By Ken Leslie for the Saker Blog
I have been reluctant to write ever since the beginning of the Russian operation in the Ukraine despite a strong wish to write something – anything. What is there to write about when a titanic struggle for a new world is being played out day after day in all its glory and terror? How can the written word even attempt to grasp and explain the historic upheaval currently underway? Thanks to Andrei(s) and Pepe Escobar, we are privy to some excellent military and geopolitical analyses and I am perfectly happy to mull the complexity of the war and its underlying currents in the company of my faithful desktop. And yet… there is something I feel needs to be said about the uncanny similarity between the current geopolitical context and that underpinning WWII, to the extent that the conflict in the Ukraine can be viewed as nothing more than a straightforward continuation of the former. This is confirmed by the fact that the differences between the two are much smaller relative to the similarities.
Before I set off on my brief journey through history, there is a general point I want to address: There is a lot of anxiety floating around. Well-meaning people (including yours truly) are riding the waves of war, experiencing exaltation and dejection with every Russian triumph and setback. This is completely understandable and I would be less than honest if I did not admit to being utterly exhausted by worry and seesawing emotions. At the same time, I’ve come to understand one thing. My willing Russia to win will not make one bit of difference – well, perhaps it might. Russia is what it is – a great, fascinating, freedom-loving land of endless steppes and kind people whose mission is to rid the world of evil, full stop. As such, Russia must prevail, and it will. However, such a great accomplishment – that no other country or civilization is close to being able to emulate – must come at a cost. This means that Russia’s struggle will (as always) involve setbacks, errors, losses, treachery and perhaps even tragedies. This is not something the Russians or their supporters want to countenance but please, hear me out. I am trying to desensitise you to the maelstrom of emotionally-charged information that can be very harmful if digested uncritically. Be strong but be prepared – like Russia – to sustain emotional losses that this long and immensely dangerous undertaking must produce. In the end, all we have is the belief that good must prevail and we should let that belief carry us all the way to victory.
It is shocking for many living in the West to be equated with evil but I insist on this Manichean definition. Most Germans living under Hitler had it very good up until 1942 or even later. Apart from word-of-mouth news about young men dying in the barbaric East, Germany was a country of (Nazi) law and order, (Nazi) culture and so on. If you asked an average German what they thought about their country – assuming they could answer truthfully – they would have not been able to comprehend (or would not care) that they were living in the hell pit of evil responsible for up to 60 million deaths across the world. Like today, a small minority was aware of the truth but this didn’t make any difference – the absolute majority marched in lock step with its genocidal regime to the very end. Feel free to apply this definition to whoever you fancy.
And now on to more mundane things. I belong to a generation conditioned by the stories and images of WWII, its horrors and unceasing bloodshed of tens of millions of people. This certainly gives away my age but it also allows me to see patterns and details that others might miss in their intense focus on here and now. My heart aches for the uncountable victims of the German Drang (as it does for many millions of innocents destroyed by the criminal US) and I can’t listen to Podmoskovnie Vechera without shedding a few tears. I also “remember” the sunny spring of 1945 – that witching hour of European history – when everything seemed possible, including an end to all war and the ascent of the suffering world to the sunny uplands of peace, friendship and progress. With the Soviet Union momentarily being admitted as an equal to the West’s gentlemen’s club, a golden age beckoned.
Alas, the blossoming of happiness of that magical summer was nothing but a cruel chimera. The once in a century opportunity for an equitable and friendly relationship between Russia and the West was feverishly sabotaged by the American and European power structures ever since the death of Franklin Roosevelt. No, I can do better than this. It is 1917 that I should take as the annus nullius of the modern anti-Russian crusade. After setbacks on the Eastern front and coming close to liberating Constantinople, Russia was suddenly enveloped in a liberal bourgeois revolution which deposed the Tsar, and started toying with Western democracy (similar to what happened in 1991). Kerensky’s mini-revolution was soon replaced by a more radical dictatorship of the proletariat led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin which overnight ended all commitments by the Russian army to support its Western allies. This was the first cause of the enmity that would eventually develop between a nascent USSR and the West. For my purposes, the more important moment here was the peace of Brest-Litovsk which surrendered vast parts of the moribund Russian empire – among them, the Ukraine – to Russia’s German enemy. It was then that the German General Staff started planting seeds of a “Ukrainian” nation that would come back to haunt Russia many times since.
The principal architects of the Ukraine as anti-Russia were the Vatican, Poland and Austria-Hungary and arguably it was their evil scheming that eventually gave rise to Bandera, Sheptytsky, Shukevich, Stetsko and a myriad of Uniate cutthroats, an utterly fake Ukrainian language as well as history (see Croatia as well).2 While the USSR succeeded in wresting the Western Ukraine and Byelorussia from Poland in 1939, it never resolved the “Ukrainian national question” and merely managed the already inflamed Ukrainian nationalism which would prove to be one of the most genocidal ideologies in world history. Given the treachery of (mainly Russian) communists vis-à-vis the Ukraine, it is not surprising that President Putin talked about “decommunisation”. He was alluding to the anti-Russian policy of the Soviet Communist Party in granting the Ukraine concession after concession at the expense of Russians and others – only to be rewarded by the utter destruction of the Soviet legacy at the hands of the never-eliminated agents of Ukrainian/European Nazism.
One could go on forever about the sheer ugliness and degeneracy of Ukrainian nationalism and (some would say fortunately), this is now in full view despite desperate attempts by the Western media to bury the inconvenient truth. As many have already noted, this war is about much more than the Ukraine or even Europe. Most experts and commentators agree that what is happening now is a tectonic break-up (not shift) of an old world order and the birth of a new one. The next question however, namely what form this process might take, is less clear. While understandable in the light of the complexity of the situation this should not stop us from noting the obvious: The world is preparing for a global conflict along the lines drawn in the 1930s and 1940s. While there are differences between the two eras, the similarities are so striking that they must be commented on.
At the moment, the West is united against Russia and this appears different from the 1930s when the Anglo-Americans apparently opposed Hitler. This of course is complete poppycock. Until very late into the decade, and ever since the revolution of 1917, the West was united against the USSR. Any attempts at reconciliation were thwarted by the political and military agents of the Vatican and big capital, with Mussolini and Hitler being the best known ones.1 If anybody still thinks that this had to do with anti-communism, please explain why today’s Europe is reviving Nazism and preparing itself for another war against (a nominally capitalist) Russia. The Western consensus vis-à-vis the USSR was eventually broken by Franklin Roosevelt, but not even this exceptional statesman could convince the British and the French to try to find a common ground with the Soviets against the ever-growing threat from a German Nazi hydra – which eventually turned America into a deformed copy of itself.3 As has become exceedingly clear, Hitler’s aim was not to “conquer Europe” but to mould it into an unbreakable anti-Russian fortress by installing friendly politicians, businessmen, and clerics and fanning the flames of Russophobia across Europe. Hitler’s Europe was much more than Germany – it was a vast politico-economic structure which relied greatly on the full co-operation of France which throughout the war supplied Germany with badly-needed industrial and agricultural products and kept the Festung Europa safe for Nazism.
