by Denis A. Conroy for the Saker Blog
America’s self-imagined custodianship of human rights and freedom epitomize problems associated with fake prophesies. That Americans now rally behind the latest battle-cry of the Republic, ‘Make America Great Again’, indicate that they are indifferent to the fact that their country has been barnstorming across the globe these past six decades killing vast numbers of innocent people with the objective of creating a pre-eminently militaristic empire to strategically control the skies, oceans, their market-share plus control of space. In implementing these belligerent objectives, the US has repeatedly unleashed auto-da fes to destroy many countries across the globe who failed to fall in line.
Foremostly, America’s firebrand passage through Muslim countries clearly illustrate how a neophyte culture with racist baggage can implode the nation’s reputation, leaving it bereft of respect and credibility. This now appears to be what is happening in America. The two-tiered (or three) aspect of this enterprise requires closer examination.
It would appear that ‘greatness’ in the American context amounts to nothing more than upholding vulgar white-middle-class racist values as the measure of excellence, with fake ‘principled’ notions of cultural superiority leading the chase. When the dogs-of-war were unleashed to wreak havoc, pillage and plunder on the habitats of millions of hapless people across the globe, the silence of so-called conscionable America was deafening.
Violence had become an American staple and the voice of the Peace Movement is all but mute. It’s now impossible to ignore the fact that the three tiers of state, the top tier, the middle tier and the lower tier…the three classes…collude in a program whose singular use of power expresses an unwavering desire to ride the gravy train to the hilt and devil take the hindmost.
These three classes, battle hardened and indifferent to the chaos caused by their bloodthirsty military have been blindsided by their own government. There is the sense that the flag… the stars-and-strips…has become the nation’s birth certificate and each person’s birth certificate a little bit of a collective ‘stars and stripes’ denouement that entitles them to extrajudicial considerations and the right to be proud of their dubious record. However, finding one’s niche in this hierarchal edifice is another matter altogether.
The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times are missives of choice for the middle class in matters relating to America’s monopolistic capitalist system. Predatory incursions into foreign countries resulting in bloodshed are routinely explained away in false-flag gibberish or in some other fashion to justify the actions of the government. This business of doing business attitude exists to negate everything else and the middle-class appear to have no qualms with this scenario. The sub-text here being, as God’s own people they believe that they have the right to expect ‘mana-from-heaven’ to rain down upon them from all quarters of the globe.
For the working class however, tweeting along with the paymaster appears to be an act of convenience. But when the music stops, as it most certainly will, the birthright question (all men are equal) will inevitable come into contention again when the issue of inequality needs to be confronted. However, the next generation may be more strident should they once again find themselves being herded back into a holding-pen position to await casino-capitalism’s next ‘flurry’ at the roulette table.
But irony of ironies, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal etc. are merely institutions that employ smoke and mirror tactics to conceal the nastiness of a two-tiered (or three) system that entails subjecting the public to a game of musical chairs, whose prime objective is to unseat a competitor each time Wall Street chooses to play its favourite game of ‘pass-the-stock-market-parcel’…the one designed to consolidate wealth in fewer hands each time it is played.
Musical chairs, also known as Trip to Jerusalem, is a game of elimination involving players, chairs, and music, with one fewer chair than players. When the music stops whichever player fails to sit on a chair is eliminated, with a chair then being removed and the process repeated until only one player remains. Alas! The origins of the game are unknown. On the other hand, we may safely assume that Karl Marx or Antonio Gramsci are not its authors.
So, the questions we need to ask here are, have Americans taken to wearing masks to hide their lack of conscience, like their President wears his hairpiece… do their masks, like Donald’s hairpiece, only make an appearance when orchestrating auto-da fes, or when administering sanctions designed to economically incinerate…or starve… apostates?
Or should we defer to another Donald…Donald Rumsfeld…for insights into America’s moral stature. “We don’t know what we don’t know. There are too many unknowns too many factors that we may not have yet considered,” said he. Which, when translated might mean, ‘Life is like a game of musical chairs and America has the right to take occupancy of the limited number of chairs available or our armed forces will be forced to use terror to procure knowable ends that are ultimately unknowable but desirable because they make us feel great.’
Narratives fed to the public by special interest groups come as hybridised versions of Hollywood cypher-speak-gibberish and are passed off as truths to the public for the purpose of indoctrinating them. A continuous repetition of false declamatory statements praising American exceptionality pour from the media to reinforce fake news. If there were a Noble Peace prize for hypocrisy, it would surely go to America.
