By Batiushka for the Saker Blog
Religion is the key of history – Lord Acton
The word ‘Civilisation’ comes from the Latin word ‘civitas’, or city, and so ‘civilised’ simply means to live in cities. This word ‘civitas’ gives us words like civilian, civic and civil. Civilisation means that people no longer live as nomadic hunter-gatherers, but are settled. Although therefore they have organised agriculture, they are not dependent on everyone working in agriculture as there are food surpluses, greater than for the numbers of human-beings working to grow food. This means that not all have to live off the land and many can do other things and live in cities. They can live off agricultural surpluses, traded in markets for other goods, created by technology, such as building materials, clothing, footwear and utensils, as well as being able to buy and sell services such as education and medicine. All civilisations have not only trade, but also a set of sacred or spiritual values which are at the heart of any civilisation, which is called Religion. Religion is at the core of the culture and creates sacred architecture (ziggurats, pyramids, temples, monasteries, cathedrals, mosques…), painting, sculpture, literature and sets the moral values which people live by.
Historians and philosophers of civilisation, such as Christopher Dawson, Arnold Toynbee or Samuel Huntingdon, have pointed out the particularity of Western civilisation. To quote from Christopher Dawson in his work ‘Religion and the Rise of Western Culture’, written nearly a century ago: ‘Why is it that Europe alone among the civilisations of the world has been continually shaken and transformed by an energy of spiritual unrest that refuses to be content with the unchanging law of social tradition which rules the oriental cultures? It is because the religious ideal has not been the worship of timeless and changeless perfection, but a spirit that strives to incorporate itself in humanity and to change the world’. This means that, unlike Chinese, Indian, Buddhist, Amazonian, Orthodox Christian, Muslim or any other civilisation, Western civilisation is unique, as it has continually sought to spread itself aggessively in a missionary way, imposing itself on, meddling in and taking over the rest of the world. In other words, it alone claims to be global. No wonder that today it openly calls itself ‘Globalism’.
Western Civilisation
The Western world has long pretentiously called itself ‘The Civilised World’, as if to say ‘there is no civilisation outside our civilisation’. This is why it condemns all other civilisations, both in the present and in the past, as ‘primitive’, ‘savage’ and ‘barbaric’, and therefore arrogates to itself the right to annihilate them. This is why it uses euphemisms to define itself as, for example, ‘the international community’, when in fact it is anti-international, imposing a one size fits all ideology on all and proposing a world dictatorship subjected to its elite. ‘Western’ has come in its eyes to mean Universal. This is why, ironically, it calls itself ‘Judeo-Christian’. We shall return to the use of the word ‘Christian’ later. The claim to be ‘Judeo’ (a racial religion confessed by fewer than 0.2% of the world population, is particularly curious. However, we must understand that what it means by ‘Judeo’ (1) is actually Zionist, that is universalist. From here we understand the very accurate descriptive term for it of ‘Anglo-Zionist’, as used by The Saker. For it is the Anglo-Saxon (2) world or Anglosphere, initiated by the genocidal Cromwell (who, by the way, was idolised by the monetarist Thatcher), financed by Dutch Jews, and spread to the North American colonies, which is today the ideological centre of ‘the West’.
Western civilisation uses some very twisted definitions. For instance: For it to ‘civilise’ means to massacre the natives, so then it can asset-strip their country. The classic case is North America, but there are dozens of other examples around the world, from Bolivia to Guatemala and the Congo to Afghanistan; justifiers of colonisations claim, ‘yes, but we brought them the benefits of civilisation like the railways’. In fact, railways were built in countries like India so that minerals could be exploited and troops could be transported in order to quell popular wars of liberation against oppressive and exploitative foreign rule; then we have the promise that, in the name of freedom and democracy ‘we shall bomb them back into the Stone Age’ (attributed to US General Curtis ‘Bombs Away’ LeMay, speaking of Vietnam). As for the Viennese Hitler, that great spreader of Western civilisation, he opposed ‘Jewish and Asiatic’ Bolshevism and murdered 27 million in the ultimate Holocaust. He never knew that Asia is the source of advanced civilisations and religions, including Christianity, which was not European, for Christ was hardly some pale, blond-haired Nordic ‘Aryan’.
Western War
Western war has always consisted of highly organised violence, aided by the most aggressive high technology. Advances in military technology have all been initiated by the West. It used to be castles against arrows, the lethal crossbow against pikes, cannon against stone walls, the musket against bows, the Maxim gun, invented by the Anglo-American ‘Sir’ Hiram Maxim (3) against spear-throwing Africans, then it was poison gas (as used by Hitler, that is Churchill (sorry for the Bushism, ‘anyway’) against the Kurds), then Agent Orange, cluster bombs and uranium-tipped shells against rifles. To illustrate this, let us think about how those used to the way that such technology is exploited criticise the special operation (not war) in the Ukraine (4). They claim that the progress of the Russian operation, carried out by relatively small numbers of liberation forces from Donetsk and Lugansk and of Confederate Russian troops, is ‘too slow’.
Here they misunderstand how the Allied/Confederate forces use their military technology. It is quite unlike the US and its Union NATO vassals. The latter carpet bomb, they cause ‘collateral damage’ (the NATO euphemism for the mass murder of innocent victims) and are hugely destructive, as though war was all a special effects show, a spectacle for entertainment as in Hollywood films, most of which portray great destruction. This is why nearly 20 years ago the American Rumsfeld spoke of the US destruction of civilian infrastructure in Iraq as ‘shock and awe’, which is just another euphemism – Hitler would have called it ‘Blitzkrieg’. Yes, of course, Russian civilisation conducts military operations ‘slowly’ (5): it is not a US-style special effects operation, it is meant to avoid civilian and military casualties. You cannot translate ‘collateral damage’ into Russian, you can only paraphrase it.