With Germany and a Vichy France comprising its core, the radial structure of Hitler’s Europe closely resembles that of the EU. The first ring was made up of the Benelux and Scandinavian countries – these nations were considered “Arian” by default and had the task of providing technological and command support to the German military-industrial complex (e.g. see Sweden’s industrial support for Hitler and various elite Waffen SS divisions from the Benelux and Scandinavia in WWII). The second ring comprised the less-developed “Latin” countries, including Italy, and the Catholicised Western Slavs (plus the Hungarians) whose main task was to furnish the Reich with cannon fodder, raw materials and food. Finally, at the very edge of Hitler’s fortress lay the Balkan countries which were supposed to provide cheap slave labour, low-level products (timber etc.) and oil (Romania). This fourth and final ring included the Ukraine and Byelorussia whose contribution to the “civilised Western values” included slave labour (millions were sent to Germany) food and death. To ensure compliance, the Germans relied on a powerful network of Ukrainian nationalists in the employ of the Abwehr, who were readying the hordes of genocidal murderers long before Barbarossa saw the light of day. And although Soviet intelligence managed to eliminate many of its leaders before the war (read Pavel Sudoplatov), enough rats survived to be able to create a regime of terror as horrifying as that of the monstrous Independent State of Croatia.
It was only the heroic offensive by the Red army that broke the back of the Euro beast – at a very high cost. However, not even they could break the back of the fanatical Ukrainian Nazis who continued with open terror until about 1956 and then went underground to await a fresh opportunity. Ukrainian terror against Russians which started in the 1910s has never stopped. Funded and supported by the Vatican, Austria-Hungary, Imperial Germany, Hitler’s Germany and Poland, the UK, US and West and the current German state, the Ukrainian Nazi virus was released again as soon as the Soviet Union collapsed (note the similarities with Yugoslavia and Croatia). Many Russians refused to see the truth and continued to support the increasingly anti-Russian ukro regimes in the name of “brotherhood” inculcated during Soviet times. This is a simple replay of 1918, 1939, 1945 and 2014 when the Soviets/Russians forgave their hangmen only to have to fight the same battle again and again. This fully explains President Putin’s demand for a full denazification of the Ukraine. I can only hope that he completes this historic task fully.
Can you see it yet? Do you see the geopolitical pattern that is currently forming? A deeply Russophobic Euro Reich centred on Germany, France and the Vatican (with a wholehearted Anglo-American support) is rapidly being turned into an anti-Russian fortress. Do you see the core and the rings? Do you see the suppression of everything Russian (Hitler never banned Russian music) and the weaponisation of the despicable ukro Nazi ideology? History might not repeat but it has just provided the rhyme of the century. For decades, various experts and commentators (including many in Russia) have viewed the EU as a bumbling, impotent victim of American diktat. My previous articles offer plentiful evidence that I treat this idea with the contempt it deserves. Now that the pro-German Russians are finally waking up from their deep slumber, it is a good time to “Chechenise” the myth that the EU is a hotchpotch of militarily incompetent, bumbling Washington vassals.
This couldn’t be further from the truth and the people laughing at the current EU economic predicament would be wise to stop their cheering – for now. Whatever I may think of German psycho-politics, I would never underestimate their ability to recover and rearm. If history is anything to go by, the current problems will only act to galvanise the German society into resuming its role of the European hegemon. In other words, what we are seeing are the first inchoate moves towards the rebirth of Hitler’s Europe. I assure you that I am not exaggerating or offering easy similes. Even the “Green” LGBT mask has dropped – many of the original Nazi leadership were “socialist” and LGBT – only to be replaced by more reliable elements once the system was in power. Well, this time they don’t even need replacing.
The Euro Reich has had 30 years to expand, consolidate and take up positions all the way to the borders of Russia. The naivety of those who claimed that this was a perfectly peaceful exercise is now exposed to the world. If you are wondering what the transformation of the EU into a fighting force will look like, wait for the results of Russian countersanctions – once German industry starts to falter and we start seeing food and fuel queues. They are already banning everything related to Russia and have started quashing internal dissent (cue early Nazi concentration camps for Socialists, Communists and many others) and are pledging vast sums of money for weapons. Needless to say they are fully supported in their satanic intent by France and the satellite countries (fascist Spain and Italy are particularly prominent). Any form of German- or French-led Europe is the historical enemy of Russia that will need to be broken up and neutralised if Russia is to survive. It is as simple as that. Of particular interest to me are the for-now unconfirmed reports that most pro-Russian demos are occurring on the territory of the former German Democratic Republic. While not surprising this might be an important harbinger of things to come.
You will have noticed that I hardly mention the role of the UK and the US in the current conflict. I am not going to talk about the disgust I feel at the pro-Nazi policies of the UK government and establishment and the lunatic anti-Russian posturing by the US. There is very little doubt that like so many times before, the demonic duo are fanning the flames of war and hatred and are no doubt originators of the newest plan to set the EU against Russia (and vice versa). The satanic snake eye of the eternal profiteer is observing the crashing of an exploitative global system whose main beneficiary it has been for centuries. It is not surprising that Anglo-Americans will fight to the last German (or Bulgarian) in order to preserve it. However, is this a precedent? Have they not done it countless times before? And herein lies the rub. Germany had at least two chances to understand that Russia was not their enemy – and they happily threw these away, only to inflict 60+ million deaths on the world over 30 years – Slavs comprising up to 40 million of those.
Unlike the Germans who hate the Slav intrinsically, the Anglo-Americans love money more than they hate Russia.4,5 This was proven by two world wars and it appears that a similar pattern is developing now. While too early to make any predictions, history tells us that they will support the EU until it becomes powerful enough to cause Russia real harm and consequently too powerful for their taste. If a hot war between Russia and the EU were to happen, it is possible that they would sit it out – but only because of excessive risks to themselves. Of course, most of this is moot given Russia’s ability to annihilate any enemy very quickly without having to resort to nuclear weapons. Alternatively, as predicted by George Galloway, the working people of Europe will prove me completely wrong by overthrowing their vampiric leaders. Let us say that I am a bit less optimistic here but will happily eat humble pie should Mr Galloway be proved correct.
My brief sketch tackles only a small part of the global turmoil that is currently unfolding. The embryonic coming together of the East is more important than anything I have discussed here. It is ultimately the movement of the global East towards new modalities of living and prospering that will determine not only the behaviour of the West but also the future of the world. In the meantime, long live Russia and all the freedom-loving peoples of the world!
1. Here is a list of fascist/pro-fascist/Nazi “European leaders” from the times of the Third Reich – all of whom were Roman Catholic.
Germany: Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels
France: Petain, Laval
Belgium: Ruled directly but a hotbed of collaboration (400000 prosecuted after the war; Degrelle and Christus Rex)
Italy: Mussolini
Spain: Franco
Ireland: De Valera
Portugal: Oliveira Salazar
Slovakia: Tiszo
Slovenia: Rupnik
Croatia: Pavelic, Stepinac
Poland: Pilsudski
Hungary: Horthy, Mindszenty
Austria: Seipel, Schuschnigg, Seyss-Inquart
Lithuania: Ruled directly but a hotbed of collaboration and genocide
The Ukraine: Ruled directly but the epicentre of Uniate-organised genocide and holocaust; Bandera, Stetsko, Shukhevich
2. See my article for the Saker blog “With Fire and Sword: Obama’s black crusaders and the war in the Ukraine”. Available on
3. See my article for the Saker blog “The other side of darkness: Towards an understanding of the roots of the Western right-wing politics”. Available on
4. See my article for the Saker blog “The last taboo”. Available on
5. See my article for the Saker blog “A Meditation on President Putin’s Warning from History”. Available on
For an excellent analysis of the Nazi roots of the EU, read Rodney Atkinson’s “Europe’s Full Circle” and “And into the Fire”. Available from
Horthy was a Calvinist. Nevertheless, its state propaganda was based completely on the Catholic Church and Catholic symbolism.