America, the so-called leader of the so-called free world is awash with fallacious narratives that are put in place by corporate entities to implement a two-tiered (or three) system that strives to gain support in the public domain by using fearmongering tactics to implement its propaganda in every way possible. Fake narratives ceaselessly eat into public consciousness while cleverly concealing their real purpose, which is full spectrum Mafioso dominance. Think of the numerous corporate ploughshares that have insidiously penetrated a country near you!
As we now live in a technological age that has provided humans with the ability to engage in nuclear Armageddon, we can’t help but notice how worse-case scenarios abound. Some even suggest that evolution has run out of steam. Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine (MAD) is a minefield without canaries and we, in the lower tiers, are left painfully aware of our impotence on discovering that we are without a voice in the decision- making process. We are required to seal our lips and accept the reality that nuclear buttons now hang over our heads like the sword of Damocles.
We are constantly reminded that states exist, super and otherwise, their nuclear dogs-of-war straining on the leash in readiness should lines be crossed. We are repeatedly reminded of the fact that it is now possible to cause enormous casualties and destruction to civilian populations anywhere in the world by simply pressing a button from thousands of miles away.
We can no longer feel free because we can no longer free ourselves from the shadow of Dr. Strangelove. The more bloated the military budget becomes, the deeper we sink into gloom upon realizing how our anxiety increases exponentially with increases to the military budget.
Knowing that unknown knowns have consigned us to carceral spaces where modern-day Caesars busy themselves toying with their nuclear buttons, suggests that the middle and working classes have become prisoners in an ill-defined reality. The knowledge that capitalism engenders fear through its ‘security’ narrative has now become the problem. The ideology that keeps capitalism frothing at the mouth has produced its own evil doppelganger…a pedagogic Promethean pariah responsible for global degradation, its power ever more lethal in a world that has learned to fear its score card.
Four in ten Americans sometimes face what economists call “material hardship,” struggling to pay for basic needs such as food and housing, according to a new study from the Urban Institute. Even middle-class families routinely struggle financially and are occasionally unable to pay their bills and more and more ordinary citizen are beginning to feel that they no longer have a part to play in a secular agenda that has become the property of the military establishment.
So, the problem now is that civilians seem unable to deal with facts. A shut-the-fuck-up mentality now exists to banish issues that relate to questions relating to social criteria and the people who write and whistle-blow the inequities of their government. People are relentlessly exposed to facts, but as civilians, are incapable of dealing with them. Facts appear on electronic screens ad nauseam to reveal how citizens have become captive to a static reality that uses fearmongering as a way of castrating public dissent. Facts that indicate that only the elite have skin in the game are everywhere in evidence.
At the Colosseum level…the elite level…the grand referee in the orange hairpiece keeps tweeting dealership gibberish while the classes in the lower tiers are expected to remain on standby to applaud this kind of hubris. Many are amused but few are chosen…unless you are an exponent of the rules of Republican Likud or are Likud Democrats building separation walls to keep Zion in and Allah out, per medium of a nasty game of musical chairs…a la currency wars!
Secondary development is fine, but at what cost to that primary narrative within us that depends on freedom of expression? It is ironic that many of the ‘learned’ amongst us strategically position themselves between the people and the elites, thereby limiting the potential for development within the masses. Traditionally, the policy of our rulers…shepherds… was to herd the ‘sheeple’ into the shepherd’s fold, lest he or she escape the soporific effects of propaganda or holy writ. To our great dismay, most of our teachers to this day do little other that look in the rear-view mirror for inspiration.
Justifications for releasing the ‘Dogs of War’ on civilians who can’t defend themselves are inevitable meaningless. For example, the American-Zionist agenda which manufactures fear for the purpose of manufacturing enemies for the purpose of manufacturing wars, has of itself become a war on truth. Sadly, the reason why investigative reporting became so highly selective is that in the US, truth had lost its place in the established media. The fact of the matter is, white-middle-class Americans respond with pique when confronted with criticism of their values. Sadly, exposing the injustices perpetrated on Muslims, Palestinians or Black People is a matter of little concern…a poignant example of what happens to complacent people when they turn away from the truth.
What William Kristol and Robert Kagan proposed when helping to draft the ‘Project for the New American Century’, was a manufactured narrative that led the average citizen to believe that their security depended on elites who could explain the threats they were exposed to…a win-win solution designed to keep them believing that they needed the protection of elites. And what the elites were telling them was that the military establishment was a bulwark against chaos, and the destruction of their state and the possibility that they might become subservient to non-white people.
