Remember how first it was absolutely totally undeniably clearly proven beyond any possible doubt that these evil Syrians had murdered Rafik Hariri and then, as soon as the Syrians left Lebanon, we were told that it was absolutely totally undeniably clearly proven beyond any possible doubt again that it was actually Hezbollah?

Folks – they are it again.

After telling us that Assad has used chemical weapons against the opposition they came up with this one:

The major organization of Syrian rebels, the Free Syrian Army, announced Wednesday that forces affiliated with Bashar Assad’s regime and Hezbollah fighters employed chemical weapons in battles at the outskirts of Damascus, according to Alarabiya network. 

That’s from – can you guess? – Ynet news quoting al-Arabiya, aka “the Zionists quoting the Saudi Wahabis”.

I wonder how many people are going to believe this latest crap…

As Dubya so eloquently put it: “There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.

The Saker