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Guest Analyses

Scarce jobs + revenue desperation = sure Western stagflation post-corona

Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Among capitalist economists stagflation is the worst possible outcome, excepting a Great Depression. They even admit they cannot explain it (especially Keynesians), or rather they choose not to – this is why the word has barely been broached during this very depressing coronavirus era. In exactly the same vein, the West’s intellectuals claim they cannot explain the causes of World War I (as I

Why Xi won’t repeat Ming Dynasty mistakes

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission China has learned from its own rich history and is applying those lessons to re-emerge as a major 21st century power   Chinese President Xi Jinping visits the Jiayu Pass, a famed MIng Dynasty era part of the Great Wall in Jiayuguan City, during an inspection tour of northwest China’s Gansu Province, August 20, 2019. Photo: FacebookWith hybrid warfare 2.0 against China reaching

Picturing the media campaign needed to get the US back to work

Ramin Mazaheri and Jeff J Brown – for The Saker Blog We can’t always find it but there is always a tipping point. Last week I crunched the data and suggested it’s May 17: The date the Great Lockdown must end or Everything Bubble 2 pops. Maybe I’m a few days off, but not many more: This bubble-popping is precisely why Trump is not wearing a mask, planned to end

Putin’s Call for a New System and the 1944 Battle of Bretton Woods: Lessons for Victory Day

By Matthew Ehret for The Saker Blog As today’s world teeters on the brink of a financial collapse greater than anything the world experienced in either 1923 Weimar or the 1929 Great depression, a serious discussion has been initiated by leaders of Russia and China regarding the terms of the new system which must inevitably replace the currently dying neo-liberal order. Most recently, Vladimir Putin re-initiated his January 16, 2020

Reading Piketty: Does corona delay the Greens’ fake-leftist, sure-to-fail victory?

By Ramin Mazaheri – for the Saker Blog A party built around climate change is a luxury only the West can afford, and like most luxuries it is a corrupting influence. While covering a protest in France several years ago a union member told me how she hoped Iran would stop selling its oil in order to protect the environment. “Sure,” I told her, “how many billions of euros can

Why a Child’s laughter is Victory

by Faina Savenkova for The Saker Blog (translated by “G” for The Saker Blog) Faina Savenkova is 11 years old and in the 6th grade. She lives in Lugansk, LNR (Lugansk People’s Republic). Faina has lived more than half of her life during a war, half of her life hoping for peace. She wants the children of Donbass to be heard by adults. Her essay is important and the parallels

China forges ahead through chaos and threats

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Beijing is turbocharging its Belt and Road and other game-changing plans despite Covid-19 and US hybrid warfare Amid the deepest economic contraction in nearly a century, President Xi Jinping had already made it very clear, last month, that China should be ready for unprecedented, relentless foreign challenges. He was not referring only to the possible decoupling of global supply chains and the non-stop demonization

An In-Depth Look Behind the Scenes Of SouthFront Censorship

The situation surrounding the censorship of Southfront on Facebook has turned into a display of the stereotypical Big-tech super villain. Facebook has published a report justifying its actions, which is an egregious, textbook example of fake news. The report contains only disjointed accusations under the cover of meaningless words, and without a single example being presented. Special attention should be paid to the fact that in the full 29-page report,

May 17: The date the Great Lockdown must end or Everything Bubble 2 pops

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog The 2008 crisis was top-down – the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers came out of the blue to the average person. Contrarily, a result of the Western coronavirus overreaction, the 2020 economic implosion is building from the bottom-up: it will occur from the result of millions of tiny Lehmans throwing in the towel. Reality was ignored for 12 years: small- and medium-sized businesses need

Get Ready for the Next Game-Changer: the Digital Yuan

by Pepe Escobar – cross.posted with Strategic Culture Foundation A new, radical paradigm shift is in progress. The U.S. economy may shrink as much as 40% in the first semester of 2020. China, already the world’s largest economy by PPP for a few years now, may soon become the world’s largest economy even in exchange rate terms. The post-Planet Lockdown world – still a hazy mirage – may well need

