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Guest Analyses

Social Media as a Tool of Hybrid Warfare; The Case of Syria (IMPORTANT NOTE BY THE SAKER)

Note by the Saker: I was frankly appalled at the ugly nastiness of some comments posted here in reply to this article.  First, I take no position whatsoever on the substance of the issue.  I do however, vehemently object to direct and personal attacks on Intibah Kadi and her husband.  Whatever the merits, or lack thereof, of her analysis, Intibah Kadi did not name a single person in this piece,

ISIS – Always-Always Claims Responsibility

by Peter Koenig Whenever a terrorist attack hits somewhere in Europe or the world, wait a few hours and the police or media report ISIS / ISIL / Daesh claims responsibility. To enhance credibility, they usually say it was confirmed by ISIS news agency Amaq. As soon as this little piece of info is out, the upset populace takes a deep breath and falls at ease. It’s the usual culprits.

Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated

by Paul Craig Roberts When Trump was elected I wrote that it was unlikely that he would be successful in accomplishing the three objectives for which he was elected—peace with Russia, the return home of offshored US jobs, and effective limits on non-white immigration—because these objectives conflicted with the interests of those more powerful than the president. I wrote that Trump was unfamiliar with Washington and would fail to appoint

Trump’s Fascism versus Obama’s Fascism

by Eric Zuesse Barack Obama was the only U.S. President who at the United Nations defended nazism — racist fascism — and Holocaust-denial. It received almost no reporting by the press at the time (or subsequently). But his successor President Donald Trump could end up being removed from office because he said that racist fascists are just the same as are people who demonstrate publicly against them. Trump’s politically stupid

Barcelona – The Hypocrisy of Sorrow

by Peter Koenig Barcelona, 17 August, 5 PM – a white van plows with 70 km/h into a mass of pedestrians, many of them tourists, on the famous Rambla, in the heart of Barcelona. The death toll, 13 plus more than 100 injured. In an adjacent event, the police kill one alleged perpetrator. The main suspect flees and is still at large. Or is he? – Maybe he has already

Stonewalling Washington: Trump pushes leftist view of US racism further than Obama or Clinton

by Ramin Mazaheri I feel sorry for Americans – they have such lousy leaders they feel compelled to defend. I don’t mean Trump or Obama or Clinton or even JFK – I mean George Washington. It’s really gotta be a blow to the national pride when Americans have to admit, if only to themselves: “Trump makes a fair point: the father of our country, George Washington, was a slave-owning bastard,

Remembering the Liberty

by Jimmie Moglia It is a property of the past to sink into oblivion, and of unpleasant truths to fade into evanescence. To this past belongs the attack on the USS Liberty. The annals of US history record that, on Jun 8, 1967, the Israelis mistakenly attacked by air, and torpedoed by sea, an unarmed US intelligence ship, killing 34 sailors and wounding 171 others. 2017 marked the 50th anniversary

What is freedom?

by Naresh Jotwani Not many will dispute that ‘freedom’ is one of the more popular words in English language today — in spite of the fact that, as we shall see, this word does not even have a well-defined meaning. Despite lacking a clear meaning, the idea of ‘freedom’ is much loved the world over. Would any human being ever choose ‘not being free’ over ‘being free’? That is unimaginable.

Vassal Aristocracies Increasingly Resist Control by U.S. Aristocracy

by Eric Zuesse The tumultuous events that dominate international news today cannot be accurately understood outside of their underlying context, which connects them together, into a broader narrative — the actual history of our time. History makes sense, even if news-reports about these events don’t. Propagandistic motivations cause such essential facts to be reported little (if at all) in the news, so that the most important matters for the public

Bring Me the Head of Jeff Bezos

by Israel Shamir for the Unz Review Here is what Donald Trump should call for this morning. This is the right time to up his ante in the struggle against the Lügenpresse. All his efforts to fix the sinking ship of the US society are in vain with a breach below the waterline. If the Fake News applauds every jerk in a mantle who stops a presidential decree, the jerks

Macron, Ike Turner and the psychology of marrying your alleged rapist

by Ramin Mazaheri It seems as if America’s media spends far more time speculating about Donald’s Trump’s psychological issues than discussing anything which could actually help the average household be able to afford a new car, which a new study reveals the average family can no longer do. (FYI: I bought my used car entirely with 1- and 2-euro coins I saved up over 6 years, so that should tell