Western Religion
Western religion has a similar story to tell. As we have said, every civilisation has a set of sacred values. The Western too and though it calls its religion ‘Christianity’, it is not. For instance, it insists on calling the Crusaders and Teutonic Knights ‘Christians’. But just because you are a bloodthirsty barbarian who commits genocide with a cross on your uniform, that does not make you a Christian. Just as Nazis wore a belt with ‘Gott mit uns’ (‘God with us’) stamped on it, that did not make them Christian either. And when the Nazis put crosses on their tanks and dive-bombers, it did not make them Christian either (though the crosses did take in some naïve Western Ukrainians in 1941). And just because God ‘told’ George Bush to invade Iraq in 2003, that did not make him or his forces Christian. Frankly, the Western use of the word Christian is blasphemous to Orthodox Christians and the more accurate use of words like ‘Catholic’ and ‘Protestant’ is insulting to those who are of those religions.
It is notable that when Western colonisation took its so-called ‘Christianity’ to its colonies, it did not ‘sell’ in Asia, where they have a more sophisticated sense of religion, whether, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist. It sold or rather was forced down throats at swordpoint, and then only in specific forms, only to animists in Latin America, Africa and the Philippines. Western religion is a State-organised and manipulated affair, the ‘opium of the people’ (6), more exactly, something, together with football, to keep the toiling masses under control. Even in Western places of worship, people file in under control and are seated in carefully controlled rows like sheeple. Western religion is a subversion of faith, for it is manipulated by Western States into whatever they want it to be. For example, sodomy was once considered outrageous by Western religion; today it is officially approved. After all, the State has spoken. Indeed, today Western religion is secularism, the sense of the sacred is gone, and whatever the politically correct elite has decided is their religion, regardless of whether you still believe in the ‘old superstition’ that God exists. In other words, contemporary Western religion is Anti-Religion.
This brings us to consider some sort of definition of today’s Western Civilisation. If its Unsacred Religion is Secularism, an Anti-Religion, then surely its Civilisation must be an Anti-Civilisation? The record of ‘Western Civilisation’ does tend to confirm that. The current events in the Ukraine, where the Western elite is intent on destroying as many Ukrainians as possible, both soldiers as well as civilians used as human shields, stationing troops inside hospitals and schools, creating a massive refugee crisis, indebting the country for ever, possibly creating a famine there and in other areas of the world, possibly provoking violent riots and revolts among the impoverished peoples of Western Europe and North America, would suggest that whatever Western Civilisation once was, it is no more.
1. Another Western misuse, or rather abuse, is the term ‘Anti-Semitic’. It makes no sense, since the Arab peoples, including the Palestinians, who are dispossessed and oppressed in the Gaza Strip concentration camp and elsewhere, by Jews, are Semites. Anti-Jewish is the correct term.
2. We use the term ‘Anglo-Saxon’ not in its incorrect academic sense of Early English/Old English/pre-Norman, but in its modern sense of Anglo-American, as in the term WASP, ‘White Anglo-Saxon Protestant’.
3. In 1882 in Vienna an American had told Maxim: ‘If you want to make a pile of money, invent something that will enable these Europeans to cut each others’ throats with greater facility’.
4. The 19th century Hapsburg usage of the word ‘Ukraine’, meaning simply ‘borderlands’ in Slavonic languages, that is, in this case the area on the eastern borders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is absurd when used for areas far from those borders.
5. Even so, in only some ninety days, of the remaining 24 provinces of the Ukraine (the 25th, the Crimea was returned in 2014), five of the richest Ukrainian provinces under Kiev regime oppression have either completely or else in large part been liberated. These are: Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporozhe and Kharkov. If Allied forces wish to take all of the Eastern Ukraine/Novorossiya, there remain only the three provinces of Dnipropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Odessa. Together these eight heavily-populated provinces have about half of the population of the Ukraine, some 20 million people. Of the other two-thirds of the country, presumably the nine provinces of Central Ukraine will remain as part of the real Ukraine, a future, demilitarised Russian Protectorate, leaving the seven provinces of Western Ukraine to be demilitarised and shared out between Poland, which could perhaps receive five of them, and the other two perhaps shared out between Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. See:
Little wonder that even the failed diplomat Kissinger is calling for the Ukraine to meet at least some of Russia’s demands. Clearly, all of them will have to be met, but at least one 98-year old pensioner can show the beginnings of pragmatism. He shows that some in the West realise that they have lost.
6. Let us not, however, forget the famous saying that Marxism is ‘the opium of the intellectuals’.
In light of what goes on in Palestine which is impossible to call a democracy , as Israel claims itself. At best a Jewish democracy, but that religion don’t make an impression of democracy stick .
Seems like some thought they’d turn UKraine into the next Palestine hence the western polish invasion. Frankly, I openly call myself a self hating Jew.
I don’t dig the religion, and it is more or as much a culture.
God bless Russia. Praise the good Lord for her preservation.
Religion is a road, but one must travel it oneself, and sometimes make one’s own path…
There’s nothing Jewish or democratic about the zionist antisemite colony in Palestine. Two apartheid tyrannies down, one to go.
– In its early days Zionism came into fierce conflict with religious Jewry. The Zionists rejected religious submissiveness; the religious saw the atheist attempt to create a secular Jewish state as blasphemy.
A nonreligious Jewish identity is antithetical to a religious definition of Jewishness. This fact presents an irreconcilable contradiction between the religious and secular streams in the Jewish community. Theodore Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir and many other leading Zionists were non-believers who actively sought to reformulate the basis for Jewish existence on race and territorial nationalism.
The tactics of using humans as shields for soldiers is pagan. NATO advisors promote that tactics. Very revealing I would say.
“Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!”
Kinda sums up the current and passed contributions to humanity.
When asked what he thought of western civilisation, Gandhi responded, that he thought it would be a very good idea.
Genocide, subjugation & extortion are 3 prerequisites for a western Christian existence.
“Genocide, subjugation & extortion are 3 prerequisites for a western Christian existence.”
Absolute nonsense. Christianity is defined by God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – not by disobedient fallen man. That is why Christians must look up to Jesus as savior rather than down to whoever is president or in control of the currency printing press and I argue that whoever prints currency is also in control of the military. God does not need anything from his creature man. Rather God gave man life and dominion over the earth and and gave man the means to enjoy that in a non-destructive way but man rebels against God’s righteous law to his own detriment as we see. That’s not to say mining and manufacturing are bad but that should be done with an eye to preservation. For example, it is better to spend time and energy on preventing erosion and on recovering farmland that has washed into river deltas than to waging war.
