Dear friends,

This is a conversation between one of the foremost Russian experts on the Ukraine, Rostislav Ishchenko, and one of the best know Russian military experts, Igor Korotchenko.   Both of them have Ukrainian last names and Ishchenko actually worked for several Ukrainian presidents.  These two guys really know what is going on and both of them enjoy a superb access to Russian decision-makers.  In this conversation they discuss the Ukrainian crisis, the war in Syria and other national security issues in great detail and from many aspects.  This is why I asked Eugenia to subtitle this video even though it is a very long one (1 hour and 20 minutes).  An immense THANK YOU to Eugenia for taking on such a huge task (even though she has a demanding job and a family!). The fact that such long, but detailed and extremely interesting conversations are translated by volunteers of the Saker Community greatly contributes to make our blogs something unique.

Enjoy this most interesting discussion and please let us know what you think.

Kind regards,

The Saker

Video translated and subtitled by Eugenia