by Ramin Mazaheri
Is this the end of France’s mainstream political parties?
The day of reckoning certainly should be near. When 77% of France believes parliamentarians, are corrupt then you have a fundamental problem with your system. If you don’t trust you’re the highest rung of the legislative branch, then that house needs to be purged.
It seems it’s going to happen this election cycle for the executive branch, at least. Legislatively…that will require much more revolutionary spirit.
In my daily reporting for Press TV I’ve covered this “our politicians are all corrupt” story many times over the years. I’m always interested to ask the French the simple question: “Why is France so especially mistrustful of their politicians?” Their response usually is…to defend the system they find so corrupt, LOL:
They say that because they live in such a very, very free country only they are can say these types of things openly (state of emergency nearing 16th month but ignore this). Yes, only the impossible-to-seal mouths of the truly-free French dare speak the truth! The truth being, by implication, that all politicians everywhere are corrupt.
This is, of course, not at all true.
First, the French have some outdated fantasy of other countries being ruled by a secret police, where all criticism can only be whispered in dark alleyways. Never mind the omnipresence of their own secret police.
Second, the entire world does not all share their faithless cynicism in politicians. This is a French cultural problem which runs deeper than hypocrisy, which is a very human foible we all share. I discussed politics with dozens of Cubans recently and I never heard any depressing, cynical thoughts about their politicians as are routinely expressed here. I heard complaints, but different ones, and that is my point.
But, rationalize such cynicism however you like. In fact, let’s move on and just blame the Roma and the Muslims, LOL.
Of course, we still must return back to the reality of staggering corruption in French politics.
The downfall of Francois Fillon, the ‘great man’
Ingrained in Western capitalism and their bourgeois democracies is the idea that the masses are ignorant and that a great man is needed to lead them. A man of moral integrity and prophetic vision – much more than just a “council of grandfathers” must guide the French tribe.
Fillon was that man…according to his campaign platform.
His idea was that only a person of his irreproachable moral integrity could…properly inflict twice as many austerity cuts properly.
He was the clear favorite so this idea actually resonated – the moral part seemed to obscure the austerity part, apparently out of desperation for the lack of moral fortitude displayed by those in the nation’s highest offices.
Fillon was high in the polls and high above us masses in his country manor, just marking an ‘x’ on the calendar for each day he was closer to surely taking office in May.
All he had to do was not screw up, because I can report there was simply not enough proof of support for Marine Le Pen to beat him in the 2nd round, or even make it close. Of course, we are still months from the vote, and things change.
And change they did!
We are now all patiently waiting for Fillon’s proof to disprove “Penelopegate”: allegations that his wife and children got over 1 million euros in ghost jobs.
He hasn’t and he won’t.
He says he will share “proof” of work such as pay slips only with the police. LOL, Francois, proof of payment is not proof of work.
If Frank had any proof…he would have immediately shown it to the media to clear his name and continue coasting to the presidency. However, he only had bizarre identity-politics accusations such as “misogyny” against his wife to counter the claims. I feel bad for the reporters who had to report that without irony….
And how the mainstream loved Fillon! This poster from mainstream magazine Le Point was all over Paris back in November, forcing everyone with a brain in their head to roll their eyes backwards to their personal happy place. It reads “The Incredible Mr. Fillon”.
LOL Le Point, great call on that one! Superb journalistic instincts! Impeccable analysis! I see why you are the top of the top here in France!
Well, every journalist takes orders from whoever signs their paycheck, and the larger point is: The 1% loved Fillon, trusted Fillon, and he was one of them (just on the basis of ghost job income).
Not 1 but both mainstream parties ousted? Pinch me I’m dreaming….
Fillon has absolutely and properly plummeted from 1st to 3rd place in the latest presidential polls. He wouldn’t make the 2nd and final round, were the vote held today.
It’s a shocking fall, but maybe the French are finally punishing people for corruption? If the state won’t do it, as in China, then it’s up to voters. This idiosyncrasy of the Western democratic system – corruption is punished by not winning re-election, as opposed to the prison terms handed out for normal crooks – has clearly worked out fantastically for the 1% in France, who staff Parliament.
Problem is, Fillon is still running 3rd – he could make a comeback.
They all do in France, at least on the right – Sarkozy, Juppé, etc. On the left they are more likely to get permanently exiled – Strauss-Kahn, Cazeneuve, and does anyone see a comeback from Hollande?
Makes one wonder: Which side has the greater moral backbone: The conservative Catholic rural voters or the urban and urbane Socialists? One would think it would be the former, but explain that riddle then?
Anyway, my point to international readers is that the joyful arrival of Penelopegate currently portends the death of not just the already-dead Socialists but the conservative Les Républicains, i.e. both mainstream parties.
That, in a western democracy, is extremely rare, and I can’t recall a postwar historical example in any of the West’s UN veto-wielding nations.
So, now who? Wait…why are you looking at me? I work for Iranian state media, not a fashionable, rich media like Le Point – I must know nothing, right? I didn’t even think Fillon was that incredible?
Frozen mainstream Eskimos float the old out for an icy funeral
Polls currently have 4 candidates within 8% points of each other. I hate to say I told you so, and I’m directing this one towards the US and Trump-Clinton: ignore “margin of error” at your peril.
You can’t call a race when it’s that tight so…check back later.
However, I predict the mainstream media here won’t take this honest and sensible view: The 1% can’t show any disunity among something as important as the presidency – remember how it was “Clinton for certain” in the US?
The mainstream doesn’t want to report the actual facts – that there is chaos, instability and unpredictability in France’s election. Nor is the mainstream media, as Trump v. Clinton reminded everyone, in the habit of listening to the needs of the masses or reporting things properly.
They will circle the wagons around a preferred candidate very soon.
But for now it is fair to say that Marine Le Pen will almost definitely get into the second round…and lose against whoever she faces: There hasn’t been a poll which showed her winning the 2nd round that I’m aware of.
I refuse to believe, because it takes time for my brain to accept change, these most recent polls, which have former Rothschild banker Emmanuel Macron beating Le Pen 66-33% in the 2nd round.
Maybe my brain was impacted by all the tear gas and other violence thrown my way during the months of protests against his Macron Law to accept the heretofore shocking idea that he could be president in May, or that he should be.
The Macron Law…man, that will stand in infamy. That was the right-wing roll back of France’s labor code last year.
Now THAT was the biggest blow against French culture in recent years, as it brings France more in line with the US-UK-German economic model.
There went France’s worker security – nobody punches a clock here, the vast majority have the stability provided by a monthly salary – but now you can get used to more part-time work like in the three Anglo-Saxon countries I listed. Get used to lower wages, as part-time work always pays worse, but the capitalists love this programmed underemployment – keeps ‘em desperate scared and docile.
There went your French exceptionalism, and the colorblind among us will note that it did not go because of a chubby mother in a hejab pushing a stroller while hoping for the best future for her children…but you believe whatever you want.
There went, sadly, my quiet, no-shopping-allowed Sundays in Paris, which is the densest Western city and so, so busy most of the time. Yeah, let’s turn this place into Tokyo or Manhattan, sounds great.
Of course, it’s not like families need a guaranteed day of togetherness for unity, or like workers need a guaranteed day of rest to be happy and moral the other six. Is there some way I can be a capitalist while I’m sleeping, because I’m just wasting time and time is money, right?
And now, here comes Macron: He will be the lily-white gold-worshipper in the middle of the circled wagons, safely protected from us common Indian savages who simply want to hold on to what little we have and not lose any more.
Get on the Macron train, or think of one hand clapping
Prediction for Le Point’s next cover: “The Incredible Mr. Macron!”
Blame Hollande. Blame him left, right, up and down, because Macron was a nobody until Hollande made him Minister of the Economy. Ugh! We are stuck with Macron for decades, because the pro-banker 1% will keep propping him up no matter what – no pro-capitalist politician ever dies in France. Among the English-speaking media it’s basically St. Macron, sent to destroy the France’s (far more admirable) postwar social model.
Ugh, ugh, ugh. It can’t be. It won’t be.
But it looks like it might be.
Because French voters simply must punish the Socialist Party for their betrayal on austerity, and they will; they simply must punish Fillon for the embezzlement and hypocrisy which he has not been able to disprove whatsoever.