There is not one material reason why everyone on earth cannot live in peace with their material needs – water, food, shelter, housing – met through their own efforts. God has provided plenty for all and man wastes it, especially on war and in the pursuit of unnatural bodily pleasure.
Please don’t cast a blanket over the entirety of the western world and accuse all who are religiously living there of being some sort of false “Christian.” There are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, who are doing their level best to become Christians and to live as such in exactly the same way as it was revealed by Christ and the Apostles in the Bible. To fall short of what the Bible says, or to go beyond what it says, will most certainly put one’s salvation in doubt. However, to follow the plan of salvation exactly as it was taught by the Apostles and written down by them will most assuredly result in eternal life.
Tens of thousands is still a tiny minority group considering the entire West is about 600-800 mio. So its not wrong to say the Western world are on false Christianity.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14
“Everyone has bent – even the brothers in Christ” .
+Roger G. Mattingly
You are right. Religion is part of life. It should not be denigrated; however, there are some basic problems with Christianity that can’t be fixed. Having said this, the Christian tradition has brought about many fine cultural and social improvements.
Here is not the place for a philosophical discussion about the defaults of Christianity. Let me just say that the basic intellectual fault in Western thinking is the belief in universal values. This belief is due to the belief in a monotheism. According to Christians, the one Christian god is the god of all humans. I.e., the Christian god has universal validity. Thus, it served as pretext for colonizing people who don’t yet believe in the Christian god.
As Western society went secular, the belief in universal values is perpetuated in the form of the universally validity of natural laws (which I won’t discuss here), and the belief in universally valid forms of government and economic models. The post cold war West believes that Western values of liberal democracy and neoliberal economic rules are best (see Francis Fukuyama’s “The End of History”) and that they will sooner of later be adopted by all countries. Hence, the West feels justified in fighting wars to impose these values on other countries, even if they very obviously don’t work as in tribal Afghanistan or in Yeltsin’s Russia.
That the Pope has distinguished himself by bashing the Russian Patriarch or by blessing Azov Nazis just goes to show how deeply the Church is implicated in Western imperialism even today.
“however, there are some basic problems with Christianity that can’t be fixed.”
Such as? Are you perhaps confusing Roman Catholicism with Christianity? In Christian doctrine salvation is a free gift. No one can in any way buy or earn salvation from the eternal wrath of God. That flushes the Pope and his entourage and all his worldly power plays, wars, and murders right down the toilet. That eliminates all other “religions” as well, all man-make systems of belief. Christianity alone explains the origin of the universe and life. If you think that Darwin or any of Darwin’s acolytes have come up with any “scientific” explanations apart from God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – created the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind in six days and set the day as one rotation of the earth before the earth was even finished, then you are mistaken. Darwin, Russell, Hawking, etc., have discovered nothing, and proposed no process, not even a successful thought experiment. They all speculated, invented terms such as quantum fluctuations and parallel universes, etc., but spewed out mere fiction, fiction that was uncritically lauded by the media and the rest of the atheists as “the answer to life, the universe, and everything.” (My apologies to Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe.)
No one does “, … their level best to become Christians and to live as such in exactly the same way as it was revealed by Christ and the Apostles in the Bible.” God points out that there are none, no not one, who seek after God. God elects whom he will spare from the eternal wrath due to those who break his perfect law. No one is even interested in God or motivated to read the Bible with any intent to learn and follow God’s law – which is exactly what Jesus, very God and very man, did perfectly – until God sends the Holy Ghost to indwell, to regenerate, that individual.
The Arminian school who preaches they can “choose Jesus” holds altar calls or the heads down raised hands of whoever “chooses Jesus”, etc., are all bogus. If you can choose salvation, you can lose salvation and that is the error all over again of a doctrine of works when in fact salvation from the eternal wrath of God is a free gift – to man that is – because Jesus paid an infinite price in pain and suffering to secure that for God’s elect. I do not mean because of being nailed to the cross, I mean the eternal wrath of God endured in the space of hours.
I wish people who do not know Christianity would quit inventing false doctrine and quit parroting the smirking remarks of a rebellious world viciously hostile to God, the one and only benevolent sovereign who truly does want us to have what is actually best for us. Only God, our creator, can even know what is best for us. Only God defines what is good and evil. We would not have a clue except for the immutable law of God.
And exactly what is “the plan of salvation exactly as it was taught by the Apostles and written down by them will most assuredly result in eternal life.”? The only “plan of salvation” is God’s election and that is not based on any human action. Salvation is by the act of God sending the Holy Ghost to regenerate, to indwell, the sinner. Sin is disobedience of God’s law, dishonoring God. You can talk of “missing the mark” all day, but “missing the mark” means disobeying God’s perfect law. God’s law was delivered to Moses and today it means that very law minus the sacrificial and ceremonial laws that were fulfilled by Jesus’ advent and ascension and the dietary laws that God showed Peter in a vision were no longer in effect either.
There are positive sanctions to following God’s law – given to Moses, minus the sacrificial, ceremonial, and dietary parts that have fulfilled their purpose – and there are negative sanctions for all mankind. But no one can earn salvation or merit it: salvation is through Jesus’ propitiatory sacrifice of himself as the perfect lamb of God, the only innocent man is all of history perfectly obeying the law (all of it) and therefore qualified to be the Lamb of God.
It’s ‘Wealthy’, not White.’
All Anglo Saxons are white.
Cromwell was not genocidal.He just disliked Roman Catholics, and the proxy forces of the King he had deposed.
He regarded them as the ‘Nazis’ of his time, with their one size fits all, religion.
The latter is just my opinion BTW, whereas the former is fact.
I am not a person who practices organised religion, as I think it foments discord to have dogma, and this is the normal English position. This does not mean we are Godless. It just means we are not sure we are right.
If you get your vision of our world view from our press, then, to paraphrase Mark Twain, you are mis-informed.
We are just like you.
If you are human, we are just like you………..
In the 17th century Oliver Cromwell who was a landowner and a member of English Parliament lead the opposition to the King, Charles 1, and the common people into a war against the Royalist tyrant and his French catholic wife. The Civil War lasted from 1641-1649 and the Kings Army was decisively beaten at the Battles of Marston Moor and Naseby. There is a voluminous literature on the subject, including: ‘The World Turned Upside Down’ and ‘Gods Englishman.’ Well worth a read, if you feel so inclined.
