Dear friends,

I am exhausted. Totally. Wiped out. And this has shown in the past couple of days when I failed to police comments which never should have made it to begin with. I hope to be able to address what I see as The Key Issue (all in caps!) by Thursday morning/early afternoon: will the US/NATO attempt to attack Russian and/or Novorussia and, if yes, how?

But tomorrow I will be gone. All day. I will go and hide and recharge my “emotional batteries” deep in the Florida wilderness. Somewhere with very few people, if any, but lots of wildlife and a pristine wilderness. I have to leave all my electronics at home, I just take my survival gear and my photo camera. Before I leave I will try to moderate comments one more time. After that I will be gone. I should be home by 8PM (nobody sane wants to remain in the Florida boonies after sundown). The weather tomorrow? 90F/32C, sunny, humidity 60%. Atlantic Ocean water temperature: 84F/29C. Perfect :-)

See you all tomorrow evening!

The Saker

PS: I leave you with one of my favorite songs on one of my favorite albums: Paris‘ “Sonic Jihad”. 2003, but still one of the best ever.  I hope you enjoy it.