German Government Bails Out Owners of German Corporations

by Eric Zeusse for the Saker Blog Just as the corrupt U.S. Government is bailing out owners of U.S. corporations while the American public experiences a recession that is heading into a depression, the corrupt German Government likewise is bailing out investors. It’s not illegal for the Government to do that — not even when the corporation that they might bail out next is the nation’s flag-carrying airline, which already

Could Taiwan Have Saved the World from the Coronavirus?

by Allen Yu for The Saker Blog Many people in the West – apparently led on by the U.S. government – believe that the Chinese had covered up information regarding initial extent of the epidemic in China. Some had asserted that the death toll in China was actually magnitudes higher. When that could not be proven, some are taken to the notion that China kept data regarding human-to-human transmission from

The Western 1% colluded to start WWI – is the Great Lockdown also a conspiracy?

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Quick: What’s the reason World War One started? And don’t say it was because leftist Yugoslavian patriot Gavrilo Princip joined with Muslim leftists to assassinate Austrian imperialist Archduke Franz Ferdinand – that explanation exists only because Western schoolchildren need something to recite. Few know the right answer: it was a war concocted by Western high finance in order to forestall the anti-1% revolution

The Music of the Beast: a historicist portrait

Note by The Saker: when I first read this paper I was, frankly, baffled.  In my past I had studied musical theory (including dodecaphonism) and political science (including Marxism), but it never crossed my mind to combine these two.  This essay does exactly that and while I do find this combination rather strange, I also find it very original and interesting.  I hope that you will enjoy it too! The

Towards a new dawn of collective community in a new union

by Straight-Bat for the Saker Blog 1. INTRODUCTION Just 4 months ago I came to The Saker’s cafe and deliberated as a ‘gradualist’ on how the present decade of 2020’s will ensure that the ‘resistance camp’ utilise on the gains that it achieved during the tortuous decade of 2010’s, and make far-reaching transformation throughout this decade. But, as the saying goes, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are

The deeper roots of Chinese demonization

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Hegel saw history moving east to west – ‘Europe thus absolutely being the end of history, Asia the beginning’ Fasten your seat belts: the US hybrid war against China is bound to go on frenetic overdrive, as economic reports are already identifying Covid-19 as the tipping point when the Asian – actually Eurasian – century truly began. The US strategy remains, essentially, full spectrum dominance, with

Given Western history, is it the ‘Great Segregation’ and not the ‘Great Lockdown’?

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog It’s an idea that is worth discussing because – much like how China does not want to discuss possible modern reverberations from their atrocious (mostly upper-class) practice of female foot-binding – the West does not want to deal with the cultural legacy of four centuries of segregation. It’s so perplexing to listen to Western commentators demand in the same breath both massive Great

Is there really a group ready to hang Erdogan out to dry?

by Intibah Kadi for the Saker Blog Australian Investigator and Reporter, Chris Ray, has written an excellent piece [1]on Syrian born Imam Fedaa Al Majzoub, a graduate from the world’s most prestigious Muslim institution, Al-Azhar University, and who, until recently, enjoyed a privileged position in the Sunni Islamic community in Australia as a leader and academic and was presented as a “moderate”. Like many of his peers, he engaged with

ZeroHedge, a response to Mr. Littlejohn & the future of dollar dominance

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog It was very pleasant and informative to read Mr. Gary Littlejohn’s April 19 article, Strengthening the US Dollar: Comments on Ramin Mazaheri. I am very happy that he agreed with my article No, the dollar will only strengthen post-corona, as usual: it’s a crisis, after all, which sought to temper the eager glee of those whom I call the “dollar demisers” with some

OPCW’s Own Scientists Say OPCW Is Now Just a U.S.-Propaganda Agency

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog The formerly respected global authority on whether or not a chemical-weapons attack has occurred, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, or OPCW, has now so continuously ignored its own hired expert investigators, so that in an April 28th news-report, at “The Gray Zone” investigative-news site, anonymous “OPCW Insiders” have issued a public statement saying that: A number of impartial and principled
