By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission
Chinese President Xi Jinping is leading a scientific ‘People’s War’ against the coronavirus

Would Mao Zedong (pictured in background at Tiananmen Gate in Beijing) be happy with China’s attempt to win a ‘People’s War’ on the coronavirus? Photo: Nicolas Asfouri / AFP
President Xi Jinping formally told WHO head Tedros Ghebreyesus, at their meeting in Beijing earlier this week, that the coronavirus epidemic “is a devil and we cannot allow the devil to hide.”
Ghebreyesus for his part could not but praise Beijing for its extremely swift, coordinated response strategy – which includes fast identification of the genome sequence. Chinese scientists have already handed over to Russian counterparts the virus genome, with snap tests able to identify it in a human body within two hours. A Russia-China vaccine is under development.
The devil, of course, is always in the details. In a matter of a few days, at the peak of the most congested travel period of the year, China did manage to quarantine an urban environment of over 56 million people, including megalopolis Wuhan and three nearby cities. This is an absolute first in terms of public health, anytime in history.
Wuhan, with a GDP growth of 8.5% a year, is a significant business center for China. It lies at the strategic crossroads of the Yangtze and Han rivers and at a railway crossroads as well – between the north-south axis linking Guangzhou to Beijing and the east-west axis linking Shanghai to Chengdu.
As premier Li Keqiang was sent to Wuhan, President Xi visited the strategic southern province of Yunnan, where he extolled the immense government apparatus to boost control and sanitary prevention mechanisms to limit propagation of the virus.
Coronavirus catches China at an extremely sensitive juncture – after the (failed) Hybrid War tactics displayed in Hong Kong; an American pro-Taiwan offensive; the trade war far from solved by a mere “phase 1” deal while more sanctions are being plotted against Huawei; and even the assassination of Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, which ultimately is about targeting the expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Southwest Asia (Iran-Iraq-Syria).
The Big Picture spells out Total Information War and non-stop weaponization of the China “threat” – now even metastasized, with racist overtones, as a bio-threat. So how vulnerable is China?
A people’s war
For almost five years now a maximum-security biolab has been operating in Wuhan dedicated to the study of highly pathogenic micro-organisms – set up in partnership with France after the SARS epidemic. In 2017, Nature magazine was warning about the risks of dispersion of pathogenic agents out of this lab. Yet there’s no evidence this might have happened.
In crisis management terms, President Xi has lived up to the occasion – ensuring that China fights coronavirus with nearly total transparency (after all, the internet wall remains in place). Beijing has warned the whole government apparatus in no uncertain terms not to attempt any cover-ups. A real-time webpage, in English, here, is available to everyone. Whoever is not doing enough will face serious consequences. One can imagine what awaits the party chief in Hubei, Jiang Chaoliang.
A post that went viral all over the mainland this past Sunday states, “We in Wuhan have truly entered the stage of people’s war against the new viral pneumonia”; and many people, “mainly Communist Party members” have been confirmed as “volunteers and observers according to street units.”
Crucially, the government directed everyone to install a “Wuhan Neighbors” applet downloaded from WeChat. That determines “our home’s quarantine address through satellite positioning, and then lock on our affiliated community organization and volunteers. Thenceforth, our social activities and information announcements would be connected to the system.”
Theoretically, this means that “anyone who develops a fever will report their condition through the network as soon as possible. The system will immediately provide an online diagnosis, and locate and register your quarantine address. If you need to see a doctor, your community will arrange a car to send you to the hospital through volunteers. At the same time, the system will track your progress: hospitalization, treatment at home, discharge, death, etc.”
So here we have millions of Chinese citizens totally mobilized in what’s routinely described as a “people’s war” using “high technology to fight against illness.” Millions are also drawing their own conclusions when comparing it with the use of app software to fight against the police in Hong Kong.
The biogenetic puzzle
Apart from crisis management, the speed of the Chinese scientific response has been breathtaking – and obviously not fully appreciated in an environment of Total Information War. Compare the Chinese performance with the American CDC, arguably the top infectious disease research agency in the world, with an $11 billion annual budget and 11,000 employees.
During the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in 2014 – considered a maximum urgency, and facing a virus with a 90% fatality rate – the CDC took no less than two months from getting the first patient sample to identifying the complete genomic sequence. The Chinese did it in a few days.
During the swine flu in the US in 2009 – 55 million infected Americans, 11,000 killed – the CDC took over a month and a half to come up with identification kits.
The Chinese took only one week from the first patient sample to complete, vital identification and sequencing of coronavirus. Right away, they went for publication and deposit in the genomics library for immediate access by the whole planet. Based on this sequence, Chinese biotech companies produced validated essays within a week – also a first.
And we’re not even talking about the now notorious building of a brand new state of the art hospital in Wuhan in record time just to treat victims of coronavirus. No victims will pay for their treatment. Additionally, Healthy China 2030, the reform of the health/development system, will be boosted.
Coronavirus opens a true Pandora’s box on biogenetics. Serious questions remain about experiences in vivo in which the consent of “patients” will not be required – considering the collective psychosis initially developed by Western corporate media and even the WHO around coronavirus. Coronavirus could well become a pretext for genetic experiments via vaccines.