You are correct but he was a Protestant in the same way that John Foster Dulles was a Methodist – his son, Avery Dulles, became the first Jesuit cardinal.
And, the future Cardinal Dulles was pretty high up in American Naval Intelligence, if I remember correctly. I tend to look at the power structures of the West as two different aspects of one interlocking whole: one aspect is looking at it from the outside: the political and military heart of the West is Washington District of Columbia. The financial and legal heart of the West is the City, located in London. And the Spiritual and cultural heart of the West is the Vatican. And all three are connected.
The other aspect of the Ruling structure of the West is what I imagine it is seen like on the inside. A couple dozen Aristocratic families that are not really known and who have persisted for centuries and have uncounted wealth and power, each having a dozen or so families of cadet branches, hereditary retainers and clients who serve them, and who are more or less the 1% of the 1% we all know. Below that is a screen of politicians, technocrats, and bureaucrats who the common folk think actually run things. And at the Apex of the structure is “the lord of the world “.
Hard to disagree with that assessment.
Some Brits are not at all amused : see the new CH4 documentary :
‘Edward VIII’s treachery is mind-boggling’: Viewers of Britain’s Traitor King question ‘why Duke of Windsor wasn’t executed for treason’ after he told Nazis to keep bombing England during WWII
this is the British Bild Zeitung. Some of this already appeared on the London Sun in 2015. Now the King’s letters to Hitler appear. Curiously not mentioned in this appendix????
And one wonders why this continues?
There were serious miscalculations and straight-up failures on the Ukrainian, NATO, and US side from the start. The Russian advances along the southern axis and their ability to cross the Dniepr and seize Kherson off the march, shows ill preparation and, in my opinion, incompetence on the part of Ukrainian and NATO staff planners and commanders. Across the spectrum of western defence analysts there has been consensus that Kherson would be a major objective for Russian forces moving from Crimea. What happened instead? Incompetence on the Ukrainian side. Maybe their planners expected Mariupol to be rolled up first.
No incompetence at all , as it was the plan. The US was goading Russia into war, to expend itself totally in the Ukraine. The Ukraine being destroyed and every Ukrainian dying or fleeing to burden Europe was just collateral damage in the mind of the Yanks. It was all about killing and weakening Russians , and the Devil take the hindmost in Europe. They care as much for what happens in Europe as they care for the inhabitants of the nuclear test atolls in the Pacific.
Falling birthrates among indigenous populations and the massive influx of migrants from sub saharan Africa and south Asia are dramatically changing the demographics of the EU and in the coming decades they will certainly have an influence on it’s politics.
I live in Wandsworth, a relatively prosperous borough in South West London, I am the only White person left in the street where I was born in 1950. White British people such as myself are a tiny minority here among the Somali, Bengali, Eritrean, Iraqi, LIbyan, Ghanian, Afghan, Yemeni, Pakistan, Syrian, Sierra Leonean, Sudanese and Ugandan who live in the borough.
It is a similar picture across the whole of the UK. White culture and history is being erased and we are made to feel ashamed because our grandfathers fought in WW1.
I honestly don’t think Russia has anything to worry about from a resurgent Nazi tinged Europe. By 2070 It will be coffee coloured and too busy building mosques to care.
So all self made – business men or educated professionals sourced directly from their home nations or all tax exiles?
Having a Europe full of Jihadis will definitely be a problem as Islam is never silent nor at rest. Russia will be back to the years of fighting the Terrible Turk and the usual suckers and malefacfors like the UK and France helping the latter. Crimean War II ?
Ethnocentricism is a primordial law of human nature. It is difficult to believe that it will remain dormant in Western Europeans indefinitely. The “Nazi” tag being stuck to the chests of Western Europeans is more interesting as a forcast of a future geopolitical climate than an accurate description of what things are like now.
I’m predicting that the present batch of Anglo-Zionist elites will be turfed out in the next ten years due to the abysmal failure and unpopularity of their Woke Reset. A “celebration of diversity” will prove impossible to maintain amidst food shortages and soaring inflation. Justly or unjustly, the Zionists and Third World immigrants will be saddle with much of the blame. Western Europe will prove to be decidedly inhospitable to them and they will leave.
The situation will prove similar in North America. There will be a rise in ethnocentrism amongst White Americans with the same outcome. The Anglo-sphere will pivot away from economic dependence on China and build up a basis for cheap manufactured goods and low cost labor in Central America. Factories will be built there and Latinos will go back for those jobs. The Anglo-sphere will pursue the German model of high-end manufacturing, making sure to keep this sector of the economy exclusively for itself.
The emerging movement for CANZUK is a telling development. The economic and military union of the UK with its White colonies will be used to facilitate a neocolonial endeavor in Sub-Saharan Africa using Afrikaaner nationalists as it’s frontmen. A newly created Afrikaaner ethnostate will fulfill the purpose of a colonial outpost and naval base intended to snatch Africa from the hands of growing Chinese influence over the continent.
No, they expect a reaction against your scenario, sufficient to bring about their other goals.
Poland: Pilsudski
Józef Klemens Piłsudski ; 5 December 1867 – 12 May 1935)
True Poland was an enemy of Germany during the war. But before the war except for Italy and Germany,Poland was the most Fascist type of country in Europe. They didn’t use the name but their policies were Fascistic. If they weren’t in Hitler’s path to unite with the areas Germany lost in WWI they could have been allies. As I recall Hitler even toyed with the idea that if Poland just gave them back the so called “Polish corridor” and Danzig/Gdansk they would ally with them to divide parts of the USSR. But the Poles refused,and we all know the rest after that.
It’s weird how 3 million Poles came to Britain (to take low paid jobs) immediately after joining the EU. I’m assuming not much happened in Poland after the much vaulted independence from the USSR.
Poland has rarely chosen wisely
Dear uncle,
You are correct again – it is important to destroy the myth of Poland as a beacon of liberal democracy. Hitler admired and emulated Pilsudski and attended his funeral – and it goes much deeper. Thanks.
Zionism is not part of the history? Isn’t the situation in Ukraine today very similar the the creation of Israel after WW2? The Zionists have been involved in all the wars of the ME region with Syria being only the latest. The ISIS radicals are funded and trained by Zionists in US and Israel. In Ukraine the Zionists are using Azov as their tool but hope to eventually eliminate them when the new Zionist state is created. They are playing the Russians off against Ukrainians hoping to cleanse the area of both. They want to reestablish the Khazar nation in the middle of the energy trading routes. The idea of a German Nazi revival in EU seems absurd. The idea of Zionist expansion into Ukraine is more plausible.
There is absolutely no way this fantasy would ever come to fruition, and little proof that anyone is actively involved working on it now
I agree.
The author here is so entrapped in his childish anti-nazi view that he sees only “genocides” “racism” and “evil” and “60 millions” and other mainstream crap like this.
People who lived post-WW2 propaganda are just handicapped historians.
They see nazism everywhere, just like woke people see fascism everywhere.
