By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission
Fallout from Covid-19 outbreak puts Beijing and Washington on a collision course

Chinese President Xi Jinping has made his position clear. Photo: AFP
Among the myriad, earth-shattering geopolitical effects of coronavirus, one is already graphically evident. China has re-positioned itself. For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the US as a threat, as stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference during the peak of the fight against coronavirus.
Beijing is carefully, incrementally shaping the narrative that, from the beginning of the coronovirus attack, the leadership knew it was under a hybrid war attack. Xi’s terminology is a major clue. He said, on the record, that this was war. And, as a counter-attack, a “people’s war” had to be launched.
Moreover, he described the virus as a demon or devil. Xi is a Confucianist. Unlike some other ancient Chinese thinkers, Confucius was loath to discuss supernatural forces and judgment in the afterlife. However, in a Chinese cultural context, devil means “white devils” or “foreign devils”: guailo in Mandarin, gweilo in Cantonese. This was Xi delivering a powerful statement in code.
When Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, voiced in an incandescent tweet the possibility that “it might be US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan” – the first blast to this effect to come from a top official – Beijing was sending up a trial balloon signaliing that the gloves were finally off. Zhao Lijian made a direct connection with the Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019, which included a delegation of 300 US military.
He directly quoted US CDC director Robert Redfield who, when asked last week whether some deaths by coronavirus had been discovered posthumously in the US, replied that “some cases have actually been diagnosed this way in the US today.”
Zhao’s explosive conclusion is that Covid-19 was already in effect in the US before being identified in Wuhan – due to the by now fully documented inability of US to test and verify differences compared with the flu.
Adding all that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan, Chinese media are now openly asking questions and drawing a connection with the shutting down in August last year of the “unsafe” military bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick, the Military Games, and the Wuhan epidemic. Some of these questions had been asked – with no response – inside the US itself.
Extra questions linger about the opaque Event 201 in New York on October 18, 2019: a rehearsal for a worldwide pandemic caused by a deadly virus – which happened to be coronavirus. This magnificent coincidence happened one month before the outbreak in Wuhan.
Event 201 was sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the CIA, Bloomberg, John Hopkins Foundation and the UN. The World Military Games opened in Wuhan on the exact same day.
Irrespective of its origin, which is still not conclusively established, as much as Trump tweets about the “Chinese virus,” Covid-19 already poses immensely serious questions about biopolitics (where’s Foucault when we need him?) and bio-terror.
The working hypothesis of coronavirus as a very powerful but not Armageddon-provoking bio-weapon unveils it as a perfect vehicle for widespread social control – on a global scale.
Cuba rises as a biotech power
Just as a fully masked Xi visiting the Wuhan frontline last week was a graphic demonstration to the whole planet that China, with immense sacrifice, is winning the “people‘s war” against Covid-19, Russia, in a Sun Tzu move on Riyadh whose end result was a much cheaper barrel of oil, helped for all practical purposes to kick-start the inevitable recovery of the Chinese economy. This is how a strategic partnership works.
The chessboard is changing at breakneck speed. Once Beijing identified coronavirus as a bio-weapon attack the “people’s war” was launched with the full force of the state. Methodically. On a “whatever it takes” basis. Now we are entering a new stage, which will be used by Beijing to substantially recalibrate the interaction with the West, and under very different frameworks when it comes to the US and the EU.
Soft power is paramount. Beijing sent an Air China flight to Italy carrying 2,300 big boxes full of masks bearing the script, “We are waves from the same sea, leaves from the same tree, flowers from the same garden.” China also sent a hefty humanitarian package to Iran, significantly aboard eight flights from Mahan Air – an airline under illegal, unilateral Trump administration sanctions.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic could not have been more explicit: “The only country that can help us is China. By now, you all understood that European solidarity does not exist. That was a fairy tale on paper.”
Under harsh sanctions and demonized since forever, Cuba is still able to perform breakthroughs – even on biotechnology. The anti-viral Heberon – or Interferon Alpha 2b – a therapeutic, not a vaccine, has been used with great success in the treatment of coronavirus. A joint venture in China is producing an inhalable version, and at least 15 nations are already interested in importing the therapeutic.
Now compare all of the above with the Trump administration offering $1 billion to poach German scientists working at biotech firm Curevac, based in Thuringia, on an experimental vaccine against Covid-19, to have it as a vaccine “only for the United States.”
Social engineering psy-op?
Sandro Mezzadra, co-author with Brett Neilson of the seminal The Politics of Operations: Excavating Contemporary Capitalism, is already trying to conceptualize where we stand now in terms of fighting Covid-19.
We are facing a choice between a Malthusian strand – inspired by social Darwinism – “led by the Johnson-Trump-Bolsonaro axis” and, on the other side, a strand pointing to the “requalification of public health as a fundamental tool,” exemplified by China, South Korea and Italy. There are key lessons to be learned from South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore.
The stark option, Mezzadra notes, is between a “natural population selection,” with thousands of dead, and “defending society” by employing “variable degrees of authoritarianism and social control.” It’s easy to imagine who stands to benefit from this social re-engineering, a 21st century remix of Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death.
Amid so much doom and gloom, count on Italy to offer us Tiepolo-style shades of light. Italy chose the Wuhan option, with immensely serious consequences for its already fragile economy. Quarantined Italians remarkably reacted by singing on their balconies: a true act of metaphysical revolt.
Not to mention the poetic justice of the actual St. Corona (“crown” in Latin) being buried in the city of Anzu since the 9th century. St. Corona was a Christian killed under Marcus Aurelius in 165 AD, and has been for centuries one of the patron saints of pandemics.
Not even trillions of dollars raining from the sky by an act of divine Fed mercy were able to cure Covid-19. G-7 “leaders” had to resort to a videoconference to realize how clueless they are – even as China’s fight against coronavirus gave the West a head start of several weeks.
Shanghai-based Dr. Zhang Wenhong, one of China’s top infectious disease experts, whose analyses have been spot on so far, now says China has emerged from the darkest days in the “people’s war” against Covid-19. But he does not think this will be over by summer. Now extrapolate what he’s saying to the Western world.
It’s not even spring yet, and we already know it takes a virus to mercilessly shatter the Goddess of the Market. Last Friday, Goldman Sachs told no fewer than 1,500 corporations that there was no systemic risk. That was false.
New York banking sources told me the truth: systemic risk became way more severe in 2020 than in 1979, 1987 or 2008 because of the hugely heightened danger that the $1.5 quadrillion derivative market would collapse.
As the sources put it, history had never before seen anything like the Fed’s intervention via its little understood elimination of commercial bank reserve requirements, unleashing a potential unlimited expansion of credit to prevent a derivative implosion stemming from a total commodity and stock market collapse of all stocks around the world.
Those bankers thought it would work, but as we know by now all the sound and fury signified nothing. The ghost of a derivative implosion – in this case not caused by the previous possibility, the shutting down of the Strait of Hormuz – remains.
We are still barely starting to understand the consequences of Covid-19 for the future of neoliberal turbo-capitalism. What’s certain is that the whole global economy has been hit by an insidious, literally invisible circuit breaker. This may be just a “coincidence.” Or this may be, as some are boldly arguing, part of a possible, massive psy-op creating the perfect geopolitlcal and social engineering environment for full-spectrum dominance.
Additionally, along the hard slog down the road, with immense, inbuilt human and economic sacrifice, with or without a reboot of the world-system, a more pressing question remains: will imperial elites still choose to keep waging full-spectrum-dominance hybrid war against China?
This is a fantastic article, again, Pepe! Please, continue following the events and putting on paper your feelings about them. We are living in a historic time, and it would be nice if we could celebrate the victories together; but, I can’t see how we could do this, now, as measures are being taken by governments (UK, US, France…) to separate us…
Saker, perhaps, you could try to organize a meeting somewhere in our world, so we, that is, those who share similar ideas and hopes in your fantastic blog, coul meet and celebrate together the future. Perhaps, you could do this… I do like your blog, Saker. Thank you for the great job!
The place is too big and diverse to come together on any victorious outcome(s).
Just noticed that the Vancouver figure was accidentally set at zero.
The whole story about transmission of corona-virus from Hubei is total BS.
10,050 Chinese from Hubei visit Beijing China (resulting in 442 confirmed cases)
17,160 Chinese from Hubei visit Shanghai China (resulting in 353 confirmed cases)
9,342 Chinese from Hubei visit Hong Kong China (resulting in 141 confirmed cases)
59 Chinese from Hubei visit New York US (resulting in 613 confirmed cases)
145 Chinese from Hubei visit Vancouver (resulting in 53 confirmed cases)
0 Chinese from Hubei visit Greece (resulting in 228 confirmed cases)
0 Chinese from Hubei visit Sydney Australia (resulting in 112 confirmed cases)
5 Chinese from Hubei visit Iran (resulting in 12,729 confirmed cases)
1 Chinese from Hubei visits Italy (resulting in 21,157 confirmed cases)
How come visitors from Hubei to major Chinese cities have almost zero transmission rate.
How come visitors from Hubei overseas have very high transmission rates.
The confirmed cases are from March 16 (mostly from Corona virus COVID-19 Global Cases; Johns Hopkins University).
CONCLUSION: The disease is being deliberately transmitted to certain areas.
If you can stop these people deliberately transmitting the disease it will go away.
Where on earth did you get your stats on visitors from? They are wildly wrong.
I doesn’t really matter whether the numbers of visitors is accurate or not.
It is the idea that matters.
I would guess that the number of visitors from Wuhan to the major Chinese cities should be five times (or more) the figures quoted. The quoted numbers are much to low. These are big cities; Wuhan 11 million; Shanghai about 24 million; etc, and there were 30-40 days of travel before the lock-down.
The number of Wuhan visitors to Europe are also much to low.
But it is the idea that matters.
We are living in a victorious time — for us, the people — for over five years, now. But it is becoming more obvious by the day that, at certain stage, some cooperation will be needed. In fact, this is the most expected moment, I suppose. The Coronavirus is just the right excuse, and Pepe wisely points out the possibility that this cooperation is coming. The multi-crash of the financial and stock markets are opening the doors for a new era, yes. These crashes are fundamental, as there is no other way to tame the beast. China and Russia will be the leaders of the new era that is being borne in front of our eyes. We must celebrate! I find it contemptuous not to do it. We must. I think that my suggestion is reasonable. (It has been difficult to communicate my thoughts in English. I try hard, believe me. Sorry, if sometimes it is incomprehensible or irritating. I share many thoughts with the wise people that contribute to the fantastic Saker’s blog, and it would be nice to have the opportunity to meet all of you, someday, including the authors).
This is selectively interpretative, yes you have a victory for those who are not affected by the virus. But the over all fight for the advancement of the evolution of the human race has a very long ways to go, that has no current momentum, it has stagnated or trending in a reversal direction.
At this rate we are more likely to be living back during the stone age than the age of enlightenment.
We must not neglect the monumental importance of the financial and stock markets crash. Russia did not opt for ‘non-interference in the forces of the market’ for nothing. When Mr Putin said ‘No!’ to MbS at the OPEC+ meeting, he knew that the stock market would crash and that Russia would suffer also the consequences. For Russia, however, in the grand scheme of things, it was worth it.
Russia and China will become the leaders of the world that will emerge after this pandemic is over. The western delay in letting it go (the epidemic they created) is just to make time, as they still hope to find a solution for their financial mess… But, again, this delay may also end up playing against them… The world is moving!
Wouldn’t a better title be “China Hybrid War vs Trump Admin”, or vs Anglo-Zio-Nazism?
+90% of the US public doesn’t have a clue of what is done in their name, but just like Nuremberg Trials, I guess if China ever get’s their evidence heard, that the USA people will find out what the cost of electing Zionsts really is/was
For now just like Nazi Germans, everybody in JSA can say “We didn’t know”, or “We were told it was the Chinese Virus”
MAGA – Trump came to power on the promised of “MAGA”, Make America Great Again, but How did Hamilton’s Team become great?? Well by killing natives and stealing their property, and giving them smallpox-blankets.
So when Trump promised MAGA you should have assumed it wasn’t by hard-work, or discipline.
Look some years ago, 30+ the Chinese factory’s near Florence, Lombardi, and Milan were not unlike that of Boston Tannery’s, they were dinosaurs. Remember DEC ( digital equipment ) in 1970’s buying all the Boston factory’s and making computers?
Chinese investors came in bought the factory’s post 1980’s, refurbished them, created elite high-fashion brands, brought in 10’s of 1,000’s of hard-working Chinese peasants to work the factorys, mainly single chinese women, renowned for their meticulous hard work ethic.
Then Jump to 2019, the richest people in North Italy, and Central are the owners of these brands, and factorys.
So what did Trump do? Well Bannon has been there three or more years breeding contempt into different party’s in Italy. But one common denominator that everybody has is that no Italian wants the world to know that “Made in Italy”, means “Made by Chinese”. That’s a secret retarded step-son kept in a closet that is “Top Secret”. Its verboten. Compeche?
On ZH the popular Prepper “Mrs. Daisy” say’s Italy got infected by tourists, well that doesn’t pass the smell test, because the #1 tourist areas are Rome & Venice, and they didn’t get hit for months after Florence, Lombardi, & Milan Chinese factorys.
Also on wiki- now all mention of “Chinese Factory Citys’ is scrubbed, and insult to injury if you do find a slight mention, it will say the Chinese only arrived 10 years ago. I saw these city’s with my own eyes some 30 years ago, so I know reality, because I was there.
So somebody didn’t like Chinese owning all the most important ‘brands’ in Italy, so they decided to destroy the Chinese Golden-Goose, so they infected the factory workers, but then what happened, they didn’t foresee ( or did they?). Once the factory workers got laid off ( no cash ), they fell back to prostitution, something they had done years ago to supplement the minimal wage at the factory’s. The prostitution then infected the general population of Lombardi, and Milan as Italian men love variety. Since most single 20-40 year old Italian men live at home, the virus jumped to their elderly parents. Then the shit hit the fan in March, and Italy slowly got locked down.
I would like to know what came first? The desire to capture the Italian factory’s for penny’s on the dollar, and the Wuhan-Iran was just frosting on the cake? Or a three-point pincer wedge on the Chinese from europe-persia-wuhan?, but then why not infect Africa and/or Israel like they did North&Central Italy??? Somebody specifically targeted Italy ‘extra special’, and that’s what makes this smell rotten.
Methinks you are absolutely on the money!
Or maybe nobody at all was really infected with any corona virus: This is what Jon Rapoport wrote about it yesterday:
“Corona Bologna Italy: The Truth begins to leak out…
The government of Italy, as everyone knows, has locked down the whole country of 60 million people. So how many Italians have died from COV? Even by the standards of the useless and misleading diagnostic tests?
As far as the Italian Higher Institute of Health knows, at this point:
Maybe two.
Try to wrap your mind around that.
Good luck.
Seems the president of the Italian Higher Institute has some smarts. He understands that people who already have other serious health conditions, which have nothing to do with COV, can and do die from those other conditions, regardless of the fact that they’ve tested positive (on useless tests) for COV. He gets it. I predict a great future for him. If he keeps shooting his mouth off, he might find himself working as a weed puller in a forest. Or he might suddenly be diagnosed with the virus and find himself in isolation.
Grit your teeth and plow through this piece from Rome, 13 March 2020, Agenzia Nova: “Coronavirus: ISS [Italian National Institute of Health]: in Italy there are only two deaths ascertained so far due to Covid-19”
“There may be only two people who died from coronavirus in Italy, who did not present other pathologies. This is what emerges from the medical records examined so far by the Higher Institute of Health, according to what was reported by the President of the Institute [Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Italian National Institute of Health], Silvio Brusaferro, during the press conference held today at the Civil Protection in Rome. ‘Positive deceased patients have an average of over 80 years – 80.3 to be exact…The majority of these people are carriers of chronic diseases. Only two people were not presently carriers of [other non-COV] diseases’, but even in these two cases, the examination of the files is not concluded and therefore, causes of death different from Covid-19 could emerge. The president of the ISS has specified that ‘little more than a hundred medical records’ have so far come from hospitals throughout Italy.”
“…At present, in fact, the authorities are unable to distinguish those who died from the virus, from those who, on the other hand, are communicated daily to the public, but who were mostly carriers of other serious diseases and who, therefore, would not have died from Covid-19. In response to a question from ‘Agenzia Nova’, in fact, Brusaferro was unable to indicate the exact number of coronavirus deaths. However, the professor clarified that, according to the data analyzed, the vast majority of the victims ‘had serious [non-COV] pathologies and in some cases the onset of an infection of the respiratory tract can lead more easily to death.’ To clarify this point, and provide real data, ‘as we acquire the folders we will go further. However, the populations most at risk are fragile, carriers of multiple diseases’.”
Translation into non-medical language: the people dying in Italy have other very serious traditional diseases that have nothing to do with COV, and it’s obvious they could have died, and probably did die, from those other diseases. Nevertheless, we’re locking down the whole country.
So, for those people straining to find a reason for the “devastation” overtaking Italy—it’s karma for ancient Rome trying to conquer half the known world; it’s the ghost of Martin Luther obtaining revenge against the Vatican; it’s a bioweapon with the power to cut down millions of people overnight; it’s a virus that came in with a small meteor and crashed outside Milan; it’s Chinese revenge against Marco Polo for stealing the concept of noodles—
Take a break, relax, have a plate of pasta, turn on the TV, and because all the stadiums are empty, watch a rerun of a soccer match from 1979.
