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Message from SouthFront:

Dear friends! This film came to being thanks to your support. With your support, having overcome the crisis in the beginning of August, we decided to set ambitious targets to show what we can do together. As you know, much has been done…, but, in an effort to justify your trust and respect, we have tried to bite more than we could chew, which almost led to a halt of the project. A few days ago, our friend The Saker issued an appeal on his behalf; it was heard and supported by you.
Today we present another analytical film – “Migration War” and we are grateful to say you made it happen – all you who are supporting and sharing our goals and activities. Unfortunately, we are still experiencing shortage in the budget for the project: in September it was less than 50 % of what is needed (about $ 1,200). We ask all our friends to support the project if you can.  In any case, we are proud of your attention and moral support.