No, actually I am in agreement with him, and not these fantasies of a Jewish state in the Ukraine
So do eight million Serbs, 140 million Russians, a billion and a half Chinese and most Indians, plus the Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians and many others. Most important – this is the belief of the greatest statesman of our era – President Putin.
But nazism IS everywhere.
Only now they call it Globalism.
Who put the G in G7, G8, G20, (etc) ?
But historically it is socialism/communism that is globalist-wannabe, on the contrary national-socialism was anti-global (even the name tells you that). I think our disagreement is more terminological than substantial, nonetheless using inappropriate terminology is often a bad choice and leads to inconsistent analysis.
As we witness today, this entire epic event in Eastern Europe has been planned by the neocons who oversea United States foreign policy. Stage 1 of the plan was to build up the military assets of the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) with munitions and training.
Stage 1 has been completed.
Stage 2 will be the great battle for liberation of Donbass that will exhaust Russia’s war-fighting manpower and munitions.
Stage 3 will be the U.S. attacking Russia proper, somewhere in Eastern Europe to open up two major fronts.
I wrote back on March 7, 2022 that Russia may be forced to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on the east and west coasts of the continental United States if the collective minds of Russian authority believe it is necessary for Russia to survive as a sovereign nation.
See: /extremely-important-statements-by-putin-must-see/#comment-1036609.
All the daily reporting of the military campaign in the Ukraine in conjunction with the tidal wave of political, media propaganda has given the U.S.A-NATO/EU relentless momentum against the Russian Federation.
It’s not going to stop as long as the U.S. feels no kinetic threat of reprisal. This is a long war against Russia, to bleed her to death economically, militarily and degrade domestic and international support for this great struggle.
It appears China is not going to engage militarily to help Russia. If President Xi had committed direct military forces, it would give pause to Stage 3 of the U.S. plan. But odds are they will let Russia be consumed by the U.S. and don’t consider President Putin would take the most unexpected and unthinkable measure to save his nation.
Here is a geographical map of the United States where anyone can pick a military location and see the theoretical devastation in property and human life from a nuclear bomb of various destructive power from an airburst detonation.
I believe Putin will have to launch a preemptive nuclear attack on the U.S. if there is no other option because it is written in Russia’s nuclear deterrent policy as the last resort
Countdown: 50 days to go until May 24, 2022, the 90th day of this historic fight against Satan’s armies.
It’s hard not to agree with your assessment. This Ukrainian long-in-the making conflict is very clearly a part of the wests roll out for what will be a war to destroy Russia. For Russia it’s all or nothing.
When i hear Ritter point out that missile bases in Romania and Poland can fire nuclear missiles into Russia with 5 to 7 minutes flight time the hair on my neck stands up and when I read that so far Russia is doing nothing about the existence of these bases I wonder just how big a grasp of what’s really going on on Russia has.
To quote Ken Leslie –
“. . .the forces of Mordor are now closer to Moscow than they’ve been since the summer of 1941 (SOMETHING THAT NO-ONE IS PREPARED TO DISCUSS) (his caps)
I’d say with their missile bases they are even closer than that. Yet Russia does nothing about them.
wrong…VVP wanna celebrate May9/22 as victory over nazi forces in the UKR….I believe it will happen…2 nd phase start today bombing refinery in the Odessa and addition more than 100 000 troops vert soon tommorow will be completed victory in the MARIUPOL…
I am (East-) German and I stand WITH Russia. I was a paratrooper in the German Army for 4 years. We were trained to kill Russkies. And we were told to not take prisoners if they wear a telnjaschka. I met several Russians later and found that they are the toughest and, at the same time, most friendly and spiritual people of this planet. I met lots of foreigners in my life, especially Americans, and had a lot of fun with them. But I will say, I prefer Russians. Most of them are serious, honest people. I like the culture and resistance to culturally suicidal western ideology. God bless Russia and Victory is close. Cheers from Dresden, Germany
I’m from Czech Republic and my feelings the same way as yours. Those people are hard , but open . No crooked minds just friendly people. Who gave the rights to the western peoples to tell them what to do??? In first place West must keep theirs promises and then is possible to discuss anything else. Dirty hands of Zion-Us military people are the culprit of all what happens NOW !!,
Dear BB Rad,
Thank you but may I recommend my article “The Last Taboo” (link at the end of the article) which explains who the culprits are and who the victims.
It is very heartening to hear from a German ex-soldier. I support any German movement that aims to repair ties with Russia and stop the Nazisation which is coming. Thank you for sharing this.
Based on t-shirts, ukraine is the new ISIL
The best uncovering of how Britain and France created a Germany that was intended to attack the USSR and rid the world of the Bolsheviks is the book by Dr. Annie Lacroix-Riz, “Le Choix de la Défaite”, with the 2nd Edition in 2010. 693 pages, about 65 pages are dense archival sources. It’s sad that it has not been translated out of French into any other language. Also, this book is oriented towards graduate students rather than the general public, like those by Dr. Michael Jabarra Carley who has the same subject – but without the German and French business archives that are so damning. The book is still in print and it’s about $43 before postage. What’s in her book: The fantastic rise in the German economy had a great deal to do with major French banks loaning money to Germany for 3% while choking French businesses on 8% loans. At no time in the run-up to WW2, were the British and French military establishments the least bit concerned about German rearmament, and that’s because there was an unwritten understanding that the Germans were going to attack the East. Germany was producing as many warplanes in a month as Britain and Frace in a year. No problem, and these two “democracies” said they didn’t have enough money to build more. When the head of the French Radical Party said at a party congress that building more weapons was a Bolshevik plot to bankrupt France, he was met with a standing ovation. Germany had over 90 divisions facing France while France only had 60 divisions … and Britain only had two (yes, two) divisions, the high commands were not concerned. The handover of Czechoslovakia was not a momentary insanity by Neville Chamberlain, but rather a years-long gaslighting of Czech businesses, politicians and even their army. Her book documents this gaslighting in great detail. On the eve of Germany’s takeover, the Wehrmacht generals were uneasy that if it came to a war, they might not easily defeat the Czech army. Hitler reassured them, saying essentially “The fix is in.” Czechoslovakia’s war industries amounted to 45% the size of Germany’s, and the largest was Skoda – which was owned by the French company, Schnieder (still in business today). In December 1938, Schneider just gave Skoda to Germany, saying “We can decide a price and you can pay us later.” All the French newspapers were 100% controlled by the French fascists except for two leftist papers, and the French government and police promised the German officials that they would keep the press under tight control. Lacroix-Riz shows us the German archives which quote Germany’s great satisfaction with this unfree rightwing press. None of this would have been a surprise to the French and British people at the time, although Carley shows letters Chamberlain wrote to his sisters in which he brags of pulling the wool over the eyes of Labour Party politicians. Even Carley pulls his punches as he probably had to since Canada is not really a free country. French newspaper headlines loved the idea of Germans invading the east. When crusading French journalist Taboura met Litvinov in Geneva to hand over her information on what the French elite were up to, Litvinov shrugged and handed her that morning’s edition of Le Matin with a headline pushing for the same thing. If anyone knows someone who can fund a translation, it would be wonderful. This knowledge is explosive and it needs rewritten as a popularization for general readers. I have never seen this information elsewhere.
Thank you, I can’t read French but feel I should learn just to read this book! I recently read “Hitler’s Revolution” and that was very interesting.