The West, having created a bifurcated paradigm called democracy sold it to the public as a vector capable of promoting the verity of good governance. But unfortunately, as all paradigms contain bias, the model in question went to great lengths to conceal the presence of the schism within. An upper tier and a lower tier came into existence, whereby the resolution of conflicts was subject to the veto powers of the upper tier. Soon the upper tier set about training minds in the lower-tier to shepherd the resources of the state in ways that benefited the upper-tier. Sadly, over time, the upper tier became more interested in the subject of fiscal welfare (for themselves) rather than pursuing outcomes that could serve the interests of the entire polity.
The bifurcated concept of democracy as propounded by our learned founding-fathers was from the beginning a sleight of hand operating in deference to proprietorial principles enabling the architects of the system to retain control of their plan by fostering the notion that their vector of choice, democracy, could deliver justice for all.
In the US, a tiny number of people cream off virtually all the wealth. Ever since the first Cold War, the ‘sheeple’ have been led to believe that an external threat to their security existed and that it could only be managed by the ruling elite. Spending money to secure the two-tiered realm would require the creation of a global military force capable of warding off threats to American hegemony.
In recent times, emotions pertaining to loss of kudos led to acrimonious debate within the US. Insisting that the Western alliance would work better if individual members paid a bigger share of the costs involved in maintaining NATO came to the fore. This policing agency, the tip of the economic iceberg that was put in place to secure right-of-passage for US hegemony in the first instance, was now upping the ante…the cost of missiles had increased. To date, the dust may have settled, but the opprobrium (phlegm) released by Emperor continues to rile the ruled.
In middle America…the beltway…the media, academia and the entertainment industry share a quasi-moral narrative which floats like an iceberg in an inland sea. This inland sea has a mirror-like surface which reflects the vanity of its citizenry who need to bathe in the unholy waters of hubris. For the upper and middle classes, focusing on America’s military might enables them to revel in unadulterated vainglory. Hubris within the upper class had reached a point where debasement of human values became the norm. Celebrations of inhouse grandiosity suggesting that inverted middle-class American perspectives had passed their use-by-date.
And as the wealth of the nation continued its rise upwards, the lower tier showed signs that something had become unsustainable. The top-heaviness of the unequal economic order had begun to impact unfavourably on the lower tier. From the anonymity of the sheep-pen, the so-called sheeple people had discovered a flaw in that aphorism which stated, ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’. They discovered that these perspectives were held by pedagogic Prometheans peering into histories rear-view mirrors. They were teachers who would never experience the thrill that came with grassroot activity or feel passions that could change the course of history.
Denis A. Conroy
Freelance Writer
I love Dennis’s writing…man does he call it like it is…what is it with you Aussies…so too does Caitlin Johnstone.
Look no further than Trump’s National Security adviser appointment to perfectly illustrate what Dennis so eloquently discusses…I won’t even mention Pompeo, Haspel or Abrams for that matter… their appointments are arguably rivals when it comes to outrageous hypocrisy.
Bolton [you know the one…the “I know where your kids live” Bolton…see link below]…National Security Adviser… goodness me, could anything be more spectacularly nonsensical than this appointment…this psychopathic cowardly butcher now attempts to march the West to war…what’s more he is enthusiastically supported by yet more rapturous religious fundamentalist lunatics…in fact, Pence, Pompeo, and Bolton each ‘tick’ all these boxes and now like a bunch of Cheshire cats gleefully occupy 3 out of 4 of the most important positions which directly control US foreign policy…it simply could not get any scarier than this.
WRONG…it could have been just a tad scarier perhaps if Hillary had made it a Quartet… but lets not even contemplate that scenario…we don’t need to.. it is flat out f$%%#n terrifying as it is without adding her to this mix.
Contrast today’s tinderbox to the Cuban missile crises when the whole of humanity came very close to going up in smoke and an apocalyptic catastrophe was narrowly averted simply because Washington had intelligent statesmen in these positions…look at the creatures that sit in these offices and make these calls now…observe and shudder…we are in a truly dangerous place. Our survival literally hangs by a thread.
My view from the south seas becomes scarier by the day
You give the appearance of one who enjoys every day of these interesting times in which we live.
Farming for life can do that to you.
You said….”You give the appearance of one who enjoys every day of these interesting times in which we live.”
…yeah I am far from sure that “enjoys” is quite the right word though…perhaps a curious blend of astonishment mixed with flat out trauma would be a more apt description.
One thing I have no doubt about whatsoever though is that what we currently witness will turn out be a hugely important event in the destiny of modern Western ‘Civilisation’…I am with Gandhi on this one though… as rumor has it he was once asked what he thought about Western Civilisation and his response was…” it would be a very good idea”.
