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Guest Analyses

On Deconstructing Constructs

By Batiushka for the Saker blog Introduction: Constructs An artificially-imposed union in unnatural borders is known as ‘a construct’. Constructs are artificial, as they are populated by different peoples, who speak different languages and have different cultures, and who would prefer to live in their own common nation-state because of those differences. For these reasons constructs are always imposed top-down for ‘reasons of State’ and rejected by those who are

Operation Z through the eyes of Vladimir Solovyov

by Ljubisa Malenica for the Saker blog By chance, while Moscow military operation was taking place, in author’s reading schedule it was turn for a book by the Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov entitled “Three Conversations on War, Progress and the End of World History“. The English translation, published in the second decade of the previous century, is entitled “War and Christianity from a Russian perspective“. “Three Conversations” is a philosophical

Super-States in Core Eurasian Geopolitics – Utopian Proposition?

by Straight-Bat for the Saker blog Introduction A question that troubled me often involves different kinds of “state apparatus” witnessed in the history of core Eurasia – principalities, city-states, kingdoms, empires, nation-states etc. Every possible combination of a geographical region (within core Eurasia) and a particular epoch represents a specific historical manifestation of a particular type of geopolitical entity – hence, in the 18th century while Caspian Sea region hosted

Why does the Western Narrative sound so stupid and unrealistic?

by Detlef Romatzki for the Saker blog The question of why the Western Punters seem to make such ridiculous statements, and seem to be totally misinformed, has come up in numerous discussion about the Western Leaders and commentators. Let me try to present a theory in order to make some sense. In a recent article by Larry Johnson, dated 23 November, “De-Constructing Western Delusions on Ukraine and Russia”, Larry quotes

Germany‘s Moral Collapse Inside China: Scholz‘s 11-hours Visit to Beijing Spells Catastrophe

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker blog This is probably the darkest piece I have written on the subject. I hope you didn’t miss Part I and Part II. Maybe get yourself a physical copy as well. So Olaf Scholz, High Chancellor of deindustrializing porkhole Germany, finished his Beijing ground trip in under 11 hours and counseled Mr. Xi Jinping hard on “the rule of law,” “free markets,” and “the rights for minorities.” IMAGE

The Trojan Horse Presidency

by Dmitri Orlov for the Saker blog The US midterm elections are nigh and, as I happen to be a good and patriotic Russian national, it behooves me to meddle in them. Election-meddling is an example of Russia’s soft power, which is much nicer than Russia’s hard power, so you should be glad that it’s still on offer. I am on record saying that “The United States is not a

Berlin goes to Beijing: the real deal

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted With his inimitable flair for economic analysis steeped in historical depth, Professor Michael Hudson’s latest essay, originally written for a German audience, presents a stunning parallel between the Crusades and the current “rules-based international order” imposed by the Hegemon. Professor Hudson details how the Papacy in Rome managed to lock up unipolar control over secular realms (rings a bell?)

The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End

By Batiushka for the Saker blog God is not in force, but in truth St Alexander Nevsky Introduction: How Much Longer? Many ask how much longer will the US war against Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine last? Some say only another two or three months, others much longer, even five years and more. For my own reasons I say another eighteen months, until 5 May 2024. Whatever you think, it

How bright are EUropeans ?

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog no contract Several indications lead to the conclusion that EUropeans at large — exceptions aside — should not be very bright. Or at least not brighter than anyone else as they claim to be. The fact is that – despite their undeniably copious amounts of individual and collective achievements – they have not yet been able to articulate a peacefull co-existence strategy amongst

Love Letter to Ireland! (and to ALL the Debt-Enslaved Nations of the World)

by David Chu for the Saker blog How often have the Irish started out to achieve something and every time they have been crushed politically and industrially. By consistent oppression, they have been artificially converted into an utterly impoverished nation. ~ Friedrich Engels, 1856 Look out, Ireland! Financial debt-bergs, dead ahead! The Irish “external debt to GDP” ratio is currently at 609%. In December 2010, it was well over 1,000%

