By Peter Koenig with permission and written for China’s Chongyang Institute of the Renmin University in Beijing – for the 100 Anniversary – 1 July 2021 – of China’s Communist Party.
The legendary Chinese success story goes hand-in-hand with the evolution of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and China’s Communist Revolution that began in 1945. The foundation of the CPC on 1 July 1921 signaled the end of some 200 years of China’s oppression by foreign powers, to western invasions and exploitation, grabbing China’s territories and especially her rich natural resources – and to gain trading advantages, including from the riches of China’s resources and crafts.
Background and History
About two centuries ago, foreign interferences were dominated by illegal Opium Trade that eventually culminated in two Opium Wars. In the 18th and 19th centuries Western countries, mostly Great Britain, exported opium grown in India to China. In turn, the Brits used the profits from opium sales largely to buy Chinese luxury goods, like porcelain, silk, and tea. These goods were in high demand in the west.
Much of this opium export was illegitimate and created widespread addiction throughout China, causing serious social and economic calamities. The wars were triggered by China’s attempting to suppress the trade, that grew tremendously from about 1820 onwards. In early 1839 the Chinese government confiscated and destroyed more than 20,000 chests of opium (chest = about 63.5 kg) — some 1,400 tons of the drug—that were warehoused at Canton, Guangzhou Province by British merchants. By 1838 imports had grown to some 40,000 chests annually.
In July 1839, British sailors killed a Chinese villager. The British government refused to turn the accused over to be judged in Chinese courts. The Brits did not wish its subjects to be tried in the Chinese legal system, and refused to turn the accused men over to the Chinese courts.
This conflict prompted the first Opium War (1839 – 1842), fought between the UK and the Qing dynasty (1644 to 1912), with the British objective to legalize the opium trade. This did not happen, which led to the Second Opium war (1856 – 1860), also called the Anglo-French war. But China did not win the wars and the nefarious addiction-causing trade continued for several more decades.
China’s British-forced war-concession to the winner, was to hand over the island of Hong Kong to British administration. In addition, China had to legalize the opium trade and concede a number of trading ports to the Brits, as well as opening travel for foreigners into China and granting residencies for Wester envoys to China. And an important concession for a predominantly Buddhist country was that China had to grant freedom of movement to Christian missionaries throughout China.
The wars and the resulting multiple concession of China, prompted an era of unequal treaties between China and foreign imperialist powers, aka, the UK, France, Germany, the United States, Russia and Japan. China was forced to concede many of her territorial and sovereignty rights. These encroachments on Chinese sovereignty weakened and eventually brought down the Qing dynasty, leading to a revolution on October 10, 1911, bringing the Kuomintang (KMT) to power. They are also referred to as the Chinese National Party and founded the Republic of China on 1 January 1912.
The founder of the KMT and initial ruler of China after the 1911 revolution, Sun Yat-sen attempted to modernize China along western lines and values – which was not accepted by the Chinese people. The next couple of decades of KMT rule were rather chaotic times, during which Sun Tat-sen was unable to control China which fractured into many regions controlled by warlords. To strengthen its position and to gain back control of the country, the KMT was seeking alliance with the new fledgling Communist Party, forging the first United Front, but was still unable to control all of China. After Sun Yat-sen died in 1925, Chiang Kai-shek (1887–1975) took over and became the KMT strong man.
The creation of the Communist Party of China on 1 July 1921, was deeply marked by the preceding history. One of the CPC’s key objective was that China would never again be dominated by wester colonial powers. The CPC became a force to be reckoned with, as it grew stronger by increased solidarity forged throughout communities and regions of China which all pursued the same goal – independence from foreign colonization and exploitation and the creation of a sovereign communist China, with a sovereign socialist economy.
With the support of the west, notably the UK and the United States, the KMT-led government of the Republic of China (ROC) entered in 1927 into a civil war with the forces of the CPC. The war was intermittent, but basically played out in two major phases, until 1949. The first phase can be described as a war of attrition. It lasted until 1937, when due to the Japanese invasion of China, KMT-CPC hostilities were put on hold. Instead, a KMT-CPC alliance fought and defeated the Japanese. This was also called the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937–1945).
The KMT – CPC civil war resumed with the victory over the Japanese forces, and entered its second, but most violent and decisive final phase from 1945 to 1949. This phase is also called the beginning of the Chinese Communist Revolution, during which the CPC gained the upper hand and finally defeated the Kuomintang on the Chinese mainland.
The leader of KMT (1928 – 1975), Chiang Kai-shek, fled the mainland and established himself and the KMT in what was originally called by her Portuguese discoverers in 1542, Ilha Formosa (“beautiful island”), located north of the Philippines and the South China Sea, some 180 km off the Southeastern coast of China.
In 1895 Formosa became “Taiwan” meaning “foreigners” referring to the early Chinese settlers on the island. Today Taiwan is again integral part of China, since the Treaty of San Francisco (WWII Allied Forces Peace Agreement with Japan, signed on 8 September 1951), when Japan ceased its occupation of Taiwan, returning the island back to China.
Though an integral part of China, Taiwan is still occupied by the KMT Regime, calling it the Republic of China or ROC, the name taken over from KMT’s reign over mainland China until their defeat by the CPC in 1949, which also marked the beginning of the new communist People’s Republic of China (PRC).
This internationally illegal control of Taiwan by the KMT has been going on since 1949, but especially for the last 50 years, when on 25 October 1971, the United Nations General Assembly recognized the PRC, led by the CPC, as “the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations” and removed the representatives of the Chiang Kai-shek ROC regime of Taiwan from the United Nations. Nevertheless, today still 15 nations, including the Vatican, of the 193 UN member nations recognize Taiwan as the official China. Many of them would like to switch to the officially recognized CPC-led mainland China, but are coerced, predominantly by the US and the UK, not to do so.
Over the past several decades, the United States, the UK and other western allies have continually sought to destabilize China by interfering in Taiwan, meaning in China’s internal affairs. The latest such events include the US weapons sale for US$ 5 billion to Taiwan in December 2020, and earlier this year, the U.S. Ambassador to the Pacific Island of Palau (Palau being one of the states recognizing Taiwan), became the first US envoy to travel to Taiwan in an official capacity, since Washington cut formal ties with Taipei in favor of Beijing in 1979.
In addition, the US is promoting closer relations with Taiwan through the so-called Taipei Act, signed in April 2020, calling for strengthening trade relations and diplomatic ties between the US and Taiwan to bring Taiwan closer into “international space”, meaning politically distancing the island territory from the mainland.
This and other interferences of the US in China’s internal affairs, are attempts at disrupting peaceful co-existence with China. They include the US-provoked trade war with Beijing, during the last almost 4 years; the stationing of about 60% of the American Navy in the South China Sea; the Washington orchestrated interference in Honk Kong, seeking independence from Beijing; and wildly falsified accusation of Human Rights abuses of the Uyghurs in the officially known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, in Northwestern China; as well as similar claims in Tibet.
Thanks to the steadfast leadership of President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China and of the Communist Party of China, these interferences are being dealt with carefully by Beijing, always trying to find diplomatic and non-belligerent solutions. China is a master in following the paths of non-aggression, while constantly creating and moving peacefully forward – always with the goal of achieving a multipolar world, where people of different nations, regions, races, roots, cultures and believes can prosper peacefully together.
Present – and Vision for the Future
Since the foundation of the Communist Party on 1 July 1921, China strove for total independence, and never surrendered to foreign invasions or attempts to influence China’s internal, as well as foreign relations policies. What the CPC has attained over the past 100 years is truly remarkable. It comprises not only maintaining internal solidarity, but also and foremost, people’s trust in the government, moving peacefully forward, becoming food, health and education-wise autonomous and self-sufficient and, not least, lifting 800 million people out of poverty. No other nation in the world has achieved such extraordinary objectives for their people’s well-being.
