This week’s China Sitrep is by Godfree Roberts and went viral across the resistance sites.
Amidst global gloom, 2021 was the best year in modern Chinese history. Here’s what they accomplished:

- Grew the economy $2 trillion PPP, the fastest growth ever.
- Became the richest country on earth.
- Became the world’s biggest overseas investor.
- Became the world’s largest movie market.
- Produced nearly one new billionaire and 300 millionaires every workday.
- Completed new train lines in seven countries, including Laos’ first.
- Ran 15,000 cargo trains to and from Europe, up 30% YoY.
- Joined RCEP trade pact, with 30% of global GDP and of the world’s population.
- Sold $140 billion retail online in 24 hours (Amazon’s record is $5 billion).
- Launched the first central bank digital currency.
- Dominated scientific research and issued the most patents of any country.

- Built three exascale computers that won the Gordon Bell prize for high performance computing.
- Built a programmable quantum computer 10,000x faster than Google’s Sycamore.
- Operated the first integrated, 3,000-mile, commercial, quantum communications network.
- Brought online two gas-cooled Pebble Bed nuclear power plants.
- Fired up two thorium-fueled reactors, eliminating uranium from power generation.
- Released a Covid treatment that reduces hospitalizations and deaths 78%.
- Made 55% of global energy savings.
- Generated 1 terawatt of renewable energy.
- Installed one-million 5G base stations, giving Tibet better 5G service than New York.
- Communicated between satellites via lasers, 1,000x faster than radio waves.
- Operated the world’s most powerful solid rocket engine, with 500 tonnes thrust.
- Flew three hypersonic missiles around the planet.
- Released a fractional orbital bombardment missile from another missile at 17,000 mph.
- Simultaneously commissioned three warships, becoming the world’s biggest navy.
Expect China to maintain this pace through 2022 by launching, among other things, the first, greenfield, automated, 21st century city for six million knowledge workers. With 70% woods and lakes, the loudest sound will be birdsongs.
Geopolitical issues.
Aaah! Do you mean *that* Olympics Diplomatic Boycott? The one that threatened but did not deliver?
China receives visa applications of US officials to attend Beijing 2022
China will process these visas based on a reciprocity principle, according to Foreign Minister Wang Yi.
Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Monday that the Biden administration took the lead in fooling hardcore US followers in not sending government officials to Beijing for the Games.
After they followed suit in making similar announcements, the US took a sharp turn therefore this behavior is a slap in the face and will catch US allies off guard.
Bumper Satellites. What is Elon Musk playing at?
Elon Musk and Starlink Satellites are playing Bump the Chinese Space Station (bumper cars must be are so previous century! my dear. We now have bumper satellites.)
In May 2021, China launched Tianhe, the first of the orbiting space station’s three modules, and the country aims to finish building the station by the end of 2022.
Satellites from Starlink Internet Services, had two “close encounters” with the Chinese space station, according to a document submitted to the UN Space Agency.
China complained to the UN in a diplomatic note, its space station had to take evasive action to avoid collision with satellites launched by the billionaire’s Starlink program. (SCMP)
China handed a Note verbale dated 3 December 2021 to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General. This details how the space station had to carry out emergency evasive maneuvers on two occasions.
The Digital yuan app goes live on app stores. The Chinese e-CNY is ready for Beijing Winter Olympics.
Good for China. And good for Russia having a friend and ally in China. God bless them both.
Please forgive me, I’m one of the few Americans who don’t believe Russia and China are enemies. Yes I must be stupid, dumb, ignorant, God fearing, and of course white so forgive even my exsistence.
I for one would much rather live under the rule of those two governments, perferably beautiful Russia, than the jews. Oh boy I mentioned jew in questionable way. I surly must be anti semetic. Forgive me chosen ones, your brainwashing and propoganda no longer works on me. I dont belive you suffered so much much and its always not your fault. I do not belive diversity is our strength. Do not belive all the other filthy you spew. Yes, how dare a white man belive and think for himself. Praise God in heaven.
God have mercy on us all and grant more wake up to the truth.
God bless.
Chill PC
Don’t fall for the red-blue pill divide & conquer Elite Mandate.
Oh dear, the Jew hate has arrived. Why not consider Americas corrupt, rotten to the core, Federal and State governments. A corrupt and political legal system, rampaging Pentagon and “7 dead kids in Kabul” Non of this beastly behaviour has anything to do with good olde USA, USA. It’s all the Jews fault. Please give planet earth a break. Go buy a “made in China,” mirror and have a good look at America.