PS: For those people who believe this head of the Italian Institute is lying with his facts and figures, stop and think it through. He’s going to announce such devastating news that essentially contradicts everything the Italian government is doing with its lockdowns and quarantines of the whole country? It would be as if the director of the Centers for Disease Control announced, “There are a total of nine deaths in the US we think might have been caused by COV, and even there we’re not sure, because you see, these nine were elderly people who could barely get out of bed long before COV emerged. These nine had extremely serious lung disease NOT CAUSED, I repeat, NOT CAUSED by COV…but anyway, don’t go outside, work from home, don’t touch another human being, watch our website for bargain deals on toilet paper, and oh yes, don’t forget to get your regular flu shot if you can slip into a hazmat suit and drive at breakneck speed to your nearest pharmacy, where injection clerks are waiting…”
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
You can find this article and more at NoMoreFakeNews.
So the whole thing is a giant hoax then… all of these deaths are anecdotal except two…yeah right!
…and Rappoport uses brilliant observations like this to back up this ludicrous claim….
“A man was hanging on the edge of a cliff for three days. He finally fell. A medical examiner took a tissue sample. A test revealed the presence of COV. Therefore, the virus has taken another life.”
If some people are still not getting my message here, consider these simple sentences: “He pushed it.” “He took it off the table.” The “it” is singular. Well, the cause of the epidemic is not an “it.” The epidemic is not an “it.” The epidemic is a label applied to a variety of people, both healthy…and ill FROM DIFFERENT CAUSES. The label is a piece of hypnotic medical propaganda, which has the effect of deceiving minds. It works.”
Or, think about the situation this way. There is a group of people in an animated video. Each person is a different color. Blue, green, red, orange, etc. Now a filter passes across them. Suddenly, they are all purple. The filter is the label, “coronavirus epidemic.” The purple color is “cases of the singular epidemic.” False, fake, phony. But the filter makes it seem real.”
Really….what the hell is Rappoport smokin! This sort of argument is so farcical its actually sad.
Rappoport…Rappoport…hmmm…that name rings a bell?
Got it!!!….the supercilious scientist often mentions him and is a huge fan of his work and methods.
Thanks. Maybe you are overdoing it a bit, but it’s a small effort against the tidal wave of BS washing over us.
Another piece of perspective. About 100 people have died so far in the US of Covid-19. 7,500 people die in the US … every day. So, about 20 minutes worth.
I know an epidemic can grow rapidly, but …
Oh, and zero new cases in China yesterday.
In France you are supposed to get a note from the authorities, with 5 acceptable reasons only … to leave your house! Heavy fines if you are queried by the Gestapo (I mean Police) and don’t have your ‘papers’ in order. ‘Jupiter’ is very happy for this opportunity … he may finally be able to lock up all the yellow vests. You can not talk to a neighbor now in France or have your kids play with theirs.
Here in NH there is literally no place in the State where you can sit down and have a cup of coffee in public. What’s next? When they close the beaches this summer … I’ll be ready for some civil disobedience.
“Adding all that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan”
For me and if verified, this is the central, most explosive piece of information from the entire article. I remember very clearly that day in February when the number of cases suddenly and simultaneously exploded outside of China in Iran, Italy and South Korea.
My question is who has done the sequencing and where and when has it been published.
Your question indicates a sharp and educated mind. I was once compelled to seek an answer to exactly the same question you asked. This was during the AIDS epidemic. AIDS was first documented in USA as a problem affecting Homosexuals, however it become an epidemic in Africa. Why ?. The so called “Expects” deployed the words ” genome variations ” as an explanation for the absurdity .I then decided to check medical/scientific journals for further clarification via peer review on the so called ” genome variations ” but the records were not there. I then took a decision to study Virology and I ended up venturing into “Toxicology” as well.
After a long study I came to the categorical realization that the Science of AIDS is deeply/fundamentally flawed and it is heavily driven by corporate interest
I have not seen any material pertaining to the “Science” of Covid-19 , however I have followed the story and I find it to be, similar to the AIDS story. I hope you find an answer to your question. As for me, I have given up searching for an answer in science for something that is pushed by those who have no respect for proper scientific practice.
You probably already know of Dr Robert Strecker and his work related to AIDS/HIV and the video he made in the 80s, the streckermemorandum. Link to video
“This is the most controversial video you’ll ever see. Dr. Robert Strecker refutes, with documented evidence, virtually everything the so-called experts and Government reports have told you about AIDS. He asserts in no uncertain terms that:
AIDS is a man-made disease,
AIDS is not a homosexual disease,
AIDS is not a venereal disease,
AIDS can be carried by mosquitos,
and there can never be a vaccine.”
Following the logic presented in the video; I wonder if the solution (radiowaves) offered to cure not only AIDS but all viruses with a cristalline structure also can be applied to Covid-19 since it’s cristalline in strucure;
“…that is pushed by those who have no respect for proper scientific practice”
..and who have a political agenda.
You may wish to read Peter Duesberg if you haven’t already.
Excellent point. Let’s see the evidence.
Quote from article: Adding all that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan…
One needs to be precise on this point. Does the term “variety” mean different strains or some kind of mutation?
It’s been clear all along
1.) The strain in Wuhan atttacked ‘Han Chinese’
2.) The strain in Iran attacks Persians
3.) The strain unleashed in the chinese factory’s in North&Central Italy attacks everybody, its a chinese strain designed to jump over to Italian population, and wipe out europe
In Wuhan only one strain was found the “Han Strain”
In USA they have found over five different strains
In Iran they have only found the one strain
The fact that all five or more strains were found in USA, tells the virologists the origination of the virus was in USA, this is why CDC has demanded control from day one, so they could control the narrative. This is why there are no test-kits in the USA, so they could control infection database.
What happened, and really pissed off WHO, is that say in Thailand the first infection was sequenced for DNA-RNA, and it was found to be HIV inserted, thus the doctors in Thailand put the sick on HIV retaviral drugs and everybody’s symptoms went away in 2-3 days.
USA from day one demanded to come to China, and all of Asia and manage the analysis, but Asia refused; Same in South-Korea, and Japan they analyzed their own infections and determined the DNA sequence.
So the USA lost control of the narrative,
But to late, because the virus was started in USA in Sep-2019, unleashed in Iran/China/Italy in Oct-Dec and went parabolic late december. The reason they killed Soleimani in early January in Iran was to get everybody out in the streets hugging, & crying. It worked Iran has the most infections.
Russia knew all along what was going on, they locked their country down early.
Today China has things under control, everything is pretty much back to normal, the trucks are running again.
All most all of Asia has been locked down now 2+ months, all customs borders watch Chinese/Koreans/Japanese very closely, and demand they self-quarantine on arrival.
The narrative in USA is nothing more than continuous lies, most of the alt-press and the MSM continue to push CDC-WHO talking-points and “Chinese Tourist Narratives”
We will never have “Proof” or “Evidence”, for the simple reason where is the proof of the Indian Small Pox Blanket, or the Spanish-Flu being created by US-Mil in 1910’s, where is the proof of HIV being developed and unleashed by Ft-Detrick, we have all the documents, but physical proof or evidence doesn’t exist. It never will people who demand ‘evidence’ are just tossing a strawman into the debate.
All that can be done is the obvious. Cui-Bono
1.) Wuhan the Chicago of China, the INTL hub is/was destroyed, but now back online.
2.) Iran the source of China’s Oil has been effectively nuked by a bomb that only kills people, but leaves all the infrastructure.
3.) Italy, the source of all Euro’s of China, the richest men in Europe own the factors of North&Central Italy, the most famous brands on earth, sold at the most expensive shops on earth “Made in Italy”, came to fruition some 30+ years ago on the backs of Chinese peasant labor brought to Italy, today there are 100’s of 1,000’s of such Chinese working in factorys. This was the initial target, these factory workers were infected in Dec-Jan, and then it jumped to Italians in Feb-2020.
4.) The US state department in the fall of 2019 tried to destroy Hong-Kong, the gateway to China’s banking system.
Given all three targets were Chinese. It’s obvious this weapon is to destroy the elite rich of China, so that a new Gov can be put in place, most likely by US interests.
Top comment, thank you. Two more very valueable comments i recommend:
thanks for the links – very interesting one from old microbiologist – wow
Hi, the more explosive part of the article come from this article that was already shared a week ago :
You said…”I remember very clearly that day in February when the number of cases suddenly and simultaneously exploded outside of China in Iran, Italy and South Korea.
Yep me too…such an extraordinary coincidence I thought…Not!
I listened to an italien Virologist on Dottssa Bulgan ( in italian language ) from March 13. There seems to not have been done any sequencing for most of time since the first known case. She said that was a serious mistake on part of the authorities as it would enable the health ministry to correctly analysise and predict the run of COVID19 in Italy. At some point in the interview Dottssa Bulgan got vague if there was or was not sequencing done….the test is issue is very contentious . Ilaria Capua, Virologist and active in italian politics asked publicly for the Goverment to publisg the sequence , I think around Feb 24 after the first death. Sequencing is NOT the magic key by the way as there is considerable “modelling” ( such as guessing) involved. Dottssa Bulgan also said that the SARS-CoV is rapidly mutating. I think Virologist know generally much less then they pretend
A remarkable expose, Mr Escobar. You’ve side-tracked this issue for some weeks and rightly so. But we sense you’ve been hearing from a number of well-placed sources, and it could be, you’re justified in writing this article.
In “The Fog of War,” it’s often very difficult to determine what the enemy, or the protagonist is doing, but as the weeks pass, it’s likely the US constructed this bio-terrorist attack against its chief opponent. Trump’s sanctions against China and Iran have injured those nations, but they have not been fatal.
The US has a Damocles Sword hanging over it’s head with its huge dependency on Chinese products flowing into America. This was the ultimate mistake by America’s Capitalist System. Destroying several millions of US jobs only to offshore them to China. All to save the 1%-5% wealthiest of labor taxes. Such actions are now bearing their poisonous fruit.
Trump’s sanctions failed, and he lost Syria. Bannon told him he had to have a plan, look like a real hero to get re-elected.
The problem of course is the Bannon-Trump-Adelson hydra is not reality grounded. Just look at the effect. Adelson who funds everything for Netanyahu&Trump has had all his Brothels in Macau, Vegas, and Dubai locked down for months. No Cash flow. Blowback max.
They had a plan, destroy North Italy, and buy it for penny’s on the dollar, all the factory’s are Chinese owned, once the peasants got sick, they would go home, so no more cheap factory workers in Italy, and Bannon’s ‘kingmakers’ would buy the factorys, and find some cheap labor, by the time this is over, maybe even Italians will once again work the factory’s, or MENA Folk, they’ll find somebody.
Sanctions didn’t work, they tried to use a economic-stick, and then they used a virus-club. I really think they thought they had it all laid out, destroy the source of Euro’s to China ( Italian Factorys ), destroy Iran-China Oil workers, destroy China’s hub (wuhan); Bring Chinese to their knees they make a deal, Trump Wins.
Simple, but remember Trumps a moron, and he didn’t get permission from anybody, he could have very well just had the Mossad send a few teams out to the right places in September 2019.
On the other hand as many have speculated the USA system was going down anyhow, the narrative has been “Blame the Chinese”, Trump has comforted all just like Boris in UK (‘just the flu’) that things would be quick, fast and easy. The narrative certainly seems to be infinite bailout to everybody in the USA, which of course is a ‘kick the can’. Trump doesn’t want to destroy the USA, he just wants to keep the deal making ponzi flowing forever, so his kids can enjoy the American Way of Life (big people screwing little people).
I think we just have to ignore the USA here, they’re sick, they were going down, they’re irrelevant.
On the other hand the Chinese are rightly pissed, they hold all the cards, they make all the things that the USA needs to survive.
What we have now is that the Chinese people are middle-class, and the majority of USA people are peasants.
The best thing going forward the world can do is just ignore the USA.
Of course the only outstanding negative is the 1,000’s of USA bases all over the world, and the navy’s, air-force, marines that will continue to over-see the “OIL” because they’re the largest users. My guess is that the US-MIL will go private-mercenary, and break-away from the dying USA. The real question, so who on earth (CHINA-RUSSIA) will be the one to put the Yoke on the un-bridled US-MIL?
@ Occams
… ” us-mil will go private-mercenary … ” …
US-mil always has been private. From begining of usa.
Poor people of usa never had any influence on use of us_mil. Just provided soldiers.
Gen custer killing native americans , so called “indians” , for private interests of future big owners of american lands.
Indians being killed by blankets with poisoned germs of small_pox.
Was not it first intentional and harmfull use of germs to kill people ?
And now just repeated with military lab made viruses ? Kill them all ! Billions !
( execpt those multi_billionares ! , and some servants to serve them… )
So called nato is also private organisation directed by its private owner : deep state.
… ” and break away from dying usa … ” …
Yes. Highely likely .
They will just openly show who is real owner of usa military.
Deep state. Or , more precisely World deep state , over usa deep state.
Private owners of us slaves poor citizens , and other slaves throughout world.
A really staunch and cutting-edge analysis from Occam’s Razor — worthy of Sūnzī (of “Sūnzǐ bīng-fǎ” fame)!
Now we are left to ponder which of the famous 36 strategems have come into play: Maybe the 37th: “Of all the 36 strateggems, the best is to run away to live to fight another day”?
What must be defined when the coronavirus crisis passes is which of the two superpowers, the United States and China, will end up with more damage; which will have improved their capacities to face this type of crisis; which of the two economies will learn to better balance their internal strengths with the weaknesses that come from the international environment and which of the two has the strategic vision to take advantage of the lessons of this crisis, strengthening their alliances and their internal political and economic structure.
My bet is decidedly with the Chinese.
Yeah, Xi referencing Corona virus as “Devil” turned on red lights immediately for me as well. It was obvious what he meant.
This whole mess reminds me of a game of musical chairs, where, this time when music stops, a devil will be left standing alone for all to see.
Good work China!! To hell with the neoliberal scum!
Pepe mentions China sending help to Iran. Surely our refusal to lift sanctions on Iran during a time of plague counts as a war crime.
“War is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means” — von Clausewitz
The sanctions on Iran were illegally imposed, just like those against Iraq, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Syria, etc. etc. US foreign policy consists of one war crime piled on another.
Under what we used to call “international law”, all sanctions except from the UN are illegal.
The US Hegemon can enforce their illegal sanctions, cripple countries and kidnap or force extraditions, prosecute violators and corporations, imprison people. This is what the unipolar hegemony of the USA is all about.
You obey Washington, or you are destroyed.
Today, the US placed more sanctions on Iran.—pompeo/
Excellent article. Looks like the funny money cartel may well on their way to their very last hissy fit.
I wonder just how badly they would flip out if we mere mortals elected to completely disregard any, and all, of their rather arbitrary ‘non-disclosure orders and agreements’, just as a general rule. For starters…
Now, that is a well written document. It ties all the loose ends together from
– fort Detrick (potential source) to
– wuhan military games (potential transmission vector)
– China’s response of a people’s war ( potential confirmation of a bio weapon attack)
As I am no medic, I can point u to an article on gateway pundit that says hydroxy-chloroquine as an anti-viral with potential to cure coronavirus.
To answer the final question Pepe proffers, Yes, the war will continue until China is broken, contained, set back.
There is no indication that the State Powers of the Hegemon will relent. The Military will persist in an Indo-Pacific trapping of China within the inner islands. The Treasury Dept. will continue with sanctions and tariffs. The CIA will fund Hong Kong, Taiwan, Uyghur and Tibetan (Dalai Lama group) separatists.
And officials and the MSM and “Sino Experts” will continue to demonize the Chinese.
Pepe offers an idea that is very intriguing. Putin has killed OPEC+ in order to help China recover economically benefitting from low oil prices. That may be a corollary of his judo strike on US oil and LNG gas exports, fracking and shale industry. I doubt it as the primary target, or reason, regardless of how it benefits China short term to bounce back into full industrial operation after the shutdown for two months.
I did “read” the signals from Chinese leadership as Pepe has, interpreting key words that China understands they have been attacked and labeled as ‘the sick man of Asia’ by the influential US mouthpiece organ, the Wall Street Journal. This term resounds in Chinese culture and society as one of worst slurs from the West.
No question the Chinese officials and all the state institutions know for certain the war is on.
How they respond and counter-attack is to be discovered. It will take time.
First, the economy.
Then will come the move, not necessarily a strike. The game is GO, Weiqi. Stones will be taken from the board, the goban.
It is sometimes thought of as the encircling game.
Think how the Russian military tactically creates encirclements (cauldrons, boilers) as they trap and annihilate their enemies in Donbass and Syria. Perhaps, the GO move by Putin is what Pepe says it might be. A trap that captures the market for Russia and frees the trapped Chinese.
What is playing out is a grand strategic war for global power. It is existential. The hegemony of the US must kill off its rivals. There no longer is any lesser game to play. China has finally gotten to where Russia has been since 2004. They see the variety of weapons pointed at them, many already fired.
China took the blinders off with Hong Kong. When Wuhan erupted, they knew what happened. Now they believe what the cause was. Soon they will have the scientific proof.
Symbolism matters, especially words, for the Chinese. Pepe is spot on.
You are correct.
