
Another absolutely brilliant video by Anthony Lawson

Here are his comments on the original YouTube page: It cannot be said, too often or too loudly: The interests of a Nation’s own Citizens must come first. The 9/11 cover-up is falling apart at the seams, and politicians should be made accountable, either for their ignorance about issues that affect their nation, or because they have been protecting the official story, knowing that is is false. Summary: Recently, political

How Israel And The US Hope To Destroy Hezbollah

By Franklin Lamb on Countercurrents “I’ve got these [expletive deleted] just where we want them Maura! Watch the 1000 slow cuts as we shred Hezbollah–who do they think they are? And we’ll do it by using 1757 and this time we’re going all the way. I told Israel to stay out of Lebanon because the IDF can’t defeat Hezbollah plus the whole region would burn. I will handle this and

More example of sexual assaults by TSA thugs

WAFB and WBTV report: Are children exempt for pat-downs at airport security? Not according to one man who says a TSA employee groped 6 year-old son at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. The alleged incident is part of the growing backlash over the full body scans and pat downs at airports nationwide. WBTV found the anonymous submission on a blog, “We Won’t Fly.” The man says the incident happened earlier this

True identity of the FBI mole in the Russian SVR revealed

Remember how the Russian newspaper Kommersant leaked name, rank and position of the traitor who betrayed the Russian “illegals” to the FBI? Well, they mostly got it right, except they had the wrong name, and no photos. These details have now also been leaked to the Russian media and quite a few things are now known about him, all of them horribly embarrassing for the SVR. First, not only was

Florida leads the way! (for once!)

Looks like Florida is leading the way to stop the TSA thugs and their porno-scanners. Not only does Florida Congressman John Mica, who is expected to lead the powerful Transportation Committee when the new Republican House takes over next year, want Florida airports drop the TSA for private security firms, but Orlando’s second (and much smaller) Sanford Airport has already announced that they will be throwing out the TSA. Maybe

Land of the free, home of the brave? Yeah, right…

80% of Americans support “porno-scanners” in their airports.  They believe that in order to board a plane, all passengers must agree to either have their body photographed naked, or have their genitals groped by TSA thugs. Land of the free, home of the brave? I would say: land of the slaves, home of terrified cowards… The Saker

Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street’s “Super Rich”: The Financial End Time has Arrived

by Prof. Michael Hudson for Global Research Now that President Obama is almost celebrating his bipartisan willingness to renew the tax cuts for the super-rich enacted under George Bush ten years ago, it is time for Democrats to ask themselves how strongly they are willing to oppose an administration that looks like Bush-Cheney III. Is this what they expected by Mr. Obama’s promise to rise above partisan politics – by

Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the Martyr’s Day Celebration on 11,11,2010

I Take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the World. Peace be on our Master and Prophet – The Seal of Prophets – Mohammad and on his Chaste Household, chosen companions and all prophets and messengers. Brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessing. I welcome you on

Torture in US Prisons

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” Fedor Dostoevski by Stephen Lendman In March 2005, a UK Deborah Davis Channel 4 report titled, “Torture, Inc., America’s Brutal Prisons” highlighted the horrors, including prisoners savaged by dogs, brutally shocked with cattle prods, burned by toxic chemicals, harmed by stun guns, beaten, stripped naked and abused in various other ways. Sound familiar? Welcome to mainland

Secret Revealed: Spying Costs $80 Billion a Year

AP reports: The annual cost of U.S. intelligence is public for the first time: just over $80 billion for 2010. Figures released by the government Thursday show $27 billion goes to military intelligence and $53.1 billion covers the CIA and some of the other 16 intelligence agencies. Steven Aftergood, a secrecy specialist at the Federation of American Scientists, says it is “the most complete disclosure we have ever had.” The

The “fake Russian spies” were not fake at all! (UPDATED!)

Remember the case of the fake Russian spies including the sexy Anna Champan? If not, check out my piece The proof that the 11 Russian spies were not spies at all. Well, turns out that they were real spies after all, very very real spies indeed.  So what was the deal with all the nonsense the FBI fed us about their arrest?  The Russian newspaper Kommersant actually found out what

Rather lame demo of Paratroopers took place in Moscow

According to the Russia media, about 1000 Paratroopers took part in a protest demonstration in Moscow.  Two well-know figures of the political opposition, Col (Ret.) Viktor Alksnis (a Latvian supporter of the old Soviet Union) and Col (Ret.) Vladimir Kvachkov (former GRU Brigade commander) took the podium for a speech. One factor which probably greatly contributed to “deflate” this event was the letter sent by General Shamanov from his hospital

Michael Hudson explains why Federal Reserve will pump $600 billion more into the US economy and keep interest rates at historical low levels

This guy is, IMHO, the single best economist out there.  Highly, highly recommended! According to the BBC: German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said the US policy was “clueless” and would create “extra problems for the world”. South Africa’s finance minister Pravin Gordhan warned that “developing countries, including South Africa, would bear the brunt of the US decision to open its flood gates without due consideration of the consequences for other

U.S. Supports Japan, Confronts China And Russia Over Island Disputes

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO In a six-day span the U.S. State Department has bluntly affirmed unequivocal backing for Japanese territorial claims against both Russia and China, even invoking a defense treaty provision that could lead to direct military intervention and war with the world’s most populous nation. Beginning a 13-day, seven-nation tour of the Asia-Pacific region on October 27 in Hawaii, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Joint

U.S. midterms: AIPAC lauds re-election of pro-Israel stalwarts

Ha’aretz reports: America’s largest pro-Israel lobby group on Wednesday hailed the results of midterm elections in the U.S. which saw staunch supporters re-elected to Congress on both sides of the party political divide. “Many of the strongest friends and supporters of the U.S.-Israel relationship were reelected on Tuesday,” the group said in a statement. These included Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Reps. John Boehner (R-OH), widely tipped to be
