This video was made by the US Embassy in Kiev and posted on YouTube with the following message: “On behalf of the American people, Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, and the staff at the US Embassy in Kyiv we wish all Ukrainians a joyous Independence Day holiday.”  At the end of the day the US Embassy personnel warmly greets the Ukrainian people with the words “Glory to the Ukraine” which everybody in the Ukraine (and Russia) will immediately recognize as part of the Ukronazi greeting of the Banderites “Glory to the Ukraine – To the heroes glory”.

Bravo America – you can be proud of this one (and then wonder “why do they hate us?!”)

Also, here is a photo of Mattis and Poroshenko greeting each other on the military parade (with participation of US forces).  Next to them, Yuri Lutsenko, ex convicted felon and penitentiary resident, now Prosecutor General (with no legal training), a bona fide Nazi and, according to persistent rumors, an alcoholic with mental issues.  Feel the love!