By Marcel Woland for The Saker Blog
Today, the Minister of Finance, Morneau, was forced by Trudeau to resign, after he and Trudeau were caught (*see below) diverting one billion dollars to personal, non-governmental, associates. George Soros, through an Ukrainian agent/mole, is now the de facto head of Canada.
George Soros’s designated ‘biographer’ (hagiographer) Ukrainian-Canadian Fascist, Chrystia Freeland, becomes Minister of Finance, (presumably de facto keeping her duties as Minister of InterGovernmental Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister) as parliament is dissolved amidst the cover-up of a billion dollar scandal.
With Canada rudderless, in a time of alleged pandemic and economic collapse, the new Minister of Finance, DPM and Intergovernmental Affairs-in-one, has already promised to “help women” using money-printing and the almost empty Treasury of Canada. Women voters are likely the last hope for the oligarch playboy, thrice found guilty of ethics violations, minority PM Trudeau. His support at the last election was 30%. By now it is likely down to 20% of die-hard, mostly female, fans.
Shutting down Parliament completely, which he has partially done for months under cover of the alleged pandemic, will prevent a motion of non-confidence being brought, even if the Sikh leader of the NDP, who keeps Trudeau in power, remembers suddenly that his allegiance is to the country and not to the ‘white Sahib’ PM.
* Our Prime Minister and his ex-Finance Minister were caught recently attempting to siphon one billion dollars to an alleged pedophile cult and real estate assembly crime family(the Kielburgers), with which both their families had business dealings, called The WE Foundation. So far we know that the WE Foundation, or its subsidiaries, had paid the PM and the former Finance Minister and their families over 500 thousand dollars in ‘free vacations’ and ‘speaker fees’.
Here (below) is the new de facto Queen of Canada, Chrystia Freeland who concealed her family’s Nazi past. “Look upon her works, ye Mighty, and despair.” (apology to Percy Shelley) She was instrumental in the coup d’etat in the former The Ukraine, working with various Soros NGOs and the USSD as well as other quasi-criminal organizations. In this time of collapsing trade, and nuclear proliferation, she has long been banned from Russia in any capacity for Russophobia and crazed antagonism towards one of the world’s three “superpowers”. She of course makes no apology for this and the Canadian press dares not pressure her, even if they wanted to. She has also accelerated the destruction of the Canadian economy by the arrest, requested by the USA, of Meng Wan Zhou, CFO of Huawei, in the West’s il-thought out and failing trade war with China.

Meet the new Queen of Canada
And here, for some comic relief, on this bleak day for Canada indeed, is the eternal inspiration of crooked, low-potential, high-achievers (though a bit taller than the micro-Mini-Me Freeland) Pooh-Bah from The Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan (to 18:13) …but the whole of The Mikado in this Stratford Ontario Canadian production is often delightful and yet quite a dark and timely tale of misrule. Perfect viewing for a luxurious solitary confinement.
Meanwhile, under cover of press silence and collusion, as in Russia, in 1917, the attack on the Church is advancing at full speed:
VIDEO: Holy Communion BANNED at Churches in Toronto Canada
Welcome to the club, eh?
Canada has always been part of this club, in one way or another. It is, and has always been, an English colony. The President of Canada is the Queen of England, who resides in London. Canadian finances are under Rothschild’s control. As for George Soros, he is of no real importance. He is a banker who is under banker control, doing their bidding. Yes, he has power. Even so, he does as told.
There was a short time period of 22 years under the government of William Lyon Mackenzie King when Canada was moving away from British control, to be autonomous. Most important, he took control of the Bank of Canada which was ‘the peoples bank’. He left office in 1948 and soon after that was all reversed and we have been on a plunge toward globalism ever since. Here is one of King’s greatest insights:
“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nations laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation. Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.”
The bank of Canada and it’s government have since been under the control of internationalists. This isn’t going to end well.
Look no further than the way Canada treated an still treats first nations people, especially during Oka Crisis in 1990, where ordinary Canadians were throwing rocks at the innocent Indigenous people.
Once reading this, you will fully understand why things the way they are! And let us not forget that Canada mostly follows USA in foreign policy, and guess how USA built its Military Industrial Complex. By giving asylym and employing Nazi Scientists.
