I know, I know, “Globe” is a well-known tabloid which publishes stories like “Astronauts raped by Martian maniacs” or “Resurrected body of Ramses II seen at Brazilian McDonalds”, etc.  Still, it is indicative that Martians and walking mummies have been replaced by Vladimir Putin.

Also, I truly liked this joke posted by an anonymous reader (thanks!):

Putin is watching TV. Calls up his Chief of Intelligence: “Give Tyagnibok a medal for banning the use of Russian in Ukraine. What do you mean he isn’t one of ours? Ok, give Yarosh a medal for the idea of blowing up Ukrainian gas transit lines. What do you mean, that’s his own doing? How about that cretin Lyashko? How about those cretins from Svoboda—Miroshnichenko and others? So, DO WE HAVE ANY AGENTS ON THE GROUND IN UKRAINE AT ALL?! Where the hell are they? What the hell do you mean they bought a dump-truck of pop-corn and a tanker truck beer and are watching it like a movie?!!!” Hangs up in disgust. Calls again: “How could you let Muzychko get killed?”

There is much truth to this joke.  I just wonder – is Obama also an SVR agent (just kidding!!).


The Saker