The “anti-civilized” have arrogantly appropriated for themselves the label “civilized” — proving only that they do not know the meaning of the word. An exploration in a somewhat similar direction can be found here:
“Bilde Künste, rede nicht”. For the Christ’s sake! Old Rublev has been called a lazy-bum and opium-eater! (LOL!)
I can assure you B, it’s only residues from my scape from the Island of the Lotus-Flower Eaters.
If I were to exercise my intellect my say is that today’s articles at Saker paint a good picture of the geo-landscape.
Testosterone got quite defused and it was not exactly by Dr K. dictum, maybe the Negev elders didn’t quite saw the light this time, or should we call them the Bronsteins in the old apparatchik kind of way? Dr K has been burning in hell for a very long time (Dante) what they parade around is the crimes against humanity itself!(Rublev)
The smoke coming out the nostrils of that demon cleared away…let’s roll to more murky shores, civilization did you mean? That one is too lofty for Rublev! what about the most infamous of the three aims, and don’t Forget, this one a lot, and I mean a lot want to sweep under the carpet…..Denazification!
We all have to denazify! Is easy, says Rublev, if you tried…stop jumping into conclusions…stop calling names…stop hating…it is easy if you try…..
And there always show the recoil but…..always blocking the way ahead, the ever present ghost of exceptionalism projecting its shadow over the globe a la Adolph-like (Chaplin)
In zone A the Exceptionals always will add a but to anything that will shade light on their naked selfishness which makes it harder for them to lure Expendables…
In a quick note, stop playing nazi in your computer war-games! it all started in the cradle, my baby, that barbie you got for Christmas, the flight attendant hot chick in the sexy Luftwaffe uniform?…..Denasify the clothing, that is a good start, but really have to scrub a lot, the land, the air, the water…. You know those whoWef nazis coveted it all. ALL, the land the air the water…CAPITALISM is the Totalitarian Dictatorship Itself, NEVER gloss it over! what we are witnessing is a class war. Believe it or not, call it geopolitic or what you like, it certainly has many subterfuges but is the world and the bottom line is the peoples who are living on it.
And it is true, lets open our eyes, take away the mask of fear or be doomed…
to those “civilatory” speculators of doom that lurk in the shadows…..our hope for redemption is always the stronger, for those in the everyday front-lines, RESIST!
and for those haters of the letter R, well there you go; “erre con erre Cigarro, erre con erre Ratón, Rapidos Ruedan los Carros del Ferrocarril.” The wagon has left folks!
and if you still think that things are not going according to plan…
One side seeks truth? Another side knows it?
Manipulators play them against each other!
I asked my father royal marine what pacifying the native’s mean’s ” we shot them ” was his answer
Revelation 3 gives us the picture of the state of the times and our times by the look of things is the Laeodician Church. One need only read the words describing it:
“So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.” verse 15-17
And what is the solution? That of course follows with these words from the Savior Himself!!!! No need for Church Fathers or a Pope or even ones own parents. Just go as Christ said into your closet and pray to your Father which is in secret and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly:
I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
verse 18-22
So who has ears to hear? And wow what a gift sitting with Christ on his own throne!!!!! Can you imagine something like that? Now that is something to truly strive for yes and its open to everyone who overcomes?
Me, I’d be content just for a sip from the fountain of eternal youth!!! Only in Christianity will one find written there does indeed exist a fountain of youth!
Western civilization requires three things.
1. The Christian Religion
2. The European Nations (Nations are people not lines on a map.)
3. The Greco-Roman(Classical) legacy
The Empire of Lies is not Western Civilization having rejected all three of the above. The Empire of Lies is aptly named, for its god is the Prince of this World; the Father of Lies.
It could be argued that Russian Orthodox Civilization is the last great bastion of ‘true’ Western Civilization.
Slava Bogu, Slava Rossii
Exactlly !!! It was co-opted just like the East was but Russian Civilization bounced back. East and West were always one – two different styles in one entity until each thought that it was the other was “lost”. So in a way you are right it is the “true” Western Civ.
Thanks for the article and the treatment of its topic.
Regarding item 2 in the notes section, I appreciate this usage is disclosed. However, the body of this article has an academic tone regarding the specificity of terms, and yet this term appears excepted from similar rigorous use.
Black Nobility seems to me to be the Khazarians – immigrants who became rich
Batiushka: “All civilisations have not only trade, but also a set of sacred or spiritual values which are at the heart of any civilisation, which is called Religion.”
Batiushka, everyone has a ‘religion’, for a religion is our personally lived experience; in fact, a ‘religious experience’ is a redundancy in words. When one of humanities members is singled out for a well-lived life-experience (religion), we formalize their life so as to learn to live by their tenets and experience the benefits of their lives-religion and refer to the formal organization of life around one person as a formalized religion, which by its nature Batiushka, is distinct from the personal religious experience of your own religion.
The, “set of sacred or spiritual values which are at the heart of any civilization”, are its founding principles. For it is principles that set values and not the other way around.
For instance; Life is a principle, not a category. The value of life is in its understanding of eternality. No one dies, life is forever – though some may become crumbled into dust, their ‘life’ has not ended, just merged into the greater unknown and unknowable; yet still there as a principle.
Well, “Marxism” has for 70 years all in all, even if by no means perfectly, but for the beginning worked amazingly well … until the “liberals” came …
Excellent exopsé of the fundamental flaws of Western globalist extremists.
May I add that the original Western thought, as expressed by the Gnostics, heavily criticised the Christian zealots and their righteousness, which is the root of Western genocide. The gnostic origins go back to nothern Iran and the Magian order, way back to 5500 B.C.E., not some imaginary Christian sect.
Gnostic thought has been almost annihilated by the rulers of the West since it takes away the ultimate reason for subjugation and genocide which is the holy right to massacre any people who doesn’t fit the righteous ideal – be it Christian belief or Democracy as defined by the West.
One of the best sources of this background is to be found in “Not In His Image” by John Lamb Lash, based on the Nag Hammadi Codices that were discovered in 1945.
