Press TV: Russian bombers target Tbilisi airport

Sun, 10 Aug 2008 02:08:10 GMT

Loud explosions rocked Georgia’s capital early on Sunday, and a senior official said Russia had bombed Tbilisi’s international airport. “Russian jet fighters have dropped three bombs on Tbilisi’s airport,” Shota Utiashvili, the head of the Georgian Interior Ministry’s information department, told Reuters. Reuter’s correspondents working in Tbilisi heard the three loud bangs shortly after 0530 (0130 GMT).

BBC: Georgia ‘pulls out of South Ossetia’

04:09 GMT, Sunday, 10 August 2008

Georgia has withdrawn its forces from the separatist region of South Ossetia, a Georgian official told the BBC. Moscow had said there would be no “consultations” with Tbilisi unless it pulled back its troops. Tbilisi said Russia had brought 6,000 troops into Georgia by land and 4,000 by sea in preparation for a dawn raid.
Note: both of these newsitems need to be confirmed, but if correct this would mark a major change in the dynamic of the conflict.