Until and unless Canadians, and it also goes for Americans, admit and acknowledge the fact that indigenous people are badly treated and let us also not forget that the west support Saudi Arabia, in spite of its appalling human rights record and the fact that women were not allowed to vote until 2015, nothing will change for the better. The people throwing rocks at the cars did not shout Nazi salutes, or carry swastikas, however the ideology is the same. There should be no surprise, as to why someone such as Christiya Freeland is in the Government, or the fact that Canada supports Nazis or that Canada is in NATO! reading the above article provides the answers!
Thank you for that moving account of the dialogue between the colonist and the chief.
It brought a tear to my eye.
I agree with you. In some mysterious way these unaddressed wrongs, crimes really, allow their repetition down through time.
What the Anglo-Saxons did in North America is a genocide. Big time.
I watched Kanehsatake. Excellent. Thank you.
Israel Shamir over at Unz pointed out a few months ago that these lockdowns closed down celebration of the resurrection of Christ, both in the Latin West and the Orthodox East. Moreover, there were severe restrictions on Holy Communion.
Mmm . . . which entity hates to be reminded of the means of humanity’s salvation?
Some of us Canadians fully undestood the danger with Soros and his Freeland. Clearly Trudee didnt catch on. If he did he would have played it within the law.
Now that he played the game and lost Canada is in real trouble. I could see this coming with our new hate crime laws that protected some. Funny that these laws protect the ones that did Trudee in.
“… George Soros, a very close friend of Chrystia Freeland, is a Hungarian Jew who worked for the Nazi’s during WWII helping to confiscate his own people’s property. In an interview on 60 Minutes in 1998, Soros openly admits that this was the best time of his life. Chrystia Freeland was commissioned to write George Soros’ biography before running for public office under the Liberal Party. …”
Soros is the front man for the Rothschild banking cabal, who control the issuance of both the US dollar and the Euro currency as debt.
The intimacy of Trudeau and Freeland to Soros, suggests treason to Canada.
Soros is a, if not ‘the’, NWO globalist. Trudeau’s allegiance is to whoever his mad mother tells him it should be to (probably his bank account) and the Trudeau Foundation, modeled on the Clinton Foundation. Freeland’s allegiance is, quite obviously, to The Ukraine, or what is left of it.
Not much, with 30% of the population fled in order to survive and the rest dying off rapidly without health-care or education or medical care.
Here is the Freeland/Soros plan for Ukraine as expounded by Igor Berkut, Ukro-parliamentarian, now living in Israel, with whores.
(click CC for English subs)
A dark day for Canada, indeed!
All Hail Canada’s Queen Chrystia Freeland!
God Bless the UkroNazi Queen!
(Seig Heil salute)
“… and not to the ‘white Sahib’ PM.”
Such arrogance!
To me it is astonishing that there is no noticeable protest against the canadian government. Parliament shut down, the premier of Ontario overruling a judge a while back and next to no protest.
Has anybody ever studied the bill of rights and Freedoms?
One thing mentioned there is freedom of religion.
If the Orthodox Church in Toronto can not spend Communion they need to check their rights and take legal action.
Same here in Australia. Parliament constantly suspended. Economy shut down. A country full of Karens egging on violent arrests of citizens leaving their home.
It appears my fellow Canadians don’t trouble themselves with reading. They are led and captivated only by slogans such as ‘we are all in this together’, ‘diversity is our strength’, ‘together we can flatten the curve’. They could be brought to the slaughter house and not realize it is meant for them. But they will turn against anyone who tries to show them the truth.
This is not a particular trait of Canadians. Consider Jesus’ kinder reward……….. of being mocked for even speaking of truth:
35 “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it you have done?”
36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.
Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him. 39 But it is your custom for me to release to you one prisoner at the time of the Passover. Do you want me to release ‘the king of the Jews’?”
40 They shouted back, “No, not him! Give us Barabbas! ”
ME: And so it is, not merely with Jews not so interested in truth, but also with his own disciples, who, when push came to shove, disassociated themselves from He who even proposed that truth exists, not wishing to share in his crueler reward for daring to even speak of truth.
But enough about Jews! How about non-Jews the world over? Would you say they are better human beings than Peter was??
Earlier in the Chapter:
25 Meanwhile, Simon Peter was still standing there warming himself. So they asked him, “You aren’t one of his disciples too, are you?”