The biggest fear is that the losing party may use the nuclear approach to end the game by upending the board, instead of just resigning like a decent player would.
exactly! as larchmonter stated..the struggle is existential for the USA and that makes it so for China and Russia. and all who seek real independence in the world and try to run their nations independently.
the Hegemon must have it all and be free to impose always, whatever means and forms of organization he needs to keep his power over the globe. the Hegemon wont relent..he cant. its win or die!
is there any possibility at all of progressive internal social change in the USA..that may regime change the USA, pre empting the awful existential potential in the situation?
and what about Israel…there seems to be no likelihood of that at all
I’ll add this news today:
China is throwing out NYT, WaPo and WSJ reporters in retaliation for the US limiting Chinese Media in the USA.
I think that China can win this war by simply cutting off trade with the US. Consider that the US is completely dependend upon China for most of its goods, including medicines. By offshoring the US industrial base, the US has made itself utterly dependent upon China. Sure, the US could force some of these industries to return home (what happens if China nationalizes them?). Suppose China cuts of medicines and medical supplies at the time when US hospitals are utterly overflowing with coronavirus patients? Think you are short on basic items now, suppose the ships stop sailing from China? Wouldn’t a good time to do this to be in conjunction with the official announcement that the novel coronavirus was a bioweapon unleashed by the US?
The first step is to unpeg the yuan to the dollar. Screw the Rothchilds and Western banksters, they can keep their counterfeit legal tenders. All the endless trillions the Federal Reserve is now pumping out shows clearly why it makes no sense to have the US dollar as the global reserve currency.
China doesn’t need international markets to do well. It just needs to forget about the dollar and sell its products at home and to its allies. The US did quite well when it had primarily domestic markets, back when we actually made things here. Before the “financialization” of the ecconomy and the elimination of industry and Constitutional rights. All these damn neofascist neocons can burn in hell, the sooner the better.
If China just quits send all medical equipment, raw materials, drugs, and test-kits to USA, the entire North American continent will shrivel up and die.
That’s the not the Chinese way, better to wait for the white devil to crawl to China on its knees and beg for forgive.
China just wants to do business, USA just wants the world to be its Brothel. Sadly the people owning and ruling the USA speak for the citizens.
Most people around the world just want to live. China has raised 3/4 of a billion people from poverty to middle class in 30 years, in the same time the USA has brought its middle class into debt peonage. USA must destroy China, because they make a bad example.
The real issue that is not talked about is this ‘benevolent’ GOV thing, in the West say USA you can see the DEM party is malevolent, and the rePUG party is contemptuous. In Asia all people are one.
The USA style of Gov is going down, all on its own, the China, Russia, Iran, just need to build a virtual wall to keep the psychopath’s far away.
Just remembered this event, done again right near Xmas, in this case on DEC23/2019, when Russia did an “internet dark” test of its own designed internal parallel system.
Some called it the Russian Darknet.
notice it happened only about 2 weeks after 1st reports out of Wuhan. then barely 10 days after, Jan3/2020, they got Soleimani.
Nothing was said about whether it was ever turned off, how fast it could be re-enabled, nor if…the test really ran to include china. and possibly even iran, and thus would be talking/running ever since, which would be why china’s long-running “Dark internet” went dark around that same time, forever.
because remember how the goons thought it was funny when they cut all iran’s undersea inet cables all at once, around summer/2010?
It would explain why some of these mouthy deep state paid disinfo blatherers have been going on at least 2 months now about those evil chinee commies cutting off all the dark internet there, never to return, killing all data, video, bloggers, etc. to hide the true calamity.
It’s far deeper than government. It’s a cultural, some would say spiritual weakness of the West that community and society are assigned so little importance. What’s number one is, well, number one. The only entity that even competes with number one is the immediate, nuclear family.
The Achilles heel of the U.S. is its debt, both government and private. Government debt already exceeds 100% of GDP. The deficit was projected to be almost $1 Trillion this year (5% of GDP) before the virus. With the economic loss and the fiscal actions, stemming from the virus, we can now expect this year’s federal deficit to be 3 or 4 times that. All of this debt will be funded by the Fed printing money. Nobody has the capacity, or the willingness, to lend this money at 0% interest rates. And the U.S. cannot afford the interest payments anyway.
All of this money printing will put severe stress on the role of the $U.S. as the world’s reserve currency. I would not be at all surprised to see the Chinese and the Russians take this moment of weakness to attack the $U.S.’s position.
If the Chinese were, for example, to link the Yuan to gold, and then insist on carrying out all trade in Yuan, the $U.S. would collapse. Rampant inflation would ensue in the U.S., the country would become materially poorer, and it would no longer be able to fund its bloated military, and their overseas adventures.
The era of the U.S. as the world’s hegemon would be over, without firing a shot.
In all respect it appears the exact opposite is going to be true at least in the short term,(10 to like 30 years) by printing unlimited money, and being the reserve currency, you are only increasing, or strengthening, the currency by making certain everyone who uses the currency, has plenty of it.
In the past metals were used to curb the ability of a reserve currency to inflate to an unreasonable level, now there is no check on a reserve currency to limit the amount of currency used. This is uncharted territory, and it could be a long time to settle the currency waters,(or wars), and what mechanism will or can be used to curb global monetary inflation, not metals, probably not oil, this may not even be answerable any time soon aside from humans being totally f*cked beyond this point in time especially on a health care timeline basis.
God must be pleased at the direction taken or it wouldnt have been done this way.
The issue is that employing this mechanism leads to significant dollar strengthening which is ok in times of normality and low debt level. In times when everything is financed by debt the most important thing for a debtor is to sustain the interest payments. With sharply strengthening dollar the interest payments could not be sustained. If you look the tables you will see that system important commodities (oil, gold, silver, copper), stock indexes and benchmarks decrease in price but the dollar only gains which will make almost impossible paying of nterests.
A strong dollar and paying interest are only a problem for foriegn debters who need more of their currency to convert into dollars for payment like say Venezuela. Domestically a strong dollar and debt payments are not a concern as long as enough dollars are found or made to pay the debt.
No my friend. Strong dollar is problem for the corporate bond market and commercial debt in US. In order for corporation to pay interest they need to acquire dollars. When dollar is strengthening the said corporation is struggling to sell its products hence no fresh dollars enter the coffers. Strong dollar creates barriers to american trade (services too) and worsen the deficits. This guy explains it better than me:
I think they are totally independent of one another, business need to pay principle too,( a strong dollar makes raising capital overseas harder), only gvts have to pay only interest. Those same gvts operate on confidence to repay interest (or debts) by issuing bonds that the central bank buys.
Ratings agencies then rate the ability of gvts (or sometimes co’s) to repay that interest by taxation, if the odds are bad, the interest rate goes up. But since even the ratings agencies have become politicized, they wont act against gvts the same way they do or can against corporations.
Exactly. The big, huge dollar short that’s going on right now is the key to watching the U.S. financial warfare model implode. We’ll have to live through the worst of it in the next few months. This is why Putin crushed the price of oil, to lower the day-to-day costs for emerging markets and energy importers so they can funnel earned dollars to servicing debt while buying energy in ‘not-dollars.’
What do you think happens to the U.S. fiscal position when the USDX is trading at 160?
You think that’s good for us?
It’s armageddon. What we’ve seen so far is nothing.
I’ll write more on this in the coming weeks. Right now, the U.S. is imploding but still thinks it’s potent. But, it’s greatest weapons were just neutralized… my only hope is that Pompeo and Esper don’t go nuclear.
Great discussion folks, thanks!
Great to see you contributing to the discussion! Your financial and geo-political insights are most welcome here.
These emergency measures, employed by the FED and WH, have greatly accelerated the dollar’s demise as the World’s reserve currency. The dollar’s days as Hegemonic super fuel are numbered. 10 to 30 years more? Not a frosty the snowman’s chance in hades.
The collapse of dollar denominated global markets is resulting in an unprecedented surge in dollar value. The surge is merely temporary and in short order the dollar will form one crazy inverted V for the nice chart makers. And just like in 2008, Gold will explode. Only we won’t have to wait six months this time.
how fast can the US itself implode..BREAK-UP into its individual parts?
will Texas and Ohio declar independence and separate? will Oregon and California etc follow suit?
and will that be fast enough to make such as Pompeo redundant and neutralized in time?
”US Government debt already exceeds 100% of GDP. ” Quite so. But you can add in private debt – i.e., corporate, financial, household, personal, state and local to this. While you are at it there are the unfunded future liabilities – social security, medicare/aid, pensions. Throw in all of this and total debt will blow up the figure for sovereign debt to 5 times at the lower end or 10 times at the higher end.
To some extent the bernansk was correct when he said debt doesn’t matter, b/c unless there are some checks and balances, the debt only adds to future price inflation and the citizens ability and willingness to pay for things.
Imagine when gods bill goes from a billion dollars to two billion overnight, she’ll never make it home at this rate.
I agree. The US has used and abused of the privileges created by the dollar as a reserve currency; but, its days are counting. Indeed, it would be unwise to print more money; but, this will not stop the psychopaths in power from doing it, again. Trump has recently mentioned that he was willing to pay the US national debt. How? Printing more money, of course. This is a vicious cycle — a well-used term in development economics. Since the US is going down with this practice, they will go further down if they continue repeating it… At a certain stage they will need to stop, and the best time may be just now.
As to China, Iran, Italy … Hybrid wars are not easily identified; but, the Coronavirus is certainly part of it. We have enough evidence if we examine the events in those countries and take into consideration the US hostilities toward them. It seems such a diabolic act that I consider it a decision out of absolute despair — an act to halt the financial market crash that was coming and was inevitable.
In my view, Mr Putin chose exactly this time to cut the price of the oil, knowing, from the fragility of the financial market, that this would also crash the stock market. It was the Perfect Storm. It also crashed the US! The crash of the dollar is now imminent, as whatever the Fed does is not going to work and the world has now all the necessary stimulus to change the reserve currency.
We can almost touch the geopolitical chess being played, here. Russia has given a checkmate. The obscurity of the hybrid wars did not affect their mastery. China is now giving support to Iran and Italy, and even Cuba is coming out with its contribution to the new age of cooperation that is arriving. It is this cooperation that is giving us the clue of the beginning of the new era!
We have had a lot of wars in the last two decades or so. About thirty years of suffering, since the USSR decided to give a first step toward a world of cooperation — something that was brutally discarded by the perfidious minds of the westerners in power… Yugoslavia never comes out of my thoughts… I firmly believe that the time to rejoice is knocking on the door.
To Mod: thank you for the change you made in the original comment. First class approach! :)
Well said Larch. Maybe the Chinese will finally cut their losses and stop working for the funny money. They were on the fence when Russia got down and jumped into the fight with the Devil in Syria while bleeding in Ukraine and elsewhere, with the joint West sanctions imposed upon her, with the fifth-column opportunistic scum eagerly awaiting any wrong move by Putin, Soygu and others.
Russia and China working together can make the world a better place.
There is no question in my mind that corona virus is a bio weapon, covertly ‘exported’ to China, not only to subvert Chinese society and economy, but also to spread to China’s partner, Russia. It has, also, significantly spread to Italy, which showed such an interest for the Chinese Silk And Road Initiative. Yes, people would argue that the virus is not a bio weapon, since it would spread to those who made it. However, those who made it are covertly advocating the reduction of the worlds population, the “useless mouths to feed”.
I see that the Chinese have contained the virus, while in Russia there are less than a hundred cases, of which 10 % have already being cured. I am beginning to wonder if the Russians didn’t know in advance what was going to happen, taking appropriate precautions.
Xi and Putin are playing high-level chess. The orange buffoon and Pigpeo are playing paltry checkers.
The US continues to blame China for the virus.And now some top members in the US Congress are talking about canceling the US debts to China.Especially the over a trillion in US national debt bought by China.Using that as some kind of “reparations” to US citizens for the “Chinese virus” sweeping the US. I’ve been warning for years that foreign states buying US debt are going to be sorry.The only good that might come from that is that China won’t have the excuse of “protecting” their asset anymore.And will be forced to understand that unless they topple the US financial system first.The US will continue trying to destroy China’s economy.
Canceling the debt or possibly printing the money at the rate of $500 billion per day. At that rate you could skim off the trillion and simply “pay” it off effectively canceling the debt. This is going to lead to a hyperinflationary event rivaling weimer germany in the 20’s on a monetary basis, and instead of a starving population, we will be one committed to isolationism at any cost.
Yesterday Monday March17 was noted for being the 1st, so far only, day in FED history with $1Trillion in REPO’S handed out (chartered DEC 24/1913 for 100 years, running since past 6+ years without a renewed charter, never audited).
i think for the record this $1T is a 24-hour period day, starting with the unprecedented Sunday evening FED announcement.
also of note, Philippines is 1st country to shut their stock exchange ufn. NYSE on record saying they’re thinking about it, & are looking at ways to “do it remotely” with no humans massed together. that means it’s coming.
FED was put in place surreptitiously, final set-up welding it into the already well-established NBS under the national banking act of 1863, by shutting down the NYSE for 4 months july 31- dec 12/1914, again under guise of war measure but note that time only England/colonies was at war! usa not in till april/1917.
So, expect some variant of this soon (next 0- 2 years?) where a shutdown of most everything financial the FED/dollar debt note is replaced/rolled into something else with some kind of new currency, in which case all items in dollars will become meaningless.
But don’t worry because to mollify the masses at this loss, a variant of another fdr program will be implemented, where every citizen gets 40 acres and a mule, the title & location of said 40 acres to be determined for fairness by a national lottery.
In the 250 years history of USA they have defaulted on their debt like three times. ( Mostly back in early 1800’s )
The problem of course is that once the USA defaults on “Asian Debt”, then nobody on earth will do business with USA, it will be ‘Gold on Delivery” Period.
We all know that USA ain’t got no Gold. ( No audits of USA gold in 50+ years )
Ergo, it ain’t going to happen, in fact the USA will continue to milk the Chinese for real goods in exchange for toilet-paper FIAT for as long as it can.
The real deal, is when China tells the USA, that it must pay in Gold or Euro’s for product, then you got a real new world order.
Those were technical defaults (if defaults at all), not physical ones. All the Chinese can do, or any producer for that matter, is raise the price of said items forcing the lower classes to forgo purchasing of said items. This in turn only lowers the standard of living for the middle and lower classes, nothing else can be done.
Very good point, Uncle Bob, disastrous if prophetic.
I see a division in Europe between Protestant countries and Catholic countries; the primarily Protestant countries (Holland, Germany, UK) take a Darwinist, survival of the fittest, “herd immunity” approach; their goal is to let the virus go it’s course and have 50%+ of the healthy population infected with side effect that the weak might perish, they do this because of economic reasons and to create group immunity.
The Catholic countries take a Social and Humane approach; they will try to save the weak at the expense of the economy. Interesting is that the border between Germany and Catholic Austria is closed while the border between Germany and Holland remain open!
Serbia’s puppet president Vucic, a British lapdog and traitor, is also following the British Darwinist “herd immunity” approach, in Serbia they locked up elderly of 70+ of age in their homes, they are not allowed to leave. while nightlife and coffeeshops are still open! These are exactly the same measures in Britain! In the Serb part of Bosnia you do not have this “herd immunity” approach, their leader Dodik is anti-imperialist and a patriot.Vucic, the traitor, on the other hand, studied in Britain, he was classmates with Boris Johnson and a personal friend! Vucic has shown his true colors, that of the Darwinist neo-liberal globalist kind and of a Nazi traitor!
Another issue with the “herd immunity” approach is they are wrong in their believes the Coronavirus only affects the old and the sick, in reality in Holland more than half of the patients in intensive care are below the age of 50 years, there is also a 16 year old healthy boy in intensive care. A Belgian doctor is surprised to see lungs accumulated with fluid and 30% damaged in healthy 30 year olds, he is saying this is life threatening situation!
As an eastern orthodox myself i must say i have my deepest respect for the Catholic countries, they showed their humanity! I must say i am deeply ashamed of Serbia, Britain and Holland!
Speaking of, here’s the church of Ol’ Blighty’s response to all this:
The Church of England has suspended all services until further notice, saying it must become “a different sort of church in these coming months”.
However, weddings and funerals may still go ahead, a spokesperson said.
Hi dave,
I am from Holland and many here (myself included) are utterly disgusted by actions, actually inactions, of the government. By the actions of the Chinese we gotten a head start of a couple of weeks, what did they do, 0. Actually it seemed policy of trying to get the virus here, spread it as wide as possible, not prepare in advance so the impact would be way bigger then it could be. Once the virus arrived, more of the same nothing actions. Refusing to test, not telling people to prepare and so on. Only when it was clear the virus was spreading uncontrollable they did some things. Again, not nearly enough. Acrually also BLAMING! people who were responsible by preparing to being evil and so on.
I have to admit this thought has crossed my mind more then once, did they do this on purpose so our failing pension and social security system can be brought back to solvency by letting the elderly die enmasse? Politicians cant be that evil now can they? Ill let you decide on that question yourself.
Apparently Boris Johnson has changed his mind…
“Even Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson has changed his mind. Instead of taking it “on the chin” as he had suggested and letting many people die until the rest achieves ‘herd immunity’ Britain will now finally try to stop the spreading epidemic.”
Germany has a population consisting of 28% catholics and 26% protestants, so your sectarian-divide theory is nonesense. But if you would focus your eye on the way banking is (historical) conducted in the UK/Netherlands vis-a-vis Germany, ie financial banking vs industrial banking, you may have a more senseful theory
Anonymous, i am not saying practicing protestants themselves are Darwinist but their countries do have a history of Social Darwinism. Germany is a country with a majority religious protestants and is itself a culturally protestant country, majority Catholics are living in Bavaria. Darwinism was more popular in culturally protestant countries up till WW2, Darwinism was more popular in Britain, Nazi Germany and other culturally protestant countries, while in culturally and religious Catholic countries you also had fascism but that was fascism in religion not in blood and race like in culturally protestant countries.