USA, NATO, EU and the parallels to Jewish ideology
The central feature of Jewish ideology is the splitting of the world:
Firstly, the division into a purely spiritual divine person and non-divine matter – to which the god-person has the relationship of an omnipotent will. The second division is into one’s own grouping and outsiders; one’s own special position is justified by the purely spiritual omnipotent person and their preference for Jewish descent.
Religion tells people how to understand the world, other people and themselves. According to the USA, NATO and the EU, how should people understand the world, other people and themselves? They have to recognise that the USA, NATO and the EU are the holders of the ethical superiority over the states and populations of this world and that this results in the legitimate claim to assign them the predicates ‘good’ or ‘evil’ and to intervene in their lives on the basis of this assignment.
How do the USA, Nato, EU arrive at the status of ethical superiority – which is completely self-evident to the Westerner? Let us assume that an ethical superiority of the West can be derived factually – then it could only be derived from racial superiority?! The other possibility is that it is a mental bubble into which the Western citizen has been placed by monopoly media combined with military and financial-economic superiority. What is clear is that the assertion of ethical superiority by the West means division and exceptionalism.
What is striking is that the allocation of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ and the intervention in the lives of other states is always in favour of Israel’s wishes. Which gives us a clue that Jewish ideology – and, of course, actors – are indeed at play in the splitting of the world.
Since the US governs Nato and the EU, the question is all the more significant: who governs the US?
Or, put another way, whose goals are being implemented in the US – in domestic and foreign policy: “US presidents fulfil their three essential duties, protecting Wall Street, Israel and the military budget, but not much else.” Their goals: Wall Street wants to funnel public wealth into private pockets, Israel expansion to include Golan Heights, West Bank and then Gaza, and the US military business wants preservation or increased spending.
What do you think of the combination of ‘financial industry, foreign state and military business’ as the centre of a state’s activities?! Since the population has nothing from these activities, it must be concluded that the state is in the hands of a private grouping!
You are right in that the original sin is the splitting of the world into spiritual/material, ours/yours, creator/creation, subject/object, signifier/signified, etc. This dualistic logic is a human logic we need to function in daily life. It is purely utilitarian. It’s not suitable to understand the whole. It’s anathema to true spiritual insight. Without true insight all our actions will go wrong.
Thus, we need the dualistic logic to function in life; however, it’s not suitable for providing a religious or philosophical guide in life. We need a holistic approach that encompasses the opposites. But even on a practical level, we need a holistic approach that, for example, limits human consumerism so as to avoid the destruction of our natural environment. Thus, we have to reconnect with the divine even in our daily life. We have to stay anchored in reality to avoid going astray.
Are the laws of the Jewish God-person at the service of all people?
That is, are they democratic, and anti-racist? Since the Jewish descent community has had its own state since 1948 – a Western state in a foreign cultural area, the Arab world – the relevance of this question has become greater than when it was without its own state.
The basis of the State of Israel is religion, that is, the purely spiritual, willing, all-powerful Jewish God-person. Is it this divine person who tells the Jews that the native inhabitants of Palestine have no right to exist in their ancestral home and that the Jews are right to expel them? In that case, we would encounter the contradiction of democracy and anti-racism with a divine law.
The power of Christianity is that it creates a seperation between secular and holy, it also destroys the power of pagan Gods wherever it lands. Glibalism is intrinsicly tied to Christianity since this is simply one of the steps in converting the world to Christ. Maybe in the end everyone will become Orthodox, in the meantime everyone will do Gods will, willing or unwilling.
I identify the “globalists” historically as the Khararians = The Warrior People. The Khazarians had advanced knowledge of war, finance and taxation.
“Tomorrow, Monday, May 30 the Memorial Day will be observed in the U.S.”
The thing is, the U.S. had never had an invasion in the last few hundred years. But, the U.S. had invaded other countries, especially, weaker, poor countries and bombed them and massively murdered their people and very seriously damaged their economy.
So, someone, some country (countries) should invade the U.S., bomb some major cities, and “allow” the Americans to feel the same as in Vietnam, Sudan, Syria, Serbia, Irak or in Afghanistan. The Americans should feel how their cities getting destroyed, losing jobs, losing loved ones…It is a necessity today. The Americans cannot go on saying (or blaming) their government for what the U.S. had done to other countries in the world. They have to feel it in in their own lives.
When, the so-called 9/11 happened in 2001, I felt sorry for the Americans. I even thought/considered/decided the preparators as terrorists, even though later most of them were supposed to be Saudis. They were attacking the U.S., so were they terrorists? Was Bush a terrorist, by attacking and bombing Iraq? Or, Afghanistan? Was Obama a terrorist for attacking Syria? Or, Trump for bombing Syria? Or, Biden for trying to kill Russians as much as possible by proxy using the Ukrainians?
Anyway, it’d be interesting to hear missiles falling in the American cities, or even landing forces on the American soil.
Christianity went corrupt around the time of emperor Constantine. Prior to that they were pacifists and avoided political involvement. The book of Revelation predicted this in Rev 13, which describes a beast which looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon. These have been the “Christian” empires.
The genuine Christians have existed since then ignored or persecuted “in the wilderness”. The apostle Paul predicted a time when “they would not endure sound doctrine, but would heap up to themselves teachers ….and shall turn away from truth and be turned to fables” 2 Timothy 2:4.
The fables are the immortality of the soul instead of conditional immortality at the resurrection of the faithful, who will inherit the kingdom of God on earth. Man is mortal, not inherently immortal. The Trinity and eternal hellfire sufferings of the unfaithful are other fables. Jesus only claimed to be Son of God. Not God the Son. This is what the Bible actually teaches.
I suggest you have a closer look at the gospel of John 1:1-14. The word was in the beginning with God, and all things were made by Him and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
1 Timothy 1:5
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
John 17:3
This is eternal life, that they might know thee, the only true God, and I’mJesus Christ whom thou has sent.
John 1:6
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
Errm, what is this supposed to mean exactly?
”6. Let us not, however, forget the famous saying that Marxism is ‘the opium of the intellectuals’.”
To save civilizations military commands in the west must move to arrest the anti-globalist forces of the WEF UN and Davos group and most of the central bankers.
This includes 2nd tier operatives like Gates, Zuckerberg, Big Pharma CEOs etc…
and their Govt operatives like Macron, BoJo, Schultz, Biden, Obama.