He denied it, saying, “I am not.”
26 One of the high priest’s servants, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, challenged him, “Didn’t I see you with him in the garden?” 27 Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow.
ME: I doubt it! (No. Not the rooster. He could have been psychic, and not liking the “vibrations” of what was “going down”. LOL)
Ergo, it is necessary to organize society on firmer principles of laws of truth and justice, before such overwhelming pressures can be brought to bear on individual “disciples of truth” such that they/we trip all over themselves/ourselves disassociating from even the temerity to even suggest that Any Greater Truth than temporal power over mortal lives………..might ACTUALLY exist!
Yes my fellow Canadian you are right in all you said
The people have become unquestioning in all matters
Following the guidelines of submission
Its frightening witnesing everyone buying into the
Canada my home and Native land is being destroyed
From the inside!
No one cares !
God bless you brother
Bingo. I recently saw a piece that suggested fully 70% of Canadians support the current incompetence. This aligns with a recent Clive Maund article that suggests fully 70% of the worlds population is too brain dead to know better. Canadians will turn against anyone who tries to show them the truth.
The Canucks are a lethargic people trained from birth in love of govt.
They probably need some storrn troopers to be setup like Germany to motivate them.
After this performance Trudeau and his party along with the NDP probably wont get another term for decade or two.
At least those in Germany are doing something protest wise.
“Diversity” is their weakness. As it is in anything at all that normal people bother to think about except perhaps, a corner variety store or ‘tienda’. In politics and nations, ‘diversity’ is death.
To this priest: it’s high time to start an “underground church” away from the supervision of the Toronto authorities. Holy Communion is not something that can or should be cancelled. С Богом!
Not just this priest Nick. All of them whether it be Greek Orthodox, OCA or ROCOR have succumbed to government demands to alter the way we worship Christ. They are now having ‘communion’. The mask wearer approaches and gets their own spoon or the priest sanitizes the spoon after each use! I told my priest I could not support this and will not attend. I don’t think he was pleased with me. I suggested that we need to consider what you suggested: underground Church. This event is not going away and I don’t know how far the Bishops are willing to bend to the beast’s will. I’m wondering if there is nothing they won’t do in obedience. Like Sergius in Russia, perhaps they think they are trying to save the Church. It is not their Church. It is Christ’s Church. He will save His Church in as much as the Church is Christ Himself.
Here in Russia, they also sanitize the spoon after each use. I don’t agree with this practice (or with the general out-of-proportion panic over this virus), but there are no other options. Either receive Holy Communion that way, or not at all.
Yes, Freeland is a Russophobe, and yes, she appears to be in denial about her granddad’s Ukrainian-Nazi past, but she’s clearly no fascist, and this description of the WE scandal, bad as it is, bears little relationship to reality.
Freeland, Trudeau like his father, and the rest of this cabal are globalists who are giving Canada over to Agenda 21 and the new world order. It doesn’t matter if you call them fascists or communists. The end result is the same. And maybe you can enlighten us as to how the WE scandal as described bears little relationship to the reality. Are they even a real charity? What works have they done? I never heard of them until this scandal. Just another paper corporation to move money around.
I am curious to know precisely in what way or detail does the article “…bear[s] little relationship to reality”?
Reality is a strange thing. It has many faces, many of them so unpalatable that they encourage denial.
For instance; is it not at least possible that Freeland’s family ran across the young George Soros (still Gyorgy Schvartz then) at the start of his “Golden Times” as he characterized them, working as an “adoptee” of an older German man (SS?). Whether knowingly or not, is irrelevant. Their destinies had crossed.
George was working as a teen-aged Sonderkommando, parting his fellow Jews from their property during expropriation and expulsion, and sorting them for ‘transport’. Which, coincidentally, is how the Ukrainian, Mr. Chomiak, Freeland’s grandfather came by his fancy apartment in Nazi Germany. It had previously been owned by wealthy Jews but was given to him by the Nazi state for his coming services as a journalist and newspaperman. A field Freeland got her start in, aided, ironically enough, by George Soros.