Rejecting the mainstream is the trend in the West or…has this trend died out? We don’t know and it’s not clear, but it’s certainly looking that way more than ever in France.
What about Marine Le Pen? Well, she proposes non-mainstream ideas but is a part of the mainstream – the National Front has been prevalent in the media for decades. She is not like Trump, who is a true outsider form the political game.
Le Pen is capitalizing on all this, recently saying she’s a candidate against the moneyed elite and “of the people” and she is…as long as those “people” are totally White.
Of course, many of her supporters don’t care about a little thing called “minority rights”, which is what prevents Western democracy from being outright mob rule.
Certainly a lot of her supporters suddenly are all about minority rights when you talk about places outside of France…in places like Lebanon when it comes to Christians, to give just one example, but anyway….
Le Pen is sort of in-between on this mainstream idea, I must grant, and the same should be said for the left’s Jean-Luc Melenchon: He gave up on the mainstream Socialists in 2008. That’s ahead of the curve, right? Ya gotta give him that.
But it’s not really that long ago, eh? It’s still hard for many believe in his bona fides as a leftist and many view him as an egomaniac, rightly or wrongly.
He might get over the hump, but he’s currently polling at 11%. In the 2012 1st round presidential election he got…11%. “Stagnation” has certainly been the watchword for France during the past 5 years….
But if you’re asking me who to vote for he’s the best viable candidate. He has so far refused to ally with the mainstream socialist Benoit Hamon: the newcomer Hamon has the hot hand, so the sooner Melenchon would give in the more watered-down his proposals would be in this hypothetical new left union.
And his proposals are great: Like Le Pen he wants a democratic referendum on the Euro, European Union and NATO, and he wants to scrap the 5th Republic and write a new, modern constitution that isn’t tainted by De Gaulle’s postwar paranoia of the people. He’s the only politician who is clearly anti-xenophobia, Hamon being tainted by the Socialist’s mistreatment of Roma, refugees and Muslims.
Going with the capitalist adoration of the “great man”, the “political savior”, “Mr. .00001%” –are you telling me that’s the smug banker Macron?
That is exactly what the mainstream media will probably start spoon-feeding France.
We’ll see how many French swallow it – given that Macron is currently the most popular politician in France, many already have dutifully taken their conformist medicine and are awaiting a pat on the head (and a pink slip).
However, which two politicians have the 2nd and 3rd-highest approval ratings? Hamon and Melenchon, in a tie.
So how the heck do you explain that?! Whoda thunkit just a couple weeks ago?! What does that predict for the election?
You explain it by realizing that rejecting the mainstream is what the past year has been all about across the West. My White Trash Revolution (WTR) theory continues to trend correct.
The right has been dominant, but Fillon’s apparent taxpayer scam could push France’s WTR back to the left.
One can dream.
All that is certain is that there is no certainty today in France’s presidential election.
A lot can change between now and the first round in late April, but the mainstream’s tactics only change, never their goals: They want someone to keep the money flowing to the 1% and that man was Fillon – now it will be Macron, sorry Frank.
Macron is so new, so smug, so Rothschild-y that maybe France’s voters won’t buy the mainstream onslaught that’s coming? That onslaught will be, of course: We must stop Le Pen at any cost, even if it means Macron.
That game plan stays the same with or without Fillon.
But maybe the Left will seize the historical moment and surmount the obstacles which will inevitably be obstructed by the mainstream.
Regardless, I encourage France’s voters to drop their cynicism about politics in general, above all. It’s not normal, useful, accurate or right.
I guess not too many French people get out and vote, with that kind of cynicism ? I know Saker doesn’t like Le Pen either, but I am curious how France would fare – given her as a president.
I think she might be the best choice, but I know practically nothing about France. Is she pro-Israel ?
She is cagey on Israel – no choice. But a part of the French Jews do vote for her because “she’ll be tough on security”.
Not that this small constituency will get her into the Elysee. She won’t get past Macron, the neocons’ boy. You may have seen his anti-Trump “solemn call” to “researchers, scientists and businesses in the United States fighting obscurantism,” to their soon-to-be new home in France:
“… Je veux ce soir lancer un appel solennel à tous les chercheurs, à tous les universitaires, à toutes les entreprises qui, aux Etats-Unis, se battent contre l’obscurantisme. Vous avez aujourd’hui, et vous l’aurez à partir du mois de mai prochain, une terre patrie, ce sera la France.”
Such a proper Rothschild golden boy cannot be allowed to lose the elections.
I’m not sure as you say she won’t get past Macron. For Macron to win he has to hit the people. For the moment, at least here down in Marseille, they dont want a Rothschild banker. No one is voting for macron in Marseille.
I know Saker doesn’t like Le Pen either
Correct. My ideological sympathies are with a movement called “Egalite et Reconciliation” (Equality and Reconciliation) created by Alain Soral. But that movement is so totally demonized and excluded that I see no political future for it in the foreseeable future. As for the founder, Soral, has has gone from one dumb mistake to another, ranging from sending nude pictures of himself over the phone to a girl he never met to beating up a political opponent. And, frankly, he is one nasty character with a bad temper. And the fact that *on substance* he is almost always correct does not suffice to make him popular. Frankly, the guy is really sharp, but he presents an ideal target for the French ziomedia.
I really dislike Marine Le Pen. She is pro-Israeli and she even betrayed her father to make the French Israel lobby happy. She is also a hard rightwinger (unlike her dad who was much more socially progressive).
Their is a young Marion Marechal Le Pen who is very cute, sharp and overall seems like a nice person. Check her out on this video: The problem is that she is young, too young, she lacks “weight” and I don’t think that she has the courage to frontally take on the French system.
And then there is Jean-Marie Le Pen, whom I respect and I generally like. But he is too old and associated with the past.
More generally, the National Front is an anti-Muslim and pro-White movement, and that is what I like the least about it: it has no possible future. It is also too conservative. France used to have, under the De Gaulle, a mix of conservative and progressive policies which were ideal for that country, and Egalite et Reconciliation still promote the “Right of the traditions and the Left of Labour”. Which is pretty close to my own politics. But, as I said, I don’t see them turning into a real political force for the foreseeable future.
So yeah, I am not optimistic or, even less so thrilled about the upcoming elections. Probably anybody will be better than this drooling imbecile of Hollande, that is the best I can say.
Too bad, I love France and the French people, especially southern France..
The Saker
Didn’t Le Pen’s father deny the Holocaust?
No never. But if he had – so what?
Is that a dogma which one has to accept or is each person free to make up his/her mind?
The Holocaust, well I find it interesting when British or French historians are celebrated when they write the Holocaust happened. But, when they spend years in British, French, German, Russian archives researching documents and start to differ on the mainstream narrative they are being labeled as Nazi. The may even full out contradict the mainstream narrative. So, how come?
And there is even the Leuchter report and so on.
Basically that is for me reason enough to start critically think about it. What do you think?
The Saker,
Sadly many people comment here would prefer someone who is anti muslim. Sad but true many many people are just anti muslims for whatever reasons.
Maybe, but I don’t have to like it or agree with it…
Hi Saker,
Soral will not get elected because he doesn’t run for election and he is deply pro -white and far right just like the FN . Or at least he advocate that race shouldn’t mix because they can’t get along
which is i m sorry to say is racist.
When are you going to show some interest for François Asselineau ? He is exactly the kind of candidate that would meet your every criteria (especially on the ending the empire war on Russia part ) . He is very likely to have the 500 need signature to present himself for the election which mean the msm won’t be able to blacklist him anymore .
Here is an interview of him on ИКС -В КОНТЕКСТЕ. Эфир от 8.05.2015 (Асселино) – ( i don t speak russian… have no clue what it says)
another recent interview with radio belgrade
On RT France (in French)
Honestly you really are shooting yourself in the foot ignoring him if what you want is an pragmatic independant France that respect international law and is not just a vassal of the empire..
He is blacklisted for good reason by the anglo zionist and has almost no access to msm. It should be the jobs of blog like yours or MOA to promote him because he directly serve without any ambiguity the goal that you want to achieve. .