The CPC has today 91 million members. It is by far the largest single party in the world. In addition, thanks to her leadership, starting with Mao Tse Tung in 1949 and today by President Xi Jinping, China, with a population of 1.4 billion people, has become the second largest economy in the world in absolute terms, and since 2017 already the largest, assessed by the only real measure – the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). This is an indicator of how much people can buy for their money. Within a few years, China is expected to surpass the currently largest economy, the United States, also in absolute terms.
This is, of course, representing a threat for the country that has declared itself as THE Empire of the world, controlling all vital essentials, like energy, food supply and the international monetary system – though faltering, but still dominated by the US-dollar. The self-styled empire is already crumbling. And Washington knows it. Its strongest asset, the US-dollar, is gradually being dismantled. The US-currency has been widely used throughout the world, almost exclusively, to buy vital goods and services, like energy, food and communication services, as well as for other international trade, but it is losing its weight in the international arena.
The reasons for this are both political and economic. On the economic front, the US have created by their 1913 Federal Reserve Act, a fiat currency without any backing, a currency of which the flow and money mass can be expanded at will. This allowed and still allows Washington to “print” money as per necessities, i.e. to finance extensive wars and conflicts around the globe and to accumulate debts that the US Treasury and Federal Reserve (the totally privately owned US Central Bank), will never be able to pay back.
The US-dollar has absolutely no backing whatsoever. When Washington abandoned in 1971 their self-designed so-called gold-standard (Bretton Woods Conference, 1944), the US-dollar became de facto the “new gold standard”, since the gold standard was based on the value of the US-dollar (US$35 / troy ounce, about 31 grams), instead of on a basket of currencies. Since everybody needed US dollars for their reserves, this gave the US Treasury free range to increase its money supply almost infinitely.
When the US, also at the beginning of the 1970s, negotiated with Saudi Arabia, head of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), that all hydrocarbons, petrol gas and coal, should be traded in US-dollars, it gave the US another dollar boost – printing freely dollars in abundance, because the entire world needed US-dollars to buy hydrocarbon energy. Even today about 84% of all energy consumed worldwide consists of hydrocarbons (2019 Forbes).
As a counter-measure, the US promised the House of Saud to always protect Saudi Arabia, and proceeded almost immediately building numerous military bases in Saudi Arabia, from which they are now waging different wars in the Middle East.
Due to this phenomenon of freely generating new US-dollars, creating new debt, the US is by far the most indebted country in the world, with currently US$ 49.8 trillion debt, compared with a 2020 GDP of about US$ 21 trillion (Debt – GDP ratio 2.3 = 237% debt over GDP).
There is another important component of US debt, called by the General Accounting Office (GAO), “Unfunded Liabilities”, US$ 213 trillion (all figures 16 April 2021: US Debt Clock – These exceptionally high ratios have undoubtedly also to do with incurred covid-debt.
Unfunded liabilities are debt obligations that do not have sufficient funds or assets set aside to pay them. These liabilities generally refer to the U.S. government’s debt-service (unpaid interest on debt), or pension plans and their impact on savings and investment securities, as well as health-insurance and social support coverage for soldiers returning from wars.
These astronomical debt figures and an unbacked fiat currency are even further reducing worldwide confidence in the US-dollar. It is clear, the US debt will never be paid-off. The Federal Reserve Chair, Allan Greenspan (1987 – 2006), once answered to a journalist’s question, when will the US pay back her debt: Never. We just print new money. So, spoken, so it was and so it is.
Today and for the last about 10 years the US-dollar has no longer a hydrocarbon trade monopoly, nor are other international contracts primarily established in US-dollars as used to be the case a couple of decades ago. China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and others have stopped using the US-dollar and are trading in local currencies and increasingly in Chinese yuan.
Why? – Countries’ treasurers around the world started realizing that the dollar is a highly volatile fiat currency, based on nothing, as shown by the above figures. Equally important for the loss of trust in the US-currency is that dollar-denominated international assets and the US banking system are frequently used by Washington to impose draconian, illegal economic sanction on countries that do not follow Washington’s dictate, including blocking countries’ foreign placed reserve assets. These economic and political realities are signaling the end of the US-dollar hegemony.
The trend of diminishing trust in the US-dollar may increase when China rolls out her digital Renminbi (RMB = people’s money) or international Yuan (the terms RMB and Yuan are used interchangeably) which may be used for international trade without touching the international US-dominated SWIFT transfer and US banking system. The Chinese currency being backed by a strong and solid Chinese economy, confidence in the Chinese currency is growing rapidly. Already today, the Chinese currency’s use as an international reserve asset is increasing quickly.
While the US Federal Reserve (FED) is also contemplating a new digital currency, it is not clear to what extent it can be detached from the current dollar and its debt burden. In any case, with US international trade waning, and Chinese trade rapidly increasing, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, for a declining empire to catch up with China.
For example, in the first quarter of 2021, Chinas foreign trade (exports and imports) soared by 29.2%, with Exports jumping 38.7% from the year before, while imports climbed 19.3 percent in yuan terms, according to the General Administration of Customs (GAC).
If anything, these developments – plus the fact that China has been highly successful in overcoming the covid-crisis – within less than 6 months – and putting her industrial apparatus back on line, are testimony for a solid CPC leadership, a sound Chinese economy and fiscal policy. China is the world’s only major economy reporting economic growth in 2020, amounting to 2.3% according to the Wall Street Journal. It is what China calls “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” – a feature demonstrating a spirit of constant creation and evolution of the CPC.
These facts will further enhance international trust in the Chinese economy, as well as in the Chinese way of seeking a more equal, more egalitarian and more just multipolar world, where nations may keep their national sovereignty over their internal and external political inclinations, their culture, national resources, monetary policies and foreign relations – and live peacefully together.
CPC and the Chinese Vision
The New Silk Road, or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), is President Xi Jinping’s brilliant brainchild. It’s based on the same ancient principles as was the original Silk Road, adjusted to the 21st Century, building bridges between peoples, exchanging goods and services, research, education, knowledge, cultural wisdom, peacefully, harmoniously and ‘win-win’ style. On 7 September 2013, President Xi presented BRI at Kazakhstan’s Nazarbayev University. He spoke about “People-to-People Friendship and Creating a better Future”. He referred to the Ancient Silk Road of more than 2,100 years ago, that flourished during China’s Western Han Dynasty (206 BC to 24 AD).
Referring to this epoch of more than two millenniums back, President Xi pointed to the history of exchanges under the Ancient Silk Road, saying, “they had proven that countries with differences in race, belief and cultural background can absolutely share peace and development as long as they persist in unity and mutual trust, equality and mutual benefit, mutual tolerance and learning from each other, as well as cooperation and win-win outcomes.”
President Xi’s vision may be shaping the world of the 21st Century. The Belt and Road Initiative is designed and modeled loosely according to the Ancient Silk Road. President Xi launched this ground-breaking project soon after assuming the Presidency in 2013. The endeavor’s idea is to connect the world with transport routes, infrastructure, industrial joint ventures, teaching and research institutions, cultural exchange and much more. Since 2017, enshrined in China’s Constitution, BRI has become the flagship for China’s foreign policy.
BRI is literally building bridges and connecting people of different continents and nations. The purpose of the New Silk Road is “to construct a unified large market and make full use of both international and domestic markets, through cultural exchange and integration, to enhance mutual understanding and trust of member nations, ending up in an innovative pattern with capital inflows, talent pool, and technology database”.
BRI is a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese Government. Already today BRI has investments involving more than 150 countries and international organizations – and growing – in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. Since the onset of BRI in 2013, BRI investments have exceeded US$ 5 trillion equivalent.