Many Thanks. There are videos related. This has subtitles and option of English. Though some familiarity with French is helpful. (about one hour)
Yes, Annie Lacroix-Riz is an excellent speaker, very articulate, with important things to say. I’m glad some of her videos have English subtitles. I’m sure it does help to be fluent in French because she speaks quickly, but with a “Parigot” accent, so it’s relatively easier to understand. And videos have this great feature where you can repeat and repeat something until you finally understand.
Well, I haven’t read that book but nothing you wrote is new to me. Unfortunately, the Chamberlain’s policies didn’t win. I would have loved to see history unwrapping differently from what happened, if only UK foreign policy hadn’t been basically abducted by the Churchill’s pro-jewish claque.
Gab, you wrote nonsense and you might be a troll. To say it’s “unfortunate” that “Chamberlain’s policies didn’t win” is to have wanted Nazi Germany to conquer the USSR. History has a clear condemnation of that enormous crime – and of everyone who would support it in hindsight. Of course, the question of “Jewish Bolsheviks” and all that implies, is a separate and more complicated matter that demands a nuanced answer, but what you wrote, Gab, is totally offensive. Churchill is a separate matter, at times very evil. But if you have even read Carley’s book, “1939”, and its excerpts from Chamberlain’s letters to his sisters, you would know that all normal people would be white-hot angry with Chamberlain’s series of lies and plots which led straight to World War 2.
@Cosimo: I don’t care what you think. “History has a clear condemnation…” doesn’t mean anything but “We, the conformists, want to condemn that…”.
Conquering Europe is not necessarily a crime. And I also stand by my point that I would have preferred UK not to declare war on Germany. As per the “pro-jewish claque”, you know I’m right.
If you don’t like it that’s ok, but I’m not a troll just for expressing my views.
A really good addition article on the Nazi subject written by Matthew Ehret at the strategic cultural foundation.
Moderators I hope this is okay to post here as this site is under some sanctions by the west for it’s ties to Russia.
Sorry, Mindszenty, and Mr. Horthy were not fascist leader, I know the hungarian history.
soo was not Th Dr( Doctor of Theology)..Tiso..he had weekly masses throught the war..In 1940 in the Salzburg talk with Hitler he offer resignation if interferences from Germany would continue…
Is this why the Slovaks (like now) were some of the most zealous fascists who happily joined Hitler’s crusade (unlike the Czechs, Serbs, Bulgarians and Greeks) and later underpinned Western Nazi-based intelligence covens?
No, they were totally obedient to Hitler, killed hundreds or thousands innocent Serbs and Jews and sent a large force on the USSR. Mindszenty wasn’t – with Stepinac – the eminence grise of an ultra-Nazi circle which formed the Arrow Cross and later tried with the help of Allen Dulles, Otto von Habsburg and Gehlen to take over a Soviet Hungary. Apart from these minor faux pas, they were solid chaps.
‘You will have noticed that I hardly mention the role of the UK and the US in the current conflict. […] There is very little doubt that like so many times before, the demonic duo are fanning the flames of war and hatred …’
There would appear to be some interesting and perhaps surprising exceptions amongst the fanners of the flames, at least in the U.S. The Pentagon has recently issued a statement saying that it “can’t independently and single handedly confirm” those Ukie allegations of Russian atrocities in Bucha. Of course, they hasten to add that they can’t refute them either, but unlike the U.S. president, they aren’t automatically assigning “war criminal” status to Putin.
That’s a very good point. First to fan the flames, last to commit – if ever.
They’ll commit to fighting when they’re sure of winning. The psychological warfare upon the common people of the West of the Fatima consecration by Pope Francis has to take time, but its clear that he has pointed out who the enemy is.
Exactly, and people still doubt that the Vatican stands behind the infinite crusade.
For decades I have been fascinated by the history and the relevance of 1930s-40s to our current times. Most have not taken the time nor had the training to learn this crucial history. I was fortunate to live for a half-decade in West Germany (1980s), learned German well, and continued learning.
I would say the conspiracy against Russia is larger than Germanic hate/complacency, Papist machinations and Anglo greed. It is a grand coalition, a huge conspiracy of satanic forces. It includes the Zionists, secret societies, envious East European limitrophes, 5th columns, and extremists all around the world who march under the banner of MI6/CIA and Anglo MIC. It is a witch’s brew, with Russia as the voodoo doll being stuck like a pin-cushion. The Hatred can nearly bend our world’s gravitational field! For millennia, Hate of Russia has been the organizing principle of their societies. There is a deep intractable sickness in need of permanent war.
Nazi Germany is the “ground zero” which provides the understanding for what is going on today. Here is a decent big-picture video where a Canadian recaps the key actors, the method of their propaganda, and the ideology underlying the Nazi German experiment. It is important we review what was done in Nazi Germany – the satanic style – to better appreciate their current M.O. and what comes next. The same template and end-game is in play today.
In the US Nazi means antijew, and the antirussians are the projew. Europe sure is a weird place!
Another good read for background of today’s continuation of WWII is Christopher Simpson “Splendid Blond Beast”.
Here is an excerpt:
“Great Britain, France and the Vatican promoted fascism in Europe
including bringing Hitler to power in Germany as a “bulwark against
Bolshevism.” Even American State Department Officials had similar views:
“Only Nazi Germany could stay the advance of Soviet Bolshevism in
Europe… many of the career State Department officials shared Bullet’s
cynical enthusiasm for Hitler’s talents”. From “The Splendid Blond
Beast” by Christopher Simpson
BTW, look at a spring 1941 map of Europe, almost exactly the same as today regarding Serbia, completely surrounded by Nazi allies or occupied states back in ’41 and completely surround by NATO today as it was in 1999. In both cases, Serbia was given a choice of accepting combat with a overwhelming force (100 to 1 odds) or accepting a Nazi/NATO vassal status. In both cases, the Serbs chose war. Their internal moral compass gave them no other choice. This choice in 1941 is totally inexplicable from a Western accounting perspective as Serbia suffered 1.2 million killed in WWI out of a prewar population of 3.9 million, over 50% of all male Serbs died 1914-1918, yet Serbia did not surrender. As American correspondent Fortier Jones wrote, “the Serbs do not count the cost”. 66,000 Serbs of the Serbian Army were still alive in 1918. It is these 66,000 that German Army Field Marshal Eric Ludendorff and the Kaiser blamed for Germany’s loss in WWI.
“The infantry, and especially the Serbs, had performed great feats of
endurance, for they had done everything on their feet. Their supply
system for the advance was grimly simple: they carried no food with
them at all, just ammunition, relying on whatever the impoverished
peasantry of their homeland could provide. As a result many who had
set out as bronzed fighting men ended up as walking wraiths,
mahogany turning into wax, but they went on walking, out-distancing
not only the French horsemen, but even the British ration-lorries. Such
fanaticism was the answer to the puzzled comment [German Army
Chief] Hindenburg made later: “Without rest, it seemed IMPOSSIBLE
for the enemy to bring up strong forces forward to Skopje… How
would he overcome the problems of supply, for we had completely
destroyed the railways and roads?” What the Germans could not
destroy was the Serbian spirit.” From “November 1918” by Lt.
Colonel Gordon Brooks-Shepherd
The collapse of the Salonika front, due to the unparalleled courage and fighting skill
of the Serbs, quickly resulted in the defeat of Bulgaria, Austria Hungary, and
Turkey. This is the event, not US entry into the war that ended World War I. The
Serbian soldier was regarded as the best fighting man in the world. Both Stalin
and Churchill knew this.