He is entirely funded by the member of his party (unlike every other party that get funded by the banks)
His politcal party got the 5th members. (15000) and he achieved that mostly with the help of his very long and informative conferences on youtube (like this one for example ) . He’s not on tv but you can see his face everywhere on poster in the street in france because his member are by far the most dedicated and active (again for very good reasons) .
Please make an article about him .
he is deply pro -white and far right just like the FN .
You clearly know absolutely nothing about Soral. Too bad, you should inform yourself first before making such silly comments.
Not a fan of le Pen either, but I like how she took cnn to school here:
“Crimea was always Russian!” France’s Marine Le Pen schools CNN
“Amanpour: Does it not bother you that a big country broke international law and invaded and annexed a small country?
Le Pen: There was a coup d’etat in Ukraine…(interrupted)
Amanpour: That’s what you think?
Le Pen: It’s not just what I think, it’s the reality. There was a coup d’etat. There was an agreement among different nations and the next day this agreement was broken and some people took power…(interrupted)
Amanpour: After the invasion and the annexation…Yes!
Le Pen: There was no invasion of Crimea…(interrupted)
Amanpour: But they [Russia] annexed Crimea! It was part of Ukraine! And the French were part of the deal that guaranteed the independence of Ukraine in 1994.
Le Pen: Crimea was Russian. It has always been Russian…(interrupted)
Amanpour: So it’s fine for you, though? You’re okay with it?
Le Pen: The people [of Crimea] feel Russian. The people decided by a great majority that they wanted to belong to Russia. So we can’t be democratic when it suits us and then reject democracy when you don’t like it…(interrupted)
Amanpour: So you support lifting the sanctions? I’m trying to ask you that. Or should they be conditional to the implementation of the ceasefire agreement known as the Minsk accord?
Le Pen: The sanctions are completely stupid. They have not solved any problems. they haven’t improved the situation at all. All they have done is create major economic problems for the EU. They’re meaningless. Maybe we need to step down? Would we have better peace in the world if we could step back? The President of the United Staes, the President of Russia could end the Cold War, no one else.”
In my opinion Marine Le Pen is only looking for support. She is a lawyer being hubored from a lot of knowing individuals and extremists in the EU. If she is the most popular, she’ll bank it.
Why do you think that Marne le Pen can cure the situation?
Jean-Marie Le Pen wasn’t “socially progressive” at all until the end of the Cold War. He even shook Reagan’s hand at a reception of Mr. Moon, and called himself the French Reagan. This is deeply remembered by state workers.
But when communism collapsed, he, and others, saw the new meaning of capitalism and embraced many “third position” politicies. He swiftly went on to defend Saddam Hussein in 1990. The party started to define itself as “neither left nor right”.
Mrs Le Pen and Mr Philippot have clearly moved the party towards a statist line, while the niece Marion Maréchal represents the dissenters.
Hi Saker,
Marine Le Pen might be pro-Israel. This is what she wants everyone to think. The fact is that no politician of that calibre could possibly go about saying otherwise. She might have learnt from her father, who’s been regarded as a nazi for 40 odd years, that there is no way in France one could ever get that close to being elected while showing anti-Israel opinion. I believe she just knows what to say, as a politician.
Soral is a punk. Far too honest to be a politician. I like him too and I am convinced he is still an influencer despite being banned from mainstream media. For those who don’t know, Soral was a member of the Communist Party for about 7 years and subsequently a member of Front National for a year or 2.
Koukouchka on February 09, 2017 · at 10:43 pm UTC
“She might have learnt from her father, who’s been regarded as a nazi for 40 odd years, that there is no way in France one could ever get that close to being elected while showing anti-Israel opinion. I believe she just knows what to say, as a politician”.
Greetings. It’s true what you say. To get access to the MSM she had to disown her father and toe the line with Le Crif. She may be just biding her time. There’s no telling what she would do were she elected, as she would be in the same boat as Donald Trump regarding the Ziocons.
She lost a lot of support when her partner Louis Alliot and Michel Thooris, secrétaire général du syndicat France-Police et conseiller politique de Marine Le Pen, went to Israel to ‘mend fences’.
Le numéro 2 du FN et compagnon de Marine Le Pen en visite en Israël ©AFP 12/12/2012
Politics is all about rôle playing – acting the part. As Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Sergueï Viktorovitch Lavrov well know !
One doesn’t have to like her. She may be totally unprincipled. Marine is however a chip off the old block in being an extremely skilled debater, hardly uses notes, keeping calm in the face of the most provocative and heinous interviewers. Her trump card is her French sovereignty, anti-EU policy.
You’re right too about Alain Soral. He is a punk and one with a tremendous political culture and social insight. E&R’s big weakness is the lack of sex appeal it has for women. It is also its biggest strength – straight talking, no nonsense. E&R’s rôle is essentially the same as The Saker’s or Thierry Meyssan’s : analyse géopolitique et réinformation.
It is also very broadminded. For instance Hervé Ryssen has publicly insulted Alain Soral at least once. That doesn’t prevent E&R from disseminating Hervé Ryssen’s often exemplary research. Check this out :
Hervé Ryssen – Les juifs, le communisme et la révolution russe de 1917 19 février 2017
Les juifs, le communisme, et la révolution russe de 1917 (Ière partie)
Les juifs, le communisme, et la révolution russe de 1917 (IIème partie)
** the National Front is an anti-Muslim and pro-White movement, and that is what I like the least about it: it has no possible future. **
Marine is vague about Islam. Nonetheless, France has no future if the FN fails. The presence of Muslims in Western countries is a poison. The only debate is whether it is a slow- or fast-acting one.
Is she pro israel? her boyfriend is an israeli
I have no confirmation that her companion is Israelis or pro-isrelain.
Personally, the most people who live up here in the mountains, border Switzerland/ France, we are voting for Marine le Pen. We would have thought about Malenchon, but we never would vote for the mainstream.
Is France pro-Israel ?
Unlike, Fillon who wants a rapprochement with Russia and seeks a greater protection for Christians and Muslims in the Middle East, le ‘pantin de Rothschild’ Macron certainly is :
“Très présente aux côtés d’Emmanuel Macron, Nicole Guedj, vice-présidente du Consistoire israélite de Paris chargée des relations entre la France et Israël et présidente de la Fondation France-Israël, n’est pas la seule lobbyiste a s’intéresser au candidat à la présidentielle. Comme on a pu le constater lors de son invitation à la Fondation France-Israël l’an dernier, c’est aussi le cas de Meyer Habib, David de Rothschild, Frédéric Haziza, Gil Taïeb et bien d’autres…”.
Le lobby israélien en force aux côtés d’Emmanuel Macron 4 février 2017
Macron collabore avec une sioniste anti-arabe 16/02/2017 :
Hamon and Melenchon are both pro-European ie pro-oligarchy too. Marine is the only candidate whose policy in favour of national sovereignity has a chance of ‘breaking the mold’ …
Alain Soral explique la différence de traitement de Fillon et de Macron par le fait que le premier est un libéral conservateur, tandis que le second est un libéral libertaire, qui correspond exactement à la ligne de l’oligarchie mondiale. Une organisation en difficulté puisqu’elle vient, avec Trump, de perdre l’Amérique.
“Ni racailles ethniques, ni suprémacistes blancs !” Alain Soral 18 fevrier 2017
The French are entirely right. All politicians are corrupt- in fact criminal. Political systems require politicians to lie to get enough votes to be elected. This gives them the authority to steal (tax) money from everyone- even if they did not vote, and redistribute it as they see fit. That is theft, even if most people believe it is necessary it is still theft and no different from what the Mafia do.
That means the entire system is based on lies and theft and therefore it will always attract people with sociopathic and criminal tendencies.
Here are the traits of a sociopath-
Superficial charm and good intelligence
Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations
Untruthfulness and insincerity
Lack of remorse and shame
Antisocial behavior
Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
General poverty in major affective reactions
Specific loss of insight
Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
Is this not a perfect list of politicians traits?
I respectfully disagree, Fred. Not with your second sentence, though. That’s mostly true.
But why is it true? It’s true, mostly because your first sentence is untrue. The French aren’t “right”. The Algerian Riadh is more right than they are. They are little pigs raised on a farm called France, for the benefit of their feudal owners.
