Dear friends,
Please forgive the short reply, I am swamped with work, but I want to let you know that the following change to the new blog has already been approved: adding another box on the right hand column with St George ribbon in it. This box will also include links to the blogs philosophy, moderation policy, and a quick blurb about anonymous postings are welcome.
Second, the domain name/URL is doing something weird: it is out of sync with the The IT team is trying to find out what the problem is. In the meantime, please only use
Third, the CAPTCHAs have been removed (they might come back, if needed, but fixed).
Finally, with the help of your comments we will make a lot of changes and adapt the blog to your needs and preferences. So please keep the suggestions coming in and please be patient (everybody involved is doing that pro bono and on his/her so-called “free” time).
I will keep you posted, of course.
Kind regards and many thanks,
The Saker
Dear Saker,
Congrats on the new blog — would love to share some champagne with you!
I agree with some of the other commenters that the fonts could be tweaked a little and showing short “previews” of the articles would make it easier to navigate. (i.e., click through for the complete article.) That said, I know you and your IT team are on top of this and things will get sorted out.
I’m sure you’ll adjust some things, but I have to say that I rather like the minimal approach. As the saying goes: when it comes to design, less is more!
Onward and upward!
I registered with no difficulty. The site is nice and clean so far, like a breath of fresh air.
Hi Saker,
Here are my adventures with registering:
1.When I first registered I only filled in my Username (NotSoFast) – but that didn’t work because a valid email is required.
2. I then filled in my email – and since my email starts with my name I also filled in my name – but I was not too happy about that. When I then logged in I was greeted with my name (and not my Username as I had expected)
3. I then deleted my name but I was still greeted with my full name.
4. I then changed my name to RS so as to be less obvious but now I cannot login anymore.
Sorry to give you trouble :-)
Преведено на српски / Translated into Serbian:
The Saker: Први одговор на ваше коментаре о новом блогу | Ћирилизовано
Dont make the site too fancy and too complicated.. I actually like Blogger compared to any other format.
It is only for this site in particular.. Every site needs a particular format for it to be successful. Changing it would make it less useful and harder to use. Best example was Yahoo which was really simple and then kept changing it over and over every few years until it become unusable. Many other sites do the same thing and makes it less accessible.
I think the blogger site should be left to develop in parallel for a few months to see how things are developing. It would be much harder to do it, BUT it would give you a chance to maintain continuity.. Closing comments here before things are up and running at the new site would be a bad idea. After all I read a lot of sites but I spend exponentially less time at other places. The harder it is to do that the less time I would spend at that site.
Your original site is simple and elegant, no hassle. I fully understand that the security is more important, it is just a suggestion that as much simple it is more people will visit the site. Not everyone these days is savvy with every new tricks of the IT technology.
I know on the end it will be very good and I’m not worry
Hi Saker,
In my post of 16:30 I said that I could not login anymore – apparently that was because I still WAS logged in. Everything seems to work ok.
So please disregard the 16.30 post :-)
Thanks for your your efforts
You should add a link to the new site at the top.
Also why do you need two urls for the site?
Where can we get St. George ribbons. I want to wear one.
Hi Saker,
thought my problems were resolved but they weren’t: I did input 2 comments yesterday on your page but so far they haven’t appeared there. And on that page I seem to be in a state half logged in/ half logged out: on the one hand I can input comments (which so far have not appeared on the page) but on the other hand I constantly have the “Login” box on the right side – and when I fill it in and click “login” it doesn’t disappear (is that because of the “remember me” button that I checked?).
Sorry again to increase your workload – take your time :-)
Btw another suggestion occured to me: some posters here use bold fonts in their comments, and some posters delete their comments – how is that done? It might be a good idea to include in your new blog a link to a “practical hints” section where you could explain these little useful tricks.