Sadly there is absolutely nothing at all civilized in the shameless and infantile way Trump and his thugs conduct themselves on the world stage. The latest astonishing display of ineptness in regard to Venezuela and Iran would be more akin to an episode of ‘The Sopranos’ than to international diplomacy. This sort of idiocy means that it is almost impossible to deal with this administration in a responsible manner. I marvel at the incredible patience of both Putin and Lavrov in bothering to even enter into discussions with such buffoonery.
Best regards from the south seas!
The differences between 1962 and the Cuban Missile Crisis (in reality the Bay of Pigs, Jupiter missiles in Turkey crisis)and now are numerous. The USA had a sane, intelligent President and Administration, then. Not now. The USA was economically dominant globally then, but now has been surpassed by China, despite the lying hypocrisy and increasingly hysterical screeching of the false mantra that China is the ‘second largest economy’. The Gods Upon the Earth who rule the rotting corpse that once was America the Great, are so outraged, frightened and generally driven barking mad by that fact that they have launched an economic war (to go along with decades of subversion, sabotage and financing of internal compradores and other treacherous scum)that they will lose, accompanied by manic auto-brainwashing that it is China, not the USA, which is about to ‘collapse’. And the Israel First Lobby was powerful, but, unlike today, it did not totally control US politics and policy. That situation began to change after November 22, 1963.
i have to do a bit of nitpicking here. The Cuban Missile Crisis was not “averted because the US had intelligent statesmen” – this is a narrative that has persisted, as the West can never admit it was wrong, so the false narrative has persisted. …Kruschevs letter to JFK is on the internet. It shows Kruschev to be as good as Putin in aiming to be firm but conciliatory in the face of a bully empire but demanding fairness and reciprocity…
I forget the name but one of the key individuals on the US side, who was directly involved with both Kennedy brothers during the crisis, broke his silence after 50 years and admitted that the Russians had been correct all along and that it was the US position that was in the wrong.
The Kennedy brothers, to extricate the US from the situation, turned the argument on its head and aimed to “assist Kruschev not to lose face” by easing the situation….which is a very patronising manner indeed, when it is the US that badly needed to avoid losing face.
Kruschev was firm in stating that the US missiles installed in incirlik were offensive weapons and needed to be removed whilst the Russian missiles installed on Cuba were defensive, to prevent a US attack / invasion. The US position was to deny this reality and to pretend that the US was defending Turkey whilst the Russians were aggressors aiming weapons at the US…The US official who broke his silence about the affair, a few years ago was totally candid that the Russians were right all along…and that the Kennedy brothers position showed the latter were extremely devious in the manner in which they extricated the US from the situation. He also admitted that the weapons placed in incirlik were in reality not even active but placed there simply to act as a “warning” to Russia. The US Deep State never learnt from this situation, as Incirlik has again been used to house nuclear weapons aimed at Russia – except that the Russians know that the type of weapons placed there, could never be loaded onto the current range of available US aircraft.
That is my understanding of the Cuban Crisis and im happy if anyone can add to / modify this narrative…
I agree with your analysis, Analyst, but my point was that the Kennedy brothers stood up to the Pentagon war-hawks like LeMay, and averted thermo-nuclear war. That resistance is why elements of Pentagon hierarchy either joined in the plot to kill JFK, or were happy when others did the dirty work.
Good point MM …!
auto-da fes => autos da fe’ (portuguese plural rule , its auths of faith, not auth of faiths)
A fellow pedant! Long live the nit-pickers!!!
Auto da/de fé
Much appreciate your eloquent powerful wordsmithery Denis and your calling a spade a spade. And calling out this debauched, degenerate, delusional, dumbed down society for what it truly is. Fecken ‘middle class values’ indeed. The hypocrisy, the charades, and the sheer pathological callousness of Neoliberal ‘society’ while the almost unmentionable dogma – Neoliberalism itself affects everyone; physically, mentally, and spiritually. Live to consume and consume to live while cheering on the latest regime change operation conducted by the ‘rules based international community’ or whatever truly delusional crap they use to describe the latest mass murder and destruction of yet another country. Which usually has lots of Oil. Do these creatures still use the term R2P, or is that passé now? Maybe you could write a book Denis? Cheers.
Yep, Gezzah-we’re a couple of decades from ecological devastation, probably total destruction, and the great Austrayan ‘Festival of Democracy’ (easy, stomach!) is still being prosecuted along the lines of the old, familiar tetralogy-greed, fear, hatred and unfathomable stupidity and pig ignorance. And that great friend of the rich, retired politician, millionaire and proto-Blairite, Bob Hawke, is farewelled in a lather of adulation, wherein the only honest panegyric came from Tony Abbott, who noted that Hawke was, in fact, a Liberal leader in ‘Labor’ disguise, who introduced the cancer of neo-liberalism to Government in the country.
