I was watching a major Russian talkshow, 60 minutes.

They began by reporting that Tillerson had called Trump a “moron”.

Then they translated an excerpt from this article in the Washington Post:

Rex is a big dog. Rex is the top dog. Rex has a good job. Rex can fly! Rex has a jet. Fly, Rex, fly. Rex flies to other lands. Rex sits. Rex shakes. Rex speaks. When Rex speaks, Rex thinks he speaks for the U.S.A.  See Donald. Donald owns Rex. Rex is Donald’s dog. Donald is loud. Donald is big. Donald is bigger than Rex. Donald is mean to Rex. When Rex speaks, Donald tweets. Donald tweets like a bird. Tweet, Donald, tweet. Donald’s tweets hurt Rex. Donald says: Bad, Rex!

(the actual article is much longer, I decided to cut it short)

Finally, they showed how Trump delivered humanitarian aid to Puerto Rico as if this was a basketball game.

The Russian journalist just added “have you all gone crazy?!”

Then they switched the topic to the Ukraine.

Sic transit gloria mundi

The Saker