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Guest Analyses

US economic decline and global instability Part 3: Money printing, debt and increasing international isolation

by Phillyguy for The Saker Blog October 31, 2022 Summary The international news cycle has been dominated by the war in Ukraine, mounting tensions in the Taiwan strait and Middle East, rising inflation and high cost of energy and severe economic problems confronting the EU. Much less attention has been focused on what are the primary forces driving all of this? I believe this is a direct consequence of the

From the Surreal to the Real to the Meta-Real

By Batiushka for the Saker blog The Surreal For one brief moment we thought that Monty Python had made a comeback, starring Boris Johnson and Liz Truss. Surreal because of both characters, the former who returned post-haste from the Caribbean dreaming of a victorious return, the latter who appears to have been responsible for the terrorist attacks on the Nordstream pipelines (so said Truss’ mobile phone) and the Crimea-Kerch Bridge.

Putin: “The situation is, to a certain extent, revolutionary”

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted In an all-encompassing address to the plenary session of the 19th annual meeting of the Valdai Club, President Putin delivered no less than a devastating, multi-layered critique of unipolarity. From Shakespeare to the assassination of Gen Soleimani; from musings on spirituality to the structure of the UN; from Eurasia as the cradle of human civilization to the interconnection of

They will blame WWIII on Germany too

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker blog A Berlin-Tokyo-Washington Axis in Asia; The Germany-EU-NATO Lebensraum Expansion in Europe Olaf Scholz I. the Forgetful is the current chancellor of Germany. His ‘the Forgetful’ title is owed to the fact that Olaf cannot remember in any meaningful way his involvement in a certain multi-year European banking tax scam. [Just look it up: The Cum-Ex affair and Warburg Bank.] In early October 2022, it was announced that Scholz and about 200 of his farmhands will be visiting Xi Jinping in China in early November. Scholz obviously

Everybody wants to hop on the BRICS Express

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission Eurasia is about to get a whole lot larger as countries line up to join the Chinese and Russian-led BRICS and SCO, to the detriment of the west Let’s start with what is in fact a tale of Global South trade between two members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). At its heart is the already

NATO Set To Attack Tiraspol?

By David Sant for the Saker blog Gonzalo Lira recently posted two soliloquies which were both accusatory and predictive about NATO’s apparent motivations and likely near-term kinetic military objectives. He concluded that after detonating a “dirty bomb” on Ukrainian territory, the USA and NATO would use the opportunity as an excuse to move the 101st Airborne Division from Romania into Odessa. 13:50 and 15:00 both may be sped

Far-Reaching Impact of the 20th National Congress of CPC

by Zamir Awan for the Saker blog China has reached a stage where it can reshape the world order. It has emerged as the second largest economy, just after the US. But, the pace of growth is so steady and fast, that it will surpass the US within a few years. It has also emerged as a major power and is proactive in International Affairs. It is a key player

Why Ukraine is always winning the war

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog In the United States media editorial policy has not wavered on one subject this year: Ukraine is always winning the war. From the first week, when the Ukrainian air force and navy were smashed, to last week’s smashing of the electrical grid – this is what “victory” looks like in the Ukrainian language, apparently. The Russians can electorally incorporate territory after territory, but

Reflections on the Coup in Ukraine – 2014-2022

By Francis Lee for the Saker blog Part I Victor Yanukovich was elected President of the Ukraine in 2010 narrowly defeating Yulia Timoshenko with 49% of votes cast to Timoshenko’s 45%. The Ukrainian Presidential term of office lasts for five years. Yanukovich’s party, the Party of the Regions, together with its coalition partner, the Communist party of the Ukraine, also had a majority in the Ukrainian Parliament, with Mykola Azarov

The ‘War of Terror’ may be about to hit Europe

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Never underestimate a wounded and decaying Empire collapsing in real time. Imperial functionaries, even in a “diplomatic” capacity, continue to brazenly declare that their exceptionalist control over the world is mandatory. If that’s not the case, competitors may emerge and steal the limelight – monopolized by US oligarchies. That, of course, is absolute anathema. The imperial modus operandi against

Everything is building up to a major showdown

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog We live in one of the most important moments in history. Perhaps this moment is even more important than the end of the Cold War. Similar to those events more than 30 years ago, major geopolitical shifts are currently taking place today. If the end of the cold war saw the rise of the Western Bloc to dominance, then the start of this

The Iews, China, and World War Xi

Note by Andrei: FYI, at the bottom of the homepage I posted the following, rather unoriginal, note “The views expressed are solely those of the authors and may or may not reflect those of The Saker Blog. We frequently post articles that we may differ with, partially or completely, to support open debate“.  I find Thorsten J. Pattberg’s writings extremely interesting, but there is plenty in them which I disagree

Giorgia’s Tragedy: On Italy Going Polish

by Jo Red for the Saker blog The Drama of Italian Politics Frodo is indeed the most tragic character in the Lord of the Rings. He belongs to the shire and goodness. Yet he’s also got curiosity and adventurousness that are unusual for Hobbits, even if still not enough to subvert his life. Finally, the occasion comes, and the harmony is broken: Frodo must bear the burden of the ring

On Going Seriously Boom

by Fred Reed for the Saker blog Pleasurable excitement ripples through the usual boredom of Washington, and the resident curiosities enjoy exquisite frissons, over the possibility of nuclear war over the Ukraine. Some official of the EU, or maybe it was the mediocrity in the White House with the truculence problem, but anyway one of the geniuses ruling the planet’s fate has said that if Russia used nukes, the Russian

Nord Stream, currencies & credibility go bust for EU liberalism

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog There’s no more obvious failure of Europe’s politicians to protect their own citizens than the drop in the euro and the pound to below parity and near-parity, respectively, with the United States dollar. However, this article was planned before the brazen sabotage of the Russian-German Nord Stream gas pipelines which – almost impossibly – outranks the currencies’ collapse! The two seismic events actually

‘Peaceful modernization’: China’s offering to the Global South

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission Xi Jinping just offered the Global South a stark alternative to decades of western diktats, war, and economic duress. ‘Peaceful modernization’ will establish sovereignty, economy, and independence for the world’s struggling state President Xi Jinping’s work report at the start of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) this past Sunday in Beijing

Under Satan’s Banner

by Dragan Filipovic for the Saker blog In all history, there is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare – Sun Tzu, ‘The Art of War’ Putin’s West is Satanic Speech During the signing ceremony on the accession to the Russian Federation of the four new regions on September 30th president Vladimir Putin declared that a ‘revolutionary transformation of the world’ is underway and stated that there

China: Xi gets ready for the final countdown

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted President Xi Jinping’s 1h45min speech at the opening of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing was an absorbing exercise of recent past informing near future. All of Asia and all of the Global South should carefully examine it. The Great Hall was lavishly adorned with bright

Cui bono? The Big Picture

by Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker blog (note: the author is not Russian, knows no Russians and has never been to Russia) Further to my last “Motive, Means and Opportunity” summary regarding who blew up the Nordstream pipelines (the USA), let us stand back and look at the bigger global picture today. Let us ask “Cui bono?” with regard to the entire Ukrainian debacle. First of all, we need

The End-Game

By Batiushka for The Saker blog It is now dawning, even on self-deluded Western politicians and their presstitute media, that the situation just cannot go on like this. Let us take just the news headlines from 18 October. The US publication National Interest reports that the Ukraine could only last one month without US aid. The governor of the province of Kherson, Kirill Stremousov, has announced on the Russian