Afghanistan – A Cursed Construct (PART II)

by Tariq Marzbaan for the Saker blog Subsequent to Part I of this essay on Afghanistan and the Taleban, I would like to embark on a brief history of “Afghanistan” leading up to Pashtun nationalism and the rise of the Taleban, through which one might better understand the “Taleban phenomenon” and which will also offer a view on the 3rd and final perspective (“from the perspective of Pashtun tribal structures

Bi-annual repression of French anti-government protests gets usual cover-up

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog and cross-posted with PressTV So this is what it’s like being outside of Europe during the repression of their long-running, bi-annual (spring and fall) violent anti-government and anti-EU protests? There’s barely a sound in the mainstream media about them. Every year since the pan-European project went fully online, 2009, it’s only during the two-year Covid era when Europe has failed to be ablaze

They will never understand the Islamic Republic

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog As I’m writing this, I, together with many other Iranians are filled with outrage. The almost daily terrorist attacks in Iran are trouble to say the least. Today, November 3, another outrageous terrorist attack took place in the city of Karaj, northern Iran. Terrorists attacked civilians and police officers on the Qazvin-Karaj highway in the morning. In a video released on social media,

Pyrrhic victory or strategic defeat?

by Quantum Bird for the Saker blog Federal elections have just taken place in Brazil and the result – despite the reluctance and insecurity of the “Left” – was expected: Lula was elected president for the third time. Lula defeated Bolsonaro by a margin of approximately 1%, in a universe of almost 100 million useful votes. The profound discredit accumulated domestically and internationally by Bolsonaro, who performed a chaotic mandate,

No pain, no grain: Putin’s Black Sea comeback

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission After the western military attack on Sevastopol briefly halted Russian grain transports, Moscow is back in business with a stronger hand and more favorable terms. So, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan picks up the phone and calls his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin: let’s talk about the “grain deal.” Putin, cool, calm and collected, explains the facts

Germany’s position in America’s New World Order

by Michael Hudson for the Saker blog Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia. Germany and other NATO countries have been told to impose trade and investment sanctions upon themselves that will outlast today’s proxy war in Ukraine. U.S. President Biden and his State Department spokesmen have explained that Ukraine is just the opening arena in a much

The New Cuban Missile Crisis That Isn’t

by Dmitri Orlov for the Saker blog The Cuban Missile Crisis is a malicious misnomer. Cuba never had any nuclear missiles; it temporarily played host to some Soviet ones. The crisis started when Americans put their intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Turkey that posed a new threat the Soviet Union, which responded by placing similar missiles in Cuba, evening the score. The Americans flew into a rage but eventually calmed down

Afghanistan: A Cursed Construct

by Tariq Marzbaan for the Saker blog PART I Without a knowledge of history, one cannot understand the world today… For most people, especially Westerners, “Afghanistan” remains a dark enigma. But the enigmatic nature of this construct was cultivated… and still is today, because it suitably represents the enduring colonialist romantic myth of a wilderness populated by swashbuckling barbarians. And today this bleeding crossroads, at the heart of the Heartland,

There will be no deal – Zelensky broke the rules!

by Batko Milacic for the Saker blog Just a few hours after the attack by sea “drones” on the ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in the early morning of October 29, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced the suspension of the “grain deal” – an agreement that had been in force since July 22 of this year. The fact that Russian military claims that naval drones

Comeback kid Lula in the eye of a volcano

by Pepe Escobar, first posted at the Asia Times, and reposted with the author’s permission Lula wins but his room for maneuver will be limited by powerful forces aligned against his Global South agenda Luis Ignacio “Lula” da Silva may be the ultimate 21st century political comeback kid. At 77, fit and sharp, leading an alliance of 10 political parties, he has just been elected as Brazilian president for what