We see this divide today in Europe too; culturally protestant countries countries favor the Darwinist “herd immunity” approach while the culturally Catholic countries favor the social and humane approach with regards to COVID-19.
But there has been a change of mind recently in Britain: “Even Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson has changed his mind. Instead of taking it “on the chin” as he had suggested and letting many people die until the rest achieves ‘herd immunity’ Britain will now finally try to stop the spreading epidemic.”
I am still waiting for culturally protestant Holland to change it’s course from the “herd immunity” approach to a more social and humane approach. Holland had announced on their NOS news that they are taking the”herd immunity” Darwinist approach which might kill 300,000 they say on news, economic activity must not be interrupted no matter what! Their estimates of 300,000s deaths are highly conservative in my opinion and their beliefs that economic activity won’t be interrupted while half the population is either sick or dead, is rather a naive thinking.
What a flip flop. Holy Roman Empire vs. Rome and other Catholics.
Anonymous, when Merkel is saying more than half of the German population will be infected, that means Germany is taking the “herd immunity” approach.
Britain’s Boris Johnson changed his mind about the “herd immunity approach” just recently, will Germany, Holland and Serbia change their mind too?
I am a British Catholic who knows that the Pol Pot of our history was Henry VIII who made a grab of Catholic land and buildings to add to his own and distributed the rest to his landed gentry mates. The people hated having their precious religion taken from them, but they were crushed. That has been the history of Protestant countries ever since, look at Trump and his grab for oil. True Roman Catholic response is usually always supernatural. Pope Saint Pius V made Catholic Europe pray the holy rosary to defeat the Turks which led to the defeat of the vastly superior Muslim forces at the Battle of Lepanto. This saved Catholic Europe. After the war when Austria had been occupied by communist forces, the Catholics prayed the rosary, and mysteriously the Russians retreated.
The problem is that from the hierarchy of the Catholic Church to the common man have apostatised from the Catholic faith and have made peace with the world, they have raised the red flag and denied their God. To the point that the man called Francis is an antipope, the devil’s hireling, a known Freemason who is leading Catholics to hell. The bishops have carried out this evil man’s words and stopped the sacraments, closing churches; fulfilling the words of the Prophet Daniel stopping the sacrifice (the Holy Mass). These are the end times. How long they will last, we know not, but we do know that God by His permissive will allows it in order to bring man back to his senses and to the triune God. The greatest act will be a global chastisement not seen since the flood. The Blessed Virgin came in 1917 to Fatima calling upon Catholics to pray the rosary. This is the only remedy to the evil in the world. The supernatural.
The Empire has been very quiet for some time now, against Iran, Russia, China, Syria, too quiet it seems. The once blustering Trump, Bolton, and Pompeo are silent. Threats, sanctions, and verbal diarrhea against all has ceased. There are great things happening behind the curtain, and probably some fearful. Hopefully we will see and be satisfied with that knowledge, good or bad! Pepe does give us some light on this. Some very provocative insights from him.
Psyops Cuba
I don’t even remember when I first heard it, but I remember being cajoled into laughing at Cuba’s ‘free but terrible’ healthcare system. I had no idea that any innovations originated from Cuba, do any of the U.S. aligned countries in the Americas have any such achievements?
Is China working on a vaccine, all I hear about are U.S. and European companies. I am curious about the state of their pharmaceuticals. The world is a better place if all of the best brains are developing medicines, at least I think so.
China is working testing drugs for the US. They are also working on their own drugs and vaccines. They also have some evidence that TCM herbals help with some symptoms.
When you look at US high tech in all sectors, you are talking about Chinese minds working here and over there. The Chinese students, grads, employees and creators are deep into US industry. There are virtually no labs, corporations or university research units that are not populated with brilliant Chinese minds.
Obviously, with China under the gun from the Hegemon, the instinct for all Chinese overseas is to work to help the motherland.
There is a very interesting article on Colonel Cassad today about the biggest Chinese corporations making very fast concerted efforts to assist Wuhan and the Chinese effort to conquer the virus. They acted using all their financial and logistical powers and systems to bring to Wuhan and into China all materials, devices and supplies the nation needed.
Thierry Meyssan, today, has an article about China’s use of Cuban drug and preparation of testing of Russian vaccine prototypes:
“The international press has ignored the thanks of the president Xi Jinping to his counterpart in cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, on the 28th of February last. Therefore, it did not mentioned the role of Interferon Alfa 2B recombinant (IFNrec). By contrast, it referred to the use of chloroquine phosphate that was already in use against malaria. Nothing about the state of research in the area of vaccine. China should be able to perform the first tests on the man at the end of April, the laboratory of the research Institute of vaccines and sera in Saint Petersburg has already developed five prototypes of the vaccine.”
The Cubans have also flown massive amounts of Interferon Alfa 2B recombinant (IFNrec) to Italy.
that’s good news about Cuba sending Interferon to Italy. It would be good if the Axis of Kindness could grow.
From Wikipedia: “Cuba has 42,000 workers in international collaborations in 103 different countries, of whom more than 30,000 are health personnel, including no fewer than 19,000 physicians.”
Their system of sending medical professionals abroad dates back to shortly after the revolution.
Could Cuba save Italy and the world from Coronavirus? – Excerpts
While the first clinical test for a Coronavirus vaccine started in the United States today,
Cuba may have already developed a successful medicine able to cure COVID-19. The
western world has been slow to recognize the potential that this small Caribbean nation
is contributing to the biggest challenge the world has faced in a very long time.
It’s almost a miracle Cuba only has four active but not serious infections of Coronavirus.
No one died in Cuba from a COVID-19 infection yet. The sick in Cuba include three Italian
tourists and one Cuban national with dozens of others quarantined out of precaution with
suspected but unconfirmed cases under quarantine.
The Cuban pharmaceutical industry guaranteed Saturday the production of the 22 drugs
used for the treatment of the COVID-19 coronavirus, especially Interferon Alpha 2B, which
has proven to be very effective in fighting the disease.
Some 10 years ago, when I visited Cuba, I discovered that it had more than 50 universities, of which 9 were medical. The Cuban revolution was led by young doctors and medical students (including Castro). It invested a lot into public healthcare, and its people enjoy free medical care and one of the longest average lifespans in the world.
It has a tradition of offering medical aid to oppressed nations in S.America & Africa. It offered the USA help (2000 medics) after the Kathrina disaster, partly as a good-will gesture, but were spurned by the Bush administration (followed by the total mess, chaos and historical government incompetence).
There was a large Cuban medical team in Brasil for a number of years. Some 3-4 months ago the trumpean fascist Bolsnaro ordered them to leave, accusing them of spying. Now with the pandemic raging, he is beging them to return.
Many people from Europe go for medical treatment to Cuba.
Жељко из Крајине.
Yes, China’s vaccine is near clinical test stage. Trial tests on animals shows clear viral suppressions and little ill side effects. It looks very promising. Note that China has the habit of refrains from announcing any news unless it is certain of its outcome. Take heart my fellow human!
More msm view:
chinese students at UK universities are “fleeing back to China” amid concerns about the British government’s handling of the spread of the virus and an increase in racist attacks triggered by so-called maskaphobia.
Thanks and my compliments mr. Escobar, you were on fire again.
Considering the ‘purpose’, may I attend to two articles that I hit upon today. Firstly, the tiny and sympathic nation of Denmark pushed a law for forced vaccination, with punishment for refusal:
“Citizens who refuse to be tested for the coronavirus will face fines and potential prison time, and will be prevented from entering shops, grocery stores, public institutions and hospitals while also being restricted from using public transport.”
Sounds a lot like the social points system in China, doesn’t it?
When a nation like Denmark starts this, then beware: it’s a try out for acceptance. Funny question remains how the TPTB want to enroll this in, say, Africa.
Which brings me to an interesting article of the here well-known Peter Koenig:
Let me give my own simplified summary: The fear and panic will be used for forced vaccinations with some microscopic chip, the ultimate goal to be control.
Is that possible? Just try to find the RFID chip in your passport, when you walk to Customs in an airport with your pass in your hand, they already know who you are.
There are three things in this article that I want to lift out.
“This has been on the drawing board for years. The final decision to go ahead NOW, was taken in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos – behind very much closed doors, of course. The Gates, GAVI (an association of vaccination-promoting pharmaceuticals), Rockefellers, Rothschilds et al, they are all behind this decision – the implementation of Agenda ID2020 – see below.
After the pandemic has been officially declared, the next step may be – also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, “force vaccination”, under police and/or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same).”
There are no sources mentioned, but I reckon it’s more based on whispering trusted people than Twitter.
“What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity.
Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020?”
An intriguing question indeed. I tend to say the last possibility.
“The death rate of Italy is almost double that of Iran and almost ten-fold that of average Europe.”
There are slightly different strains of the virus active. Another point of attention might be the strong age dependancy on mortality chance, since Italy has the oldest citizens in Europe.
Then the intriguing question where this will end.
I have such an idea. Just look at this example:
People in the USA call 9-11 because the neighbours are coughing, and the whole cavalry comes into action.
If this is the efficiency of the US pandemic handling, I have such a hunch that when the infections, sicks and deaths really put through, panic and riot will result. In the city of Bologna (Italy) they have 50 Covid-19 deaths *per day*. Compare it to the size of an US city and try to imagine.
Just compare the situation to where I live in Europe. We are in a social lockdown, streets are empty, from tomorrow only supermarkets, tank stations, paper and magazine stores and pharmacies are open. Rest of stores is closed, as also are cinemas, bars, restaurants, sport clubs and any social events. Hospitals are in Defcon 1.
Could the USA handle this? Yes, blowback is a bitch.
Cheers, Rob
Do you all remember when the Malay plane flying to China went missing?
They were flying the Freescale Engineers who had developed a human active chip, that could be shot in the arm, and would monitor the entire human body, and talked wifi, it was passive, but they also had active means to power.
Rothschilds are said to have owed Freescale and all the patents to this chip.
The Freescale team was flying to China, they went missing, the plane never found. Some say Diego-Garcia, but never mind, it ties into this issue.
Chinese people were upset, it was clear USA had stole the airplane, made it disappear. The Chip being developed by Freescale was part of Obama-Care, besides the website the chip was included in the plan to monitor all in the USA, and later all on earth. Rothschild wanted to share with the Chinese, the USA (CIA-MOSSAD) obviously didn’t want the Chinese to get this team, so they disappeared them
Most interesting is that SERCO did the ATC do track the plane, they also runs the worlds ATC’s, they also developed the Boeing-BUAP, the software that allows post 911 to force any western plane on earth to ‘fly home’; SERCO also manages most of the satellites for the West, so they can blind anybody they wish.
Serco also owns ABC-MEDIA-Ltd, which owns Zerohedge. Serco has been around +100 years, they used to be called RCA-UK (Bush Family principal owners in 1920’s, bankers to Hitler & adv electronic supplier to Nazi German ), part of the RCA in USA, the biggest electronics in their day, radio & radar, which is how they took over the worlds ATC, but also the worlds prisons, which is how they groom and train ‘manchurian candidate’ people for missions all over the world.
The Chinese Gov did nothing to the west for stealing the plane, they just ignored it, took it on the chin. Most likely this virus thing too, the Chinese will just take it on the chin, they fought the virus they won. Just like Russia, wait for the right time to hit back at Uncle Schmuel. Besides who is to say that there is not some in China that Support Israel Zio-Nazi hegemony? Just like Italy, or Iran there are people everywhere that support the ‘dark side’ for financial gain. Just like the virus taking out the rich chinese owned factorys of Northern Italy, there are some Italians that support the murder of their own people, in exchange of buying the Chinese assets for cheap, distress sale post-virus.
In summary this tale of the virus, and chipping humans and forced vaccination is a very old story, and part of the NWO, but there are competing powers that want to control everything.
“Just try to find the RFID chip in your passport, when you walk to Customs in an airport with your pass in your hand, they already know who you are.”
Not if you put your pasport a couple of seconds in the microwave oven. Tried it, chip dead, passport still accepted as the older versions without chip. Just takes a bit more time to pass security and customs.
We may well doubt the amount of deaths by corona virus you mentioned. Please read the article by Jon Rappoport I just posted.
According to him the president of the Italian Higher Institute of Health has recently admitted that maybe 2 (two!!!) patients in Italy have truly died of CoV, so definitely not 50 per day like you wrote. Those high numbers written about by the MSM are the third kind of lies according to Mark Twain, statistics, which as you know, can easily be (mis)used to become the worst kind of lies.
Take care and stay healthy!
Its a pandemic. The doctors and other health care workers are being run ragged. They probably don’t have time to perform proper autopsies on the dead that are piling up. Think about it.
My great grandfather ( in Portugal ) was a kid when the Spanish flu hit his town. Him and his father volunteered to go around and pick up the dead and throw them into charnel pits. They had no time to perform proper burials.
“According to him the president of the Italian Higher Institute of Health has recently admitted that maybe 2 (two!!!) patients in Italy have truly died of CoV, so definitely not 50 per day like you wrote.”
I agree that official numbers are to take with some salt. Therefore I’m espacially careful with MSM statements, and also with anything else. However, I have relatives and friends working in local hospitals, and I can account for them it is a warzone and I simply don’t believe this.
Btw, I grant everybody the same as you wrote: Bleib gesund (stay healthy).
Cheers, Rob
“Adding all that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan, …”
Unfortunate that the writer does not give a reference for this statement. I’ve done a quick search but can find nothing. I’d like to see this claim for myself.
The data from the Pasteur Institute is that, after they submitted French infective samples of the genome to the Corona Virus sub-group of the Global Initiative for sharing all Data on Influenza – – no differences in type were discovered among ANY of the various samples submitted then, and the conclusion that the virus was the same in all places with no mutations was accepted. ,Thus it is curious that these 2 are claimed to be substantially different.
Another interesting statement is the claim by Chinese scientists that this virus bears no resemblance to Wuhan bats virus. Thus, it should be possible to ask America to submit samples from all it’s bats. After all, America has bats too. Should they demonstrate origin of virus to be American – that would put the Empire well and truly up the Famous Creek without a paddle.
However, if indeed America did grow a newly discovered variant which could infect humans – we can have no doubt they would use anyone as a guinea pig, they’ve done that before – and then infected China via Wuhan, leading the Chinese, on discovery of this act, to become very scared at what had been done to them, and thus initiate urgent high containment procedures as a proactive measure before the details of the virus were discovered, the resultant panic blow back across the rest of the world can be well and truly laid at the door of the Occult State.
It could also explain the otherwise inexplicable extreme measures being taken by the rest of the world – scared that the US managed to create a monster, rather than just isolate another new variant.
As Gerald Celente quotes from the Bronx “Payback’s a bitch”.
I read in several places that there are two strains. Here is mainstream media link describing the existence of the two strains.
Two strains. Two different geographic locations. Simultaneously. How did a bat in Wuhan manage this?
Good question, Serbian Girl.
The involvement of bats is debatable.
There are even more strains, varieties, whatever you want to name it. There has been a painstaking effort to chart them with location. Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese sources contribute the findings to the logical conclusion that the location with all varieties *must* be the original source.
And it’s not China:
I think in China they knew this right away.
Cheers, Rob
comment from Eric Feigh-Ding – Epidemiologist
“analysis tree of German #COVID19 cases? They are from 4 different virus branches
this means there are multiple different points of introduction of cases which seeded German epidemic. This epidemic is simply unchecked in spread.
Three new genomes from Germany shared by the Center of Medical Microbiology, Virology, and Hospital Hygiene, University of Duesseldorf. Germany currently shows a mix of separate introductions alongside a community cluster in North Rhine Westphalia.”
Twitter stream:
Thankfully, Escobar mentioned this a hybrid war and, “possibly,” a giant psyop to achieve full spectrum dominance. I’d go one further. This is either the big push for full spectrum dominance, or one of the few remaining hoaxes before the real satanic rebellion begins.
Let’s hope no lgbt parades get cancelled.
Now that’s not very “sensitive” of you, Paul. (sarc)
But more seriously: Better you think of the “normals” ….innocents! (by your and my standards, probably…) that might get infected after the parades,,,,,, and not support the continuation of those parades, on public health grounds…..for the entire population’s sake.
On thing I am observing among plenty of people here is an obsession with division and conflict ad infinitum….as though a new paradigm of Multi-Polar Cooperation were axiomatically impossible and Trump had not weathered and turned back a nearly 4 year Deep State effort to take him out……and their ammunition is now exhausted
In reality, aside from existential battles over scarce supplies of toilet paper…. there is an extraordinary degree of calm unity emerging among ordinary US liberals and conservatives… some notable measure at least, as Dave of X22 Report points out today on today’s Quite Frankly:
People who disregard ANY difference within the US (in terms of rationals versus wackos…patriots versus Imperialist Traitors) are making the same dumb error of oversimplification that cheerleaders for the underdog (Russia, China, Iran…e.g…and I am among those sympathetic to nearly ALL opponents of Empire ) make when they forget that EVERY area of the world has its traitors and sell outs, as well as its patriots.
And in terms of Corona….and the origination of the virus from the US by one faction…(DS) and substantially neutered by its opponents…(according to the thesis I make available here…) .no hypothesis could possibly be more challenging in complexity…..than that which Dave reported on as originating from a summary by Dr Russell McGregor…………..
who states point blank that the US (YES! But which faction?????) DID introduce COVID 19 into China late last fall.