Do they deserve better “government”? Could they even govern themselves, given the chance???
Not yet, I would submit. Not until they stand up on two legs, not only for their rights, but for all of humanity’s natural law rights. That’s the only way out of the muck they find themselves in.
They’ve been settling for far, far too little, morally, spiritually, for far, far too long, empowering their owners step by step by step, downward in their own morality and consciousness.
Same here, in the USA. Times 10. That’s life in the Big City.
C’est la vie a Paris!
Good article dear Sir, i like your style.
(Removed MOD) Frenchs got absolutely what they deserve. They raped (and are still raping, though indirectly) most of Africa and Asia, they caused untold suffering amongst un, the third world un-peoples, and contrary to the Germans, they were neither brilliant nor particularly hard working. All the way of life of France was based upon the suffering of its colonies which were treated like animals (As an Algerian I know what I speak of), so why know should anyone give a rat’s ass about a lazy French who will not be able to have his Guadeloupe trip this summer ???
The French (and the westerners in general) really thought themselves as exceptional and that they could live with their shitty office job being paid 250.000 $/year while the “sub humans” Asians, Africans, Muslims … would bust their asses in the factory 12 hour/day and live a miserable live in their rat hole so that Jean-Michel could buy to his beloved son the latest I-phone or so that Joe six pack can do his road trip with his over sized SUV.
Capitalism worked real well for the west (remember the Opium wars) but know that they have been out smarten by the hard working Asians, and began to feel just 0.1% of what they have inflicted, they cry like little pu***es “please bring back our jobs”. But guess what you’re not as exceptional as Jewllywood told you, you were just the “useful idiot” of the moment.
The frenchs need to understand that their way of life is over and the only solution to survive is that if the Asians work 12h/day, well you’ll have to work 13h/day. Those are the laws of the capitalism they cherish so much.
Basically you are saying Frenchies should succumb to their neo-liberal masters and work more so that afterwards Asians can work more etc. to the benefit of whom exactly? Macron and his banker ilk? Those men associating themselves with Israel, who terrorize your own kin?
I fully agree with what you say regarding the immoral behavior of French in colonial times and how they exploited developing countries as the opportunity offered itself. But please, please never forget who is exploiting the exploiters and who won’t shy away from continuing to do so with anyone that opposes them. Fortunes for ordinary French people may have shifted since the 60s/70s, however, for the better or worse we’re all in the same boat here.
>>”Basically you are saying Frenchies should succumb to their neo-liberal masters and work more so that afterwards Asians can work more etc. to the benefit of whom exactly? Macron and his banker ilk? Those men associating themselves with Israel, who terrorize your own kin?”
My freind im sorry but the frenchs are not the victims, they are the “coupables”. Guilt by ignorance or disinterest is still guilt for me. How many frenchies showed up in the streets when it was a debate on the gay weedings ?? Millions. How many frenchies showed up in the streets when the so – called “les amis de la syrie” meeting was held to decide on how many more “brownies” need to die in Syria ??? ZERO. You see i have a deep conviction that most of you know deep inside them the painfull truth that if those middle east wars and constant meddling stop, your entire way of life will crumble. So most of you just turn a blind eye and give a tacit approval to these bloodbaths.
Contrary to “popular belief” my religion absoloutely forbid from making any harm to any living being (unless in self defence of course) but that doesnt prevent from having feeling. So sorry if i have a deep hate for the frenchs and their anglo-saxons pimps.
France to this day is exploiting its supposedly independent former colonies, they are not independent and France is still in charge, same goes for Britain.
@ Alexander P:
“Basically you are saying Frenchies should succumb to their neo-liberal masters and work more so that afterwards Asians can work more etc. to the benefit of whom exactly? Macron and his banker ilk? Those men associating themselves with Israel, who terrorize your own kin?[..]”
You might as well save your breath, you’re talking to one of those with a perpetual victimhood mindset, chip on both shoulders type of person. It’s a race to the bottom kind of mentality.
I’ve seen it in the UK when there’s a strike, by say, the railway workers. Everybody else vilify them by saying stuff like; ‘how dare they!! What makes them think they’re so special that they should have in-work benefits I don’t get?’
Their so-called “logic” is that if they have it bad, their version of “justice” dictates others should have it just as bad they do too, if not worse.
NO! You freakin’ retards! If you have it bad and you don’t like it, you should be fighting to change that; unionize, get pro-active, get together with others with the same concerns you have, rally against the government and demand labor reforms [etc], what you certainly shouldn’t be doing is siding-up with the globalists against those who have it only slightly better than you do. Let’s not forget: this is workers vs. workers what we’re talking about here, not middle class vs. working class, let alone rich vs. poor.
Lastly; I’m sick and tired of hearing about the woes of those born in “colonies” [or previous colonies] and apparently that seems to give them some endless “justifications” to make life miserable for those, who just happen to be born on this or that Western nation they blame for all their grieves.
We’re all the result of an accident-by-birth. Where-ever country we’re born, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t our choice to make on the first place ;-)
Some of us were born in the ‘West.’ Some of us were born in one of the developing [and yes: exploited by the West various oligarchies] nations.
I, for one, was born in a country that has been a CIA – never mind a USA – a CIA vassal State since my entire natural life. That fact ruined my life and prospects forever. But, do I blame every single last American for it? Including their homeless? Their dispossessed? Their working-class, that has been shafted since the 70’s at least? Their Millennial generation who weren’t even born when the CIA took over my country? Or let me give you a ‘closer to home example’ : like, shall I dare say? Should I blame Saker’s children too for being born in the US and for all my country’s problems?
^ To all of the above the answer is: no! of course I don’t.
And I don’t, primarily… because, well… I’m not a sociopath!
Despite how much the CIA [US & Co] ruined my life by turning my country into a vassal state even before I was born, eventually… I had to make my peace with the fact that at the end of the day… my own fellow country “men” were either too lazy, or pussyfied, or too scared to fight against the ‘colonization’ that – at the time – was taking place right in front of their eyes.
In my most honest opinion: they’ve should had gone all French Revolution on their asses – off with their heads at the time – especially with those 5th columners / traitors who sided-up with the enemy.
But, they didn’t, did they? Aaaand the rest is history, I’m afraid… :/
Is far too easy to blame the “other,” whoever the other is, in the case above is the evil “colonists,” rather than blaming your own kin for laying down and take it :/ Isn’t it?
This is why I deeply admire the Russian spirit. With their knowledge of history, they KNOW they’ve been shafted by nearly everybody, time and time again. And while they don’t forgive nor forget… they also have a sense of knowing that: that was THEN and this is now! I can’t hlp but to love their apparently in-born ability to adapt. Is something to behold, let me tell ya. And something that the rest of us should be learning from, as far as I’m concerned.
They know how to separate one from the other, rather than mindlessly passing-on their old grudges [and therefore: burdens] to newer generations in order to for them to set history right, or get back at your old opponents or whatever…
Hello TL2Q,
Even if your comment is not addressed directly to me, i guess that it is me the one with the so called victimhood mindset.
Let us be clear I do not blame any of you for our sad state, if anyone is to blame it is ourselves for forgetting the beloved teachings of our religion and succumbed into charlatanism (we are still saying today in our mosques that rain doesn’t fall because women wear short skirts …. What a disgrace sigh), now that I think of it, the loss of Cordoba and Baghdad and all the wealth of knowledge stored in them was truly the turning point for the Islamic civilization …. Man that was a disaster.
On the other point, may I need to remind you that right now the “brownies” are, along the novorussians, one of the few on this goddamn planet that are fighting and bleeding for their dignity.
Take my country for exemple, Algeria, we fought and bled since 1830 aginst the French invasion, 1.5 millions brave souls gave their lives in our 7 years independence war, and in the end we were betrayed from the inside. And if all that wasn’t sufficient, we were the first to suffer from the so-called “moderate rebels” in the 90’s decade. That was a dramatic experience and I understand that peoples are afraid of revolting. But do I judge my citizens and treat them as puss*es like you do ?? NO I will never do that, simply because I never felt what it is to see your entire family burned in front of you, nor to see your daughters and wife raped in front of you. And you also shouldn’t do that because you haven’t endured 1% of what they have suffered. Besides that how can I judge my compatriots when 70% were illiterate when France “left” Algeria in 1962. Knowledge is power as they said.