BRI is a long-term multi-trillion investment scheme for transport routes on land and sea, as well as construction of industrial and energy infrastructure and energy exploration – as well as trade among connected countries. Unlike WTO (World Trade Organization), BRI is encouraging nations to benefit from their comparative advantages, creating win-win situations. In essence, BRI is to develop mutual understanding and trust among member nations, allowing for free capital flows, a pool of experts and access to a BRI-based technology data base. At present, BRI’s closing date is foreseen for 2049 which coincides with the People’s Republic of China’s 100th Anniversary. The size and likely success of the program indicates, however, already today that it will most probably be extended way beyond that date. It is worth noting, though, that only in 2019, six years after its inception, BRI has become a news item in the West. Remarkably, for six years, the west was in denial of BRI, in the hope it may go away. But away it didn’t go. To the contrary, many European Union members have already subscribed to BRI, including Greece, Italy, France, Portugal – and more will follow, as the temptation to participate in this projected socioeconomic boom is overwhelming.
The BRI, also called Belt and Road, or One Belt One Road, is not the only initiative that will enhance China’s economy and standing in the world.
After decades of western aggressions, denigrations and belligerence towards China, in a precautionary detachment from western dependence, China is focusing trade development and cooperation on her ASEAN partners. In November 2020, after 8 years of negotiations, China signed a free trade agreement with the ten ASEAN nations, plus Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, altogether 15 countries, including China.
The so-called Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, covers some 2.2 billion people, commanding some 30% of the world’s GDP. This is a never before reached agreement in size, value and tenor.
The RCEP’s trade deals will be carried out in local currencies and in yuan – no US dollars. The RCEP is, therefore, also an instrument for dedollarizing, primarily in the Asia-Pacific Region, and gradually moving across the globe. Moving away from the dollar-based economies may be an effective way to stem against the western “sanctions culture”. China is soon rolling-out her new digital Renminbi (RMB) or yuan, internationally, as legal tender for inter-country payments and transfers. The digital RMB is primed to become also an international reserve currency, thereby further reducing demand for the US-dollar.
Orientation towards China’s internal economic development – so-called horizontal instead of vertical growth – is a strategy to develop local Chinese internal production and infrastructure to build up and enhance Chinese internal capacities and markets and bringing about wellbeing and a better equilibrium between China’s vast hinterland and China’s prosperous eastern coastal areas.
The future belongs to China
After two thousand years of western “white supremacy”, relentless exploitation, colonization, discrimination and outright enslavement of other colored people, other cultures, throughout the world, the time has come to turn the wheel – and to veer the future of mankind into a more peaceful, more just and more egalitarian world.
During the next hundred years and under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party – China will guide the East into the era of the Rising Sun – prosperity and good health for all.
This new epoch will strive for a multi-polar world, with win-win trade relations, and bringing about new environmental, social and technological challenges, but also a new awakening for a social consciousness and solidarity. A key instrument for achieving major goals for human wellbeing is the Belt and Road Initiative, providing a steady flow of new ideas, creations, cultural exchange and mutual learning. The future focus may be on:
- Renewable sources of energy, based mainly on hydro- and solar power, developed with cutting edge technologies, i.e. capturing solar power with a process of photosynthesis, producing high efficiency energy yields;
- Increasing green areas in urban centers to bring about a balance of natural CO2 absorption and Oxygen production, aiming at zero pollution;
- Protecting the world’s rain forests and water resources;
- Keeping natural resources and public services – health, education, food supply, water and sanitation services, electricity, and public transport – in the public domain;
- Promoting biological and multi-crop agriculture;
- Developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help increase production and transport efficiency and to serve humanity; and
- Adopting public banking as the primary means of socioeconomic development funding, Leading humanity to building a community with a shared future for mankind.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals. He is also the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization and a Non-resident senior fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China
皮特·凯尼格(Peter Koenig),世界银行前高级经济学家、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院外籍高级研究员(瑞士)
Agree ! They have made it to centre stage and together with other nations that are in support and cooperation with them the end of the neoconservative neoliberal global cabal will happen!!
Too true Michael!…however you failed to mention the 3rd N which goes hand in hand…Neocolonialism.
Of course, perhaps you didn’t need to, as Western Neocolonialism automatically collapses too…just as sure as day follows night.
This is really a completely new paradigm based on cooperation…as opposed to intimidation, terrorism, perpetual warfare and theft. In essence, it heralds an end to the 3N’s…the three horrible and extremely ugly sisters…good riddance.
Cheers, and bring it on!
“Peter, who do you say that I am?”
“The Christ. The Son of the Living God.”
What answer would this question receive in China?
Greatness without the love of Christ is no greatness.
Karl Marx said, “The idea of God is the keystone of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.”
Kruschchev’s son-in-law Alexi Adzhubei, said, “Every flirtation with God is an unutterable abomination.”
Lenin said, “Religion is the opium of the people. Religion is a kind of spiritual gin, in which the slaves of capitalism drown their human shape and their claim to any decent life.”
Now wouldn’t it be interesting Fred, to hear from Christian folk in China? The very grassroots and learn what is perhaps the real truth is on the ground?
Gerry, yes. It would be interesting because the human spirit yearns for and seeks communion with its’ Creator. Nothing can extinguish the eternal spark in each individual human person; (not Lenin, Stalin, Marx or Mao) that being the eternal question, “Who am I and why am I here?”
”Now wouldn’t it be interesting Fred, to hear from Christian folk in China? The very grassroots and learn what is perhaps the real truth is on the ground?”
They would, I think, ask this question;
— What’s the most compelling evidence Jesus wasn’t born in the US?
and then provide the correct answer immediately:
— Three wise men don’t exist there.
Interesting how Peter Koenig submits an excellent piece about China’s struggles past and present which then gets rewarded accordingly by this kind of petty squabbling about — religion.
Anyway, from the bottom of my heart I would like to say ”Thank you very much” to the Chinese leadership and the Chinese State’s armed forces for their steadfastness, tenacity, and resolve in putting down all the West’s colour revolution stunts, most crucially the one in June 1989 right in the capital. A successful putsch in the prevailing global circumstances at that time would have ushered in an era of total darkness, most ferocious reaction, and global genocide (as opposed to utterly phoney ”massacres” and ”genocides” such as in Tibet/Tienanmen/Xinjiang). Thanks to this outcome, what happened was that 800 million people were lifted out of poverty. The attacks and the accompanying slanders ever since look steadily more stupid, laughable, below contempt. These setbacks and defeats for imperialism, especially the triumph of the BRI, have shifted the global balance of forces to almost the exact opposite of what it was in 1989 when also taking Russia’s spectacular ascendancy under Putin into account.
Needless to say, it’s amusing to watch the Covid chaos engulf the reactionary regimes in India, the US, the EU, and Brazil. Boy, did the Chinese turn the tables on their protagonists big time there!
I am Muslim, and in certain aspects of this viewpoint, I am very much in the minority. There is a tendency to believe in the righteousness of one’s religious beliefs, say Christians believe in their righteousness, and also with Muslims. Not to mention the other Abrahamic religion.
But God sent 140,000 prophets before Muhammad saw, and Jesus as was one. And I strongly believe, Gautama as was one, as the Hindu prophet (name unknown) was one. The core belief in God is One is in all of these religions. The fact, this was “corrupted” as Muslims say, is neither here nor there. People who do not acknowledge “God is One”, are taking an awful risk that at the moment of their death, they realise what is true, and put their soul on the line in the gamble.
Anyway, the majority of the Chinese are followers of Gautama as, and Gautama’s (as) teachings in geopolitical sense is, “Don’t bother us, please. Do what you want and if it benefits both of us, we will help.”