Meanwhile, it’s always enlightening to remember Great Helmsman Mao Zedong. For Mao, the top two political variables were “independence” and “development.” That implies full sovereignty. As Xi seems determined to prove a sovereign civilization-state is able to win a scientific “people’s war,” that does not exactly spell out “vulnerability.”
Ethnic Bio-Weapon Documentary
The Coronavirus is definitely a weapon—an *Economic and Infowar* weapon that America and its vassals will manipulate against China, that is.
Call it Hybrid War, Coronavirus style.
1). Firstly, it will negatively impact the Chinese economy, with a quarantine and travel to/from and even within China significantly circumcised. Think of it like America’s Muslim travel ban–only applied to China on a planetary scale—or so the Americans would hope in their wet dreams.
The potential disruption of supply chains, factories, businesses, as well as financial stock market downturns will also be in play—not to mention, a very cynical attempt to manipulate issue in terms of Hong Kong separatism.
HK medical workers’ strike part of dangerous political game
You can be sure that American regime is, behind closed doors, gleefully salivating at the possible financial effects to its number one economic competitor, even as the USA piously sheds crocodile tears about the health issues involved.
2). Just as important, the Americans and their proxies will attempt to tacitly evoke Yellow Peril racism and Sinophobia hysterics in general as well as specifically smear China for its handling of this issue–either not doing enough to contain it or, contradictorily, being too “draconian” and “secretive” in containing it.
Call this American Infowar tactic: “Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t.”
As Coronavirus Spreads So Does Anti-Chinese Racism
Moreover, documented by Whitney Webb and Moon of Alabama, some American media like Radio Free Asia and Washington Times, as well as supposed “alternative” media like ZeroHedge have attempted to insinuate that the Coronavirus was connected to some kind of biowarfare lab in Wuhan, China by relying on dubious sources or highly speculative “evidence.”
More importantly, the US media has studiously ignored highly curious American military/academic connections to Wuhan itself and studies on the Coronavirus in China, as well as the United States’ bioweapons research involving the Coronavirus.
Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent DARPA Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
Outstanding post!.
Thank you, you summed it up very well.
Anonymous and clickkid
Hats off to your excellent analyses. For sure China had this figured out. Do you think China will retaliate? If so, how? Just want to read your perspectives. Thank you.
Thank you Chaucer.
In my opinion China is ‘winning the peace’ and does not need escalation of conflict or anything similar.
China will keep on working, trading, investing and building capital. That capital consisting not just of of physical infrastructure but of the knowledge and skills of its people. With each year that passes the US share of the world economy will grow smaller and smaller, and thus the resources avalable to its government will dimish relative to those of China and associated countries.
In my opinion the US is like a chess-player, who looking at the board sees that he is doomed to defeat. All he can do is play out a few remaining moves, shifting his king backwards and forwards.
This thing with the corona virus is an attempt to smash the chessboard and send the pieces flying across the room.
When China’s Supply Chains Break, so Will the Delusion the U.S. Economy Is Invulnerable
Was it ever plausible that China’s economy could grind to a halt and there wouldn’t be any consequences for the U.S. economy? No. Alas, mass delusions always end badly.
p/s no more chessboard? USSA just declare they have officially defaulted and lost!
Well yes – upending the chessboard is an admission of defeat.
Seems possible to me as a complete lay person having no qualifications other than whimsical fancy that one of the products of this virus might be sterility – whether the victim falls gravely ill or experiences it as the mildest flu. The angiotensin system in the testis is according to Wikipedia unique and separate from that operating in the lungs however not beyond perhaps the virus destroying the testis germ cells. If it gets down into that stratum it may become retransmissible via semen but not exhibit symptoms initially beyond lethargy. That would be an existential event if ever there was one.
The Turk who ¨whistleblowed” on June 11th 2019 that USA would send a virus shipment to China and that epidemics would soon begin, he is a Turkish military man, he had intelligence about this:
Yes, thanks!
Presumably working with the CIA on the Xingiang/Uighurs angle. I’m going to look later at what else he’s posted.
The Turkish Emir who predicted (on June 11th 2019) the epidemics in China is only following 2 twitter accounts; 1 is the Turkish Army, the other is a guy called Oktan. This Oktan retweeted, on January 28th, Emir’s tweet of January 28th: “After our deciphering Robots took action.”
Below that line is Emir’s tweet of January 27th : “We have already explained where and by whom to deal with this outbreak months ago.”
Emir’s prediction of june 11th 2019:
The U.S. sent an aircraft of biological weapons to China. Epidemics may begin in China soon.
They should not forget that if there is a Turk on earth, there is hope.””
Emir and Oktan are Turkish ultra-nationalists.
@clickkid Are you Chinese? If so, you should send this information to the Chinese authorities.Emir and Oktan are Turkish ultra-nationalists. Emir had information (in 2019) about an impending biological attack on China! The Turks and Americans are playing the Uighurs angle!
No I’m not.
However I have been texting with Chinese friends the last few days. It is a very prevalent view there that the Americans have done this to try and put China in their place.