Mulga Mumblebrain…. Was out today in suburban Melbourne not far from a polling booth flogging mag. Unfathomable stupidity and pig ignorance indeed. A few asked if I’d voted, and told them ‘I havn’t voted for over 20 years’. How could you not take part in the ‘Festival Of Democracy’ type looks on their faces at me. To quote Emma Goldman ‘if voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal’. Like Col The Farmer, am a NZ citizen anyway. Speaking of the Anglo Zionist monstrosity, I see Germany has declared the BDS movement as “anti semitic”. That motion was passed with the help of the German Greens, and I note the leader of the Green Party of Canada, Elizabeth May has slammed BDS as anti semitic, and they refuse to support it period. So much for the ‘progressive’ Greens. What an Orwellian world we live in, as Denis states. Regards climate destruction, most people are too attached to their creature comforts. Sadly.
Note, Gezzah, how easily Freedom of Opinion and Freedom of Speech is TOTALLY abolished when the Zionazi money-men snap their fingers. Yet, at the same time the Rightists are yelping like rabid dogs to defend Israel Folau, who also HATES ‘idolators, gamblers, fornicators etc’, all in the moronic belief that hatred is the doctrine of the Nazarene. In fact, of course, the fool is practising Old Testament hatred, ie Judaism, NOT ‘Christianity’. That is another gift of the Zionazis’ power-that Judaic, Talmudic, omni-hatred is declared to be the religion of ‘The Prince of Peace’, rather than The Sermon on the Mount. The cancer spreads further and deeper, every day.
Excellent article. The point is that people outside the US can see all that was presented, but not the majority in the US. A day of reckoning will arrive, and then the majority will also see what they don’t see at the moment. By then it will probably be too late to do anything about it.
Excellent piece of writing.
One caveat – As A citizen of USA I can strongly state that there are millions of fellow citizens who are in no way part of or supportive of the mad psychopathic cadre in power. We feel the same way about the other millions of our brain-addled, drug-infested, GMO/barium-aluminium/EMF/pesticide/propagandized fellow citizens.
To me it’s crystal clear that this is all one big, on-the-fly biochemical/psychological experiment in manipulating and controlling the bodies and minds of human beings. Unscrupulous people given immoral power over others is deadly. The only way to break the cycle is to 1) deprogram the millennia-old belief in the legitimacy of the mass illusion called “government;” and 2) accurately diagnose and remove a significant % of psychopaths from wherever they infest seats of power.
IOW – disassemble all permanent loci of power. There is absolutely no need for permanent institutions of power who wield immoral abilities that you or I do not have (stealing (taxes), murder (war), etc). Anything that needs doing can be done by temporary groups created to get the job done. Then disband them. And certainly, those created groups shall have no extra-ordinary moral authority than any one else. Everyone is always accountable and responsible for what they do.
Not everybody against the hegemon is an anarchist.
Government will always be there. Taxes will always be there.
Great article buddy. Agree with everything you said. It’s sad trying to explain this to friends, who are caught up in the usual distractions. So when you meet up with them they bring only that stuff up, and none of it is ever important to the actual big picture. If you start talking about the problems in capitalism, the conversation quickly gets hijacked into small ways to benefit from it. It’s like no one even cares that you just explained to them the system their country operates under is built on nothing but contradictions, and oppression of others.
One of the biggest myths the modern capitalists push is the connection between basic survival mechanisms(which is a true idea) with unhinged materialism. They falsely equate this innate survival mechanism with unhinged materialistic greed. Which is a complete fallacy. Humans are wired to try to survive, but greed is an option.
Let me give you a hypothetical situation to illustrate this. Let’s say you were a millionaire. You have millions of dollars in your bank account. You were a person filled with greed and earned this money through various unjust means. One night you need to pull out all your money, in this hypothetical situation let’s imagine you can pull out all of your money, even though banks put limits. Right after you pulled out all of your money imagine if I pulled up behind you, with a ski mask on, put a gun to your head and told you “give me all of your money, or I’m going to blow your brains out.” You now I have full intent to do this, you know if you refuse, the next moment will be you in the afterlife. No matter how materialistic the person in this scenario is, in this situation he will always pick his survival over the amount of wealth he has. Humans are wired to try to survive, it’s why we are still here currently. Materialistic greed is always a choice.
Here’s a link for you, Denis, I think its right up your alley. It’s the philosophical break down of the capitalistic system from a great Shiite Muslim scholar from Iraq. You will find the underlying core of a lot of the things you mentioned in this article. Sadly saddam Hussein executed him in 1980:
Sounds more like a fool and his money are easily separated, lets say w/o the million he just “pulled out”,(with bank limits) he is a dead man, so does he die giving you his money, or die fighting for his money, inquiring minds want to know.