The Middle Kingdom contains more than 50% atheists, 28% Folk (a combination of ancestor-worship, Tao-Confuscist-Buddhist, etc), 17% Buddhist, and less than 5% Christian-Muslim combined..
The Middle Kingdom: the happiest, healthiest people on the Globe..
Oh dear heavens, here come the crusades.
Fred, the first question however is not what a Chinese Christian would say. The first question is what would you say as a Christian? I mean we know how we were created in a Christian sense, yes? So, how were we created? To my mind, all equal – that is why racism is not acceptable for a Christian. In fact, the focus has to be on ourselves, and our path, and not on others. That is not our place. (I am not pretending to be a wonderful Christian or teacher or anything here – in fact I would probably max out the scale to the poor sinner side).
But I can tell you a wonderful story of a mystical Christian Chinese man. He grew up and practiced his Christianity in times when China was in uproar and spend his fair share in jail as he started building churches. Check up the history of a man called Watchman Nee. The story though is not how he was treated in China. The story was how he became vilified in the West, when he refused to criticize those ‘godless gooks’ as this was not the place for a Christian person to be in his view. When he got to the west, he was put in cultural Christian jail because he would not play the game. Most of his literature I read as a young person. His beef was not with the Chinese, but with fellow Christians that could not get what Christianity is all about.
There is also this, that I present not as ‘the ultimate truth’, neither does it come from a holy place and I have no idea what is correct and what can be criticized. I simply present this to show you that there is more than one way of thinking and that there is a depth of thinking in Confucian circles. Who knows, the concept of Christ in China may be presented with a Chinese face.
(In fact, they threw me out of the church as a young person because I got interested in Confucian thinking. I think we must lose the crusades as a start. I buy vegetables from a local market (what I don’t grow) and I can assure you that nobody’s belief disturbs that buy/sell transaction and no souls are harmed.)
Thank you for the Watchman Nee reference and the other which I fully read:
My own ‘Beef” about Western Christianity came when I read Jim Bakkers book I Was Wrong and was and still am horrified by a confession he made about never understanding the words of Christ in Mathew 7:23:
“And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.”
Bakker couldn’t understand ‘I never knew you’
I found that incredible and astounding for if someone had asked me what that means at the tender age of 19 years old I would have replied simple and by way of a question:
Does Jesus know what sins He died for in your life and do you know that He knows it?
This is the sum and substance of the entire christian message and it is truly mind-boggling to me how many Christians are oblivious to it or don’t get it. Not even His apostles could understand why His death really until well after?
Confucian thinking is fine and well he recognized did he not the evil nature of life and sought from his own experiences of life that there is a more righteous way. If Confucios had met Christ he would no doubt be a follower. I always found odd how kings from the East were at the birth of Christ so they certainly knew something? Being a Jun Zi however, will only work or go so far. The story of Job is the prime example of that really and he was probably an Asian don’t you know. It would be interesting to know how Confucius would have stood up under what Job went through and how in the end Job’s confession was:
But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
My feet have closely followed his steps;
I have kept to his way without turning aside.
I have not departed from the commands of his lips;
I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
“But he stands alone, and who can oppose him?
He does whatever he pleases.
He carries out his decree against me,
and many such plans he still has in store.
We all need to be purified do we not but that takes faith. In China if not the rest of the world I’m deeply afraid faith is being placed in technology and the social credit score and system. It one way of legislating morality is it not? I’m a firm believer that politically speaking the best form of government is a Theocratic Monarchy and we are told that this will come to planet earth. Before it does however, we will see a worthless imitation passed off as genuine where the buy/sell transaction will harm your soul. There is too much to go into here suffice to say if one is interested where the world is in fact really going read:
The metaphysical notions that “words have intrinsic meaning and power”, the belief in Platonic ideals, is the Great Hoax of Western civilization and the ultimate cause of its total decline.
Religious fundamentalists (from Abrahamic sects to dogmatic Marxism) read and quote strings of words written tens or thousands of years ago as if they can accurately access the original meaning and power. How arrogant and foolish to assume that those words are even relevant to current circumstances!
Read Mao:
@ jürgen
I have read Mao and my reply is well I must say he along with Marx must have been the single greatest academic/historian in the history of mankind. Really investigate everything. That is really something i must say. They must put to shame every single PhD. on this website? What a feat and accomplishment. Fact- finding through discussions. Probe deeply. Make your own notes. Go among the masses and investigate the facts! Do you doubt this conclusion? Facts will force you to accept it. How can we overcome book worship? The only way is to investigate the actual situation. Investigation may be likened to the long months of pregnancy, and solving a problem to the day of birth. To investigate a problem is, indeed, to solve it. Well, get down and investigate the present facts and its past history!
I have done all Mr. Jurgen and I can assure you that the body of evidence for the metaphysical is just huge a truly huge body of evidence that proves everything that is in Bible to be true totally and completely and verifiable so. If you wish you can start your re-education here:
@Gerry. I am very familiar with those verses and the theology underlying them. But if you trust in Jesus Christ, please know that He is in charge all the time (Matthew 28: 18). He holds the whole world in His hands.
A lot of the issues of this world are too big and complicated for our very limited understanding.
But we Christians have the privilege and power of prayer. So pray.
Yes, I’m sure your god totally forgot to send a son to one of the the most ancient civilizations in the world and completely neglected them until colonial type missionaries showed up on their shores. Spare us your chosen people nonsense. Nah, I’m pretty sure Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, and all the others that contributed to Chinese spirituality and philosophy will do just fine.
@ Mataman
And its all being supplanted by SETI! It is why China in trying to best the rest of the world but especially the English to be the first to communicate with the crop circle {metaphysical} builders have gone off and built for themselves the biggest radio telescope in the world.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to learn that the guy {UFO} who rolled the stone away at the empty tomb is the same person drawing art in the wheat fields of England to the dismay of the crowds and look the only place where we find any info on the subject is?
There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Luke 21:11
but its all the chosen peoples fault I guess.
@Mataman. You are wrong. Dead wrong. But my lips are sealed.
Perhaps Lao Tzu’s “Dao De Ching” and Confucian writing can provide an answer to your questions from a Chinese perspective. Which is what counts if you are talking about Chinese people.
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3
We are always lecturing China about what they should do while ignoring our own behavior. Name one act of Chinese aggression that matches what we have/are doing to Venezuela, and that is just one country.
. Threat of invasion / use of force (if they arrest Guaido and we refuse to take invasion off the table)
. We prevent other countries from trading even food, medicine, or energy with them by threatening to seize their bank accounts if they do. China has never done this.
. We even seized gasoline on the high seas, bought and paid for by the Venezuelans calling it illicit. We took gasoline from Venezuelan farmers, sold it and kept the money. When has China done that?
The ONLY thing China has done to match our aggression is 1, threat of force against Taiwan.
We in the U.S. lack the love of Christ. We have no empathy for other people. He who exalts himself shall be humbled.
Christ sits among the Chinese people far more comfortably than among the Damned Western atheists.
I refuse to visualize the world from “Vaticanism” or Talmudism. One thing is faith and another is religion, which has always been a weapon of the established powers. I have faith, but I am not lost when I believe that God speaks to each people according to their circumstances, understanding and tradition. The rest is institutional religious chauvinism and opportunism at the service of the current empire. Religious institutions: Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, etc., do not represent the faith, but are tools of the respective oligarchic interests. And in that sense, the achievements and objectives of the Chinese people represent much better the interests of the people of the planet than the objectives of their oligarchies …
I am deeply delighted by the successes of China under the leadership of the CCP, especially because it has never stopped thinking about the people, and because of its patriotism, in contrast to several communist and / or progressive parties of the “West” that seem more to follow the dictates the swamp of empire at the expense of the people of their own countries.