Isn’t Cocaine Mitch married to a Chinese woman ? It would be a shame to watch her and her family “catch” this
I would like to add the following post which is the first good news in this long conversation. Chinese Doctor’s have now filed a patent for a new treatment regime. I do hope that they successfully treat all the patient’s affected by this dreadful disease.
A chinese saying-
“Be so subtle that you are invisible. Be so mysterious that you are intangible. Then you will control your rival’s fate.”
In human affairs of danger and delicacy successful conclusion is sharply limited by hurry. — John Steinbeck.
Here’s a measured and balanced take on nCoV written on 2-2-2020 by somebody whose credentials include a doctoral degree in ecology, evolution and conservation biology, and a postdoctoral degree in computational molecular biology.
He’s also a published author whose books have been well received by the scientific community. An example:
Lyons-Weiler has recently published a blog entry (2 Feb) titled:
“Moderately Strong Confirmation of a Laboratory Origin of 2019-nCoV”
In the comments section he expands his thoughts further on his findings. He covers all the bases, which is why I trust him more than others:
“Given the scenarios, it all hinges on which scenario (hypotheses) bears out:
(1) Natural recombination – looks like this is not likely at all. Killer recombined coronaviruses are, however, to be expected, and reduction of risk of zoonotic transfer from animals to humans must be minimized (food choice, fully
cooked food, gloves that prevent cuts during food prep, sanitary food prep).
Elizabeth Tillier’s molecular phylogenetic work that shows that bats are primates must be kept in mind: recombination among coronaviruses between humans and other primates would be most likely possible. But in this case, the natural origin hypothesis seems dim to me.
(2) Lab-origin – seems most likely.
(2a) Lab-origin, vaccine type.
(2a1) Lab-origin, vaccine type, escaped.
If this is an experimental vaccine type, escaped from a lab, it is by definition contagious
(as would any coronavirus be) and the lab may have been working to modify the transmissibility. Such modifications could have resulted in a super-transmissible virus, which also happens to have more pathogenic capacity. The R0 does appear elevated. Such a virus would infect anyone, everyone, but would not be overly lethal to the entire population. A lab worker could have picked it up.
(2a2) Lab-origin, vaccine type, administered, tested on humans in China.
If this scenario is true, then the rest of the world need not worry so much. Vaccines of this type (SARS, etc) have notoriously bad reputations because the animal studies resulted in high mortality in older animals upon secondary challenge. Since the rest of the world was not vaccinated w/an experimental coronovirus w/an extra SARS-like spike protein, we would not be sensitized and the older population (50+) would not be at increased risk.
(3) Lab-origin, bioweapon, escaped or released.
If this is a bioweapon, it’s poorly designed. A decent weaponized coronvirus (which I recommend against) would be tailored to target 18-25 yos to take out troops. It would not have such a long latency period; it would be design to quick quickly, have much higher transmissibility, low latency period, and it would tend to give those infected little chance to recover yet seem to require intensive urgent care releasing massive amounts of infected body fluids. This is not likely a bioweapon.”
Comments slightly reformated for clarity. Hope it turns out OK.
And now I have another scientific question: can Corona virus be transmitted through comments on a web blog site?
That’s a very deep and profound question Cerni. Earth-moving. Of great scientific import.
But the answer is, only if you swallow the device you’re reading the comments on. Provided it’s been contaminated with nCoV and you don’t hold your breath when swallowing, of course.
Hope this helps.
No, but memes can be transmitted on the Web.
Therefore, lately we have seen such memes as:
‘dirty Chinese,’
‘disgusting Chinese,’
cruel Chinese,
‘lying chinese Government’
Repeated over and over again ad nauseum in mainstream and supposedly alternative media like ZeroHedge.
In an operation like this, the instigators have to make sure they dominate the ‘meme space’ in the time following the action on the ground, in order to shape the public perception.
I would go much deeper than that…
It is now ‘weaponizing’ the western ppl, as useful idiots, to fight their psy-op against the chinese and china
it is setting up The PPL from the west and The PPL from the east while they attempt a New World Order salvation plan miraculously prepared like the 9ONE1-template.
Yet as one poster here has said, and I am lamented several times, but The PPL of the west wont or cant do anything.
What are we, The PPL from the east to do? Are we to have a new gene pool or nCoV chinese? A few hundred generation of nCoV chinese? A new blood line of nCoV chinese? What are we talking about here? A thousand years to correct the bio-weapon launch on The civilian chnese population just so they can continue their war crime business?
Or do we kill ALL of the babies contaminated by the bio-weapon virus?
Obviously the western ppl are clueless and dumb about such things seeing they let their gov do all kinds of inhumane and illegal ‘experiment’ on them, and they still chant they have freedom and liberty.
Anyone has agood idea?
