
Blood and Champagne

by Uri Avnery EVERY PEOPLE elevate the profession in which they excel. If a person in the street were asked to name the area of enterprise in which we Israelis excel, his answer would probably be: Hi-Tech. And indeed, in this area we have recorded some impressive achievements. It seems as if hardly a day passes without an Israeli start-up company that was born in a garage being sold for

Analysts expect Hizbullah to deal major blow to “Israel”

Source: Daily Star via Islamic Resistance in Lebanon By Michael Bluhm BEIRUT: Wednesday’s assassination of Hizbullah senior commander Imad Moghnieh will spark a new round of violence in the region, as Hizbullah is certain to retaliate in spectacular fashion, thereby provoking further security fallout in Lebanon, a number of analysts told The Daily Star on Friday. The aftershocks of Moghnieh’s killing could even increase the chances for civil strife here,

Excerpts from Nasrallah’s speech warning Israel (subtitled video)

An unambiguous warning from a man who has never made an empty threat: Full speech transcript: Source: Hizbullah Secretary General his eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stressed that “Hizbullah and the Islamic Resistance stand prepared to face any potential aggression on Lebanon, for Imad Moghnieh has left behind tens of thousands of very well trained fighters who are more than ready for martyrdom”.His eminence added: “From July 2006 war until

50,000 Hezbollahis in State of High Alert

Assafir Daily – Translated by Al-Manar The Lebanese newspaper Assafir reported Saturday that the Hezbollah has put 50,000 of its resistance fighters in a state of high alert and evacuated all buildings in the area designated for social or political purposes in recent days. Hezbollah vowed to retaliate the assassination of it resistance commander Imad Moghniyeh who was killed in Damascus by Mossad agents. Israel has denied any involvement. Meanwhile,

Syria denies joint Syria/Iran/Hezbollah investigation

From the Palestinian Pundit blog: “DAMASCUS, Syria – Syria denied Iranian claims that the two countries would conduct a joint investigation into the assassination of a top Hezbollah commander, the Syrian state news agency reported. Imad Mughniyeh, who was one of the world’s most wanted fugitives, was killed in a car bomb in the Syrian capital Tuesday night. He was accused of masterminding attacks that killed hundreds of Americans in

Kosovo Serbs see EU mission as ‘occupation

EU Business reports: The EU police and justice mission aimed at helping Kosovo’s transition to independence is a form of “occupation,” Kosovo Serb leader Milan Ivanovic said Saturday. “In essence, the mission has the characteristics of an occupation and it will be accepted neither by Serbia nor by the Serbs in Kosovo,” Ivanovic told AFP hours after Brussels approved the mission’s deployment. European Union nations have agreed to send a

Bosnian Serbs play up secession threats over Kosovo

By Olja Stanic BANJA LUKA, Bosnia (Reuters) – Bosnian Serb nationalists stepped up threats on Thursday to secede from Bosnia if Kosovo declares independence from Serbia on Sunday. “In case Kosovo proclaims independence, we shall request independence for the Serb Republic as well,” Branislav Dukic, the chairman of SPONA, an association gathering several Bosnian Serb war veterans groups, told a news conference. Under the Dayton accords that ended the 1992-95

Haaretz reports on joint Syrian-Iranian investigation in Mughniyah murder

Source: Syria detains suspects in Mughniyah killingBy Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent, and The Associated Press A joint investigation into the Damascus assassination of Hezbollah deputy leader Imad Mughniyah is well under way and suspects have been arrested in the Syrian capital, a Lebanese security source said Friday. Mughniyah was killed late Tuesday night when his car exploded in an upscale Damascus neighborhood in an incident that was not only a

Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei’s condolences to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei wrote a message Thursday to pass on condolences to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah over the martyrdom of the assassinated Lebanese warrior Hajj Imad Mughniyeh. The text of the message in full follows:Bismillah-e Rahman-e Rahim Dear brother Hojjat-ol-Islam Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah The martyrdom of the dedicated and diligent brother Hajj Imad Mughniyeh was a great accomplishment and a prosperous culmination for the