I stopped reading after the first paragraph. The author certainly seems to have an agenda. He fails to mention that the opposition neo-cons had, over the years, been every much involved in the WE organization. The far, far right has been lead by a thief and lier for the past few years. The major players in the CPC are not the kind of people I would have over for dinner. The title is BS. However, if you were to take a look at Alberta, C. Feelands home province, you would see a neo-con dictatorship under the leader ship of one Jason Kenny. Who is guided by his guru, Stephen Harper whom he served under when in Federal politics. They recently passes a bill, actually rammed it through the house, that essentially closes the door on democracy in this province. That’s probably the most egregious thing, but he is destroying the universal health care, public education, unions, anything that is not related to Oil and Gas industry. Cronyism, corruption, pay offs to party insiders and supporters are the common ways of doing government now. Very disappointed to see such a hatchet job done on the Federal Government of Canada. BTW. The Prime Minister has done exactly the right thing in supporting Canadians during the pandemic. The provinces AB, ON, SK, MN however, not so much. AB nothing but try and take credit for the funds the Feds sent, along with side tracking some of it into who knows what.
Having said that the author “certainly seems to have an agenda” and after not reading, allegedly, “after the first paragraph” you proceed to lay out your own agenda, which, as far as I can make out is simply a partisan attack on the Conservative Party of Canada.
Not sure how it can be put so it does not appear as a “partisan attack” on the CPC. The facts are what they are. The retired leader of the CPC, Andrew Sheer is a thief: he took $900 K from his own party, most of it to put his kids in a private school: he claimed to have been an insurance adjuster, never finished the course, never practiced. His tenure of the CPC over the past year or so has been straight out of the Karl Rove handbook.
Here is an excellent summary of the “WE” so called scandal that the CPC concocted:
Prorogation of Parliament, What One Conservative Victory Looks Like, Screw Youth
So Bill Morneau is done. Great! Bill Morneau is a rich conservative businessman that cares about rich conservative business interests. I won’t miss him. He lied about his villa. He lied about his free trip with WE. I don’t really care about any either of those things – and I am sure his wealth and connections will continue to ensure he enjoys many perks and privileges not afforded every day Canadians.
Trudeau is proroguing parliament to end the legislative session, exactly like Harper did on multiple occasions, because he can and because he wants to take the WE ‘SCANDAL!!!!’ off the front burner. I really don’t care about that either. There are several Liberal programs and policies that I like but lets be honest most of them were passed because they were supported by the federal NDP, and if Jagmeet Singh was in charge the policies would be better and more generous to actual working, small business owning and tax paying Canadians.
The one thing I am truly grateful to Trudeau for is, and I cannot stress this enough, I cannot imagine the horror show of going through this pandemic with an obsequious, mewling, lying, American bootlicker like Andrew Sheer in charge – one need only look at the catastrophe in Kenney’s Alberta to wonder how much worse things would be here and across the country if Sheer was in charge of the Canadian federal response.
This session, with a minority Liberal government, saw ONE single federal Conservative victory and that was the effective termination of the 900 million dollar program to support Canadian youth.
The WE ‘Scandal’.
In Alberta we borrowed 12.7 billion (14.7B) dollars to give away, condition free, to profitable multinational companies and wealthy international investors – without a single conservative peep. Billions left the province, billions added to the debt and deficit, billions for people who do not live, work, shop, pay bills, pay rent and mortgages here in Alberta. Alberta with record unemployment, record job losses, and the second worst unemployment in the country next to Nfld.
Not one word.
Apparently it’s not a ‘scandal’ to give people who already have everything more.
Politicians bought and paid for by wealthy corporate interests, politicians with golden corporate board parachutes waiting, bought and paid for with our tax dollars, our debts, by underfunding our social programs.
Not a scandal.
But 900 million dollars, for Canadian youth, who have tuition and rent, and groceries, and books to buy in the fall. Canadian youth that could not work during the summer because of a global pandemic and a country wide lock down. Canadian youth that will not be able to afford to go to college, university, trade school, with bleak job prospects this fall. The ONE program designed to support them was killed by the Conservatives in Ottawa.
Billions for American investors… silence.
Millions for Canadian kids – bring down the government!
Destroying a program for Canadian youth, that is the ONE fight Conservatives are willing to get up for.
End Quote
Here is a link to close to 300 bills the UCP gov’t has passed. If you read the titles the opposite of what it says is what the new law is intended to do.
Bill 1: Any minister can, at any time, for any reason, without any consultation, declare any property in AB as “vital infrastructure”. My neighbors driveway could be declared “vital” infrastructure. The fines are huge and jail time is included.