This article is interesting but is also stating the obvious. Indeed I posed the similar 5 options several days ago ie:
1. The virus mutated naturally to become much more infectious and to allow for human to human infection rather than just animal to human as had been assumed for the “wet market” cases. This is possible – viruses can do this. It could explain why the Wuhan authorities were initially fairly lax ie through December. ( ie No 1 above)
2. The precautions taken with the December cases broke down in some way and the infectious virus got out for the first time in to the community so started its exponential spread
3. Someone in Wuhan was trying to develop a vaccine for the December cases and it went horribly wrong (His 2a1)
4. The virus was an experimental one (either as a vaccine or bioweapon) with some sort of delay trigger was accidentally released from China
5. A hostile power used the opportunity of a known animal transmitted form of Corona virus (in the SARS model) to release a bioweapon aimed at maximum economic destruction.
Now I have been doing a bit of reading and from what I have read natural evolution has problems. Firstly because it seems to involve SARS genes plus a new bat species – a bit of a stretch, also the rate of change in the Wuhan virus is very, very low suggesting a very sudden explosion form a single source. Cannot rule it out but?????
So if we assume like the author of this article that a Lab origin is likely then it poses two questions – accident or deliberate and from which laboratory.
Now I find his rather sneaky implication that somehow the Chinese may have done mass vaccination of a trial then followed by an accident as absurd and undermines what otherwise seems a reasonable paper. I am not saying that they could have done a trial vaccination but never, never, never on the scale of many many thousands such as this. So the idea is absurd. Conceivably a vaccination trial that went horribly wrong but NOT something that involved a second challenge and some sort of mass vaccination of 11 million people in Wuhan. An outbreak of 200 people in a village of 2000 yep but NOT anything of this scale.
Finally I am concerned that this new virus does indeed use ACE2 receptors just as did SARS which makes it more sever and virulent. I have not yet been able to determine if there is any racial profiling about this receptor.
ACE2 and genotype frquency
I am still trying to find out more on this ACEII if it is INDEED race-targeted, and coming from a research mindset.
First the experiment linked here recruited ‘Five hundred and seventy healthy volunteers were recruited from the Lebanese population’ No Chinese was in the experiment.
Second, as cited in the report, “In brief, the II genotype had an average frequency of 23% in northern Europe, 20% in the UK, 15 % in Spain, 14 % in north Italy, 12 % in south Italy, 7% in Lebanon, 6% in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 2% in Kuwait, and then an average of 35 % in China and 45% in Japan.”
Again no chinese/asian was present in the experiment so how did they extrapolate such results? Also, note, the word ‘AVERAGE’ here, that means, ANYONE can have higher than the average in any region. That means anyone from the west, can be infected if their for some reason, have higher ACEII average than what is stated in this report, be that an outlier.
It is interesting to me, the Japan has higher avg than china if there are the same or very similar ancestral roots. Why?
Can or has this experiment been replicated?
Lastly, what I am most interested – can this bio-weapon target specific gender – aka asian male? The report here does not make any mention of that.
Again, it does not make sense to me, as far as I understand gene-tech, that they can target specific race ONLY and far more to nail-down to specific gender ONLY. Thus, if this bio-weapon is released in the west, they will have a unfortunate circus show too. In bio-weapon is fair game.
Pls also note as the virus can mutate fast so does out individual gene sequence change accordingly in response plus we have our own immune system and other external health assist (medication, diet, clean water/air etc0 to balance and overcome. Be safe.
I could read the experiment wrong here. Pls feel free to correct me.
If anyone has more good links/research on the race and gender as potential specific target, pls share. Thanks :)
? Hi
All good points.
Like you I am not confident of the scientific cred of the comments on the AEII distribution (sorry Dave) but some comments that may be relevant:
1. I imagine there are lots of studies in medical magazines regarding distribution of receptors because in the articles I have recently scanned there was reference to lung transplants and I realised that this is the sort of information gathered when the medicos are trying to find matches for heart, lung kidney transplants etc. So there will be lots of information around but maybe more related to families than to races. The study cited was quite possibly one such, focusing on Lebanon.
2. Your comment re Japan was interesting and chances are that IF there is any genetic higher % of any East Asian specific gene it would be high or highest in Japan. They will NOT be happy.
3. Yes it would be possible to have gender specific gene technology. Remember that men carry about 1.5% of a totally different chromosome set so there could well be gender specific traits, not to mention the fact that male/female hormones will often change the WAY genes are expressed and this would be very gender specific.
4. You are right in that even if the distribution of susceptibility is highest say in East Asian males, it is not non existent for the rest of the world so precautions and panic are still probable. Could backfire easily.
5. The virus does mutate fast (although in this case it has been minimal which suggests a very recent and very large sudden dispersal from the same source). Viruses mutate much, much faster than can our capacity to respond. Mutations happen when there is replication so at several thousand daily in each patient the capacity for mutation is enormous. For us humans it takes about 20 years.
6. Actually this is not true and our immune system can respond more quickly but still not as fast as viruses can change. For us our genetic structure does not change rapidly but our antibody system does react to produce cells which can lock on to specific viruses (or parts of them). We DO change of course but slowly. It was suggested for example that many in Europe were more resistant to HIV that people in Africa. One suggestion was that the Black Death had wiped out the most susceptible population back in the 1300s and that this relative resistance had been passed on to resistance against some viruses. Other examples are population resistance strategies against Malaria
Sputnik, RT Editor-in-Chief Slams Pentagon Over Allegations of Social Media Monitoring
“Margarita Simonyan cited an RT press statement suggesting the US military could “make a much better use of its resources on direct action to fight the coronavirus, rather than sitting in front of screens.”