Like Dave…and Frank….I won’t yet stake my life on all the fascinating conclusions Dr McGregor lays out….but I don’t find it possible to yet dismiss them either.
Despite the fact that they may cause a personal crisis in those daring to even consider McGregor’s intricately detailed thesis.
But we’ll soon find out how right or wrong he is! True or Not True???
Not true, unfortunately, if one cannot even for 20 minutes or so consider something that challenges their former mostly set in stone views. Which they find too emotionally gratifying to ever alter
But TRUE…if any of you can.
Then we can compare notes. Before the end of April.
The spread of coronavirus and its multiple strains circulating throughout the eastern hemisphere of the planet is cause for concern that should bring to bear commonsense, good personal hygiene, and contact avoidance with obviously infected people.
Here in the U.S., the healthcare mavens and the politicos in government are completely ignoring the annual influenza epidemic. So far, 29,000,000 (29 million) Americans have been infected with the flu this season, which runs from October of the previous year through May of the current year (2019 – 2020), a total of 244 days in this leap year. That averages out to 118,852 Americans being infected every day. In addition, 280,000 have been hospitalized and over 4,500 have died of the flu alone.
Source: (download the data for National / Custom Data / 2019-2020)
The physical symptoms of coronavirus are nearly identical to influenza with the exception being shortness of breath. The U.S. CDC doesn’t consider the annual flu occurrence an epidemic but instead an endemic, meaning a predictive disease of a regular pattern. That’s why the flu is referred to as “seasonal” and within normal expectancy. People who are elderly or have compromised or underdeveloped immune systems die from the flu by the hundreds every year.
The first person to die of coronavirus in New York City was an 80 year old woman who suffered from emphysema. She tested positive for the disease but there was no mention of her being tested for influenza first, since that disease has the greater occurrence in New York State, which stands at 147,220 to date.
Perhaps an elderly patient diagnosed with coronavirus and influenza may be treated differently by the healthcare professional that could result in a different outcome; we may never know.
If I went to the doctor and complained about, coughing, sneezing, muscle aches, chills, intestinal disorder and fever back in November of 2019, I probably would have been treated for influenza. Since COVID-19 arrived, this disease is getting all the attention and influenza is being ignored in most cases, when it should not be. The government and the media are purposefully creating mass, frenzied psychosis to emotionally paralyze the American people and drive them into a state of nosophobia.
As far as spreading infection by an asymptomatic patient (infected person with no visible symptoms), there has been no confirmation that has happened yet. The NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) published an article that reported a woman who visited China and infected people while displaying no symptoms when she returned to Germany was found to be in error.
Source: .
The 14 day self-quarantine protocol is going to be a problem because there is no way to enforce it and there is no guarantee the patient will not test positive for coronavirus again, which triggers another 14 day period. We could wind up with a nation of infected people like Mary Mallon (“Typhoid Mary”) who spent the rest of her life quarantined away from the general public.
I haven’t touched on the effect of COVID-19 on the domestic economy because it’s too scary to think about. But sooner or later the government “brain-trust” is going to have to relax the self-quarantine rule and come up with something better.
Seems that the Wuhan Military Games is becoming a focal point of how one version of the virus got to China. That the Italian and Iranian versions are ‘supposed’ different strains………………hmm, if they really are, no room left but to blame a State Actor(s).
Although I still don’t rule out religious fanatics (at State Actor bidding) carring out simutanious attacks. No shortage of indoctrinated minds willing to strap on a suicide belt……is a human delivered bio attack any different? Just a thought.
Q: Will imperial elites still choose to keep waging full-spectrum-dominance hybrid war against China?
A: Yes, because to them war is the only answer, no matter the problem. This time around, however, it’s going to be a truly monumental defeat for US imperialism in particular. As the virus has reached continental US, its cities rife with drug addicts and faeces — accompanied by a horrid extortion racket masquerading as ”healthcare” — will become ravaged by the pandemic. Given the quality of the US infrastructure and of the country’s moronic majority population, the Corona virus will strike a jolting blow right in the Exceptionals’ and Indispensables’ faces. The US is on its last legs.
100year/200year in game
Mao Shengyong:
Building a well-off society in an all-round way is the first hundred-year struggle goal of the two hundred-year struggle goals put forward by the party’s 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is a solemn commitment made by our party and must be achieved. However, the content of a well-off society in an all-round way is very rich. From my personal understanding, the most important thing from the present point of view is: first, we must resolutely win the battle against poverty. General Secretary Xi Jinping recently had an important speech. We must study it carefully.
USA / depression / recession / war
China / Ending social inequality (through the Chinese Communist Party) / prosperity / peace
Great article! New perspectives that only Pepe can put on paper.
I would like to remark that in Austria – even Roman-Catholic mostly – the thought wasn’t to “save” older people. It was merely to save enough beds in hospitals for younger people affected by the CORONA-19 virus. This is the main thought.
However, younger people offer older ones help if they cannot move or have difficulty to go to buy important medicines meals etc. So neighborhood has been emerged which I find is a wonderful side aspect.
But to be precise: hospital beds are saved for the younger population and not for older affected and sick people. There will no – except for a real real emergency – an open hospital for older people for the time being. At the moment until 4th of April 2020.
So anyone who had put a “wonderful thought” on for example Roman-Catholic Austria should read and regard it more in practical ways and about facts.
And the reality read too that older people have been “put in some sort of quarantine” i.e. “not to show off”.
What luck!
Hooman trials already.
About 35 companies and academic institutions are racing to create such a vaccine, at least four of which already have candidates they have been testing in animals. The first of these – produced by Boston-based biotech firm Moderna – entered human trials this week.
The cover smoke of blatant lies in msm “news” tells you how desperate they are to hide the true footprint of the origin & timeline of migration/release, like this one:
Though nobody could have predicted that the next infectious disease to threaten the globe would be caused by a coronavirus – flu is generally considered to pose the greatest pandemic risk –
Though nobody could have predicted that the next infectious disease to threaten the globe would be caused by a coronavirus
Really? The article specifically mentions that the Event 201 exercise of 18 October 2019 was based on a pandemic caused by a coronovirus. As Pepe says, by magnificent coincidence, the Wuhan military games opened on the same day.
“Nobody could have predicted” reminds me of Condi Rice’s statement about the passenger jets crashing into the World Trade Centre even though the US administration was running an exercise based on this scenario on the very day it happened.
Actually, it was a quite advanced plot Bojinka in the mid-1990’s philippines , a half dozen year b4 911, where this exact plot was supposedly broken:
According to another account, some of the bombs would be timed to go off weeks or even months later. Presumably worldwide air travel could be interrupted for months. [Lance, 2003, pp. 260-61] A second wave of attacks involving crashing airplanes into buildings in the US would go forward later, once the pilots are trained for it (see February-Early May 1995).
“Beijing is carefully, incrementally shaping the narrative that, from the beginning of the coronovirus attack, the leadership knew it was under a hybrid war attack.”
Narrative for whom? The Chinese or the West?
The West already has their own narrative which goes like this: The virus originated in China, either from a bat or a lab in Wuhan. The Chinese leadership initially tried to cover-up the outbreak, whistleblowing doctors were “silenced” and thus the virus went global. Nobel prize winner Vargas Llosa has now been trotted out to claim that if China had been a ” free” country then this virus would have been nixed in no- time.
It seems to me China does not care much for the western narrative otherwise they would have presented their argument in much more forceful terms. If they indeed have proof that the virus was engineered and released by the US, then it would be a golden opportunity to totally discredit the US leadership on a global scale…but until they do that, they will have to put up with snide innuendos and accusations from useful idiots, Nobel prize winners, who don’t understand subtlety or science…
Vargas Llosa thinks it was a necessary and good thing that the US waged war on Iraq.
He’s always been a useful tool of Western “democracy” dropped from bombers, served up from assassins’ guns, imposed in dark cellars with electric shock, or however the Exceptional Nation chooses to impose it.
Vargas Llosa biggest idol use to be Margret Tatcher. He is a neonazi pretending to be humanist dvs more dangerous that an open neonazi.
He’s like a Latino Bernard-Henri Levy. From a lofty perch, safely ‘dropping’ on anything he doesn’t like.
The interview with the Russian academician was excellent, but this article is unfortunately fostering paranoia that the virus is an artificial bioweapon. Of course to some extent Pepe is just following the lead of Zhao Lijian. I find it hard to believe that the Chinese leadership takes this ‘US Army’ theory seriously. I would rather see this as counter-propaganda, either against the association of the virus with China by western sinophobes, or as a strike against outright psyops trying to make the virus look like an artificial Chinese creation.
“The interview with the Russian academician was excellent,”
Yeah, do not tell me, because at certain time, he, probably a Russian liberal, tries to present us Trump as an effective manager who, as he states ( as if he, the Russian neumologist had been present in the room, or Trump would had communicated him by Twitter ), had prepared the meeting very well.
Fortunately, the interviewer was smart there, pointing out that he probably knew more on this issue than Trump
On the other hand, I would strongly suggest that the glaringly miscreant behaviour of the US, since at least the middle of the last century, would make the “US Army” theory worthy of strong consideration. Perhaps you could give us substance as to why you can’t get your head around this suggestion.
Disease often jumps between species (e.g. “swine flu”), and SARS-like viruses are found in Chinese bats. So it’s the kind of thing that can happen naturally. Whereas for the ‘US Army theory’, you have to suppose a secret lab where the SARS-like virus is made, a military faction with access to the virus who are willing to release it despite the global connectedness of the world, and who had an agent in the Military Games delegation that smuggled it through Chinese customs.
Fort Derrick, Maryland or Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah.
Wow, Mr. Escobar. My hat is off to you. I had to read this article three times before I felt like I had a reasonable handle on it. How in the hell do you figure this stuff out? A social engineering method for putting the whole world on “pause” as if the cabal pointed a remote control on collective humanity and simply made it stop. What’s more, it did so while all humanity sheered on the pause, demanded it even. A new era of full spectrum dominance in social control. So, who would be pushing a psy-op like this? Not real certain the Chinese have the cajones to really drag the cabal into the street for a brawl.
One of Pepe’s best articles! A beacon of truth. Sadly and scarily, I agree 100% with his insights and intuitions. Let us all be prepared for what may come.
Any comment on this?
The whole story about transmission from Hubei is total BS.
10,050 Chinese from Hubei visit Beijing (resulting in 442 confirmed cases)
17,160 Chinese from Hubei visit Shanghai China (resulting in 353 confirmed cases)
9,342 Chinese from Hubei visit Hong Kong China (resulting in 141 confirmed cases)
59 Chinese from Hubei visit New York US (resulting in 613 confirmed cases)
145 Chinese from Hubei visit Vancouver (resulting in 0 confirmed cases)
0 Chinese from Hubei visit Greece (resulting in 228 confirmed cases)
0 Chinese from Hubei visit Sydney Australia (resulting in 112 confirmed cases)
5 Chinese from Hubei visit Iran (resulting in 12,729 confirmed cases)
1 Chinese from Hubei visits Italy (resulting in 21,157 confirmed cases)
How come visitors from Hubei to major Chinese cities have almost zero transmission rate.
How come visitors from Hubei overseas have very high transmission rates.
CONCLUSION: The disease is being deliberately transmitted to certain areas.
If you can stop these people deliberately transmitting the disease it will go away.
Where did you get this info re visitors?
The disease has hit 3 separate and geographically distant countries the hardest: China, Iran and Italy. All 3 strategically located on OBOR. (Italy was the only G7 country to have joined OBOR last year)
Look at the horror that governments have wrought on humanity and all life on our planet!!! There is only one problem! That people are so weak minded and weak willed and morally decicient to permit government to exist in this way, with no accountability whatsoever! and clearly it is government that is the hub of all organized crime, atrocity, unspeakable acts, genocide, and degradation of environments,,, this clip reveals how it is the metal in chem trails that allow 5G to destroy our lives!
Not too many “chemtrails” now that most of commercial passenger flight has been grounded.
I wonder does 5 G still do its dance with chemtrails now.
It is worth noting that 60 GHZ transmission frequencies are being licensed for this technology.
60 GHZ has wavelengths in the order of nanometers.
These frequencies penetrate the entire organism of the human body and more accurate information is needed on the effects of constant exposure to such.
Concerns are being raised that it could interfere with oxygen metabolism. Oxygen absorbs 60 GHz millimeter waves. Quoting one scientist in a private communique:
“Resonant absorption and associated rotational effects. Does not “destroy” oxygen but may result in breaking the bond of O2 molecules and thereby affect haemoglobin uptake.”
Today I did some research into the Frequencies of the licences already operational in Ireland on the
COMREG communications regulatory agency website.These licences are for up to 26GHZ range,however,an entity can obtain a temporary license for one year for trials, number and locations of transmission sites must be submitted.
The upper limit of the frequencies is given as ……,
240GHZ .
This is in a country that is hugely dependent on all the high tech big players.Who all have extensive facilities here.
Experiments ?
I does not surprise that such little research from the perspective of human health is published on this site and if it is it is buried in an almost endless sub menu section that it may take many hours of reading to find any item of relevance to the subject of health.
It may be that this template is in place in many countries.
Stay well all
Read a state that says it affects blood Type-A more than anyone. It also gets them hard.
Does anyone have any distribution of this blood type in the most impacted countries?
If it goes after only a certain type, looks like it has found a weakness…
I’ve heard of this too, but consider it only a rumor. In Japan, type A predominates, while in China, type O does. Japan has not been seriously hit yet, though the virus is spreading here.
Here’s links to blood types by country:
There is speculation that Type A is at greater risk but I suspect many other factors are more relevant.
Careful with the math otherwise you may fall prey to the “40% of people absent by “illness” from work involved Mondays and Fridays” syndrome.
This is completely fake news, b/c type A is the only thing that will save you from this bug. Nice try though.
Speaking of fake news………
Going into DuckDuckGo search engine and searching for “wet market wuhan” and perusing the results reveals that the top hits are all from either American,British or European operations.Such as……business insider… ……Bloomberg …YouTube etc
Doing a similar search “wet market wuhan cctv” or “wet market wuhan xinhua “ or “wet market wuhan global times”throws up slightly different results,but,only slightly.
Cross checking ,said American and British websites give little or no information about themselves and have no such references from their own search fields about themselves.
….pedia gives this info.
Xinhua states “the result suggest that the novel coronavirus outbreak is highly relevant to the trading of the wild animals experts said”dated 27/01/2020.
“Expert,Steven W Mosher”on breitbart dated 24/2/2020” has a lurid batshit piece that goes quack quack quack!!
Again no real surprises here only that now we have people who previously had little knowledge of China all becoming “Experts” after being pumped full of bat shit mind virus by other “Expert” con artists from western propaganda outlets.
I have to laugh at their lies when my heart is crying for the decimated lives and livelihoods of billions.
These “Experts” are themselves viruses.
We need lots of “garlic” to keep away these creatures.
Prepare People they will come to see what you have during these lock-downs.
Yes, Pepe is right, but the US-MIL will steal everything from the US people.
Long time ago during the Yugo wars they ‘locked down’ the towns.
First week they sent nice couples door to door. With lists, and many questions, …
1.) do you need anything
2.) do you have gold, jewelery guns, we can protect, do you have ammunition
3.) do you have food or animals
4.) do you have food? for many months
5.) How many people in this house, home many children, how many men? Has anyone in house been in military?
We were told they (police) needed to know who to protect, who to take care of, everybody cooperated.
Next week,
1.) Armed soldiers-police came to door, with list for every house and ‘stole’ everything, leaving everybody with nothing.
2.) Police & Policians lived very well, they had plenty of food, cash, and things to sell
3.) The normal people had to borrow, beg, and steal
In summary, when they come knocking,
1.) Tell them you have nothing, tell them you need food ( they’ll never come back )
2.) Never tell them you have anything of value
3.) Make sure your neighbors don’t know what you have, they’ll be told by police they get a ‘cut’ if they narc on you
This will come to USA, this is how it always works, because they can claim that preppers and hoarders are anti-social
sincerely, bulgarian
Thank you, i will remember your advice Bulgarian guy.
The death of the dollar is to be looked forward to:
One can only hope they do not go ballistic over it.
Hello brothers. In this link there is updated information on cases around the world. Information source from Germany. Greetings and blessings !
“Additionally, along the hard slog down the road, with immense, inbuilt human and economic sacrifice, with or without a reboot of the world-system, a more pressing question remains: will imperial elites still choose to keep waging full-spectrum-dominance hybrid war against China?”
Yes. The Empire will continue to try and achieve this goal until it succeeds or collapses.
And it will use ALL means at its disposable to succeed.
coronavirus= the new commie menace scare…they’re everywhere!
Coronavirus Is Hiding in Plain Sight
For every known case of coronavirus, another five to 10 cases are out there undetected, a new study suggests.
For decades, Carroll has been a leading voice about the threat of zoonotic spillover, the transmission of pathogens from nonhuman animals to us. Scientists are confident the current outbreak, which began in Wuhan, China, stemmed from a virus inherent in bats. In 2009, after years of studying infectious diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Carroll formed a USAID program called PREDICT, where he guided trailblazing research into viruses hiding, and waiting to emerge, in animals around the world.
article now nearly 1 week old, but again note dissonance between msm outfall some/most articles claiming no one predicted it, yet in one episode of this netfix series, right before it literally went viral, billy boy himself predicted not just it, but the exact outbreak location wuhan. so now it’s become a tautology.