Life is not a james bond movie my friend and things like happy ending exist only in Jewllywood, so beware of what you wish.
Even if do like the Russian spirit, this is not the best example, may I need to remind you that the 5th column is still powerful, that traitors like roman abramovich are still getting richer and richer and that the import-import mafia is still running the show. Putin may have done great things, but his economic policies are still clearly deficient. How come that the country with the best military tech in the world is still relying on a tiny island like New Zealand for it’s own meat or for Poland for apples, man I even heard that they imported Potatoes from Algeria ….. WTF ??????. I’m sorry but a country unable to feed it’s own citizens is clearly not an example. (Japan, China, Germany, South Korea are more appropriate example of how countries can succeed without having tons of natural resources or enslaving an entire continent)
Please one thing to never forget, is that colonialism never ended, it’s just morphed into a new form of indirect control, that is why it get me mad to listen to peoples who speak of it as if it was something of the past.
In the end, does all of this make a victim ?? absolutely yes. Does I have a victimhood mindset ?? clearly no. I just try to be the best person possible, confront any hardship life throw at me the best I can and never forget that one day we will all go to grave and all we will take with us are our actions.
Peace my friend.
@ Riadh:
Let me think…
…how can I put this (?)
As a card-carrying deplorable kafir I’ve reached ‘peak compassion’ for all these “desperate” migrants well over two years ago. Now, every time a Muslim [who resides in the heathen West], or migrant or one of these BlackLivesMatter types come on TV, I either change the channel, mute it or alternatively my eyes glaze-over and whatever they say comes in through one ear and straight out of the other.
The only downside is that I have to wake myself up afterwards, and that takes some effort.
And that’s the problem, the more people whine about something, eventually sympathy will go straight out of the window and the more increasingly irritating their complains will become.
It’s like a wife who is a serial complainer, eventually the husband stops listening. Ergo; whatever their plight is, it loses meaning the more they repeat it. It’s the same with accusing people of being racists, or certain world leaders being called Hitler [I mean; seriously folks – for those keeping score; how many Hitlers we had by now?], it’s so overused that is losing the impact its supposed to have.
People are beginning to laugh every time they hear such nonsense, and rightfully so.
So, forgive me, or not [I’m way past caring by now to be perfectly honest with you] if I couldn’t care less about Albanians’ situation – Albanians who are not staying in Albania that is [!]
You can blame it on your fellow: ‘oh-we-had-it-so-bad’ brethren hailing form… well, everywhere! Who then proceeded to pin all the blame for their misfortunes on bad ol’ ‘whitey’ rather than on their own corrupt countrymen and the western oligarchies that bribed them with a few – made in China- shinny things.
And before you go-on in one of your very boring rants about colonies… my own country was once a colony. But I have yet to find a person from my own country who feels entitled to invade the colonists’ home-land in huge numbers just because of what happened over 200 years ago [!!?]
Mind you… some of them still try to emigrate to the old colonists’ country [or mother-land as they call it], but there’s no sense of schadenfreude let alone entitlement about it.
Big difference!
Perhaps the ‘too-many-Hitlers’ meme will only die, when, one fine day, to the accusation being thrown again at someone, we all stand up, one at a time, and proudly say: “I am Hitler.”
OK, my two cents as a French expat, coming soon back to France.
Disclaimer : I have been, for as long as I was able to think, a Le Pen supporter. Will come back to that later.
First off, regarding the summary of M. Mazaheri : globally he gets it right. Congratulations for obviously following the French campaign from up close. Yes, the media had two darlings until now. The right-wing, faux conservative press (à la Le Point) was squarely behind Fillon. The leftwing-liberal press (L’Obs, Le Monde, JDD) is leaning towards Macron.
So now Fillon is a bit out, I think he will have to step down at some point. Just too difficult, the evidence of nepotism is just too obvious. By the way this goes a long way towards explaining our cynicism : it has always been more or less informal knowledge that our politicians (e.g. deputies) regularly hire relatives for all kind of parliamentary jobs. Penelope Fillon had the title of “assistant parliamentary”, and for this type of job the law doesn’t specify any kind of necessary competences, minimal amount of hours performed, etc…, it’s incredibly murky. of course you still have to show proof of work, and that’s probably where Fillon will crash.
So it will come up to Macron vs Le Pen. Or Hamon. Macron will be the new media darling, because he’s a former banker and is a globalist posterboy. They will all fall in line behind him, and if he’s in the second round he’s basically over because he’s more palatable to the center-right than Hamon, and the left will anyway vote for him if he’s against Le Pen. You could get almost anyone elected because in France, you have a solid 60% of voters who won’t vote Le Pen no matter what, unless there is really open civil war (and then it’s likely we wouldn’t hold elections anyway).
If I may now come to the reasons of my support for Le Pen. We’re on the Saker here, so I can voice my opinion without risking being jailed like in France, so I hope Ramin will forgive my frankness. It’s just that I don’t want France to be a multicultural country. France is a white country, built by white people. Immigration has been rammed down our throats. Nobody ever asked me if I was OK with it. A coalition of letists m**f*** and globalist bosses simply opened up the gates. And now we’re stuck with an Arab/Black underclass, and of course it’s my fault if they can’t cruise in BMW on the Champs-Elysees.
Of course now the reality is that France is not white anymore. We have Arabs, Blacks, mulattos, in short on a good track to become Europe’s Brazil, or Haiti. Fine. Don’t ask me to accept it.
It’s a bit stupid really as the other reason I have always been a Lepenist was that Le Pen has consistently promoted a world view similar to Russia’s one. National sovereignty, autodetermination, non-ingerence. The FN was the only party which opposed Irak War I, Irak War II, Kosovo War, Libya War, Syrian War. The only one in France, maybe with Mélenchon but I’m not sure.
In short I like Iranians and Syrians all right. But I don’t think it ‘s good for any of us to adopt the “invade the world, invite the world” policy. Because we’ll always end up in the phenomena described by Ramin. The simple reality is that Diversity + Proximity = War, or at least deep social miscontent. Maybe if Ramin puhsed his analysis a bit further he would wonder why, despite the supposed islamophobia of our elites, they are still letting French borders wide open and constantly increasing the free handouts to immigrants or illegals, like the CMU (couverture maladie universelle) for instance. My mother is a doctor in a Parisian hospital, she has hands-on experience here.
Le Pen is the only real hope something changes in France. Admittedly not a very high hope, I would say there’s a 5% chance she actually does something. For all the others it’s 0%. OK, Hamon may be elected, so what ? It will be free cannabis for everyone, universal revenue, but you can bet your arse that he won’t question NATO, Eurozon, EU, Russophobia. He’ll just fall in line like a nice soldier, just like Hollande did. Let me remind you that the Socialists were the worst warmongers against Syria, Hollande would almost have declared war in 2013. Only because Obama and the UK parliament pulled out had he to cancel. I don’t recall Hamon making much noise at the time.
Glad you will have the opportunity to return to your country Vincent, not many have this chance alas ;-)
>>”Disclaimer : I have been, for as long as I was able to think, a Le Pen supporter. Will come back to that later. ”
My freind you’re thinking the wrong way, what an entire life under a corrupt oligarchy have taught me is that a rotten body will never cure himself from within. it’s like expecting your diabetes will cure itself alone while continuing eating McDO and drinking Coca. So if you think that going to vote the sunday and cheer for a savior will solve your problems, well you haven’t understood the current situation i’m afraid.
You dont like blacks, muslims, asians … etc that’s fine, because they dont like you either. No one in his right mind would want to live away from his loved one, so if a miserable life under a german or french overpass is something that is, for many peoples, worth dying for, that will make you wonder what kind of shithole they came from.
Le pen will not solve any of your problems i’m afraid, he will at best make some populist and completely useless “mesurette” like banning wearing headscarf or something like that, just some bones thrown to the dogs to distract the herd.
The relative “misfortune” of the west is more deep than some asians stealing their jobs or some “Muzzies” who hate you for your freedom, and anyone who pretend the contrary is a complete moron, the problem is deeper and more sinister than that. It is your complete on dependeance on the “printing machine” and your usurious economic system that is slowly eating you from the inside.
