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Guest Analyses

Ukrainian recurring themes

By The LookOut for the Saker blog If you don’t want or can’t see what’s going on, you won’t even see it. But once seen, you can’t readily unsee it. This article covers recurring themes related to post-2014 Ukraine, ordinary examples of deep hatred for people of Donbass, the cult of Bandera, OUN & UPA and elements of Ukrainian fascism hard wired into Ukrainian society as well as the general

All the Young Dudes, Carry the (Russian) News

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted The SCO in Samarkand and the UN General Assembly have demonstrated how virtually the whole Global South outside of NATOstan does not demonize Russia. Geopolitical tectonic plates are reelin’ and rockin’, and the sound is heard all around the world, as the twin baby bears DPR and LPR plus Kherson and Zaporozhye vote on their referendums. Irretrievable fact: by

Satirium est Ipecac in Nauseum Non Veritas

by Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker blog I thought that my previous “Propaganda Wars” article for the Saker would be my last one. I hoped to quietly vanish back into cyberspace obscurity, having sufficiently vented my spleen. But no! No! Noooooooo!! My spleen demanded yet more venting, my mental health required yet another cathartic diatribe, given the off-the-scale never-ending insane hysteria that continues to be pooped out like explosive

Financialization and its Discontents

by Francis Lee for the Saker blog As the textbooks would have define it Capitalism should be understood as being essentially a dynamic force, constantly growing and mutating, and it takes no prisoners moreover. It is a social system in which individuals are free to own the means of production, property, and maximize profits and which resource allocation is determined by the price system. Well, that’s the theory in its

Pakistan’s role and contribution to SCO.

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for the Saker The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional alliance, it is the successor to the Shanghai Five, formed in 1996 between the People’s Republic of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. On 15 June 2001, the leaders of these nations and Uzbekistan met in Shanghai to announce a new organization with deeper political and economic cooperation; the SCO Charter was signed

The real US agenda in Africa is hegemony

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission Forget development. Washington’s primary interest in Africa today is keeping the Chinese and Russians out. In a rational environment, the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) would discuss alleviating the trials and tribulations of the Global South, especially Africa. That won’t be the case. Like a deer caught in the geopolitical headlights, UN Secretary-General

NATO´s “green” masochistic EUthanasia

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker blog The German political class has torn up the social contract agreed with its constituents by swiftly ignoring the historical and most successful existential partnership established with Russia since decades ago. In parallel, Anglo-inspired unelected EU bureaucrats take turns to blindly attack Russia with suicidal Wagnerian style based on hollow virtue-signalling nonsense. Now, the German Vice-Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck (a

Never Again

By Batiushka for The Saker blog Just as in 1812 and in 1941, so now too in 2022 the Western nations have joined together in order to attack Russia and divide and destroy her. The Special Military Operation could have been over in March, but the West would not allow it. It is over now, for the West has escalated a local liberation campaign into a full-scale war. On this

Propaganda Wars: Who is actually spreading disinformation?

By Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker Blog First it must be said that Russia and China are terrible at propaganda. Just hopeless. They are so lousy at propaganda, they have basically given up. In today’s propaganda war with the West, they have failed miserably and lost. However History is written by the Victors, and all objective evidence today indicates that Eurasia (more inclusively, the BRICS+) will inevitably prevail in

San Francisco on the Danube

by Eric Foegelin for the Saker blog On Saturday, September 17, an assortment of freaks such as that unhappy country had never before seen descended upon Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. Their arrival was prompted by the dubious honor bestowed on Belgrade when that city won an international competition to host this year’s Euro Pride. Who applied for that distinction on behalf of the citizens of Belgrade, one might rightly

Why the Ukraine is Not a New Afghanistan

By Batiushka for The Saker blog There’s an east wind coming all the same. Such a wind as never blew…. It will be cold and bitter….and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it’s God’s own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared. His Last Bow, Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, October 1917 Poor and

WHY Is Germany Committing Suicide? The Same Reasons WHY the EU/UK is Being Deindustrialized!

by David Chu for the Saker blog Well that’s the real question, isn’t it? Why? The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia. Keeps ’em guessing like some kind of parlor game, prevents ’em from asking the most important question, why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up? Who? ~ Mr. X in JFK movie

A guide to the AngloEuroZionist Establishment Lexicon

by Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker blog Neoliberal economics: Establishment version: modern free market freedom, practised by freedom loving people, to freely create freedomaceous wealth everywhere! Woohoo! Real World Translation: rigged system to funnel wealth from the poor to the rich by imposition of slave wages and debt servitude = economic enslavement of the 99% Disinformation: Establishment version: anything contrary to the “truthiness” narrative espoused by Western Mainstream Media

London delusions

by Batko Milacic for the Saker blog For many, the death of Elizabeth II formally marked the end of the existence of Great Britain as an imperial power. Geopolitically speaking, Britain has long ceased to be an imperial power. However, Elizabeth II was a symbol of the power of Britain with her behavior and decisions. But, certain centers of power in Britain still do not want to accept the harsh fact

‘Samarkand Spirit’ to be driven by ‘responsible powers’ Russia and China

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission The SCO summit of Asian power players delineated a road map for strengthening the multipolar world Amidst serious tremors in the world of geopolitics, it is so fitting that this year’s Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) heads of state summit should have taken place in Samarkand – the ultimate Silk Road crossroads for 2,500 years. When in

Avert the Catastrophe in Afghanistan

by Zamir Awan for the Saker blog Afghans are not the people of a lesser God. Each human being came to this world with an identical biological process and each mother has suffered similar pains. The human being is the most precious thing in this universe. Everything else in this universe is meant to serve human beings, whether it is animals, plants, minerals, Sun, Mountains, Water, Oxygen, etc., all are

The EUthanized EUropean nat-gas “reserves”

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker blog Sir Isaac Newton vs. the EC There are plenty of formal peer-reviewed industry papers and articles published in specialized international oil & gas journals regarding theoretical “huge volumes” of supposed European nat-gas “reserves”. Supposedly, such reserves would “solve” the absolutely unnecessary self-inflicted European nat-gas crisis. Furthermore, there are lots of curious back-of-the-envelope ´calculations´ plus added blah blah blah with the very same prognosis

Apocalypse Later?

By Batiushka for The Saker blog Clearly, the only certain thing in the Ukraine is that Western aggression is being ‘monsterminded’ centrally from the Pentagon and Brussels. The current counterattacks by NATO-guided, Western mercenary-led and Western-armed Kiev forces around Kharkov, Kherson and elsewhere in Eastern Ukraine against the Allies, the new attacks by Azerbaijan on Armenia, the new Special Forces exercises in southern Moldova, the new threat of war against

Women in Cabinets and Boardrooms

By Hans Vogel for the Saker blog Do you remember Margaret Thatcher? And Indira Gandhi? Have you ever heard of Golda Meir? All three were “Iron Ladies” who as leaders of their countries and staunch defenders of national interests, truly made a difference. One may or may not agree with their political philosophies and opinions, but there is no denying these women were truly great politicians, outshining even most of

A Turning-Point Once Every 500 Years

By Batiushka for The Saker blog Introduction: The Old Queen I recall some forty years ago meeting an elderly English lady, a farmer’s wife called Mrs Dove, who had been present as a schoolgirl at the funeral of Queen Victoria. ‘When the old Queen died all those years ago’, she reminisced nostalgically, ‘everything was draped in black and everyone was dressed in black’. Now Victoria’s great-great-granddaughter, the new ‘old Queen’,