The bat angle is fascinating. In the 1940’s during WW2 the Japanese planned on releasing bat’s with incendiary bombs all over west coast USA. They had 10’s of 1,000’s of bats to be released from submarines off shore of LA, and other large western city’s. First create panic, then pandemic.
In 1990’s Japanese developed techniques for Bat’s to carry corona viruses which would land in homes & buildings and contaminate them, as bat’s seem to be immune to most human diseases. The Japanese work post ww2 occupation by USA was always to target Korea&China, thus Japan had access to Korea&Chinese DNA.
In 2019 Japan working with Canada is said to have been developing viruses that could jump from pigs, to monkeys, to bats in adjoining cages.
Many of the cults in Japan&Korea are deeply infected with the current ‘virus’, it would just take one person of one of the cults to have initiated the spread, or been an agent of Mossad/CIA; Another aspect is USA losing the battle in Hong-Kong just months earlier, lots of angry HK chinese wanted to get even with the CCP, so Japan-Korea cult people would have no problem finding people in Wuhan. Also there are many story’s that the cult members of Japan&Korea were in Wuhan in the fall of 2019, and some say they brought the virus back.
But the interesting thing about the ‘bat’ angle is this is stuff the Nazi Jap-German ‘operation-paperclip’ people had been working on for +70 years. The CIA under operation-paperclip brought 100’s of Japanese Nazi Scientists to USA to continue their ‘bat research’.
IMHO most of the work was done in the USA, they just used these Japanese scientists to do the work. Given that the viruses involve so many strains and specific human DNA types Chinese, Persian, Italian, it took all of the CIA’s research and data collecting for decades to put this all together to be released in Fall of 2019.
Its important to remember that these folks have been planning to release pathogens with native species for +80 years on the Chinese population.
” Russia, in a Sun Tzu move on Riyadh whose end result was a much cheaper barrel of oil, helped for all practical purposes to kick-start the inevitable recovery of the Chinese economy. This is how a strategic partnership works” + the destruction of the Shale oil extraction in the US, this as a whole makes a lot of sense know to me.
Good to see small Cuba stending like a giant helping China.
Pepe is right about Confusianists — or rather Confucius, Mencius and Xúnzî — being loth to discuss the supernatural and supertitions (especially theories of retribution by ghosts, demons and gods). Still one should remember that faith in demons and divine retribution is not a part of Communism either!
But Master Escobar gets somewhat inaccurate in this stetement:
“However, in a Chinese cultural context, devil means “white devils” or “foreign devils”: guailo in Mandarin, gweilo in Cantonese. This was Xi delivering a powerful statement in code.”
The Mandarin spelling would be “guǐlǎo”, but this is still a Cantonese (and thus Hòngkóngnese) word, not Mandarin. In all the regionalcts north of Guǎngdōng and Fújiàn provinces, the word for “foreign devil” is “yáng guǐzi”, i.e. ‘overseas demons’ (not ‘devils’
Depends on what word Xi use when speaking to the WHO directer-general. If Xi used “guailo” then Pepe is correct that Xi is using code.
Xi used the term 魔鬼, móguǐ, devil ghost.
“móguǐ” is used to refer to Satan the Devil (and chief of all the demons) in the Chinese translation of the Bible. Also in used to refer to the Devil in general Chinese speech.
If Xi had used this term, he is likely referring to the virus as capable of total wickedness, evil and destruction. Xi might also be hinting, as Pepe pointed out, in code that the the virus is a bio-weapon unleashed by the neo-con deep-state which is widely believed to be devil-worshipers.
But I have little doubt that Xi, in using the term “Devil” indicated his belief that Covid-19 is a bio-weapon attack since a ‘devil’ is by definition, an active harbinger of evil which cannot happen at random naturally.
Very good video … thanx!
Judo is a throwing art. There are no strikes. In Judo one throws an opponent after taking control of their balance.A sister art, Aikido, uses a diversionary strike, called “atemi”, to set an opponent up for a throw or joint lock.
Good info. Thanks, Tom.
I am virtually sure that the usual suspect is using the impact Covid-19 to try to achieve “perfect geopolitlcal and social engineering environment for full-spectrum dominance”.
But as was in 2008, they failed or underestimate the response of China which arguably saved the world as China saved Asia in the financial crisis of 1998.
And now in 2020, they also underestimate the ability of China to quickly control the virus. And one more thing they seems to have failed to factor in: the productivity, dexterity and nimbleness of the Chinese economy which is currently not replaceable.
Now the fight is, for the usual suspect, existential. If they lose, they will become a second rate or even third rate nation with partitioning worse than the civil war a definite prospect.
And in refusing to lose, they may choose the nuclear option ala the opium wars. They may be able to vapourise 500 million Chinese. But that will leave 900 million Chinese to finish the war and rebuild the world without the USA.
However my prognosis is that they will find a way off the ramp and save their faces. I think that there are still enough Americans of goodwill to do so – enough Americans who have not bow their knees to Baal.
For a rational assessment of this specific coronaviridae- its origins and transmission- it is prudent to read some of the data/ analysis /discussions that are emerging from biochemistry/microbiology labs located across the globe.
“Although genomic evidence does not support the idea that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory construct, it is currently impossible to prove or disprove the other theories of its origin described here, and it is unclear whether future data will help resolve this issue.”
SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus- a single strand virus- meaning that single strand is more of a labile genome. there is no complementary sequence, like in DNA, to retain message integrity. Hence the nucleotides, the message components, are altered easier, as the sequence doesn’t have redundancy– this means the genome-the information how to build a new virus- changes relatively easily. Especially if parts of the message are damaged or altered. This is the reason that you are seeing almost 200 genomic variations, based on submitted samples globally.
If you have any biochemistry/microbiology/medical training- use Occam’s razor…
The argument of ‘proof’ or evidence is a dead road. How do you prove something to the USA public?
The USA MSM-TV has idiocracy down to the kindergarten level, the US news has been at 3rd grade level since 1960’s
People who truly understand virology & biochemistry in the USA is probably in the range of 25,000-50,000; Such a small amount of people that you could never get a majority to agree. Where the general public couldn’t understand even 0.0001% of what they’re saying.
All you can do is ‘count the bodys’, and look at who is being killed. This is like studying the bullets from a corpse and arguing about the lead content, or copper cover thickness. It’s far more rational to look at who is being killed, and then you can decide who did the killing.
Say USA, the CIA run’s the lab’s, the CDC-WHO (CIA/UN) run’s the control on all diseases on earth, the HHS is controlled by CIA, ObamaCare website/database is ran by Serco UK ( City of London-MI6 ) they got the contract $1B back in the day; They have all bases covered, they create military-viruses, they make the vaccines, and they decide who gets tested, and they mandate who gets vaccinated. How in the hell can ‘Truth’ ever be found in this scenario?? The CIA controls the MSM, what is the ‘truth’ exactly that they’re going to tell the sheep ( general public ) in the USA? Even CIA director has said, “Everything we tell the American People is a lie”.
Furthermore getting back to the people who know bio-chemistry, who actually were trained/educated in this stuff, more than likely they work for the CIA, or its branches of bio-weapons, or private-contractors & corporations on US-GOV payroll, so even those who know what’s going on are part of the problem, thus they’re not likely to be much help to the general population.
There are a number of interesting things to think about in this article. I suspect many of us have already drawn similar conclusions. Mr. Escobar mentions this virus being used worldwide for social control. In my mind, I have to ask a question: why have a worldwide exercise in social control? Is something else coming? A bigger disaster planned that will require such control? I think the answer to that is a global economic catastrophe which has already begun. This virus will be blamed and the social control is already in place, but the meltdown is being unleashed on purpose. The response to this event by those countries who have been working for friendly trade among sovereign states, free of U.S. bullying will determine the outcome. Will it be a new era of rebuilding and cooperation under a different but more egalitarian system or will it be the boot stomping on the human face forever?
I did find a reason to smile while reading this article, brought on by the rapid work and cooperation between Cuba, China and Russia and how they quickly lent a helping hand to those severely affected.
Absolutely Craig
Their [Cuba, China, and Russia] cooperative spirit and goodwill is in stark contrast to the serial bad behavior of the Hegemon.
And wouldn’t you know it… right on cue, the Hegemon’s actions reach new heights of obscenity and hypocrisy
Announced of course by the horrible thug Pompeo just days after they offered assistance to Iran. Talk about the arsonist offering to help fight the fire!
A quote from the link…
“Even as the world is in a crisis not seen since WWII, Trump and Pompeo’s “maximum pressure” campaign is on, apparently. And the Secretary of State’s rhetoric was more heated and insulting than ever, declaring “The Wuhan virus is a killer and the Iranian regime is an accomplice.”
Ok, so if the thing is being used for worldwide social control, whose control is it? The hegemonies of the world? But surely not just the Western ones, because China hasn’t precisely buckled under duress. Asking the question, is China, as a hegemony, weaker now, or stronger? I’d argue that China has swiftly completed a castling move of great precedence, in terms of stockpiling national fervor and resilient geopolitical backbone — all by undertaking her “people war” against an enemy provocateur.
Additionally- on the topic of “major types” of outbreaks- this contention is not currently supported- with some critique starting to appear where it is mentioned- tang et al.
“This criticism concerns the claim that there are two clearly definable “major types” of SARS-CoV2 in this outbreak and that they have differentiable transmission rates.”
There is a large body of scientific inquiry focusing on this current pandemic. It is prudent to methodically read through the developments (even if many of the methods and terms are strange) and seek out the summaries and conclusions. I suspect that you may become better informed about the true current state of things.
@mat takach
The following is an extract from the Saker article on “how to treat a coronavirus infection”
“today the world is concerned about this: what is the fate of those 90 thousand Chinese who have suffered a coronavirus infection?
Q: But those 90 thousand — they recovered by themselves, they weren’t kept on on a ventilator, they did not get fungi. ARI or acute respiratory infection, that’s it?
A: But the problem itself is very important. Because practical medicine is faced with the fact of a sharp increase in the so-called pulmonary fibrosis. And this group of people who have had a corona virus infection develops fibrosis of the lung within a year.
Q: That is, when the lung tissue thickens?
A: Yes. A lung becomes like burnt rubber, if the analogy is to be made.
Q: Say, you get an elderly person who has been accurately diagnosed with a coronavirus. And he is not yet on the ninth day, that is, he does not need to be put on a ventilator yet. How will you treat him?
A: You know what the problem is: we do not treat such patients yet, because there are no medications, medicines that should be used in this phase. There is no panacea. Because a drug that would act on virusemia, on the viral-bacterial phase, on non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, on sepsis — is a panacea, this drug doesn’t exist.”
Thus even if you recover from a corona virus infection you can die from fibrosis of the lung a year later.
Yet the variables are endless, the degree of smoking ciggs, or a heavy vapor are going to affected differently, one cant just plug in a virus and a timetable and figure the results shall be the same. They wont be, some will catch the virus a second time, and a second set of tests will be administered and then published. We are early in the discovery phase of this bug.
I think this was a psy-op of China+Iran to fuck up the western liberal globalists. they made out of a seasonal flu a real crisis which will fuck up the EU, the USA .., see what billions run into it, see who coped with it,….
have a look and also the video
Wow, just Wow the Hasbara Talking-Point’s have reached a new high.
I wonder if this was in Trumps script all along.
“If we get busted for releasing this virus on China/Iran/Italy, lets just say that Iran-Italy-China murdered 10’s of 1,000’s of their own people to get sympathy of Western Liberals” – Bolton
Yep, this is brilliant. Trump’s base can use these talking-points to get free stuff at WM, & MickyD
Here’s a better idea. The Trump Mafia destroyed China, Italy, & Iran because this is where the hard-money, wealth, gold, …. is-is; All these country’s have something in Common, Iran has Oil, China is the fastest growing economy on earth, and Italy is the richest country in Europe.
Why would a rich successful country, destroy itself? If this were a rational thought, then the USA should have destroyed itself back in 1972 when they went off the gold-standard. The USA came to creation by theft, and has grown by theft, the current actions in China, Iran, & Italy are what rational people would call ‘Expected Outcomes”.
I don’t think Trump had a clue about it. Some rich people just have a mentality that they have a golden touch and can’t lose, blessed by God or the Gods etc etc.
When the “truth” comes out that some Chinese “spy” stole this from some “defense” lab, you will see another round of impeachment.
Just MHO.
We need to take pause for a moment and look/listen to what Dr Wolfgang Wodarg has to say about Covid-19. Wodarg is a German chest doctor and lawmaker.
A poster (in another thread) wrote about another doctor, an Argentinian working in France, who has similar opinions as Wodarg but I couldn’t find a link to his statement.
Wodarg co-authored a EU parliamentary (PACE) resolution regarding H1N1 Influenza (aka Swine-flu) pandemic titled:
Faked Pandemics – a threat for health
In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide. They have made them squander tight health care resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of healthy people to the risk of unknown side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines.
The “birds-flu“-campaign (2005/06) combined with the “swine-flu“-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health budgets, but also to the credibility and accountability of important international health agencies. The definition of an alarming pandemic must not be under the influence of drug-sellers.
The member states of the Council of Europe should ask for immediate investigations on the consequences at national as well as European level.
Those interested in reading about the exchanges during a EU parliamentary enquiry (on Swine flu response) can read this from Globalresearch.
Here’s what Wodarg has to say about the current Covid-19 crisis (short excerpt):
“In view of the well-known fact that in every “flu wave” 7-15% of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) are coming along with coronaviruses, the case numbers that are now continuously added up are still completely within the normal range.
About one per thousand infected are expected to die during flu seasons. By selective application of PCR-tests – for example, only in clinics and medical outpatient clinics – this rate can easily be pushed up to frightening levels, because those, who need help there are usually worse off than those, who are recovering at home. The role of such s selection bias seems to be neglected in China and elsewhere.”
“Since the turn of the year, the focus of the public, of science and of health authorities has suddenly narrowed to some kind of blindness. Some doctors in Wuhan (12 million inhabitants) succeeded in attracting worldwide attention with initially less than 50 cases and some deaths in their clinic, in which they had identified corona viruses as the pathogen.
The colourful maps that are now being shown to us on paper or screens are impressive, but they usually have less to do with disease than with the activity of skilled virologists and crowds of sensationalist reporters.”
“We are currently not measuring the incidence of coronavirus diseases, but the activity of the specialists searching for them.”
I say again, we have to be very wary of FUD — more damage from FUD rather than the bug itself.
Content mostly in German, some in English. Good simple graphics to explain his position. Some discussion on Italy and China — I’ve always wondered about China’s extraordinary response to the outbreak. Scroll down the page for Wodarg’s take on China’s response.
Yes, and same with the bird flu from 2011/12…
I have newspapers saved from that period with bombastic headlines claiming half the population gonna get infected and up to a quarter will die. Governments had to buy the tamiflu vaccines due to mass pressure from the population. Then it all went quiet.
Exact same thing happening now. Exact.
It’s mass hysteria and pathology on a global scale.
I am slowly coming to accept that humanity is not worth saving. People are sheep and deserve to be treated like that. I understand this now. I am slowly turning to the ‘dark’ side. But is it really dark? Are they really the ‘bad’ guys?
I am perplexed how easily people accepted the state of emergency and confinement. Without a beep or push back. These same people will go to war, kill, murder, steal if ordered without a second thought. They are animals, and the elites have all the right to treat them like that.
Ah yes, Tamiflu. I remember the hoopla surrounding it when bird-flu broke out in China. Bloody expensive but turned out that with Tamiflu you got better in 7 days; without it, in a week.
It’s mass hysteria all right but no govt will now dare stick its neck out and say so. FUD-inducing propaganda has won this round, it looks like.
Also I would like to add that this is a major psy-ops against the countries on the OBOR – they are scheduled for major disturbances.
Orban, Vucic, and the other statemen got played big time. Similar to Gaddafi when he listened to Western advice and let criminals out if the prisons, later the Arab spring came and he ended up with a stick up his a**.
All these small EU statelets will get major riots and protests soon enough – due to economic, social, whatever reasons.
Destruction from within. And those idiots thought they’d be safe if they go with the flow and mimic Western actions. Hahaha. Everybody will get richly what they deserve.
So brace yourselves, it will be a fun ride this year. And remember, you read it here first.
Just like Bashar Assad listening to John Kerry about getting rid of Syria’s landmines along the borders of it’s neighbors.
Read that in National Geographic about a decade ago.
Or the Western sanctions against Russia that hurt the EU the most.
And yet again, these statelets fall for it.
They are all like a suicide cult. Closing borders, state emergency etc.. They are killing their economies. Big time. I guess the AngloZionists couldn’t spark a war between Europe and Russia and bring destruction to both parties which would be a lifesaver for the US$. So we get this corona-scare to shut everything down.
Mass insanity. But no more empathy from my side. All the pain to come their way is self inflicted. They choose to believe lies and bulls***, and no one pushed back against illegal government decrees.
Anyone who has, in truth, established truth, right, and standing (and who has defeated challenges) may (at any time) completely disregard any and all supposed or presumed non-disclosure orders and/or agreements (provided they are not founded in truth, right, and standing in the first place).
Any old time now…
It is absolutely stupid to assume that this is any kind of attack against China. As it is, the US-Nato states will be hit much harder than China. Any theory assuming an artificial origin of the virus with the intent of reaching some beneficial state of affairs has to discard any “west vs east” scenario.