Earlier in the day, a Newsweek reporter contacted Sputnik saying that the US military is monitoring its accounts on social media to find any disinformation in its coverage of the coronavirus outbreak.
Sputnik’s press service said in a statement: “Unfortunately, we can’t comment immediately. Between us, from the moment we received your request everybody here is in shock and awe at this example of unparalleled efficiency in US military spending.”
“We are happy however to be an important source of information for the Pentagon and will work with that in mind moving forward. Please send them our best regards.”
Well, the zionazi-gays need to know if their biological attack on China is being exposed. They present propaganda nonstop through the zionazi-gay media, they flood the web with spammers and they work tirelessly to block or shut down any uncontrolled news sources and dissent on social media.
The most obvious indication that this new virus is israeloamerican biological warfare is the huge effort israeloamericans have put into trying to frame the Chinese as waging biological warfare against their own people or causing the outbreak by accidentally leaking one of their own biological warfare agents. When zionazia falsely accuses somebody of doing something, it is a sure indication they themselves did what they are falsely accusing others of doing.
This article surprised me and has educated me to the sentiment on this website, including Mr. Escobar.
It’s pro-communist, anti-American. I get the message and no amount of communist lies, carnage, evil or history will change your minds and frankly I don’t care to.
Hi Sam!
May I suggest you visit China – not quite yet perhaps, although if you are not of East Asian ethnicity nothing can really happen to you. You will discover a country with public infrastructure that makes Germany look like a developing country, never mind somewhere as backward as the US.
China is best understood as a Neo-Confucian country, rather than a communist one. Don’t be fooled by the fact that it ruled by the Communist Party. Just as the Democratic Party in the US is not democratic, just as the British Conservative Party is not conservative, so the Communist Party is not communist.
Here’s a couple of quotes from Xi Jinping – and don’t worry about his occasional use of the word ‘socialist’.
“”We should nurture and practice core socialist values, foster the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and love both family and the country,” said Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission.
The president urged the people to integrate their personal and family dreams with the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
“We should pool the wisdom and strength of more than 1.3 billion Chinese people in more than 400 million households to strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation,” he said.”
“Xi has stressed the importance of family bonds, family love and family values in his speeches in recent years.
While addressing the annual Spring Festival greetings on Jan 26, 2017, Xi called on the nation to love families and friends. Love should reach to every family and bring warmth to all Chinese like a spring breeze blowing across the nation, he said.
“The Chinese people have always valued love and high morality,” Xi said. He urged people not to neglect their families, comrades and loved ones, no matter how busy they are in their work.
In his Lunar New Year greetings on Feb 17, 2015, Xi stressed family bonds and family education.
Xi said that Chinese traditions and virtues of family harmony and affection should not be forgotten so as to ensure that the young grow up healthily and senior citizens are taken care of.
“Family is the basic cell of society and the first school of our life,” Xi said. No matter how time has changed, the family value, family education and family building must be stressed so that the millions of families become important points for national development, ethnical progress and social harmony, he added.
The president has highlighted the importance of family and stressed family bonds, family values and family education on many occasions.”
Do those quotes sound communist to you? Can you imagine a western leader so stressing the importance of family and traditional values?
Confucianism, and Chinese culture generally, has always stressed that our social responsibilities to each other are at least as important as individual freedom – that’s where the ‘socialism’ comes from.
There’s a quote from Dr Joseph Needham I’m trying to remember. He wrote that massive multi-volume study on the history of of Chinese science. It goes something like:
“Chinese civilization, in contrast to the West, has never accepted that there is a conflict between the individual and society or between man and nature, but has sought to integrate, realizing that the individual only fulfills himself in society, and that man is a part of nature”
…and when you visit China don’t worry about being an American. Chinese people love to meet Americans, They can distinguish between the People and government.
Enjoy yourself.
Have you seen the recent instagram post from violent opposition. The police visiting the girls apartment.
Have you seen what they did to the people and nature with 3 gorges dam?
China destroys nature and humans and has done so for how long? 70 years during modern history?
Interesting also, that IF it such a wonderful place, why would Hong Kong be fighting as hard as they are to avoid being taken over?
I don’t care what Stalin or Mao or Xi SAY. It matters not what comes out of their mouth. Some folks think Lenin was fine, but he called the people insects. You can make any monster sound good.
Your problem is that you do not see that it is the USA that is the super monster.
Now i do not doubt that China, Russia and other countries have done terrible things, but before you go dumping on other nations look FIRST to yourself.
The ONLY fair way to judge any nation is to first look at where they came from and judge where they are now.
So take on some of your comments.
Yes the three gorges dam is pretty bad but think on the various environmental nightmares we in the west inflicted upon ourselves during our rapid industrialization phase. The West essentially spent the 150 years from 1800 – 1950 destroying its environment with giant projects often with terrible environmental consequences. Damming rivers, clearing land etc. When developing countries do the same it is hypocritical of us to cry evil etc. it is even more the case with air pollution.