Fast forward to 1945,
“This postponement of the attack on Russia in order that the Nazi
warlord might vent his personal spite against a small Balkan country
which had dared to defy him was probably the most catastrophic
single decision in Hitler’s career. It is hardly an exaggeration to say
that by making it that March afternoon in the Chancellery in Berlin
during a moment of convulsive rage Hitler tossed away his last golden
opportunity to win the war and to make of the Third Reich, which he
had created with such stunning, if barbarous genius, the greatest
empire in German history and himself the master of Europe. Field
Marshal von Brauchitsch, the Commander in Chief of the German
Army, and General Halder, the gifted Chief of the General Staff, were
to recall it with deep bitterness but also with more understanding of its
consequences than they showed at the moment of its making, when
later the deep snow and subzero temperatures of Russia hit them three
of four weeks short of what they thought they needed for final victory.
Forever afterward they and their fellow generals would blame that
hasty, ill-advised decision of a vain and infuriated man for all the
disasters that ensued. From The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,
A History of Nazi Germany by William L. Shirer, Simon and
Schuster, New York, 1960
Fast Forward to 1999, Russia is demoralized, spiritually broken, male life expectancy declining to 58 years. Serbia again stands alone against NATO. The Serbs chose war once again and once more beyond the normal calculus of the Western mind. Like 1941, this choice had a profound impact on Russia. The 1999 example of “little” Serbia standing against NATO gave the Russia Vladimir Putin.
Expect the West to force Serbia to make another life or death choice in the next year or so as once again she is surrounded on all side by NATO/Vatican/Satanic powers.
religion is good but money siphoned for generations to come is much better:
after the RUS intervention in UKR, the EU and the world under the USA heel will now be forced to buy over-priced US gas and weapons as well as resources under US control (e.g., arab oil) for trillions of dollars and for generations to come (and to buy green USA paper in order to be allowed to pay for such a privilege).
do you really think the US bankrolled/managed the UKR operation for 20 years just to advance the plans of the vatican and its EU vassals?
Please read my articles
2. See my article for the Saker blog “With Fire and Sword: Obama’s black crusaders and the war in the Ukraine”. Available on
3. See my article for the Saker blog “The other side of darkness: Towards an understanding of the roots of the Western right-wing politics”. Available on
which explain the hyper-tight link between the two centres of villainy.
I can’t but reflect that whenever the empire in trouble sought to resolve their problem by fostering or fighting the war on Slavic people, eventually and inevitably they lost their empire status and much that goes with it. Also this time around those who were usually jumped and caught by surprise, are ready and have an overwhelming firepower to deal with the task. Just sayin….
I wish the psychopaths ruling the West had learned that lesson. The key word is “hatred” – hatred is the spiritual mover. If they tell you it’s money, it isn’t. It is the presumption that the West by virtue of its exceptional status is allowed to kill, rob, rape, destroy, impoverish. When the great justice bringer Russia says stop, they are too full of hatred which blinds them – to see clearly. This is why this time Russia will have to deliver the metaphysical lesson again.
It seems to me that the hatred you are talking about has the Roman Catholicism as a lowest common denominator. It looks like Poles and Croats can not exist without that hatred. Brits use it very aptly, pretending that they hate too. They don’t, their DNA is racism.
You hit the spot there. Thank you.
great piece, thank you. Sympathetic text and narrative, witty and a taste for perspective. It’s been two years since I’ve been drawing attention here on the blog to Germany. The Germans are an ARTIFICIAL reality. And yes, East Germany is more perceptive and aware of world dynamics. West Germany is thoroughly Americanized and feminist, and therefore misguided. I don’t like to see Germany rearming. The truth is now very clear before our eyes, at least for those who smell the “probably irreversible tension”. A word? impasse.
Dear Suk,
Thank you very much. I also happen to have very close and even familial links with Germany. I am trying to fight the narrative that the Germans are silly, zombified, unworthy of their WWII ancestors. Once Germany’s existence becomes uncertain they will surprise the world again. They will build hypersonic missiles with balsa wood – like they did planes in their secret Wehrmacht. Only a few billionaires need to finance them (like the Ruhr Catholic industrialists, Henry Ford, Monsanto and so many others funded Hitler). As for the immigrants, they will make excellent Zouave or Jannisary volunteers and the panzer of the German Panzerfaust. So worry not :-)
I have to disagree with you re Eamonn DeValera,Eire’s Taoiseach{PM} during WW2.
Ireland remained neutral and we were sanctioned for doing so,The deprivations of sanctions forced rose gardens in suburban Dublin to be sown with vegetables.Of course all imported commodities were heavily effected by the British embargo, these matters were are told by anyone old enough who lived in Ireland through WW2
There was also the matter of Irelands ports which Churchill demanded for war usage,which was refused.
While there is much I loath about the connections between DeValera and the Catholic Church{never a friend of the people of Ireland}I commend him and his wartime cabinet for the neutrality.
I suggest you remove his name from the above list in honour of the facts re WW2.
Dear TJT,
I didn’t meant to impugn the heroic contribution of the Irish people to the Allied cause. I will respect every one of them until my last day on this Earth.
It is also true that De Valera did not succumb to the German pressure to provide ports and I am sure many Irish people view him favourably.
Having said that he was the only Western leader to send his condolences on the death of Hitler. Not that it matters much but from what I read he clearly came under the category pro-fascist. As an Irish patriot you could argue that the whole parliamentary palaver was an English imposition too.
So, yes, de Valera is a borderline case but is good enough as a small pebble in a very large mosaic. Also do not forget the very close relations between Germany and Ireland. Von Papen who brought Hitler to power was co-ordinating Irish saboteurs in the USA in WWI and there was a lot of collaboration especially in America.
Finally, Hitler had been elected too. Facetious? Perhaps. True? Most certainly.
What I’m trying to say – imagine if Ireland were located outside the conflicted blocks – no British pressure, no German pressure. Whose side would Ireland have chosen – British or German?
Well it is always the same with Ken.
You made a mistake and now try to extricate from a hole.Curious that you only mentioned UK once in passing .Considering the gravity of current affairs this is indeed a notable omission.
Don’t forget Tony Blair professed Catholicism.
Cromwell was a mass murderer genocide in Ireland .Sadly British elementary education does not mention such matters.
I suggest that you read “Ireland 1845-1850 The perfect Holocaust and who kept it perfect” by Chris Fogarty. A modern look back at the famine of the mid 19th century.
This book lays out clearly the true role of Roman Catholic perfidy in league with the British
Why do you assume that I don’t know about this? But if your proud people have been so victimised by the English, why is your state so keen to support their oppressors against Russia?
With all respect, your vaunted rebellious spirit has been completely extinguished by EU grants and the benefits of propping up the US Nazi military-intelligence complex.
Of course you are right about the present regime in Ireland.I forgot mention that in my reply, which was about your incorrect assessment of DeValera.
I guess,assume that you knew enough before you wrote the article that any controversial comments would also be claimed as a matter that you also knew about but somehow forgot to mention just like I did re Micheal Martin’s despicable behaviour.
This regime does not represent the Irish people,only their corporate masters and your quote ‘your vaunted rebellious spirit’ some how sounds condescending
I somehow have my doubts about your trajectory Mr Leslie all things considered.