Simply because it will cost the US + EU much more than China, which already has slowed the infection rate to a managable level. Also despite huge efforts of the MSM, China stands pretty firm on top of the western flailing in dealing with the epidemic.
So for anyone assuming a deliberate spread of an artificially created contagion, there is only the internal control or NWO angle left.
In all this, people tend to forget the ability of the western media apparatus’ ability to spin anything into a desired form. A lab accident is as probable as the official thesis. What I discard is a deliberate spread, if you consider a conservative outlook on the world.
Heres an alternative scenario: the disease was created in ft derick (sp) and accidentally released. Once they realised the genie was out they deliberately took it to china and iran etc to try to shift blame and hopefully have a powerful effect.
Or perhaps this is the NWO satanic illuminazi depopulation plan as theyve been saying for years;
Not everyone is going to the future, not everyone is learning from the past’
To explain something , you need to understand the why. Motive . However it seems to be a US bioweapon.
Perhaps the Anglo Zionists or Chinese took the US bioweapon and released it to avoid blame ….. or the a Russian!… unlikely I know but we should also consider Aliens !! All possibilities need to be examined with an open mind.
To discard and demean or denigrate an idea without examining it in detail is not a characteristic of intelligence, rather the opposite .
I am at once glad and horrified to see that the quarantine of the USA and its Satrapies I have been actively calling for for two years or so may be taking shape in the gloaming.
I would not want to be caught there when and if it finally happens.
I would like your thoughts ( or anybody here ) on the Italy problems of Chinese ownership of their factory’s in North&Central Italy.
First a background history. In the 1800’s Cantonese HK Chinese were brought to Calif to build the railroad, later they ended up mining gold, some went to Oregon, where 100’s were murdered on the snake river, chopped to bits, body parts floated though Portland for months. Eventually some ended up in china-towns, Seattle, Pdx, & SF
Next phase was the Taiwanese, the Kuomintang boyz that supported USA-CIA against Mao, lost they fled to Taiwan from mainland China, a lot of them were lifted to USA&Canada, not unlike how pro-usa vietnamese were brought to usa in 1970’s. This was post ww2, the Taiwanese mixed fairly well into the Cantonese hoods aka china-towns, as both have similar dislike of the CCP which they call the “Chinese Mafia”. Funny because to the Mainland Chinese they see the HK&Taiwanese as Mafia. So you have this mutual hatred.
Then in the 1980’s 1,000’s of Mainland Chinese came to USA, most get get advanced education, they most lived in the burbs, far from the ‘china-towns’; Most of them found jobs at Microsoft or Intel upon graduation, so settled in the kind of places you find those companys’. They were happy to assimilate, live near a mall, and loved COSTO & Walmart. It wasn’t until post 911 and/or Y2K era that they could make the same money back in China in Shanghai, or Beijing, or Shenzhen, so lots migrated back to China post 2000. In 1980’s they could make $25k/yr, while in China a doctor was only making $100/month, but post 2000 it was pretty much parity, $40k or more in both places for a fresh masters in CS or EE
Similar thing came to Italy, but they got the Mainlanders come into Italy in the 1980’s to work the factorys. Prato comes to mine, near Florence large textile factory’s, but a lot of them were run down, and Italians didn’t want to do that kind of work. So 10’s of 1,000’s of Chinese peasants mostly women were brought into North&Central Italy from 1980’s on. In the following years Chinese bought these factorys, and bought the brands, and created new marketing strategy’s, today some of the most expensive “made in italy” brands on earth, are chinese owned, connecting back to CCP investments.
Recently with the bio-weapon virus, its clear that somebody decided ‘enough is enough’ with the Chinese owning North&Central Italian brands&factorys, so they infected the factory’s with the virus, and in January most got closed down and the workers had no where to go, some fell back to prostitution as the work never paid enough to live like an Italian or a tourist, and a lot left Milan, Florence, and Lombardi to just find a cheaper place to live.
Ok now back to Italy, like these Chinese you have South Italy which hates the North, the demarcation of north&south is Naples, not far south of Rome. The north sees itself as sophisticated, and educated, they see the south as un-educated and mafia owned. The south sees the north as smug, and spoiled.
Once Trump got elected he brought in Bannon, who was quickly ‘fired’ in public, but remember he’s the guy who created “Trumps Base”, the mindless people who adore him, no matter what stupid he does.
Bannon once fired, spent most of his time in Israel, but then discovered Italy, were he became a ‘Kingmaker”, and started creating Italian versions of Trump, not unlike Boris-Johnson.
In Italy nobody talks about these Chinese owned factory’s, nobody talks about the “Made in Italy” on $5,000 USD handbags, really means made by Chinese. Its a dark secret, that everybody wants to keep secret.
Bannon&Trump wanted China-Iran destroyed, the sanctions & tariffs weren’t working a large source of Euro’s that China gets from Europe by these factorys is used to buy IRAN-OIL with Euro’s. Thus Trump-Bannon saw it their quest to destroy the Chinese owned Italian factorys and brands.
What I find most fascinating is that most of the internet has been scrubbed in the past few months, that these Chinese city’s never existed, and if they didn’t not more than 10 year ago. Google has been pretty much scrubbed if you search for “Chinese owned factorys in Italy”. The narrative on alt-media is that all of Italy got infected by a few chinese tourists, which is insane because tourists go to Rome first, then Venice. Tourist don’t go to where the virus infections began ( The chinese factorys ). Most Chinese tourists are middle class educated Chinese with lots of cash to go shopping, the factory workers are peasants ‘Think Foxconn’ that are trained laborers.
My question is once Trump-Bannon have destroyed the Chinese ownership of Italian factory’s, who will buy the propertys?? The south italian mob? The israelis? Italians investors in the north? Certainly I don’t see Italian people wanting to work in textiles and/or leather tanning and cutting.
I don’t see a recovery, after the destruction and once the virus is over, the Chinese will want to go home, back to their villages, to be with their familys, they had enough the money aint’ worth it, and especially given the open racism against the chinese over this USA created and released virus. So Trump has been successful he destroyed North&Central Italy, China Wuhan manufacturing and Iran.
Who profits during the reconstruction??
It’s odd that the Fascists did the same thing to Italy in the 1920’s, that they’re doing now, and then they tried to do the same to the USA. We talk a lot about “occams razor”, but what if the trump-bannon virus is/was just to keep bankers out of jail, not unlike the 1920’s??
Subverting a Fascist Coup Then and Now ( Deja-Vu, what’s the difference between 2019 & 1929? )
Ferdinand Pecora’s Commission shaped the dynamics of America so intensely by its simple power of speaking the truth, that efforts to run a fascist coup against FDR using a general named Smedley Butler also came undone before it could succeed. Butler played along with Wall Street’s plans for some months before deciding to publicly blow the whistle in congress. Butler exposed the intension to use him as a “puppet dictator” leading thousands of American legionnaires in a storming of the White House displacing FDR.
It is often forgotten today, but in the early days of the 1920s-1930s, the Legion was modeled on Mussolini’s fascist squadristi and even its leader Alvin Owsley made explicit in 1921 saying:
“If need be the American Legion is ready to protect the institutions of this country and its ideals, in the same way as the Fascists have treated the destructive forces threatening Italy. Don’t forget that the Fascists are for today’s Italy what the American Legion is for the United States.”
Butler’s startling revelations amplified FDR’s popular support and inoculated much of the population from the fake news pouring out of Wall Street propaganda agencies spread across the media.
In 1939, Pecora wrote a book called ‘Wall Street Under Oath: The Story of our Modern Money Changers’ where the attorney prophetically said:
“Under the surface of the governmental regulation of the securities market, the same forces that produced the riotous speculative excesses of the ‘wild bull market’ of 1929 still give evidence of their existence and influence. Though repressed for the present, it cannot be doubted that, given a suitable opportunity, they would spring back to their pernicious activity.”
Pecora went onto deliver one more warning which current generations should take seriously “Had there been full disclosure of what has been done in furtherance of these schemes, they could not long have survived the fierce light of publicity and criticism. Legal chicanery and pitch darkness were the bankers’ stoutest allies.”
Today’s oncoming economic meltdown can only be prevented if the lessons of 1933 are taken seriously and patriots who actually care about their nations and people stop legitimizing the casino economy of fictitious capital, derivatives, debt slavery and anti-humanism that has become so commonplace across the governing strata of the technocratic and banking elite today trying to control the world. This elite, just like the financiers of the 1920s, doesn’t care ultimately for money as an end but sees it merely as a means for imposing fascist forms of governance onto the world population. In the same way that FDR’s Wall Street/London enemies sought a world government under Nazi enforcers then, today’s heirs to that anti-human legacy are driven by a religious-like commitment to “manage” a new collapse of world civilization under a Green New Deal and World Government.
So why accept that dystopic future when a brighter one is offered us by the Multipolar alliance today led by Russia and China?
Good question? Right? Maybe this is why every word out of Trump’s mouth is Kung-Flu, and Chinese-Virus, a little guilty there mr. Trump? How Kushners new secret virus team keeping the ship afloat??
Pay attention to the effort China (and Cuba) are making to assist the Italians. It is massive and will remain huge. The Chinese will be the Italians’ salvation when this is finally over.
Same with Iran. The Chinese could have done more earlier but Iran’s leadership was late to react, just like the Italians (just like the US).
To cover the mistakes of governments, the blame game is “Blame China, call it the Chinese virus, demonize Chinese culture, promote distrust of Chinese data.
Bear in mind, the overlord systems are cracking apart. The global dominance of the Hegemon, the EU structure, the US Federal System (if Biden gets in the Liberals will destroy borders) all are crumbling. Their rigidity has not withstood the pressures of this pandemic or the financing of astronomical debt that created the 1% and .1% Elite Wealthy.
The need to blame is great, it was london going off the gold std in 1931 that lead in 1932 to the reorganization of the financial system and the dollar becoming the reserve currency. If china can help these country’s thru this crisis, south american ones, european ones, and reorganize their financial systems at the same time, they could decouple from the dollar to the tune of say 2 yuan per dollar instead of 7, and begin the process of becoming the reserve currency.
This would raise prices here considerably after the crisis even as energy could remain low globally. Talking down china would be about the only mechanism left to prevent places like japan and the rest of europe from following willing country’s to trade their currency’s with the yuan only. This would be about the only way I can see to de dollarize and the monetary response to the crisis could be the perfect mechanism to implement this procedure.
Indeed, despite the Coronavirus pandemic, and the pain it is inflicting to humanity, the final victory is imminent. And this victory will belong to humanity as a whole, including the losers who may not have yet realized it. We are seen the collapse of the western neoliberal idea, and we can indeed rejoice. Why? Because what will replace it (the idea) will be better.
I am not denying that the virus is real; but, the health crisis resulting from its spread is serving as the shield the western psychopaths needed to hide their fall. When this health crisis is over, their losses in the markets will be obvious (‘the king will be naked’). A new world will emerge from the collaboration among nations to avert this crisis. This collaboration will be needed and it will happen. China, Russia and Cuba are going to come to the rescue!
True, our struggles will never end. There is a dialectic relationship between us and the environment that surrounds us (because we reason, for better or for worse). Our destiny is to nurture the conditions for further human advances. No way will we go back to the Stone Age; but, we will not be able to advance if we do not get rid of the socio-economic system that subjugates us at the present. It is imperative to halt the advances of the western intent to avoid the destruction of the civilizations that are resisting them, which would create what Karl Kautsky called (and later Rosa Luxembourg emphasized) ‘barbarism’: “As things stand today, capitalist civilization cannot continue; we must either move forward into socialism or fall back into barbarism.”
Note: Actually, I think it is a privilege to be able to feel like I do about the future. Like most of the people in this unequal world, I have fought adversity many times in my life. This has obviously given me (us) the strength to resist them (the adversities) when they come around. For most of the people, the Coronavirus is one of such moments of struggle to overcome adversity. For the elites in power, who know close to nothing about adversity, the crash of the financial and stock markets is all they care about. We can be sure that they are in panic. For us, there will be a better future; but, not for them.
Ever heard of short selling? The banks are making a killing on this corona-insanity. 6 trillions $. Most likely the losers will be pension funds. Ups, there goes grandpa’s retirement.
Oh, and with the limit of people’s rights, things are moving to feudslism. And the sheep are willingly asking for it.
Ever heard of debt-based financial instruments? They are, now, losing their value. The speculation, which increased to stratospheric levels recently (since the last crisis in 2008), created a big bubble that has now burst. As the market is hyper-inflated with instruments of all sorts, it has been impossible to control the fall — it will stop when the bottom is hit. A week ago, the market had already lost over 11.5 trillion dollars of value, but this is still far from the bottom…
You should be asking: how did this happen? QEs (for banks, originally; now, probably also for firms as ‘cheap loans’) and tax cuts (for firms) were supposed to be re-invested into the economy. However, it did not happen because firms bought their own shares and redistributed the money among their shareholders. There were no restrictions. The rich got richer. The economy saw nothing…
Sounds like fraud, doesn’t it? They call it business.
There was confidence initially. However, more recently, investors started losing confidence as some values started to stagnate or fall. The economy wasn’t doing well. Then, a tsunami hit the market. Production was halted in China because of the Coronavirus. People stopped buying new cars. Transport was interrupted. The tourism industry was destroyed. Many firm in the world started having trouble. The demand and supply chain was broken. The market collapsed.
Now, I ask you: how can the economy get better? There are so many problems to solve… We can think about restoring the confidence of the investors. But, the low incomes and debts of the people are affecting consumption… At the moment, the governments are talking about covering the expenses/losses of the firms caused by the Coronavirus (with ‘cheap loans’ — 0.1% interest rate!); but, governments can’t guarantee that the money is not going to end in the pockets of the rich, as this has become a habit…
A structural change is necessary — a paradigm shift (as some say). There is no other way. And this is what I call a victory for the people. Changes may be gradual; but, they are inevitable (well, the crash has been so spectacular that ‘gradual’ may not be right term to use here — and it is for this reason that I said somewhere else that the Coronavirus has been used as a way to shield the financial market crash, ‘protecting’ somehow the rich investors for their irresponsibility).
But, there is much more going on. The crisis happened also because the environment for businesses has changed at the international level (in other words, imperialism has been challenged). So, this crisis is not just a circumstantial crisis (which investors call ‘readjustment’ crisis). This is a systemic, structural crisis. The normalization of the economy will require really big changes.
So, we, the people, can indeed celebrate! ;)
Lol (sorry for the sarcasm…)
Ultimately all the western economies will collapse, since all their money is created ex nihilo by private banks as interest bearing debt. But the debt has to keep expanding so that the interest can be paid, but we have now reached a point where the workforce does not earn enough from employment to pay back the loan principal and the interest, so there are increasing levels of defaults in the financial system with non performing assets. So the Federal Reserve steps in and buys up their member banks’ bad debts with more money that they also create ex nihilo. This results in inflation of the currency raising the cost of living, while wages stagnate, more part time jobs and unemployment result casing in a further downward spiral in average living standards.
Exactly. Thank you for complementing my comment.
The exuberance of the market is over. If the Fed can somehow re-establish some normalcy to the present pandemonium, it will not last. Eventually, drastic changes will have to be made.
I guess that this time we will see some differences in the way the financial and stock markets fall in the US, Europe and Asia. The Asian markets are probably stronger in real assets (stocks, that is, real economy, as opposed to virtual assets). For this reason, they are probably less inflated and will recuperate faster. The European markets are similar to the US, but probably less inflated as well. The balance is going to tip.
As expected…
*The Median US Stock Is Now Down 50% From Its Highs As World Loses $25 Trillion In A Month*
Markets do not stop falling… Well, it will be worse for some kinds of shares, funds… And some may gain! There are differences.
*Hedge-fund manager: Market ‘purging’ could lead to a plunge of ‘at least 74%’*
I have a relative working as an administrator in the local hospital, so I asked her to give me the stats from the last year confirmed and booked viral flu cases.
Up until march the last year numbers were more or less same, strangely, this march influenza cases disappeared completely to be replaced with only few sars-cov-v2 suspect cases (apparently, they do use same tests for generic viral infection as last year.
The question arises, does anyone has access to the data, to look into the total Italian deaths from influenza last year and compare them to the current reported 2000+? I would be hugely surprised if the current numbers exceed last years influenza numbers.
Just food for thought…
By all means get hospital numbers, here are some stats from the internet:
Incubation time 1-4 days
Hospitalization rate 2%
Fatality rate 0.1% or less
Incubation time 1-14 days
Hospitalization rate: 19%
Fatality rate 1 – 3.4%
Remember that the actual numbers of this year 2020 are after quarantine, mobility restriction, masks/hazmat suits, etc. For ordinary flu of previous years these measures were NOT taken so numbers are probably not even comparable…
This is the typical misconception.
If you read Dr Wolfgang Wodarg’s site the poster “stand easy” provided, and the questions the doctor raises you would understand that
– stated numbers for corona-infections/deaths are higher because many corona cases go unnoticed (the patient gets healthy on his own never knowing he was infected) and only the discovered cases are counted, therefore making the dead/infected ratio appear higher
This is the scare tactic employed.
What’s the saying
Lies, bigger lies, statistics?
But hey, I applaud the elites: this experiment of global peer pressure and mass hysteria succeeded brilliantly.
Hats off.
Yes but this is also valid for ordinary flu (that many are infected, undetected and recover on their own). So for the purpose of comparison between the two diseases it is perfectly fine to use these numbers.
By the way, I have seen arguments that claim that due to the fact that the incubation period is 2 weeks, and complications /death arrive 1 week after appearance of symptoms, then there is a 3 week lag in the fatality numbers.