Here an important tidbit of historical information pertaining to the UN and China as written and found in Willard Cantelons book The Day the Dollar Dies date of publication 1973:
The Justice of the United Nations
Foundations of the United Nations were laid by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union,
from August 21 to September 28,1944, in the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in Washington. Immediately afterward, the Republic of China became one of the five founding nations, and was given lifetime membership in the Security Council. Her population was larger than 3/4 of the nations who held membership in the UN. Even in Taiwan, she maintained diplomatic relationship with 60 countries of the world. In the field of commerce, she exported over a billion dollars’ worth of merchandise annually, and yet when Albania, with a population half the size of Philadelphia, made a motion that the Republic of China be expelled, the smaller nations rallied to the suggestion in a demonstration of emotionalism and bias that left a permanent blemish on the record of the UN. Ambassador Bush said on October 25, 1971,
“Never have I seen such hate.”
The late David Lawrence, respected news journalist and editor of the U.S. News & World Report, said, “Can
any nation be safe in an atmosphere of such irresponsible and emotional action?”
The Chinese leaders returned to Taiwan in tears. They carried with them a record free from blot or blemish. Their dues had been paid. Their position had been held with honor. But without a single grievance against them, they were expelled and not even granted the courtesy of being permitted to speak for themselves. Someone dared to suggest before their departure that perhaps Communist China and Nationalist China could each have a seat’ The pro-Communist block pounded their desks and shouted down the proposal. A few days later they.were willing to talk about 2 seats being given to both West Germany and Communist East Germany to sit side by side.’
Peter, please mind that there are governments with seriously impressive achievements aligned against China, Modi’s India being a particularly convincing case in point given its population size. And we also have to look at Africa where the southern part of the continent languishes under Chinese-enforced industrialization accompanied by investments in infrastructure and education in stark contrast to its northern part with Libya and the countries under French control as the evident counter-examples.
India and China came out of the gate after WWII in similar positions. Similar (poor) life expectancy, poverty and population size. China suffered from regular famines and floods killing hundreds of thousands. Look at them now..
India currently has 1/5 the (nominal) GDP per capita compared to China. That is a material difference in the economies. Their currency is devalued time and again (measured against the USD). At least 7 years less life expectancy. By any objective measure it’s far behind and its hard to see how it will catch up any time soon when the absolute gap increases year by year and China continually tweaks their system to optimize it.
India is far from a basket case but it is going to have to reform a lot more significantly, slash their bureaucracy (and probably cede a lot of ownership and control to Western bankers and companies) to compete. That may not be politically possible- look at the issues they’re having with the largely Sikh farmers on relatively minor reforms. At one time India was a leader of the non-aligned movement, which included much of the global South. Their influence there has obviously declined precipitously.
India even had the potential to be influential in development of Africa through the Indian diaspora and the NAM, but that chance is likely gone now. India itself won’t even have one high-speed rail line until (projected) 2028. After being stagnant for 25 years, the GDP of Ethiopia has tripled in the last decade. Finally, Africans are seeing tangible benefits rather than just resource extraction by Western interests. If you talk to Africans there is nothing controversial about the benefits they are seeing, contrary to the drumbeat of propaganda we see in the MSM.
My previous post was ten thousand percent sarcastic, tacitly agreeing in full with the author’s views.
Really, India and China are as night and day. Modi is an incompetent, drooling imbecile, much akin to the Ukronazis, and tasked with exactly the same kind of idiotic ”performances” against China as the Ukronazis are trying to pester Russia with. Ukraine and India can proudly fly the Swastika together, and as for the Indian ”government’s” handling of Covid, the less said the better. China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty, none of them living in India.
My apologies, Nussiminen for not perceiving that. The disconnect between reality and the output of shills has grown to the point where skillful sarcasm is hard, at least for me, to distinguish.
Just as _The Onion_ has headlines that sometimes sound as plausible as those in the NY Times.
China is overwhelmingly Han ethnicity, with 3000 years of a homogeneous culture. India is home to dozens of brilliant cultures, but, in the words of Naipaul, is a wounded civilization. Of course China is better off. The British got the Chinese hooked on opium; the British got the Indians hooked on being British. Pretty easy to see which is more corrosive.
Seems that in our dislike of US and Western Imperialisms we are now trying to deify China and all things Chinese, the cultural revolution and Tibet never even happened. Communism is the way forward, a sentiment you actually share with the woke. I do wonder though if the Russia China honeymoon were to end whether the tone would change rather quickly?
No doubt the West is the bigger threat to Russia now economically, but perhaps not militarily, but they have a massive superpower emerging on their very long border, and there are still contested territories, of which many Chinese are still quite vocal. Never underestimated the enormous loss of face with that. The current good relations seem to be largely based around the two leaders, both of whom will be around for a while yet but not forever.
We may not all agree on what religion is right, but atheism is a road to nowhere.
Let’s start with Tibet. Take another look:
And then go and verify every single fact in here. And then ask a few questions – like who was free and who were serfs – owned (by who?) and in abject poverty. Take a look at the CIA involvement – how many war criminals escaped to Tibet. Anyway, that is enough to start with. If you are interested, I can give you a list of sources but my experience is that most are not really interested and just want to throw the names around. But truly, if you are interested, I’ll set some sources together for you.
And do take a look at today. To be sure, I don’t like some of the Disneyfication, but there are not more serfs that are owned by others, extreme and grinding poverty is eradicated, the place is thriving, they are free and encouraged to practice their religion, women have been emancipated and two languages are taught in schools.
Hello Amarynth,
Would you kindly list a few sources for us?
Thank you.
RMG, sources on what :-) The original comment was
– deify China and all things Chinese,
– the cultural revolution and
– Tibet never even happened.
– Communism is the way forward
I picked Tibet (as this is the one issue sure to come up as westerners don’t know the story for sure). So, just on Tibet, the definitive book has not been written. So, let’s stay there for a moment and look at the Chinese view of Tibet ..
And then see the CIA involvement there during the late ’40’s and early ’50’s.
On this one, I’m not sure how the link will turn out, but you need to go to page 163, and read the chapter titled Secrets, the CIA and the politics of truth.
This was all known, once upon a time, but it is one of those things that disappeared from memory.
Then there is the whole story of the Dalai Lama and his fleeing across mountains and the terrible danger. Well, he was actually allowed to go with a very large contingent (carrying most of the riches that could be carried).
The usual story goes that China fell into Tibet and made a little war there. Actually, they only chased out the CIA and then brought Tibet into line with their policies.
“I do wonder though if the Russia China honeymoon were to end whether the tone would change rather quickly?”
I wouldn’t worry about those two honeymooners.
All westerners have ugly divorce incoming to worry about.
“Irreconcilable Differences” written all over the place.
For those that have no other words than ‘Tibet’, ‘Tiananmen Square’, or ‘Cultural Revolution’, I would really encourage you to read Godfree Robert’s:
Why China leads the world, Talent at the Top, Data in the Middle, Democracy at the Bottom.
His writing is so that any westerner can understand and he takes each happening from the historical base, to today. This is what I like about his book. Just search on Amazon and the Kindle edition is less than 8 bucks. It truly is a fascinating read.
Then, there is Jeff J Brown. More excitable in writing style than Roberts, his books contain painfully accurate research, and again written so that westerners can understand. China Rising, Big Red Book on China, China is Communist, Dammit!
Also, from a period of reticence from China itself, and great suppression by the western sphere, all kinds of information is now surfacing, things that we never ever knew.
“The size of China’s displacement of the world balance is such that the world must find a new balance. It is not possible to pretend that this is just another big player. This is the biggest player in the history of the world”. Lee Kuan Yew
I’m not saying you gotto like them, I am saying you gotto understand them.