I’ll make it simple. Your enemies (Britain) were Russia’s allies in two world wars. Your best friends (the Germans) were the greatest enemy of Russia and the Slavs. It’s just history. You had many opportunities to reach out to Russia.
The Soviet Union supported your struggle but you thanked them by opting for the CIA and your mortal enemies.
Why was in 1971 a socialist IRA suddenly replaced by a crypto-Catholic one? Because your Irish brethren from across the pond would not fund a “bolshevist” gang. And so, step by step you became what you hated.
Nothing wrong with my trajectory. I am more worried about that of Ireland.
Condescending? Where are the socialists, unionists, humanist, anti-NATO activists? And I have every right to be condescending because there are small countries in Europe even today that will not be slaves to a genocidal West.
“Every right to be condescending”, now you reveal your roots.
Is condescending not the very thing that makes nazis and extremists what they are,facists and murderers?
I would have thought that a civilised man like yourself would not entertain such concepts as you have by this above comment.
DeValera has again proved to be controversial.
Aritcle is a good illustration of the dangers that we face in the current crisis, I am however disappointed how it downplays the Anglo-Saxon role in the current situation. It seems like a whitewash of the main perpetrator.
“You will have noticed that I hardly mention the role of the UK and the US in the current conflict. I am not going to talk about the disgust I feel at the pro-Nazi policies of the UK government and establishment and the lunatic anti-Russian posturing by the US. There is very little doubt that like so many times before, the demonic duo are fanning the flames of war and hatred and are no doubt originators of the newest plan to set the EU against Russia (and vice versa).”
There is no EU/NATO state that have agency, the EoL rules them all … to the detriment of their population. Unless Russia manages to outplay the EoL, Europe will go up in flames for a third time … while the instigators one more time is snickering in their palaces over how clever they are.
Another one …
“Unlike the Germans who hate the Slav intrinsically, the Anglo-Americans love money more than they hate Russia.4,5”
Money is an abstraction of power. Anglo-Saxons hate Russia because she has become more powerful than them. Their money is turning to dust in their hands.
Nobody hate Slavs intrinsically, that has to be learned. Last time I checked Germany where still occupied by the US, who have taught them to hate themselves.
Who is making slav kill slav in 404 ? Germany ? Or is it UK/US/Canada falling over themsleves to kill ’em all ?
The Ukraine was created by the Vatican, Austria Hungary and Imperial Germany. If you read my articles referenced at the end, you’ll understand the satanic interplay between the Vatican, the US and the Ukraine.
“With Fire and Sword: Obama’s black crusaders and the war in the Ukraine”. Available on
“The other side of darkness: Towards an understanding of the roots of the Western right-wing politics”. Available on
In this case yes, it is Germany who is responsible for 40 million Slav deaths – some, as I’d explained earlier – fighting on the side of German Nazi evil.
De Valera was not a fascist, or nazi. He was the elected leader and member of the Fianna Fail party, a moderate conservative party, in Ireland. He kept Ireland neutral during World War 2.
Hitler had been elected too and Franco remained neutral – but see my answer to TJT – if it goes through.
My dear Saker, I am an old woman who has a memory of WWII. Every word you write either by yourself or others touches my heart. I am afraid evil , the devil incarnate, is walking the earth and I pray to whatever good power there is in the Universe to fight the good fight.
I pray that Russia will win this End Game so that our children and grand children may live a normal life and not be slaves to these ruling thugs who not only hate Russia but are planning The Great Re-set. In other words we will be slaves to the Multi-nationals, oligarchs and, of course, Germany and the U.S.A.
Thank you for your bravery and honesty and I am sorry I cannot add ideas and information to your website.
Welcome back, but what a gloomy and doomy return.
Europe will take at least 5 years to get to any sort of a war footing going. By that time Russia will have improved greatly, probably astronomically with all the increased revenue which will be coming her way with her resources now being sold in roubles.
Europe on the other hand will have to arm herself up under social (immigrant invasion) and economic difficulties, with Russia being capable of destroying Europe’s power production within days all the while. Russia has now demonstrated in Ukraine that she will preempt any attacks on her people, so some hypersonic missiles on all of Europe’s power plants is within the realms of possibility. With no power they have no production.
Russia can resolve the Donetsk and Lugansk matter with months, after which that industrial region can churn out tanks by the thousands. Then, while in the years of occupying Ukraine and Russifying it, removing all of the Pope’s, Austria Hungary’s and Poland’s influence, still be able to monitor what is going on in the rest of Europe and take decisive action if need be.
So that European bridge can be crossed when Russia gets to it.
I can only hope that you’re right but all my knowledge and experience tell me that we are facing a major escalation.
The only escalation that can happen is a bigger skirmish, between NATO and Russia. Only Russia has the means to fight a total, high intensity all out world war at present, for the next 5 years at least. The West is good for a few initial battles and then its hiding behind civilians while retreating all the way, and Russia hopefully does not care as much about the West’s civilians as it does for Ukrainian civilians.
The only war the West is capable of fighting right now is the nuclear war, conventionally they are useless.
Dear gT,
I agree but this will go through stages of increasing aggravation – especially once the EU starts to go hungry. Russia hasn’t introduced countersanctions. The West possesses an entire grimoire of nastinesses, secret financial and political weapons etc. As does Russia (Malvinas, Catalonia, Gibraltar, Western Poland, Latin America etc.). Governments falling etc. Most of these might be employed before the big Bubba hits the plains.
Interesting pairing with Pattberg’s post. While I personally do like vassalage as a short hand description for political economy in Zone A, I appreciate Ken’s insightfulness on the agency that EU actors possess. It’s not simply a one-way flow of control from USUK; Europe (and Japan) have key parts to the story of anti-Russia (and the lack of support for Americans trying to rebel within the empire).
What I find notable is how weak the German and Japanese economic position is if they acted truly independent of the empire. That to me is the most salient question – the global fascists, I would say, are tightening the hold on the EU (destabilization in Syria and Ukraine) because the EU is where there is wealth left to take. The EU appears bumbling and clueless because they don’t actually control much gold, fossil fuels, etc., which makes my biggest geopolitical concern that DC/London and Beijing/Moscow have a quiet strategic understanding which does not include restoration of Constitutional governance/human rights in Zone A.
But maybe that’s a public illusion and behind the scenes Europe is actually much stronger?
Dear citizen8,
Thank you. You are right about agency which EU observers deny it all the time. And that will be the greatest mistake of this war (I hope that the Russian government are aware of this).
They leveraged the US power to retrieve everything Hitler had lost – without a shot fired. Now that’s genius.
Exactly. And once they get about as far as they got in 1941 or 1942 without much bloodshed, then they will pull the iron gauntlet out of the velvet glove. And unlike in the period 1914 to 1945, they use plenty of troops that they otherwise consider ” untermenschen”.
As you know, I’ve been warning of exactly this scenario for a couple of years. President Putin acted in the nick of time.
Exactly so, just in time. But it’s a shame that it had to be this way. However, I suspect that this will lead to lasting and permanent positive changes within the Motherland. Russia cannot win in the long run otherwise.
DeValera no friend of Nazism. He kept Ireland neutral because of the brutal history of British occupation and the hard fight for Irish freedom but there was no sympathy for Nazi ideals.
Churchill was a lot closer to a Fascist than the Irish leader.
If I may, if it weren’t for Churchill, Ireland would have been sending green divisions to Russia (as they did in the Spanish Civil War). Who better to kill those judaeo-bolshevist heathens!