Based on this latter argument, the fatality rate should consist of the number of deaths TODAY and divided by the number of infected from 3 WEEKS AGO. With this calculation the fatality rate is much higher!
RATM & Serbian girl, since my country is in lockdown and I can’t go anywhere except the sundry shop, takeout restaurants, petrol station and of course, hospital, here’s my two cents’ worth, gleaned mainly from Wolfgang Wodarg’s site but also from elsewhere.
I don’t want to sound pedantic but we have to use precise terms here, in this comment.
Respiratory infections that look like they are caused by viruses (cf. Tuberculosis for instance) are initially classified as ILI (Influenza Like Illness) or ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection). This is partly due to the world-wide Influenza surveillance programme run by WHO. Since it is impracticable to test everyone with ILI, sentinel samplings are done to identify viruses in circulation, particularly Influenza viruses (those of HxNx type).
WHO has a good write-up on Sentinel Surveillance.
Several viruses can cause ILI including: 1. rhinoviruses, 2. influenza A viruses, 3. influenza B viruses, 4. RS [respiratory syncytial] viruses, 5. coronaviruses, 6. adenoviruses.
Researchers in Glasgow conducted a prospective study to identify viruses in circulation during Influenza season from 2005 to 2013. They found coronaviruses made up 10% to 15% of their samples. IOW coronaviruses accounted for up to 15% of ILI.
The Influenza picture in Europe is no worse than last season (2018-19) according to EU’s ECDC.
It is estimated that one in 1000 persons infected with Influenza viruses will die (ie case mortality rate is 0.1%).
Sampling bias can give funny results. Here’s a very simple and rough example. Say there are 10 drug addicts, five each from two ethnic groups. You have 5 test kits and test them. One group is going to register higher positives. Roughly the same thing is happening with SARS-CoV-2. That mainly explains the figures we are getting.
Case mortality rate for SARS-CoV-2 appears higher because people are looking specifically for it (in the dying and the dead) and those tested are generally sicker and/or older (and thus more likely to die). Italy has the highest proportion of elderly in Europe and it is mainly this segment of society who are succumbing to the infection. If you want to go further and confine testing to very sick people, you’re going to get even higher — and scarier — figures.
What would happen if no testing was done? Well, the deaths (approx 8,000 worldwide, 68 in the Americas, as at 00:00 CET 18 Mar 2020 according to WHO) would have been attributed to Influenza (estimated 20,000 to 40,000 deaths in US alone) and no pandemic.
Here’s an interesting article from “Nature Microbiology” on how the culprit, 2019-nCoV, got its name changed to SARS-CoV-2. I’ve read it because, like I said, I’ve no particular place to go.
Stand Easy,
If a patient develops of lung fibrosis, lung emphysema and tests positive for Corona virus, and then dies, what is listed as the cause of death? Were all those who died of lung complications at the beginning of the epidemic tested post humously for the virus? When did testing for the Corona virus start?
Here is an article that says that people in Italian nursing homes are dying and are no longer even being tested for the Corona virus which means they are NOT part of the fatality statistics.
You claim there is sampling bias that artificially inflates the fatality rate but one could also make the opposite claim, I.e. that it is deflated due multiple causes of death, lack of post humous testing, lack of testing in nursing homes etc.
The fact is we don’t know enough about this virus in order to make claims one way or the other. In any case, I hope you will stay safe and healthy wherever you are.
Hi Serbian girl,
Here’s the pertinent paragraph (somewhere in the middle of the article) from the link:
“In the absence of detailed data and testing, it is impossible to know exactly how many deaths in elderly care homes may be due to COVID-19 or to other causes like seasonal influenza or pneumonia.”
That should be at the top of the article and they should have stopped there. Nonetheless they continue to write several more paragraphs about their unstated suspicions about the deaths being due to or related to Covid-19.
I’m not here to win an argument for the sake of winning so I’m glad I got your attention about sampling bias. Like you observed, it can cut both ways. It’s pertinent not just for SARS-CoV-2 but also for “opinion polls” too, I think.
I live in the tropics and I have had some education in the sciences. We don’t get seasonal influenza epidemics here — and yes, people still try to flog the vaccine — although the viruses are in circulation and my country also runs the WHO influenza surveillance programme. In fact they’re testing sentinel Influenza (ILI) cases for SARS-CoV-2 as we speak.
We had an outbreak of the particularly nasty Nipah-virus about 20 years ago (case fatality rate 40-75%) — real scary and hence my interest in this topic.
You’re right about our not having complete information about Covid-19. I had some suspicions about how this is playing out earlier but people like Wolfgang Wodarg has convinced me I’m on the right track. I’ve jumped off the — media driven — bandwagon now. How many cases of Influenza today and how many fatalities from it, do you know? I don’t. But I can tell you figures for Covid-19. See what I mean?
I hope you’re safe too. Keep well!
Pepe Escobar is correct, Beijing and Washington are on a collision course. Scientists seem to know so little about Covid-19; yet governments are trying to enlist it for hegemonic motives. Added to pestilence we will get world war.
I know most of you guys don’t watch ” the view” on ABC, but I caught the section on Elizabeth Warren being questioned by the panel.
Sunny Hosting asked sen. Warren about the Biogen conference in the state of Massachusetts. Large number of people infected.
Sunny thought it was suspicious.
I’d suggest looking on YouTube for Sunny Hostin’s demeanour during the segment.
I just hit upon this:
“The Iranian leadership is trying to avoid responsibility for their grossly incompetent and deadly governments. The Wuhan virus is a killer and the Iranian regime is an accomplice” was stated by the great diplomatic philosopher Mike Pompeo.
If there is any proof needed that this Pompeo is a complete psychopath, well, there you have it. Oh, and Bibi just called. Sanctions, anyone, on medications for instance?
Cheers, Rob
There was no “proof needed”… every time this creature opens his mouth he proves what a depraved psychopath he is. I never thought anyone could possibly upstage Bolton, but Pompeo is certainly giving it a jolly good nudge.
The fact that Trump appoints these depraved creatures is a salient indictment of his own deeply flawed and completely untrustworthy character. The combination of these types holding high office is a sign that the Empire is in the latter stages of self-destruction.
dear Col,
from the other side of this globe I wan to ask you what this mysterious ‘YCHMTSU’ means.
friendly I guess, but I’m curious.
Cheers, Rob
“You Could Hardly Make This Shite UP”
Best regards
ok, I’m laughing ;-)
Just make sure that you guys kick out all those City of London dudes that want to make a hideout there, do you?
If otherwise, I’d advise them to read the fine story of ‘The masque of the red death’ by Edgar Allen Poe.
Take care, and ‘bleib gesund’ (stay healthy)
Cheers, Rob
The CDC appears to have had advanced knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, as the agency which deliberately delayed testing kits in the USA for nearly a month was hiring quarantine program advisors in November of 2019, to cover Texas, New York, California, Washington, Florida and many other areas where the pandemic is now exploding.
This job listing page at describes job announcement number HHS-CDC-D3-20-10640010, paying up to $93,077 per year, with an open application period from Nov. 15th, 2019 to May 15th, 2020.
South Africa’s Doctor Death Wouter Bassoon
There is a page entry concerning him and a Larry Ford in California.
Articles on Wouter Bassoon.
I saw it on 60 Minutes that Year. 2000.
My father got to see his testimony on cspann, concerning Project Coast. My father relayed to me that the South African Apartheid Government successfully assassinated enemies by infecting the targets with bacteria that took advantage of the persons “propensity” for certain illnesses. In one example causing an opponent to die from heart disease because they had access to opponents medical file, along with family medical history of heart disease.
Please check cspann or cspann two to see if their archives have anything to view on the testimony.
Nitrogen dioxide emissions over Italy.
It’s gone down since the covid problem, but makes you wonder if this is why northern Italy was hit so hard.
Nitrogen Dioxide Pollution. NO2 primarily gets in the air from the burning of fuel. NO2 forms from emissions from cars, trucks and buses, power plants, and off-road equipment.
The main effect of breathing in raised levels of nitrogen dioxide is the increased likelihood of respiratory problems. Nitrogen dioxide inflames the lining of the lungs, and it can reduce immunity to lung infections. This can cause problems such as wheezing, coughing, colds, flu and bronchitis.
Increased levels of nitrogen dioxide can have significant impacts on people with asthma, because it can cause more frequent and more intense attacks. Children with asthma and older people with heart disease are most at risk.
NO2? It’s rather last year’s massive anti-flu vaccination campaign promoted in Lombardia (and not in the Veneto) specifically for the elder. Studies seem to show an interaction with Corona that leads to >30% higher probability of getting the latter. Of course no one mentions it, and no one studies the correlation.
Just tell the truth
Political Fascists in Italy along with Trump&Bannon infected North&Central Italy Chinese factorys in Oct/Dec, many carriers can carry the virus for 30 days without symptoms.
Italy didn’t do anything in January, when only Chinese workers in the factory’s were dying.
Then once it jumped to Italians in Feb, something was done.
Now all the alt-media is spreading funny story’s so they don’t have to tell the truth.
Sure blame last years vaccine, that falls right into the Bannon Hasbara Talking Points, or better yet just deny that its even happening, say its all a hoax.
Just read today that Italy is now like Africa in the 1980’s, the last ten pages of all newspapers is now obituary’s.
By all, does that mean national Italian newspapers. not local papers, and do these always print obituaries of all Italians, how many deaths fill ten pages, are they certified cases of corona only ?
yes it seems here in the US they also wanted the “virus” here.Did all kinds of wrong things. If not to say look this way the chinese virus, it came from outside, while all along it was already here pretested.
see article on called Social counterrevolution and the decline in US life expectancy 28 November 2019
“A 2013 paper by Anthony H. Cordesman of the Washington think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) frankly presented the increasing longevity of ordinary Americans as an immense crisis for US imperialism.”
problem of old people in us using their money ie: social security and medicare for their “healthcare” instead of for the military! So how to get rid of them? miraculous timing, No?
Also this was a preplanned “pandemic”.
SEE — COVID-19 Coronavirus: The Crisis —
Guns and Butter Interview with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner (hope they stay alive and healthy. the empire is maliciious and vengeful.)
Published: March 14, 2020; Updated: March 20, 2020
A Swiss medical doctor provided the following information on the current situation in order to enable our readers to make a realistic risk assessment.
According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old.
80% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases. 50% of the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases. The chronic diseases include in particular cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer.
Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases. Only about 30% of the deceased are women.
The Italian Institute of Health moreover distinguishes between those who died from the coronavirus and those who died with the coronavirus. In many cases it is not yet clear whether the persons died from the virus or from their pre-existing chronic diseases or from a combination of both.
The two Italians deceased under 40 years of age (both 39 years old) were a cancer patient and a diabetes patient with additional complications. In these cases, too, the exact cause of death was not yet clear (i.e. if from the virus or from their pre-existing diseases).
Thank you Pepe. Your articles have helped me piece together this mess. I think I can summarize this nicely.
We can see this now more clearly, smoke is settling and the players positions are taking place.
There is a monster conflict between Eurasia (China Russia Iran) and the West (US EU) for future world dominance. Eurasia was building their own trade zone, new Silk Road, gold trade note (to eliminate FRN aka USD).
West was losing this conflict slowly; Russia had made great strides in Syria, China was not intimated in the Trump’s Trade War, and Iran played it cool despite a dozen military temptations in the Gulf.
The West needed to ally as many as it could around Trump, and the Dems performed admirably making Trumps re-election assured thru a circus of all circus. Heck, they even got some people to sorta like Lindsey Graham.
The West needed to make its move. Which was really three moves at once. Pandemic focusing in China/Iran but on the World (yes some collateral damage as always in war) and oil pricing pressure on Russia. Putin was prepared for the later, he knows sustained low petro prices will hurt Russia, but they will survive. Xi is fighting the virus and the West’s anti-China propaganda best as he can. Looks like he may survive this hit. The third part was to flood markets with the FRB USD, particularly the West, to assure West allies (Japan) stay aligned towards the West, if any country moves East well economic ruin awaits them.
In this battle, the West sacrificed its financial markets; I believe they saw this coming, and are flooding the markets with FRNs, acquiring production assets (like bailouts with owning interests in western world production resources). Necessary for a sustained battle with Eurasia – they needed control of production back – furthermore, loss of the trade war with China assured that.
The West will reach true financial crisis soon; using Tragedy-Crisis-Hope they will ‘rally’ their populations behind their new form of World governance through a new economic mechanism, their USD is sacrificed.
So the first salvos have been fired. Let’s see what unfolds in round two.
Evidence over hysteria:
Local governments and politicians are inflicting massive harm and disruption with little evidence to support their draconian edicts. Every local government is in a mimetic race to one-up each other in authoritarian city ordinances to show us who has more “abundance of caution”. Politicians are competing, not on more evidence or more COVID-19 cures but more caution. As unemployment rises and families feel unbearably burdened already, they feel pressure to “fix” the situation they created with even more radical and “creative” policy solutions. This only creates more problems and an even larger snowball effect. The first place to start is to stop killing the patient and focus on what works.
Unfortunately, shutting down businesses to halt the spread of the corona virus, deprives the workers of income that they need to pay for food, rent etc. The US Unemployment offices are so swamped their application process has stalled, leaving millions destitute.
China has the advantage that their government owned central bank can issue money without incurring debt to private sector banks, and can easily make a payments to every Chinese citizen as necessary. Now is the time for the privately owned Federal Reserve to be nationalized, so that the US can ride out this economic disaster by instituting a universal basic income, instead of bailing out the banks and multinational corporations.
at first, thx for your blog, it shows me to see things with different eyes, from different angles. same goes for the pepe reports!
nevertheless, the ‘curevac’ story (trump wanting exclusive access to some – so far – unknown biotech company, working on some corona related medicine) seems to be ‘fake news’: hearsay, published by various german news outlets and repeated by german politicians, re-published by other media
this is rather disappointing to me, because it somehow degrades the other statements, i.e. how justified are the other statements?
So look forward to your work, insight and knowledge.
Our overlords are at it big time and feel impowered. I see this as a zionist attempt to control the world. Since China (Asia as a whole) is far from adopting Judaism into their culture, have never been subject to zionist rule; it is necessary to bring China to her knees to accomplish world dominance.
The USA is run by zionists and I have little hope of getting out from under their rule over the goy.
House of numbers is a movie about the HIV/AIDS hypothesis particularly interesting because HIV and CoronaVirus need the exact same tests/tricks to be seen: ELISA. CoViD-19 is AIDS for everybody, not just for dope fiends,(Removed language,MOD) (Untermenschen). I do love your work that is life saving for me and I hope that this will help you broaden your view of what’s happening today.
Removed – no attacking the author. Mod.
Where is it fully scientifically documented? In 2014/15 the US discovered this particular strain of coronavirus in bats. A University posted its research on their website, stating that they were trying to find out if the virus could be transmitted to humans and from humans to humans with the correct scientific intent of developing a vaccine. So the US knew for years before anybody else, the differences of this virus with the flu.
One thing is clear: the US had people dying of coronavirus by the time it’s military sports delegation arrived in Wuhan, but the American CDC, at the time, thought those were flu deaths. Could one of those military men have the virus without symptoms? Valid question. To answer it you need to find the US patient zero. Not easy, but doable. Where is it? Valid question.
As the journalist Philip Giraldi states:
“… There is, of course and inevitably, another theory. There has been some speculation that as the Trump Administration has been constantly raising the issue of growing Chinese global competitiveness as a direct threat to American national security and economic dominance, it must might be possible that Washington has created and unleashed the virus in a bid to bring Beijing’s growing economy and military might down a few notches. It is, to be sure, hard to believe that even the Trump White House would do something so reckless, but there are precedents for that type of behavior. In 2005-9 the American and Israeli governments secretly developed a computer virus called Stuxnet, which was intended to damage the control and operating systems of Iranian computers being used in that country’s nuclear research program. Admittedly Stuxnet was intended to damage computers, not to infect or kill human beings, but concerns that it would propagate and move to infect computers outside Iran proved to be accurate as it spread to thousands of PCs outside Iran, in countries as far flung as China, Germany, Kazakhstan and Indonesia.”
That was written in March 5, 2020. Today we know that the plan is to sue China for trillions of dollars and destroy its economic, political and moral links with the whole world.
It seems that the grand strategy of the Department of Deep State headed by the (confessed) trained liar an cheater Pompeo and ably directed by its Center for Global Engagement, is working as expected and reaching even honest, unsuspecting places like our loved Saker.
OK. But lies must be exposed and debunked. Otherwise, we become complicit. Truth should prevail.
A) The title itself is a anti-truth. It is the US that unleashed a hybrid war against China. China is simply defending itself. The Chinese media continuously called for international collaboration against the virus. The US wanted everybody to call it the China Virus.
B) Xi is not a Confusianist, he is a Marxist-Leninist. That Leninist bit is what puts China somewhat at odds with non-Leninist Russia. It is amazing how some western journalists, especially Americans often think they can read the real thoughts, motives and true mind of people from cultures they cannot read nor hear. One can often read what Putin thinks; what Kim is planning; etc. Call it modern psychic journalism.
C) “…due to the by now fully documented inability of US to test and verify differences compared with the flu.”
Where is it fully scientifically documented? How then we know that the US statistics are reliable? All countries are double-checking and correcting their numbers because of normal confusions. The US and the gang of five (US, UK, Australia, Canada, etc.) are accusing China of having the same problem.