And co-ordinate plans for better world with Putin / Russia.
The author is right Western Civilizations are not civilized (peaceful) as there operate on economic principle of adversarial, and social conflicts – rich against poor and middle class.
Superstitious mumbo-jumbo schmuperstitious mimbo-jumbo. The secularisation of European society had several false starts, such as Martin Luther, Calvin and Zwingli. The first out of the traps were the English, who still maintain a healthy lead. Superstition, in itself or sublimated into something else, has nothing to do with it.
You mean Western culture as exclusively Protestant? Do you want to put everyone in the same bag?
There is another who founded more than 500 cities, 33 universities, many schools and brought the printing press to the new world, founded the first school of Indian philology, Quechua, in America (University of San Marcos, Lima Peru) where books were printed in Quechua (Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 1539-1616) during the colonial period, and produced the drama “Apu Ollantay”.
Where in Mexico they were also edited in Nahuatl chronicles and historical accounts.
That civilization is Catholic and Hispanic.
For those who ignore the “colonial” era Hispanoamerica was not a colony of Spain but a province governed under the laws of Castilla and Indian laws, (Leyes de Indias) en español.
At the end of the colonial period Baron Von Humboldt, who was a Protestant, he said the Spanish America was more prosperous materially and morally Germany.
The problem of racism does not exist day today by the mixing of all races that occurred at that time.
“The Indian farmer is poor but free. His situation is much better than that of the peasants of northern Europe, especially Russians and Germans. The number of slaves is practically zero.”
– “This should be known in Europe! Mexican miners are the best paid in the world, they receive six to seven times more salary for their work than a German miner.”
The compliments don’t stop.
– Absence of slavery: “New Spain has a notable advantage over the United States, and that is that the number of slaves, both African and mixed race, is almost nil. The number of African slaves in the United States exceeds one million, which is one sixth of its population.”
– Economic prosperity: “Among all the kingdoms (of Spain in America), Mexico currently ranks first, both for its territorial wealth and for its favorable position for trade with Europe and Asia.
– Scientific advances: No city in America, not excepting those in the United States, can exhibit such large and solid scientific institutions as Mexico City. The capital and other cities of Mexico have scientific establishments that will lead to a comparison with those of Europe.
Yes, Humboldt in a single document denies many of the SEP’s lies. Someone could say that he was “lying”. Well, Humboldt was German and Protestant, so it is illogical that he had a special inclination to speak well of the Catholic Spaniards and their kingdoms.
I admire among the inhabitants of these places far that loyalty, that simplicity of character, that mixture of authority and bonhomie, which has always been characteristic of the Spanish nation. If the lights are not widespread, much less what is immorality. (…) The more I live in the Spanish colonies, the more I like. To the return to Europe I desespañolizaré (dejaré de ser español) with great regret.
02/03/1800 addressed the letter from Caracas to Philippe de Forell. Posted in: Minguet, Charles (ed.), Alejandro de Humboldt. American letters. Venezuela: Ayacucho, 1980, p. 44
@ Oscar de Caracas,
Could you grace us with an article/essay on the subject? That history deserves a much greater exposition.
And books in English on the topic.
I could gladly expand it, the bibliography of the evangelizers of the new world alone is immense,
I am going to tell you something that many people ignore, the entire Mato Grosso (great jungle in Portuguese) was an agricultural savannah populated by millions of indigenous inventors of the most fertilizing agricultural fertilizer in the world without the need for chemicals. Smallpox wiped them out.
The Amazon rainforest as we know it was very different 500 years ago.
Sorry, I haven’t asked you how I can post.
In reality there has never been such a western civilization, rather groups of murderers and thieves killing and stealing throughout the world with the support of their religion. At least that’s what Pope Alexander VI did, giving rise to racial crimes.
Hitler didn’t use poison gas in combat or in camps. Zyklon B is a buzzword invented by jews to extort money.
I wish you could discuss the issues without forcing your anti Christian views into the discussion.
There is nothing Christian about current western thought or civilization..indeed it considers itself ‘post Christian’s and ‘modern’.
Stick to the issues..rel8fion has nothing to do with it
Regarding “Marxism,” Marx wrote to his daughter Laura in a letter dated March 5, 1870: 《Tout ce que je sais, c’est que je ne suis pas Marxiste》(All I know is that I am not a Marxist).
Probably Jesus would say the same in the face of the various Christianisms, given how he acted in driving the merchants out of the Temple.
Shlomo Sand, an Israeli historian at Tel Aviv University, has written a definitive trilogy on the Jewish question:
– “The Invention of the Jewish People”.
– “The Invention of the Land of Israel”.
– “How I Stopped Being Jewish.”
After decades of research, Shlomo Sand can no longer consider himself “Jewish”.
Although all so-called civilizations have, in one way or another, established social relations based on some kind of market, only recently (in historical terms) has a society emerged that is built around the market as its organizing principle.
This “civilization” in which we live has Profit as its highest value, making Capitalism its religion. The infinite accumulation of Capital is its liturgy, with everything and everyone having to be sacrificed to this end.
Is there a difference between Religion and Spirituality?
《While religion is the teaching, dogmatic, doctrinal and manifest institutional aspect of experience with the divine, spirituality is the discerning, subjective, experiential and hidden ontological aspect of learning with the divine.》
– This “civilization” in which we live has Profit as its highest value, making Capitalism its religion.
Obviously wherever we go we will have to pay for hotel and diet. They will ask for money.
That is how the world is regulated, not by bureaucrats taking care of every tourist.
The Marxists did not take that away.
I don’t see any alternative first 100 years.
Don’t get confused.
When you pay for a service provided, such as lodging or food, it is an exchange mediated by money (in whatever form).
This is a market relationship.
However, although it is not common, it is possible to get accommodation and food without paying with money, or even for free – even in the world we live in.
Besides this, another thing entirely different is that Profit is the value around which society organizes itself.
It makes everything have a price and can be commodified, from principles to common goods like water.
In a market society, as the one we live in, techno-bureaucracy actively determines economic relations, and the market itself, far from being free, has become the private property of transnational mega-businessmen.
There is no free lunch, unless of course you are a big capitalist.