A few lines from Xi Jinping’s speech this morning on this 100th anniversary – I have not seen the whole speech in English yet.
Xi’s speech on Thursday morning received polite applause throughout.
But a few lines prompted full-throated cheers of support.
This line arguably roused the loudest cheers:
“The Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us.”
“Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.”
Here’s another crowd-pleaser:
“No one should underestimate the strong determination, will, and ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity!”
One more, just for fun:
“We will not…accept sanctimonious preaching from those who feel they have the right to lecture us.”
These messages resonate far beyond the faithful gathered in Tiananmen Square (Heavenly Gate) on Thursday.
The vast majority of Chinese citizens are keen for the Party to be more assertive in standing up to “hostile” foreign countries – particularly the US.
What astonishes me the shear disregard for millions of skeleton in the foundations of this glorification of communist party? It has clearly disregarded Mao’s revolution 1947,Famine of 1960 ,Cultural revolution 1968 etc and many millions dead during all these years of ruling. Details can be had from three books by Dikotter.
No one forgot that victims. Those responsible will answer for their crimes when time comes.
You just have to learn to put cause and effect in propper order.
Centuries of colonial rape of Asia are cause, Communists are effect.
Many before them tried to reppel intruders, but failed. Comunists got lucky. At horrible cost.
At least they put an end on mass opium addiction. Imagine how many millions of lives that saved in country of over billion for period of one century?
So all that poor lost souls, fall on western conscience, if there is such thing.
“skeleton in the foundations of this glorification”
One should see the video series by Stefan Verstappen especially this one:
The Myth of Efficiency timestamp 3:23 about suicide nets and dorms where the Chinese were housed like sardines in a pen?
If it wasn’t for ocean going bulk carriers none of this would have been possible?
You will find it different now. But what I can tell you, is that a blanket accusation to the 1.4 billion Chinese is not acceptable. You need to go and look at which company they worked for. Indeed, you will be surprised.
I watched an episode of Dragons Den
And three of them were going to go all in
until the inventor said he wanted it made built in America. He wanted demanded the label American Made. He lost all three dragons and one of them desperately tried to change the guys mind. You have to go overseas to China.
He didn’t care and walked out losing a substantial amount of money and expertise.
It raises so many questions doesn’t it?
It does not raise any questions if you have experience in business. The economics of certain types of manufacturing do not lend themselves to domestic locations, and the investors are not interested in funding an economically marginal boutique product to cater to a small bigoted audience.
Just as one example, I wanted to make a small part out of a specialty metal. The raw piece of metal sells in China for 1/7 of the 250.00 I have to pay McMaster. I can get it machined to my drawing and delivered in a couple of weeks for far less than buying the material. Only a fool tries to compete with that unless you have a captive market with unlimited deep pockets such as the military.
Thanks BillB
Yes, and I see your example in the industry I work in. I’ve at times said to my foremen why can’t we make some of this here ourselves? He replies it would be far too expensive.
It just boggles the mind really what is going on and the more i see and experience just raises questions. Everything is upside down everything.
Right. And now we hear similar horror stories about Xinjiang from some NonZenz dude in Germany. As is the case with Stalin, Mao is popular in the country he ruled. Deal with it.
ad hominem removed … mod True, China has suffered terrible losses. But those losses were the result of terrible Western Imperial Oppression. Example: The 1960 famine was not solely the result of Mao’s policies. You seem entirely ignorant of the fact the USA imposed sanctions from 1945 to 1975, and continues. Fact; during the 1960-2 famine, Canada had huge surplus quantities of grains, rotting in silos. When concerned citizens offered to donate the wasting supplies to China, Canada was stopped from exporting. By whom? The USA. Reason? Sanctions.
China does not forget her past. 2021 is not about the past; 2021 is about the future. Xi’s speech is all about the plans for the future. ad hominem removed … mod
@ Atul Mamtora
and then there’s this:
“On March 26,1959, Peter Chu Pong, former Minister of Nanking, China, appeared before the House Committee of Un-American Activities, and testified:
“We were placed in classes for brainwashing. From morning till night, they taught Communism. They wanted me to reject Christ and give up the church and admit the only God was Mao-Tse-Tung, head of the Communistic Government.”
A former Communist said,
“They asked me to forget Katyn forest. Forget the slave labor camps, forget the genocide of the captive nations, forget the butchery of Budapest, forget the annihilation of 30 million people, forget their anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-church, and anti-home doctrines, and to forget all that is dear and place our faith in them.”
Mao a god? Yeah, that sounds about right!
Forget, yes indeed the communist way after they’ve built their paradise on their blood, sweat and tears!
Nie sadzę, by obecny status Kosowa, Ukrainy, czy Libii, odpowiadał perspektywicznie mieszkańcom Xinjangu, Tyetu, czyHongkongu.
A do tego sprowadza się proba wprowadzenia zachodnich standardow w niektorych częściach Chin.
Poznajemy po owocach działa, nie deklaracjach.
Zresztą, od kiedy to zbiorowy zachod przerzucił się na nowe- ponoć demokratyczne standardy?
10-20 lat temu, gdy zabrakło kanonierek i butow na ziemi, by wymusić na podbitych narodach uległość?
Wystarczy policzyć trupy.
W wojnach w ktorych uczestniczą- bądź nie Rosjanie, czy Chińczycy, z wojnami w ktorych uczestniczą siły zachodnie.
W atakach dronow, sił specjalnych, lokalnych wojnach, co roku giną dziesiątki tysięcy ludzi.
Nijak ma się to do strat wśrod Ujgurow, czy Ukraińcow.
Bombowa demokracja ma niezłe PR.
Ale poza tym, niesie smierć i zniszczenie.
Google-translate from mod:-
I do not think that the current status of Kosovo, Ukraine, or Libya, answered perspective to the inhabitants of Xinjang, Tyet, Czyhongkong.
And for this, the attempt to introduce Western Standards in some parts of China.
We get to know the fruit, not declarations.
Anyway, since this collective west turned to the democratic standards?
10-20 years ago, when there were no ganners and shoes on Earth to force submissions on conquered nations?
Just count the corpses.
In wars, in which the Russians participate, or Chinese, with wars in Western Forces participate.
In drone attacks, special forces, local wars, tens of thousands of people are dying every year.
This one is to losses among Ujgurow or Ukrainians.
Bomber democracy has a good pr.
But besides, it carries death and destruction.
Regarding the Chinese economic miracle:
It was nothing to do with Communism or the Communist Party.
I had intense business dealings with several (at least a dozen) business men, corporations, lawyers, investors and entrepreneurs from (the earliest 1995) 2002-2008. Seven full years, continuously.
I spoke to one provincial deputy chief from Zhengzhou. I spoke with and met many times a powerfully place lawyer who represented the city of Beijing government. Both were members of the CCP. Both were pure capitalists. I dealt with CEOs of pure Chinese firms who wanted to connect with American businesses. Some, likely, CCP members, others not so likely.
I had business dealings in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Dalian, Zhengzhou, Tianjin, Harbin, and Hangzhou.
The Communist Party never was even peripherally involved. Always, local government was a filter assuring that the guanxi (the go-between who had connections) got some tribute from the investment (in Dalian, for instance, a firetruck donated to the local fire department), and wages in line with local levels (so not only not too little, but not above local market rates). Those years there was a five years tax free for foreign business investment, a huge incentive for American investors. There was a tax which sounds very large but actually wasn’t. Social Security tax for employees was 42% of their pay rate.
We had a Canadian lawyer who was licensed to practice in China, but he had to paired with a Chinese lawyer. And the entity we established was a JV, 51-49%, favoring the Chinese “partner”.
What this incentivized was wildly ambitious entrepreneurs and investors on both sides. People wanted to get rich and get rich fast.
Communism had nothing to do with it. It was pure capitalism.