Who is this Conroy? This Aussie who thinks he knows the US inside and out and can distrespect her so airily? And why such unkempt hair? Where did you spend the 60s, sir? And yet…. Denis makes a lot of sense, worth reading several times. But why mix in such massive contempt and arrogant dismissiveness, as if the US had no goodness at all to recommend it? Look closer. Lots of your brothers here.
If you look in all directions, the “goodness” is hard to find, the infinite visionary illusion takes control.
Yes this land of plenty is good no doubt, the educators and legislators of this land, not so much.
Serious discussion and reform is needed, tyranny and hypocrisy is what is delivered.
When you play all or nothing and lose, all the consequences must eventually be paid, the US ruling elite has yet to admit defeat, though it stares then square in the face.
That’s because they’re narcissistic, chicken wieners who lack the insight, imagination and initiative to learn from their mental and moral mistakes. The Wall Street, MIC and fracking control frauds will bankrupt them.
America has much goodness to recommend it, and many good people, but the Evil that it has done and continues to do, far, far outweighs the good.
Myth always trumps reason. So if you are the maker of myths as are the entertainment and “news” industries then you rule. It’s not Trump or the government that rules the USA but the propaganda organs together with their friends in the spook world.
PNAC’s philosophy wasn’t just to spread false narratives–these people really believed and continue to believe that without a “mission” (from “God” though these people are generally atheists) American society would degenerate into regionalism, tribalism, and hedonism. War and Empire provide the people with a common purpose and a sense of working together for something beside their own private interests. For the neocons either Americans pursued Empire and war or the country would perish into chaos. They honestly believed and believe today that the US Empire must prevail or China will call the shots. The idea of a multi-polar world ruled through diplomacy and mutual interests is entirely foreign to the neoconservative view of history. They are incapable of understanding cooperation–for them there is only dominance and submission.
@Chris Cosmos on May 17, 2019 · at 10:51 pm EST/EDT
I don’t know about that.
When the entire indoctrinated epistemology (i.e. ‘worldview’), is an incoherent, Kafkques nightmare, a coherent pattern of facts is noticeable by some, and in some cases, over-powering.
I’m not suggesting that defeating the disease is a slam-dunk, just that the incessant application of the poison is creating a resistant strain of humans…
ALL is lost, I’m afraid, Tribe-the Laws of Physics, atmospheric chemistry and ecology say so. You cannot destroy all the planet’s Life-sustaining bio-systems and hope to survive, and the destruction is proceeding at ever faster pace.
The PNAC were pure ‘neo-conservative’ ie Zionazis, most Jews, with a leavening of Sabbat Goyim for plausible deniability. It is beyond bizarre to not state that simple truth because you will, reflexively, be accused of ‘antisemitism’, or even ‘antizionazism’, now declared to be ‘antisemitism’.
DC, I’m a big fan, thank you for bringing this information, and the framework it is present in, to me via the community.
“auto-da fes”
I am unfamiliar with these words?
“… upholding vulgar white-middle-class racist values as the measure of excellence.”
Houston, we have a problem!
I don’t think the empire’s approved behavioral pattern has much, if anything, to do with “white“, nor, “middle-class“, though a cultural environment has been created, in which it is convenient, and most importantly, furthering an agenda point.
The fact that it is convenient, is a clue.
I suspect that we can come to common ground on the powerful capability of perception management, as it now exists, with billions of habitual, measured in seconds, if not tenths of seconds, content selection patterns, buying patterns, self-presentation patterns, etc, all stored in data warehouses, and accessible by the most advanced AI in the world, now with ‘fit-bit‘ and ‘fit-bit‘-like physiological changes data, we can expect Yuval Harari’s suggestion that the technology exists to ‘hack the human mind‘.
In summary, it is difficult to know what is accurate information, and what is not, the currents of the perception herding ‘are so strong, they’re difficult to completely immune to.
Despite the almost millennium of continual warfare, the cultures of northwest Eurasia created arguably the greatest institutional models ever seen, which, at one point, required a base group value-set of trust in the group of one’s fellow man, inherent voluntary self-repression of short-term maximizing decisions/behaviours for ‘the unwritten promise‘ of overall social benefit more than compensating for ‘short-term individual maximizing strategies‘.
I know this is quite thick, but I feel cautiously optimistic that I could get the author’s respect for this position.
The outcomes of the current ‘socially-driving value-set‘, as narrated in your article, I completely agree with.