FYI, we have a Minister of Health who went to a neighbors house (a Doctor), stood in his driveway and in front of his wife and kids yelled at him for a post he had made on Twitter. Tylor Shandro, the Min of Health is destroying universal health care, he’s arbitrarily ripped up the contract with the AMA, the Doctors bargaining organization and refuses to deal with them. The Drs. have offered to negotiate a payment reduction. Shandro’s wife also owns a company that will benefit directly from the privatization of health care.
Partisan, maybe from your pov. However, one can’t get around the fact it is the Conservatives that are doing their best to destroy the country. Canada still has a AAA credit rating, Alberta was recently downgraded for the 2nd time since Jason Kenny took office.
Sorry, I forgot the link to the documents:
What a meaningless drop of “documents. “You Sir, are no Julian Assange.
For the sake of clarity, since your partisan posts persist and are not factually correct, lets call what happened with this attempted diversion of funds, the Trudeau/WE Octopus Conspiracy.
Conspiracy consists of three ‘C’s’; Concealment, Chronology and Complexity. This Trudeau/We Conspiracy has all three ‘C’s in textbook fashion. Concealment and Complexity overlap in this case almost inextricably. A full Chronology ought to be left to criminal lawyers.
[The Chronology is handled quite well here:
Imagine, if even a recently bought and traditionally complacent press reports such facts, just how guilty of both attempted and past fraud and embezzlement Trudeau and his co-conspirators must be.]
Your concern for children/students, like Trudeau’s alleged and too often repeated concern, is deeply touching (no double entendre intended) but since the WE Octopus, [not sure what else to call a labyrinth of corporations and NGOs clearly designed for concealment] had never been involved in doling out grants to students, what was the point of bypassing existing government agencies set up, and ready to do exactly that kind of work?
Worse still, the particular arm of the Kielburger Empire that the billion dollars was to go to was set up to deal with real-estate investment and was brand new, designed to process [launder] this particular ‘windfall’ for the WE octopus.
What, finally, was the reason for co-conspirators Trudeau and Morneau’s sleight-of-hand in planning to have the We Octopus paying students for volunteer work? The English language itself is quite clear on this point; Volunteer work is not paid work. Since they dropped the plan like a hot potato, and closed down parliament, as soon as they were exposed, we may never get to see what that move was intended to accomplish.
The only glaringly obvious difference between the two options:
1. The existing state agency distributing the funds and
2. one of the many tentacles of the WE octopus doing so,
is that the state agency had not paid the Trudeau and Morneau clans (others deserve honorable mention here but hopefully the courts will tell us who they are) close to one million dollars in ‘speaking’ and ‘other’ fees and free vacations. The state agency would probably also have entailed several orders of magnitude less in administration costs.
This puts the alleged ‘crimes’ of Andrew Scheer, which, if they even exist, are irrelevant to the subject of the article and three orders of magnitude below the almost billion dollar exposed scheme of Trudeau, Morneau and other officials who were involved.
I found an interesting article from a journal/blog, CANADALAND, which I believe first exposed the scheme by the Prime Minister, his accomplices and the Minister of Finance to bypass the established state agencies and entrust the WE Octopus (real estate division!) with nearly one billion dollars in return for five hundred thousand dollars, we know of so far, in payments to members of their families.
It now appears that the WE Foundation, or is it ME to WE, or WE to ME, or is it perhaps the WE CHARITY… (the mind spins with all the spin-offs the Kielburgers operate) is also involved in child slave labour globally. The very practice that Craig Kielburger, with his shining, morning, teenage face, buttonholed PM Jean Chretien to help him put a stop to.
Finally, as an example of what WE pays hundreds of thousands of dollars for, Here is Margaret Trudeau, la mere de Justin, earning her daily bread in one of the twenty-eight gigs she did for the WE Octopus for a total payout of around 250,000 dollars.
It lasts for 2 minutes and 48 seconds but lets round it out to 3 minutes (for travel time) and twenty-five gigs for the sake of my slow math skills.
I calculate that to be a magical 3.3333 (The indivisible number!) THOUSAND dollars per minute.
And worth every penny, I guess you would say.