We in the west spent the 200 years polluting the air and only started the clean up in 1960 or so. China’s major industrial pollution phase has lasted only about 60 years and they have already made strides to address it. To deny them the right to plunder their environment as we did is simply churlish. If they continue to pollute with abandon for the next 100 years you may have cause to complain.
As for human rights issues, no one from the UK or USA or any of the other colonial powers can say ANYTHING. The USA wiped out most of the Indians as did Australians their aboriginals. The England committed major atrocities, suppression even genocide on the Welsh and the Scots. You might laugh and say just history but these were territorial strategic decisions taken to protect the dominant groups and as such nations such as China and Russia are simply acting to secure borders.
It is NOT pretty and we can all object – actually NOT us but perhaps good citizens of countries that have been no expansionist for say 200 years can accuse others but the USA stole all of the west coast, most of the border lands with Mexico, invaded the Phillipines and Hawaii an in recent times (post WWII) have bombed North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Panana and Grenada, not to mention the many many coups they have engineered and the crippling trade sanctions they have imposed. More innocents have died in these attacks than ever have died in China and probably more than those killed by Stalin. during that time not a simgle foreign nation sponsored attack has reached the USA,
Who is the monster?
Finally in a country where black are shot more often than whites, where police are trigger happy, hold children at gun point and arrest kids having tantrums you should refrain from casting stones. Your own house is made of thin glass.
Add to that:
Civil asset forfeiture – the police confiscating cash and other possessions only on the basis of suspicion.
Those affected often have no real recourse because of the massive legal costs involved.
So much for property rights.
you won’t find any defence of Stalin, Mao or Lenin from me.
All countries which have industrialized, have take a toll on nature.
Those videos may contain some truth, but maybe they don’t. The propaganda war.
America is a country that has lost its way. Dominated at home by a rapacious financial elite, whilst its military brutalize the world. More and more of its people succumbing to the despair of homelessness, opiates, suicide and random gun violence.
America once impressed the world with technological competence, now we witness on one hand the tragedy of frequent Boeing accidents, on the other the farce of the Iowa caucus.
All America can offer China is soya beans.
Here’s a link for you to learn. From someone speaking from Hong Kong.
The problem for young Hong Kongers like that guy is that the few oligarchs who own the scarce land in HK have driven up the rents so much that people like him can’t aford to buy anything of adequate size to start a family. Hence all of those people in HK living in ridiculously small spaces. No wonder young people there are so frustrated. They’d be much better off in Beijing or Shanghai. Rents and Prices are much more affordable on the mainland. China has, on average, built nearly a million homes every month since 1950, year in, year out.
Bet the homeless in California could do with some of that.
HK used to have a very privileged position as China’s window on the world. China doesn’t need that so much now. In addition HK has lost all of its industry to neighbouring parts of China, where the main cities have overtaken HK in prosperity and infrastructure.
“TIP Commander Seyfullah released a video entitled “Our Blessed Jihad in Yunnan” in which he issued orders for “severely attacking all central cities in inner China, ask our merciful Allah to allow these brothers and sisters to deal a fatal blow in this Jihad against Chinese and we ask our merciful Allah to completely stop Olympic Games….Bomb Chinese government buildings, venues, tourist spots and similar places….You’re even permitted to use biological weapons this time.”
“It is unlikely that a full-blown guerrilla movement will emerge in Xinjiang to engage Chinese forces in an Algerian- or Vietnamese-style revolt. The populace is simply too small, and Chinese security forces are too big and powerful. However, in an age of “suitcase” nuclear bombs and biological terrorist weapons, China is increasingly exposed to attacks from Uyghur separatists at soft target points such as the Three Gorges Dam or any one of its teeming cities. Indeed, as we have seen in a series of recent attacks, Uyghur separatists are showing an increasing ability to strike at Chinese targets. “
On the origins of the 2019 Wuhan coronavirus.
It is lab grown.
Whose lab, who knows….
2013 to 2019 – increasing geopolitical tension between the US and China
June 2019 – Turkish Military man tweets that the US is sending bio weapons to China
and that epidemics may begin soon.
October 2019 – 300 US Military personnel deploy to Wuhan for the Military World Games
November 2019 – likely first infection
January 2020 – infections explode just as massive annual New Year migration starts. -best possible time for
maximal distriburion of the virus.
February 2020 – The following has become clear:
nCov binds to ACE2 receptor cells in the lungs
East Asians have many more of these ACE2 cells in their lungs
You can find all of this Information by following the links in the 2 pages of discussion here.
Good job in summarizing the timeline.
Just a humble suggestion, perhaps it would be better to just ignore those people who still think that the US is still the greatest and the most kind-hearted nation on earth and can do no wrong. They are a waste of space, anyway.
@clickkid One correction: That Turkish Emir is not a Military guy (my mistake), he is a known spiritual guru and a Turkish Ultra-Nationalist who predicts certain events, he does follow the Turkish Army twitter account, is a fan of Turkish military and as i have understood from Turks that follow his twitter account, he is close to the Turkish authorities. I do not believe he predicted the virus outbreak through psychic powers, i believe he had real insider information.