At one point a billionaire investor in a counter-party corporation came to Irvine, California with a posse of associates to meet and investigate the project we were building for Dalian and Tianjin. I’m sure he was a member of the CCP, but that man definitely was no Communist.
What happened in China was unfettered capitalism of all types and levels.
The only “ideology” was “let’s get rich”. Everyone I met was a billionaire, millionaire or working 24/7 to become one.
Those were heady days of the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai World Expo. GDP’s were double digit.
What the government did was invest in infrastructure in fantastic sums, modernizing Tier One and Tier Two cities and unleashing Tier Three and Tier Four officials to follow suit. (Thus, ghost cities . . . )
“Communism had nothing to do with it. It was pure capitalism”
Well as far as I understand it America has pure capitalism, no? But instead of millions of people lifted out of poverty, in America we see more and more people living on the streets. Instead of crumbling infrastructure that we see in the USA, in China we see the biggest roadworks, railroads and state of the art airports in the world. I can’t really add it all up. If it’s all capitalism in China, it must be a different kind…
“The only ‘ideology’ was ‘let’s get rich’…sounds pure American capitalism all right. And to hell with the rest or anyone standing in the way we might add…
”Instead of crumbling infrastructure that we see in the USA, in China we see the biggest roadworks, railroads and state of the art airports in the world. I can’t really add it all up. If it’s all capitalism in China, it must be a different kind…”
The key here is neoliberalism, which puts greed, incompetence, indifference, and rejection of productive industry in full command all along the line. The reason why the West’s living standards haven’t deteriorated much more than what we see today is due to imperialism — parasitic misappropriation of the land, natural resources, and labour output of others. On this basis, the existential threat posed by Russia and China to Western decadence becomes glaringly obvious as they offer a way out of imperialist subjugation for the oppressed countries in the Global South. Americans realize this instinctively and hate it with a passion.
The difference between the US economic performance and that of China is the difference between financial capitalism and financial capitalism. It is as simple as that.
China’s central bank is government owned, so that its domestic currency can be created free of debt nor any interest payments to private banks. This enables the Chinese government to spend on infrastructure without going into debt or even the need for taxation. China is thus heavily involved in industrial capitalism.
By contrast the US economy is dominated by financial capitalism, since its currency – federal reserve notes aka US dollars – are created exclusively as interest bearing debt by private banks, so that no debts = no money.
The US economy is now dominated by a rentier class, who milk the working class by interest charges, insurance and real estate rent. Even the US Treasury is in debt to the private sector for $29 trillion.
China is now the world’s largest creditor nation with $3 trillion in foreign currency reserves.
Thomas Edison, the famous inventor born in Milan,Ohio, in 1847, was bitterly opposed to the policy of issuing bonds. He said,
If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond.
When the government in his day wanted to borrow $30 million to develop the Muscle Shoals Project, Edison said,
It is stupid to borrow $30 million and have to pay moneylenders $66 million for the use of the money.
Edison was convinced that global-socialism would be brought about by the creation of debt and interest perpetrated by the international moneylenders.” Cantelon pgs. 30-31
Thanks Kapricorn4
Well, remove the Chinese Communist Party from the levers of State power and see what happens to the economic miracle: instant collapse and full-on imperial rape; same as in Russia 30 years ago. And this is even more true of the Chinese scientific miracle. The rotting West would parasitize enormously on the achievements and talents of native Chinese. The CCP is a crucial guarantor of China’s social cohesion and national independence.
“The CCP is a crucial guarantor of China’s social cohesion and national independence.”
Absolutely. You saw that when Covid hit. You see it with any natural disaster or large tragic accident.
However, that doesn’t calculate in with the economic development, except peripherally.
You can see the crackdown on Ant/Alibaba and how it is rattling the high tech companies with great apps for finance, banking and eCommerce.
There is a great risk that the oncoming tech developments will be moved off-shore like what happened with some Russian tech companies (Telegram, Ethereum).
It is getting very dicey for the biggest and best corporations. President Xi is a pure ideologue. He thinks he can control everything. It will lead to unintended negative consequences.
Chinese capitalism?
I’ve been thinking about this –
does one who wants to make a better life for himself and his family deem a ‘capitalist’?
but I agree w you Larchmonter445,
there is the official ver, the unofficial ver
… and then the holy-grail-untouchable gift-wrapped ver
say I want to book a seat in a full house restuarant,
then I offered my family name, meaning willing to pay above the ‘market price’ for tips,
what does that make me?
Whoever smelt it, dealt it. Do not look there, look hear. Yada,yada, yada. Yet more evidence of a real genocide (715 graves +/- 15%) on top of the 215 found barely a month ago:
An example of why personally I am partial to the Fort Detrick / University of North Carolina “theory” (hypothesis, like Americans know the difference between the two) of the origin of the Covert 1984 Scamdemic. After all, you cannot spell “Fort Detrick” without “trick.”
PS: How do you cancel / genocide “American culture”? In order to cancel / genocide a culture does it not have to have existed at one point in the first place? There was a lame attempt (from what I hear, was not around then) to cobble something together in the 1950s-early 60s which fell apart as fast as its attempted implementation.
The opening paragraph is entirely incorrect. So how much else is incorrect?
2 centuries ago and longer, the ‘west’ discovered many items in China that became treasured items in the west; primarily silks, porcelain. The west began to purchase these products in increasing quantities, to satisfy demand back home and to profit greatly from this. China had zero use for any western products, as such were grossly inferior, and demanded payment in gold. This caused a net gold drain, to England primarily. Seeking to ‘balance the trade’, England brought an extremely addictive substance to China, which they knew would be an instant success; the Chinese were already tobacco smokers, and used a variety of plants for their medicines. As the Chinese became addicted, England demanded payment in gold. As addiction rose, so did the price of the drug. Thus the Brits were highly successful to drain China’s gold for a pittance in return. China’s govt saw this drain, and the ill effects on society, and tried to stop the criminal activities. 2 wars ensued, which china lost, and the rest is the history of Hong Kong primarily. Though claiming to be British, the biggest traders in opium were Jews.
How is OBOR and your concluding thoughts going to jive with “The Great Reset”? Will they be a part of it or stand against it?
thanks Peter – I too love the Chinese Communist Party –
and all China – look at this darling video of China’s True Character
I quote: “The future belongs to China”. Unquote.
Based on current trends, I agree. But that likely future, as was the future of the then newly established PRC in 1949, will shortly be put to the test in the crucible of war.
The USA and its allies are not going to countenance that “future” of China sitting down. My hunch is that they are going to decisively cross the redlines on Taiwan or the South China Sea, likely Taiwan.
But the initial step in that direction is to use India to challenge China in the Himalayas for control of Tibet and at the same time, blockade China trade routes in the Indian Ocean.
This will cause China to react militarily. The US will then recognise Taiwan officially as an independent state and Taiwan will declare independence.
China will then be forced to fight a three-front war – against India backed by the US Navy in the Indian Ocean, against India backed by the US airforce and special forces in the Himalayas and against Taiwan backed by the US, Britain and Japan in the western Pacific rim.
The current provocation against Russia in the Black Sea is very likely directed at China – to kill the Russian ‘chicken’ in order to frighten the Chinese ‘monkey’ – a tactic the Chinese are familiar with.
Will China win this fight? Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen!
The future belongs to nobody.
When the USA beats the USSR, they thought the future belongs to them, and see what happens to them nowadays.
China should know better than to be another world leader. This world doesn’t need leader, it needs cooperation.
My bet is that China — assisted by Russia — will easily defeat the monkeys in India, Taiwan, and the hardcore West with one significant exception: Germany’s Adrian NonZenz who will make unbearable howls about alarming genocides progressing all over China. I feel disposed to believe he is actually quite pleased, having his career secured and seriously enjoying the noise too!
