Dear friends,

Please forgive the short reply, I am swamped with work, but I want to let you know that the following change to the new blog has  already been approved: adding  another box on the right hand column with St George ribbon in it.  This box will also include links to the blogs philosophy, moderation policy, and a quick blurb about anonymous postings are welcome.

Second, the domain name/URL is doing something weird: it is out of sync with the  The IT team is trying to find out what the problem is.  In the meantime, please only use 

Third, the CAPTCHAs have been removed (they might come back, if needed, but fixed).

Finally, with the help of your comments we will make a lot of changes and adapt the blog to your needs and preferences.  So please keep the suggestions coming in and please be patient (everybody involved is doing that pro bono and on his/her so-called “free” time).

I will keep you posted, of course.

Kind regards and many thanks,

The Saker