If you stopped reading after the first paragraph, how do you know what else the writer said? Yes, Alberta now is under the thumb of a tyrant. Very sad to see this province, once the most free with no debt first get deconstructed by the NDP and then fall to a dictator pretending to be conservative. All the parties are in on the scam.
You say Trudeau has done exactly the right thing in supporting Canadians during the pandemic! Exactly the right thing would have been to follow the lead of a small handful of other countries and treat this as any other flu season. Never have such draconian, nation destroying demands been placed on people for something which has over 99% survival rate. And in the midst of this, and actually before, Trudeau and his gang of globalists have been throwing billions of money we don’t have at every perverse endeavor all over the planet. This country is done. I suspect you have no idea what is coming.
I did read the whole article but I felt the same as you did Roger. Ditto for the articles by Matthew Ehret. Yes, the Liberal Party of Canada is bad (I believe Ehret would call them Rhodesians) but the Conservative Party of Canada (I believe Ehret would call them Straussians) are just as bad. They are simply separate wings of the same war party. Any working class solidarity shown by either party is simply window dressing to get elected.
I feel like the author and Ehret make the correct conclusion that the liberals (lower case ‘l’) are evil but then conclude that because the liberals are evil, the conservatives (lower case ‘c’) must be good. It reminded me of how Nietzsche showed good has been characterized as the opposite of evil (slave mentality) without actually defining good. You, the slaves, are good simply because they, the masters, are evil.
As Roger has pointed out below, I do not understand the criticism of the “Sikh” leader of the NDP. As far as I know, it was the NDP that ensured as many Canadians as possible received funds to pay their rents and grocery bills throughout the period of house arrests and lack of demand.
As for the WE scandal, I agree with Roger that it was good policy (subsidies for students) but it was horrendous implementation (cronyism and corruption).
To Craig Mouldey: If I remember correctly, it was Rachel Notley, leader of the NDP of Alberta, that got permission for the pipeline to be constructed. The failure in Alberta was every leader after Peter Lougheed to diversify the economy away from a single staple. It was the crash in the price of oil that made its extraction from tar sands unprofitable.
Thanks for reading,
Generally I am glad that the Trudeau crowd put in the financial effort to help Canadians during this period. Agreed, Freedland is a concern, perhaps for many Canadians who are not aware of her background, she is a bit of a Trojan Horse.
I am very irritated with Trudeau that he did not follow his promise of a proportional system for Canada. There would be a chance for some real social justice in this country then.
As for the NDP……. they have lost my trust….. the whole NDP crowd in parliament voted to approve the Canada-Israel free trade agreement…… I guess their view of social justice goes only so far….. (…wonder where they get their funding from?)
But I am more concerned at the prospect of the so-called Conservatives walzing in at this new “scandal” to assume power. Harper, and his apprentices, still active, were dangers to this country.
Anyone remember the “Robocall” scandal? ( For our American friends, during a federal election, the Conservatives set up a phone system using voting records they probably should not have had, and sent out computer phone calls to direct Liberal supporters to the wrong location to vote, or a location with no voting booths. If I remember correctly, they had the assistance of a Republican “strategist” from south of the border.)
How about the muzzling of Government of Canada scientists? I remember a huge data file, built up over years of research, in the Fisheries Department which was destroyed so it could not contradict Harper policies…. anyone in the mood for a book burning?
Generally, a pretty ugly situation.
“Robocalls?” compared to a billion dollar fraud scheme, a fake pandemic to oversee the final redistribution of wealth, upwards of course, and the house arrest, wthout trial (with limited exercise privileges) of 35 million people, followed by the total boarding up of parliament?! You really must try to acquire a sense or proportion.
Good post James. Thank you for not resorting to ad hominem attacks.
I believe I explain elsewhere why, and how, Singh is very bad news for Canada. I do not wish to go to Lenin’s extreme and trot out the policy of “The Worse the Better” but if I were to, as illustration, traditional NDP policy and third party influence simply make the juggernaut takeover of the middle class (the working class is done!) more certain in the end. The death by a thousand cuts gets a few band aids and a reassuring pat on the head.
The way Soros handed out condoms through his harem of intelligence gathering bi-lingual females in a collapsing post-Yeltsin and Harvard Academics Russia.