The Communist Party of China is a Party that Defends the Family and Traditional Values
(Machine Translation From Original Portuguese Article)
The Jewish supremacists who control the West, it is good that they quickly realize that China will not tolerate any more humiliation:
«At this point, anyone who is still playing China boogieman game is nothing more or less than a Jew shill.
China has made zero aggressive moves against the West, and has instead consistently begged them to stop making all these threats, to give them back control of their Taiwanese island, and to just leave them alone.
However, the Jewish globalist order is fixed on a Jewish globalist order . “Globalist” means the whole globe, and that means that China, which is on the globe, must surrender control of its country to the Jewish powers who control the Western intelligence and financial systems.
China is saying: “No. We’re keeping our country. If you want it, you can come and try to take it and see how that works out for you.”»
I do not hide the fact that I admire the People’s Republic of China and President Xi Jinping, and I even go so far as to consider that China today, along with Russia and Iran, is one of the main guardians of Civilization in the World .
Without the resistance that China is putting up against the New World Order and the Jewish psychopaths who “pull the strings” in Washington, London and Brussels, humanity would long ago be doomed to perpetual slavery. Russia, quite simply, does not have the economic or military strength to stand alone against the forces of the New World Order for a long time. China has therefore emerged in recent years as an essential partner in the struggle against International Zionism and the program of destruction of nations, which has been implemented in the West for decades. If Western nationalists fail to understand this in good time and keep their backs turned to China, then they will be hopelessly lost, as they are guaranteed to lose the ongoing war against the New World Order.
Contemporary China is a superpower in arms, which is ruled by a regime that is neither afraid nor ashamed of openly asserting pride in its history and race . There is no Frankfurt School garbage , no depraved ideas about “affirmative action” , “gender identity” or “multiculturalism” being disseminated in Chinese universities and schools. In other words, there is no such thing as what is commonly known as “Cultural Marxism” in the West, in China. Chinese children are raised healthily and the Chinese state is not telling them that “a boy can be a girl” and vice versa. The Communist Party of China, whether you like it or not, is a party that defends the family and traditional values. I say even more to you: in the entire West there is not a single party of the so-called “right” or “extreme right”, which is socially as conservative and nationalist as the Chinese Communist Party!
Chinese Socialism is, in practice, a model that touches on perfection as a model for the organization of society and it is precisely for this reason that China is burying and will end up burying, once and for all, the arrogant West of discredited and morally bankrupt “liberalisms” and “democracies” .
What the Communist Party of China has done in recent decades is to lay the foundations for the most futuristic and prosperous society that has ever existed on the face of the Earth. Anyone who has been to China and had the opportunity to observe with their own eyes what I say here, knows that this is only the purest of truths and that it is free from any hyperbole. It only remains for me, therefore, to send my heartfelt congratulations to the Communist Party of China and President Xi Jinping.
Link to original article in Portuguese:
Excellent article, Anónimo. Thanks for the English translation!
Yes, China is getting ready to reward the Liberal, deviant, Zionazi West with an overwhelming blow. The timing for this is maturing fast with the ongoing, irreversible shift of the global balance of forces. Most notably, George Soros was kicked out of both China and Russia and — better still — realised thereafter that his native US provided far better opportunities for his spotless ”philanthropy”. Of course he understands very well indeed that his Jewishness absolves him of any criticism and that the chances of any attempts on his life are virtually zero (in the US!). Hence, the utter, total destruction of the US is a given. Soros tried and failed in the key resistance countries and, just like the US neocons (a slightly different kind of breed), he has absolutely no sympathy for US Americans either. Can you really blame him and the neocons for that?
Bottom line: If, like a bolt out of the blue, Russia and China were to fall with their current top class leaderships, then Human civilization is doomed. The West is on its last legs. It has at most ten more years to pester the planet until it collapses; hopefully without killing us all when it does.
With all due respect, there are some glaring mistakes I need to signal. I want however to state that the overall quality of the article is commendable. Mr. Koenig after all is promoting friendship and collaboration in the world and I would be a complete nincompoop not to praise such an attitude not mentioning his utmost generous acknowledgement of the achievements of the CPC, something not to be expected in the Western Mainstream Media, on the contrary.
He wrote rightly that the CPC was founded in July 1921, to be exact on July 23, 1921 in Shanghai even if the national commemoration day each year is July first. So the CPC celebrated grandly its 100th anniversary on July first this year 2021.
Contrary to what he wrote, 1921 did not mark the end of 200 years in China of foreign oppression. In 1721, the outstanding Kangxi Emperor (r.1661-1722) was still ruling and his son the Yongzheng Emperor (r.1722-1735) and grand-son the Qianlong Emperor (r.1735-1799) will shine till the end of the Chinese XVIII century. The infamous ‘century of humiliation’ started with the so-called unequal Treaty of Nanjing (1842) and ended in 1949 with the founding of the PRC (People’s Republic of China). So it’s 107 years, not 200 years.
The Han dynasty was not ftom 206 BCE to 24 CE but from 206 BCE to 220 CE.
The Han dynasty lasted 426 years. The Chinese people call themselves the Han people to honor the Han dynasty.
China became the global second economy by nominal value in 2010, not 2017.
China became the global first economy by PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) in December 2014.
The West did not dominate the world for 2000 years. I would rather say about 200 years.
Till 1832, the 2 largest economies in the world were still China & India (see Angus Maddison)
When The Chinese Capital City had a million inhabitants in the VIII century, Paris & London wers in the order of ten
thousand and London reached more than100 000 inhabitants around 1530…
Not mentioning China & India, glorious states worth mentioning are : the Ottoman Empire (1320-1922)
the Safavids of Persia, the Qadjars of Persia, The Japanese Shogunate ending in 1868, the Meiji Restoration managed to avoid the sad decadence of other Asian states but also the subordination of Japan to the West, but 1868 was in the time frame of Western world domination (1800-2008). There are plenty other states that I don’t mention from year 0 to year 2008. So speaking of Western domination for 2 millennia is a bit far-fetched .
I acknowledge the Western outstanding capabilities for organizing violence (psychological, verbal, physical, financial, economical, lawfare, warfare, terrorism, false flags, drugs selling, banking monopoly etc.) but as Mr. Koenig rightly wrote (and I thank him with all my heart for this) the days of the global bully are numbered !
The Westerners, even the most educated and the most well intentioned ones, have a strong tendency for mythology, storytelling if you want, or the contemporary notion would be narrative (part of their outstanding capabilities for violence is to make stories where they’re the shining ones and the rest the downtrodden…)
I want to say that so-called victims have the responsibility to restore themselves to their former healthier selves and China is certainly the most obvious but not only case in our times.
I wish China, the Chinese people and the people of the World a new century full of hopes but most importantly,
full of beautiful achievements in order to improve the security and livelihood for all and I think that China, Russia and Iran (not mentioning many other states) will have a positive role to play in this grand endeavor.
Thanks for sering the brighter future awaiting mankind with states not in the orbit of the neo-liberal Cabal
Thanks for this article offering a vision for a brighter future for all mankind. All this because there are states not subjugated by the neo-liberal cabal and truly working for their population.
Any recommendations for books or articles detailing how China structured it’s party organs or offices when it was firmly in control right from liberating provinces onwards up to present?
Any recommendations for books or articles detailing how China structured it’s party organs or offices when it was firmly in control right from liberating provinces onwards up to present?
Excellent article. Some review of Middle East affairs in the past 20 years would have further supported the context. China had peaceful agreements with host nations of Libya, Syria and Yemen before the petro-dollar cabal tricked the US into blowing them up under the 9/11 false flag operation and the horrific Global War On (of) Terror that followed.