To be fair, Ronnie, aren’t “It’s all the Jews’ fault” and “It’s all the USA’s fault” both fallacious? Sure, greedy, power-abusing “Gentiles” can keep the Empire going just like greedy, power-abusing “Jews” can, but the Empire is much older and bigger than the USA.
Did the first private central banks originate in the USA? Did the establishment of wealthy elites who use their money and influence to “devour widows’ houses” (Mark 12 v.40), then manipulate government and the public to silence, even crucify opposition begin in the USA? For a long period of time, the USA was at war with the Empire and its tendencies. Back in 1781, President John Adams said, “Great Britain has borrowed all the superfluous wealth of Europe, in Italy, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, and some in France, to murder us.” The USA only flipped to being an “ally” of the Banksters of England some time around the Spanish-American War, the Federal Reserve Act, and World War 1.
Chuck, you made me laugh. Great post. The Jews and the USA are partners in terror, all they tell is lies, and all they do is kill and steal. They are so great that they can kill any unarmed grandmother as well as the baby she’s holding. That’s what they do, and I can see it, so I must be anti-Semitic, too. Plus I’m white! Oh, no! Help me!
This means only one sure thing: The Empire will try to bomb/destroy to China.
Sure, they will bomb it for a couple of Days, then when they are out of ordinance and they will ask Shina politely to start sending again “EVERYTHING” because its Economy, Military, Wallmarts, and the few factories that still operate are on Stop (including the ones producing bombs and missiles) due to the disruption of imports…
I supposse that when you lose your industrial capacity, skilled Workers (both blue and white collar), researchers in stem sciences, really productive people with non-BS Jobs, and real entrepeneurs (no FIRE and Wall Street Speculation included) … what is left it is only the Hubris of Empire…
They can also shoot themselves in the Head, it will less painfull.
no pun intended Victor, your comment is absolutely right, I was just thinking about the consecuences of such an act…
Of course, bombing, plundering, raping, and destroying have been the Empire’s MO for centuries way back to early US history. The Empire’s controllers are simply delirious (uncontrolled excitement, ecstasy) thinking about breaking Russia and China.
I concur! However, I also believe that it is far too late
Surely China knows Musk is CIA. As soon as they get the Tesla tech down pat they can kick his ass back to Americstan.
MUSK RAT looks a Tad Chinese. Maybe he wants to be the new emperor. The job has been vacant for many years, the last one became a gardener. If he is CIA his ID number and fringe benefits + fruit and nut interests will be well know to all the bad actors, holding all the Oscars. They also know were the money is. When you say he could be CIA do you mean, “Chinese Intelligence Agency.” Stranger things have happened in the shadows.
Some positive news for a change. Talking about the planet in general. We live in amazing times, no nation has produced so much wealth so fast for so many in recorded history. Putting aside, fear, jealousy and anger you have to respect how the living standards of average people in China has improved: it’s beyond amazing.
Trains, motorways , bridges, airports and shipping ports are the muscles of an economy. Learned that at school in the 1960’s. First there was the Industrial Revolution now comes the China Revolution. Holiday trippers on the moon in 2050? Meanwhile back on earth US diplomats quietly apply for visas to the Beijing Winter Olympics, as their lap doggies snivel and whine. This alone, encapsulates the entire embarrassing mess. Winners are grinners losers are weepers.
It’s amazing what a productive society can do when its wealth is not directed preferentially towards the financial sector and foreign wars of choice.
I’m an American septuagenarian, and it’s a pity that I’ve never lived in such a society.
Very impressive statistics. Astonishing, really.
I recommend the link to article on thorium reactors- the future of nuclear energy and the key to breaking the link between nuclear power and nuclear war. There was a lot of excitement here about this in the ‘70’s and 80’s, and then it just died away – i have always believed not for a lack of scientific merit but from a failure of will.
I find it disturbing China would brag about some 200 new billionaires in a year. That should be seen as a toxic byproduct, not a benefit. China’s success depends on keeping all that private capital coordinated and harnessed to the common good, while (as Chinas economists surely understand) the profit imperative for each capitalist is intrinsically antisocial and resembles sociopathy.
China’s billionaire class must be straining against the control of the Communist Party and dreaming of the day they can burst their bonds and take full state power. In this they will find willing support from the Empire’s billionaire class and their instruments such as the CIA. They are a growing third column at the heart of Chinese society. As the failure of the Empire and the global capitalist system grows more acute, its efforts to exploit this source of instability and detonate China’s internal conflict will also.