Singh utterly blows up the absurd Liberal claim that Diversity is Our Strength. His support for Trudeau has allowed all the things that we see now happening in Canada from economic collapse to the takeover of the state by Corporate Fascism and the occultism that always accompanies that takeover. I love movies and, fully realizing that I expose myself to many left-wing barbs for citing anything by Kipling, Singh reminds me of the character of loyal-to-the-Empire Sargeant Billy Fish from ‘The Man Who Would be King’. Loyal to the Empire, perhaps, but a traitor to his own, or nearly his own people, the people of India.
As for your claim that I demonize the LPC and liberals, while beatifying their opposites, conservatives; you cannot know my feelings for the CPC or conservatives, as I do not mention them. My problem is with creeping corporate Fascism and the unhindered state corruption that gets to happen as payment for that betrayal.
I also find uncomfortable your casual, moral relativity re LPC policy on the attempted diversion of almost one billion dollars. You write: “As for the WE scandal, I agree with Roger that it was good policy (subsidies for students) but it was horrendous implementation (cronyism and corruption).” How can you marry “cronyism and corruption” with “good policy”? Are you so certain, that had the plot been allowed to unravel, that money would have ended up in all the expected places. After all, the various transmutations of the Kielburger-run WE entities, must practice some very fancy accounting indeed. As we were only beginning to learn from the Byzantine payout paths to the Morneau and Trudeay dynasties.
To quote from W B Yeats. “How can you tell the dancer from the dance?”
Crystia Freeland is obviously suffering from lack of proper life energy..look her pictures, her astral and eteric body are leaving old flesh,blood is dark and cold..
She must be full of money, but empty inside..lovely!
Im reading Tolstojs Voskresenie atm and Crystia could be Maslova with intense plastic buildup why not?
Careful! Russian culture and literature will be banned soon in the West, following the example of Nulandistan/Freelandistan, formerly known as The Ukraine.
Congratulations ladies, and Greta too, the population decline in the former sovereign Ukraine is approaching 35%.
To hell with Canada. I can’t wait for the Pakistani and Chinese and African Chads to take it over once it completes it’s suicide. Canada is a complete effeminized nation that is in a hurry to hate it’s history so that it will get virtue signal points.
I lived there for 12 years and would never raise my kids there, no thanks, we will pass on the mandatory trans story hour.
Everyone understands their game, its been on for centuries. The us and them … don’t be fooled don’t listen to their convoluted lies , don’t chose will need medication, they are sick delusional people who have no human qualities.
Be free of their toxicity..Hollywood ,Facebook style etc. She has always been the mole in the parliament..Trudeau is a useless yes man.
First of, the Old Queen is still the Queen of Canada, and the Old Queen’s representitive the GG Jullie Payette is her point person here, the real boss. The rest, window dressing, is moving chairs on the Titanic. The closest Canada came to getting a soverigentist to power was Jack Layton, but Canada never got to see that movie, just got stuck with bad remakes of the same sad shit.
The closest Canada got was with PM William Lyon Mackenzie King, and shortly after with John Diefenbaker. Under King they had us moving away from control by Britain and the government had control of the Bank of Canada. By the time Dief was PM in the 50s with his great plans for Canadian progress it was already too late. The Bank of Canada had been taken over and he had traitors planted in his own government. Ever since, Trudeau in the 70s, the governments of Canada have not used the Bank of Canada for what it was created for but have instead gotten loans from private banks at interest. Now we are debt slaves and will soon learn how little we actually own.
Incidentally, the party Jack Layton represented, the NDP, was established by the British round table groups to help maintain control of Canada.
‘Maintaining control of Canada’; the Mounties. Royal Canadian, you know where thier allegience lies. As for the ‘party’; created before Jack was Jack, and he wasn’t the average Union Jack, but we will never know. Pitty!
And the closest Canada ever came to being soverigen, Louis Riel.
Cheers, M
Louis Riel? Didn’t he play with Montreal Canadians? Lol, kidding. He was even before my days. We know what happened to him in this gentle and kind Canada.
Sacre bleu, Les Habitants, no, but he may have passed through the QMJHL on his way west………kidding aside, most of Canada’s nation building history, is European. White euro. French English. Natives, what natives……..
Cheers, M
My white, Canadian born, Ukie heritage father in law, always called Riel a traitor because he started a rebellion and killed some English overloards. At least that’s what he was taught in Canadian school. Me, being and Irish Leprechaun, reminded him that where I’m from we killed English Overloards for sport. He still loved me though.