– This “civilization” in which we live has Profit as its highest value
In Russia and China the rules will be
1. You have to be educated
2. You have to pay living cost and tax
And if you decide
– I don’t want to learn any profession
– I don’t want to earn money
… then you will be without shelter and food
1 Timothy 1:5
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
John 17:3
This is eternal life, that they might know thee, the only true God, and I’mJesus Christ whom thou has sent.
John 1:6
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
Every gang of sea pirates has a harbor base. Foundries, farms, mines, honest people, law, and Church … When the base gets big it begins to manifest civilization. This civilized base then comes naturally into moral and practical juxtaposition with inevitable internal contradiction. In the large-scale conflict with the land-peoples of Eurasia the Moral Law of Eurasia is strengthened by pirate assaults and intrigues, whilst the Moral Law of the pirates is weakened by said internal contradiction – which accounts for the necessity of Bill Casey’s goal> :“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” and is described variously as a necessity (Hans Morgenthau and the dual state).
It’s self-evident that this foundational character, a cracked foundation, will lead to the collapse of piracy, and the fissures will naturally be exploited by the Eurasian Classical Civilizations. Those institutions that created the land-bases for the pirates will naturally change…people may call this “defeat” or victory, or revolution. It will be all three. In reality is will be maturity, and civilization.
The land peoples had land pirates, brigands, bandits, even armies…and they brought these to heel. The sea is a more difficult project, but they will utilize the support bases’ (small “c”) Civil character to bring the sea pirates also to heel.
Tapestry of Lies separates pirate operation from the pirate bases> “It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.” – Harold Pinter’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, 2005
( Nobel Lecture by Harold Pinter)
“nothing is true, everything is permitted” was the last quote of Hassan-i-Sabbah.
Dear Batiushka ,
you keep rising and rising. Such digestible gems.
Apropos Lord Acton, the instructor who inspired in me a lifelong love of History had a favorite saying, “Power corrupts, and Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.” Did Mephisto remember to put this in the fine print of the contract he had the eager Europeans sign many centuries ago?
i was drawn to this insight from Christopher Dawson, ‘𝑊ℎ𝑦 𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐸𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑢𝑛𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑎𝑤 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠? 𝐼𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑎 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑡𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑’.
This deep-set restlessness and passionate intensity persists a century later. This messianism, as documented by Saker and many, has evolved over the centuries from religious extremism (the medieval European Crusades) to the current incomprehensibly irrational and frankly deranged woke tranny Liberal Cult. The excuse changes intergenerationally, but never the bleak bloody mission.
However, as current events show, it has bitten off more than it can chew. It is in simultaneous war against all other civilizations. But the larger ones remain considerable, and some of them have peer militaries.. Above all, the lost Moral Law tilts the balance away. Russia-China-India-Iran-Africa-ASEAN-Latin America appear to work on collapsing it devoid of essential energy, trade and food. Isolated and humiliated, they are even denied the adulation and leadership the terminal narcissists demand. If our protagonists can finesse it, they may deliver the soft-landing collapse spoken of by Ishchenko and hoped for by many.
“𝘞𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯 𝘤𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴. 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦: 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 ‘𝘤𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘦’ 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴..”
The British writers are the best in explaining this thought process, esp Orwell. His term “doublethink” comes to mind. His most famous saying perhaps succintly encapsulates the satanic mission of the West of the last 1,000 years: “War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength”
Orwell also provided a clue of the first steps out of hell for the West, stuck in their self-imposed hall of mirrors: “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.”
“Cromwell was not genocidal. He just disliked Roman Catholics”….I think the Irish would strongly disagree. He murdered (genocided) a quarter of the entire population of Ireland and sold thousands more into slavery !
‘opium of the people’ recalled my memory of Karl teachings and an excellent explanation of why west wants to fight East and in this case to the last Ukrainian.
If we follow the borders of Austro-Hungarin empire than let’s hope there is no new Princip to “provoke” WWIII.
– (a racial religion confessed by fewer than 0.2% of the world population, is particularly curious.
A simple way to estimate the number of the Khazarian population today:
700 AC:
World population = 207-226 mill
Khazarians = 5 mill (2.5%)
Jews = 500,000
Khazarians today
7000 * 2.5% = 175 mill
You give us arithmetic, not demography. Absurd extrapolation.
Simple facts (fact 1 + fact 2 + fact3), Then I put that together with fact 4, and assume same average fertility. BOOM. Nothing i right about the “0.2%” number repeated a mill times.
I once asked myself, how can it be the “0.2 %” are 50% of Hollywood? What is wrong here is not the “50%”, but the “0.2%”
– But just because you are a bloodthirsty barbarian who commits genocide with a cross on your uniform,
The Knights Templar Cross is obvious from Republic of Genoa (1005–1797) flag
“How England STOLE the St George’s flag – and now Genoa wants it back with millions in ‘fines’”
The Georgian flag
I see from where Knights Templar got their emblem – Caucasus
A Frenchman, Gustave le Bon, studied group behaviour. Some of his quotes:
“As soon as a certain number of living beings are gathered together, whether they be animals or men, they place themselves instinctively under the authority of a chief.”
“Man, like animals, has a natural tendency to imitation. Imitation is a necessity for him, provided always that the imitation is quite easy. It is this necessity that makes the influence of what is called fashion so powerful. Whether in the matter of opinions, ideas, literary manifestations, or merely of dress, how many persons are bold enough to run counter to the fashion?”
“One of the most constant characteristics of beliefs is their intolerance. The stronger the belief, the greater its intolerance. Men dominated by a certitude cannot tolerate those who do not accept it.”
“Men are ruled by ideas, sentiments, and customs — matters which are of the essence of ourselves. Institutions and laws are the outward manifestation of our character, the expression of its needs. Being its outcome, institutions and laws cannot change this character.”
“Crowds exhibit a docile respect for force, and are but slightly impressed by kindness, which for them is scarcely other than a form of weakness. Their sympathies have never been bestowed on easy-going masters, but on tyrants who vigorously oppressed them.”