Allah the almighty said that whoever use usury will have war with him. I know it doesnt ring any bell with your superior “atheist” thinking but that is the sad reality of today’s world and how wo few peoples have hijacked the lives of billions of human souls.
He didn’t say he didn’t like blacks, muslims, asians … etc. He said he didn’t want a white European country like France becoming a multicultural hodgepodge,open to “identity politics” and high crime .Somehow today you are considered to be a racist if you want your “country” to be made up of “your” own people. I really find that hard to understand. Some want to belief its a “sin” to think that way. Its certain in Europe there are many (most of them) multi-ethnic countries. But those are “historically” multi-ethnic. Russia being of course the best known. And they have more immigrants than most countries.But almost all those immigrants are from the ex-Soviet countries.Which means they have a history with Russia.And living with Russians. Most know Russian (at least passable),and many are ethnic Russians,or Slavs,or from mixed families.Some would say that since Europe colonized other parts of the World they deserve to now take in people from those areas. There is some justice in that.But neither Germany nor France ever colonized Turkey or Afghanistan,or Pakistan. And in Germany’s case,no country in the MENA. So why must they accept millions of immigrants from those countries.Switzerland and Luxembourg,never colonized “anyone”.So why would they be “required” to take in vast numbers of immigrants.In Luxembourg’s case they are overpopulated to start with.Denmark,Norway,Sweden,Finland,etc,also have no history of Middle Eastern colonization.And except for Denmark and Sweden,on a tiny scale,and for a short time ,no colonization at all in the underdeveloped World.So why would they be required to flood their countries with immigrants.I don’t see not wanting immigration as making a country “racist”.Racism is if you hate others for their race.You don’t have to be a “racist” to not want to take in immigrants that can’t be (or won’t allow themselves to be ) assimilated into your society.I strongly doubt that Mexico, China,South Korea ,or Japan would throw open their countries to mass immigration from Africa or the MENA. Does that make them all racists. Would anybody even “think” to call them that,if they didn’t. Or is that term only reserved for Europeans nowadays.I like most of my human brothers. But that doesn’t mean I think it would be smart to have them all live with me.In many cases our customs are just to different to make a good match.And we would end with discord between us (at the very least).
His country France brought this to itself, its harvesting what it planted in third world countries.
I wonder what’s your excuse for Sweden.
France and other colonizers opened the door to immigrants/refugees to Europe, thats how they made it to other countries. Blame France, Britain, Holland and Italy..ect for the problems they cause to other countries in Europe.
No, the system which terrorizes France since the 1800s does this to France, and via France to e.g. Africa.
Uncle Bob it was France and other european colonizers who opened the doors to immigrants to Europe, even though many countries in Europe never colonized anyone they are victims of european powers France, Britain Italy, Holland..ect, when came to Europe they found their way to other parts of Europe, thats how it happened. No blame on immigrants, but one must blame those who started it all.
Sorry my friend but it was not my intention to imply that he was racist, it was just a bad expression from me, Sorry again. Now let’s look at what you said.
Well he is in his absolute right for not wanting foreigners in his country, just like it is my absolute right to demand compensation for all the crimes that France has done in my country and is still indirectly doing it right now by supporting puppet regimes and bombing to shit every country who is not bending to their will. But does that mean that I will have my right ??? Absolutely no. we just deal with the bad hand that we have been dealt with.
Now you speak of Germany, Netherlands …. Etc and the fact that they were “innocent”, if my memory serve me right, they all have some colonial history or are more or less closely related to ZATO, so NO I’m sorry but they are not innocent. But that’s not the point of the discussion. You are speaking as if those migrant flux are controlled by an evil Muslim Overlord who his carefully moving his “minions” in order to have control of all of Europe, how far from the truth you are ….
If you bomb countries to shit, rape them for centuries and keep its peoples in abject misery, what do you think they will do ??? sit patiently in their ruined homes and wait to be the next winner in the green card lottery ?? NO, they will simply move to the nearest available safe spot, whether its name is Sweden, France, Germany or Greece doesn’t really matter.
Most of you tend to forget this fact, but Africa and the entire MENA (except for Syria and Iran) region is either directly or indirectly under the western control, so are the “blacks” and “brownies” guilty if their western overlords are so selfish and cruel ??
No my friend but most of you don’t like their “Human Brothers & Sisters”, if that was really the case you would never have a law that glorified colonialism and would never have turned a blind eye on the carnage that your governments are constantly doing to un, un-peoples.
I agree with you and Alexander P, and command you for returning to France, good luck to you!
Yes, we are *all* in the same boat now because of globalism, and we are crashing on the rocks, simply because of the cyclical turn of civilizations. Whether we like or not, this is the decadence phase — please refer to the Fourth Turning, for example, or Plato.
So regardless of whom is elected, it’s not going to be pretty.
Interesting times indeed.
I like to refer to the Hindu time cycles, which are very tied to the moral degree of humanity, in that regard, we are close to the end of the moral winter (Kali Yuga). What we see today is the agony of the current age, it has become quite obvious and readable. I also like to refer to Charles Eisenstein and his essay Ascent of Humanity, really good food for thoughts.
In any case, being French myself, but in fact half French since I lived half of my life abroad (I left the country 20 years ago, could no longer stand the “system” – am not planning to return any time soon), I don’t sympathize for any of the political “products” we can see today. I do sympathize with some aspects of Melenchon’s program but the problem once again is the focus on the personalities. All the political actors appear as clowns in a circus (at best) or as crooks and snake oil salesmen more often than not. Decay is the exact word that can characterize the French society. I don’t agree with Vincent that France had been built by white people. Instead, I’d say that France as we know it was mostly forged by Christians (both catholics and protestants) throughout the previous millennium but the geographical area of what we call France today had always been the crossroads of many different cultures. In fact, France itself as a unified country is not exactly old and like everything in this world, it is in no way permanent. What we see is the start of the end of this entity. It may take another 100 years but all in all, it will end, it is unavoidable.
All this reminds of chaotic systems in physics, i.e a system can appear stable through a certain period of time but eventually, internal and external forces will throw it out of balance and may destroy forever what was thought to be a stable state. The system may then undergo a period of high instabilities until it reaches another pseudo-stable state. The same happens for empires / countries / societies. Whether we like it or not …
” I don’t agree with Vincent that France had been built by white people. Instead, I’d say that France as we know it was mostly forged by Christians (both catholics and protestants) throughout the previous millennium but the geographical area of what we call France today had always been the crossroads of many different cultures.”
As a student of history I’m “curious” of which non-white cultures built France in the past. I can’t think of a single one.From the times of the Gauls ,through the Romans,the Franks,and until WWI at least. France was a European society. The only (almost) immigration was by Italians,Spanish,Portuguese ,Flemish,and Germans. As well as “some” Jews,but European cultured (and looking) Jews.So if I missed any important “non-European” influence in building French culture and society,I’d be happy to know what it was.
France is built with third world countries wealth, France raped/killed/exploited its colonies to be where it is, so yes it was built by those colonies…go ahead support France and its white supremacists uncle Bob. With your history studies you failed to recognize who actually built France. Now you do know.
By the same “reasoning” ,Canada, Australia, N.Z., India etc. built the present day U.K.
Seems to be a bit of a stretch.
The problem I see in your comment is that you consider “white” some of the ethnical groups you mentioned, not really understanding or ignoring that proto-France was a mixed bag of ethnics who were certainly not white to start with (the Latins themselves were certainly pretty mixed up with North-Africans for example), while the eastern and central European tribes were also a mixed bag (visited by Mongols, Tatars, etc). So when you say White, I wonder what you are talking about. Do you mean “from European origin” (Europe as in the geographical area called Europe) ?
Instead, the French identity coalesced around the King who gradually absorbed various powerful kingdoms, the cement being the catholic faith provided by the holy catholic church. Protestants came into the party for a few centuries, colliding with catholics but in the end, it was the Christians who forged the French identity until the industrial revolution and colonization of overseas regions of the world. There was no concept of white vs non white during the Ancien Régime, and you were considered French if you were born on French soil, no matter where your parents came from. ANd as a commenter added below, modern France was certainly shaped up by “non-whites”, if we refer to the colonized people of various “exotic” origins.