Regarding your surname. Are you perchance related to that great Irish protestant revolutionary Wolfe Tone?
You’re barking up the wrong tree. Hitler was established, used and outplayed by the usual gang of soul-less hyenas (try to imagine W. Selenskyj in the same position). They had started centuries ago with the french monarchy, using propaganda and empty promises to get the urban riff-raff of Paris mad enough to storm the Bastille and start the French Revolution. The french countryside wasn’t so much into it and therefore had to pay dearly, with guillotines placed in every major town. Those who benefit from those turmoils never have any skin in the game, they always use others for the dirty work and no amount of horror, streams of blood and utter misery seems to affect them. After all, they are after money and power; the suffering of fellow human beings doesn’t concern them. The liberal ideas of the Age of Enlightenment seemed to call for replacing the natural order, or what some call God’s law, by a new man made system. They promised freedom and equality, but we all know what happens when human beings get too much power over their fellows. They lose all humanity. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the gang named above is after Russia for looting. (Putin stepped in their way, and imho he’s a greater czar than even Piotr 1). Those individuals control the monetary flow, they control the politicians, they control the public opinion. They aren’t capable of simple happiness and innocent pleasures, they’re not able to be content in a clean, normal way. They never have enough wealth or sufficient power, their rise will never be high enough. They are about to destroy mankind, either physically or by transhumanism. May God have mercy on their lost souls.
The first funder of Hitler (then still a young volunteer in the Stahlhelm in Munich in 1919) was Eugenio Pacelli, the papal nuncio and future “Hitler’s pope” Pius. He gave a bedraggled young Adolf sacks of gold coins – according to the memoirs of Pacelli’s “companion”, German nun Pasqualina Lehnert.
My initial response is: who is this Ken Leslie and his amazing analysis that all of the fascist leaders of Europe were Catholic. Does this man know the Lord or care about balanced Truth? Yet, I read with great interest what he posits, overall.
Dear Ted,
Let’s follow logic. Nowhere do I claim that there were no Protestant of even Orthodox (or Hindu!) fascists. But if you understand the millennial aim of the Vatican to convert Russia, it is not surprising that some 80% of ardent fascist and Nazi leaders in Europe were RC and my list shows clearly how prevalent they were. It is a common observation – and one many Catholics are aware of themselves. For them, fighting the Bolshevik “beast” was exactly what fighting a “barbaric” Russia is today. So, my analysis is far from amazing and I know my history well – but thank you any way.
And all it would take to renew that fanaticism Ken, would be an encouraging message or two from the Pope in Rome… Which he has already done.
Oh how right you are. Here is Dimitry Medvedev (ex-liberal) telling MOST of the truth yesterday. Amazing, no?
(Machine translation)
About the inquisitors
Today we see with our own eyes what Europe has observed for almost the entire past millennium and for which the Roman Catholic Church repented at the end of the 20th century. It’s about the Inquisition. The current sanctions of the Western world against the Russian state, economy and business are very reminiscent of the methods of Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis Sanctum Officium. They themselves came up with the accusation, they themselves tortured, they themselves passed the sentence, they themselves burned the heretic. As often happens in such cases, questions of spirituality are the last thing that interested the “righteous” endowed with great power.
Destroying the objectionable, they staged outright robbery, appropriating their gold, real estate and other property. First – worldly goods, and only then – the struggle for a holy cause. The denunciation of the inquisitors, intoxicated by their own impunity, meant a death sentence. After all, not only and not even so much for “heretical convictions” the papal inquisition executed Giordano Bruno. Officials of countries unfriendly to us and European bureaucrats do not offer to immediately throw our entrepreneurs into the fire. And so – all inquisitorial methods are in place.
The basis of the accusation is belonging to a “bad” state (Russia). Evidence is not needed, a suspicion of “witchcraft” (connection with power) is enough. Witnesses – only from the side of the Grand Inquisitor (USA and their European lackeys). Disputes of the parties and competitiveness in the inquisitorial process are not allowed (the accused Russian business does not have the right to a lawyer). And that’s it. Come on, goodbye: debita animadversione puniendum (“let him get what he deserves!”). What are the general principles of civil law and process, what sacred private property! All accounts and other property are subject to arrest based on the words of the inquisitor. In the future, a decision on its confiscation in favor of persons appointed by the inquisitors themselves is possible. What then? The inquisitorial process was followed by a regular trial. He, as a rule, always pronounced the death sentence on a heretic, since the Church found him guilty of heresy. Appeals by the unfortunate were practically not allowed.
But today they are: the procedure for appealing against the decisions of the Grand Inquisitor exists. The judicial system operates both in the USA and Britain (precedent) and in Europe (continental). And she has the opportunity to correct the mistake of the inquisitional process (US authorities and puppets who joined). Moreover, in fairness, it must be admitted that in many Western countries it enjoys a significant degree of independence. It is not as easy to undermine the judicial and legal foundations of Uncle Sam and old Europe as it seems to individual politicians. Even despite the disease of Russophobia, which stopped the right and overshadowed the mind. The fight against Russia is carried out solely on emotions, without any regard for common sense and even for the right. No one tries to delve deeply into their own legislation or library of precedents, to apply the centuries-old basic principles on which they were built. Why, if you can so easily and naturally take away what these countries never belonged to? The newly-appeared inquisitors, having excitedly tried on the leather jacket of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov and his mentor Shvonder, do not stand on ceremony. Our opponents, let’s face it, the enemies of Russia, who are so vehemently seeking to “cancel” the ownership of Russian businesses, should understand that they will face a lot of lawsuits in the courts.
Both in the national courts of the United States and Europe, and in international courts. Here it will be possible to check what the vaunted Western justice machine will support: theft of the inquisitors or the fair demands of the owners. Moreover, the whole world will be watching these processes. After all, not only Russian assets are located in Western jurisdictions, and everyone can suffer from lawlessness. Otherwise, legal impartiality and equality of all before the law will perish forever in the fire of the West’s political hatred for Russia. And what will be left? That’s right: jus ad bellum!
Yes Ken my friend, I think that the Kremlin knows who and what the force is arrayed against them. It was no accident, Medvedev’s choice of comparison.
luckily there are the protestants that are good people, and are mostly germans and yankees (and in usa the german dna is the egemonic one). the anglos really hate europeans, and want to push russia toward a religious war that would involve roman church but not their churches. always smart these andglos!
Still trying to obscure the role of the Vatican in all this.
De Valera was not a fascist. He was an Irish Republican who had fought British Imperialism in 1916 and 1919-21 He maintained Irish neutrality rigorously and was a staunch supporter of the League of Nations.
I live in France, but I am from Texas.
I am not Catholic myself but I know many Catholics here in the rural mountains of south central France.
While there may well be a fascist side within the Catholic church, here where I live there is a strong anti-fascist movement with ties to the church as well. (but not necessarily to the vatican) Those whom I know oppose NATO and all it stands for, and although they don’t like war, they understand that the war is not a Russian invasion of Ukraine but rather a NATO invasion of all of Europe. These Catholics pray for peace, but they do not consider the Russians to be the aggressor nation in the conflict.
Dear Ray,
I addressed your concern in my article “With Fire and Sword: Obama’s black crusaders and the war in the Ukraine” (see the beginning) and other articles.
God bless all decent human beings – of all faiths and none.