The Operation Paperclip ‘refugees’ are beholden to their British ‘overlords’.
If your overlords had been Russian, your pa-in-law would have lauded you.
Ironically, the Cossacks, who actually fought the Bolsheviks, and not from behind trees and skirts like many of the Ukro-Fascist terrorists who ended up in Canada like Freeland’s folks did, were betrayed by the glorious West and handed back to Stalin. Highly recommended: “Operation Keelhaul” the story of the forced repatriation of the Cossacks by agreement of the Allies and Stalin after WW2
The saddest thing I witnessed recently in Canada, other than LPC penchant for stealing and misrule, was the rise of low-potential, high-achiever and tantrum-prone muppet, Jagmeet Singh. ‘Sad’ mostly in that he keeps the Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp impersonator, Justin Trudeau, in power.
Chosen to head the NDP, it appears, on nothing but an opportunistic physical resemblance to Layton while capitalising on the still-echoing in Canadian heads Layton electoral campaign slogan: “Meet Jack”.
Reversing word order, you get: “Jack Meet”, becoming finally: Jag Meet (Singh).
Ah, the magic of implanted jingles meeting Chomsky’s ‘manufacturing of consent’ … and political leaders.
Presicely the game we are in..follow the money, they steal everything, gold land resources, started in 1492 in North America . Of late the Queen stole the gold in Venezuela, (Libya,…)they have a vault in the city of London, hence their leverage trough the banks on their entire kingdom, i.e. colonies.
The market runup Apple,Amazon, Facebook Covid ect is just another of their scams to fool divert attention from their thievery. The last breath..nothing left after this pass.
Canada has long been a wholly owned subsidiary of the USA. That’s the only reason thy have not invaded Canada -why would you if you already own it. The US and Israel largely control Canada and russophobe Freeland is the power in Canada with Junior just a figurehead. Freeland in turn is run by her backers.
Why is there no mention of Freeland’s open and forceful machinations in attempting the failed but ongoing Venezuela coup?
You make an important point. Everything we know of Freeland is ugly; her association with Soros, (he was a sort of Svengali to her as he is to the mentally ill and otherwise unemployable women of FEMEN, and to so many other women), her hidden family past and her, ‘a la Morneau’, forgotten personal real estate on the Maidan in Kiev, all that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Freeland’s latest extracurricular project: ‘Coup in Venezuela’ at the OAS (The Organization of American States) itself a branch of the Rhodes Scholar-stuffed Council on Foreign Relations, failed. It failed largely due to the intervention of her imagined Professor Moriarty – Russia.
Freeland is a creature of the elite Rhodes Scholarship ‘cell’ of cultural Marxism and the New World Order and what we are witnessing in Canada today is their second successful takeover of a formerly sovereign state in less than a decade. Ukraine was the first. No wonder she looks so pleased with herself.
In Canada she is protected by the press which Trudeau openly bought during the last election with 500 million dollars of taxpayer money designated for ‘struggling and worthy journalism’ (I paraphrase but not since the Clinton Foundation has oligarchic corruption been so blatant). One wonders how much of that final corruption of the mass media was her doing. Her Soros-guided career and rise to fame were after all in journalism.
More on Her Royal Highness (or is that Lowness?), Canadian Queen Chrystia Freeland and her “interesting” family history:
Chrystia Freeland and Canadian Nazi collabos
It is great that Yasha Levine and others, like John Helmer, push for this important truth to come out to a fairly dopey and soma-satiated Canadian public. Canada is being sacrificed and Canadians have no idea why, how or by whom. The ‘de facto’ (soon to be ‘de jure’ as well, I fear) leader of Canada, Chrystia Freeland, pet creation of prominent globalist George Soros and, like he, with a Nazi-Fascist past, is using Cold War tactics to re-stoke WW2, mostly for personal reasons. But this time, it will be nuclear. Democracy was not supposed to work this way. Dictatorship and (rarely) monarchy was.
Freeland is the perfect Bond Villain. She even twitches and writhes as if possessed. Too bad no one wants to make that movie.
Well what else is new in Canada ?
It has always been a place like that where foreign interference reigns and politicans do nothing.
Time for the western provinces to break away and take many others with them
Then they won’t have to put up with these clowns from Quebec.