To be honest, I find the term “white” to be confusing and rather blurry. I am white, very fair skinned, and yet I am half North-African (berbère), 1/3 Italian, etc. I know it because I went through a genetic test, which showed that I am even 1% from the Middle-East!.
Great comment, Vincent. France is a hopelessly enslaved banana republic since their Roth-child Bolshevik revolution (1789), which had not such horrible consequences at once as the Russian (1917), but nevertheless has now almost ruined, destroyed France. (I don’t like Ramin Mazaheri’s article at all)
How come a solid 60% won’t vote Marine Le Pen? Are they that apathetically indoctrinated? Or more likely, is the whole system, media, polls (including elections) simply rigged?
There’s no reason whatsoever not to like Le Pen, and every reason not to like your own two-faced monstrously evil enslavers & destroyers of your country (Roth-child Nazis/ISIS/NATO). The rest are nothing but just that – I wish there was a Marine Le Pen in Germany – or nothing but corrupt frauds and puppets of this Roth-child bankster trash
How come a solid 60% won’t vote Marine Le Pen?
They see MLP as another clown in the arena and don’t bother voting. The bigger majority of French people in age to vote don’t bother. That’s the situation. Despite all the bells and whistles generated by the MSM, people don’t vote. So the results, coming from a minority of voters, are applied to the whole population who does not really give a shit because they mostly adhere to the saying “different day, same shit”. Guy Debord wrote about it 40 years ago in “La Société du Spectacle”.
Saker is right on something: LePen can’t win because of the history of the party and its image in the collective subconscious. You can thank Mitterand for that. Besides, I don’t recall FN leaders doing anything of value or supporting people who really need it. In fact, most counties run by elected FN mayors are usually doing pretty bad. I don’t see MLP and her ilk able to do anything right to be honest. The FN has been a family-run business and has gone through a lot of internal conflicts at different times, which always weakened its coherence to the great benefit of the standard mafia groups that have been holding power for decades. Moreover, it has traditionally attracted racists, one can’t ignore the fact. Today, the racist portion of the FN may be smaller than it used to be but I remember from my childhood in the early 80’s, if you were pro-FN you were usually racist (I got first-hand experience in that department since I am half-berbère).
Anyway, my hope is that she gets elected, not because she will do something good, but because I’d like to see our civilization go down rather faster than slower. I hoped for a Trump presidency just for that. It is gonna suck all in all, lots of suffering will probably occur, but it has a chance to go faster than the slow boiling up we have been submitted to for decades now by the globalists (cf. the frogs in the pot of slowly heating up water). I am very pessimistic for the foreseeable future so I’d like the shit to hit the fan fast. If we get all the populists in power within the next 10 years, it may accelerate the trend so I have a chance to survive it and see a better future while I still have some good years in me, but I am mostly thinking about my kids, which I am about to train in various useful skills (which is not requiring an imac shit thing and a couch).
French people are cynics, so how do you expect them to drop it or not complain about corruption? This is part of France’s culture and won’t change.
As for the choice of candidate. In most other countries ANY French candidate would be considered a socialist. But this is France and Socialists come in all size and shapes, some more corrupt than others but none free of guilt. National-Socialists like Le Pen, promising some more blame game on immigration and Brussels to overlook France’s over-regulated increasingly indebted and aging economy. Or Macron’s nicely labelled ‘Liberal-Socialism’ which is nothing else but a continued neo-liberal bitter medicine, with some socialist candy for those who refuse to swallow it. A youn hybrid between Sarkozy and Hollande.
Fillon who was maybe a tad too Russophile for the French elite and whose fortunes are waning fast. I won’t even elaborate on Melenchon and Hamon as their chances of winning are near unrealistic.
There may be a few more intrigues and twists and turns come elections but one thing I am certain of. France’s continued descent into global meaninglessness, deteriorating domestic security, and increased economic hardship won’t be stopped by none of these candidates. The best France can hope for is a few more years of relative stability before the EU unravels and then it better have a leader in place who is strong enough and committed to steer the country through the ensuing chaos. Sadly I doubt anyone currently running is up for that task. On verra.
Ramin Mazaheri
Thanks for the analysis. I’m curious about how things might change in france if Hamon or Melenchon win. Be interested in your opinion of what direct either of these politicians would take, should either win. If you feel inclined to speculate and want to take the time.
That sounds look a good idea for a future column!
Or maybe 2, because it would certainly be a major shock to the system.
A video of Francois Filon
this guy is a joke
How dare you, as an outsider and an Iranian, no less, challenge the true-blue Frenchmen of the ‘French Ruling Class’!? (Did I just say that?)
What possible doubt can there be that men with names like Hollande, Sarkozy, Valls, Fabius (the list of orientals and ‘other’ is long) and now Macron, have anything but the national interests of the French people in mind?
I actually love your analysis. It is on the up-side of superbe. What a great addition you are to the Saker site.
Macron sounds like macro (maquereau), pimp. C’est un mec.
Really good analysis! And, funny.
Dear Ramin Mazaheri … Sorry to say this but your language is confusing to me and your opinions are difficult to fathom. So you will forgive me if I am mistaken, as you appear to opt personally for the politically correct Freemason Jean-Luc Mélenchon. As you vaguely seem to acknowledge in your talk of a ‘game plan’ at the end of the piece, his candidacy has been set up to act as a foil to the System’s other poster boy, Emmanuel Macron .
In other words this Moroccan born ex-member of le parti socialiste is a shill to be used to cream off possible left wing support for the FN, counter Marine Le Pen’s chances of reaching the 2nd Round, then to be adroitly eliminated by the neo-liberal hasbara from the smarmy ancien banquier d’affaires chez les Rothschild …
Moreover Melenchon for all his anti-imperialist rhetoric is pro-EU, which makes no sense at all in any serious critique of capitalism and is an even bigger handicap than Freemasonry membership, if you’re sincere about fighting corruption. To give your French speaking readers and yourself a truer grasp of the issues, I enclose the link to Alain Soral’s recent analysis and predictions, of which the above paragraphs give a fairly good summary.
Soral, vite ! – Épisode 2 : “Candidats en “on” : piège à cons !” “Mélenchon, c’est l’arme anti-Front national du Système à gauche”, 4-02-2017
The president of Egalité et Réconciliation (E&R) is not infallible and makes no pretension that he is. All the same, his take on politics and geopolitics is always worth consulting. Especially as he has become a pariah for the mainstream media because of his opposition to Jewish exceptionalism and E&R’s support for Russia under Vladimir Putin and Syria under Bashar Al-Assad. Just like Dieudonné, he has been repeatedly dragged through the courts, suffered humiliating treatment from the judiciary, even undergoing several physical assaults from the likes of the LDJ (Ligue de Defense Juive) and had a death threat relayed to him by the French authorities.
Like Robert Faurisson (, Hicham Hamza ( and Dieudonné, E&R and Alain Soral have had themselves and/or family members subjected to rabidly vicious ‘nuisance phone calls’ and a spate of ‘cyber attacks’ from ‘ex’-LDJ member «Ulcan» alias Gregory_Chelli who seems to work in tandem with another sicarii type zealot Jonathan Simon-Sellem of JSSNews. Hicham Hamza had to be hospitalised in 2015 as a result of a ‘special delivery’ he had unwisely opened. The father of journalist Benoît Le Corre actually died from a heart attack brought on by the stress caused by the Franco-Israeli hacker.
Dissent in France is now ‘thought crime’ (délit d’opinion). I don’t have the figures for all the court cases and arrests. But here is a recent tally for Dieudo, who in 2009 visited Tehran where he spent an hour with a major ‘public hate figure’ in France : Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. For this, his taunts at Jewish supremacy, criticism of Israeli genocide, quest for justice for Africa, and other ‘heinous deeds’ he’s been the butt of : 140 procédures, 7 perquisitions, 17 contrôles fiscaux, 4 expulsions, surveillance etc. All of this at the French taxpayer’s expense.