North Korea: fire, fury and fear

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Alarm bells ringing as rampant speculation breaks out over Pyongyang’s ‘possible’ miniaturized nuclear warheads. Beware the dogs of war. The same intel “folks” who brought to you babies pulled from incubators by “evil” Iraqis as well as non-existent WMDs are now peddling the notion that North Korea has produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead able to fit its recently tested ICBM. That’s the core

North Korea – Killer Sanctions Imposed by the Foremost Institution of Peace and Justice – the UN Security Council

by Peter Koenig As reported by CNN, “The United Nations Security Council on Saturday [5 August 2017] passed a resolution imposing new sanctions on North Korea for its continued intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) testing and violations of UN resolutions. With 15 votes in favor, Resolution 2371 was passed unanimously. The resolution targets North Korea’s primary exports, including coal, iron, iron ore, lead, lead ore and seafood. The sanctions also target

Leaked email: CIA wants to end Russophobia campaign in favor of Iran war (

by Ramin Mazaheri (Note: This leaked email has not yet been verified by WikiLeaks:) Date: 2017-07-31 Source: Langley CIA HQ Classification: SECRET/NOFORN/MLBNLCSWS S E C R E T SECTION 08 OF 1,843 WASHINGTON – AC0871108 SUBJECT: CIA Sub-Deputy says anti-Russia campaign detracting from war effort against Iran CLASSIFICATION APPROVED BY: CLASSIFIED REASON: 1.4 (a), (g) Since October 2016 CIA operatives have successfully stepped up operations both around and within Iran.

Venezuela – The National Constituent Assembly is in Place – But the fight for Sovereignty isn’t Over

by Peter Koenig Venezuela has voted on 30 July for a National Constituent Assembly (ANC – Asamblea Nacional Constituyente) with a resounding close to 8.1 million votes, or over 41% of the total eligible electorate. The figure was confirmed by the president of the National Electoral Council, Tibisay Lucena. The Chavistas battle cry before the elections was Venceremos! – Ché Guevaras favored revolutionary slogan. And the day after, 31 July,

The Neoconservatives and the “Coming World”: A response to the questions of a virtual friend

by Amir Nour (1) « In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous » Samuel Phillips Huntington « The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order » Dear friend, I have just read the great question you have asked me about the world’s future according to the American Neo-conservative’s vision.

Was Marx a Marxist?

by Jimmie Moglia Many confound what they think with what they know. With Marx, personal notions of Marxism often justify arbitrary conclusions, reflecting the perceiver’s prejudice, fancy or indoctrination. Any related discussion turns then into a vicious circle of arguments searching for proofs, and proofs that are but someone’s opinions. Furthermore, various currently-popular and alternative media sources, when referring to Marxism, utter remarkable nonsense, misrepresentation and even slander. All this

Macron’s approval drops 10 points, but what could disturb Jupiter’s repose?

by Ramin Mazaheri It’s the second-largest drop in postwar French history in the first 3 months of a presidency – only Chirac plunged further. Macron’s approval rating currently stands at 54%, and while that would be (shockingly) good in 2021, it’s terrible for a new president, said this here journalist who insists on context for statistics. Francois Hollande’s approval rating after 100 days was the lowest in postwar history, at

Comparing ‘coups’: Macron’s is one, Maduro’s is not

by Ramin Mazaheri Of course the biggest coup of them all is the American Deep State (now available for the first time ever!) against Trump. After that the biggest coup was the one against Mohamed Morsi, because Egypt is more than double the size of Ukraine. Seems like Morsi’s problem was that his “Islamist coup” was approved by referendum and thus not a coup at all. What Erdogan learned from

Trump Cannot Improve Relations With Russia When Trump’s Government and the US Media Oppose Improved Relations

by Paul Craig Roberts President Trump Has Been Contradicted by His Own Government, Which Has Lined Up Against Him in Favor of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and the Russophobic Presstitute Media that serves the military/security complex and the neoconservatives. I am afraid that The Saker and Finian Cunningham are correct. Nothing can come of Trump’s meeting with Putin, because, as Cunningham puts it, “Trump doesn’t have freedom or