My opinion too.
Two Birds with One Flu: Coronavirus is US’ Latest Weapon Against China…and its Own Dissidents
“The coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China and spread to many countries in a short time, is on the world agenda.
As a 16 star, we explained where and by whom to make this epidemic months ago.
On June 11, 2019, we made the necessary warning on the epidemic in China. This information was of course known at that time, and we were hesitant about whether to disclose it. Then we decided to announce it!
Transmitted from there, passed through that animal, etc. these are always stories. Coronavirus was produced as a biological weapon and was shipped to China by the US by plane.
What is more, but it is not right to write everything.
If necessary, it is already written.
As we said there
“They should not forget that if there is a Turk on earth, there is hope.”
Those who know, be sure!
The hope of Earth and space is TURK!
This much…”
What it looks like is:
The Wuhan game meat market could not source enough bats for Chinese bat eating enthusiasts.
To solve this problem spare bats were purchased, via a trader intermediary, from captive breeding programs set up to supply Wuhan Virolgy Centre.
Some of those bats were inoculated with SARS vaccines. Those bats were introduced to environment housing Pangolins. The vaccine via the Pangolins is now seeking havoc on Chinese.
Something maybe like that has happened or this is a false flag couched in serious deniability matrix.
” a false flag couched in serious deniability matrix.”
Yes – very possibly. Looking at all those DARPA/Duke ties to Wuhan.
I am pretty sure the Chinese have figured it out.
«In crisis management terms, President Xi has lived up to the occasion – ensuring that China fights coronavirus with nearly total transparency (after all, the internet wall remains in place). Beijing has warned the whole government apparatus in no uncertain terms not to attempt any cover-ups»
B S!
China is massively covering up the numbers!!!!
Death rate is not 2%, its closer to 10-15%.
(Noone dies the second after they get infected. Do the math of comparibg todays death compared to how many was infected 2-3 weeks ago).
Officially the dead persons was sick for 2 weeks on average before they died.
Unofficially 3-5 weeks. (Most known cases indicate 3-4 weeks).
China reports almost 3% deaths in Hubei province(the province where Wuhan is the capitol)..
And that about 30% of the sick is outside of the Hubei province.
The problem?
Most of the other provinces are reporting BS!.
They are not reporting the numbers infected truthfully. Most of the other provinces have reported 0 deaths.
(If 3%,… then should been aprox 400 deaths in the other provinces… not just aprox 30 deaths;)
Hubei feels threatened by WHO etc to report some numbers.
But the other provinces are still covering up almost all their numbers.
No, we can check those Chinese figures.
Because Hong Kong and Macao although effectively part of China and visited by millions of Chinese every month, are responsible for their own collection and publication of their own ‘infected’ statistics – independently of the Chinese authorities.
What are the statistics for HK and Macao?
HK – 38 infected and 1 dead
Macao – 10 infected
These figures are completely in line with Chinese statistics for their provinces.
If the hysterics and propangandists were correct, then the figures for Hong Kong and Macao would be much higher.
Simple as that.
The fact that America and its stooges (Europe, the Anglosphere, HK “pro-democracy” proxies, etc.) have gleefully jumped on the Coronavirus issue like fleas on dog shi!t suggests that they have political agendas that have nothing to do with concern for the health of Chinese citizens or anyone else in the world, for that matter.
The Americans’ “Fear Factor” propaganda is essentially being deployed to smear China on a global stage–while also trying to induce discontent among its people–all the while Americans self-righteously shed crocodile about the health issue.
Substitute “Terrorism” or “Weapons of Mass Destruction” for the “Coronavirus” issue, and you can see the general template that the Americans deploy.
This is American Psywar 101.
China – Western China Bashing – vs. Western Bio-warfare?
Anonymous – you mention ” . . concern for the health of Chinese citizens”
The communist Chinese government doesn’t have a concern for their citizens or any other living thing on earth, but yep, the Americans really should! We have enough of our own issues to deal with.
How about China’s close allies? What does their RUSH to help look like?
Here’s another informative update –
So, to the “experts” on here. Is China “fighting for its life” , like Wendy says? Or is everything being blown out of proportion, and thus it isnt much worse than the US typical flu season. Kind of like clickkid alludes to?
In a bizarre coincidence, a 1981 fictional novel The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz predicts a Coronavirus like outbreak and its origin. The book talks about how the virus called Wuhan-400, was developed in military labs around the Chinese city of Wuhan from where it got its name. The top secret information of the Biological weapons Program is later acquired by US intelligence from a Chinese defector. The American military is ultimately successful in creating a vaccine which the Chinese could not.
what does a fictional work have to do with this issue?
Hubei, home to White Horse Mountain named such yo honour the arrival into China of the White Horse of Buddhism.
The first of the four horses was white and it brought with it pestilence and disease.
