Américas latinas”:
1- la América poblada por latinos (Italianos y Franceses), o sea las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, hoy Argentina y Uruguay; claro que hay gente de orígen latina en Estados Unidos, Colombia y Brasil (entre otros) pero estos países son más de cultura ibérica o germánica que latina;
2- la América no oficialmente anglo-hablante, que por abstracción de Montréal y Miamí (Belice, Paramaribo, Georgetown…) dibujan desde Méjico hasta Tierra del Fuego: aquella no es una realidad humana, que sea cultural, histórica o antropológica, sino meramente una invención para esconder que en el resto del mundo los mapas dividen el continente en dos, América del Sur y América del Norte.
Hablar de América “latina” fuera de las Provincias Unidas es suscribir a la cosmogonía estadounidense, o como diría el Saker “anglo-sionista”.
Buen ánimo para su trabajo útil de re-información de toda manera.
There are not a lot of Latin faces (but a lot of native American faces) in this song from Mercedes Sosa, and it should be clear that for a Latin (native or neighbour of the Latium) there are only two “latin Americas”:
1- the America populated by Latins (Italians and French), namely the United Provinces of the Plata River, nowadays Argentina and Uruguay; of course there are some people of latin origin in the United States, Colombia and Brazil (among others) but those countries are of mainly iberic or germanic culture rather than latin;
2- the America not officialy english-speaking, which by abstraction of Montréal and Miami (Belize, Paramaribo, Georgetown…) is sketched from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego: this one is not a human reality, neither cultural, historical or anthropological, but merely an invention to hide that in the rest of the world, maps divide the continent in two, South America and North America.
Speaking of “latin” America out of the United Provinces is subscribing to the unitedstater cosmogony, or “anglo-sionist” as the Saker would say.
Better encouragements for your useful re-information work anyway.
Dear Saker:
As a sadly monophonic Anglo, but with a high interest in South America, is there any chance that the blog can be translated into Ingles?
Jim of Olym
A sincere welcome to one of the most beautiful and touching continents and to its many ethnically and culturally diverse populations. My special salutations to the original populations who have suffered so much in the last 500 years.
Greetings from Luxembourg (Europe)
Felicidades! Todavia echamos de menos del gran Chavez. Me da verguenza que estoy de los EEUU.
Lastima de los sanciones que va a sufrir Venezuela.
Sanctions against Venezuela are about to be signed into law.
Ayotzinapa Alert
Don’t Fall For The Tall Tale
The Ayotzinapa family members has just made a public call for the cancelation of election in the Mexican State of Guerrero in 2015. (because, according to a suspecios construction of logic, public officials in Guerrero should be out looking for the bodies of the disappeared students.) This strange call happens to coincide with the take-over by federal police of the constitutional authority of the elected governments of fifteen Municipalities in the north region of Guerrero. Not only have the Municipal Presidents had their Constitutional authority suddenly removed by edict, the Comisarios of the villages, who are also elected by the people, also have had their authority curtailed or annulled.
There is a BIG difference between the students of Ayotzinapa who are famous for their left-wing militancy in the tradition of 1970s revolutionaries Genaro Vasquez and Lucio Cabañas both graduates of their school. The radical and no-compromising militancy of the Ayotzinapa students made them heroes for many poor people in this wild and mountaneous state. While these students put their lives on the line for their political beliefs, their relatives were not exactly on the frontline barricades. This is becasue the parents and relatives are very poor people living in remote places; their children went to Ayotzinapa for one reason: to bitterly fight politically for justice and dignity and a left-wing polical economic perspective. Not the new fake left wing, but the old-fashioned traditional left wing of the labor unions. Front and center in this battle are the causes of the miners and the teachers, both of these important grassroots unions have been on strike for more than seven years now!
You don’t hear these so-called relatives of the Ayotzinapa students calling for the silver miners to have their contract renewed or for the teachers to be re-instated. Oh no! The Ayotzinapa students have been betrayed and the cause they fought and dies for has been cover-over so completely in Twitter sentiment of liberal flavor by people who haven’t studied very closely the color-revolution tries in other countries.
PLEASE PLEASE an English language translation of the Latin America (this) Blog.
1. In 2007, the Cananea, Zacatecas, and Taxco Miners Union went on strike asking for a raise to the equivalent of ten dollars a day usdollars a day!
The Minera Mexicana fired them (which is illegal, or at least it used to be illegal, under Mexico’s Labor Law, – that great prize of the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920). Today, the Miner’s Union continues it’s struggle with the persistent resistence of ore-diggers, and on the ground-level, this issue has hardened enormously and nobody knows what the solution will eventually be, (unless it were that the Miner’s Union goes away, and the unionized miners all die, however, the Miner’s Union does not ever go away, and the ex-miners are not resigned.)
2. The Guerrero Teachers Union went on strike in a mass-mobililazation in October 2007. At that time it was in solidarity with the Teacher’s Union of the State of Morelos, Guerrero’s neighbor to the north and homeland of Emiliano Zapata’s tradition. The demonstrations were truly massive and they everywhere in the state, in every city and town. There were pericles-like speeches of studied objections to the proposed education privatization plan and an unequivocable and irrevocable rejection of this proposed measure was firmly and elegantly propounded by impressive grizzled veteran teachers, who were now functioning as committed political militants. There were numerous major mass-marches at that time, including in Mexico City; the teachers of Guerrero were at the doors of Los Pinos, and battled with Granaderos in the Zocalo. And this was way back in 2007! This hot issue has not abated nor been debated as this crucial political divide remains unresolved up the present date!!!
During the 1920’s, following the revolution’s bloody military phase, several Mexican states carried out radical experiments, vying with each other for the title “Laboratory of the Revolution” What follows are excerpts from a school primer published in the southern State of Tabasco’s “Redemption Press” in 1929. This is the very much the tradition of Lucio Cabañas and of the martyred students of the Ayotzinapa Normal.
Man is a sociable being.
Anyone who isolates himself is an egoist.
Those who want to have everything for themselves, and who try to monopolize land and money in a few hands, impoverish the country and bring general discontent and misery for the majority.
The monopolizers of wealth exploit the workers and are humanity’s worst enemy.
The worker needs to alternsate between work and books, between the workshop or field and the school, so that, cultivating his intelligence and forming his sensibilities, he will become a conscious being who thinks, feels, and loves.
The worker who has cultivated his intelligence improves and dignifies both himself and his family.
The worker’s ignorance is very dangerous, for it allows him to be victimized by the exploiters, priests, and alcohol.
3. The value of the mineral reserves of Guerrero is estimated to be double the value of the mineral reserves in the continental United States.
“I have had to “freeze” the Serbian Saker blog because of what is often called “irreconcilable differences of opinion” with its Team Leader.”
If the blog is of and for the people as previously stated, how can “irreconcilable differences of opinion” lead to a “freeze” of the Serbian blog?