This is perhaps not so different from the Empire’s strategy against Russia, where Communist Party control has already been broken but – as i model it – the remains of the security state led by Putin is still holding their new billionaire class harnessed to a national purpose, with the support of the people.
I keep looking for (and seeing) signs the leaders of Russia and China understand this dynamic and will have the will and power to strike down their third columns when the comes, but the lessons of history are not encouraging.
The Multipolar World and Belt and Road are great dreams, great projects, and a cause for hope, but the societies driving them are more fragile and vulnerable than they appear.
I’d like for you to go and read ‘at what cost’ at MoonofAlabama. The reason is, you don’t ‘get’ China and her million- and billionaires. You’re doing the same thing here, saying ‘at what cost’.
And then, on a real level, take a look at a Chinese kindergarten game.
It is just an understanding of different civilizational mores that westerners don’t get. Here we work with cooperation, and not with capitalist exploitation.
Belt and Road for example is not a dream, but something that is being implemented day by day.
Wow that game video is amazing. American kids NO WAY could do that. They’re doing well to dress themselves and use the toilet by kindergarten. And they’re so fat they would fall over and cry trying to do that synchronized activity.
Correct, Amarynth, and that is why political or socioeconomic ideas like “Communism” or “Capitalism” do not appropriately express what’s at the core of these “different civilizational mores.” This is closer to spiritual or metaphysical ideas. Remember back in the 1970s and 1980s: Did “Capitalists” have any problems normalizing relations with “Communist” China and outsourcing corporate industry? Under Marxist-Leninist Atheism where, as Karl Marx wrote, “a man… will move around himself as his own true Sun,” will people be materially self-centered?
Pablo Escobar’s article, “Will Confucius marry Marx?” explained that Confucianism is making a comeback in China, and according to that belief system, “moral quality and ability to govern well and fairly” are what matter. This parallel’s Russia’s comeback of Christianity where people believe, “Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.” (Colossians 4 v.1) Westerners do get this; after all, many claim to be Christian. It’s just an issue of cutting through the doublethink.
You are right in your post, China’s protection for the future is that they as a culture do not socio-spatially reproduce the images or implement the value systems of the clearly decadent West.
I wanted to add something here. The new anti-monopoly law in China has now kicked in and they are serious. To explain it from my view, if these very big businesses do not give back to the community, it is literally considered as something like treason. They had state help to build, now that they are successful, they have to give back.
So take a look:
Chinese regulator issues first antitrust fines in 2022, signals sustained campaign
Move signals sustained campaign in 2022 to ensure market order: experts
96%? Germany has 50% home ownership. In the U.S., where it’s called a ‘dream’, it’s 65% home ownership. Sweden’s was less than 68% three years ago whereas in Russia it was 89% four years ago.
“Godfree”, if that’s his real first name, might consider if more than economic growth (power) is involved. Did a communist country just basically cede ownership of what was a state-owned apartment? I doubt that now their economic growth, though spectacular, accounts for that percentage of ownership in the sense of the capitalist standard of ownership. Their salaries must be rising a lot but still be comparatively low.
It is my real, legal name.
Chinese factory workers cost their employers more than American factory workers cost their employers.
Their real wages have been doubling every ten years since 1980 and are on track to repeat that this decade.
They own their homes in the same way that we own ours.
Hi Godfree
Good stuff. There was a comment on MoA but I do not post there but it related to the number of warships. It was way wrong. You are right about the three commissioned at one time but a look at wikipaedia shows that it is much, much more that that. In 2021 in addition to the three large vessels commissioned on the same day (1 submarine, one destroyer and one large landing dock) they commissioned 8 more cruisers/destroyers, 6 corvettes and an additional helicopter landing dock ie 18 ships in total, 12 of which are big ones. In addition they have no less than 1 submarine, 9 cruisers/destroyers, 3 frigates and a landing dock at a very advanced stage ie being fitted out or in sea trials.
So there are no doubt additional ships built for export and probably submarines and drones which are kept hidden and secret, but essentially China is expanding its navy at an extraordinary rate.
Minimum wage here in Shenzhen is among the highest in China at 2300/month, but factory workers expect from 5,000. That is just shy of $800, say $10,000/year. There are some additions the employer has to pay. US workers must be seriously underpaid.
As for owning their own homes, refer to my other comments below.