One could easily see that members of the elite socio-economic class, the top 0.1%, and, to a large extent, their henchmen, typically in the remainder of the top 1%, are to a large extent insulated from the current systematic disempowerment of the landed European colonial male, in countries under the auspices of the empire, and would in fact, remove potential competitors to their social status and privilege; thus how actually beneficial it is to them.
The theme of masks is totally analogous to perception management/smoke and mirrors management of the masses, as required to implement the agenda of the psychotic controlling class.
It looks bad.
But we can decipher signs of immunity breaking out…
…and … resistance?!
It may well be ‘working-class white males‘ germane to the resistance.
There yet exists hope.
Which cultures of north-west Eurasia are you referring to? The Anglo-Saxons, the greatest genocidaires in history, the looters of India, China, Africa, North America and sundry other lands inhabited by lesser breeds? The Germans, the genocidaires of Tanganyika and South-West Africa, not to forget the ‘regretable’ slaughter of Jews, Roma, gays, ‘those unfit for life’, Poles, Serbs and Soviet citizens in an industrialised and military orgy of killing? The Iberians, with their slaughters in Latin America and elsewhere? The French, ditto Africa, particularly Algeria? The Italians in Abyssinia and Libya? Not to forget the ‘North-Westerners’ slaughters of one another, in the religious wars, the witch burnings, the Inquisition, the Napoleonic Wars, the One Hundred Years War, WW1 and WW2 and the class hatreds, the current ideological hatreds and various other internecine loathings. I agree with M.K. Gandhi- Western Civilization sounds like a good idea. We should try it sometime.
I haven’t found that much disagreement between us, before, Mulga …
…I think you for your comment…
… however, blind hatred, directed at an otherwise arbitrarily-delineated group, based only on a vague, completely non scientifically measurable ‘anchoring criteria, to be as destructive and unjust as any ‘affiliation with which you express contrary opinion to.
I urge you to reconsider your condemnation of millions of people, who little, if not zero ability to affect decision/policy of what you describe as “… the greatest genocidaires in history…“; obviously this is a statement which bares many, many variables and embedded interpretations, and thus, logically, inherently very, very debatable.
So you have two prime assertions which are highly imprecise, in your … challenge.
I don’t want war with you, but one of the challenges that we share is lack of cohesion in humanity, which I believe that you can bring yourself to agree, under constant attack by one or more minority collective(s), which, as their indispensable advantage, is their comparative cohesion.
…that’s what I’m saying.
…your thoughtful rejoinder, welcome…
Yes, One Tribe, you are correct that the populations of the West are and were, in large part, innocent of the crimes committed by their elites. Some opposed them actively, some were complicit in the crimes, and most just had their own problems at home to worry about. I found the assertion that the values of trust and denying one’s own sort-term interests for the betterment of the group as those of ‘north-western Eurasia’ a bit misguided, as I see those values as being present everywhere, except in that ‘north-west Eurasia’ that saw the creation and rise of capitalism, that euthanises trust in others and raises greedy self-interest and antipathy towards others to the state of a religion. The human world needs trust between all groups, and great self-sacrifice in the interests of others, particularly future generations, and that means that capitalism, the West’s true religion for centuries now, must go. I hope that states my position clearly.
Thank you.
We agree.
I’m trying to write a book on this topic, and how the breakdown of the required societal trust has lead to the complete collapse of even the illusion of democracy, and the causes, which I attribute to culture with entrenched value-sets facilitating negative-sum-gain gaming of the trust in existing societies to concentrate wealth to themselves, and them take overt direct control via that angle, as well.
quality-of-life-enhancing societal infrastructures requires internal societal trust, to voluntarily repress short-term individual maximizing strategies, in exchange for the promise, of overall increases in quality of life enabled by the society superseding the benefits of individual short-term maximizing strategies.
exploitation, eventually… destroys trust
destroyed trust means people will stop repressing their individual short-term maximizing strategies
and societies collapse…
… tying this back to the article, the ridiculous breech of trust in weaponizing the mainstream media, as the primary delivery platform for informational warfare against the 99%, now leaves the more perceptive thinkers in a condition of constant uncertainty about what is actually going on?!
It is all about the divide-and-conquer, since the 99% is by definition, a dramatic majority.
The 99% needs reliable information to start with, as an infrastructure to identify and determine what the real worst threats to humanity are, so to even be able to find a direction to overcome them.
One Tribe, a few brave souls in politics here, mostly retired, and some fakestream media apparatchiki are beginning to dare to state the bleedin’ obvious-that ‘democracy’ is a sad, sick, farce in a state where the media is TOTALLY controlled by the Right, and increasingly partisan. In Austfailia’s case, the prime culprit is the Murdoch cancer, a mighty engine of hate and fear-mongering and mendacious disinformation, principally in regard to capitalist economics and the ecological Holocaust.