With the endlessly renewed state of emergency nearing 16 months, Big Brother dystopia has driven morale in this country to rock bottom levels. I recommend readers of The Saker community to get hold of a copy of Lucien Cerise’s masterly analysis of this globalised social engineering programme. I’ve translated an excerpt :
«The study of social groups, the way they are constructed, and the links that structure them, has allowed those who want to control crowds to act on their members, modify their behaviour and even destroy them as individuals and groups, the former being dependant on the latter. Because the individual disconnected from any group, hierarchy, representation, or “stereotype,” can survive only by developing psychotic symptoms. By attacking the natural ties, the Oedipal ties of masculine/feminine differentiation, but also of the parent/child hierarchy, by abolishing the notion of limits, the overcoming of which in psychology is called perversion, the whole society is attacked. Destructured, made malleable – we can speak of a “liquid” society – it will then be the plaything of a small oligarchy that will have nothing more to fear from populations whose souls it has appropriated». Neuro-pirates – Réflexions sur l’ingénierie sociale Lucien Cerise (2016) 22€
As Alain Soral suggests the FN is a schizophrenic party. In northern industrial France – turned into a wilderness akin to the USA’s rust belt, Marine Le Pen’s anti-European and social policies make total sense. In the south, the reality is otherwise in places like Marseille with their wahhabi preachers fomenting hate in the poverty traps peopled by the sons of the victims of France’s bloody colonialism in North Africa and French Equatorial Africa.
These ghettoes are no go areas for all forms of official law enforcement. Poor French natives of European extraction living there feel like foreigners in their own land. Hence the appeal of FN islamophobia. But this alienates support from Muslims and non-Muslim citizens sympathetic to this long suffering community. There’s a double whammee in this for Marine. To access the Ziocon controlled media, she had to kowtow to the Jewish lobby, currying favour from Le CRIF by publicly disowning her own, highly popular, father who merely spoke the truth with his jibe targeting the Holocaust industry and France’s new official religion : Le Shoah. Either way, all this political manoeuvring loses her valuable votes from Muslims and other people opposed to Israel.
The infamous 1990 Fabius-Gayssot Act set in stone the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal’s statutes, thereby locking the history of WWII inside a ‘legal’ safe deposit box and throwing the key away. Today France is under total Zionist occupation – something which you, Ramin, appear to skim over in your article. TMWNS.
As I’ve said before any country with a “2nd round” electoral system is almost certain to not see change.Its a rigged system to assure that unless the elite candidate is so horrible as to not get any votes they will win.Its interesting that earlier people said that Fillon was “actually” the candidate that Russia expected to win. And that he would be likely to have good relations with President Putin (they were said to be friendly). And now all of a sudden he is politically destroyed. A coincidence (?) “maybe”,maybe not. But with him out. And Le Pen,more than likely,not going to win. There will be no chance of better relations between France and Russia. Which “conveniently” works out nicely for the Russophobe’s in the French elite.
I’m furious about the world choice for that scandal. “Penelopegate” if that ain’t a word for wannabe US…
Seriously I’m sick of them wanted to copy so much US, when actually US suck in many way… Just look at the election now with there stupid primary…
There already the republicain so now just take democrate and will be done.
Take aside the issues related oh having only 2 party (if you want a quick critism, just think about the oddity of people critisiming a system of unique party, like in China / Cuba, but yet can’t extrapol the issue on a 2 party system…)
In my opinion a great thing on French election is equality of time to speak /coverage in a way. Which despite the media whining about it cause they have to invite people they rather not or don’t have enough supporter, enable somewhat anyone to propose himself as president. Which contrast drastically at those buy election on the US…
Now for the French, they are critic and cynic that all, is not that bad. What really bother me is that more and more think they’re working for someone else. (i.e RSA / migrants), are somewhat ok about taxes evasion and such..
For Fillon he was nothing imo, it would have behave like Sarkozy / Hollande, a little mix in between with tons of austerity.
Once again the author does not make the difference between “Muslim” and “Ghetto”, a difference which is central in France’s political landscape.
Many Muslims are now assimilated or integrated, there isn’t even a word to describe them (the old “Beur” isn’t being used anymore).
Whereas “Racaille”, “Wesh”, “Cassos” (etc.) describe various types of ghetto people, that are not even specific ethnically (although “Cassos” is generally something akin to White Trash and “Racaille” is more often relating to people with North African origins).
To ignore that is to be living outside of the french society, making these articles quite suspicious for a French readership.
Gypsies, Romanians (another term absent from these articles) and Ghetto types are daily problems encountered by Frenchmen in everyday life, so in a political situation where the Frenchman feels powerless against the Elites, he focuses on what he can see right in front of him.
It’s not becausze there are Elites that there isn’t a Gypsy problem and a ghetto problem.
Le pen’s – National Front economic policies are reminiscent of the old French Communist Party.
Nationalisations of strategic industries and banking, strong welfare policies, anti-neoliberal anti-globalist positions, exit from NATO and EU.
And it is no coincidence that the core of National Front’s voters is coming mainly from the French working class who abandoned the sell out Leftists and communists.
And like the old Communist Party, National Front is very strong but always not close to win the elections. It is unlikely for Le pen to win as it lacks majority popularity.
As for Hamon, he is similar to Bernie or Corbyn in rhetoric but he will end up a failure like Hollande as he remains committed to EU. Inside EU-eurozone there is no alternative but austerity
Macron is a neoliberal globalist but he has a chance as he may get votes from the apolitical voters. Because he had no office before and he is not a candidate of any major party, he will be promoted as a “fresh” candidate
Finally, Fillon is a corrupt thatcherite neoliberal with a conservative catholic identity. He is finished because of his corruption
why do you say the communist party is corrupt ?
Never heard of much corruption on the communist party. Aren’t you mixup with socialist ? There is Front de Gauche, Communist, Green, Socialiste on the left side.
I never heard they were but there is probably a bit. (see I’m French so ye my cynism on this is real). What I know is that the party is very small now mainly due to the communist ideology quite dead. No one want to share as they fell someone is taking advantage of them… Everyone prefer capitalism / liberalism as you are “free” to build your success (in theory..).
I don’t remember if it’s that bad in France, but on my place everyone was dreaming to be their own boss and have there enterprise be millionaire..
Alain Soral is probably the only person to relieve the French from their intra-phobia inclined situation. Why do I say this; I have lived on the Swiss/French border. The French are aerobic people. They are the most air space people I have ever met. Get out of my space and don’t live here people.I can guarantee you that on the French/Swiss border (Geneva) that this is true. It isn’t even a question here on the Swiss/French border/Geneva.
I really wonder what you mean by “intraphobia-inclined”, “aerobic people”, “air space people” or “get-out-of-my-space-and-don’t-live-here people”. Give us a personal experience instead. And keep in mind that Geneva is rich, the bordering French towns are not.
OK, I’m going to mess you all up for next French president.
i want nothing to change. I want for the average national income to be around 600 € if I’m single.
If I have 2 children to add to my household, then you owe me 800+ 200 per each kid.€.
These are not French Children or families requesting this.
Foreigners request: You owe me 1400€
The average French wage is 1600€ minus taxes. So the arranged proposed migrants are richer than the French regular employed person who cannot benefit from social need..
The regular French person earns after taxes 900€. This is a regular truth non-documented by French press.
Where is the problem?
The dialogue of cultures is a term coming from French Diplomats in the 50’s.
I know this because I lived as an American in this family.
there are no known sources for this, but I can confirm that at the time the big word was: dialogues des cultures. Most people in other nations didn’t understand this but they accustomed to it.
It was so popular then, it was like the new what’s it called “clash of civilisations”.
They informed us at the time in our mouths to always talk about “dialogue des cultures”.
I awoke spoke and slept “dialogue des cultures”.
77% of France believes parliamentarians, are corrupt ??
OMG We have in France 23% of dual nationals ??
This is a witty and insightful essay.
Reading any analysis of French politics is akin to diving into a swirling torrent of generalities and effervescent nonsense. French politics are inconsequential and are an avoidance of the economic and demographic realities.
The French nation of old is circling the drain but the national debate can be seen as a variant of the amusing Vespa ride of Hollande. So many twists and turns and hearty laughs but meanwhile the betrayal of the nation progresses with the speed of a downhill skier.