I think Walt’s comment from China is of a different order, because he’s in China and living where the minimum wage is the highest. I mentioned above the communist order they had – also with Russia’s 89% (2018) home ownership in mind. It’s a similar case, really, isn’t it, with 89% and 96% both are breaking the world record. Now we know Russia is the richest country in natural resources in the world, that their economy is growing with a bright, educated population, but we read of shortcomings and people complaints over there too (i.e., in healthcare). Let’s just assume Russians have a higher standard of living than Germans – but 39% more “home ownership” than Germans – already? I’ll read Walt again after this.
Adam Smith in his “Wealth of Nations” (1776) has a great moment where he openly wonders about the future of the United States given its natural advantages, implying that it could be very great. And there is this line about Russia in the economist Ludwig von Mises’ book “Liberalism” (1927): “Russia is endowed far more richly by nature with fertility of soil and mineral resources of all kinds than is the United States.” (p. 153)
96% home ownership? I would like to see a source for that. Here where I live in Shenzhen in this and surrounding apartment blocks, everything is rented. Also nearby there are numerous blocks for government employees, subsidised but all rented out. Every street has many agents advertising numerous properties to rent. So I just don’t buy that claim.
And how can laser light be faster than radio waves, both are electromagnetic waves travelling at the same speed.
So just two things I know about which cannot be true. Casts doubt on the rest, sorry.
There is at least one source for each statement. For the housing the one used here is:
There are more as this was extensively written about.
For the Space Lasers, this is the source:
Again, this was extensively written about and if you take a look yourself, you’ll find more.
The source didn’t actually say that, it said it was 28% or something more than the USA.
Anyway I just doubt it. I speak from personal experience. Property prices in the cities in China have rocketed over the past 20 years, average people simply cannot afford to buy. Almost without exception, they rent. I don’t know any home owners, apart from my landlord, certainly not among my staff. The government has recognised that, and last year has clamped down on new home prices. Second hand three bedroom apartments here are 8 million yuan, that’s $1,250,000. Minimum wage here is among the highest in China at 2,300/month, but factory workers expect from 5,000. That is just shy of $800, say $10,000/year. So 125 years to pay back, plus interest. The source is suspect.
As for the satellites, the speed of transmission is the same in both cases, the speed of light. It may be transmitting more data, but it is not communicating them faster.
PS I just posted a comment to say that China (3) vs the USA (2,556) on Covid is 0.117% not 0.6%, but it disappeared. From Worldometers, a reliable source I believe.
Walt, nails over a chalkboard. Exactly they did state that.
“April 27 — China may be the first country in the world to have reached a 96 percent urban home ownership rate, according to the central bank.
In an article the People’s Bank of China published in its China Finance journal today it also noted that the bulk of assets held by urban families is physical.”
So, did you actually go and find the PBOC’s report? I did – some areas bigger ownership some areas less. This is a conglomerate number and is fully supported by the historical trends.
What are you quibbling about? .5% or 1% or what?
Same as your other number. You assume that Worldometers have it correct. Really? What really is the difference between 0.12 and 0.6 given the starting numbers. Did you use the same set of statistics?
Also the Lasers. It is a network – it is not only speed of signal, but speed of transmission through a network space to earth. The article has the relative increases.
I just don’t understand the quibbling with these numbers. Unless one actually works with them from raw data, they will never ever be exactly the same. Expressed in a percentage it is pretty rough numbers.
“Also the Lasers. It is a network – it is not only speed of signal, but speed of transmission through a network space to earth.”
Apologies for butting in – it is all about the speed of the signal – the data rate – and NOT the speed of transmission.
Optical and radio transmission through space are limited to the same rate of propagation. The only presently known way around that limitation is to use scalar transmission, and anyone who currently knows how to do that isn’t telling.
The speed of transmission of a signal through any feeding and receiving networks is also essentially irrelevant, because in the context of this subject there’s no particular distinction. Whatever might be feeding a signal to laser communication satellites is not necessarily internally any faster or slower than whatever might be feeding radio communication satellites.
The difference is in the potential data rate. Optical data rates are potentially many orders of magnitude faster than achievable using radio transmissions. Laser communication satellites will allow end-to-end optical data rates, removing the bottleneck otherwise imposed by radio satellite links.
Average IQ 104, this is where it shows!
Whereas America’s (and Europe’s) mean IQ will be sinking down as it becomes more brown.
Fingers crossed China can avoid all the traps leading to war that will no doubt be laid before it, this coming year. Its subtle Confucian diplomacy will here be needed!
Clearly China is the exceptional nation.