by  Leo del Grosso for the Latin American Saker blog

translated from the original Spanish by Ana for the Saker blog

On May 5, the following statement was distributed to the public opinion in Buenos Aires, Argentina: “The DAIA, Delegation of Argentine Israelite Associations, reports that its Board of Directors has requested the resignation of its president, Ariel Cohen Sabban, due to facts of public knowledge. The 1st Vice-president, Dr. Alberto Indij, will assume the presidency of the entity “. Signature: Board of Directors of DAIA.

What are these facts of “public knowledge”? An attempt of extortion and sexual abuse, in the best style of the Anglo-American Harvey Weinstein, against the daughter of the editor of the newspaper La Nación, Esmeralda Miter. The newspaper La Nación is a traditional member of the well-known “prostitute press”, which acts as a bishop of the Anglo-Saxon Empire interests and, obviously, has been part of the main supporters, together with Clarín and Infobae, of the Mauricio Macri’s sepoy government. It happened that Esmeralda Miter, a “good girl”, macrist (for Macri supporter, NdT), on her way of becoming a ” TV star”, made some statements questioning the number of Jews executed by the Nazi regime. Textually, she said: “It’s like what happened with the Holocaust, they said it was 6 million but maybe it was not so many”. Unlike her ex-husband, former macrista official Darío Lopérfido, who was immediately summoned by the Inquisition Court of Holocaust Church *Merchants of the Temple*, aka the DAIA, so that he could retract as soon as he questioned the number of missing people during Videla’s sepoy and vendetta dictatorship. The squeeze, because that’s what the meeting behind closed doors was about between Esmeralda Miter and the DAIA, lasted for an hour and a half and, according to her own statements she sat on the bench of the accused, and it was “very hard.” Afterwards, as reported by a TV show, the level of disorientation of Miter Esmeralda was remarkable: it was evident that she repeated, over and ovevr, the script that was forced on her by the inquisitors. But this was not nearly all: the president of the DAIA at that time (mid April), Ariel Cohen Sabban, veteran satyr always alert to abuse women, saw in Esmeralda Miter, who was recently separated from Lopérfido, a vulnerable prey he could extort economically and abuse sexually. This is how he asked Esmeralda for a private meeting, in her apartment, in order to “comfort her”.

Here is what Miter denounced to have happened during that meeting: ​​”He touched my chest and he wanted to kiss me.” First in the neck and then on the mouth, so I just run away and eluded him. Then I stood up from the armchair and told him he should leave, because I had another meeting agreed in my house too “. Later on, she added: “The situation had become violent and at some point he said ‘stay calm, that I’m not going to catch you.’ A very unpleasant situation.” But the worst thing of all is not this eschatological situation, but how it is evident that the Zionists trade with the victims of the Nazi regime: “He told me that as payback for the damage of my statements I had to travel to Germany with 10 or 12 students to go visit concentration camps and additionally visit the Holocaust Museum. He said it would cost me about 80 thousand dollars to which I replied that I did not have that money. He then replied that I could pay in installments “. I have transcripted the statements of Esmeralda Miter literally because they are irreplaceably and illustrative of the level of indignity and vileness exercised by these “temple merchants”, the Anglo-Saxons, not only in Argentina, but throughout the world, since their modus operandi is always and everywhere the same.

This decadent saga shows the rottenness of an institution that is holder of the Jewish Argentine Appeal described as follows by former executive director of the DAIA, Jorge Elbaum: “the descending paths do not express themselves only in scandalous cases (such as the Cohen Sabbán) in which a pretended Alpha male takes advantage of the vulnerability of a woman who comes from being subjected to public derision as a result of her ignorance and oligarchic training. This marks the make-up and farsighted continuity of an institution that claims to be what it is not (representative of Argentine-Jews), which claims to do what it does not do (fight against all forms of discrimination) and claims to be apolitical when it is a clear boxcar of tail (sometimes locomotive) of the current version of the Argentine right, the PRO “.

But Elbaum falls short and Santiago Cúneo – who also has, same as Elbaum as former executive director of the DAIA, a past with spots he cannot be proud of (i.e. Cuneo was intimately related to Menem, , for business reasons and propagandizes the unprovable hypothesis that Nisman was assassinated, he also called to vote for Macri and recently participated in defamation against North Korea, among other reprehensible performances) – puts things in place by drawing attention to the members of the DAIA as agents of a foreign State such as the Racist State of Israel. Basically, saying “Argentinian right” or “agents of foreign governments”, comes to be the same, in practice. Or, can anyone deny that the Argentinian right has always been the executor, beyond patriotic words, of policies for the benefit of imperialism? But, what comes to be the same in practice, does not exactly mean the same, as it is much clearer and stronger what Cúneo is saying than what Elbaum said: those who are part of DAIA, like everyone in Macri’s government, are agents of an occupation government, of a government totally at the service of other States, for the destruction of Argentinian Nation. That is true, appropriate and essential to say, because it marks the true terms of the main contradiction faced by Argentinians today.

