
French attack Libyan GROUND vehicle as part of the “no-FLY” zone

The BBC reports: A French plane has fired the first shots in Libya as enforcement of the UN-mandated no-fly zone begins. The target was a military vehicle, the French defence ministry said.  So there we go: hypocritical powers pass a hypocritical resolution and use it to enforce a hypocritical no-fly zone by hypocritically strike a vehicle on the ground. Let us translate all this in pain English: The US and

Srebrenica: requiem for a propaganda fiction

(Note by the Saker: at a time when the Empire is clearly re-playing the Bosnian scenario in Libya, it is extremely important to look back and understand what exactly happened during the war in Bosnia.  I am therefore very grateful to F for drawing my attention to the publication of this book and I urge you all to read it with attention and make up your own mind based on

Sickening display of imperial sabre-rattling

I just heard these two clowns – Obama and Cameron – looking all macho, with fire in their eyes, making all sorts of threats against Gaddafi and the sight of these two corporate suits trying to sound marital just made me sick to my guts. It was like watching a bad remake of the movie “Dubya and his poodle Blair”. And I am still fuming about Russia’s cowardly and self-defeating

Hezbollah statement commenting on the bloody repression of civilian protesters in Bahrain

In His Name be He Exalted Commenting on the bloody repression that targeted protesters in Bahrain, Hezbollah issued the following statement: “Before the excessive use of violence to suppress the peaceful demonstrations by the people of Bahrain to claim their legitimate political rights, the violence which is associated with the use of arms and which came directly after the visit of US Secretary of War Robert Gates to Manama, Hezbollah

Israel fears sushi shortage after quake

by Gilad Atzmon You have to read it to believe it. Ynet reported yesterday that “Israel fears sushi shortage after quake.” As Japan faces a nuclear catastrophe and the rest of humanity prays for a safe end to this unfolding disaster, Israelis fear a shortage “in the ingredients of one of their favorite dishes”: Sushi “There may be a shortage of sushi components, but we are still studying the situation,”

Russia’s disgraceful surrender at the UNSC (UPDATED)

On March 10th I wrote the following on this blog: Russian TV has shown a statement of Foreign Minister Lavrov who declared that Russia opposes any type of military intervention in the Libyan conflict.  The Eltsin years are over and I don’t think that Russia will back down from this. So no UNSC resolution authorizing any US/NATO military intervention will be passed. Sadly, it turns out that I was wrong,

Hezbollah Statement on Arab Countries’ Intervention in Bahrain reports: Before the recent developments in Bahrain, portrayed by forces of neighboring Arab countries entering the Bahraini land, as well as the use of violence which harvested many as martyrs and wounded, Hizbullah can only express its deep concern and strong condemnation of targeting peaceful civilians. Hizbullah views that the military intervention and the use of violence in face of a peaceful popular movement will not only be to

Hezbollah did not call for a no-fly zone over Libya

Good news! I now have it from two separate and well-informed sources: Hezbollah did not participate in any decision concerning the official position of Lebanon on the issue of the no-fly zone. Furthermore, I was told only a statement published on the website can be seen as an official Hezbollah statement. This makes me wonder whose instructions the Lebanese representative at the UNSC was following when he decided to

Israel engages in yet another act of high-seas piracy

The BBC is reporting that Israel seized a ship which had left Turkey and was bound for Egypt under the pretext that it was carrying arms “destined to Gaza”. The ship was seized some 200 miles (320km) from shore, i.e. in international waters.  The pirated ship has been taken to the Israeli port of Ashdod. But we already knew that international law does not apply to the “only democracy in

My first big disagreement with Hezbollah?

From the reports I hear on al-Jazeera it appears that Lebanon is supporting the idea of a UN-imposed and, obviously and inevitably, US/NATO enforced no-fly zone over Libya.  And by “Lebanon” what is meant is the Hezbollah supported, if not lead, Lebanese government. As I already wrote, a no-fly zone over Libya is a terrible idea which, if implemented, will create an open-ended Imperial military intervention which nobody will control

Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer Networks

Since  I am on something of a roll on the topic of the technological aspects of what I call “surviving in a world of zombies”, I have decided to post some links to the audio recording of a recent presentation by Richard Stallman (a personal hero of mine) on the issue of Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer Networks.  In this absolutely fascinating talk, Richard (who often is

Lending ebooks? Debunking corporate lies

Since have recently posted a review of ebook readers I decided that it might be a good idea to post an excellent article by John Sullivan, the operations manager at the Free Software Foundation (of which I am a ‘card carrying member’), debunking some of the lies told to us by big corporations about the issue of ‘ebook lending’.  John’s piece, entitled “Lending: A solved problem” appeared in the Fall

The torture of Bradley Manning as a perfect symbol of the real USA

Yep, you read that right. Seven hours standing naked. And it get better: “According to First Lieutenant Brian Villard, a Marine spokesman, the decision was ‘not punitive’ and done in accordance with Brig rules“. What is amazing here is not only that this type of torture is apparently legal, but that it is not even a disciplinary punishment. The list of US and international conventions, law, and treaties this kind

NATO lukewarm on intervention – are false flags next?

Following NATO’s meeting today it appears that the organization is lukewarm about the idea of a military intervention in Libya, including a no-fly zone.  The fact that the very same folks who illegally attacked Yugoslavia are now seriously speaking about the “need for legal sanction” is really rather disgusting, but it’s good news anyway. So what’s next? Well, a situation a la Afghanistan following the Soviet withdrawal is one possibility. 

Russia opposes any military intervention in Libya, Sarko is a idiot, NATO mulls options

Russian TV has shown a statement of Foreign Minister Lavrov who declared that Russia opposes any type of military intervention in the Libyan conflict. The Eltsin years are over and I don’t think that Russia will back down from this.  So no UNSC resolution authorizing any US/NATO military intervention will be passed.  Besides, I suppose that China would also oppose it. As for the US Empire, I am not sure

Is Saudi Arabia next? If so, that could very dangerous

RT TV has just announced that the Shia of Saudi Arabia have declared that this Friday will be a “day of rage”. Considering that the US Empire will use absolutely all of its capabilities and resources to maintain its control on Saudi Arabia it is frighting to think of what could happen if Saudi Arabia blows up.  Saudi Arabia is neither Egypt, nor Libya. the differences are substantial. First, I

Rafsanjani gets the boot (finally!)

The BBC reports: Iran’s former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has lost his position as head of the Assembly of Experts, which selects the supreme leader and supervises his activities. Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi Kani was selected to replace him.

Surviving in a world of zombies – using ebook readers, PART 2

This is the fifth installment of my series “Surviving in a world of zombies” (for the previous parts, see here, here , here and here).   Today, I am going to discuss “ebook readers”, again.  Indeed, in my initial post about ebook readers, I wrote the following: One more thing: there are plenty of dedicated book readers out there, including Amazon’s “Kindle”, Barnes and Noble’s “Nook” and others.  My advice is
