
Looks like the Empire is going after Wikileaks after all (UPDATED)

Stuff is happening fast.  First, Interpol has now issued a “red notice” to have Julian Assange arrested, and now Wikileaks is loosing its main website and mirrors.  I still have no opinion about whether Wikileaks and Assange are for real or not, but if they are, the White House is being very very dumb about how it deals with this issue.  If Assange and his friends thought this thing through,

Surviving in a world of zombies – using ebook readers

Dear friends, This is the fourth installment of my series “Surviving in a world of zombies” (for the previous parts, see here, here and here).   Today, I am going to discuss “ebook readers”. Over the past years several of you have commented that the speech transcripts of Hassan Nasrallah I post here are very long.  Well, compared to a typical article or blog post, they are indeed.  Compared to listening

“Foot in the door” by American Goy

by American Goy for his “World” Skurwienie in polish, ssucziwijenie(as close a phonetic spelling as I can manage in russian) – loose translation “to make someone else your bitch bitch; verb”. Driving to work the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I overheard on NPR this story: there is a protest planned today against the TSA advanced scanning whatever you want to call it. The gist of the piece on my radio was

Road to Hope (R2H) Convoy Reaches Gaza

Road to Hope (R2H) Convoy Reaches Gaza Despite kidnapping, government obstacles and financial challenges The Road to Hope Convoy reunited in Egypt after having been split by the Egyptian requirement to charter a ship from Libya to El Arish and the kidnapping of 10 convoy members from Libya to Greece.  3 members of the convoy travelled to Egypt by sea with 30 vehicles and £500,000 of humanitarian aid, 29 convoy

Deconstructing the Myths of “The First Thanksgiving”

by Judy Dow (Abenaki) and Beverly Slapin for Oyate What is it about the story of “The First Thanksgiving” that makes it essential to be taught in virtually every grade from preschool through high school? What is it about the story that is so seductive? Why has it become an annual elementary school tradition to hold Thanksgiving pageants, with young children dressing up in paper-bag costumes and feather-duster headdresses and

Don’t taser me bro! Don’t touch my junk! Daily life in the Imperial Homeland

Don’t taser me bro! Don’t touch my junk!  These pleas have become the emblematic slogans of life in the US Imperial “Homeland” and they are just the most publicized examples of a far bigger trend: the US is slowly turning into one giant prison. I am not referring here to the fact that the USA has the highest per capita incarceration rate on the planet or to the fact that

Music video: Don’t Touch My Junk

This text will be replaced by the player Comment: In the bad old days of the Soviet Union there used to be literally thousands of jokes about Brezhnev, Communism, the Party and everything associated with it. People used to spend entire evenings telling such jokes. And I think that these jokes played an important role in the fall of the Communist regime because a regime that is ridiculed is also

Another absolutely brilliant video by Anthony Lawson

Here are his comments on the original YouTube page: It cannot be said, too often or too loudly: The interests of a Nation’s own Citizens must come first. The 9/11 cover-up is falling apart at the seams, and politicians should be made accountable, either for their ignorance about issues that affect their nation, or because they have been protecting the official story, knowing that is is false. Summary: Recently, political

More example of sexual assaults by TSA thugs

WAFB and WBTV report: Are children exempt for pat-downs at airport security? Not according to one man who says a TSA employee groped 6 year-old son at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. The alleged incident is part of the growing backlash over the full body scans and pat downs at airports nationwide. WBTV found the anonymous submission on a blog, “We Won’t Fly.” The man says the incident happened earlier this

Florida leads the way! (for once!)

Looks like Florida is leading the way to stop the TSA thugs and their porno-scanners. Not only does Florida Congressman John Mica, who is expected to lead the powerful Transportation Committee when the new Republican House takes over next year, want Florida airports drop the TSA for private security firms, but Orlando’s second (and much smaller) Sanford Airport has already announced that they will be throwing out the TSA. Maybe

Land of the free, home of the brave? Yeah, right…

80% of Americans support “porno-scanners” in their airports.  They believe that in order to board a plane, all passengers must agree to either have their body photographed naked, or have their genitals groped by TSA thugs. Land of the free, home of the brave? I would say: land of the slaves, home of terrified cowards… The Saker

Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street’s “Super Rich”: The Financial End Time has Arrived

by Prof. Michael Hudson for Global Research Now that President Obama is almost celebrating his bipartisan willingness to renew the tax cuts for the super-rich enacted under George Bush ten years ago, it is time for Democrats to ask themselves how strongly they are willing to oppose an administration that looks like Bush-Cheney III. Is this what they expected by Mr. Obama’s promise to rise above partisan politics – by

Torture in US Prisons

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” Fedor Dostoevski by Stephen Lendman In March 2005, a UK Deborah Davis Channel 4 report titled, “Torture, Inc., America’s Brutal Prisons” highlighted the horrors, including prisoners savaged by dogs, brutally shocked with cattle prods, burned by toxic chemicals, harmed by stun guns, beaten, stripped naked and abused in various other ways. Sound familiar? Welcome to mainland