Besides that the novel virus is being misrepresented I think in the mind of all who gaze upon it. It is conceptualised in the publics mind as a lung infection when in fact it is a vital organ infection. This virus attaches to the angiotensin receptors of cells found in things like pituitary gland which for example regulates sex hormone production. It causes a cytokine storm in the effected tissue precipitating organ death/atrophy. Many of the victims so far have died from organ failure other than lung.
This is not a flu. Xi is correct in stating this will be a long and grim battle. China is fighting for its life.
From Zerohedge:
“Bloomberg reports that two Japanese men who were evacuated from Wuhan late last month have tested positive for 2019-nCoV after earlier having been cleared by the Japanese health ministry. It’s just the latest sign that the virus may be undetectable – or ‘silent’ – for a period, allowing its host to unknowingly spread it without being detected.”
Zerohedge is a pseudo-alternative media. It has been infiltrated; very rabidly anti-China. Other words, it is a discredited source.
I’m increasingly moving towards calling ‘bullshit’ on this epidemic.
Why am I doing that?
Look at the figures ex-China:
We are nearly mid-February and outside China still only 2 alleged fatalities. This is nearly 3 months after the alleged ‘outbreak’ – in a strongly interconnected and globalized world where people are travelling all the time.
We are also seeing plenty of ‘recoveries’, although since so many of those ‘infected’ have no symptoms, it is not clear what they are supposed to have recovered from.
Those 2 were both elderly. In normal circumstances their deaths would have been attributed to normal flu or whatever.
I thought epidemics were supposed to – you know – kill lots of people and spread like wildfire.
Investment manager Rick Rule is fond of saying “Arithmetic always trumps narrative”.
The narrative is saying that this alleged virus is a threat to humanity and could kill millions.
Arithmetic tells us that 2 people outside China have apparently died from it, but maybe from something else.
We’re being had.
I think this is interesting:
The US and China have different statistical methods regarding the compilation of data for the incidence of normal flu.
“Analysts noted the US mortality rate looks much higher than China’s because of the two countries’ different statistical methods. The response came after some net users questioned whether the high death rate shows the ineffective control of flu in the US and how different countries should cooperate effectively to curb the new coronavirus-related disease.
The flu epidemic in the US eased during the week of January 5-11 but remains active, with an estimated 13-18 million cases of flu illnesses documented since the start of the season, a latest report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said.
The agency also estimates between 6,600 and 17,000 deaths related to influenza since October 1, 2019.
Official Chinese data of flu-caused deaths is much lower, with Chinese CDC data showing that in 2018, there were more than 700,000 cases and 144 deaths.
But there was an epidemic in early 2019. In January 2019, the number of flu cases in the Chinese mainland reached 608,511, with 143 deaths. In the first five months of 2019 alone, the number of reported cases of influenza reached 1.77 million, exceeding the total of the past four years.
Chinese netizens questioned why the flu death rate in China is much lower than that in the US given the overall coverage of flu vaccines in China is less than 2 percent, far lower than the rate of developed countries, including the US. Some doubted the effectiveness of the vaccines.
“The US flu mortality rate includes cases where flu causes other illnesses to worsen and lead to death, while China only counts people who die directly from flu,” an observer who prefers to be anonymous told the Global Times.”
Three Points:
1. Countries often vary enormously on how the cause of death is classified.
2. Between 6600 and 17000 flu deaths in the US since October 1st 2019 – there’s some perspective for you.
3. These discrepancies in how countries classify flu deaths are more than big enough for this outbreak to hide in.
China reports huge jump in infections and fatalities.
Besides which many cases dont’t present a pnuemonia but manifest in other vital irgans other than the lungs.
This is not a flu. This will burn out the germ cells in your gonads if left untreated.
China is fighting for its life.
This ain’t over. It is the white horseman of the apocalypse and it will take man, woman, child, and beasts.
How do you know all this?
By the way, I suggest you look back to August and September 2014 to see how ZeroHedge was treating the story of Ebola in West Africa.
Yeah – hysterical end of the world stuff – get the punters clicking.
How many deaths do we have outside China?
2 (Two)
Same as yesterday
Same as the day before that
Same as the day before that
Same as the day before that.
Like I said animals/pets and insects may become the host for the White Horse Plague
Now the bastards may use where ever they see fit i suppose. Plus given the number of non state actors out there who knows what flows on from this.
From Jon Rappoport:
“Mainstream news outlets are reporting a spike in the number of coronavirus cases in China. The news stories also mention this sudden rise is the result of a new method of counting.
NO tests for the presence of the coronavirus are now necessary, in China. Read that sentence again.
The new method of counting? CT scans (computed tomography scans) of the chest.
The scans are used to diagnose standard traditional lung diseases.
For example, pneumonia.
And pneumonia is called THE “coronavirus illness.”
There is only one problem. Deaths from pneumonia, in China, appear to be 300,000 per year — which comes to 3 million per decade (I’m making a major downward estimate, based on correcting an error and referring to a trusted source.) These deaths certainly occurred in time periods before the purported emergence of the new coronavirus. Pneumonia has been around forever.
Get it? A test for ordinary pneumonia—CT Scan—now becomes a test that delivers a diagnosis of “new epidemic coronavirus.”
Scholarly article regarding Likely testis damage by the novel corona virus