Let me first explain what we are doing:  On the community support side of the Saker house, our artist is creating a series of posters or infographics or quick information sheets.  The first one that we are doing is based on the Saker’s Letter to My American Friends, distilling the hard data that The Saker outlined here.


Other infographics may deal with for example geography, or size of militaries, or even numbers of UNSC (United Nations Security Council) resolutions that are not complied with, depending what the nature of the broader discussion is at the time.   Sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words.   The following image gives just a taste and is only an incomplete example and is displayed Errors and All! 


This is why:  The posters or infographics will form a body of work that :

  • is easy to use or to send to others as a conversation starter,
  • creates a library that the Saker and all of us can refer to in future,
  • for our younger viewers, provide an easier point of entry to the more in-depth analysis and essays (given the nature of the internet and quick information and shorter attention span).

All of these infographics will be supportive of the Saker’s analysis and other contributors where the Saker may decide has proper and precise data to be ‘info graphicked’.


This is what we need : We are in need of a volunteer to parse the data, give it to the artist in easy and usable form, and then to check and edit the infographic.  The volunteer should have quite a critical eye or be accustomed to hard or statistical data, and boiling down that detail into just the necessary to make one very clear point – always in support of the more detailed facts and information given in the written essays and analytical written work.


If you would like to volunteer to support the work in this way, please email me at: TheSakerCommunityCooperative@protonmail.com


Of course your suggestions in the comments as to which topics we can ‘infographic’ next, will be very welcome.

by Amarynth