And these foreign agents, forced to face Santiago Cúneo’s correctly incendiary diatribes (in a language often coarse but not deceptive for that matter) have acted as they have been acting with everyone: with tightening, with extortion, with threat, in the same way that the directive council of the DAIA did against Esmeralda Miter, who is a macrista, just like they are and who, in addition, in its eagerness to ingratiate herself with these swine torturers, reached the pathetic point of overacting by saying: “In my opinion, the Jewish community is superior and I wish these were my origins “. This is how the DAIA, a few days after being well represented by the satyr Cohen Sabban (who was asked to resign only to save face), announces that he will initiate criminal proceedings against Santiago Cúneo, whom they obviously accuse of anti-Semitism (what else?) and of pursue of demonizing the Racist State of Israel (as if at all necessary to “demonize”, and as if their diabolical crimes were not already disclosed by themselves), of associating Jews with money and imperialist intentions (Israel , its tentacles like DAIA in Argentina and men as “Satyr” Sabban are the worst possible advertising for Jews – more information on Cohen Sabban and DAIA in this link), of reinstating the denunciation of the “Andinia Plan “(a plan for Anglo-Israeli colonization of whole Patagonia, part of which is proven that the Racist State of Israel pays vacation is Patagonia to its soldiers after they finish military service), of accusing double loyalty in the case of bombings of AMIA premises (DAIA and AMIA always acted as cover-up for the perpetrators of the attacks against the Israeli embassy and against the DAIA-AMIA building, a cover-up denounced by all associations of relatives of the victims of the attacks and the legal cases in which the former directors of the DAIA, such as Rubén Beraja, financial delinquent who bankrupted Banco Mayo and defrauded all its depositors) are completely ingrate and of “impairment of the dignity of an entire community”.

To DAIA, it is not the behavior of Israel what generates hatred against Jews. To DAIA, not the proceeding of Macri, a pawn of the Anglo-Saxon Empire and agent of international usury who has among his most prominent bankers many Jews, are what generates hatred against Jews. To DAIA, it is not the behavior of the DAIA and AMIA members themselves what generate hatred against Jew, although both were masqueraders of massacres against Argentines largely belonging to the “community” (“and what disguise will we use if the judge checks that they have nothing to do?” asked a few years ago a frightened Guillermo Borger, acting president of the AMIA at that time, to Héctor Timerman, former chancellor of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, facing the perspective that out of the memorandum signed between Argentina and Iran it was demonstrated that the Persian nation had nothing what to do with the attacks in Buenos Aires).

Of course, all honest and well-intentioned people are not to make easy generalizations, nor are they indifferent to punishing innocents instead of true culprits. The DAIA and Macri and the IMF, because they are all part of the same conspiracy, constitute an occupation government that seeks to subject the Argentines to imperialist domination, to tear the country apart and plunder its immense natural resources (Islas Malvinas, Atlántico Sur, Patagonia, Guaraní Aquifer , Antarctica Argentina, etc.), all of which Santiago Cúneo argues very well, an occupation government that does not care about Argentines, Jews, or Esmeralda Miter, or anyone else; an occupation government with a war plan that has to come into execution.

And because of saying this, with clarity, with reasoning, with irrefutable arguments, and also with anger, the anger of those who have totally lost patience, that Santiago Cuneo today is being threatened by DAIA, and that Santiago Cuneo had to leave his program in Crónica TV and has had to start transmitting from his own channel on the web, in order to continue expressing himself, running the same fate also ran by journalists like Roberto Navarro, Víctor Hugo Morales, and many more. But the world is getting tired of Anglo-Saxon supramacists: more and more are joining against them, as was seen in Buenos Aires with the one million people who, on May 25th, attended the politico-cultural act of vindication of the May Revolution under the slogan “the Homeland is in danger, not the IMF.” They were present there, from Jorge Elbaum to Santiago Cúneo, from the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo to the general secretaries of several workers’ union organizations that are preparing a general strike, from the youngest without work to the retired ones that do not have enough to pay for their medicines. It is true. Argentina is in danger. Anglos are attacking her with the tactic of the trojan horse, hiding behind any mask, be it religious, cultural, or pseudo-nationalist. Unmasking them is fundamental. This is what Cúneo did in an absolutely frontal and raw way and that is why, beyond differences or coincidences, he deserves decided solidarity.

Here is the original video in Spanish: (alas, no English subtitles available, sorry!)

Afterword by The Saker: Santiago Cúneo’s case is very interesting because I strongly believe that cases like this one will happen again and again and in other countries.  The reason for that is simple: the infinite arrogance of the pro-Israeli lobbies is truly pissing people off who eventually don’t care and simply blow up in anger against this arrogance.  Think of it this way: the Israeli propaganda machine is engaged in truly herculean efforts to make everybody cheer Israel or silence them by by hook or by crook.  We see that in every western country for sure, and in many others too.  Just check out this completely Orwellian story from Myanmar:  Of course, in their hubris and arrogance the Zionists completely failed to realize that they provoke the exact opposite effect: eventually people, especially those capable of critical thinking, begin loathing Israel and Zionism, and then the latter appeal to “anti-Semitism” or the “Holocaust” they just make everybody even more angry.

For all their external successes, I think that the Israelis and their Zionist supporters are already losing the battle due to their arrogance and total inability to understand the human nature.  The only question is, as always, the violence and horrors they will inflict on the world before their inevitable downfall.

But in the meantime, heed my words, other “Santiago Cúneo” will pop-up in other countries, like mushrooms after the rain.

The Saker