Serbia’s statement to the UNSC

UN Security Council must urgently condemn Pristina’s intent to unilaterally declare Kosovo independence Belgrade/New York, Feb 14, 2008 – Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremic pointed out tonight in his address before the UN Security Council in New York that the Security Council must urgently act to condemn the clear intent of the authorities in Pristina to unilaterally, illegally, and illegitimately declare independence from the Republic of Serbia as

The Daily Star’s editorial about Imad Mughniyeh’s life and death

Mughniyeh – like Hizbullah – was a product of outside aggression By The Daily Star In the wake of his death, Imad Mughniyeh has been described as both a dangerous villain and a courageous hero. The task of reconciling these diametrically opposed assessments will be left to a future generation of historians who no longer have to contend with the politicizing influences of the Arab-Israeli conflict. For now, all that

Israel assasinates Hezbollah leader in Damascus (UPDATED!)

Who really killed Mughniyah – was it only the Mossad?Imad Mughniyah, a top Hezbollah leader, has been killed in a car bomb yesterday in Damascus. Hezbollah immediately blamed Israel for the assassination. If this is indeed an Israeli operation, and that appears most likely, that is a huge success for Israel who as long considered Mughniyah The epitome of the ‘Axis of Evil’ and who has blamed numerous terrorists acts

Tom Lantos: Old, Dead, Criminal

by Mizgin (author of the excellent Rasti blog) “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress.”~ Mark Twain. Yeah, okay . . . I wasn’t going to say anything, but after hearing an overblown, completely undeserved eulogy for the dead Tom Lantos on the local public radio station, I’m not letting it pass. You’ll remember Tom Lantos from Sibel

A 9/11 Every Day For Ten and a Half Years

Very refreshing article from URL:——- Most of Us Will Eat Shit Until the Day We Die By Arthur Silber 12/02/08 “Once Upon A Time” – — -Let us begin with the proposition of greatest importance. From my essay, “The Missing Moral Center: Murdering the Innocent“: There is one final point to be made about all this — and that has to do with the supreme value of a

All institutions devoted to full state, national unity in defending Kosovo-Metohija

Belgrade, Feb 12, 2008 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stated today that in light of the impending declaration of unilateral independence of Kosovo-Metohija, all state institutions have one and the same goal – to show full state and national unity in defending the province. In a statement to the Beta news agency, Kostunica stressed that at the moment, this is the most important message to Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija. We

Bolivia’s Morales slams US for spying

PRESS TV reports: Bolivian President Evo Morales has denounced a US embassy security officer for trying to spy on Cubans and Venezuelans working in Bolivia. Morales’ criticism came Monday following reports that Vincent Cooper, the US embassy official, had asked an American scholar and 30 Peace Corps volunteers to pass along information about Cubans and Venezuelans working in the country. Speaking at a military ceremony in Cochabamba, Morales said Cooper

The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine: Trigger a Middle East Nuclear Holocaust to Defend “The Western Way of Life”

by Michel Chossudovsky for Global Reseach (Canada) What the Western allies face is a long, sustained and proactive defence of their societies and way of life. To that end, they must keep risks at a distance, while at the same time protecting their homelands. International terrorism today aims to disrupt and destroy our societies, our economies and our way of life. … These different sources of [Islamist] propaganda and/or violence

Ahmadinejad Reiterates Iran Rights in Rally

Alalam New reports: Massive rallies were held across Iran on Monday as the nation commemorated the 29th anniversary of the Islamic revolution. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of the capital Tehran and millions in the provinces to renew their allegiance to the ideals of the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, and to show their solidarity with the government. In Tehran, the people ventured

Walid Jumblatt and Israelis jointly plan next Lebanese civil war (UPDATED)

Al-Manar TV reports: Just after the head of the Progressive Socialist Party MP Walid Jumblatt finished his press conference on Sunday, Israeli media went for analyses. They read in his speech a direct message to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah. Jumblatt openly stated in his speech that he’s ready for war. “If you think that we are going to sit with our hands tied, then perhaps we would have