What is odd about this sudden nascent growth of a little spinal tissue is how ludicrously late in the day it is. The Murdoch cancer has been exactly like this for over forty years, only ever growing in scope, extent and power as it spreads its tentacles across the world. And for decades the bien pensants of the fakestream media have refused to state the truth about Murdochism, often out of fear of the cancer’s repulsive delight in destroying careers with relentless vendettas of libel, slander and vilification.
There are numerous reasons why ‘democracy’ in any meaningful form and capitalism are utterly antithetical. All real power in capitalist states resides with the owners of capital, who own politicians through ‘contributions’ and lobbying and post-political employment and other largesse. In other words, straight bribery. The apotheosis of this corruption is the buying of US politics by the Zionazis. Then you have the problem of the electorate, which we just saw in action in our own election farce. Fifty percent, by definition, are of below median intelligence, many far below. A similar distribution pertains in regard to knowledge and ignorance, and moral qualities like compassion and empathy. In our election there was a vast swing in Queensland, our most racist, Rightwing, backward state, to the Right in support of coal-mining. In other words the imbeciles prefer a few hundred jobs in coal-mining, most soon to be automated and where ‘black lung’ disease has re-emerged even in open-cut mines, over tens of thousands of tourism jobs on the dying Great Barrier Reef. The most vicious and moronic outright denialism is peddled by the Murdoch rags, totally dominant in the region, even after years of savage drought, a ‘once in 2000 year’ flood in Townsville (site of the biggest swing to the Right), another flood in the outback that drowned 500,000 cattle, and fires in tropical rainforests, an event never before seen in European history there. And, in promoting coal-mining, the Right sentence their own children and grand-children to death, but they do not care, when money is involved.
After the hottest year on record, the death of millions of fish in the major river systems, seven and more years of ever deepening drought, megafires in tropical and temperate rain-forests and heathlands, it was thought that this would be a ‘climate change’ election, but even after that, the scum still voted out of straight greed and raw self-interest, and total indifference to the fate of their own children. All due to decades of relentless Rightwing hate propaganda against Greens, environmentalism and the prospect of any constraint of business avarice. And now, less than a week later, the temperatures for late autumn are still several degrees Celsius above normal. The greedy morons will soon get their comeuppance. Perhaps they’ll be reduced to eating their beloved coal.
My dear earnest Mulga, I suffer it greatly also, earnestness, and so I say I feel great empathy to you, and am trying here, to share it.
Everything you write is true.
Yes, it is depressing.
I lived down there, your northern cousin from almost exactly half a world away.
And I loved it!
There seems a special affinity between us, especially Ozzie girls and Canuck boys, as Ozzie boys and Canuck girls… greatly benefiting I, on the many startling beaches and all night bar-runs around Oxford circus, with the endlessly complaining POMEs, (about Oz , right up until when they physically placed them on the plane to send them back to England), whose friends seemed to have a monopoly on bar doormen jobs.
And your election… tis a pity. It looked to have been… messed with.
As you have rightly pointed out, it seems so ridiculously late in the game for people to be getting a backbone about the … problem…
… the game is long, and how are we to know that this has really been a long time?
The war against humanity has been going on over millennia.
The good news is, it has started, and under the circumstances, like the drought affecting also coastal rainforests here, mere sparks may cause devastating wildfires.
Still, in nature, this was a cleansing catastrophe, fostering a rebuild.
If everyone who knows liberates one mind, be they adherent to the cancer, or victim of the cancer… there will be twice as many potentially sparking entities, and/or one less contributing the the spread of the cancer.
Please don’t despair, there is no winning without hope, and the assault on hope is good evidence that hope is the enemy of the cancer.
I believe that soon, an inoculation to the veil over sanity will be applied to many, giving the framework for people to understand this longstanding war against humanity, and with it, a conceptualization of that war (now successfully obfuscated by Murdoch and his ilk), and in exposing it, enabling real resistance.
The plague of ignorance is widespread.
Here in Australia those afflicted by the plague have returned the ‘Happy Clapper’ (or is it the Snappy Crapper?) to his born to rule position as Prime Minister.
Meanwhile, the Alternative Liberal Party are licking their wounds, as opposed to corporate arses.
Where to run before it all drops into hell?
You can run, but you cannot hide. I look forward to Scummo’s one-man rule, inspired by his ‘religious’ faith, so evident in the policy of sending refugee children mad by permanently incarcerating them in penal hell-holes. I’m sure Jesus approves. Look out for next year’s horror budget-it’ll be a doozy!