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”
So, from Le Bon, we have an important observation about ‘leaders’, the need for leaders. Likewise of tolerance and intolerance: suspicion of ‘the other’. Portray the enemy as being different and it is easy to foment hatred. Imitation does the rest. Join the bandwagon. Hate X, or Z, the other.
x x x x
A young American, Edward Bernays, was deeply impressed by the ideas of Le Bon. He discussed them with his uncle, Sigmund Freud, and put them into practice very effectively. WE ARE ALL VICTIMS OF BERNAYS. He introduced propaganda, advertising, and ‘public ‘relations’ to the world. He demonstrated how easy it was to brainwash people: they tended to follow leaders, celebrities, people who could “get the message across”.
How much easier it is today with modern mass communications. Construct the message and relay it to the masses, 24/7. People will believe anything, if told in the right way, with all alternative messages suppressed. Americans were led into war TWICE in the last century, and have been at war ever since, thanks to the power of propaganda.
Now, we have been assured (by Karl Rove), “We create reality ….. ” Who doubts it? Indonesia. Vietnam. Afghanistan. Yugoslavia. Iraq ……… and on, and on, reality is created. It was a long. long time before Russians understood modern “reality” and their natural wealth (real wealth, not paper reality) was a target for international (including Russian) oligarchs. Therein lies the surplus needed to ‘drive’ trade, and Capitalism! Just like the drivers of behaviour. Just as Le Bon told us and Bernays demonstrated to us.
– He introduced propaganda, advertising, and ‘public ‘relations’ to the world. He demonstrated how easy it was to brainwash people: they tended to follow leaders, celebrities, people who could “get the message across”.
My guess is you have to convince the buyers your particular product is “the most sold” in the world.
Applied on Ukraine war … Even my most ardent supporters of Zelensky will revise their support once Media dismiss him. Media is always right. The best argument on RT will be: “BBC criticizes Zelensky’s strategy”
The term ‘anti-semitism’ as used today in the Anglo Zionist media is a western lie that was concocted in the early 20th century. Hence, we have Zionist Jews and Christians who are not semites slaughtering and exterminating the Semitic Palestinian Muslims and Christians. Indeed, Western political culture is evil and should be treated as such.
The West is like a shark, it dies with stability but thrives in chaos and turbulence. I must always move, it calls it progress. Doesn’t matter if it goes forward, backwards, up or down … as long as there is movement and change … there is no point of reference … it always moves. Always some ting new, always somewhere else. Never here.
Western “Civilization” has about as much reality as Western freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, or other self-styled Western values.
They are complete and utter bullsh*t that deserves to be spit upon for the lie that it is.
The West–led by America–can take its “civilization” and shove it up their morbidly obese asses.
Christian philosophy identifies free will with the will or with the act of choice of the will. Because when the will chooses it is because it wants to, but it might not want to.
We can force man to do a thing, but we cannot force him to want it. That is why the Christian maintains that free will is free from subjection, because the act of choosing is inextricably linked to the causal efficacy of the spiritual being that exercises it.
The Aristotelian term “eleutheria” has a political meaning. This is a person who does not depend politically or socially on others, as an ideal of democracy. The Christian sees the psychological freedom of free will as “libertas a necessitate”, but to this he adds a very important element which is freedom from sin and freedom from death. Christianity distinguishes the freedom of free will in a state of moral indifference and that of liberated free will as found in the blessed. In Christianity, the will as power should not be confused with the bad choice of his freedom.
Being able to choose evil is a deficiency in the exercise of freedom. It is a mutilation of freedom itself. The will is naturally determined to want the good, it is necessarily directed to the good and is only indeterminate with respect to the goods that the intelligence presents to it. And where there is intelligence there is free will and the more intelligence the more freedom. This is what was later denied by Luther and Calvin who denied free will. However, we have seen that Christianity has defended free will and its necessary foundations as indestructible.
The Protestant Reformation initiated the modern thought that abdicates free will and with which man could no longer be a cooperator with God. However, Christianity has been very clear in affirming the spontaneity of a will that, to the extent that it is more effective in regard to truth and goodness, is fully free. It is the Christians who place free will as a first determination, in the aptitude of wanting to self-determine from within the person. They obtained this way of studying freedom from the texts of Sacred Scripture that prescribe or prohibit wanting or doing things…
“All civilisations have not only trade, but also a set of sacred or spiritual values which are at the heart of any civilisation, which is called Religion.”
Absolutely not.
The Author makes a good ethymological intro talking about the meaning of “CIVIS”, yet he completely fails at doing the same with “RELIGIO”.
“Religion” is NOT a “set of sacred or spiritual values which are at the heart of any civilisation”: those are called just shared moral values, often managed in public occasions, while RELIGIO is what every citizen deem to be worthy of PRIVATE CARE.
In the Roman world, the “set of values” came basically from the state-institution, and from tradition, not from any specific god, because the latter may differ and may lead to different private way of caring about different private things. Every Roman PANTHEON is there to demonstrate that.
The confusion between religion, state and ethics does NOT come from those who invented the word “religion” and its concept, namely the Romans… it comes straight from judaism/monotheism.
“The claim to be ‘Judeo’ (a racial religion confessed by fewer than 0.2% of the world population, is particularly curious)”.
It is particularly curious that the Author doesn’t know that the term “judeo-christian” only refers to the fact that Christianity has its roots in ancient Judaism (like Islam, by the way), not to the fact of being a Jew nowadays.
That term is used to indicate one of those great traditional influences (judeo-christian, roman and greek are the main 3) which modeled European culture over time… it has almost nothing to do with Jews.
“Another Western misuse, or rather abuse, is the term ‘Anti-Semitic’. It makes no sense, since the Arab peoples (…) are Semites. Anti-Jewish is the correct term.”
I would say “Anti-Zionist” is the correct term… but yeah, “Anti-Semitic” makes no sense: Phoenicians were Semites, too :)
“As for the Viennese Hitler, that great spreader of Western civilisation (…) He never knew that Asia is the source of advanced civilisations and religions.”
Why so? Do you have any historical element to say so? Or is it just the good old “let’s just slander mr. Hitler, no one’s going to defend him anyway”?
And by the way, he was not a spreader of any civilisation: no desire to become an Empire with colonies, no desire to expand west, no desire that everyone speaks german. Hitler was clearly an anti-internationalist and anti-global. Presenting him as a globalist is utterly ridiculous: he was sincerely nationalist.